How I Became Pro Hitting Less Than 50 Balls a Week

Practice less and play better. Here’s what I did to play great golf with a busy schedule. These basic changes in my swing led to huge improvements in my golf game.

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Traditional golf swing techniques have left golfers frustrated and stuck. With millions of conflicting golf tips and “experts” all teaching something different, there’s so much confusion on what needs to be done to play great golf. This problem makes golf extremely difficult and unenjoyable.

At SagutoGolf, we believe golf is life – and life should be enjoyed.

To play your best golf ever, you need a roadmap that gets you there. SagutoGolf helps you build a powerful swing that’s easy on your body and produces addicting contact with the golf ball shot-after-shot.

Because life is too short to play bad golf.

#golf #golftips #golfswing


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► LagShot Swing Trainer –trains you to feel the correct golf swing – get 15% off with this link

► The Divot Board (it trains you how to hit crispy KFC golf shots!) –

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► Athalonz Golf Shoes (the best golf shoes you’ll ever own. I wear them everywhere) – $20 OFF using code SAGUTOGOLF:

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we’re all busy we all got stuff going on in our lives we might not have all the time in the world to devote to practicing golf like a pro golfer but we want to hit golf shots like a pro golfer how do we end up getting over a ball swinging hitting it pure but still have a life in the process well here’s the story of how I was able to become a pro golfer on just 50 balls or less per week my first story of becoming Pro and really hitting the ball like that light bulb moment that goes off hitting the ball really solid involveed the simple f- minute golf lesson where I hit 10 shots well 13 if you count the three bad ones before I got corrected so my swing was all sorts of timing I had to lift my arms I was dropping the club I was shifting a lot of variables when I do those things contact’s inconsistent and I have to spend my life on the Range trying to figure out how to time those things but in this lesson what I learned was I didn’t have to spend weeks practicing I could take weeks off come back and I’d still be in the same spot as where I left it so my swing could take a break and that lesson was simple I’m going to share with you today three simple things three simple things to get pro ball striking without practicing much and really it might be a 5 or 10 minute range range session a week like that’s all you need because you got other things going on the first thing is contact if I wanted to play Great Golf consistently well I’ve got to strike the ground on the same spot every time and the first way I do that I set more weight on the front leg with all my clubs because it creates a situation where I set it and forget it set it and forget it keep that in mind you want to set and forget as much of your swing as possible and I just swing my shoulders and there’s the contact point on the ground so then when I get over the ball I set it and then I swing and I’m guaranteeing a strike with the ground I’m guaranteeing something very crisp it sounds great and I can do this shot after shot just by setting it there and bonus points really you don’t have to do a whole lot in your swing if you just focus on keeping most of your weight there like that was the first first aha moment was oh you’re telling me I can take breaks yeah just set that there you can even lean into it a little bit more like 60% if you want so that enables me to enjoy playing golf a lot more but also open up my other Hobbies like playing guitar you have more time for friends and family whatever you want to do so I just anchor that weight there and I swing and it’s crisp so you’re not seeing a shift or a sway off the ball because then contacts compromised it’s over you can’t do that no timing no timing allowed all right next thing next next part of that little five minute lesson like I said I hit 10 balls in this lesson 13 three bad ones then I got corrected I hit 10 and the pro said all right go back to work because I was an assistant pro at the time swing the club around your body instead of up and down okay so I was doing this very up out have very steep Over the Top If you change your path from being here to instead here that’s like a 20 shot swing for any hundreds or 90s player the second you get there overnight you wake up in the 80s High 7s you could that’s what happened to me I was shoting like anywhere from 89 to 95 trying to become a PGA member as a freshman in college and I had a swing that I could never count on until this so now we focus on the hands moving deeper around the body and when I get here it’s like I’m presetting a powerful downswing because I am it’s not just like I’m doing it it’s because I am doing it and so I focused on more swinging more around the body on an arc instead of going out and up I go around and I let the body the body start I started feeling my body open up I felt this effortless sensation of the hip turned and the shoulder turn and it was harmonious it was just nice so I get over it and I focus on in here in here and the ball just explodes and then while I’m working on that you know I’m trying to figure out how center of the face again it’s awesome uh I’m trying to figure out how to hit the ball straight well ball was flying straight in that lesson but how would you figure about out hitting the ball straight you wouldn’t try and roll the hands over stop trying to time get rid of the timing so you watch when I swing through these shots when I finish you see the club face staying very Square around the body and a great example is that watch this finish here that’s a it’s really straight it’s incredibly straight and you see the face and the hands after impact like this and not like this so what have we just eliminated we’ve eliminated the variable of Shifting we’ve El eliminated the variable of contact so we’ve created one contact point and then we got the second piece the other variable where am I going to go with my down swing well instead of going up and down we go around the body so the entire body works together that keeps you from shifting and the third thing is I keep the face Square which is required for hitting a straight shot I keep the face Square by ensuring that I don’t release the hands after impact instead of releasing the hands and turning them over I’m just going to keep the shoulders moving through the strike and try and keep the the club face parallel with my spine I know it’s it’s different it’s different but when the norm when the norm of golf today is that it’s expected for you to work hard it’s expected for you to go out and spend hours practicing this all seems so contrary to that because it is the reason you’re working so hard is because you have a swing that’s built on timing you could go out and play a 4-Hour guitar gig three nights a week cuz I currently can do that and still have this going if that’s possible then you can do whatever you want too and it’s not like pros it’s not like the pros are not swinging this way cuz what if you were playing golf 80 rounds a year let’s say like 80 tournaments a year what’s that maybe 200 rounds I hate doing math on TV it’s a lot of golf week to week you do the practice round you got the four arounds you’re playing a ton of golf and you’re on the road do you really want to swing where you got to wonder if it’s going to show up no you want to swing that’s going to show up so what did they do they set the weight forward and throughout the swing they’re going to keep their head in place consistent contact so wait forward head in place consistent contact and then what we don’t want to work so hard we don’t want to hurt our body so next thing we work on power we swing the club around the body so then you know around here we’re just going to swing the club around the body instead of up and down so this requires two things now we’re going to check it out from this 45 this is really this is really deep and by Deep I mean all I’m trying to do is turn my shoulders on a tilted angle so we’re swinging the club around our body and I’ve got my shoulder under my chin I just point the shoulder at the ball I try and feel I try and feel like this it’s not actually that but I try and feel that so I’m trying to turn my shoulders on a tilted angle to the ground that way I keep my relationship to the ball and it guarantees a crisp strike with the club moving around my body so I got power consistency accuracy that’s what I’m training up in my online golf school su. golf you learn how to build a swing like this so you don’t have to spend all your day whacking balls or going out to the course with uncertainty this produces certainty because my schedule’s busy I teach lessons all day I’m making videos communicating with siguto golfers all over the world there isn’t a lot of time to get out here and practice and then there’s the time to go play guitar and time to eat saving the world from golfing disaster means that I can’t get out here and hit a lot of balls so I probably hit maybe 50 balls sometimes I hit 50 balls a week sometimes I hit zero sometimes I hit 150 and you ask my student Derek Derek you know who you are Derek is trying to be a pro golfer now he’s practicing like a pro golfer and he’s getting deadly good but this one day I went straight out to the first te with this swing no warmup lace one right down the middle and then I proceeded to Birdie the par five I should have just walked home that was it what was it it was just the same three things Pros do this too I put a video out recently showing you how the pros do this they’re all doing this they don’t want to work like that stop working like a dog it’s been a hard day night I’m a working like a golfer said it forget it wow I know you might not you might say based on the quality of those strikes that I must hit 200 balls a day no I don’t you can ask Derek I just stick to these things every single day all right a little bonus tip if you stuck with me this far sometimes if you wait watch to the end you get bonus tips you know that another thing that I’m really Jolly about is my right arm I tuck it in just tuck that in keep that tucked in with these Keys get it in as much as you can so at the top I’m instead of me being out I’m just in in not out when I get out that’s when problems come up oh the Choppers are here they’re coming to get us every single one of these balls is landed in the same spot you don’t have to work so hard why are we working so hard this is how it’s possible for anybody you don’t have to be a magician you don’t have to have athletic ability this is normal people can play pro golf without working so hard thanks for watching see youall in a future episode [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]


  1. Went to the range yesterday and there was a group lesson with what seemed like an accomplished teacher. Nobody hit it well and he told everybody that they need to be relaxed when they hit. I wanted to yell…”WATCH SAGUTO ON YOUTUBE!!!”

  2. Hey Tom!
    Do you have any tips on a swing that is too in to out? I am trying to fix this after seeing on a track man that my swing path is 12 degrees in to out! Always appreciate your help!

  3. Tom, I've been trying to play good golf for 40 years. My biggest mistake is trying to "muscle" the ball with my arms and hands! Typical. How the heck do I learn to not do that! It's terrible! Help!

  4. Tom, I just want to say Thanks! This all makes so much sense and it is easy to visualize. Cutting down on the variables was the best advice ever.

  5. I went to the practice facility at my club today and hit balls with these simple swing thoughts in mind. Was amazed at the consistency. Was hitting an A wedge to a green at 115 yards and was hitting the green within 15 feet about 80% of the time.

    I did find that as I shifted to longer irons I had to be careful not to hit down on the ball too much or they all went left. A little more sweep with the 4-5-6 irons …

  6. Hey Tom I love your videos! Using some of these tips I’ve developed a push in my swing so my contact is usually inside the ball and the ball flight fades to the right. I’ve seen some people suggest it’s grip, body tilt, wrist hinge, or swing path but I would love to see a video coving how to avoid pushing the ball to the right, thanks for everything Tom!

  7. Love it! I'm going to bookmark this video, because it is a wonderful, simplified summary of what you teach.

  8. Started resequencing my swing after being away for 2 years. (Labrum tear and surgery) I’m already a mid handicap again and hitting them further and more consistently using your lessons . My drives average 280 and I’m accurate. Short game needs most of the work now.
    Thanks man!
    Thanks Tom!

  9. I have been using the magic elbow this season and I shot a 81 my irons were really good but I have a bowed wrist and I was pulling my driver and it destroyed my score on my par 5s and par 4s I was aiming left because that’s my typical shot is the fade but my driver was killing me in the course I don’t know what to do can you help me?

  10. I used to do a Stack n Tilt style swing like this. The only reason I went back to a more conventional swing is I like to hit the ball really long. I also can say SnT had me hitting plenty far enuf, I just really like the 320+ distance from the conventional swing. But it does take way more work. Tom obviously hits it plenty far and very solid.

  11. Years ago I went through your online school and watched your YouTube videos religiously,and back then I played the best golf of my life,I’m embarrassed to say that as time went on I started watching other videos and the past couple years my swing has been terrible,I’m talking about every time I went out and played or just went to the range I would be depressed afterwards,well for the past week I’ve been watching your videos and everything started coming back to me,I went to the range today and started hitting those awesome draws and straight shots again,FINALLY!!!,Tom I’m embarrassed and sad to tell you all this but thank you so so so much,I was seriously about to sell my clubs,I don’t know why the heck I left your instructions but I’m glad to be back and will never leave again,it was sad and depressing.Thanks so much Tom🙌🏻

  12. Mr.Saguto
    Right now my confidence in my swing is shot. But decided to watch your video and I am almost ready to try again. Have watched a ton of your videos cause I am subscriber and your instruction looks so simple yet I struggled and just hung it up 9 months ago my last round was a total disaster as I am 59 years old and realize I didn’t want to deal with getting that frustrated with a game which should be pleasurable to play but I am almost encouraged to try again thank you Tom.

  13. "so you have time for other hobbies as well" I've got to admit I am a bit of an avid gamer myself, hell my 3 wood and hybrid headcovers are all themed after Mario characters, and my putter cover is themed after Zelda lol (wish I could find some golf polos themed after video game characters :/). Your videos are what got me to hit my driver straight, as well as to take a proper divots with my irons as well as getting some compression on the ball, I love hearing that "FFFFFFFfffffffff" sound from the ball as it flies through the air! the trail arm tuck is a nice technique as well as I noticed from a video analyzation of my swing that I had done recently it automatically gets your hands in front of the ball when the clubface makes contact with the ball, thus you do not have to set up to the ball with your hand in front of the ball.

  14. Saguto golfers be warned, if you adopt this style of swing and implement the lessons Tom teachers you will have strangers come up to you on the driving range saying “what’s your handicap? You must be low single digits with that swing. You’ve got it figured out man”

  15. Tom, great video as always! Question for you, any ideas on what could cause an overdraw/borderline hook? I am usually starting the ball just right and it draws nicely but lately they draw and just keep going and dive left.

  16. Love my golf and low scores,and thats down to you Tom,thanks for all your videos!.

  17. Question from someone who has been trying to get the consistent swing. Went to the range yesterday with this swing thought and practiced. Started with my 60, I would say 3 out of 5 balls were hit really well but was maybe getting a little too much draw so missing my target by about 15 ft left on some. Then worked my way to 56 and pw, and was hitting them well, got to my 9 iron and then my 7 iron and seemed like I was consistently hitting punch shot hooks and not getting any height, wondering if that’s just a club face issue at impact or could have been just hitting a lot of balls and rotation and tempo was getting off? I seem to always struggle the lower I go with irons even with the same feels.

  18. Really great lesson; simple, straightforward, almost hypnotic! Would love to see a ball tracker on your consistent shot after shot lesson to display your fantastic shotmaking, and enjoy the slow motion breakdown as well. So pure & simple & effective!

  19. I don't practice much. after taking the online course, I'm hitting the ball better than I have in my life and I now have the mental capacity to think calmly when playing because I finally really know what I'm doing. I study Saguto all the time. Tom has given me his life secrets in his course and I am very thankful. I now keep my weight forward, swing around my body, hold the angle, get my shoulder under my chin in the backswing, keep a relationship with the ball, swing easy and just live with the extra distance and you must stay attached with your trail arm,. The set up I learned in Tom's course is 90 percent of my swing. Tom's course removes all the variables in all the shots you need to make. A swing based on timing can worry you to death. I know. I took the course and and applied what Tom's teaches and It has made me q better golfer with a lot less practice .I do feel confident now before every shot because I know what to expect.

  20. Tom's best comment yet! "saving the world from golfing disasters" . Thanks for more inspiration Tom.

  21. I have noticed that every time I consciously set my weight forward, the resulting shot is a pure shank. Like I've never played golf before shank. I'm not sure why that happens, tbh.

  22. You are just incredible.
    Being able to play a solo on a jazz tune and teaching golf as you do !!
    Papa was a rolling stone , where ever he put his hat was his Home.

    Keep on running, it’s such a pleasure to watch you .
    A Frenchman

  23. Pretty interesting how wide his feet our set. Definitely beyond shoulder width but I've never heard or seen anyone give that tip. Ill have to try it out tho

  24. Hey, Mr. Saguto. I must apologize. I lost my way. Think I was looking over the fence at the "greener grass". A couple years ago (maybe 3 or 4 now?!), I found your videos, and they had an immediate positive impact. Somehow, I ended up searching for more from other instructors, but I found less. Ended up broken inside yesterday when I could not get good contact for the life of me. The clubs almost got posted for sale.

    Then, again, like your "You've Been Swinging the Club Wrong Your Entire Life!!!" video the first time, this popped up in my feed.

    Watched. Remembered. Ran to the range.


    Your lawn has the greenest grass, buddy! I'm sticking around.

  25. Just played using your online tips , you da man Tom !! Game changer literally 🎉🎉🎉

  26. I used to play the fiddle for 7 years Tom we need to jam out sometime! Lol anyways awesome lesson loving the content as usual!

  27. This video is fake news. It's steroids and pomade. EDIT: I have those exact clubs and shafts except I got the blacked out irons. Just bought them in March.

  28. I never hear anybody talk about the problem of addressing the ball versus the practice swing why is it and how can it be corrected when you take a practice swing it’s perfect but as soon as the ball is in front of you, everything changes for the worst

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