Golf Babe

I Got Called Out By Another YouTuber…

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guys welcome back to the channel today I have a very special match the 2023 good good desert open Champion Ash and gol you tell I’m going to tell [Music] you dude welcome to the channel thank you for having me uh big feet winning the good good desert open how’s that how’s that feel coming off a big win like that it’s kind of a pretty big deal in the YouTube space yeah it’s uh it’s been a few months now and I’m it’s starting to settle in but yeah me and Ben had our day and we uh it was awesome it was cool to watch Amazing yeah I mean being The Underdogs coming in there and setting a number for people to chase it was it was a lot of fun but yeah I mean it’s lucky you got to play like at 3:00 instead of midnight yeah I’m just kidding hey you can throw out excuses I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding so we’re out here at uh we’re out here at Abacoa and we’re going to play an 18 hole match part one’s on my channel part two is on ashen’s channel link the top description make sure you subscribe to his so you don’t miss that 18 holes consecutive stroke play think we should do stroke play uh it’s up to you yeah doesn’t matter what do you want to do uh we can do stroke do you want to do match feel like he’s kind of like a little hesitant there yall sense that hesitancy I don’t know what what do you usually do stroke play all right we’re doing stroke Play We te so who goes first best Tempo on Instagram is that what you that’s kind of what you get yeah M or Tempo Town people go with that okay may of tempo Town yeah yeah I’m just may of hit it hard you’re just a villager I’m just a villain yeah a resident is we call of tempo town I get to go first I all right first hole hard four I’m going to try to aim a little left wind pushing right oh man I’ve hit okay 6,000 balls in the last 3 days and I you know sometime it takes a while for practice to kick in my body’s feeling it been trying to keep up just my protein intake it’s hard can only eat you can only eat so much ground beef per day what do you what I do I’m up to about 4 lb hit it just a little bit wind and it’s perfect come on baby go ah it’s just left of the Fairway it did bounce right okay I can’t see that far good news right down that line is where you’re looking yeah yeah I mean the green gets real narrow up there but anything between the greens side bunkers is perfect gotcha you can go as far right as you want to honestly yeah okay going for the signature baby fade off the left bunker a little bit of nerves being on mic’s channel but we’re going to let it rip go have some fun I believe in you man you have a great swing thank you hands are sweaty being here in Florida yeah this is different than michig a club today it’s it’s not my fault St just fine if it gets just right at that bunker it’s actually better oh it’s way short oh yeah that’s fine I must have spun the heck out of that one let’s do this guys if you haven’t subscribed to the channel yet that would be a great time to do that I’m trying to get to a million before Grand all right so if you answer this question wrong oh boy this could be the my YouTube group I don’t know if I I don’t know if we can continue today do you drink coffee I don’t I do not I [Music] know we’re going to make it he doesn’t drink coffee I didn’t know that before I invited him on the channel I’ll let it slide it’s so funny though cuz I like I like hate it oh gosh yeah no something about the smell and I don’t know this is getting worse as you should have stopped away head no somebody’s got to have my back right no nobody has your back on the fact that you don’t like coffee every single person that follows my channel loves coffee that’s got to be false is that false let me know in the comments and uh if you uh don’t TR to drink coffee then can see yourself out that’s so dramatic I just woke up and chose violence today right you didn’t have your coffee I guess all right we got 159 I got 8 iron trying to play this like 165 170 don’t know how the greens are going to react but kind of right at it pins in the middle So Soft I hit that hard that wind did not really touch that I felt like I towed a little bit but maybe I is it short of the bunker I think is it short of the bunker okay I was kind of you can bounce chip from there you know I like those I shouldn’t have said that cuz now I’m going to mess one up and you’re going to you’re going to ream me for it oh I’ll be right there all right 114 I’m going to play this about the number I don’t care if I’m a little bit long oh right at soft oh great shot mik thanks dude did you see that club get stuck in the ground yeah just cuz I’m a little too got a kind of touchy one Micah is nice and close going to probably count on him to make that we’re got to get up and down for par here kind of hold off the uh the early lead so s sit sit oh I just barely nipped it too much yeah shout out to Abacoa man this place looks awesome right now just look at that what a beautiful view man just look at that you just eating some tacos and look at at golf course so shaky start here on the on the first but kind of shaking off some nerves being on uh mik’s Channel and stuff so roll this one up there if it goes in we make an amazing par and if we tap it in for bogy that’s what the story wrote stay up stay up stay up and sit holy okay yeah that was a little bit little they rolling little right to left or let’s try to dribble something in there on the on the high side barely caught it great putt thanks I’m going to go call the clubhouse real quick while he’s cleaning this up I got to see what the course record is cuz I just birdied the hul birdieing the first is is a big one I I would make the phone call cuz you can’t birdie them all if you don’t Birdie the first M that’s good dang that’s a brutal start that was a little bit of a grainy putt there it’s 18 holes though we got a lot of work oh a lot of golf left no we’re going to work our way back now that we got that one out of the way yeah he can you make a call to the clubhouse real quick ask him what the C course record is cuz I just birdied the first I had this other putter in my bag and I was trying something like fiddling with a a mallet cuzz you know like Roy went to a mallet Scotty went to a mallet I thought to myself why shouldn’t I go to Mallet right I suck with a mallet really yeah are you a very Ary putter yeah that would make [Music] sense all right here we go par five number two um I think it’s like five 530 from back here maybe but a little into the wind those bunkers on the right are like 270 to carry um but I’m going to try to hit it at those bunkers if it draws good if not it’s fine oh oh my God turn don’t land in the bunker you couldn’t tell if it went in or went over I can’t tell either it’s a little spinning so in line with them but I could I hit it right where I wanted to I don’t think I didn’t see any sand Splash so I think it’s over okay good you said missing rights the right way to go right yeah all that water down the left we’re sticking to our cut here it takes a poke to get P get to the water if you go past the palm trees or whatever those things are but it’s a better angle from the right side of the fway anyhow yeah we’re just looking we’re looking uh split the Fairway here swing free oh that is perfect I mean you could not place it better that’s good to hear I’m not sure why you tried to hit a fade on the first hole it’s my stock shot I also to that a little bit serious yeah yeah you hit a stock shot as a fade yeah I’m a I’m a push fade guy really I call it my Rory push fade really yeah even with confused by that even with how indow I am I just I love holding on to it and letting it okay cuz you get more distance out of the fade when you uh when you hit up on it so right okay it’s it’s a great day at Golf Club where you will enjoy public golf at its finest please listen to the following prompts as our menu options have changed your call the club CU I got to figure out what the course record is cuz I never bued the first hole and I just did today you a good drive on the secondi you may also visit our website and click just below the left side menu for directions in administration extension 303 coin extension 312 for Tina maily operations dial 306 for Chef Chris dial 315 for the girl room dial 302 for Rob young director of golf dial 305 Center dial 314 or for our directory press zero I can’t do this that’s too W it’s way too much work well I still have a long way in um we got 180 to that pin looks like it’s in the back right kind of you got 180 this hole was 400 sa what do you say this is about 400 dude I barely hit that drive I’m it’s like it’s like 540 hey I’m up there you’re you’re right up here so I feel like I kept up a little bit 19 197 to the pin you need a Cobalt your Rangefinder broke I’ll get you I got a discount I got 181 I won’t say it though it’s 196 brother no way hit it hit it with mine m am I crazy yeah am I hitting the front your says you’re in meters oh am I yeah how did it switch don’t ask me I got 197 I got a six iron kind of get to go middle of the green if it fades into the wind and uh and we’ll be happy but uh just trying to look for a fade to hold it Up Against the Wind dude no way skip oh come on did it I don’t think so wait I think it did I think it did oh yeah it’s in the middle of the green that’s what I thought that was the plan how that was completely on purpose trying to hit a cool like Tik Tock Stinger cuz that’s where I’m from and uh it worked out all right I got 199 it was in the ground under repair so I get the clubing through the whole relief thing um 199 to the pin I think I’m actually going to hit a hard an iron and uh go right at it dude I sneezed like right when you hit that ball a g that is a g that was a misfire there is what it was when the screen is off press and hold the button for 7 seconds and then it’ll turn back to your did you get it yeah well change it right now oh wait I got to wait for it to turn on just turn it on 63 ft for Eagle missed on the right side of the no that’s not a thing you don’t miss on the right or left you miss I I just missed on the left side of my shot pattern just a pace putt here yeah just nothing you just just all yeah yeah perfect I like this good pot mik thanks that had a lot of break in it a lot a lot more than I was expecting yeah need a little more need a little more juice on that but one thing good about this hole we didn’t have to fix a pitch mark cuz we hit it in the water and it skipped up here got a good read off of micas probably going to play this a good uh foot and a half if not a little more outside the left Edge and then uh rolled up there close give it an opportunity to go in for Eagle oh get some legs go foled us both I think I had I had a good line on it it’s a putt off yeah got a good just outside the left Edge correct me if I’m wrong but the grain’s going to hold it up a little bit nice putt thank you nice bounce back thank you double to a birdie I’m happy with that skipped it off the water doesn’t get much better than that that’s a highlight reel right [Music] there good pot Micah thanks I am so glad I you might actually want to make that phone call two for two man holy crap where’s TIG at if you take me for a course record I I’m excited to see it all right on the hole number three astion is one over I’m too under let’s get it number ho number three to uh 382 yards from the back te’s I got 200 in hand Ashton’s got driver let’s get it oh good swing hit it wind get in the Fairway over the cart path yeah that’s a pretty good spot it’s a good spot it’s in just the first cut maybe so hot out here when I pull my glove on I ripped it I’m going to aim right down that line if I get out driven by his two iron I might shed some tears but uh we’re going to go right at that uh a little little baby cut if we can it should be fine said like 290 to the water yeah that’s in the Fairway I think may have just rolled through the Fairway but he’s up yeah yeah so College desert open when Wilson now social media you’re going full time yeah yeah well that’s the that’s the goal yeah um I’m still in school but I moved to uh I moved to online school just so I can I can travel travel and do all that stuff with as you know it takes up a lot of time um but yeah no it went it went playing college for 4 years I I was at a D2 school for like a year and then I quit and then I was I was at Community College for the first 3 years so okay it was uh was a lot of fun I had my time won the desert open and yeah figured I’d get out of there that’s awesome yeah no it’s it’s been amazing amazing first uh first year at it so that’s cool man like I said Ashton’s channel is linked in the top of the description so when this video is done make sure and subscribe cuz he will be uploading part two of this match um tomorrow actually so we’re going back to back here um but we’re both in the Fairway here on homeall number three you love to see it Oham nice all right Johnny on the camera here I got 112 I’m going to play this up to about 1 probably 15 116 I’m going to try to go a little bit long left and it should spin back to the right come on wind dude it looked like the wind didn’t touch in a smidge that definitely had some rip on it it didn’t touch it though had some serious Pizzazz on it came back about 10 ft we ended up finding the Fairway got Micah by like 20 yards with his two iron my little squeeze cut but we got we got 90 yards into this into this hole back pin going to throw it right at it maybe a little check on it is there like a ridge that can it can spin down short um it’s not really Ridge but I think it’ll spin okay yeah yeah like sit right there go a little bit no some serious that wind is just eating that up I tried to flight that too holy crap I feel like to I was trying to throw it past it yeah I was and it’s almost impossible not to spin that ball back I know no my ball landed probably 20 ft in front of the in front of the hole and spun all the way back here but going to roll this one up there close pray that Micah doesn’t keep chasing the course record let to the hole all right sit down all right this is going to be moving to the right quite a bit I think I got a pretty good read on this oh my gosh dude great putt thanks dang it I wanted to go I don’t think I’ve ever made through in a row three would have been uh fun to watch honestly if I get if I get taken down by a by a 65 I’m not super mad but never even sniffed it yeah that thing well that that was a grainy putt that thing absolutely got ripped yeah that’s where I like struggle so bad with putts yeah being from Michigan you don’t even know what grain is well that’s probably read it but it’s like yeah switch making the switch take some time so hole number four 100 we got about 175 here I’m going to kind of aim Center the green with an eight iron I’m looking to hit this about 171 um to be completely honest so just just in case you guys were wondering or hit it in the bunker that’s a better thing to do over the bunker left left Edge right I’m kidding no it’s it’s over the it’s just over the bunker on the right oh okay I got I got eight iron as well downwind we’re going to aim at uh aim at my cameraman Kane and hopefully it peels in there with the wind work out really nice for for Ashton here beautiful swing there sit I need sit oh yeah we had way too much Club where is it it’s at it feet yeah right yeah oh my I I mean we could have hit pitching wedges there brother I guess yeah if you saw it in the air I mean it literally like fell out of the sky with all that wind pretty standard chip here um probably breaking a little bit to the left just a little bit long but want to just get just get it up there I got about I want to land it probably just past where I can see the where the old green used to be good that was pretty good we got a long way here just going to lag it up uh tap in our par and get out of here with a tie oh it’s so much better Pace Ashton go do it hit it oh oh that was a good run dude it was I thought it was tracking I think it was fast too it kept going it looked really good it just kind of kept picking up speed down that hill all right we both got a little work here left for par I like I said on the last toour we got to stop giving ourselves work like this on the on the par putts cuz they start to they start to eat at you nice save there really good roll thank you finally that putt felt good that was a really really nice save there po Mich thanks on to the fifth hole I think we’re going to let this group behind us play through but things are getting moving and shaking here Abacoa Country Club Jupiter Florida couldn’t ask for a better day blue skies ah it’s just great come back come back Starts Now number five it’s about 400 how much about 400 I’m going to try to hit a little baby draw two iron in hand right at the towers like it f get past the car path I don’t know sure I’ve never hit a ball over there so I hope it’s okay I have a long ways in you taking right right of that to the line then you want to go with the towers okay cuz wood no this is my seven wood oh okay this is my new favorite Club in the bag hopefully we’ll hit it well play the wind let it go get it down there about 240 yeah it’s fine shouldn’t go shouldn’t go very far so yeah be it’s down where did those people go I mean it’s it’s their loss not getting play through I know they’re probably like like I said they’re probably talking up that girl all right ended up ended up having 180 left in this green caught the Fairway on the left side go right at the center Micah said it kind of funnels towards the hole if you’re a little long so we’re attempting to hit this one pretty much the number and let it skip back there so oh soft oh jeez I towed it should be short oh my holy okay actually got green to work with I got plenty of green to work with but I didn’t expect that one to turn that much all right one uh 150 I’m going to play about the number you just hit all of them right at the pin or what I try it was a it came out a little high on the face face but I it worked out really nicely yeah that was pure oh thanks got a birdie putt this is like exactly where we wanted to miss on the left side plenty of green to work with got to roll it down this hill um land it pretty short of the pin and have a good looking par come on get over the hill get down there get over the hill come on keep going oh just trying to hit it with no close to being perfect didn’t get the kick I wanted all right I got 27 ft I hit it like I said it’s a little short cuz of the reasons that you guys don’t give two craps about so I’m going to just shut up and hit this P roll take I got a little excited there it was one of those deals where subconsciously I hit a little harder because I knew I was going to be low would you rather someone call you TIG or Micah um 61 way half does the other say it again six one way half dozen the other oh okay I had I had to hear it a sec I understood it I just had to hear it a second time in English he said it doesn’t matter oh it’s a great roll hit it what a what a nice roll I know I didn’t it didn’t keep going right when I I expected it to break the whole way and didn’t yeah no I thought that was that grain would pull it for sure yeah I think I have an inside right Edge putt here don’t want to like you know play too much break here you got to just just a nice confident putt pot T thanks man that roll did feel really good just sticking the Finish like tiger just bam just stick in the Finish do that like like this thing it’s just stick to finish like tiger right there Bam Bam shoot STI a diit with the putter oh boy I was just working on sticking the finished like tire and I hit the grain finish this up for bog all right good putt there good bog all right we have a par five next and it’s downwind and I’ve been looking forward to this whole all day for some reason I don’t know I just like the time play this hole you didn’t have dri exactly I was trying to figure out what it was and that makes so much [Music] sense 587 holy crap wind wind’s blowing to the right I don’t know if I can get home in two today I’m going head right at those two trees and try to hit a draw oh it kicked hard left dude I literally just topped the ball oh my gosh that trunk yeah that trunk honked in your back are you doing that to save me titig no that trust me that was just a a a horrible golf swing going to hit driver up there in the Fairway I don’t know if we’re going to be able to get there in too but we’ll see once we get up there I just want to I just want to be left of those trees how how far left of those trees can I be you don’t really want to go left of the trees you can see right here okay like the two big ones no no no these like trees you can see in front of the tea box the part of the Fairway you can see you want to try to stay in okay got you right is always good that’s perfect probably going to be left side of the Fairway it’s really oh look at that wind take it that’s what I was trying to do still though that was a good swing yeah really good really good shot there thank you provisional for me hopefully I don’t have to use it but there you go gone great swing dude would have been nice to do that the first time does it carry those yeah yeah yeah good swing hey if I find my first ball I’m making car this is why we play stroke play yeah just to make it close and see if I can come back hey I’m in Play If I Was 5T shorter then I would just rip a big old draw with a two iron but I’m going to I’ll probably break my club I’m I want to advance it as far as I can I think even if I Advance it as far as I can that way even get it into number 15’s Fairway I think that’s probably a good idea otherwise cuz if I chip it up in here I’m not going to be able to hit it very far so buckle up oh yeah dude that’s perfect get on the yeah yeah good out really good going to be the craziest part you’ve ever seen I got driver in hand I’m trying to just hit a cut get this up in within maybe 150 yards or so but big thing is just to get this off the ground oh my gosh holy crap D oh that was perfect that was so sick dude that was oh my God that was amazing that was insane off of a hanging lie too that’s oh yeah that’s crazy holy crap that was amazing I I actually thought that drive was going to be a lot better than this but we’re uh is this technically a hazard I don’t know what this is there’s there’s a red line there but I just got to lay up I got a seven iron trying to hit this like 180 uh get myself a wedge in so that’s perfect thank you oh yeah yeah really good thank you tried to keep it right I didn’t know how far right I needed to go well that was perfect in my mind we’re hitting like we’re basically we’re in the same position it’s possible dude if you make par I would be insanely impressed I mean now it’s just a it’s just a wedge and a putt yeah I I’m actually I’m pretty surprised that I got it to to this position out of that no this me jeez dude that’s impressive all right 90 uh 100 yards I got this to a really good number so now it’s just a it’s just a wedge in a putt to try to make car this would be this be an epic par tag Get Up good shot thanks I was a little behind it but got a really really nice look at par here I’m just working on a little getting less Dynamic Loft so I got to be got to keep the hands a little like right now the hands are here but I need to keep the hands a little more forward at impact and and be in this position right here to have a little less Dynamic Loft because right now this is happening creating a little too much loft and it’s going too hot pretty much what I’m working on too it’s actually really interesting how um similar people who like golf work on the same things like all the time mhm but I got 85 yards at an elite level that we’re playing at we struggle with the same things think I’m playing Elite level right now mhm best joke best joke of the day we got 85 yards trying to throw this one inside a TIG make his uh Power pot a little longer I love this trajectory oh it skipped left I did all right that was surprising another pudle another put off he’s putting for birdie I’m putting for par yeah maybe I can get one back here that would be nice I mean honestly this is fairly flat uh looks like grain might hold it up on the right side if anything it might uh break a little away from us but fairly flat putt hopefully we can uh roll this one in oh that was a nice roll all right that’s good for par all right I got a good read on this very confident in it it’s just a matter of if this putt actually does what I think it’s going to do um four come on you’re kidding me dude what a par is an epic par man that was a lot of work that that took it out of me I don’t know if I got any more energy left three holes left I’m two under we are on to Hole number seven we got to what are you at Ashton I think I’m three over did I just call you Ashton yeah is that your name dude what the who do you think I am bro he’s had a stroke I think so I think that literally did take all the energy out of him dude what the heck just happened that I I I am so [Music] sorry all right I think I’m back I seriously just I glitched in real life I didn’t forget your name I really didn’t I don’t know what just happened well you said the crazy part about it was you said and I go is that yeah that’s so bad but you forgot that my name was my name so that’s where it got weird I am so sorry said it I like question whether or not yeah driver in hand I am going to the probably just right of those bunkers I’m going to try to hit it there’s a little flag out there that’s flapping and I’m going to try to hit it at that oh my gosh sit I was roasted sit that was H off the face with no spins sit o is it okay I don’t know I’m not going to lie on camera it looked like it carried those bushes it did it carried it carried over the bunkers no yeah like the bushes really I thought I saw a white dot just to the right of the bunker I could be wrong but I mean there’s a chance but I can’t hit it that far so that’s not play for me yeah that’s not a problem for me I I can’t do that but we’re going to hit it right at the bunker um maybe peel one a little bit right and be in the middle of the Fairway hopefully that is perfection that was hit really well that’s going to drop perfect see I told you I can’t hit it that far that is not a problem that’s how far yours went yeah that is not how three holes left and I uh I was playing like very statistically good golf until that last hole and then it kind of just thingss went right but I pulled off a par which is crazy and now I don’t know what I’m dealing with here I may be in somebody’s backyard um I feel like it’s going to be okay I think it might be I don’t know if I’ll have a shot at the green but Ashton hit a perfect Drive I I’m still I’m questioning my reality right now of what just happened on I walking off that last screen that was truly concerning that was so weird that was concerning yeah yeah like I said the weirdest part was you calling me my name and then asking if me if it was my name correct yeah this is a problem I’m in between clubs I got 126 uh I’m just going to kind of feel it out in between a 50 and a pitching wedge I mean I can’t go short there’s water there so I’m I I mean I got to long left is the is the play here yeah yeah I got to go with the pitching wedge so what do uh what does statistics say here aim aim 10 yards past it and um I would say the center of your shot pattern needs to be left edge of that bunker yeah I like that and I wouldn’t I wouldn’t I mean if you’re hitting a fade yeah I would make sure and start at the left edge of that bunker right anything right at the pin is dangerous go right at it go a little bit might go in might go in oh what a shot what a shot finally hit a good shot come on all right uh on this whatever this is and I’m trying to get this ball out just in front of my cart there and get myself about 100 yards in Jimmer Jimmer dang [Music] it 98 yard or 92 but I’m going to play it up to about 98 I got to try to make another crazy par here if we get a full 99 out of this but I got to make good contact out of this fluffy rough come on wind it’s good yeah I got a par putt up uphill putt grinding right now I don’t know if people feel their divots in the rough but I do cuz I’m built different 12 ft for back toback pars here in an absolutely crazy fashion just got to stick to my process here it’s been working pretty good all right a really good effort dude thank you I probably probably deserve that after that last one and then this one I’m just kidding I don’t deserve that I deserve to make bars kind of a snapper here short one got to go outside the hole um going to kind of creep it in the uh the right side about 4 or 5:00 here oh my gosh I pushed it too a little bit dang hate to see that that one is not two holes left on the front line astion three over I’m one under par three par 4 to finish I’m chasing what are your thoughts on using small T’s on par 3s oh I love it really yeah is that like something you have to do cuz that’s something I like have to do oh I’m not I’m not superstitious about anything for some reason I feel like I can’t get through the ball unless there’s like 2 Ines down there really yeah wow that’s interesting all right you the box for the first time I do have the box for the first time uh part three into the breeze 196 yards is that what you said I’m going to play this one right around 200 uh I got 500 in hand give it a good rip it’s get back there get back there be a little front edger wow dude yeah I can’t believe that came up that short that’s wow all right five iron for me as well I am just trying to scoot something onto the green here nice and easy that’s concerning how soft I swung at that with uh when I needed a full five iron I swung about 70% I know it looked like you laid off it it was so weird I I got to the top and I just gave up on it wow yeah that’s what it looks like when you give up on it all right I’m off the green so I think technically I go first in stroke play but not a horrible position but not the best position ever I’m just going to I think it’s going to go a little right once it lands but I need to probably carry this probably carry this almost halfway there I got a little spot yeah yeah oo good par all right let’s get out of here with the par it just had really nice lie and I knew it was going to land at the grain so I was like this is bound to stop uh this one takes a lot up there towards the hole so we’re just trying to get this one inside of 3 ft and make par and tie tick I feel like I got to go jeez man man that thing took a took a massive hit to get up there the uphill and downhill is different like when it’s uphill it’s like slower than it is when it’s it’s slower slow than it is downhill fast yeah if I’m going to if I’m going to come here and play you I got to study up dude yeah I’m still just rewarding what you’re saying in my head to make it make sense does it make sense yet I’m working on it not yet the slower ones are slower than the faster ones are fast right like in into grain is that what you mean the way you said it had me confused 90% of people in my life no way that snaps out dude another just unbel you’re rolling it so well I know dude it’s just end over end it’s just I cannot figure outed right when you took your back swing I know I kind of fell over a little bit I just cannot figure out how to putt out here dude yeah on to the last hole before we go over to Ashton’s Channel we got hole number nine here at Abacoa let’s rock and roll it’s uh going to it’s going to be a long one from back there all right one under to four over par final hole of my video and then we’re going to ashs he’s going to make a run for it back there I can feel it I got driver in hand I’m trying to hit just a straight ball and just trying to do something that I’ve been working on so we’ll see if it works oh it didn’t work get right get right get right get right get right of the trees get in the Fairway yes hopefully that gets into T Fairway so I can go for it we going go right at the fountain then give this one a good rip driver’s been good all day I’m not worried about that nope following me hopefully that one doesn’t get blocked out by the trees there’s a lot of wind up there so it might be short of them yeah that was hit really bad too really low on the face spinning it’s going to be a long way in uh I was kind of in between clubs 8 iron and seven iron we got 162 yards into the breeze um don’t want to miss left I think I’m gonna go with a knockdown seven um started at the pin and if it if it fades a little we’ll be okay so give us one a good rip oh that is so bad oh don’t hit the cart path get so far right okay that’s fine I legit almost missed that ball that’s how that’s how down and after I got after it gosh dude that is not good up and down for par we’ll figure it out all right 155 for me I’m going to try to go I’m going to go right at it that what that might be in the water we’ll see really poor shot we ended up uh way right but we’re going to skip it into The Fringe um just try and give ourselves a look at getting par so dve it oh that’s a great shot go go Oh I thought that was going to release so much more just a little left here we we were uh very dramatic on how far we thought that was left but I’m okay got a little little right to left there for birdie here little too much speed on there not necessarily one I should be aggressive with but might as well dude yeah we got quite the lead right now think we’re going to go pretty much right at mic’s Mark oh we got pulling this down um this one’s going to break quite a bit and it’s downhill so dude that thing s a massive slider there holy 4 ft and it’s breaking a ton I’m definitely going to have to play this outside the cup wow that had a lot of break in it thanks yeah dude what am I doing [Music] dang putting is just like once you lose it you lose it all right guys that wraps up the front nine the back nine will be on Ashton’s Channel make sure and check that out subscribe we’re going to Whole 10 right now we’re starting on a par five over there so tune in subscribe to his channel um but thanks for coming on the channel dude yeah dude I appreciate you having me thank you so much let’s go get the back n let’s play well we’ll see you guys thanks for watching subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already and uh let’s run it up [Music]


  1. Coffee is king, without coffee you die, I am a coffee snob I drink it in the morning , afternoon, night with out coffee life doesn't exsist

  2. Your opponent misses the green pretty bad and you absolutely stuff it, and then proceed to talk about how the fairway grabbed your club blah blah blah. That would have annoyed me so much

  3. Micah, I swear to god. Every time my girlfriend tells me to try her delicious coffee, I’m sorry I don’t like coffee. So I’m on the kids side.

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