Why Tilting Your Shoulders Is So Important In The Golf Swing

Forbes-Featured instructor Eric Cogorno, who’s given over 35,000 lessons to amateurs…

Explains why tilting your shoulders is SO important in the golf swing.

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hey guys Eric Goro here with performance golf in today’s video we’re talking about one of the most important parts of the golf swing and why learning to tilt your shoulders is so darn important and why I think it’s going to really help you with your game and your consistency a lot of times me included when I learned how to do this the level of consistency of my game skyrocketed and I’ve seen that happen a lot with my students and I bet it’ll do the same for you so tilting your shoulders let’s talk about what it is why it’s important and I’m going to show you a little two-part drill that I use all the time that’s really going to help you now when we’re golfing because the ball’s on the ground and we’re playing on this inclin plane that requires us to be bent over at setup to get to the golf ball right compared to let’s say we’re playing baseball and I was hitting a ball level to the ground I could then hit the ball standing straight up and down but with golf because the ball’s on the ground again we have to bend over now because we have to bend over we’re presetting this angle or what we call inclination to the ground which is just the distance my body is from the ground now if I set up this distance from the ground and the club heads even with the golf ball and my arms are fairly straight it serves to reason that for me to get through the golf ball at impact to get back here I still need to be bent over roughly the same amount I certainly can’t start bent over and make a swing where I stand up and swing up here right I would miss the entire golf ball so in order just to hit the ball to get down to the ball and to hit the ball solid I have to maintain that angle inclination to the ground some people call this maintaining spine Angle now if that’s true we have another thing that we have to battle with in the golf swing which is rotation okay so if we have to keep our inclination to the ground got to kind of keep this angle at impact and during the swing I have to rotate my body back and through right I’m not going to hit a ball where I stay pointed towards the ball the whole time some people will but we don’t want to for me to be able to keep my body the same angle from the ground with my body turning this is where I have to learn the shoulder tilt or the side Bend to be able to do it so let me explain what I mean at the setup position I’m bent forward my chest points down towards the golf ball in the back swing where does my chest go if I rotate my body where’s my chest it’s pointed back away from the Target now what part of my body is now pointed down by the golf ball my left side or my left shoulder at setup it was my chest during the back swing it’s my left side in order to turn and keep my body on this angle to consistently hit the ball good I need that left side Bend or tilt now when I make my down swing my chest goes back down towards the golf ball but what happens on the way through my chest is now pointed where out towards the target what’s pointed down at the ball my right shoulder my right side so in order to keep that angle as I turn left shoulder down right shoulder down left shoulder down right shoulder down if I did that P L right what I see a lot myself included would happen is I’m set up like this it’s set up and a lot of times on the way back oh I lost that angle my left shoulder is pointed way high level to the ground I’m stood up now I’ve got to go back down and find the golf ball very difficult to do over and over but if I make a back swing and I learn how to get my left shoulder down now very easy I’ve kept that same distance I can replace that with my right shoulder on the way down and through so the simple version of this before we get to the drill is get your left shoulder down under your chin on the way back get your right shoulder down under your chin on the way through left shoulder under the chin right shoulder under the chin now when I do that does my shoulder just go down does it look like this no does it look like this where it just turns with no tilt no it’s a combo of those right the shoulder stays down if there were like a wall wall here on my shoulder line my shoulder is going to stay below that as it goes back towards my left foot and rotates same thing on the way down my right shoulder is going to stay below that as it works forward towards my left shoe and rotates okay so the simple version to start is left shoulder back under the chin right shoulder forward under the chin then I’ll show you the the drill left shoulder down right shoulder down and that’s the first thing that can keep the inclination to the ground very solid strike there that’s a seven iron for me straight at my target now if you’re someone like me or my students who struggles to feel that my favorite way to do it if you grab two alignment rods you can get these at a local store you know a lot of country clubs will have these if you put this behind the golf ball so the way I’m going to set this up is probably let’s say about a club head probably about a club head and a half Club head and a ball you know maybe three four inches behind the ball and slightly outside of it now when I make my back swing I’m going to put this front stick over my shoulders so the end of the stick on my right shoulder all of it’s on my left right when I make my back swing I’m going to try and get this left side of the stick to hit this front stick now from face on you’ll note I’ve got that about in line with the inside part of my trail ankle that’s how far back it is now when I do this I want to hit down like notice where the stick points is my shoulder going at the golf ball no like that’s crazy that’s too much but I’m also not going level like if I did bad and I just stood up I’d miss the stick Al together so I’m certainly looking to hit the stick and what’s really convenient with this if you can get one of these is I’m hitting right about at the bottom of that little white Mark right so it’s not quite halfway down but maybe 40% of the way down I’m certainly not above it I’m not at the golf ball about halfway down now I also put it behind the ball and if you need a little more turn you could even go a little bit farther the reason you put it behind the ball is why so that I can still get my full turn so full 90° shoulder toes it’s such a good little drill now as I’m doing this and the shoulders going down look at my lower body what’s my left KN uh left knee left leg doing my left leg’s increasing its Bend okay so as I’m doing the tilting on the way back back the shoulder staying down as it goes back tilting and turning the left knee right is working forward or increasing its bend a little bit so the Pressure Works towards my left toes a little bit and my right heel that give me the tilt on the way back okay and that’s a really good place to start what I can also do and what I would advise with that is I could just mirror that forward of the golf ball so 3 to four inches in front just outside if I want to feel the down swing tilt get all of the stick to the right of my shoulder and I’m going to feel the same thing so I’m trying to keep my head pretty much back over the golf ball but still get my shoulder forward I’m not going above it I’m not at the golf ball but I’m just below sort of the bottom white part of that stick okay only difference really what I’m doing this on the way down is you’ll notice my hips are moving forward towards the Target on the back swing I don’t want any hips going away from the target turn and tilt on the way through it’s the same thing turn and tilt you have a little bit of shift along with it so I really really like that drill would advise that if you’re someone who likes the drills what I’m trying to do then is replicate the feels I got when I was doing that drill when I hit a golfball so when I come back up I’m going to feel like that you know object is across my shoulders and feel okay down and back with my left shoulder left shoulder under the chin down and forward with my right shoulder feeling like I’m keeping if we put a line kind of right through my body here on the screen I’m trying to keep my body that same angle that’s my goal here and that’s why the tilting is so important because as we add rotation to keep our body’s inclination to the ground we have to have the Tilt left shoulder down and back right shoulder down and through and that should look pretty good there nice high solid little draw maybe 10 ft left of my target but very solid I would take that all day the point here guys is this if you’re someone who’s playing and you feel inconsistent frustrated not sure why you can’t hit the ball solid this would be like one of the first things to check on a checklist to make sure you’re doing it well the best golfers tilt the most and keep that inclination the highest handicaps would lose that on the way back lose that on the way through and it’s very hard to make that up consistently with your arms and hands difficult lots of timing so tilt your shoulders hopefully that you understand why and that main drill you can do right if you want something more specific or something simple left shoulder under the chin right shoulder under the chin any questions at always leave a comment down below appreciate you guys watching

1 Comment

  1. Eric always great to see you pop up on performance golf in addition to your main channel. Should there be different amounts of tilt going from wedges up to short irons all the way to woods and drivers? If so how would you adapt this drill to suit those tilts?

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