Golf Players

Pinehurst No. 2 – Neil Vs. Ben

Neil and Ben square off in a straight-up match at the 2024 U.S. Open venue Pinehurst No. 2.

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sit that looks deep cocky very cocky my my heart skipped a beat [Music] there hello everyone welcome back to another film room Edition Pinehurst number two Ben Neil uh thank you very much for tapping me in for this one I’ve been dying to watch this match DJ and I are both going to be watching this footage we are watching it blind we have not we’re not sitting here with each other Ben versus Neil uh Pinehurst number two monoy mono no Strokes presented by robach and if you don’t know you should know robot roback best fit best feel got the hoodie on got my my US Open colors on under this so I’m fired up about my FIT I’ve got the Looper shorts on these fit so good like they’re super stretchy but they also feel like formal fit me really nicely make my chicken legs look a little bit bigger so that’s nice Pinehurst is one of my favorite places in the country to watch good players play Golf the real test is is really among high-end players especially when it gets firm it’s a great execution test so I can’t wait to see what a couple of our our NL throw breads do out there Neil coming off just having his first child um Ben’s a baller like Ben’s really really taken his game to an entirely new level I’ve been uh humbled by him quite a lot recently I don’t know about Neil’s chances especially on a championship golf course like Ben’s ball striking just reached a level that uh I’ve not really seen out of him I know Neil’s got a great great upper gear but I just don’t know if 18 holes uh if he can hang with our guy Ben one of my favorite golf courses in the world and your first crack at number two first time on it there is a good argument on both sides that you don’t have Scar Tissue which is great and also I have a little bit more experience three or four rounds out here knowing uh how bad it can get but listen we’re going to have to let our play do the talking no Strokes um May the best man win let’s do it all right good luck without further Ado let’s let’s fire it up I can’t wait to see what happens we’re going to be starting on number two as part of the usj uh media day perspective oh God what a start my God good start Ben Ben hits such a heavy ball with his driver sometimes hits the blinker at the top at the top of its apex and takes a hard left uh but that did not appear to be that one hang on saw okay all right it’s well struck all right 130s starting out in the wasy stuff for Neil sit damn look at that green it’s good swing over the green at the first hole you just you know you wouldn’t expect anything different all right 101 didn’t know this existed but say la V heavy that wasn’t going to work now this is so much harder of a chip than Neil has oh way too far right good job Ben Neil insists always on encouraging you that you hit a great shot even when you’re pissed off about your shot good shot Ben Cash Take it Away good putt come on Neil take a lead all right the belluck yeah one up hold on all right comfy forward just like we drew it up this is like the reason you come to Pinehurst decision making off the tea uh my favorite hole easily on the golf course diabolical green it’s one where distance control is Paramount it’s so easy to go over the back and just make a seven it’s so easy to spin one off the front and make a six it’s just a really good exercise in discipline distance control all the all the fun things that you like I’ll work right sit sit oh good bounce really good bounce strategy here o don’t like that execution God I’ve hit that shot so many times put a plaque for me over there [ __ ] folks we apologize mics are a little bit hot going to try and hit the crap out of this out of this stuff I don’t know how it’s going to react just look at that freaking wire stuff that’s so awesome oh hang on oh that looks miserable back there that is death so I like 55 sit sit a that’s such a boneheaded play damn I don’t know how he can get this within 20 feet is he going for the Picker here or is he hitting like a bunker shot oh man right idea ne ne with the encouragement it’s brutal sit ah no chance all we can still try this no chance now Ben just had to watch that now he’s going to try to hit the same shot so scared there’s not a golf course I would I would want to play on camera to be judged on less than this one like it’s just going to Humble you yeah nope there you go that’s how easy it is to make a five even with a good drive there not that fast that’s good it was good regardless all right let’s settle in here that’s where I’d be sitting bleachers on three that’s that stinks those guys are going to really want to play that one again got it hit a draw to hold this Fairway left to right this is kind of kind of playing against these two long hitters here playing these upts all right just off come on work it’s a righted idea God these are brutal shots coming into the screen I don’t know how like firm this is if I can like get my get the shaft through it the LIE itself is clean but I don’t know what it’s going to do to the club oh good swing this is what I thought was going to happen with Bennett Roy melbour this is [ __ ] I am not happy with this boy strike be good yeah well done Neil all right good process okay let’s just get ourselves a freaking shot here man don’t love the selft talk from Ben so far you’re putting [ __ ] NE you’re putting oh he’s going to get swung on one of these days really nice take it away hold oh good hold Neil thank you getting perspective oh don’t waste them huh I don’t want to waste those birdies such a long round left so many golf left wow quick three up no way Neil could blow a three up lead all right part five the fifth uh both of these guys can probably get there in two from these T’s especially all right stay there 178 I tried to give you a little extra there bud let’s find some grass yeah all right Ben open it up here come on buddy hit the Fairway ah there’s that quick left ball we were talking about in the first hole a little little spinny 170 slight breeze into got to hit a little little we draw here you just can’t play sustainable Golf out of this stuff all day greens are just to Crown sounded good yeah that’s where we’re talking about that’s a great shot it’s a good Miss get up there yeah good bounce okay staying alive learn my lesson with Donnie Neil is Jolly man that perspective is a very real thing Jack good idea all right little boned I don’t know give it give that two weeks that’s that’s off the green I think Crown totally crowned see if Neil can learn anything here love the putter play stay up and just a really bad effort there go a too much credit again know I hate to say it I might have to see that one yeah I’d take a look oh let right ship here did not need to give him an opening a get roll on it he’s kind of hitting those like draw putts oh shoved it all right Ben good win [ __ ] gas that one that’s a bad six that was a gift white elephant from Neil there he could have could have really stepped on his throat 192 right into the teeth play up a little bit play up a little bit I’m trying to hit exactly a 200 shot with the flight kind of mid mid-flight I chunked it still looks pretty good looks good says Neil hey it did it up pretty good good encouragement going one more and Ben choke up a little bit looking for a fade here oh it’s it is fading just wrong start line soft no too much Club how far 209 carry it’s been hard God you never want to be telling your ball spin hard at Pinehurst it’s just not going to do it yikes bunker to Bunker not what we’re looking for there that is brutal it icy not giving me that one hit it you’re good there Ben good win that is such a fast double for like that just happens so quickly I love this whole number seven you can bite off as much as you want the right side uh more prudent play especially with how far these guys hit their irons probably just Jam something up the left oh Benny unforced error there jamming that thing over to the left it’s fine over there that’s pretty pretty awful it’s fine strike there it’s fine over there says Neil all right great swing should be all right all hit a 185 shot that lands 178 to 180 I got to get it over this little Bush more than anything God this just not where you want to be coming in from Ben 185 no go quit tailing hang in all right is that going to hold little soft there I don’t think that one’s holding come tournament time these bunkers are very much like you don’t know what you’re going to get right a lot of little like tiny indents yes oh a lot of ball ooh whoa Benny about six feet take it I’m so sorry Neil that’s all right all right that might be the tip pass he was looking for there hit it way too gentle that’s good Neil good for you kind of bombing and gouging this place though a little bit next one doesn’t matter great putt Ben all right number eight kind of a kind of a faux par five in today’s world it’s going to be very easily reachable for both of these guys good ball man oh that’s so good oh man it’s about 155 we’re going to play 4550 though yep God you know that’s going to happen plan for oh no where is that ending up that might be the bone Zone over there I’m going to try and hit this one like 112 and ideally it kind of bounc and trunnels to the hole we will see got a bush in my way though so who knows yeah has Ben been in the [ __ ] on every hole so far that’s tough 88 no Bush God damn man this is so tough that’s why you got to hit the Fairway welcome to the fun house doesn’t really anything yeah it’s a mega bone Zone but it’s an opportunity to flash is what it is and so we have to embrace that opportunity it’s not an opportunity to flash your partner’s your opponent’s making a mess man just just he’s going to make six like just chip one on of the green and two putt sit Piner has been in a tail spin right now they got him been a blender ah [ __ ] God damn it Neil opportunity to flash again though Neil same Club doesn’t want to change all right he’s going to get away with it all right all right pick it up who is who is this guy in Ben’s body I I do not understand this Neil is two up headed to the ninth T if I’m Neil I’m two up I got to see see where the pin is but again just sensible 30 ft is is great man we’re looking for a 131 ball here Benjamin okay let’s see it he hit his number he was looking for 131 he got 133 yeah that’s going to hit that slope and kick down to the right that should be wow very nice shot all right sens all right I want I want a full 135 here right at NE the shots Ben when Ben can take dead aim he’s he’s quite good at these sounded so good stop it stop Neil said so good oh Cookie Jar canot stop that is the Pinehurst look right there just hands on the hips how did that just H how is that ball still rolling why won’t it stop what’s going on we desperately need to stiff this one classy that looks more like that take it away what am I doing hit it now another one short he’s just so tentative on the greens free reads what’s this can’t stop my guy you know listen classy I stepped out I stepped out for you I respect the game too much ben all right Neil left corner pocket he’s going to make this one baby almost called it oh middle of the bottom we’re going to sneak off to the next this is the part in the match when you are the favored player where you’re too down you’re like I it starts to just snowball on you I can’t lose to this guy I can’t lose this guy I got to win this one and he gets another good shot dream start here for Neil another probably reachable par five oh that’s a heavy one that’s smothered and covered what te’s are these guys playing this is hard though all right Neil you see that uh those clouds in the distance the clouds yeah yeah storm sure that’s what’s coming for you okay I love it oh all right Ben now we’re talking now pull it in the Fairway dog that’s roasted oh that’s hit hard to run forever Ben’s hitting the uh the white squall ball right there just a freak storm yeah [ __ ] it’s just going to get caught up in the [ __ ] up there though if I try to hit a slice around these tree like up The Path and and out I don’t this is where match play comes into into Factor Neil can hit a risky shot out of here that you would never try to do in a stroke play environment which is like I don’t I don’t mind finding a window and just forcing something up there I mean Ben’s making four at the worst much difference yeah if we’re going to lay up let’s do it right see that’s stress free all right mat got 143 um exactly green light pin don’t want to go long the exact same shot just hit in that par three zip so good zip good shot what a good golf shot there from Ben down a I thought we had some wind look at that freaking Green Man huh damn that was a good swing I hate that this will be a hole to watch during the tournament par five for the big boys ah hard one again like if it’s a little if it’s a little shaved down you can probably just putt that one you know instead it’s kind of making him think a little bit oh I crushed it absolutely hammered it [ __ ] that’s good six six yeah got this for four okay not seeing much huh Neil not giving him the two it’s good okay all right it’s getting tighter all right one up 11 doesn’t look like much it just kind of looks like this this little dog like right Par Four but uh it’s just such a cool green a lot of variants but like man is it more fun if you hit the Fairway here start making a habit here hang on God a heavy ball I don’t recognize this is it one Fairway this should be on long path okay oh that’s I hear that’s going to be tough so good God Neil’s driving the [ __ ] out of it that’s going to be hard to beat Neil’s such a good match play player kind of B really good yep he’s back let’s go that seems pretty ridiculous to try to go that way I mean should we just throw it out here yeah not a lot of options which I like risk reward I like taking risk I just don’t want to dome myself you know yeah I mean [ __ ] man you got to play boldly to win right yeah maybe I don’t know MADD this is probably pretty stupid going to tryy and hit it through that Gap land it in that sand and have it bounce out into the grass I’m looking right down on it smart idea I know but I’m behind the eight ball already so it’s got to be a miracle I don’t love this one Ben I I like going back out to the Fairway oh what a shot that’s so crafty that’s such a good shot holy smokes golf shot risk reward like I said I loved it the whole time that’s that’s a match play shot that’s taking on the proper amount of risk in match play Neil should should have done that on 10 blushy come on be good yeah good shot Neil all right safe I think that was a shot of my life if I’m being like completely honest likelihood of this probably 1 and 10 is he going to make three out of this are you serious get in Ben get in Ben oh my God what a good putt no just every time man low all day yeah early and then straightens out good read that’s good confident don’t love when Ben gets that putter inside like that coming out the left that was a golf shot Ben thanks doesn’t matter might as well hit the tree and went backwards Ben’s not going to have a good time watching some of the where where some of these putts are coming out of the putter face here all right number 12 another really really fun one where the tour players are going to be there’s probably going to be a lot of laying back in front of these bunkers and positioning for a little bit of an angle but I think these guys are just going to probably kind of bang away down at the uh down at the next T box there NE keeping the pedal down with driver man yep middle of middle there Benny needs to find a fair way there it is come on hang on ball hang on just that left late tail all right it’s bouncing 104 don’t want to be long I’m going to try and keep this under the tree I don’t think it’s an issue this is the difference man that that little bit just creeping into this pine straw is like such a different shot than just holding on The Fairway 5 feet right play there that is really nice good jot Ben really nice pretty mid I disagree I think that was a good shot in sit that looks deep he stuff on the cocky that dug in man my my heart skipped a beat there that’s going to be good Neil okay thank you hey there’s your birdie H birdie for Neil that’s one for the all right the lid’s off let’s give this a run yeah wow in getting late early all right I see you Neil okay he’s three up after that bird not a lot of holes left 13’s another fun one uh straight up the hill you got to position yourself in the right spot again I know I’m a broken record from this up te they’re just going to keep hammering drivers probably when you’re further back you got to decide you’re trying to stay short of this trouble or you trying to go over the trouble what are you trying to do and the further you lay back the harder that uphill uh second shot gets keep gas padle down with driver it’s so good that’s that’s like an auto four from there see God Neil you’re hitting it so good man oh my God just a Molotov cocktail you like the uh the Banksy artwork throwing flowers I’ve never seen him drive it like this um we are back in this stuff with another bush in front of our ball this is just pretty much exactly where where you don’t want to leave yourself here let’s just god let’s just hit it on the green it’s actually getting kind of Lucky in a lot of this stuff if we’re being honest go forever that’s not going to make it m saddle down yeah that’s totally fine back there he should be able to get that down in two no problem all right play stupid games you win stupid prizes so here’s my Fred egg couldn’t have said it better myself with nowhere really to land it welcome to D’s house golly gee man oh my God heck I should be getting more of a thrill out out of B being in a blender than I am I’m more frustrated than anything else that this is the guy that Neil gets to go up against and I go I get [ __ ] Tiger Woods when I play him a lot of bouncing not great I mean five’s still going to win it all right pick it up Neil I’m done uh four up with six to play dang NE glare in a down saying telling him he’s four up said uh don’t underestimate my ability to let you linger or your ability to that Storm’s still rolling in this is where yeah the storm it kind of dissipated it dissipated a little bit but there’s it’s back building sure um this is what dreams are made of right afternoon Thunders shower in the South come on four down six to play coming up 18 well one in this case um I think we got him right where we want him six holes left there’s there’s a lot of golf to play but I do like where I’m I’m currently sitting you would prefer to be where you are I like where I’m at right now yes interesting with all these metaphors I mean I know he’s trying to trash talk but he’s just playing in Neil’s hands even more that’s exactly what Neil wants to be talking about he loves that stuff right still there Ben doesn’t even sound like he’s convincing himself he’s not convincing me oh my god get so far right what are doing God I’ve been over there too that that’s no fun man okay I’m thinking just going right through here anything short of that long bunker I’m like pretty pleased with right in it 104 playing 105 I mean kind of a green light golden Neil can kind of like control the whole tempo of the match just by continuing to hit Fair ways here come on be good spin a yeah I mean how do you you know how do you beat that we’re grooving TV Executives would like me to pull an icarito but we’re not going to do that God Neil’s vibing his face off I would just be be furious right now such a hard shot Ben head there feel like that was a lot better than what I got out of it got to have it oh look at this guy there it is hell yeah Ben hell yeah good putt thank you pressure on had to do something Jesus makes this it stormy give it a chance to go in oh man all right no blood good fight Ben the TV Executives like that too I don’t think they wanted to see dormy on 15 15 part three famously this is the Jack Nicholas quote you know you’re Landing it on the hood of a Buick oh that’s nuked sit down Sit you okay go so much spin on that that’s so hard man sheesh try and not I don’t want to do what you just did I’m not trying to spin it so much so I’m gonna go nine okay call your number I want 153 oh man smooth swing Yankee doodled it not awful pretty pretty good chance of making a three there I would certainly take his over Neil’s sit go ball go ball Ben outwardly rooting against Neil that’s close go balling him I’ll take it all right or die are we that desperate have to stiff this one not I mean I know we’re all doing that internally I don’t think you’re supposed to say that out loud are you oh good bounce there that’s not what I was looking for pretty good NE speed’s been great on this back nine all right too much slowly kind of suff a little bit W hoping it just Shimmy’s less than a half ball left and it’s dead center did did not care yeah sure whatever man you’re like five down pretty good there we go all right there we go hit the middle of the putter face they’re going to go in Jesus come on here he comes El look out par five again from these White T’s for the big big hitters here going to be reachable I mean gosh Neil hit it’s the Fairway here it’s like I don’t want to say it’s over but it’s uh it’s kind of over Ben again I don’t know why he needs driver here just we got to hit this Fairway B here he comes that’s a freight train yeah so good from Neil again ter looking easy birdie there okay I got nine smooth one it’s thin get lucky O Okay in with a little spin all right 135 we are here again needing to make a three to continue our rise Ben if ever there was a time to stuff one now now would be that time oh my God the club slipped in my hand now would not be that time time in the bunker fried egg again H spin pretty is the worst place to be when you need to make birdies it just doesn’t just not it’s not going to happen ni s is this about to be over yeah all right now Neil can just for putt from here that’s not enough damn it Benjamin well done wow what an effort there from Neil that’s that’s impressive stuff man Remains the gold dadd kudos to Neil that’s good good shooting there soldier played really sensible golf he puted it you know good speed kind of just let Ben beat himself out there and that’s kind of what this golf course is about a little bit Man Neil we all know he has the potential and the capabilities he could still have improved a lot on this round tough guy in matches he’s been incredible in tus sauce and now in non-h handicap versions but his attitude was incredible I truly think if Ben did not pack a driver he would have been in better shape his inexperience on Piner 2 definitely played a factor now we’re doing this Ben I’ll be back I I I’m still just amazed at at the performance he just put on considering what what I’ve had to deal with when I’ve gone up against him all right Ben hey hey man good match we got a surprise for you oh yes perfect oh hell yes oh okay tough tough was very very very impressed with how you played today thank you you played Super controlled you played within yourself you executed on repeat especially with the driver I’ve never SE seen you drive it that well not a place to have your you know C minus game no was it perspective or was I had too much but it was just enough very kind of a sensible round kind of a very grownup mature round it was it was you played how I expected to play today sure okay listen the kids’s dead 25th anniversary of uh Mr Payne Stewart hopefully we get something iconic this year um shaping up to be a good one


  1. An absolute act of self immolation from Ben. Truly horrendous from him today, he is a very good player, but what an off day.

  2. Ben's "Im going to try and hit this thing 112 and it will trundle towards the hole" followed by him hitting the bush and it going 15 yards is peak amateurs talking and acting like professionals. Him then chunking the next shot with a clean lie and no bush was the cherry on top.

  3. First video in awhile that made me think that the kid might not be dead (from a vibes perspective)

  4. Soly needs to chill out about the loss to Ben…. We all have good days and bad days….. Whining about getting beaten by Ben all the time isn't a good look….

  5. Is it psych ops when Neil says “great shot” after the opposing player hits a mediocre to shitty shot or just baby bro vibing?

  6. Unfortunately had to mute the sound because all Soly did was complain about how different Ben played against him. Disappointing not supporting your friend

  7. I know everyone has internet haters, but the more and more Neil plays in the videos/comes on pods, the more I think Soly is his biggest hater. I do not understand it.

  8. Neil busting out every single weekend hack saying 😂😂 “sounded good!”
    “You’re putting!”
    lags putt when you need to make it to win “oh, so good!”

  9. I feel like the trackman thing should be explained upfront because it is very douchey to hold everyone up like that on a round like this.

  10. Never seen someone get so upset with positivity as Soly. If you “swing on someone” for encouragement… maybe you’re the bad playing partner

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