Golf Players

2024 US Open Picks | PGA DFS Preview + Best Bets

Max out your profit at the next Major with our PGA DFS & betting experts’ 2024 US Open picks!

Can Brooks Koepka (22-1) break out at Pinehurst Resort & Country Club, or will Scottie Scheffler (3-1) prove he’s the favorite for a reason?

PGA Tour analysts Conor Coughlin & Bo McBrayer cover course notes, core plays, outrights, props & more for the third Major Championship of the year on “The 19th Hole (S4 E23).”

⏰ Time Stamps:
00:00:00 Introduction
00:06:03 What Are We Drinking?
00:09:53 Caddie Notes: Pinehurst Resort & Country Club + Tournament Breakdown
00:18:36 Club Twirls: 2024 US Open Picks & Best Bets
00:48:25 No Trunk Slams: 2024 US Open DFS Core Plays + Fades
01:08:31 Final Picks + The Hat Pick
01:11:35 Plugs & Outro

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🏌️‍♂️ Conor Coughlin (
🏌️ Bo McBrayer (

good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the 19th hole we are live on in between media make sure you like this video subscribe to the whole damn Channel and you better that jingle that Bell for notifications in between Media Sports lifestyle everything in between your ticket to golf baseball football NBA nasc car you name it this week the 19th Hole brings you Carnage the US open at Pinehurst number two number two hin Hurst incredibly difficult it’s going to be fair it’s going to be all the golfers complaining whining about it’s too difficult it’s the same for all of them we got Carnage we’re going to have a winning score somewhere around even par I can’t wait to get into it with Connor let’s hit it oh [Music] [Music] [Music] baby I love the US Open there’s no surprise there if you watch this show it’s Carnage is always what I’m rooting for it pains me when something like what happened at the PGA Valhalla valhala was dried out like Pinehurst is it would have been pretty close to the same but they got rain they got soft conditions you get PGA Tour level professionals on soft conditions it don’t matter what the course is they’re going to score on it it’s dried out it hasn’t rained in North Carolina in months it’s crispy and crunchy and there’s Turtle Back greens and Sandy waste areas with wire grass and gor bushes gors Bush 24 we’re voting for gor Bush 24 I can’t wait for Carnage Connor how you doing buddy doing well doing well dethroned you last week so that was uh finally quite the streak I had a terrible week last week it was uh yeah it was it was pleasant I was I was pleasantly surprised at how poor you did it was a slump Buster for you because you didn’t you didn’t do bad you you did a pretty decent job and I did so badly that I got I got skunked I got I got shut out I didn’t make anything and we will rebuild the memorial was immemorial I will forget everything about the memorial this year we’re moving on to Piner first cuz uh I mean last year we we had a lot of Windam Clark we had a lot of guys that were in contention last year at the US Open we did well at the US Open last year at Lac this course makes Lac look like the mun down the road yeah that was um I I think that was one of our better hits last season because we uh we were all over the Windom the Windom call so Windom Windom because you can’t spell Windom without winning yeah I haven’t done much of that recently but you never know no it’s uh I’m not as big a lover of Carnage but this is a gorgeous course I love I love watching it pinst it’s p it’s the Mystique of Pinehurst is that it is a public golf course you can go out there and you can book a tea time right now for Pinehurst number two probably a couple months out but you can absolutely play Pinehurst number two anytime and that’s that’s the that’s the beauty of it is this golf course is it’s is one of the best public courses in the world and every 9 years or so the PJ tour or the professional golfers yep you’re welcome it’s just it’s just a beautiful it’s a beautiful sight to see a a public golf course get embraced by the professional golf Community Pinehurst is one of the one of the best courses in the world period let alone a public one that you can go and play on a on a guy’s vacation or a gal’s vacation you can go on a golf vacation to Pinehurst play all the golf courses on that Resort and it’s going to set up a little different this week for the big boys yeah I just had a buddy go down there about a month or two ago and play and uh yeah he was uh well into the hundreds as I recall but uh you can go play it I wish and they still will give you a token at the pro shop if you card a two at Pinehurst number two if you score if you card an eagle on a par 4 or a birdie On a par three they will give you a token with a Two on Two And they still do that we probably better go get some tokens yeah I I’ll get at least a couple my game is locked in I don’t even know golf shoes right now we’re gonna play from the senior te’s but we can get her done oh I would definitely not play from the tips 7500 yards You’ be kidding me I played 7500 yards it ain’t fun it ain’t fun no I don’t uh I don’t have uh enough clubs in the bag for that I don’t have enough balls in the bag for not on this course man this thing’s gonna be garly narly love it love it love it played I’ve played enough Carolina car Carolina golf and uh I’ve seen like glimpses into what these waist bunkers and the wire grass and everything are and not even to this level and I’m telling you I get eaten alive down in Carolina it’s icky pants are you drinking I am drinking I am drinking uh last week as we were talking about uh you know how we used to do cheap solid whiskies and Bourbons I went out and got this little $24 gem Ezra Brooks so this is what the thumbnail of this video that Seth our fearless leader put on was betting Brooks this is what he was talking about he’s talking about Ezra Brooks 99 proof Kentucky Straight Bourbon whiskey because neither one of us is betting on Brooks kka just a spoil spoiler alert teaser we’re not betting on Brook Kea uh he doesn’t have a short game here we’ll cover that a little bit later and I would I would bet on Ezra that if I put it up against like 6070 whiskies you’d not be able to like say oh that’s the cheap one like this is 22 bucks that’s a great this is like ridiculously good value so if you uh if you’re out and about and you like whiskey bir seen one of those in the wild in a while I’m going to have to look a little harder cuz I I miss Ezra Brooks I uh I was between that and they had the Evan Williams uh small batch Single Barrel like the one what is it uh I can’t ever come up with the number that’s on it but it’s the cheap one it’s not the it’s not the high-end one and yeah I almost grabbed that yeah I’m a I’m a huge Evan Williams bib fan so it’s yeah yeah and that’s another great value bottle that I’ve drank on the show many times I think we both have that’s uh that’s one of both of our favorites that’s my camping bourbon so I am not drinking alcohol tonight it is 106 degrees Fahrenheit for you Canadians out there that’s 41 degrees C it’s hot it’s like a blow dryer and so I’m drinking some sweet tea for North Carolina I mean doing Carolina we’re going to do some sweet tea I wish I had a little bit of barbecue little Mola ass based barbecue yeah let’s let’s let’s let’s pour one out for John ROM drink a little sangria for Johnny Boy uh bad foot bad temper bad short game he wasn’t going to do well here anyway so poor one out for Johnny ROM uh he’s he’s not having himself a great year is he uh he’s not but I think he did all of us a big favor by not having to debate whether to play him or not because that was a hard pass for me anyway same think uh I think people that people are that maybe don’t follow it as much would have seen that name and clicked it quite a bit and I do wish him a speedy recovery because I’ve had foot issues in the past and it’s it’s bad you don’t want to foot infection is one thing going to work on a foot infection is another thing going to work walking multiple miles every day uh with a foot infection is a stupid idea his doctors are pretty smart don’t let that guy hurt himself more cuz it you would you can mess up that you could mess that up way more worse by playing on it oh yeah 100% like that’s that’s probably the uh outside of maybe a knee or something or your back I mean your feet probably a close third feet start everything if your feet are messed up your knees are next and then your hips and then your back you’re screwed up from the bottom up screwed up from the bottom up all right let’s hit the drop let’s move on to cadd notes we got to talk more about this golf course it is the star of the show the USGA makes their golf of course is the star of the show I don’t care about this field this is the best full field event in in professional golf even if some of our favorites didn’t make it cuz they hadn’t won [ __ ] in in 10 years that’s how it goes you got to qualify for the US Open some guys didn’t make it oh well you maybe should have played better let’s talk about Pinehurst after this [Music] getting the shoulders all right Connor pineur number two numer do US Open the US Open uh pinhurst course number two North Carolina par 70 uh 75 48 on the yardage uh we looking at Bermuda greens 156 players top 60 in ties are going to make the cut uh Pinehurst is going to be brutal we’ve talked about that a bunch already uh Fairways are a little bit wider than what we’ve seen in the last eight weeks but there’s absolutely no first cut there’s no rough so um everything is lined by kind of these waist bunkers that are riddled with like uneven lies Wire Grass um you don’t want to miss the Fairway here that’s for sure um and the fairways uh culminate in a bunch of turtleback style greens that you’ll hear about that a lot this week um they exactly what you think they are it’s a nice and rounded tapers on all edges also when you miss the fairways there is little or no rough it’s all run out area um you’re surrounded by kind of tricky uh bunkers that have got a lot of like kind of overhanging Ledges to them so it is really really nasty when you miss the greens if you are able to hit and stick the greens they are incredibly fast uh to the point that uh I I think it was Windham Clark came out earlier this week talking about how their borderline unfair and unplayable so they uh but they historically here are incredibly fast um I think one nice thing about that is the weather this week is supposed to be nearly perfect no rain no wind so if we do get into a situation where the 85 90 degree temperatures really dry this place out it’s easier to take them down a notch or two so they can uh they can counteract that a little bit but the biggest things I’m looking at here honestly are are accuracy and solid around the green game uh you have got to be able to get up and down you’ve got to be accurate um it’s really non-negotiable on both fronts up and down is everything you’re going to you’re going to miss these greens if you’re not in the middle you’re going to be running off into a tight closely moan Bermuda grained out uh collection area which in could you might have hard pan and you might have sand and you might have sand and wire grats and you might have sand and gors Bush and I mean Martin kimer won here in 2014 by using a Texas wedge everywhere he didn’t use a wedge and he got up and down every single time because he was able to putt up these crowns on the edges of the greens instead of trying to chip with a wedge on these very very tight fast lies that are shorter than Fairway just barely longer than the green uh they they want you to hit the middle of these greens and and just to two putt pars two putt pars everywhere you go and another thing about the fairways is yes they’re wider but you like you said there’s no rough like it runs off and these Fairways are fast too oh yeah and and and they tempt you like oh yeah hit it 320 good luck if you if you hit 320 it rolls 340 into a waste bunker and you’re absolutely screwed either way so bomb and gouge can’t do it here you got to be in the Fairway or you are dead period and uh that’s that’s another thing is they want you to try to hit the the long Ball but they’re tempting you because if you run roll it out too far because the fairways are really fast and there’s nothing to slow them down it’s it can be ugly Wendy well part for the course might actually win this week Wendy to your point they’re like the the design of the course really does tempt you to try and kind of push for a little longer distance on a lot of these these I guess off the tea shots but unless you’re incredibly precise off the tea you’re going to end up losing a stroke or two um trying to recover because there there’s just no uh margin for error at all so um you know you kind of hit on it but pars are coveted and Bogies are expected here I mean this is this is not an easy course and uh the name of the game truly is stick it as close as humanly possible because you don’t want to have to be hitting off these tight lies the kimer performance in 2014 was a incredible outlier like he played unconscious golf then he won at nine underpar and the next best guy was at one underpar the cut was at plus eight the time before 2005 Michael Campbell won surprisingly Two Shots better than Tiger Woods who tiger was at plus two and second place solo Michael Campbell won a even par and the cut again at plus eight it does feel a lot like whoever wins though will be in that 789 range I’m not saying anybody’s going to be near them necessarily no chance but I think I think your cut probably this year is somewhere in the neighborhood of that like Plus fiveish um yeah I think be plus eight again plus eight plus N I think that they added distance here par 70 uh it was a par 70 both times before but it was 72 and 73 and a half hundred yards so now we’re at 75 and A500 yards for the par 70 it’s all dried out uh they don’t want the kimer performance to be repeated the USGA knows what they want from Pinehurst I think they’re going to set it up to where the winning score is even to plus two I think that that’s where we’re going to be at I don’t think anybody’s going to be three four under par at the most I think you’re going to have guys getting off getting off early on Thursday that are going to go out and and put up some scores and then it’s just weathering weathering the rest of the tournament I I don’t know I to me to me every single tournament that we thought was going to be extreme Carnage there’s been one or two guys that have kind of overcome it all and shot really good so I’m not I’m not going against what you said in terms of the rest of the field but I think we’re going to have a couple onew standouts here that are are going to be in that I don’t know probably five to 700 range we’ll see but will but will they be favorites that’s the question is you never know this this course does have a little bit of Randomness to it there’s a little bit of chance involved because yes you can play well here and get rewarded on occasion but a lot of guys come in here and they blow up and a lot of guys come in here and play better than they have in years like Michael Campbell hug outlier Martin kimer was having a great year that year but after that he hasn’t won since that’s H that’s kind of the the weird sense with Pinehurst is that we might get one of the Woodworks among the the favorites that that are going to be there all week we might get a few guys that are way down deep that are they’re going to they’re going to hang in they’re going to make a lot of pars they’re going to save Bogies where they can and you never know I I I think there’s a lot of deep shots that we can take on the betting side to Encompass that where there’s some good fits ba based on what’s emphasized short game is emphasized big time yeah I think I think you and I have talked about it at a lot of the majors especially the US Open over the years is the way they set up these US Open tracks it’s kind of the great equalizer like anybody in this field really if they go out and play consistent good all-around golf can win um so I I don’t see I I’m with you I think the short game is especially like the recovery game being able to get yourself back out of trouble I think is going to be the real big differentiator here um obviously you got to be accurate and you got to do it for four days straight but there’s a lot of guys on tour that can be accurate um it it really is it really is what you’re able to do when you get in trouble so y that’s that’s what I think into trouble this course is this course is there’s no such thing as perfect on this course you’re not going to see somebody go out there and dominate this course it’s just going to be who comes out of the wreckage with the fewest blemish is so should we get into it because I’m sure we’re going to have a lot of back and forth and a lot of guys to go over yep [Music] well Connor I gotta get those khakis I gotta get those khakis some guy named Scotty Sheffer is a plus 300 favorite and I’m pretty sure I’m gonna bet him this week’s a felon is that true uh he was gonna be and honestly I would I would I think he should have just gotten it over with pled guilty even though the charges were bogus even though the police lied like the they always do it was Scotty sheffler’s opportunity to get a little edgier to put a little street street cred on his name I think he’s got that already this guy’s unbelievably good and life for sure on a golf course where you’re going to have to be pretty precise and have a good short game I’m pretty sure Scotty shuffler is the most precise golfer I’ve seen in the last 10 years and His short game’s pretty damn good too uh any reason not to bet Scotty sheffler other than there’s not much Bang for your buck there I I think a win’s a win even if it’s only three to one yeah I have a I have a hard it’s like we said I have a hard time betting him at plus 300 just from the standpoint that I think anybody can rise up and win here yeah Scotty is undoubtedly the best player in the world there’s there’s just no doubt about that yeah we should we should never even thought about doubting it after last week because I thought we were oh Scotty’s been a little squirely off the tea lately and that could really hurt him it did hurt him it just hurt a everybody else a lot more yeah and I think I think that’s kind of the conundrum is is that like in my mind this this course kind of equalizes the field but if that’s the case Scotty’s still the best golfer in the field so like I think how do you think it feels where all these other guys are playing with a shorter deck of cards because Scotty gives himself so many more opportunities than everybody else so he can have a triple bogey on the ninth hole on Saturday and it’s like oh well I lost three shots I’m still up by one let’s keep building there’s a couple of other things too with Scotty too just like by pure happen stance like he’s not the longest hitter I mean he’s got adequate distance but his longest shots are still not going to be putting him into the same risk bucket as like a Rory mroy or right you know like um getting down a little bit down the board like maybe like even like a Tony fow distance-wise so yeah I you know or or uh oberg for instance is another guy that really can step into him off the te so Scotty I think just has the right mix of distance and accuracy and consistency consistent short game if robot if there’s anything that I worry about with Scotty like truly worry about with him is he’s not the best sand player in there is a shitload of like sand and dirt around this place so only 117 bunkers at Pine Hurst that’s that’s a lot I I’ve been told it’s it’s a few so yeah I don’t know I I think I think yeah you gotta bet Scotty almost you definitely got to play him in DFS but yeah I’m I’m betting Scotty I’m tired of tipping my cap to him like I did last week um another guy at the top here I mean you have Rory Mel RO number one in my model the reason being not because he’s great off the tea which he is not because he’s been good on approach he really hasn’t like his approach game has been holding him back but this guy’s short games pretty damn nails like Rory’s short game has been spectacular this season and that’s that’s the reason why we keep talking about him it’s like his off the te game is so good and his approach game has put himself he’s put himself in some pretty bad spots that he’s escaped pretty well from because the short game’s been awesome yeah no no real argument from me on Rory I think I think I’m hoping I mean we’re getting the Scotty Rory what is it Scotty Rory Xander are all going off together Thursday Friday I’m hoping that we get the Scotty Rory what a group like I I it be how good would it be to watch Scotty and Rory go head-to-head for four days yeah that’s that’s good golf that’s good golf television so yeah I’m on board with Rory too I I I mean obviously I like the number on Rory a little bit better Rory you can make an argument in a lot of ways that that Rory is as good as Scotty if not better Rory’s just not winning at the at the rate that Scotty is right now they have very very similar arsenals in terms of like if you look at the stats and everything it’s like if he was Scotty wouldn’t be winning at his current Cliff because Scotty’s winning everything that’s true but but if you I mean and I know because you’re looking at the same stats I am if you look at them they’re one and two one and two one and two one I mean it’s it’s not a terribly different mix of uh like I said weapons between the two of them so I like both of them I like I like the bet on both of them too yep all right and and that’s that’s the other thing is we mentioned it or I alluded to it is some of these top guys that are going to get a lot of play on the betting cards and they’re going to get overinflated odds they plummeted in my model because their short game so bad John Ron was one of them like pour one out for Johnny but another one is uh another one’s Brooks Kea Brooks kepka short game has been atrocious this year his putting and shipping have been atrocious this year and as great as the two-time US Open Champion has been in his career the Big Game Hunter the Ultimate Iron player is this golf course is a whole different breed this is not your typical Us open venue with deep 4 in Gross rough and and just really nasty pot bunkers everywhere and it’s got the lightning greens but it’s got It’s going to put challenges on the weakest parts of Brooks kepa’s game I don’t want anything to do with him this week nothing I uh so so I’m not betting him I may I may have him in DFS a little bit the the big concerning thing he’s got be in the pool in DFS because he’s so good and the the concerning pieces are what you said like the short game has been kind of abysmal this year the the only thing that I will say that he has gone for him just a little bit is that Bermuda is his best like putting surface by far Floridian so so I think I think what you need from Brooks this week to see him in contention come Sunday is he’s got to find the approach game which if you look at the last two starts that he’s had on the PGA tour the approach game has been like just below um flat so I’ve got him averaged out at about minus 0.02 so I mean he’s his approach game has been incredibly flat so the irons have got to come back for Brooks to really compete the problem with that is is that for an outright bet I just don’t see an alternate reality where Brooks takes down Scotty or takes down Rory come Sunday so yeah I have him as number two on Long approach over 200 yards which there’ll be a good amount of but he’s 49th in the 175 to 200 bucket which is also very important here that’s that’s a big red flag for me uh 111th in around the green game is uh in Cory Connor’s territory so and he sucks out of the sand sucks yeah he is so bad out of the sand he does not like the sand no um any interest in Bryson Des Shambo um question for me I’m a huge Bryson truther um I I bet him almost every single time that he teas it up on the tour not here are you sure yeah so so my thought on Bryson is this is that Bryson has Bryson has really good distance game and he’s actually gotten a lot better on the accuracy piece but the thing that will probably continue to hold Bryson back is that Bryson’s short game just never has really caught up to his long game it’s gotten better it’s gotten better but like this is going to be an incredibly difficult test of short game yeah and I just don’t see Bryson having the chops to like stick with some of these guys that are just amazing wedge and around the green create like artists you know yeah so interesting thing happened when I ran my model the first time Bryson was way down there in short game that’s what I expected to see he was somewhere like 39th in my model then I ran it for difficult scoring relative to par and it got a little bit better because Bryson obviously Big Game Hunter he’s played well at the majors uh and he went I he rose like yeah he rose up to 19th in the my model with that then I filtered one last time for courses over 7,400 yards and he went to fourth in my model so difficult conditions on Long courses he’s 27th in short game or short 17th in short game 27th in around the green isolated he’s top five in all of the approach metrics he’s number six in Strokes gain on par fours and number 16 in bogey avoidance this guy loves long courses and His short game seems to get better somehow on courses where a lot of people are missing greens he’s he’s putting himself in better spots and I think that’s because he’s hitting shorter approach distances he’s not putting himself in as many shortsighted uh situations uh I think that plays into it where because he’s hitting shorter clubs into the greens is he’s he’s maybe if he misses a green he’s on the long side he has green to work with where he has more margin for error he’s not short sighting himself like other players I think that Bryson fits this course just fine I think the degree of difficulty here is high for everyone and I did like to see that his short game got better as the courses got tougher and longer because I wanted to justify a a DFS Max exposure on Bryson because he’s going to score me a lot of points this week and B I wanted to be able to bet him at a pretty soft line yeah I so I so in transparency I’m I’m doing zero on each side of that um let’s go I’m usually not the Bryson Guy usually this is the the ju deposed here where you’re T trying to tell me how great Bryson’s been and I agreed with you last last time with the PGA it was it was definitely true I didn’t believe you at the Masters and and I was wrong and so I jumped on him we were both on him at the PGA we were both right at the PGA and now it’s come full Circle where I’m on Bryson and you’re not what the hell’s going on around here so here’s here’s the thing is that with his pricing and and his odds there’s just two guys that I like in this General vicinity just better this week like I I hope to God Bryson is there on Sunday because it’s a great watch like Bryson is Bryson is kind of what we need in live golf but he’s just so good when he’s on he’s so good well and he’s gotten to a Point too where he’s like he’s so much more tolerable than he used to be like I used to get like the maturity is definitely there oh yeah I couldn’t stand him when he was young and immature and being the mad scientist like yeah that whole Persona was just it was exhausting it was gross yeah I mean whatever now he’s the happy goluck now he’s the happy go-lucky nerd with the 3D printed iron so that’s that’s pretty cool yeah that I can get behind um so the two guys that I like here better um lude I’m I’m all in so lud viig in my in my mind is proving that he is pretty much chorus proof like we had some reservations about him um earlier in the season and we were kind of right for a long time I still have some I have so I have one with him and it’s it’s namely the around the green game but seems pretty important it it is it is but the things that I love about him he’s number four in the field for greens and regulation he’s not missing a lot of greens I’m not saying’s not going to miss him here because he will number four in bogey avoidance so he’s finding a way uh number six in sand saves number two in proximity from 150 to 175 and he’s number 12 overall from T to green and that figures in a couple of the bad performances that were associated with a knee injury that he’s now passed so right I I just think at 20 to one I trust I trust ludvig here a lot more than I trust Bryson just because I think that ludvig has the all-around game where Bryson has potential to demonstrate the whole package so much package so yeah ludvig fell to 29th in my model for the simple fact that I heavily weighted around the green and he came in at 136 which is worse than Cory Connor territory uh so yeah I get it it’s we’re we’re looking at the same stats he looks great everywhere else maybe a little bit on the longer par fours is not as strong but everywhere else is top 40 top 40 in in this field is very good 13 yeah 136 then short game on this golf course really dropped him down he still G me my DFS pool I’m just not betting this guy at 20 to1 even though I really like him I just I hope that he can chip around this course because it’s going to put every ounce of his ability on display whether it’s good or bad I think he’s about to get a major man I I think this is is one guy that actually he’s got all the talent in the world there’s no doubt I’m not saying don’t play ludvig I’m just saying I’m going to take my I’m going to take my chances betting somebody else and then I’m going to load up on him in DFS because I do believe lud big obber is on the verge of all the greatness that we’ve been talking about for what two years now we were very early to that party the earliest like when he was still at Texas Tech dreaming about the PGA Tour we’re like watch out for this Swedish kid sounds American don’t be fooled so uh so I think we probably both agree on this guy um Hideki matama 35 to one yeah number two in my model playing number 10 in mine no worse than 42 in any stat that I ran his around the green game and scrambling is insane yeah he’s which I would not I wouldn’t have guessed so I I I I filtered it for that that difficult long courses too it didn’t get much worse like he was a guy that stayed steady regardless uh another course proof guy he’s a great ball striker in a great short game his only kind of weak weak spot over the years has been putting but he’s been putting well this year so you can’t say that Hadi isn’t a good play here the only concerns this year have been injuries and he seems to be fully recovered from whatever Back issue he had earlier in the season I don’t worry about Hideki at all uh he’s got a really soft line uh I think I want to play a little bit of Cameron Smith alongside him because any any course that requires good short game I think of one guy and it’s the guy with the best short game on the planet I like the ties to the Australian like sand stuff too like I think oh for sure did you see the interview that that they walked with him with Johnson Wagner I couldn’t take my eyes off the SC I was at work I was getting I was getting in trouble at work for watching this six minute video of of Cameron Smith walking with Johnson Wagner on one hole just like playing a practice hole and just pick having Johnson Wagner pick his brain on how he practices how he’s preparing for this tournament or any tournament and he seemed completely comfortable with like we’re talking about brutal conditions that everybody is complaining about cam Smith is like I think it’s fine he’s like I love it I was like oh man that’s the attitude I want to hear I want to see this guy go out there and just shoot 65 on the first day and everybody in the dust 40 to1 on Cameron Smith just seems like an insanely long number for a guy that good yeah I have so so first off this is a guy you and I normally don’t agree on but I have no argument but you agree with me this time because short game travels and Cameron Smith has the best short game in the planet Earth he’s he’s up there for me and like I said some of the some of the similari to the golf he came up playing and his com comfortability with it like yeah there’s that’s a good number on cam Smith truly MH love it anybody else uh in that mid-range that you like that you’re throwing some money on some skin in the game so uh Fitzy this week has I’ve got a little speaking of short game so I uh and and I kinda I kind of think that had he not had like one or two really bad holes last week I think that be a lot lot shorter on him so so I I I think with Fitz I think he’s finding the accuracy he’s finding the control he’s finding like more importantly how to like plot his way around the course again like Fitz is always been like a player that can can literally plot his way around intelligently for whatever Reon chased a little bit of distance for a minute and kind of lost that ability to like intelligently move through the course I think he’s getting that back and I think you need that in Spades this week so completely agree on Fitzpatrick um his approach game has been a little squirrly but I think that his the way he chips and putts it’s been more than adequate he’s a US Open champion at a I think Brookline actually fares pretty well to to Pinehurst as a comp course because they’re both long par 7s and even though brookline’s more known for that traditional long rough and it’s still that same lightning fast conditions runoff areas I’ve heard Chambers Bay as a comp course Fitzpatrick played well there too I got a guy I got a really long shot that there’s a Chambers Bay tie to I bet so no with with Fitz though the last thing I want to call out is kind of kind of where something we talk a lot about Matt Fitzpatrick about is I like him in a lower scoring like a a higher scoring event I guess is the right way to frers I like a I like a course where Fitz has just got to plot around get some pars and that’s a lot what this is going to be yeah you don’t want to fits in a birdie Fest because he just doesn’t do that yeah I uh and you know I don’t like him as a human being but he makes a lot of sense here he’s just got big teeth I think he’s fine I don’t know watch full swing again he’s kind of a weird I I I I must just tap into the same brand of weird as him uh any Kristan Dean burm 80 to1 this seems a little short for him but he’s been playing great this year love Dean burm uh playing him in DFS a bunch got him on the betting card uh playing excellent golf on the live tour he’s playing good golf pretty much everywhere he tees it up I and he’s a South African guy so a lot of people are betting Dustin Johnson he rated out super high on my model I’m not touching him he hasn’t played well all this year I don’t know how he’s raing out well uh so yeah I’m not doing the DJ thing it’s he’s burned me twice already this year I’m not doing it uh yeah I got I got no interest like DJ is the prototypical live guy got his bag and now doesn’t give a [ __ ] about his craft I mean that that’s truly what he’s demonstrating so yeah good for him uh did we skip over anybody I’m I’m kind of looking I’m I’m going back to the Sam Burns well this week like Sam Burns is a lot like I’ll keep it really short with him uh a lot like Rory in the way we talked about him earlier in the year where he’s we’re getting three good rounds out of burns we just need four good rounds out of burns yeah and if we get that um he very easily could be in contention here so he’s another good grinder yep so Sam Burns at 65 to one I think is I think that’s I think that’s a pretty good price too so see with himim at 90 that’s a feeling I’m going to probably eat my words but I’m going to be out on SE woo this week oh thank God I’m I’m out on him too one guy I’m not out on is Christian bazen hoo I was a week week ahead of you so I’m right there with you though yeah it took it took me seeing what he did finishing fourth that Memorial last week this dude’s short game is nails and and it plays like this this guy’s playing out of his mind this year he’s really taking on a new form another guy where I ran all these stats and he was not outside the top 50 in any of them he was solid he’s top three top three in short game both metrics he’s really good on approach he’s really good at avoiding Bogies he’s just a solid golfer and he’s Dirt Cheap in DFS we’ll cover that but 110 to one for a guy that’s playing that well and whose game fits this course that well holy crap what a value yeah I I don’t know if you read my uh betting column last week but not yet I haven’t written my own no last week this week I did read it last week but yeah that was my biggest my biggest buying point with Bez was the elite short game and Recovery game that he has and it is truly Elite because he’s like number one in most of these categories and uh that’s what kept him where he was last week so um an even tougher challenge that emphasizes those skills like I love Bez this week so a grinder and a prodigy are both they were at 180 to1 they’re both at 150 to1 Kurt kyama oxa batia both Friends of the show any interest in either one of them because uh I can take some stabs at top 20 top 30 top 40 I’m not interested outright because I just think this field is too tough like this is this is a brutal field a brutal course uh O’s bogey avoidance is okay Kur Kitt bogey avoidance is great but his off the tea game has been squirly his approach game hasn’t been good his short game they both have great short games but Kurt kyama short game hasn’t been in great form this year uh I think I like oxay a little bit more even though Kurt kyama is the prototypical grinder um I would lean kittama the biggest concern I have with AE is is that his uh his long iron approach game is Just not that great and and frankly I I still like him in situations where we need an immense amount of shot shaping an immense amount of win play this is just this is a grind but like his his artistic skill and being able to shape shots I just don’t know that that comes into play so much this week so I I’d be Kitty Yama if I had to pick one okay yeah actually I have a 12th in around the green which is great that that does play here okay how about the toddfa got to be a pass on the toddfa I like the toddfa number one in around the Green in short game number two in Strokes game par three number 14 in bogy avoidance he is in he is a grinded out mercenary and I’m just thinking top 30 top 40 for him because he’s he’s such a good like he’s only miss three Cuts this whole year this guy’s just he doesn’t miss Cuts yeah he desus cuts the top 30 bet on Brendan Todd is plus 400 that’s better odds than you get on Scotty winning that’s actually let’s [ __ ] go Brandon the Todd father top 30 I’m updating a betting slip as we speak let’s go that’s that’s a good one yeah I mean if you can stomach the pl the 400 to one outright toddfather ain’t winning no but did you see the whale bet on Bez no somebody bet 50 Grand at minus 49,000 odds that Christian bazen hoot wouldn’t win so like pay 50,000 to win 300 bucks the C I was like damn his ex must be rich and spiteful dude that’s a I what if Bez does win and he could win dude 50 Grand just down the drain he like that’s um that’s a ball 50 Grand to win 300 bucks and you’re doing it for a guy to not win so messed up ballsy move it’s messed up that’s that’s that’s vindictive is what that is I got a guy at 500 to one and I got a guy at a thousand to one baby let’s hear him so uh our old friend Tim whiiing is at 500 to one he qualified so all the reasons like he qualified but Sergio didn’t bo bo poor Sergio I don’t feel bad for Sergio so this one is my Chambers Bay tie a little bit so Brian Campbell is a thousand to one he is a corn fairy player uh he’s having an an actually really good year um he has the distinction of finishing as the low amateur um at Chambers Bay when the US Open was hosted there he’s coming off of a five under for the US Open qualifier University to get into this tournament um he is ranked 10th on the corn fery tour for driving accuracy at almost 74% wow he is 12th on the corn faery tour in greens and regulation at an elite rate of 77% his around the green and Recovery stats are even better than both of those he scrambles to par or better 66% of the time he also has a residence in South Carolina and knows all of these North Carolina South Carolina courses quite well as demonstrated by the Duke University 5 under to get in say so um and on top of that of 13 events he’s played this year he’s made 11 Cuts has five top 25s that include two top 10s and a runner up in a playoff oh and the following week to the playoff he finished uh tied for third wow so this is a ridiculous misprice on a guy I if you don’t want the outright the top 20 is plus 1,600 in the top 40 is plus 400 repeat the name Brian Campbell no relation to Michael Campbell who won at pineur in 2005 beat Tiger Woods not to my knowledge yeah what if they were related then it’s an even better bet if he’s Rel is my prototypical I have done way Dumber [ __ ] with $ Five Doll bet like let’s go this is a real this is a real player that could show up hey even just making the cut and getting three four to one that’s better than Scotty Sheffer winning odds so let’s go let’s let’s hope for the best fire up a little Brian Campbell my dad put me on to that actually Brian Campbell lives in bluon where my dad lives nice and he’s golfed with him and his family a couple times so this is a this is a real dude not to be confused with bluffington from the TV show [Laughter] Doug shout out Dad if we get this one yeah shout out to the Honker Burger where Brian Campbell [Laughter] he go that’s all I got on the bedding side all right well let’s uh let’s head on over and try not to slam trunks like I did at Memorial last week I love Jack’s Place I love that tournament I had a great time watching it uh you had to tip your cap to Scotty and we’re going to go right back to the well with Scotty and DF while you’re tipping while you’re tipping caps why don’t you just tip yours to me a little bit y mhm congratulations for ending the very long I can’t even remember last time you had won it honestly it was almost two months I was on quite the torid streak I I had to go back and look at it and then then it all came crashing down I didn’t even break 300 points I don’t think I had a three out of six lineup and nobody was even in contention I felt bad for you I didn’t I just I I turn I knew as soon as I didn’t as soon as Thursday was over I was like I’m not winning this week all right no trunks slams The Club is well this would be a wrestling that was literally me in the blue shirt I think that’s the only drop that we have had the whole time we’ve been doing this show yeah the whole time I hope that doesn’t go away I like that one yeah we’re keeping that one The Goldberg toss in the pawn that was that’s always good that’s a linta too all right FS Scotty Sheffer averaging averaging 112. three DFS points per game you might want to play him oh$ 13,000 hairs he’s actually reasonable on roster ship projected for every music to my ears I mean it’s not great but it’s not horrible it’s not 38% like last week so it’s it’s 22.2 projected once the dust settles right now from the database we use there’s 42% of our closest friends that have used him in a lineup but well in the single entry lineup that I played him in where everybody else missed the cut I got almost dead last and it’s Scotty and everybody else missed the cut it was that was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen because Scotty was 46% in that tournament and of course if you get the chalki guy who wins and nobody else makes a cut you get dead [ __ ] last oh so funny like I you I mean you know uh we play a couple of these with u the two Tims that listen yeah one of last week was the first time I didn’t take all your money he he went one of the Tims went uh double topheavy with Rory and Scotty and I was like oh don’t take a play out of my book don’t do that it never ends well paid the price yeah oh you hate to see it but yeah Ian Play Scotty I’m gonna double the field if it’s 22% honestly yeah I I honestly I kind of like the prospect of playing Rory Rory’s the massive leverage point up here really he’s projected at 12% number one in my model I’m I’m salivating so I think I’m heavier Rory than I am Scotty I I think there’s more volatility with Rory but as we talked about in the betting segment I think Scotty and Rory are are pretty live to be in the final pairing I mean I I I truly think that the way they’re both playing right now I I think that could happen so take the ownership discount it’s well it’s amazing to me that he’s so low owned when if all you have do is run a simple model and you see that Rory sh game is outstanding like that’s it doesn’t make any sense to see him so leveraged I’ll take it I will absolutely take it and that makes me think that if Scotty is going to be trending closer to 40% or even above 30 by the time we lock and Scott and Rory stays low like under 15 then I’m going to flip my script and the the name of the game in DFS is always leverage you don’t necessarily have to have the best guy at the Top If you get a low owned guy at the top who does reasonably well which I expect Rory to do at least reasonably well and get a little bit creative underneath that’s what’s going to count and that’s what’s going to win you big money in DFS so I’m I’m intrigued by that because Rory is very very high on my list in fact he’s number one number one yeah in transparency I mean obviously I’m going to have some Scotty but Rory at projected 12.3% money yeah and and real realistically taking a $900 discount to start start with Rory makes it easier makes it a lot easier and a lot of that chalk is being dispensed over to Xander shafley at 115 so you’re taking a $600 savings to take a 5% increase in projected roster ship so yeah Xander’s going to fall somewhere between 16 to 18% once the dust settles at 115 I I think I pay up for Rory here almost every time yeah and and it makes it hard because you can’t really start with both two guys up there no so you’re going to have to divvy it up somehow and I’m going to have some and I’m going to have some Victor I’m not going to have any brooksie like I’ll have very little brooksie because I don’t think a short game can hold up so having more Rory and a little bit less Scotty and Xander and a little bit of Bryson there I think I’ll have enough balance at the top to where I can do whatever I want down in the eights and sevens and sixes because you’re all you have to do is say okay let’s see Rory take this thing down and then you’re you’re blasting away so many lineups that you just have the edge on like from the get-go is if Rory shows up and pushes the lead you’re still winning because he’s cheaper and he’s less owned than all those other guys up there yeah I think for for me uh the majority of my roster ship’s going to be Rory um and and oberg I I’m I’m mispriced at 96 mispriced and I I was really really excited to play morawa when he was projecting a lot lower chalk bomb Oh my God holy crap and that’s the problem is ludvig is underpriced but morawa is so underpriced that the whole field is like well it’s so easy to build a lineup with Colin and we just saw him almost win and beat Scotty last week he absolutely could have won last week he was one of only four players on Sunday to shoot under par at mirfield Village dude’s playing out of his mind right now and he absolutely could win this tournament too cheap col 22 to 24% matching Scotty’s roster ship rate like I’m sorry in that in that debate I get the price difference but above 9k like I’m playing Scotty over Colin every time yeah that’s that’s crazy if I got to take a stand at the top it’s it’s sure as [ __ ] not going to be morawa yeah Colin’s in my pool but he’s not going to see a ton of rosters because of where he is ownership wise and honestly I’ll have a lot more LV because 200 bucks more gets me to the same lineup decisions and then I’m out on Klay and Clark and JT honestly hasn’t showed me anything cam Smith is gonna get so much I’m gonna get so much over my skis on Cameron Smith that I don’t need Colin morawa I don’t need him well since we already talked about all those guys what what do you think about Max hom because what’s interesting about hom is that price at 8600 he sandwiched in between cam Smith who’s ordering on Chalk and Fleetwood who is chalk yeah so it’s Max H the like the pivot play in the eights sheh I don’t know if he has a short game honestly it scares me like I could see H missing this cut I could also see H grinding it out to be in contention if he’s leverage he’s definitely cheap enough and I mean honestly I I love Tommy Fleetwood here I really do but too many too many of my very closest friends love him just as much and it makes it hard in a DFS lineup where I’m going to build 50 lineups and if Tommy fleetwood’s in more than 10 of them I’m going to be upset I’m going to move stuff around because I don’t want that kind of exposure to a guy who a never wins anything and B doesn’t score DFS points it’s just it’s not a good money play it’s not a good exposure play in DFS like if you want to bet Tommy Fleetwood in a top five or top 10 bet that’s outstanding smart money but DFS with 20% of your closest friends that’s really dumb money don’t do it yeah and I think I think in the eights if I’m gonna eat chalk it’s GNA be on Hideki eight flat for Hideki is a ridiculous price and now and fits at 82 yeah I I think fits at 8 too like the interesting thing there is that he’s also chock so it’s like it’s like what is the least amount of evil here um in DFS and for me like I know it’s not a massive savings but I’ll take the I’ll take the $200 savings and eat the chalk on hideki’s averaging 14 more fantasy points a week that’s a big chunk more in and so he’s playing yeah and just hedge hedge by betting Fitzy like you know what I mean like e eating 14 to 177% chalk on Fitz I I just I don’t see the means to the end there I think I think I eat the chak on hii I might just fade fits in DFS any interest in $7,800 t Hatton normally I’m a big Terell Hatton guy I am off him this week okay I’m I’m debating cuz he’s he has a missed a cut he’s got four top 10 pretty solid all around season uh hasn’t showed up at the majors very much like that’s the one thing is like you can see Chell hadn’t play well on most events on the Liv tour and last year on the PGA tour this guy shows up and but he always has that one round where you just see him throwing clubs and throwing F bombs and and he might even be contention to win and it just doesn’t turn out well uh I don’t know if he has the temperament to withstand a USGA setup like he’s a lot like Rah in that regard where like just even having a bad break which every every player is going to get some bad luck on this golf course cuz that’s just part of the deal is you’re going to hit you’re going to miss your spot by six inches and it’s going to roll off into a waist bunker tlen would be absolutely erupted like a volcano if that happens once to him and that’s going to happen multiple times to everybody in this field yeah you kind of hit the nail in the head I mean I I won’t belor the problem the problem with Hatton is 100% his head yeah if if he hits one bad shot what a great golfer oh my God and and so fun to listen to and watch like not to take anything away from the guy but he’s a hothead and if he doesn’t play a good opening round like you might as well book his ticket home for him he’s the reason I want all golfers to be miked up he’s outstanding he’s he’s compelling television because not only he’s a hotthead but he’s also he’s more angry at himself like that’s the self-deprecating humor that he it’s so good like he’s a nice guy it’s just he just cannot follow through with the mental game of winning a major uh one guy that kept really good eyes on here for this golf course Immaculate short game sah theala 7600 is a misprice on him do you worry about the off the te game I worry yeah a little bit a little bit I worry a little bit yeah he’s been really bad off the tea really bad especially lately like the last time we saw him he was blocking balls 40 yards right snap hooking it in 40 yards left uh it’s his short game has been so good that he’s gotten away with it uh I don’t know if he can get away with it here no I think I think I go yeah I go up to Hideki or I go down to Sam Burns okay Burns is cheap 7200 for burns I’m not a big fan of this 7K range honestly I think a lot of guys yeah minwu doesn’t have the approach game uh DJ doesn’t have anything Tom Kim doesn’t have the length or the short game Burns is the class of this group Connors has no short game Bobby Mack doesn’t have the length Ben on doesn’t have the short game sunjay doesn’t have the length or the off the tea game or the putting so s so sunj is interesting to me if his if his roster ship stays around 12% I will have sunj based on the last really good short game just can’t pet the last two starts he’s turned everything around he’s gaining in almost every category so I’m going to watch the roster ship with him if it stays pretty flat like it is right now like I think that’s a good kind of pivot move to get away from some of the some of the middle uh seven chock there with like yeah you know Tom Kim at 12% and even Sam Burns to a point at 10 point one like you’re getting up there where like you can pivot down a little bit all right so three guys at 6,900 Russell Henley Brian Haron Adam Scott oh actually skip Adam Scott Alex norin great short game uh those three guys norin Henley Harmon who’s your preference I will raise you a Keegan Bradley I like Alex noron and Keegan Bradley yeah well Keegan I was going to get to Keegan and Dean burm at 6800 they’re both great in DFS uh Keegan the ultimate grinder the ultimate long iron player with a great short game uh his off the teame scares me a little bit like theala but it’s uh it’s the grinder like we’ve seen Keegan play so well in just terrible conditions that’s this is this is Keegan Bradley’s prime time we saw him do very well at Memorial last week and that was a great tuneup for just the conditions we’re going to have here even though the courses are completely different the difficulty is still there in the way I’m building honestly I’m gonna have a fair amount of norin Bradley and uh burmister I’ll I’ll have a little bit of Denny McCarthy right below them too I love Denny Denny was in my long shots betting article that’s that’s a good call because because Denny rates out really well here he’s been playing good golf I think I’m avoiding like the Justin Rose potential bomb um yeah he killed Russell Henley I’m kind of out on Harmon Harmon’s been a real wild card lately in terms of accuracy um that’s what you don’t expect to see that from him but as courses get longer he goes from a great play to a terrible one really quick it’s like an avocado ripening well and and Brian Harmon like feels to me and I don’t have any information about this I’m just this is a feeling starts the season good like he did this year he does that almost every year and then it just kind of tapers and tapers as the competition on the courses get harder Brian Haron starts to fall off more and more and I I think we’re I think we’re in that phase of the season so noran Bradley burm for me a little bit of McCarthy don’t need much to get there with him so oxe batia 6500 too cheap for uh Jeremy just answer the question in the chat the um US Open is being played at Pinehurst in uh North Carolina Carolina yep yeah that’s he lives late to the show but okay he’s right he lives in Moore County love it not less County more County yeah show you’re invited back that’s that’s good analysis oxa 6500 I’m all over that uh Lucas Glover putting putting no top 10 this year I’m not gonna play a whole lot in this mid six I’m gonna drop down to CZ and I’m gonna eat every ounce of that chalk I think CZ is so mispriced here it’s unbelievable right like what is going on here 6200 like what are we doing that doesn’t make any sense oh I like that sound getting into all right I’m going to throw one out there at 5800 who I’m not betting on but Rosy agrees uh it’s a guy who’s a short game specialist playing well lately we’ve seen him on the leaderboards Mac Meisner I got him starred I knew let’s go I knew it I knew we’re gonna agree on MC Meisner yeah I love I love the Mac Meisner call um 5,800 that’s a great great call for him and really nobody’s on him except for us so let’s go let’s get our leverage there nope that’s an awesome one um if you’re really getting down here Tim Whiting who I know I know I had to sell you on him a bit but um you can go back and watch the last show you didn’t have to sell me too hard because as soon as I I listened to your piece on him a couple weeks ago and then I did a little bit of extra research and I was like all right we’re hitting the button he’s in the pool and it paid off he played really well uh Sam Bennett Sam Bennett here I think is a good DFS play because he’s got upside I know you I know you hate him you hate Sam Bennett but I love Sam Bennett on tough golf courses I want to rip Sam Bennett’s stupid mustache off his face it looks pretty good he’s got the goatee in the profile picture here anyways um and then my My Guy Brian Campbell down here at 5300 I I legitimately think that this is a player that will make the cut and has a a pedigree that uh that plays well here so 5300 for him I think is if you’re down here it’s there’s nobody else right yeah I’m I’m looking at the guys with funny names like Christopher Pete fish or might be Peta fish but I looks like Pete fish P Peta fish sounds way worse it’s like really hard to Peta fish unless you catch them you brought a six-pack of Mike’s Hard Lemonade in your Camaro to me a 12-year-old there’s also a guy like uh Joey verich doesn’t have enough vowels in his name the only other guy that I see in here that like we’ve talked about recently and then we can move on to our uh our our final our final calls but uh Rico Hoy is down here at 5400 I don’t I don’t I’m not gonna play him but I love that guy what a what a great dude he’s legitimately the only other guy down here that yeah I think I’ll be fine with uh with with uh our guy your Guy Brian Campbell I’m going to look it up if he if he’s related to Michael Campbell this is the the safest bet of all time I can tell you I don’t believe he’s related to uh Michael what if he is though that would be so incredible my dad’s been playing golf with Michael Campbell that’s all I can tell you which I think I think he would have said but hey you know but no yeah that honestly when I when I’m finding myself top heavy he is kind of my play down here every everybody in this range from about 5600 down is less than 1% owned so I mean there’s Gordon Sant there’s Brian Campbell and that’s about it down here I mean that like the rest of them are crazy long shots that if you roster more than one roster with them you’re kind of getp from Denmark are you sure you’re not drinking sweet tea you could be sweet tea and something else well all right so well the Ezra me so who’s winning this thing Scott besides Scotty or Rory I I don’t like let’s let’s go with somebody besides the obvious who we expect to be there I’m gonna say ludvig oberg gets his first major win this week I’m gonna say Cameron Smith Cameron Smith is going to play and pay 40 to one I’ve already locked it in I have a trifecta top outright top five top 10 on Camp Smith that’s how confident I am and playing this type of golf course first round leader first round leader we’re going way down this is gonna be fun you’re gonna love this go go ahead with yours first I’m I’m gonna drop this bomb um I am gonna say roor Hideki matama first round leader okay first round leader Denny McCarthy that is a bold call what what tea time does he have he got like the 557 tea time it better it doesn’t even have it on here does it I don’t think so not yet I just refreshed it I don’t see him on here yeah if if you actually if you’re a listener and you actually care underdog uh Underdog golf on Twitter posted the tea times so you can bounce over there and check out the tea times yeah and if if uh D mcarthy is an AMT time on Thursday you hit that button that’s a big that’s that’s couple hundred of one odds for him to be first round leader it’s fun hat did all right the hat did all right last week the hat did great the Hat um did not screw us with the low number the Hat continues to defy All Odds yeah that was the lowest number we’ve ever drawn last week the Hat here we are number 11 in your modeling the Hat has selected number 11 you love to see it Tommy Fleetwood Denny McCarthy shut the [ __ ] up let’s [ __ ] go Denny I’m riding on you man which which is funny because I have it’s it goes Max hom Hideki matama Denny McCarthy trell Hatton and then bazen hoot well yeah my my uh Minefield there was uh straa fenale Fleetwood Glover Kim Meisner very good love to see it same dudes yeah well all right here’s to whooping your ass again this week Bo here’s to hopefully that doesn’t happen from Conor coflin I’m Bo mcre make sure you like this video subscribe to the whole Jam Damn Channel and follow us on X machine SL Twitter elon’s play drink I want to now uh I’m going to go jump in the pool though first that’s going to be fun it’s 106 that’s 41 Celsius by the way Tim Tim Burke is the ultimate hat fan I next what is next week’s tournament I don’t even remember like I’m so caught up in Pinehurst uh is it uh I’m in the same boat as you it don’t matter we’re going to be here next week either way either way I’m G to tell you what it is I’m going to tell you what it is Travelers it’s The Travelers oh that’s fine that’s Tony F now playground yeah just bet Tony F all right look forward to talking to [ __ ] to you on Sunday all right peace out boys and girls Wy early be on time next week n

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