Why Scottie Scheffler Is Dominating Golf and How It Can Help Your Game

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Scottie Scheffler, a reigning champion of the Golf world, has a golf swing that’s a subject of much debate. His ‘across the line’ position at the top and his unique footwork are not conventional, but they work for him.

There’s a lot we can learn from his approach, but more than any of it, his mental toughness makes up for any challenges he encounters on the course.

We leave it to Mike Malaska to help you discover how Scottie’s unique footwork, often questioned, can benefit 90% of the average golf community and how you can learn from Scheffler’s mental toughness to win more matches and become a better player.

Thanks for Watching!

00:00 Title
00:20 Mental Toughness
01:41 Preparation Helps the Mental Game
02:42 Learning From a Loss and Working on Consistency
04:35 Let’s Talk Scottie’s Swing
06:05 Some Basics to Learn From
07:00 Funny Footwork? Not So Much!
08:27 Scottie Drill!?
09:00 The Left Foot Matters Too
10:30 Let’s Review the Mental Side
12:20 Let’s Review the Golf Swing Side

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here we are we’re Upon Us open week now let’s talk about Scotty chefler and how and why he’s dominating Golf and why he’s such a big favorite this week and how what Scotty does mentally and physically can really help your game so let’s talk about first the way he reacts let’s talk about some of the mental things cuz this is what’s more important if you watch how he reacts to what happens on the golf course he makes a double he’s number one one in recovery so he makes a double he makes a birdie on the next hole he makes a triple he makes a birdie on the next hole so that’s the sign of somebody that can have a train wreck and get up on the next hole and leave it behind and still be com competitive and still believe in themselves and come back with a real positive outcome so that’s what most of you have to try to do you know one hole you have a bad hole okay let’s get to the next hole it’s like the first hole you’ve ever played so that comes back to you’re playing one shot at a time so he makes a triple on a hole he goes to the next hole it’s just a new challenge for him and he clears the mechanism and he’s just as committed on that hole and on those shots now the triple he made he might be better on the next Cole cuz he made a couple of bad swings he’ll make adjustments so he doesn’t do it again so the number one thing relative to his mental discipline is that he’s a one shot at a time guy and he’s not too affected by what happens if it’s bad or good so he stays really consistent that’s what we can all be better at and if you’re better at that you’re going to shoot better scores that’s that’s one thing for sure the other thing relative to who he is mentally okay he prepares himself and he’s very okay with where he is from a preparation perspective so when he gets to the golf course he’s done everything he can do to get ready to play that’s what you can do now you’re not a tour player so you can’t practice 6 hours a day but you can get yourself as prepared as you possibly can once you do that then everything else it’s just kind of a learning experience you know every round of golf is an opportunity to learn something about yourself and your game so it’s not not just about a score it’s about learning about yourself that’s why this game is so spectacular you can play it years and year 80 90 years old Bob Tas still playing he’s 97 so the it’s a game of a lifetime that’s constantly teaching you about yourself and you’re always trying to get better than you were yesterday so that’s what all these guys are doing so that’s the other thing we can learn from him now when it comes to him as far as practice goes what’s the first thing he had a he had a tournament there where he didn’t win oh my goodness so he’s had one tournament he didn’t win and he went home and what did he start practicing he spent a day working on his grip and his posture and his ball position and his setup and if you watch him when he’s practicing he’s very cognizant of making sure that he gets the club exactly where he wants it in his hands we’re talking exact not a little not close exactly where he wants it so he gets the club exactly where he wants it he’s got the ball position exactly where he wants it he’s got his posture right where he wants it and then he starts hitting balls from there so most of you if you would really understand grip and get your hands on the club correctly and get them on there every single time the same way you’d notice a big difference in your game the same with ball position and aim I mean I see people they go out there and they just kind of grab the club and the ball’s here and the ball’s there and want hands here hands here hands all over the place so you need to figure out what grip how you going to put your hands on the club and why and then you need to do it consistently the same with ball position and aim make sure that you go to the description below and get involved with molaska golf for the summer of Great Golf we’ve got an improvement package that we’re doing this month we’ve got the wrap SoDo mlm2 Pro we’ve got the Precision impact we’ve got Rotex motion we’ve got putting mirrors we’ve got all kinds of things that we’re given away to help you improve your game now these are all things that I believe in they’re all things that I use myself I wouldn’t get behind a product that hasn’t benefited me so make sure you get on go to the description description get involved in the summer of Great Golf and this price package that we’re putting out to improve your game so now we’re going to talk about Scotty’s swing and what can you learn or what can you take out of his swing that can help you as a player and when you watch tour players I mean there’s always things that we can learn and there’s there’s things that you can copy there’s things that you can’t one thing when Scotty practices one of the things he really practices is just make hitting solid contact so when he’s hitting balls his swing duplicates which is another thing we can all learn from even though you see some unique things in his swing I understand how he does it how it all fits together and what times what why he’s able to duplicate but a perfect swing as a swing that duplicates itself under pressure and you can hit the ball in the center of the face that’s a perfect swing perfect isn’t necessarily if you draw a picture and it’s and it looks like okay this is what it’s supposed to look like but if it does that you can’t hit the ball solid it’s not a perfect swing and if it doesn’t duplicate Under Pressure it also isn’t perfect why have we had Jack Nicholas Scotty sheffler all these different players Lee trino Tom Watson uh hail Irwin Tiger Woods every single one of their swings looks significantly different okay but they’ve learned to duplicate under pressure and they can put the club face on the back of the ball solid every single time that’s what makes them good so they practice hitting solid shots and they then they build their swings now when you watch Scotty’s swing he does a couple of things that are pretty unique one when he takes it away one of his big things is to make sure the club doesn’t get behind him which you know I I like that so he gets the club out here and then he has a real vertical swing and he gets the club a little across the line okay Jack Nicholas got it across the line he was a pretty good player but what Scotty does is when he does that he has all this arm freedom so he says all this arm Freedom so he turns but his arms are really loose and free which is what all of us could learn from because most people are so tied over the ball they get over it and their arms are so connected to their bodies that they can’t make a free swing you watch Scotty and his arms are really free and loose to go so that’s one big thing you can learn from him is to loosen up your shoulders and have let your arms they have to swing freely so when your body moves they can react to your body all right now once he takes the club away then when he hits it he has a funny what everybody thinks is a funny action with his feet so he gets set up and he goes and he jumps out of the way of it and his feet do something funny and everybody says wow his foot action’s terrible no his foot action is actually really good let’s talk about what he does so he takes the pu away little across the line and then Scotty Scotty has a little more lateral movement than a lot of the guys on tour he does it because he doesn’t have that big wrist hinge and he doesn’t create a lot of angle coming down so he’s he’s a lot more a lot less angle in his wrist so to create the angle of approach he slides forward on it a little bit that also that slide also gives him time to take the club from being across the line to get the club back in front of him all right now this foot is sliding and going this way so it goes this way and then after he hits the ball the left foot turns out of the way what can you learn from that two things you ought to hit balls where you stand there and make a swing and have your right foot slide back 90% of you that would make you significantly better why I stand on the lesson t every day watching people go with their right hip if your right foot goes this way your right hip can’t go out all right so that’s a really good drill for you to stand there and slide your foot back Greg Norman played that way there’s a lot of great players Billy Casper this right foot slid like this every single time it kept this out of the way so for most of you just practicing that is going to really help now let’s talk about his follow through when he falls through this foot goes this way and then this one twists out so he does this which I used to do when I was a kid I’d come into the ball when I’d hit it this foot would go this way so I’d go onto my heel and my toe would lift so if you would practice making swings where you push your left hip back far enough that it lifts your left toe and you’re on your heel when you hit it that would all o help you because that ties into what you did with your back swing so let’s get a little review here one practice the things you have control of his grip he’s so precise with his grip his ball position he set up that can help every single one of you okay number two when he swings he’s got a free arm swing he’s not trying to keep his arms tied into his body stay connected whatever you want to call that so he’s really loose and free with his arm swing number three how his feet work is a product of what keeps him out of the way of his arm swing he actually has some of the best footwork in dynamic balance in golf see your feet aren’t static when you play sports this hole leave your feet flat on the ground I get why they do it but as I’m swinging my feet are moving all over in my shoes so when you start with golf you want to start where you’re doing things where you’re stepping that makes the game a lot EAS easier and that’s basically what he’s doing I mean that’s not a funny move so let’s review what we’ve talked about one mentally we can all learn from what he does you watch him he has a train wreck and the next ho he makes birdie how does he do that that’s something you have to learn you have to learn to put things behind you and you have to live in the present you can’t get ahead of yourself you can’t worry about behind you only have control of what you’re doing he’s one of the best at that he also doesn’t believe that GOI defines him which you didn’t talk about before but he’s got it in perspective so when they hear the interviews he’s into his family his religion who he is as a person and what he shoots on the golf course doesn’t Define who Scotty sheffler is it’s just part of his life okay the other thing is he prepares as much as he can he knows he’s prepared as much as he can he’s ready to play and then he just goes out and he allows himself to enjoy being uncomfortable and enjoy competing you have to like to be uncomfortable that’s another thing that we need to talk about at some point in time you have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable that’s a big thing in golf and Sports in general cuz you’re not going to go out there every time and just go to your quiet place and everything’s beautiful and the butterflies are flying I mean I’d like that to happen it never happened to me too much so what happens when and you’re uncomfortable cuz that’s going to be most of the time you’re playing you’re somewhat uncomfortable either the score you’re going to shoot or you’re standing in front of people so that’s always going to happen so how do you deal with it he deals with it fantastic because it doesn’t Define him even though he puts as much time into it as he does it doesn’t Define who he is so let’s review the physical side the golf swing side of what Scotty works on one he is religious with his grip he’ll stand there on every shot and you’ll watch him and especially if you see him on the Range he’s sitting there he’s making sure the clubs right in his hands his hands are on there relative to the face exactly where he wants it before he sets up to the ball and then he’s very cognizant and very precise with how he sets up to the ball where the ball is in his stance and how he’s aimed relative to his Target what he’s found the most consistent aim before he ever makes a swing so that’s that’s first thing second thing he has a real free arm swing so he’s not trying to tie his arms into his side so he’s got a lot of freedom now the the the body mechanics guys the biomechanics people are talking about you want the club up high so you’ve got room to drop it down that’s the Jack Nicholas I mean Jack knew something that a lot of us didn’t know it was the Sam sneeg and a lot of those players so you’re seeing more and more players with a Freer and Freer arm swing and a bigger and bigger bigger higher hands so that’s one free arm swing two when he comes down into the ball this foot slides out of the way that’s the first move how is that going to help you well if you hit shots and this foot moves out of the way this hip can’t move up into the ball so that’s a really good practice thing for all of you to do to make practice swings where that foot goes back that’ll help you catch the face up and give you room for your body the other thing he does once this foot slides out of the way and he’s going through the ball then this foot turns this way so he goes slide turn slide turn onto his heel so going onto that left heel makes this this this hip moves out of the way enough that as you go through the ball your left hip isn’t in the way so you can just stand there and hit some shots where you go back to your left heel as the club goes through the ball most of you when you swing you go out to your left toe now I’m not saying you don’t get to the ball of your foot but this is a little bit of an exaggeration so that Foot Action that he’s has slide and then twist makes his hips do what they need to do to time with the clubs do it so those things in his swing can really help your swing thanks for watching this video on Scotty Sheffer and why he’s dominating Golf and with the US Open come up what he does that can really help your game be sure you go to molaska golf over the entire summer with we got a lot of things that we’re doing get involved in the summer of Great Golf which there’s a lot of giveaways a lot of things that are really going to help your game we look forward to the US Open this week and I look forward to you watching Scotty and now understanding what he does the things that you can do that can really help your game


  1. Sono grato per l'opportunità di impegnarmi in un discorso così ponderato. È un privilegio raro nel mondo frenetico di oggi.✨

  2. Hockey slap shot.. bowling. And if you were in zero gravity that is the motion. On top of that, when rory slips his right foot slips back

  3. Here we go again classic YouTube teaching a golf technique that's unique to him and himself alone!!! I'm sorry Mike but you golf coaches should be teaching a good grip, good posture, then just hitting 1000's of balls with the feet together drill. The golfer will naturally find his or her natural body/club swing. The truth is, golfers have to 90% work it out by them selves through repeated muscle memory training.

  4. Scheffler has the same swing as Bubba Watson except mirror image. If he's on, he's grooving but as Bubba can attest, when it goes south, you're screwed.

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