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[Free Match] No DQ: Kennedi Copeland vs. Jeff Cannonball | Beyond Wrestling (MLW Intergender Mixed)

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5. No Disqualification Match: Jeff Cannonball vs. Kennedi Copeland
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you introducing first in the corner to my right representing the calling healing from carosa weighing in at 400 lb the patron saint of hard core this is Cannonball [Applause] [Music] his opponent to my left weighing in at 120 lbs of pure angst the girl from Ocean a Kennedy cop [Applause] Ken well the crowd behind Kennedy here R Rock derer I think this is perfect wrestling weather it’s about 50° it is and and you know shout out to the Beyond wrestling faithful they’ve been hot all night it’s been a hell of a show things just keep getting bigger better and scarier Kennedy’s doing uh what she’s got to do she’s got to do a little cat and mouse here she can’t let Cannonball get a hold of yeah that looked uh like it was virtually ineffective yeah she’s got to hit harder than [Applause] that kicking cannon ball in the knee that’s not a bad strategy take out the legs well the bigger that they are the harder that they fall but to try and get cannon ball off a vertical base I mean the name says it all he’s a massive individual I don’t know that the single leg’s going to work now right into the knee goes Kennedy Copeland’s face this is a no disqualification match job and Kennedy copelan might be uh having to bring out the hardware she’s even able to find an opening yeah she bounced right off Canal that cross body attempt moved out of the way here uppercut in the corner Joey T firing away at the chest a cannonball little violence party action here Cannon Ball’s covering up I I got to say I have not always seen Cannonball fight in a mask but it brings a completely different element to his fo he’s got you can’t really see how much damage you’re doing him you can’t be face and right now looks like there’s virally none he popped right up and mow Kennedy down one of the huge advantages of wearing a mask is that you have a constant poker face oh now just going after the eyes of Kennedy Copeland all legal there’s nothing the official can do but look on just a punch to the side of the head and another thing you can’t do to someone wearing a mask Kenedy Copeland cannot return that favor in working the eyes of Jeff Cannonball Kennedy tossed into the corner sized up by Cannonball just crushed this is this is bad this is bad this is starting to look like a horror movie here on Friday the 13th buil it up ahead of steam oh just a running punch nearly took her head off with that right hand are you going to give Kennedy credit though she’s still in this fight some way somehow she is tough but for how much longer almost all the way across the ring there and she is in pain you can see well she might have gotten lucky get the separation I mean nobody wants to be tossed to the floor but at least 10 15 ft away from canon ball who might be trying to stalk her through the crowd I’m the F here at Ralph Rock Diner I’m taking a height oh yeah I’m running for it I’m Kenny copel I’m hiding behind the fans but she’s right H oh able to get out of the way in that chop attempt Cannonball who knows what kind of damage he could have done to his hand this could be the opening that Kennedy’s looking for those Knuckles across the solid steel now trying to uhoh trying to trap cannonball in the turnbuckles B those fingers back oh man there’s so many small bones in the hand a massive guy like canonball even still flesh and Bone Kennedy trying to get out of the way to no Avil but the the story here is the Damage Done to Cannon Ball’s hand and now to his face as he goes face first into the post like you said the cat and mouse game oh no that’s a separated shoulder right there and again just trying to rip the arm off of Jeff Canon ball copelan likes to use that armar to finish matches here she’s got a strategy coming in oh constantly flesh versus Metal Metal’s going to win every time lot of damage done to that right [Applause] arm Cannonball is now for the first time in this match walking away from Kennedy Cannonball forced to retreat over by the merchandise area cannedy looking for some skill in the form of staps excuse me in the for of the still yes she’s the first one to introduce the uh the plunder into there I don’t know we saw a quick shot of cannibal there maybe his hand was dislocated some dislocated fingers looked like he might have been trying to pop something in a place using that Jersey Barrier oh look at this Kennedy’s got the door oh there’s some dos in this [Applause] house you’re you’re right Cannonball could be seriously seriously injured by I wonder how much time he’s being able to take here perhaps popping those fingers back into place uhoh there’s another door let’s get crazy let’s get absolutely insane is that guy trying to pop Cannon Ball’s finger back in place can Ball’s relying on on fans for medical attention he’s probably more hurt than what he’s even letting on I mean even with those fingers wrist taped off yeah I wonder now I wonder if Campbell had a existing finger injury coming into this with the tap you get jammed up in that turn buckle like that Joey come on oh but going after the throw maybe he was playing posum this whole time the bait Kennedy in I mean that’s just a concrete block right there oh hit first right into it now Kennedy firing away at the leg now got to assume going after the quad the biggest muscle in the body and now a chair to the midsection he got canonball doubled over like you said Steel versus flesh Steel wins every [Applause] time throws the chair back into the ring you’re going to wonder if at some point I don’t think this is false count anywhere at some point they’re going to have to get back to the ring and thus far Cannonball continues eyes just continues to gouge the eyeballs of Kenedy cop oh no oh tailb tailbone first onto the concrete slab that was a bad landing she bounced off hard that was awful for Kennedy cin right onto that concrete Jersey Barrier now she’s on the other side with the merch here this this is dangerous this is dangerous for the wrestlers this is dangerous for the crew this is dangerous for the fans finally tossing Kennedy back into the ring there’s some doors and some chairs inside the ring it’s not really a safe space Cannonball slowly stalking his prey as he enters the ring I mean if you’re Kennedy what do you do at this point you just loaded the ring with weapons you just well maybe this is going to be it right here oh and the weight of Cannonball alone not enough to keep Kennedy Copeland shoulders to the mat Cannonball almost did her a favor there to get out of this but she’s got too much fight she kicked out I think he’s about to do another favor yeah peration here this is gruesome oh right between the shoulder blades difficult to protect yourself you said both these competitors do have Deathmatch tournament wins to their name as canonball might be looking to send Kennedy Copeland through the door that’s a used door that that ain’t fresh from the hallway yeah yeah it’s got the that’s like from the basement at Ralphs or something wait Kennedy just a backpack sleeper attempt here that’s not a bad strategy put cannibal asleep how are you going to be able to tell if this guy’s asleep can’t see if his eyes are closed have to do the old raise the arm but he he’s in a bad spot the door’s right there you got to be careful you put can the SLE oh through the door the door broken in half Kennedy folded in half sandwich between the door and her 400 plus pound opponent oh this is bad this is bad the official check it on Kennedy Copeland you’re going to think that this match is drawing to an end just slowly like like the murderer of a horror movie pins are up and Kennedy gets that left shoulder up I don’t know how she I don’t know how she kicked out of that I don’t know what she’s getting oh know what’s in his pocket [Applause] this oh no what is this what what is this paper he’s going to give her a paper cut I think no no right between he’s going for the fingers oh no oh my [Applause] God oh God I’ll tell you what I don’t want to make light of an attack like that but when you are experiencing excruciating ping like that how can you think about wrestling how can you think about defending yourself you can’t oh no he’s going for it again right between the fingers the absolute worst spot oh my God yeah I don’t know how Kenny K is going to be able to focus on this match now both her hands just going to be radiating pain at this point oh no oh no no no no come on enough’s enough oh my god let’s put a smile on that face r that paper cut right from cheek to cheek that’s nothing the referee can even do about it no disqualification it’s what she signed up for cop could submit she could she could throw in the towel she could give up but it looks like she’s going to keep fighting yeah we both know she’s not going to do that hold on to the ankle of Jeff canon ball oh caught him in the yag that’s another good strategy here from Kennedy it’s not the worst strategy there you go see what she can do here slowly getting to her feet though Kennedy Copeland is like the Final Girl in a horror movie here just fighting the serial killer oh but he’s got her by the throat might be looking for a choke slam but now Kennedy going back to that damaged hand biting biting those fingers I believe ripping the arm away just a straight Palm strike to the face she had some mustard on that I think he liked it wiped out Kennedy does even know where she is right now out on Dream Street well you better not be dreaming you’re at Ralph rock down right now P he gets out of the way and that turnbuckles down I think Cannonball met met the metal there kicked him in the face looking to go high risk oh big cross body able to take canonball off his feet canonball kicks out I thought she had him there she’s going to stay on top of him Ken I think she knocked him out oh Cannonball able to get the Shoulder up again that’s not going to knock him out what is up again oh my God maybe that one the pack the kneecap the cranium oh and sto not enough to beat Cannonball that was the closest she’s gotten though that was like a 2.9 right there looking her eyes trying to figure out what else it’s going to take to put away Cannonball [Applause] here there’s another door there is another door from the basement of Ralph’s Rock Diner be from the Ed put up a garbage bag or something nice keep the crit be [Applause] [Music] fine can ball though he’s just hung up on the ropes he hasn’t gotten back to his feet yet after that series of knee strikes yeah but again without being able to see his face he could just be playing Bome again he he is using this time valuably to try and recover that’s a great Point that’s a great point it’s Kennedy struggling to put that enormous door in position on the chair I I have no idea what she has in mind here Cannonball uh he’s feels the door right to the gut and a headbutt to even it out oh no he’s got Kennedy up top now what could he be looking for an iconic clasm this will surely end the match an elbow to the top of the head not to the collar bone that’s the easiest bone in the body to break and he fighting out of it and kicking him off now another boot to the face Cannibal’s doubled [Applause] over oh big senton send Cannonball face first through the door she got him she slayed the monster the girl from Ocean Kennedy Copeland what a huge Victory here Friday the 13th Kennedy Copeland slays the monster in Cannonball here at Ral Rock just a little insult to the injury she’s not done [Applause] [Applause] C


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