How to Break 90 with Only 3 Simple Tips!

You only need 3 simple swing tips to be able to break 90 in golf every time.
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are you trying to break 90 or even 100 consistently then this is the video for you now breaking 90 or 100 is very very different than 80 or 70 a part that kind of stuff because for those scores you really need to focus on specific areas of the game not swing stuff to break 90 or 100 the only thing you need to focus on is a couple three little swing things and it’s easy you don’t even have to practice that much unfortunately people get these wrong they don’t do them right once you do them you’ll be like oh gosh I wish somebody had told me this earlier I wish somebody had told me this when I first started I’d have been a lot further along a lot faster let’s get going because I want you to just easily hit the shots you need to be able to shoot your lowest scores ever and that is that will do it straight is always good let’s get to it get your alignment stick I’m going to show you this the first thing we have to do have to do you cannot break 90 if you can’t get this right it’s going to be our back swing number one back swing but not the whole back swing just this first part of the back swing let me show you this I don’t care and it doesn’t matter if you take take the club inside if you take it straight or if you take it outside none of those things matter you can do you is what I’m saying in straight out I’ll show you all the inside does is produce this type of shot inside meaning I take it back closer to my body the head is a little behind my hands that’s a little insight that’s fine you can play golf like that successfully you’re just going to hit this little draw shot a lot of people love that you could take it back straight nothing wrong with straight take it back a lot straighter fine with me it might go a little right or a little left just depending on what you do with the club face but that’s a great shot I don’t hate that you could even take it back way outside and that’s fine too because some people love that and they feel better are out here I like it sometimes because you can create a lot of speed doing that but typically you’ll get a nice high fate so you can see the way you take it back doesn’t matter but yes it does because you want to avoid this and the best way I can show you this and the other things we’re going to work on is with my hack motion sensor cuz feel you have to feel it and and you have to see it sometimes you feel stuff you don’t see anything so I’ll leave a link below for hack motion sensor if you’re interested either way I’m going to use it to show you what we’re talking about okay I’ve got hack motion sensor connected you can see everything the first thing you have to work on is the first part of your back swing so take my setup and I’m looking at my screen here on my hack motion sensor I’ll show you what you don’t want as you take this back all I’m worried about is this first part of the Swing right to about waist high here now look at the screen if my wrist is rotating it’s this rotation that we have to get out so I really want to feel that flexation that flexion you feel see that that’s different that’s different than this that’s extension I want flexion right in here so what that looks like here if I’m going back and I’m rotating here that club gets way way behind me this is a recipe for disaster so if you take it outside and you do that then that’s going to be this you’re going to return the same way it’s going to come back over the top shank City you don’t want that if you take it straight back and you do that again that face is wide open you’re going to come down in the ball high right no d distance whatsoever if you take it inside and you do that then you’ve got all kinds of problems Shanks included then it’s going to go right it’s going to go left it’s going to do everything you don’t want so the drill is this all you’re going to do I’m going to take it back and I’m just going to start to feel it go from whatever it is that setup to that Flex to that flexion right there that’s what I want to feel now it’s going to look and feel shut I don’t care that’s what you want to get to you want to take it back on your takeaway and just as soon as it gets to F there we go now I stop once it gets for me to like zero I’m just going to stop there and I’m going to work on that back swing oh 500 times I say that a lot I mean it 500 of those 500 little takeaways so that when you take it back you’re just here I’m like get it all right there now I’m feeling it whatever you do here in practice on the course it’s not going to look the same you’re going to do it nearly as much out there so do exaggeration mode here very important right there and then once you’re comfortable then just hit little shots I don’t care where the ball goes I don’t care anything we’re not working on the ball Direction at the moment we’re working on these little shots it gives me kind of my results there green is great red is no good which is fine I don’t care we’re just doing a drill and we’re getting it that first part get here get to oh there it is now go hit those little shots exaggeration is good just cuz the app says it’s not good don’t worry about it when you’re doing a drill you want it probably no good you want it extra done so I’m just going to be here set up right there back now go remember there are three drills we’re doing so we’re doing the first one in a way that’s exaggeration because we’ve got to retrain you from the rotation to no rotation on the back swing we’re just taking stuff out so that you get better we’re not really adding anything we’re removing stuff that’s the first one 500 of those and then you’re ready to move on to drill number two for drill two you’re just going to you’re going to forget drill one now you’ve already worked on that so it’s going to be ingrained you’re going to be way better already so take the club back set up take it to the top of the swing and from here this is where we have to eliminate this motion here a lot of people do this at the top of their swing and they get loose right in here and that’s this wrist cupping here you can see it down here you’re up here that rist cups now don’t tell me so and so on the PGA tour or whatever cups their Rich at the top you’re not on the tour okay you’re you’re trying to break 90 or 100 not 65 right if you’re trying to break 65 and you do that good on you you don’t need this video the rest of us we need to fix this because it causes all kinds of craziness appear that trust me you don’t want and if we can remove that you’ll easily break 90 every every time you play you won’t even have to worry about it so here’s what you’re going to do now you’re going to take your back swing right to the top right here and from here you’re going to look at your app and you’re going to go from wherever it is plus 1920 extension I’m going to feel this transition to flexion right there like go as much as you can people ask how much do I do it you do it all the way you keep going you keep going all the way fully turn it fully B all the way is what I say when do you do it you do it right here in transition just that’s your start of the downswing is you take it back here and you start bowing that right there I don’t care if your wrist I don’t care if this happens I don’t care any about that all I care about is you get the feeling and the feedback from your sensor if you got a sensor if not then you’re just feeling the bow all the bow in the world so I’m going to come up here set up to the top bow that there you go feel it and then swing you’re not going to hit good shots don’t even think about it but I want you to start feeling that from the top I want you to stop at the top right here look at your thing go go more all the way go there you go the sensor’s not going to give you good readings you’re going to do 500 rid of those just feel it let it swing feel it let it swing and what’s going to happen is what you were seeing feeling and uh hearing is now going to be leveled up on this drill once after 500 then you’re going to hit a shot and you be like oh okay let me now let me take a swing and feel the two things I’ve been working on and what happens yeah oh my gosh I’m already in Greenland I love that look at that beautiful shot perfect it faded 3et to the right I can work with that and so can you but there’s one more thing to kind of put the cherry on top we’re still going to use our sensor here because here’s what happens nobody can break 90 if you’re flipping the club way back here too early so we want to make sure that you come with your hands a little bit ahead of the club little bit forward shaft lean in here and then if you do that I don’t care but coming into the ball you want that compression that impact that’s really going to eliminate 95% of the fat shots here’s what you’re going to do you’re going to get your alignment stick I want you to do this drill where you swing and just stop up here like left pocket so take this as fast as you can you want to hear that Whip and the loudest noise wants to be right around here and then you want to stop why am I stopping we’re learning how to hit on this firm left side and I want to be here so everything I do is here and as I do this I’m looking at my little sensor and I want to make sure I’m in flexion when I stop so I’m watching my sensor I take it back there we go I’m flexing in other I’m not extended you see the extension there I don’t want to be here with that wrist bent up like this at impact we don’t want to be here at impact we want to be like here how many of these do we do you got 5 million 5, 500 right there take it back and stop look at that then what you’re going to do is you’ve trained you’ve created those neural pathways in your brain in your body in your muscles in your memory system so that because you didn’t do 10 of them you did 500 and 500 500 so you’re creating habits that are good and then you can come up here and without even thinking you’re going to do everything correctly this is great look at that hack motion says I was too flexed this is the kind of stuff that will help you shoot your lowest scores ever link below for this thing if you’re interested they’re awesome I use it all the time especially when I’m doing drills so that we can get the results we can get the feel we can get the feedback we can get everything we need it’s all down there in the video description below and now you’re on your way let me know comment and let me know your scores you can do this do the drill let me know your score down below love you guys see you next time


  1. I've been playing now for over a little 3 years mainly only on the weekends. So far, the best I have shot is 3 over par. You're one of the first YouTubers I started watching for tips and I have come a long way because of your expertise, thank you MR Short game!

  2. I am getting fed up with hack Motion, it’s on every channel. Expensive, and no wonder the amount of creators promoting it

  3. Hey Matt, I have a super private course in bristol, Virginia called “the Virginian” if I could get us on that course would you like to make the 4hr trip up

  4. Love my HackMotion. My instructor had me using it last year and it helped me as I was way too open at the top. I got it for $250. Expensive? Maybe. But my lessons were way more and this I get to use whenever I need it.

  5. Don’t want the HackMotion? Stack a couple credit cards under your glove on the backside that extend back over your wrist. If you extend the cards will dig into your skin. If you flex your wrist they won’t.

  6. Quite a while ago, I watched someone else's video showing the first part of your lesson and shot two over on a short 9 hole course the next day. My score was at least 9 strokes less than usual at the same course. The video guy said you should repeat the move for 1 year to make it happen naturally. Thank you for your lesson.

  7. All the hackers I know have the same issue. If the ball was Earth they all try to hit Peru. They try to hit up on it.

  8. I’ve been working for about 8 months on improving my swing and have tried several programs to improve my swing. Flipping is at the root of my problems. This video is 100% spot on. I’ve started flushing shots by doing the motorcycle move at the top of the backswing and the Pete Cowan move on the downswing. That is- rotating the trail wrist down while keeping the elbow tucked in to compress the ball.
    There is no better feeling than hitting a flush shot that flies further and straighter! Thank you Mr Shortgame!!!

  9. $250 sensor or $600 new driver that will def NOT help your swing. I have hack motion, and the prosendr, they dont help as much as you think they will. learn how to analyze your swing on camera, that's the most economical way to get better imo.

  10. NOT 2 B critical, : BUT,

    I know your golf room did not cost you twenty thousand dollars, and I know your tips, DO work, BUT, like me,

    So many people interested in golf, start by watching, tv, people practicing, somewhere, BUT, most can't afford the clubs, balls, lessons, driving range, whatever.

    I started by watching tv. Plant the seed, and watch it grow.

    Received a seven iron, and a couple of balls for Christmas.

    Thank you mom.

    Enter: friends, neighbors, now we practice? Practice what?
    We know nothing, baseball grip, swing as HARD as you can, and go look for your ball.

    I was lucky enough to have a family that cared enough, actually two family's. They gave me something, when we had nothing.

    Criticism, is the best teacher, not mean, but friendly criticism.

    Where was YouTube in the sixties and seventies? Eighties?

    The best teachers I had, made me think? About golf.

    Trying different grips, styles, swings, you get what I am trying to say.

    To the kids out there, that are like we were, LISTEN, we were kids before we got old. You too will be old, and kids, like you, will look at you, like YOU are looking at us?

    Make any sense.

    I claim I shot a 56, first time out, BUT, we wiffed, dribbled, and lost, and found some balls. So not an accurate score

    Now, fifty some years later, I can shoot in the fortys pretty regular, been in the thirties a few times, and yes, the fifties.

    Slower swing, straighter balls, better putts.

    NOW, let ME, show you how to poke a ball down the fairway, from under a tree, with no back swing OR follow through?

    Its called, "Hillbilly Golf. "

  11. Here are my 3 tips to break 90 assuming it’s something you’re actually close to (if you play 100+, 90’s not a real goal): 1) Reduce the number of clubs in your bag to what you can consistently hit 200, 150, 100, 80, 40 yards + putter and sand wedge – most only need 3W/Hybrid/9i/7i/5i/PW/SW/Putter; 2) Putt for speed/distance after getting your read/alignment so you leave gimmes if you don’t make; and 3) play with smooth swing tempo and play pace – too fast or too slow lead to mistakes. Way too much swing thought/advice on these videos. Even the casual/high-handicapper can master a handful of clubs that get these distances. Golf’s biggest issue is too many clubs, too much advice, and unrealistic expectations. Chefs don’t start with trying to master a tasting menu featuring something as complex and finicky as beef Wellington. They start with knife skills, food basics, and simple meals. A lot of people simply don’t play often enough to do more than get a small subset of golf things to a point of repeatability and ease. But that’s all it takes to break 90.

  12. Thought you were going to teach us how to score less than 90 with each of the swings. Instead now swing focussed not score focussed.

  13. This has probably been the biggest recurring issue I've had with my swing. I'll go from amazing flights, compression, and ball speeds/distances one week… to chunks, thins, and blocks/slices the next. Even within a round this happens, and it kills my scorecard. Then I get frustrated and spend another 1-2 weeks just fighting to get my swing serviceable again.

    Sure, maybe you're just trying to get sales through your affiliate link, but this has finally convinced me to get a Hackmotion and work on this consistency. Yes, I have swing cameras and a simulator with all the data, but I'm hoping the instant feedback features with Hackmotion make more permanent changes. Thanks, Matt 👍

  14. Curious your thoughts on the approach I’ve taken. In my setup, I create some of this flexion like you mention in this video, it helps me tons! It keeps my hands ahead of the club head pre swing and gets that feel in my head and helps me keep that feel throughout the whole swing and eliminate the funky stuff. Wondering if you think there are drawbacks to this approach specifically. Great video as always!!

  15. Practice your short game from 75 yards and in…. every time you are at the range, just practice until you are consistent in those small wedge shorts, and golf become so much easier, short game is key to low rounds, its that simple. Do not spend hours with driver, use them on short game area…..we always come up short or next to green, with sharp wedge play you have your par….. when pactice short game, remember use the bounce on the wedge for consistent shorts…..that is why the bounce is there 🙂

  16. I had a GolfTec coach tell me to make it feel like I was using a screwdriver and screwing in a screw to get that feeling of rotation in my back swing. That made a world of difference for me. Probably some of the best advice I ever got to get that feeling.

  17. Thats a product for golf instructors. Not every day golfers trying to break 90. If your trying to break 90. And are prepared to spend that kind of money on that device. Go spend it on decent golf lessons. I guarantee you can break 90 with a slice if you know how to play with it. That you have to learn. A wrist device cannot teach course management. Spend the money on lessons. This thing is ridiculous unless your a golf instructor.

  18. If you haven’t already, you should go play The Yards in ponte vedra beach Florida right next to TPC Sawgrass. There’s 9 holes and then 6 par 3 holes.

  19. Love your content, sir! Senior golfer who has lost a lot of flexibility. Struggling to drive 190 these days but can still score in the 90s due to short game. It sux going driver 5wood on average par4s. Any advice? Please help!

  20. Logged in just to let you know your ideologies are excellent! A very near perfect example of encouraging feel and individual exploration while maintaining enough mechanical structure to not confuse a newer player with too many pieces of confusing information that wastes ridiculous amounts of time. Keep up your fantastic work, Matt!

  21. Does this apply to the driver too or just the irons? Also should i do these three drills the same day meaning that I will hit 1500 balls in 1 day or should I for example do 500 for drill nr1 on Monday, 500 for drill nr2 on Tuesday and 500 for drill nr3 on Wednesday. And should I complete all these before going out and play 18 holes to kinda have it programmed in my swing so it comes natural or how should I put it together? Just a lost noob here who is really trying his best to improve and I love what you shared, just wanna do it the correct way 🥰 Please answear.

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