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USMNT’s disappointing loss, 2024 Copa America tournament predictions | SOTU

Alexi Lalas and David Mosse recap an upsetting USMNT friendly performance against Colombia. The 5-1 loss to the future Copa America opponent, drives concerns about the group. What needs to change amongst the team? What does the future look like for Gregg Berhalter? What do we need to see from the squad in their next friendly? The USMNT faces Brazil on Wednesday evening in Orlando, FL. Then, the guys recap a few more international friendlies from the weekend. (6:10)
We kick it over to Alexi and Mosse’s Copa America tournament predictions. Mosse shocked us all with his 2024 Copa America winner, he suspects someone other than Brazil to lift the trophy this summer. (41:09)
In #AskAlexi, the guys share their thoughts on possible USMNT coaching options including Bruce Arena and Bob Bradley. They also talk about leagues leaning into stars such as Chucky Lozano who is set to join San Diego FC, and Caitlin Clark in the WNBA. (48:34)

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About Alexi Lalas’ State of the Union Podcast:
U.S. Soccer legend Alexi Lalas discusses the biggest stories in the world of soccer from an American perspective. Join Alexi and soccer guru David Mosse, as they break down the USMNT, USWNT, MLS, Bundesliga, Premier League, World Cup & everything in between.

USMNT’s disappointing loss, 2024 Copa America tournament predictions | SOTU

Alexi Lalas’ State of the Union Podcast

This was um I think a a shameful and embarrassing and to be quite honest an unacceptable [Music] performance hello sunshine I’m Alexi lws and welcome to the State of the Union podcast where we look at the beautiful game on and off the field through the lens of red white and blue colored glasses this show we’ll be talking yes the US Men’s National Team disaster versus Columbia Caitlyn Clark’s soccer lesson graduation perspective cult docs chuie bur halter Crocker and so much more but first joining me as always my friend my colleague my guiding lights David Mossy a soccer Savant and a Fox Soccer researcher and writer extraordinaire MSI how you doing on this Monday June 10th in the year 2024 I’m doing well the summer of stars is upon us we have uh the Euros kicking off this week it is it we are we are good to go there is all sorts of beehive action happening up here uh in our digital space uh with men and women running around getting ready for like you said a wonderful summer of soccer all sorts of stars on hand in front of the camera behind the camera on the field all over the place we could not be more excited to uh bring it to you last week when we talked you were in research and preparation mode for these tournaments the Copa America and Euros have you had any time any personal time to watch anything my friend yeah for a guy who said he was shutting it down I actually have quite a few things to talk about okay first off I said recently on this pod that if there’s a creepy disturbing documentary out there cat will find it uh and she recommended to us this dancing for the devil on Netflix I watched it three parts I thought it was pretty compelling I don’t know if you’ve gotten around to seeing it I I watched it too um it it is it is creepy I think it is illustrative if you will of what our society’s become relative to social media and the hold that it has on not just young folks out there but in this case if you watch it um almost an entire family yeah the one silver lining is it’s gotten me into Crump dancing starting to learn the moves yes exactly but uh a couple other things I also watched this uh movie Hitman that was out in theaters and also released on Netflix Glenn po I thought it was pretty good entertaining it’s getting great reviews and I thought rightly so and then finally to and on a dark note I told you I recently read a book about French intelligence leading up to World War II so I’ve been kind of uh in that frame of mind also during the D-Day anniversary I gobbled up a lot of material about that so I watched this past weekend this Netflix six Park documentary Hitler and the Nazis which is actually done by the same guy that did the Paradise Lost True Crime dock um and I thought it was very good very well done all right so I I got to check that one out let’s see what I got um I I I too like I said watched uh dancing with the devil and was disturbed by a lot of what I what I saw but it leads me to something else which is the the genre of or I guess it would be the subgenre of documentaries that deal with Cults and I I’m sad to say that I have become I guess numb or apathetic to a lot of these stories and a lot of them kind of go the same way and there’s a part of me that that when this happens and look if if you or anybody that you love falls into something like this I’m sure it can be incredibly painful but there is an element of me that at some point we’re you know the the personal responsibility and the recognition and being aware of what is actually going on falls on the individual and look when people are there telling you what you want here and uh doing it in a way that is soothing and enticing I get how uh attractive that may be but time and time again we see these cult documentaries and you’re left going these people are morons why are they falling into this and I know it’s easy from the outside to say that but what I’m saying is it’s becoming predictable in the documentary form when it comes to a lot of these cult uh documentaries as is the subgenre of documentaries that deal with um business up and down and business failures especially when it comes to Silicon Valley and the tech industry and all of these startups another one that’s out is Movie Pass did you ever have movie pass no there’s a documentary about the movie pass which was a card that came about that enabled you to basically go to as many movies as you wanted you pay an upfront fee and then go to as many movies as you wanted and it it documents the rise and fall of this of this company and again it mirrors a lot of these other documentaries where they have the best of intentions a lot of times it’s kind of being done out of a garage and started with you know humble types of means and then grows bigger and bigger they get a cash influx they um start living beyond their means the business part from behind the scenes goes Ary and they kill the Golden Goose and look we all know that in business in general uh you know a very small portion actually are successful and there’s so many that unfortunately go away and in this case so it shouldn’t be any surprise that there’s this glut of documentaries that deal with the failures of uh a lot of the businesses out there but again it’s starting to become predictable and you lose the you know the sense of caring uh after a certain amount of these things but I thought it was interesting to take a look back into movie pass and again there are lessons to be learned in all of these as to what not to to do especially when it comes to business so those are a couple of um things to uh to suggest out there all right mossi should we light this candle my friends let’s do it g where should we start first we begin with the US Men’s National Team on Saturday in Landover Maryland they played the first of their two preop America friendlies and it did not go well they suffered a 5-1 defeat to Colombia John Adias and Rafael Santos bz scored in the first half Tima pulled one back early in the second half and then Columbia poured on late rich Rios Jorge kcow and Luis sinista all On Target it’s the US’s worst loss since a 4-n qualifying defeat to Kosar in 2016 which spelled the end for Jurgen kinman and the first time they’ve conceded five goals in a game since a 5-0 defeat to Mexico in the 2009 Gold Cup Final shout out to Stu Holden who was involved in that one we were supposed to tape a spaces after this game we didn’t why don’t you explain to the folks why and then give us your thoughts on the game okay so first and foremost um I I I am forever Associated and proudly so with the game of soccer it is how I make my living it is how I have made my living for Deca decades now but I I do have a life beyond soccer um my daughter graduated this weekend and uh in in in the schedule that is graduation anybody’s been through it you know that it’s incredibly hectic and I overlooked when it was going to be and so I apologize that we didn’t get to the spaces especially given the historic nature as you mentioned of of this game but I think I certainly can be forgiven but it did provide a moment of uh perspective because you know I’m up there in this Monumental moment for my daughter and for her classmates and and for a family and you know kind of this um this thing that many people go through and I was incredibly proud and it was incred incredibly moving and she’s Mo moving on and doing all that kind of stuff but knowing that this game was also going on that I that I do have a connection to and I have a and that care about I you know I started getting um messages and alerts as to what was going on and look there are a lot of soccer people around and so when the final score had happened even though I had not seen the game live people were talking about it I went home and then watched uh watched the game but when when I start to think about you know the reaction first off it was interesting to see how many people um even in that type of setting you know were interested and we’re we’re uh we’re following but all of that is to say is that I did not see it live and I did not experience it live and a lot of the emotion a lot of the passion a lot of the vitriol was in the moment and I’m not saying that it hasn’t continued on since then but there is a different type of experience when you watch something live and experience it with everybody as opposed to when you go back now I would love to say that I went back and watched the game and had a a different visceral reaction to that performance and to that result and and I think it’s more about the performance as opposed to the result even the historic nature of it by the way um I was never involved in a game uh to this magnitude in terms of a loss so that’s one thing that I can’t be blamed for wait a second 93 Gold Cup semis 4-0 against Mexico at the AA but that’s not five same margin of Victory but not five is different five is different than four okay even Ruckers taught meau all right so I went home I watch the game uh and this is again being I guess infected with you know some of the you know everything that people are texting me and people are calling me and then obviously going on social media which is what one uh one does This was um I think a a shameful and embarrassing and to be quite honest an unacceptable performance all right does this mean that Greg berhalter is a bad coach not necessarily does this mean that these players aren’t good not necessarily but it is concerning that in this moment when we talked about we were all looking for a reason to believe in this team some a reason to believe in this team again or some to A A Reason to Believe In the team for the first time against Elite competition with 26 in the background and not only did they not give us that but the way in which they performed and I use that term very Loosely I think gives a lot of people pause and I think brings up a lot of questions there was no Authority on the field and when I say Authority I mean Authority that comes from um a maturity that you expect from some of these players given their pedigree there was no direction at times literal Direction in terms of how they wanted to uh play and there was certainly no confidence and I guess you could put a slash Swagger and yes confidence and Swagger is something that you accumulate over time but these are not boys anymore these are men and they looked like a team without confidence Direction and authority and this is a group and this is a coach and Greg berhalter that have yet to prove that they can hang with Elite competition and that means that at least now and certainly after that game they are not Elite and if this US Men’s National Team is not Elite then they cannot win a World Cup and make no mistake about it winning a men’s World Cup is the goal and I don’t think that it is delusional to have that type of goal but after this 90 minutes I think you look at it and say we’re a lot further away from ever reaching that goal than uh we certainly thought the 90 minutes before that game uh this also mossi and we’ve talked about this a couple of times over the past couple of months this looked like a compl ENT and comfortable team and that to me is is really concerning because if these players feel that they cannot be replaced if these players feel that no matter what they do they are fine in terms of being on the team and in terms of being on the field then that is a problem not just for them but that is a problem for uh for Greg berhalter now I will talk about Greg berhalter in a second I want to I want to hear your thoughts here but I will say this finally soccer may be more so than any sport is for the players the responsibility and I guess the opportunity for the players in soccer I think is more so than any sport out there when the whistle blows managers coaches whatever you want to call them I think they have the least amount of impact and to a certain extent responsibility this was poor from the players on the field and when they look around they need to look no further than themselves and the other players that are in that room they don’t need to look at Greg berhalter they don’t need to look at Matt Crocker they don’t need to look at the media they don’t need to look at anybody but themselves and again it was disappointing from a group that we expect more from and who knows maybe we shouldn’t expect more from them maybe to quote the old movie this is as good as it gets but if this is as good as it gets then there is a big problem and if this is part of the process then the process may be flawed you mentioned the pedigree of the players the US released their lineup an hour before kickoff opta put out the stat it was the first time in program history that all 11 Starters play in Europe’s top five leagues there was a lot of uh puffing out of the chess over that and it was somewhat ironic that they got drilled by a team that had only five of their 11 Starters play in Europe’s top five leagues and only one of the five goal scorers the first three goal scorers uh for Colombia don’t even play in Europe they all played in Brazil uh Adas B and uh Rios uh and I want to use that as a jumping off point to talk about Matt Turner um yeah let’s dive into the actual game so I’m an Unapologetic Euros snob but even I draw the line at thinking that a goalkeeper is better off being a backup at a European Club than being a starter in MLS there are us fans that think that because of the environment and the day-to-day training but I’m sorry that’s been proven demonstrably untrue we’ve seen both Zach Stefan and Matt Turner become worse goalkeepers by going to Europe there’s no arguing that Matt Turner today is a worse goalkeeper than he was two years ago and you know listen none of the five goals were mistakes per se the Jamaica goal in the Nations League semis wasn’t a mistake per se but he’s starting to let in a lot of could have done better on that one goals and and goals that I think Peak Matt Turner would have stopped Matt Turner was once a Transcendent shot stopper and he’s not that anymore and that that’s an issue for the us and we talked uh with Brad frel about this at the convention uh it’s something that us goalkeepers have to be mindful of moving forward in terms of the moves they make to Europe because putting yourself in a situation where you’re not going to play is going to affect your form and is going to affect your play for the national team I could I I I can’t agree more when it comes to Matt Turner time and time again I was saying save the ball and we have seen Matt Turner over the years save those is it is it easy and is it a a complete flub by the goalkeeper no not necessarily but Matt Turner right now is not making those saves those big saves that enabled him to come in and take that spot from Zack stefen and again there are no sacred cows including Matt Turner he is not doing the job and he is not living up even to the high bar that he set and if you can’t even be Matt Turner as Matt Turner then there uh then there’s a problem um when we go through this um you know this performance and this uh this lineup so Matt Turner wasn’t good enough the backline was not good enough in terms of the defensive um abilities and coming out of the back and the playing out of the back there was a real concern that there was this romantic notion and come hell or high water this team was going to do what they wanted to and what was also concerning was that Colombia on the other side said these stupid Americans they’re just going to keep making risky passes they’re going to keep forcing situations and we are going to do the beneficiaries uh out of it uh Jedi was overloaded at times on that right hand side on his left hand side obviously um Johnny again was the US Men’s National Team Johnny as opposed to the club Johnny which is what we need him to be gioa was non-existent for the most part and Colombia ultimately probably should have scored seven goals given the opportunities uh that they had uh we were sloppy we were slow out of the back bad first touches back decisionmaking Chris Richards looked disinterested as he often does but he also looked tired and yes you can talk about the waya giveaway and you can talk about the Cameron Carter vicker’s pass out of the back and pepe not checking and all that kind of stuff it just it it it looked like they were each individually playing in a different way collectively playing in a different way and the way that they wanted to play they’re not good enough to play and maybe we’ve been saying this for for years but it really really was clear and evident in the game against Columbia I think Center back is the weakest position for the US national team when we talk about how talented this pool of players is golden generation and all the rest and we go position by position that’s the one area that I think people are forcing it and talking themselves into certain players being better than they are I think the likes of Chris Richards Cameron Carter Vickers Mark McKenzie uh even Tim ree who’s now 36 lost his starting job at Fulham and is now likely going to go to ml Le this summer they’re all just okay I don’t really see a really commanding Elite worldclass Center back in that group so I think when you go up against quality opposition that’s going to be a weakness that other teams are going to be able to exploit in um you know I was talking earlier about perspective you know going to my daughter’s graduation and there is certainly a bigger world out there and one that’s well beyond soccer for all of us even though we love soccer and work and work in soccer but perspective in sports is not something that you often talk about and I would even argue is not even necessary if you can find some perspective that is good so um are we chicken littling here when it comes to this day in that I haven’t seen so many US players individually and collectively all play Bad in a long time for this team and it was it just one of those days or is that the easy way out I was thinking about this a lot in the last couple of days as I observe the discourse around this game I don’t know if this addresses what you just brought up but I think it’s sort of related the US is attempting to do something that’s never been done before no Nation outside of Europe or South America has ever cracked the elite of this sport there have been 22 World Cups they’ve all been won by Europe or South America uh no uh Team from outside those two regions has ever gotten to a World Cup final there have only been three semi-finalists from outside those two regions one of them was the US in 1930 the first ever World Cup then South Korea 2002 and Morocco in 202 to um so trying to become Elite while uh playing in conaf means that you sort of turn the tables on the traditional relationship between friendlies and competitive matches people look at friendlies against quality teams from other regions as more meaningful than most of the competitive matches you play so it creates this disconnect you still have people like our colleague Colin cardd who’s operating by the traditional Playbook of how we tend to look at these things he said young usmnt fans are so predictable it hurts team team lost a friendly emphasis on friendly in preparation for Copa the Stampede to fire Greg Balter is underway every Liam Holden Fallon and Becket are Deming they burn the house down uh hash deep breaths so he’s viewing this it’s only a friendly calm down what really matters is the cop America but you said last week that part of you feels like these friendlies against Colombia and Brazil are actually more meaningful than the first two Copa games against Bolivian Panama I understand where you’re coming from because in the grand scheme of things as the US tries to become Elite you’re looking for relevant data points against Elite opponents so how we measure the caliber of opponent versus the context surrounding a match one being a friendly another being a competitive game that actually counts for three points and advancing from a group it’s going to be kind of interesting moving forward yeah yes to everything that that you said there but I think this this Segways into how we should how we should Judge Greg berhalter because obviously he has coming for a lot of criticism and has for a number of years now um there are people that no matter what happens are not going to believe that Greg berhalter is the right person for this job uh going forward and you know when it comes to his job I think it should be noted that Matt Crocker the US uh soccer Federation sporting director hired in 2023 he rehired Greg burh halter and Crocker could have easily easily moved on nobody would would have cared uh if he had gone in a different direction that Greg berhalter given the results uh given all the drama uh and the controversy uh and given the fact that Greg berhalter already had a cycle and traditionally and normally in soccer one cycle uh is enough but he didn’t went through a big Fanfare of a process and came to the conclusion that Greg berhalter was the right player uh right right person for the job you know Emma for the US Women’s National Team that’s an easy hire that’s that’s easy nobody’s going to complain nobody’s going to care but Greg berhalter for Matt Crocker that is his legacy all right Crocker is now forever tied to burh halter and the truth is that although he is the sporting director for US soccer Matt Crocker has one job and that is to be successful in 2026 and if at any point he feels that the situation that he has created is detrimental and hurts in the uh aim of that goal he has to do what is uh it is it is appropriate um I don’t think that he is right now looking at other other options and we’ll talk a little bit about this uh other you know teams now this is one game and the US has another game coming up here in a few days against Brazil and if they were to rebound you know what if the US beats Brazil then everybody’s looking around going well do we suck or are we good or are we somewhere in between and maybe the you know the the situation is that we are somewhere somewhere in between and you know I had said that I wanted these games treated like they were part of a tournament like you like they were World Cup games well Christian polistic is on limited minutes so Greg berhalter is not done that and in not doing that he has now pushed all of his chips into Copa America and so what is a successful Copa America and one that enables Greg bural to be quite honest to continue on I I don’t know but you know to quote Justice Stewart from many many years ago I know it when I see it I can’t tell you well you got to do this and you have to win this and you have to beat this I’ll know it when I see it and I think a lot of people will feel either incredibly relieved and hopefully they have some of that hope and that belief that we’re talking about or it will be an incredible failure and Matt Crocker will be left with a situation where two years before the World Cup he may have made the wrong decision and he has to correct it or he has to go all in now for Greg berhalter before we move off the Columbia match I do want to ask you about the crowd I know uh people on X brought this up to you uh over 50,000 fans but it was a decidedly Pro colia crowd they chanted Colombia’s to Papa Colombia is your daddy are you desensitized to this stuff or does it still bother you to see the US effectively play a road game here in the United States I mean I look somebody asked me on the x- machine earlier today of if if uh if the US fans um were to blame for the situation well first off absolutely not there is no blame on us fans as a matter of fact um the US fans that showed up to that game should be applauded and praised they are the real stars and let’s be honest given the performance they were the only stars from a US perspective uh on the day we and when I say we the US Men’s National Team and US Women’s National Team at times um but certainly the US Men’s National for the most part we have played away games at home for decades it is nothing new it comes with the territory H and even when us fans show up and they are the Min minority like they were against Columbia they’re like I said they are the stars it is up to the US soccer Federation it is up to the US Men’s National Team and Greg berhalter and company over there to motivate fans and and again listen I am of Greek descent incredibly proud of my Greek Heritage supporting the country of your heritage is fine got no problem with that but rooting against and actively rooting against the country in this case the United States what I feel is the greatest country in the world that has provided you and your family and maybe maybe multiple generations with freedom and with safety and opportunity I think that that’s Peak I don’t understand that I cannot fathom that but it’s up to the US and who knows in this effort to win a World Cup maybe there will come a point where you win the hearts and Minds even of your countrymen and women who would rather support their country of origin you got to you got to win them over and I will say this over the years I know it’s been a lot of decades it has changed a little bit it’s not as dramatic as it was the other day on a consistent basis even though obviously that was a home game for Colombia now next up for the US is Brazil on Wednesday in Orlando where there are a lot of Brazilians so expect that to be probably more of a Pro Brazil crowd um we’ve seen uh countries that have played two friendlies here leading up to these tournaments the Copa or the Euros they tend to play a stronger lineup in one of them and then use the other one to get a look at backups um Greg berhalter put out a pretty strong lineup against Columbia he didn’t start Tyler Adams and as you mentioned he took pulk off at halftime but for the most part it was a lineup that you could look at and say that’s pretty close to the A Team uh coming off a 5-1 defeat and now facing Brazil could he get away with rotating a lot here to get a look at different players or no he kind of now has to put out his strongest lineup against Brazil and try not to embarrass himself you know again you could have lost to Colombia but the way in which you lost I think just ramps up that pressure on Greg bur halter and now okay you’re playing against Brazil so it’s it’s the way in which you which you play in Brazil and I’m sure Greg and his staff will say yeah but there’s you know a greater good and we’ll we’ll use it to prepare and sure if if the option is winning Copa America or winning games against Brazil and Colombia before Copa America yeah I’m going to take that moment I think that’s more powerful uh especially relative to 2020 2026 the problem for Greg berhalter is what if you do need either you the bed versus colia what if it happens again against Brazil now you go into Copa America you talk about all chips in now it’s all chips in and what if it doesn’t go well in Copa America and again you let’s say you even get out the group and then you get your ass kicked by Colombia or Brazil which is way the way that it looks up or do you do really well in Copa America and we’re looking around saying well maybe there is a a uh a reason for the decisions that he that he has made but again I think he can’t afford to continue to have bad performances against Elite teams and there’s a lot of people and I totally get it right now that are saying put up or shut up not just to Greg berhalter and I I’ll finish it here and it goes back to the players because you know I I am I I certainly am critical and more critical now of Greg berhalter than it probably have ever been in the past but these players they have been given everything I will continue to say that and yet they are not reciprocating they are not playing individually or collectively I think at the level that we expect and the level that they can play at and maybe I’m delusional maybe a lot of us are delusional in terms of what this group actually is maybe it’s not that golden all right maybe it’s another color maybe it’s another metal out there and if that’s the case then we have then we have bigger problems but if you are so good you are playing in all of these different places you have all of these resources you have all these Pathways you have all these different experiences that previous generations haven’t had and you’re still not able to live up to stuff that we have done in the past by the way it’s not even about doing stuff that we that we haven’t done in the past right now I’m just looking to equal stuff that we’ve done we’ve gone to the semi-finals twice in Copa America after that game the other day do you think do you have any confidence that this team is going to the semi-finals I don’t think there’s a lot of people out there so it’s up to you Greg burh halter and more importantly it’s up to you players on the field to put up or shut up because this is unacceptable uh one bit of news the US made ahead of this match uh burh halter said Sergeant was unavailable against Colombia and was a doubt for Brazil and a doubt for the cope America so we’ll have to keep an eye on that in the next few days uh which is a shame because after balagan got the start against Colombia you would have liked to have seen Sergeant start against Brazil and do a compare and contrast although I did think Bagan was okay got the assist on the goal almost scored in the first half davinson Sanchez cleared off theine I thought he was one of the less bad players on the field for the US um less bad get hey there we go instead of Greg berhalter with the states t-shirt he should just have a less bad t-shirt on the sideline incidentally um Brazil played Mexico on Saturday and they played their second string lineup in that game they’re going to use the US game as the dress rehearsal for the cop America so the US will be facing it looks like a strong Brazil lineup in that Brazil Mexico game Brazil LED 2-nil mid-second half looked to be cruising then Mexico scored two goals late to equalize and then venicius and endri who had both come on as Subs uh combined for a stoppage time winner for Brazil 3-2 the final there and speaking of Venus he looked very good by the way after coming on he looked like Real Madrid Venus and I I brought this up before I’ll bring it up again facing Colombia and Brazil and these two friendlies complicates a little bit the right back situation for the us because Greg berhalter might want to have tried something more ambitious there like a Timmy waya but when you’re going up against Lis Diaz and Venus Jr you end up going for the safer option which was Joe scall and I thought scall was okay defensively but he offers nothing going forward so that’s where you really miss serginho D and we’ll see what bur halter does on Wednesday would would he experiment with a Musa or a way in a game against Brazil where you’re going to be pinned down in your own half for a lot of the game and going up against somebody like ven Jr look I don’t know how much of the chatter that Greg burh halter listens to or to be honest cares about I think Greg berhalter is a True Believer we’ve seen it on the field in terms of and at times frustratingly so in terms of what he what he does and I do believe that he has a plan get given again only a 90 minutes but a very very bad 90 minutes whatever plan that was either he didn’t impart it correctly to the players and or they weren’t able to perform what he wants and again so he might have to for lack of a better phrase dumb it down and I’ve said this before if the US men’s team wins A World Cup nobody’s going to give a flying you know what how it’s done nobody cares if it’s romantic nobody cares if it’s creative nobody cares if it’s beautiful all right you know what’s beautiful winning and this team needs to find a way to win regardless of how it looks I will say if you’re going to move a player out of position to play right back I think it would be Musa because bur halter seems to view McKenna and we as indispensable in other roles so you’d be robbing Peter to pay Paul Musa looks to be the odd man out right now so if he’s not going to start in the Midfield you might as well try him at right back he could be an improvement over Joe scall so it wouldn’t surprise me if that ends up being the solution there get him yeah get him on the field going forward and look there you know no Tyler Adams no seroes but you you got to we’ve talked a lot about the depth and the competition out there well again you know maybe maybe we were wrong and they’re not listening to this but I hope that these us players feel you know heat it’s all relative right heat in a soccer sense from media from fans from a culture is relatively benign and warm relative to most countries and cultures out there but I do hope that there is a inner pride and that there was a come to Jesus type of moment from Greg berhalter when they got back in and they looked around and at each other and at themselves after that performance because if it doesn’t get better I think it’s a problem for 2026 but I also think from Greg berhalter perspective it’s a problem right here and now and for these players uh to go back to Mexico Brazil’s R transition to other friendlies um I don’t know if you saw this but venu had this incredible nutmeg down the sideline and you could see in the background even Jimmy Lozano cracking a smile at the move that we need to put on one of his own General appreciation for the for the m i mean and he’s we’ve seen this now many many times it’s what he does he is an Entertainer he is a uh he is a great player but again if you’re if you’re an lree fan right having seen the last two games you must be in this moment where like are we really bad or are we okay so they played a lot of backups against Uruguay got drilled 4-0 so then they felt the pressure to get a result against Brazil so they play their strongest lineup there and really took that seriously as a real game so you can see this contrast of how teams approach these friendlies uh Canada Jesse Marsh era is off and running and he put out a strong lineup in both games they got drilled 4-0 by the Netherlands but then came back and held France to a nil nil draw pretty good result for Jesse Yeah and again in I was talking to uh producer sea earlier and he was reminding me of the 1980 men’s Olympic uh hockey team and they got their ass handed to before the tournament so things can certainly change you you like to have all guns blazing going going in it doesn’t always work that way and sometimes tournaments are magical types of moments that don’t always correlate to what happened before and from a US perspective maybe you’re hoping that’s the case that’s the case here and as we’ve said before and we’ll we’ll do some picks here later on there’s a possibility the US might be playing against Brazil or Colombia again so if you got two you know two times at Colombia um you know the chances of you beating them twice especially how good good they are you know are slim but so they’ve got their one bad one out and maybe later on in the tournament and in a tournament situation where that’s all that anybody remembers uh that that’s what happened s this L tree team I think a lot of people feel and have felt that this is the worst Mexico version of Mexico in a long time and yet you know they come out and they looked confident and they looked you know successful even they ultimately lost the game against Brazil and you jux oppose it with the way that they played that first game and again you’re left saying well are we really that good and maybe it just goes back to you got to take Friendlies with a grain of salt and really until the whistle blows in an actual competitive environment it’s it’s difficult and dangerous to analyze and to put too much stock and weight into these that’s quite the reference for Sean Sullivan to drop Miracle on Ice I didn’t think he had a clue about anything that happened in the previous Century right but listen maybe he’s been on that uh Wikipedia machine or something that doing down rabbit holes uh the uh reigning Copa America Champions and reigning World Cup champions Argentina they beat Ecuador in a friendly 1 nil unheld Maria scored late in the first half came on for deia early in the second half Argentina looking very strong and this is a matchup you said we’re going to do our picks in the next segment this is a matchup I think we’re going to see again in The Knockout stages of the C yes you do can I can I just circle back because I kind of gave um you know I didn’t give enough time to Jesse marshan that is a that is a obviously a very good result especially coming off uh getting their asses handed to a few days ago and so um I do think that Jesse Marsh is going to make this canidate team better what that looks like in terms of the greater scheme of things I I don’t know but this is a type of result when you go back into the locker room you look around especially for a new coach that’s vital because it provides credibility and there is a method to whatever Madness you have you know very recently but still tried to impart on them should be noted mbappe didn’t start he came on with about 15 minutes left almost scored a great goal in stoppage time denied by CPO but still you look at that France lineup a lot of names of notes so that that was an impressive result uh and and when we talk about and obviously we’ll be talking a whole lot about them this this summer with the Euros the depth is something that everybody goes to immediately where they can field multiple teams a lot of people think France and England are the two best teams at the Euros England had a shock friendly defeat to Iceland at Wembley 1- nil which has set off some alarm Bells there well they should definitely fire the coach right multiple cycles and right before a tournament having a horrible horrible performance against an and this is even a situation where they’re playing an elite and they were horrible right isn’t that how this works the Three Lions um there is a strange type of of calm when it comes to England I feel like people should be more up in arms after this result and maybe they’ve just been around long enough where they know all that matters is the euros and this is a warm-up game and it was just one of those things uh Jude Bellingham did not play uh Portugal minus Ronaldo lost at home to Croatia Germany had a nil nil against Ukraine and then needed an 89th minute goal to beat Greece so a lot of the favorites a lot of the teams that you and I have going far struggling in these pre-tournament friendlies we’ll see if that’s indicative of anything or not really I think it’s I think a lot of this stuff that we’re talking about right now while we might reference it going into the tournament once the tournament takes place it takes such precedence and almost just nalms a lot of the narratives that were uh that were out there uh we made our Euro picks last week are you ready to make some Copa picks I am ready my friend are you ready because I got some interesting things that’s coming up in the next segment all right uh we’ll take a quick break like we said we’ll come back we got some Copa picks for you go okay welcome back as promised we got our uh Copa pick uh last week you got our europ pick and now we’re off to Copa here um okay let’s go Group by group here mossi I’ll give you my teams that are coming out and then you give us your teams that are coming out group a Argentina Peru Chile and Canada I have Argentina winning the group and I have my good friends led by Jesse Marsh up there in the great white North Canada coming in second I got Chile third and pro fourth what do you got I have Argentina 1 Chile 2 I toyed with Canada But ultimately I went with Chile because of the manager Ricardo gka he uh specialized in doing more with less he got Peru to the 2019 cop America final and two other semi-finals he has great pedigree as is a manager in this competition I think he gets Chile out of this group okay Group B Mexico Ecuador Venezuela and kamica I have my friends Mexico as much as it pains me actually coming good in the tournament a different version of elre showing up in the tournament they come out first from this group and then more conaf coming at you I have Jamaica coming in second which means Ecuador and the vinotinto Finish third and fourth respectively I have Ecuador one Mexico 2 I am super high on this Ecuador team they’re managed by Felix Sanchez who coached Qatar at the last World Cup didn’t fa so well but kind of landed on his feet getting the Ecuador job uh I love some of their personnel I’m enamored with Kendry pz a teenager that’s going to be heading to Chelsea when he turns 18 I think he’s going to be one of the breakout stars of this tournament if he was Brazilian he’s a guy we’d be talking about like we do endri he’s that good but because he’s Ecuadorian flies under the radar a little bit obviously enner Valencia up front we know his pedigree in major tournaments Moises cetto in the Midfield Inc capier at the back uh so they’ve got some players I think they’re the class of this group and then I’m pretty down on Mexico but they landed they landed in a group that I think they can get out of although Venezuela Can Be Frisky I am going to put Mexico second and have them advance and you’re not giving Jamaica any chance huh I am not you think because they’re just not good enough or because the T turmoil that we see turmoil Leon Bailey I don’t know what’s going on there okay that’s that’s cool um all right Group C USA Uruguay Panama and Bolivia again I have the USA completely throwing out the results from before the tournament and finishing first keep in mind that they play Uruguay as a third game so I got Uruguay or USA finishing first then Uruguay then Panama then Bolivia I am a Marcelo belela groupy as you know so uh I have Uruguay winning this group and fairing very well on The Knockout stages as you’ll find out in a minute uh and then the US finishing second uh even berhalter can’t screw this up with Panama and Bolivia the other two teams in the group but yeah Uruguay with Darwin Nunes up front even some Suarez sprinkled in guys like Val and Benton Cor in the Midfield ATO at the back I think they are loaded in Prime for a big summer all right and Group D with uh your Brazil Colombia Paraguay and Costa ricaa I have Brazil winning and I have Colombia finishing second I toyed with some things going on uh you know gold differential type type of stuff happening with Columbia and Brazil but I’m still going with Brazil and Colombia I agree it’s pretty much a jump ball between those two to win the group I’m going to go Brazil 1 Colombia 2 Colombia now unbeaten in their last 22 matches they haven’t lost a game since February of 2022 their all-time record is 27 which they achieved in the early 90s that great team valderama Ron aspra lonel Alvarez Andes Escobar Etc so they could break that over the course of this tournament depending on how far they go uh but I do think they finished second in this group Brazil advances as the group winner okay I’m going to take you through the quarters semis and finals and then I’ll come back and get your quarter sem so finals here okay um Argentina we talked about going through and Jamaica for their efforts of going through which I put them through they get to play Argentina Argentina beats Jamaica Mexico in an all cona CAF Affair beats Canada the USA gets a second bite at the Apple after that horrendous pre-tournament drubbing five to1 against Colombia actually beats them in Copa America in the quarterfinal and your Brazil beats I know what your is is one of your favorites Uruguay so I got now I’m going to the semi-finals and this is where Greg burh halter the perception of him fundamentally and completely changes this is his moment this is his stand I talked about him putting all of his cards and all of his chips in when it comes to Copa America and what this is what this is well we knew he was have to have a big result and going over Colombia that is certainly a big result but it couldn’t get any bigger could it oh yes it could Mii USA over Brazil in the semi-finals of the 2022 Copa America and Argentina over Mexico in the other semi-final which gives us an Argentina versus USA final and this is where the train ends for Greg berhalter but he’s already playing with house money if as it were Argentina beats the United States to win cop America and defend their Copa America Title uh I have in the quarterfinals Argentina beating Mexico whenever those two countries Square Off In The Knockout stages of a major tournament I always hearken back to the 2006 World Cup round the 16 uh Zack Kenworthy favorite Moxy Rodriguez scored a famous go this left footed volley to win the game but they play him well play they do play him well even if you know on paper it looks like there is a big distinction from the two I think that they rise to the occasion I’m talking about El tree relative to Argentina that’s true then I have Ecuador beating Chile then other side of the bracket I have uh Brazil beating the United States if the US were to knock Brazil out of a major tournament I would not only quit this pod I would probably move out of the country no no no you don’t need to quit that pod why are you doing that why are you saying that no that’s that’s as anybody that’s listening to this pod knows I actually find this Brazil team to be quite vulnerable so it’s not at all outside the realm of possibility that could happen I’m only joking but I you know it’s bad enough that your your uh country of origin there would lose but I don’t want the State of the Union to lose out on this too okay fair enough I appreciate that and then I have Uruguay beating Colombia so that would set up Argentina V Ecuador Uruguay V Brazil uh in the semis I have Argentina beating Ecuador and then I didn’t want to pick Argentina to win this tournament because that’s boring so I determined that the Brazil Uruguay semi-final winner was going to be my pick to win the whole thing to beat Argentina in the final I went to bed thinking Brazil I woke up this morning and switched it to Uruguay so I have Uruguay beating Brazil in the semi and Argentina in the final and winning their 16th cop America love it love it love it love it love it okay cool well we’ll see if uh your your Uruguay love pans out here when it comes to this summer I love it I love it well it gives a lot of people uh out there something to dig their uh teeth into and let us know what you think because I’m sure that there are people out there that are banging their head and screaming and yelling and saying this is ridiculous how could you possibly pick it well you know what you got your own picks so tell us what you think um anything else MSI that’s it all right let’s take another quick break when we come back it’s time for ask Alexi and my one for the road don’t go any okay welcome back it’s time for ask Alexi and my one for the road here uh keep in mind that uh our handle out there on all the social media platforms is s with Alexi you can use that hash ask Alexi out there or you can call our state of the union podcast hotline which is 65754 2297 that’s 67549 2297 Mossy what do the folks want to know this pod uh we have a voicemail let’s take a listen hey alexiy MSI this is Chase from gret and Nebraska and I’m calling in to kind of talk about the future a little bit the Poss and possibilities moving forward obviously I’m calling after um the Columbia game so not our best showing and there’s a lot of speculation moving around of of uh Greg berhalter’s future and at right now I’m still on the side of keeping him obviously though a few more results results like that and there’s going to be uh the us are going to be moving in a different direction but there’s a lot of people that have already moved on and there’s a lot of names out there that people are throwing around and in my opinion A lot of them are not realistic names nor do I think that they’re very good fits especially this close to the World Cup um they’re just they’re just not realistic and when I think about possibility of coaching candas moving forward uh what I hear a lot when you think of us coaches obviously Jesse Marsh has gone to Canada then you also think of a lot of people bring up Bruce Arena who I think might be an option but there’s one name out there that I feel like should maybe get mentioned a little bit more and that’s Bob Bradley so my question is if the US job doesn’t does open up what are your opinions about Bob Bradley possibly getting another uh turn as us coach and then Bruce Arena he’s out of a job right now secondarily what are your opinions on uh bringing Bruce Arena back around uh for the 2026 World Cup okay Chase from Nebraska first off this uh this calm tempered uh even killed mature approach you need to get that out of here that’s not what uh sports are about when it comes to the job all right um but your your suggestion of Bob Bradley I I don’t think that that is is even remotely a possibility nor do I think that it should be um Bruce Arena I guess could potentially be there because he’s just kind of waiting in the in the wings I do think that there if if A Change Is Made especially with Matt Crocker he’s already shown with Emma Hayes um you know a willingness to go out there and to get what whether he he thinks it or not what the consensus is is a great coach and again just because you were a great coach somewhere else doesn’t mean that you’re going to be a great coach where you’re going but you’re hedging your bets BAS on the uh on the track record yeah I don’t think that Bob Bradley is the answer if there is a change made to your point Chase um I’m not even sure that Bruce arena is the answer I mean he had the opportunity to come in now it’s a little different in that this isn’t necessarily an emergency situation two years seems like a long time it’s not necessarily a long time but the emergency situation back then was Bruce Serena coming in and trying to qualify the team which ultimately he failed at uh at doing I don’t think I think that there is a gravitas that Bruce Arena would bring to this situation that I do think actually could be beneficial I don’t think that this is going to happen but that type of reverence um that type of maturity I think ju depose with what Greg berhalter is and Greg berhalter can’t be that type of of Coach many years from now he may be but he can’t be be that type of Coach I do think that there’s something to be said uh said for that I I think ultimately that if a change were to be made it would be made and they would go out and they would get a you know for lack of a better word a foreign coach and somebody that the Mass’s feel is appropriate I don’t care where the person is from I don’t care if it’s a guy or a girl I don’t care where they were born I don’t know care what their background is I care that they are able to come in and to a certain extent put the fear of God into this team and motivate them in a way individually and collectively that gets them to play up to their potential and I don’t know ultimately who that is the whole thing there’s a there’s a whole I don’t know if you’ve seen this m there’s a whole narrative out there about the money that is spent I never saw the Federation ever talk really about the money I mean not that they can go out and spend $100 million dollars or anything like that but money has never really been an obstacle when it comes to a a coach and they have to be prudent and they also have to recognize that whatever they do for the men’s team they have to to a certain extent do for the uh women’s team and that’s you know part of the situation right now but I don’t think that money is an obstacle when it comes to a coach it’s really about who’s going to be the best fit who’s available who can come in and just because you like I said we’re successful somewhere else doesn’t mean you’re going to be successful do you see any situation happening where a bob Bradley or a Bruce Serena were called back in my question for Chase is is Bora milinovich un available face likes retreads huh wow yeah no I I agree with you if bur halter Flames out it’ll be a foreign manager I could see Wilfred nansy getting some consideration his stock is high right now in American socc because he’s hot because he’s hot okay um but you know when we had why is Wilford nzi a better Coach than Greg berhalter well he just won MLS Cup and took the crew to the Kaka Champions Cup Final where they lost but they were poisoned at the whole you know that’s become a big conspiracy theory on social media can’t win can’t win the big game there you go when it comes to uh you know conaf Champions Cup uh incidentally when we had Doug McIntyre on last time I did ask him if a mod or clock was interested in the job would US soccer be able to afford that level coach and Doug said based on off the record conversations he’s had they would find a way to make it work sponsors or whatever it took to raise the money course they would find a way to make it work but it doesn’t necessarily mean that it would work and between those two as strange as it sounds I think I’d rather have Mourinho um than than Klo you know coming from it’s it’s hard this is not yet an elite group of players and you are going to be in a situation that for many of these coaches they have never been in uh either either never coached internationally or they’ve never not coached the elite of whatever situation that they are in and that’s a very different type of coaching out there uh but good question Chase but I don’t think uh that Bob rally is going to happen what else we got uh next up I requested this we have uh the X poost by San Diego FC they are the expansion team that will join MLS next season and it was them welcoming chuki Lozano and announcing that they have agreed a four-year contract for chuki it sounds like he’ll play uh the first half of the next season with PSV and then join San Diego in February of two 2025 in preparation for the start of the 2025 MLS season and this is occurring against the backdrop of a larger conversation going on with MLS right now we know that they uh have wanted to move away from the retirement League stuff and sign younger players they’ve done that and I think overall has been for the betterment of the league but there is this growing feeling that they’ve gone maybe a bit too far in the other direction I know for a fact that in conversations between MLS and apple X it’s been brought up that inter Miami aside MLS is lacking a bit of star power right now if you look across the other 28 teams there aren’t that many move the needle Global Stars so all of a sudden you’re starting to see Olivia jaru heading to lafc it sounds like Marco Roy to the Galaxy chuki loano to San Diego and I think we could see a couple more signings like that in this window so it is interesting MLS trying to find that balance and again embracing the value that these stars have and attracting casual fans to the league I mean the the concept of stars and names and selling them and using them is nothing new and by the way it’s nothing new in soccer uh or business for that matter and certainly when it comes to the the sports industry uh out there and again I think you are doing a disservice and not doing your job if you don’t utilize the star s uh that are out there and in this case I think that this is a a logical type of partnership and a signing that just just makes sense on on multi- different uh levels out there you know MSI I’m glad that you brought this up because I think that this will dovetail into what I wanted to talk about for my one for the road and that is Stars and that is in particular one of the biggest stars right now in the world of Sports and I guess even the cultural world out there so this is someone that has transcended the game and in this case we’re talking about the game of uh basketball and that’s Caitlyn Clark you know this uh young woman I do so she’s been all over the news here and you know it it got me thinking about stars and what they mean and to your point how you use them and I was on their uh the old uh X machine over there because you know X machine is a outlet for opinion about everything and everybody’s got an opinion and in this case everybody has a platform and to a certain extent a megaphone to exposee it um and I went uh on X and I said uh and I’ll read it verbatim here I don’t know enough about USA women’s Olympic basketball to know if Caitlyn Clark’s omission is a snub but I do know that right now she would be the only reason I would remotely care about USA women’s Olympic basketball that is how powerful a draw she is now I put that out there into The Ether and as often happens it comes back tenfold in this case hundredfold people were not happy with me commenting about basketball in this case women’s basketball in this case US Women’s Olympic basketball and they certainly weren’t happy in the what they perceived as the negative way in which I commented about it um it got me thinking about the way that we think about American soccer and I’ve been around a long time aie as you remind me and everybody reminds me and so I have seen what American soccer uh has become and I have to a certain extent become numb to some of it and this the irony is that you know this blowback that has come from telling people what the truth is and the truth is that I don’t watch women’s basketball I don’t watch basketball I don’t care about basketball now when you say that every everybody clutches their pearls yet from a soccer perspective I’ve been listening to people say this for years when it comes to soccer to my face even and so this oftentimes American ambivalence and even outright dismissal towards soccer is nothing new something that we all know well and it comes with the territory and the onus is on you know soccer to come up with reasons to convince people to care and the onus in this case is on basketball women’s basketball Olympic basketball to come up with reasons to care because if you only want the people that are there then you’re never going to grow you’re never going to expand you’re never going to evolve and we don’t want that from a soccer perspective I’m sure that basketball doesn’t want that uh when I think about what’s happening with Kaitlin Clark right now it blows my mind you have this Golden Goose and so many people now are trying to kill it which is insane and you know there was a writer a basketball writer because Hell hath no fury like the women’s basketball Community out there especially if somebody from the outside comes in and we see this in soccer 2 where we gatekeep and we’re snobby and we’re elitist about it and this writer named Lindsay came back and said wow and she quoted me saying that I wouldn’t remotely care unless Caitlyn Clark was there and she said that’s a hell of a statement especially from someone who’s an analyst of the women’s US soccer team what are we doing here we don’t care or support our women’s team unless Caitlyn clerk is involved yeah yes exactly and when people say the same thing to me about soccer I don’t have a hissy fit I don’t get angry I don’t call them names I take a few moments maybe try to convince them about how beautiful the game is and how inviting the game is and how much you might enjoy it and then I move on often times to the wonderful refrain of Bonnie rate who’s saying I can’t make you love me if you don’t my point is it’s a really interesting position to be on that other side and I’ll be honest with you it’s kind of fun to be on that other side for a change but if I can give basketball in this case women’s basketball any advice don’t waste this opportunity harness it use it for all it is because it will be fleeting and we’ve seen this in soccer when it comes to Freddy Ado or David Beckham or Lon Donovan or you know the list goes on Mia ham the list goes on and on and on all right you’ll get people into the tent and many will come there for whatever reason and whatever reason you pick to enjoy basketball or in our case soccer it’s good my reasons are my reasons and your reasons are your reasons and if you like soccer because of washboard abs or good-look people or long hair that’s as good as me liking soccer for a beautiful pass or a beautiful cross I just want people into the tent and I’m not going to Gat keep bring it in for whatever reason it is that you like and in this case it’s Katlin Clark and again I’m not saying anything that people don’t know and I’m also not saying anything that a lot of people don’t feel out there and if Caitlyn Clark is on the Olympic team or not on the Olympic team isn’t going to change my life one bit but if you want me to watch yeah she makes a difference that’s how good she is at least in my mind in what I have been told and that’s how powerful she is and whether it’s a Chucky Lozano or anybody else out there that’s what you’re trying to do not the soccer people out there but the people that maybe can be soccer people and whatever brings them into the tent I’m good with it m anything before we go I know we’re running along but I do want to ask you a question uh it’s clear that some of the other women in the wmba resent Caitlyn Clark I’ve been proven right that women are caty whether Aaron Kyla and cat like it or not um but after the 94 World Cup when you got all that attention did you feel any resentment from other American soccer players who felt like your level of Fame was disproportionate to your talent sure absolutely you know and you’re getting attention you’re getting opportunities you’re getting money you’re getting Fame all of these different things and those that either were part of that group that didn’t get as much or any or those that came before look we’ve all stood on the shoulders of others but again um you know I I often say that in American soccer we eat our own well evidently this is not a unique characteristic of American soccer because it applies to other places and it applies to other sports and leagues out there and it’s just so defeating ultimately and so you have to get be able to get past that not since Isaiah Thomas 1992 has there been a more controversial Omission from a US Olympic basketball team I’m not sure if Michael Jordan had anything to do with this one but yeah Caitlyn Clark will not be in Paris this summer but the the the the thought that because I don’t like basketball I can’t broadcast or report or talk about women’s soccer that’s insane that is insane so I’m look I’m gonna keep talking about women’s soccer I’m GNA keep talking about basketball too and guess what Lindsay or anybody else out there go ahead talk about soccer whether it’s at a high level or a low level or anywhere in between I give you complete heart blanch to talk about soccer till your heart’s content and I’m not going to judge you for it as a matter of fact I’m going to embrace you for it all right wonderful anything else M before we go that’s it it’s been a hell of a uh interesting first show of the week and this week is only going to get better as we said we have all sorts of stuff to look forward to including starting this Friday this incredible summer of soccer with the uh kickoff game of the Euros 2024 and then segueing next week into our coverage of cop America so fun fun things ahead hopefully better things ahead when it comes to the US Men’s National Team it’s a really really interesting moment that we are in right now let us know what you think keep downloading subscribing rating doing all the different things that you do we will talk to you again later on this week and then as I said right into these tournaments uh these du World tournaments happening just wonderful wonderful things uh until then and as always my friends size the day


  1. Btw why is Wilfried Nancy a better coach than Gregg? UH…. MAYBE BC HE WON MLS???? MAYBE BC THIS IS THE BEST THE CREW HAVE EVER LOOKED????

  2. 22:30 These people never forget to mention how Gregg's brother is an influence. And how shady both hirings have been. Regardless of Crocker's efficacy in his spot.

  3. Winning a world youre not even close to win copa think you can beat south america in copa america, then europe and south america to win the world cup? Talking about dellusions

  4. Alexis, respect what you say about fans, I was born in Colombia raised in America, I love America, when US plays against any other team I am rooting for US all the way, against Colombia, always Colombia, plus, in Colombia soccer is #1 in America not sure maybe 5th or 6th sport.

  5. Like Mexico, the US needs to leave Concacaf and join Conmebol to play club and NT games.

    Concacaf is holding the US back

  6. Like Mexico, the US needs to leave Concacaf and join Conmebol to play club and NT games.

    Concacaf is holding the US back.

    48:30 Also, Lalas’ Copa America picks are a great joke.

  7. I find it very hard to place all the blame on the players and it's a little unfair. It's like you criticize the players for not overcoming the underlying problem. Its like blaming a QB for getting sacked when there wasn't anyone blocking for him. Every good coach knows how to beat Gregg's system and he forces the players to play predictable. I find it very frustrating when people who know the sport either don't see the obvious or they refuse to recognize it.

  8. In Alexi head, he's like man I had to miss a USA game for my daughters graduation!?
    Well lucky for him he had to miss the second half lol

  9. 22:06 It is not that some people think that Berhalter is not the coach for the job no matter what happens, but it is that, when you dig deep into his tenure, he does not have a really good result and a string of very poor performances, last of which appear to become even more frequent recently. Many people say that tying England at the World Cup is a very good result. They just lost to Iceland at home just before the Euros, and they have been very inconsistent and have had a number of poor performances under Gareth Southgate. It is frustrating to someone like me to see that some people don't see this.

  10. Uruguay 🇺🇾 has only a Population of 3 millions, half are women and 800k are retired people….. the kids are like 500k.
    IN URUGUAY YOU ONLY HAVE 200K MEN who can maybe play Football (is not soccer) IS FOOTBALL.
    USA Population 320 million and Mexico 150 million in Mexico and 40 millions in the US… COME ON GUYS!!!!!!

  11. How is the us team considered golden they have never won anything outside of concafe if they wanna get better stop concafe and throw all the teams into cop’s America so they can play strong competition year round and truly get better them and Mexico are nothing more then big fish in small pond vs South Americas sharks in an ocean

  12. mute video everytime Alexis has a podcast and just go to the comments and laugh at all the comments at his expense

  13. I thought I would never hear a worse take than Alexis’s predictions, but the first caller gave him a run for his money. Two former coaches, both of whom were fired, to replace the current coach, lmaoooo

  14. I thought I would never hear a worse take than Alexis’s predictions, but the first caller gave him a run for his money. Two former coaches, both of whom were fired, to replace the current coach, lmaoooo

  15. Alexi: What makes Wilfred Nancy a better manager than Gregg Berhalter?
    Well unlike Gregg, he has won a tournament at the club level…

  16. Aside from Pulisic and Robinson, rest of the team played like bums…especially Gio Reyna. This late on the timeline, the usmnt must switch exclusively to playing as a counter attacking team. Because they lack the talent and pedigree to go toe to toe with the elite teams of the world. They need to hire an elite Italian coach like Antonio Conte. Italians are the masters of counter attacking football.

  17. So true Lalas. Some people forget who gives them shelter. As once some said. Don't spit the hand that feeds you. Have some respect…..

  18. Lalas doesn't get it, Wishful Thinking IS NOT sports Analysis. Even delusional mexican media is more aware of the Reality. Conmebol is years Ahead Pathetic concacaf.

  19. Team USA wasn't on the field alexi, it was Pride FC. When the US federation wants to reprioritize their agenda and insult the country and that shield in the process there is zero reason to support that team. Stop guilting people in supporting this team for the sake of the country when they are disrespecting the country themselves. They clearly didn't learn from the women's world cup, where the arrogant players didn't respect the country that was on their shirt, now this federation wants to impose the same things to the men's team, which I'm sure do not want to push to the extent they are doing. I hope the u.s. loses this tournament the same way the women lost their wc. Mic drop!

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