Can EAL Break 90 on Pinehurst’s US Open Layout?

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Welcome back to Break 90! Host of the 2024 US Open, Pinehurst is one of the toughest challenges in Major Championship golf. What would a decent golfer shoot from the same tees as the pros? Stick around to find out.

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started you doing okay honey mhm it’s go time I don’t need anything else today I got them I got I told you golf f w you they were out there let’s go come on it’s kind of wet out here they called the breaking series for one reason another breaking series here we are Pinehurst number two I just read a quote from Donald Ross that said golf should be a pleasure not a Penance tell you what out there you get to choose anyway break 90 of Pinehurst is back big thanks to Aros this series is presented by them I’m going to pair up my link Pro which allows me to to track my round seamlessly I don’t have to think about anything super fun starting round optimizing links GPS accuracy so this is the most accurate easiest way to track you around here we go first hole bada bing I am more excited for this breaking series than perhaps I’ve ever been I’ve put a lot into my game over the past few weeks I want to say months but the truth is it’s been weeks got some core stats going got some body work done and I’m feeling kind of like a chimney you know hot and stiff [Music] you try your best to uh keep it under double par here all right that’s the goal little Char down two yards left of charl is that good yeah they it’s pretty s so Brandon we obviously hung out a bunch this week crowning achievement of your life when it comes to golf what would you say it is crowning achievement honestly just bouncing back from breaking my neck D honestly I I like that I mean I was looking for uh winning the NCAA Championship L but whatever yeah that’s the same thing yeah that’s a great achievement for there I’ll have that the rest of my life not a lot of people can say that in fact what is it like eight people per year can say that uh five five not even eight five plus two coaches two coaches there you go you also hold the course record at Tobacco Road uh as far as I know what was it now 60 60 man so I think we just want to look at like whatever the fat side of the green is just yeah that pin’s going to be in the back we got 185 so the Miss obviously is going to be here on that that right side it’s easy up and down with a putter hybrid or something like that um if you want to play a little short of it and right of it 180 75 80 yeah 180 would you do maybe like six irons like 85 I’d probably hit a six early in the morning just smooth six yeah just smooth six okay let’s do it well we did say that was a place to miss not the best bounce but uh I was thinking you know like I’m not going left right well that’s probably why you missed it [Music] right yeah man it’s a putt for me putt yeah really over this mound you’re not going a little bump and run or something what do you like like a little pitching wedge there yeah something at least Landing over this first Mount take it out of play feel like the putt you know it’s a pretty long that’s long try to land in that like Dow grain area take take two hops and Skip up there Co safe all right let’s make one well everything on this screen is pretty flat man so not going to be moving a whole lot okay little slow all right and we’re in on the first was that a six that was a two three four five yes sir all right [Music] as a caddy do you uh do you care if people play the back back or would I mean we don’t really care I mean we don’t suggest it just because you know I mean shoot the best in the world going to shoot over par here so do you really want to beat yourself up that bad you still enjoy the course and have a great experience from the up te’s especially like if you’re going to play back here you better be hitting at 300 I mean if you’re not hit at 300 it’s going to be a tough tough day for you I’ve played it back here once how’d you do uh I started over three over through my first three holes and I think I finished the day at two over so I was just freaking pumped to play it so it was cool my guy over here still stretching out on the second te yeah dude uh those bunkers on the left potentially reachable so try to split the white t te markers for me okay [Applause] car pack come on well double wasn’t the way we wanted to start but at the same time felt like I hadit a good shots you know what I mean no no like major mistakes in my game I’m just looking to get warm smooth definitely don’t want to start with a birdie that’s the kiss of death don’t want to do that we got 237 man we might hit like a little a little cutter in there with the finewood um three iron like 230 230 perfect let’s hit it little cut no you can go straight at that bench in the background like split try to split the bench and the flag okay you want it on the left side yes okay yes I rather be left here than that right side okay be good that’s not my shot you got to keep it simple yeah you know it’s only one swing too by the way yeah can’t can’t just lose your mind over one swing yeah I’ll find it go hit it try to save try to save a par here yeah uh best bet here is to make sure we got to cover the bunker I don’t care if we’re over the green we just got to get it over the bunker okay if you’re over the green we can t put from that back side okay so some type of punch shot I’m picturing something seven iron eight iron something low enough to keep it underneath that Branch okay oh man right in it Branch CPUs yeah well just got to hit a great shot cover that mound on line with the flag okay all right you’re you’re probably just cuz it’s downhill that rest of that way you’re probably hitting a putt closer to like right in here okay and it’s just going to keep on rolling great pot settle settle settle it all right all right [Music] so still up to you if we take driver or not what do you like I mean I can hit this shot where where where this flag is today I like ripping it up there it’s an easy accessible pin so let’s do it and we’re kind of going somewhere between the right like those right branches of those left trees yeah and the the flag stick anywhere in that kind of the right Branch you mean above the cart yes above the go B keep going so hard all right yeah as it went far enough we’ll be all right what a beautiful morning well that looks doable trees 90% air feel like we just try to hit a wedge hopefully it just kind of gets through it okay I mean it might clip it but I feel like if you’re hitting a 30 40 yard hopefully it gets just bounces through it yeah all right I’ll do a uh I’ll do [Applause] 508 washed it a it really soft sit yeah up the hill a little right to left pushing off this hill yeah I mean maybe like at the most maybe 2T a fo in a half yeah I’m down for like somewhere at right at my feet okay once you get once you get past that Hill it’s going to be very straight the last probably 15 ft okay uh momentarily technical difficulty start yeah oh oh go baby all right you got like maybe right Edge yeah I mean at the at the pace I want you to hit it man I work I was going to just go just inside the edge okay and you know I want you to be aggressive with it okay hit it like you want to make it cool all right the D down done with the dou [Music] I didn’t see it I took off a little right go find and hit it we’ll be all right what you typically hit fade or draw a man I hit a draw normally I just switched two weeks ago 600s 185 H me like a full punch shot basically just cues off that lie with all sticks and everything we want to make sure we’re get down into it get a fairway all right all right spare we all we really needed yeah need 175 and you just take dead aim at it see how close you can hit this one okay yeah that is crazy dude like to hit kind of a lower one here keep that shling off the sand getting 69 cover Edge is going to be running around 59 yards so that 65 in in the air nice down on it oh yeah there we go all right all right Salvage Salvage this hole good shot I mean I definitely been practicing that shot over the last you know month so it’s a good feeling to pull it off it’s got to be going [Music] right wash what a five there you go what a five what a save I’ll take it [Music] which sets up good for us man yeah so same thing I want you to kind of line up at the uh kind of all that that bunker that kind of sticks out the inlet yeah yeah the inlet and just kind of Let it bleed cool just let it bleed oh there we go there it is that’s a nice fade only shut it down a little bit all right just got to keep it right at that bunker down there all the way through the Fairway right of that right of it okay Co so kind of between charl and the bunker exactly Charles’s 208 man so through the Fairway just right of that bunker is about 250 Okay cool so just right of that bunker is ideal that’ll leave us like an 80 80 to 90 yard shot got it hang on sit down right there you a good s all right go all right take it back to back good swing let go than good come on baby cut baby cut you be aggressive here yeah try to land it at the number okay you know it’s probably going to scoot on you just a just a tear yeah um but there’s plenty of green behind the flag so let’s go ahead and try to fly it at it stay right there sit off sit off sit right there stop don’t do it don’t do it sit down damn oh man you’re getting lost you know what’s funny like you ever see that sign on the starter Shack what’s it say golf should be a pleasure not a Penance kind of feel like I’m getting gas liet and it’s funny too cuz like you can think that golf is a swing to be figured out but it it doesn’t matter how good you get the envelope gets smaller you know what I mean like the better you get the harder harder it gets I think yeah cuz the the I mean like if you’re not good you’re like oh the room for improvement’s easy you know you can improve you can see improve it quicker the better you get for the best in the world like like Scotty’s coach the other day like what what are youall working on nothing I mean he’s he just want two events back to back I mean what’s there to improve on you know he’s playing good golf so I mean it’s it’s tough to figure out what to improve on yeah what you want to do here man got to pick it man got to go ball first all day yeah um whether or not you want to take it low and kind of skip it up there or fly it up on the greens up to you I was practicing this shot this is like what 42 yards something like that uh probably a little less but yeah same thing set now nice hit more of an aggressive putt to uh cuz you’re going uphill into the grain that whole way first part of the grein to that last probably 7even 8 ft and it kind of trickles away but the Miss here is kind of an aggressive butt to a little ride of it and a little short okay if you get that thing rolling past that hole man we can be back where we started sure do it get down hit it hit it oh stay on the green [Music] ball I don’t know how you play this course well folks this is uh what you pay for US Open experience can’t say I didn’t warn you yeah try to be aggressive [Music] yeah go go [Music] go that’s tough that is tough pardon the introduction Interruption ladies and gentlemen but I want to say first of all thank you for watching the break 90 and I want to thank someone for making the break 90 free for you to watch that’s Aros the official game tracker of the PGA Tour the coolest thing about Aros is not necessarily the product or screwing the piece into the club it’s how it shows up in your life on the course and in your phone because they’ve got AI powered analytics that give you smart results Club selections it’s essentially a caddy in your pocket so you’re not alone on the golf course it follows you everywhere you go on the golf course and through that data it can make suggestions around what clubs you should be hitting where and when it ultimately tells you what you need to work on using Strokes gained mathematics I think you can call it that and it tells you hey you need to work on putting big thanks to Aros for making this video possible thanks for helping us all invest in our games in a reasonable way if you hit this QR Square which is now the second or third time you’ve seen it hit it you’re not only going to get the free sensors for free they’re going to give you a free trial along with the free sensors so hit the QR Square take care of yourself take care of your friends take care of your family but take care of your golf [Music] game it’s kind of a top eight you know it’s like felt like I hadit a lot of good shots on that hole which is the goal you know which is the goal I think the first six holes in the go first six holes is that true uh yes okay cool oh great so it’s kind of like slap you first yeah not saying it really gets easier per se but uh you know all right chill got a lucky break here uh I call it pure skill pure skill short right was this that’s what we were going for uh 45 I was even almost thinking like pitching wedge or something just real low just kind of roll just like a real like chill chip and just let it roll most of the way [Music] hey man safe dude safe seriously at this point now I’m just like don’t want to go long don’t want to tough it oh that’s that’s the issue you’re thinking about it too much you know I think you think I’m better than I am which I appreciate yeah I give you I give you like a little down like right right here to the hole but other than that we’re kind of putting up that hill so like I said we need to get it out there Slow Down slow down slow down slow down slow down dive slow down dive yeah it’s a great putt four all right not bad four on the shortest part five in more County might have to dodge some sprinkler heads on this next hole [Music] though you don’t have to H driver here you can kind of keep the Fairway a little wider if you rip a five I’m partial a driver right now feel like I just did a good one I’d like to see another one commit to that line good swing here got some momentum let’s keep it all right yeah SW thanks all you got 169 winds hurting at that house on the left yeah anywhere coming down between that house and the flag I get is’s a good line ball is going to go through the sprinkler [Music] [Music] [Music] just give it to him just give it to him great shot thanks not bad not bad all right yeah kind of wet out [Music] here navigating the yeah it’s like that video game where the knives are crossing yeah should I just let this thing hit me or what like yeah it’s a little it’s a little challenge that most people don’t have to [Music] face oh yeah there we go little better uh Tempo there without the sprinklers just going to feel that feel that toe of the club closing yeah man just dodging showers roasted that one yeah this is a bomb man 16 163 63 63 little back pin here hey we got to get this place water man get to get grass growing for the open we sure do all right you got some time on now this one it’s like Mission Impossible you got some time you know we could get Tom Cru out here help us out but [Music] tough play with sprankers man you only backed off that ball like eight times so yeah it’s not distracting at all what do you think right over his head or what there it is thanks man let’s go just a little outside I promise I’ll make three putts or less okay okay up in here get me off this [Music] hole I got 58 okay only 48 over the bu man cool full rip CH and eight cool should be perfect keep cutting cover cover cover oh nice going we should have pulled it should have pulled it good caddy would have pulled it for you now we got a par I think oh that feels good good way to close out the front so we’re 13 over on the front we need a six over on the back to break 90 back’s easier than the front right back n Bandits baby come on [Music] all right I mean we’re like up through there maybe the only way you can get there in three is if you go up through there if not we got to just kind of chip out take care medicine smart place probably take her medicine but it’s up to you I’m not going to stop you yeah we’ll go this way I mean you’re not a PGA Tour professional but I believe in you it’s okay that’s the whole point of the video Let’s uh let’s give it a go uh it could have been worse I’ll take it different but out in the Fairway different but it works yeah that I mean I didn’t say I’ll get it through that Gap we got it through a gap a gap think about the the life of a tour player like it’s it’s lonely it’s challenging you’re out there facing no one but yourself yeah it’s always you against the golf course and you hear a lot of them like remember the first interview I ever did with a tour player was Bernard Langer and I said hey man it’s golf a spiritual game and he goes well ever since I stopped playing for myself and started playing for God it got very easy yeah I feel that like that was the best thing about being on a team in college like when you stop playing for yourself you start playing for your team started playing for like just something else that’s bigger than you yeah it just made you stop worrying about it and just kind of do it you know more about the process yeah so so maybe on this back nine I’m not going to play for me what I’m going to play for Jordan all right a little better go play that one all right little up and down from the Carolina Earth pretty clean here pretty clean pretty clean 62 yards maybe uh 56 pretty close though 42 over bunk pretty close 58 oh so good B off the little F yeah right this Tad heavy there we go cool keep we out there you go yeah thanks that’ll shoot your adrenaline up you know like we all like playing golf well that was pretty surprising I mean you’re playing by yourself yeah you’re with probably the worst caddy here you’re you’re playing behind forom you got people yelling at you you got construction going on you got water I mean what do you expect dude it’s not like you’re playing with four of your buddies out here I mean Jesus come on keep that left shoulder kind of backing around you and we’re going right down that s path here okay come [Music] on close hang in here hang in here baby close all right we’ll go find her oh man hard out here dude best bet to make a par here is obviously to take something out like like a maybe a seven or something a little more Loft and just kind of get it back into the Fairway yeah I like that nice well done that was like my best shot of the day shot of the day chip out of the pine straw with a seven my guy’s got a strong Punch Out game strong uh 79 okay cool you like uh maybe like a hair long if you’re going to put some sauce on it uh I do like landing at least pin High cuz there is that little false front so we need to favor a little right side if you got like a stock 80 shot 85 shot all right up and down for par get there all right yeah not bad it’s a little down I almost like that higher man unless we could try to hook kind of get it almost by that ball Mark okay and it is a little down it likes to run towards that road over there there okay so I mean on that line you feel like you’re probably hitting it closer to like here okay SLE settle settle settle settle all right yeah speed bad respectable yeah take that going to be close going to be close [Music] okay he running look at him look at this guy here buddy there you [Music] go M power bar guys going to be Juiced up for the rest of the day hey look that’s what you make friends at Pine man yeah so right at those golf carts and just left of them let’s turn that thing over I’m going to land it there yeah that little right knuckle man turn that face down I don’t need anything else today I got them I got them I got [Music] them great swing with the squirrel distracting it love it yeah want a drive as good as I can hit it what a player come here squirrel get in my bag how long do this hole from that box from that box it was right around 485 I believe oh my god oh oh my God what are you doing did your buddy did your guy tell you like that I was fed him or something what’s up yellow Paw jeez I don’t got nothing for you yeah that last box was 485 we we smoked that one dude get out of here crispy be enough be enough Oh I thought I hit that well you want to go uh 54 out of here a little bit longer bunker shot honestly bro I think I’m going to chip it out okay you do you yeah that’s how you pull your bre off get up oh make it better than the [Music] reverse sadle [Music] SLE nice Joe hey two TT there there you go little TT [Music] so you know during the US Open on short par 4S they usually alternate drivable versus sort of mandatory kind of two shot hole and um this one’s interesting because they’ve installed a lot of these plants around that give you worse lies off the Fairway so um you know it’ll definitely be up on these green tees which are you know it goes blue green white behind the blue is the US Open yardage so they call it 7700 but uh in reality it doesn’t really play that long every day obviously it depends on wind and conditions of the green speeds you know like if it’s really dry or whatever it might they might be like we need to play the course shorter to have the winning score be around par yeah so we’re going to play up see what happens we’re going to drive it hopefully right on the green make an eagle it’s happened before it was a while ago but it’s happened uh front edge is going to be 308 pin’s going to be 330 yeah cool 330 yeah let’s just get the there 31 so keep going right that’s actually be fine it’s over there in the Fairway a’t yeah perfect that’ll work you know some would say it’s a better angle from well they call it the breaking series for one reason we’re hanging in there yeah we need to make a couple flers coming in but we we can still do it yeah oh all right we got 102 probably playing 11 time0 yeah yeah just a little up the hill in the wind comfortable with that yeah and uh at it or a little ride at it okay little ride of it climb like come on oh yeah shot thank God thank God climb I need this guy can play offl H yeah where did that come down did I hit it too hard just a little firm that line you I get in but left Center all right [Music] what a beautiful t- shot man uh I’ll take that all day probably be a little right waste [Music] but oh caught Fairway caught a piece caught a piece another we’re getting in a rhythm now getting in a rhythm might even make a 22 today 172 I mean I’m hitting that better little six iron kind of like just a little safe six iron maybe yeah I mean I mean I don’t even like you don’t we not trying to land this at the hole like even like 65 in like keeping it short of this hole okay basically you know I’ve got two shots that I can hit one is kind of like a real more simple and then the other one is really more of like a full swing so I’m in between two evils here Aros would say the shorter shot goes straighter so if it’s only 52 cover why don’t we just do a seven iron just get it on that front edge really forward kind of like stock it [Music] yeah oh come on what a swing here we go now we’re working it yeah that was a good shot all right I got you mark put it over okay you focus on the speed and then just hit it over this Mark will be looking pretty good up the whole way oh yeah up the entire way come on give it to him give it to him let’s go come on come on [Music] that hole tell me to pick it up man 480 here we go that was sick I told you golf reward you they were out there you don’t give up on go yeah it sure won’t give up on you that’s the one that’s bringing him back folks that’s the one that’s emotional be honest with you man such a hard game the time we did something special right I’ve been waiting for you I knew you had it in you I like that we talked about it before too that was a great read I thought the tending job was the best you know I think it went in because of that that’s what I was saying yeah like it’s a little bit like is that the first time we’ve hit a fairway and a green I think that might be the first Fairway and green maybe we should start doing that more often do you think I don’t know dude don’t get cocky not on this one check him out he’s like he’s looking for it man you back he’s like that tall guy’s got what I want that might be the same one too yeah he’s like if I just get get a little closer can can you see me can you see me I just I just I have no food I [Music] just well that little six iron well that little seven iron went like 165 so that little 6 iron might go like 175 maybe like a little maybe a little five let’s try never done that before this could be a whole one folks oh D please I will I will Sprint down there and rip that flag stick out real fast taking that home oh I think that thing is going to get signed by me you the whole crew P her staff the squirrel the squirrel shot oh it needs to sit oh it needs to sit you hammered that one sit stay right there don’t do it sit stop oh okay we’re good and a little look a little two on two action you think we can make another one back to back I mean might as well I’m stroking it pretty good right now I like that yeah i’ say it’s pretty good man that’s a back flag we just flushed it in there what 25 ft yeah it’s up it’s up the hill so you can just stroke it like like it’s just slightly up give it a little extra juice but anything kind of kicking the field goal between that ball mark this ball Mark when it’s rolling through that should at least give us a good opportunity for this thing to drop you know yeah yeah Eric has no idea where he’s at right now he has three to play yeah he’s three to play and has two bogey in the bank I believe yep he has two strokes left with three to play so big biggest t- shot of the day yeah [Music] I’m looking at that three tree setup on the left uh I’m a fan of that and just kind of hitting that little cutter in there yeah perfect got 241 flag so if you hit this like you want it we should be all over it come on come on push it wi push it all right take that a hell of a swing though bunker yeah I think we’re [Music] bun SP man to put that oh sh settle settleable short game two shots to here four shots to there man [Music] [Music] [Music] hold it fre hold it wind hold it hold it get up cover the second bker I don’t know what to do like sorry sorry everybody didn’t want to make a for here we’re going to play 18 anyway [Music] well if anything you know you’re letting you’re letting everybody know who wants to come play the open te how tough it really is yeah I mean Best Bets probably try to take a like a five [Music] iron washed it nice far good little low shot take that all day well we didn’t break 90 today but we came close yeah hope you enjoyed it I enjoyed it I hope Brandon enjoyed it I don’t know if I think he did oh yeah I think it was a different experience we had a good time first time I CAD the gold so I’ll never forget that birdie shank almost I thought you wanted to play again I won’t play this course for another 10 years [Music] well we’ll blur through that always want to thank Aros for making these videos possible obviously very hard to do look around there’s a lot of things going on and um yeah I wouldn’t play the gold teas if I were you that’s that’s that’s my main takeaway and uh and enjoy it you know no matter what it’s meant to be a pleasure not a Penance so I’m going to go de Penance myself good J man thank you yeah appreciate it that was fun pleas [Music] we used to think that golf was a game for stuffy old dudes with Argyle pants or that golf courses were just a great place to make out but over the years we found that golf is actually an adventure whether you play in your backyard or thousands of miles away so when we set out to make a club we didn’t look around at what everyone else was doing we made it for us for everyone join random golf club for events tournaments and Golf Course benefits in your area


  1. 28:17 did they omit a bad shot from the video? Caddie: “Okay that’s a little better. We’ll play that one.” You can see a topped divot from another shot right next to him. And EAL gives him the look of death like why did you say that.

  2. I think Erik swing change screwed him up .. forward shaft lean with ball placement had all shot open face going in right and almost shanks .. go back to old natural swing. .. this almost looks unnatural manufactured swing.

  3. Eric dude, no one cares if you break 90. I mean, yeah we are rooting for you to play your best golf, but really we just want you to be your fun loving self and we don’t see that as much in these videos. It’s crazy how different your demeanor is sometimes. I’m just saying i wish you could enjoy these more.

  4. Lined up to the right with that driver every time. Fix your alignment for crap sake.

  5. Erik, I have a proposal for you. How about we settle the Head of Marketing position at Random Golf Club with an 18-hole match play?

    Here’s the deal: we play a round of golf and chat about the role along the way. If I win, I get the job. If I lose, I work for free. It’s a win-win for RGC! And don’t worry, I’m absolutely qualified for the position. I’ve got the experience, the skills, and a passion for golf that matches RGC’s mission perfectly.

    What do you say? Let’s hit the fairways and make this the most fun and memorable job interview ever!!

  6. brutal. yo EAL, you tried closing the left shoulder a bit at address? i dunno, just looks like ya set up for the right miss… love your work

  7. Brandon is a proper salt of the earth kid. Reminds me of a young Matthew McConaughey.

  8. This is a great example of how insanely good the pros are. EAL is a really good golfer playing a very tough course so to the normal Joe, it would be easy to say how bad EAL played. But to the rest of us that know better, we definitely appreciate the struggle and the realness. Thanks for sharing this round with us.

  9. What happened to this guy? I started watching youtube golf because of his content when he was a fun guy with a fun attitude, fun mismatched clubs, and fun clothes going to fun locations and not even keeping score. Now he's another mediocre golfer who takes himself way too seriously, is sponsored by arccos, and gets angry at the grounds crew and everyone else for disturbing his concentration as they are trying to prepare for the US Open. No wonder I haven't checked in on his content for about a year. I doubt I'll be back. Sad to see.

  10. I can’t get over the opening scene of the waitress asking Erik if he’s alright as he is just staring forward saying nothing 😂

  11. If Erik hadn't made that long birdie on 9 I think we were about to see a man spontaneously combust.

  12. How many tee shots ya need until you say to yourself “ I need to aim 15-20 yds to the left “? Amazing course, can’t wait to see how everyone does this week 🤙🏼

  13. I feel like EAL isn't good enough to get as mad as he does. Did he hit 10 good shots in this whole round?

  14. Was rooting for that last putt on 18 off the fringe. Well done sir. Loved the birdie on 14!! LFG!! When will the “randos” start breaking again?

  15. I suppose this was a special invite to play the course? Because if all that nonsense was going on and I had to pay a $400 green fee I'd be asking for a refund.

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