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Day Two Highlights | European Athletics Championships | Roma 2024

8 June 2024 – Super Saturday in Rome! With nine finals taking place, Italy earned three more gold medals. Miltiádis Tentóglou of Greece retained his men’s long jump title, Sandra Elkasević and Nafissatou Thiam etched their places in history as they also defended their titles in style. France’s Cyréna Samba-Mayela was a sensational winner of the women’s 100m hurdles, Jakob Ingebrigtsen dominated the 5000 metres and Perseus Karlström took gold in the 20-kilometer race walk.

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[Music] Marcel Jacobs Lane five the defending champion and they’re away cleanly this time and Marcel Jacobs is into his run Alli after that warning is running well at the moment but Jacob’s being talented by g h Jac he was under so much pressure over the final 50 m from romal glav glav what a superb run season’s best for Lamont Marcel Jacob and he’s hobbling this very slightly alied come through CH 600s of his personal best ROM glob just 100th outside of it he probably didn’t have any idea that Alli three lanes to his outside was coming up so quickly but it was a great run so just 400 of the second covering the three med list the title is defended by this man with the gold bib Lamont Marcel Jacobs and that will be a good confidence boost as he heads towards Paris in two months time this evening from for me was really important because you know I am I was the European Champion I am the European Champion again I win in front of my of my people in my in my town is is really incredible the people here scream my name every every single second so so I’m really happy about that not really happy about the time but here in this competition what count is the medal so we win again the gold medal I’m really happy about that and now we can more work work work improve the time and the technique for the Olympics of course the lineup once again kusami Finland bakari Belgium Mohamed France Martinez Spain simonelli Italy Joseph Switzerland yis Spain UI Belgium and on the outside in Lane nine sikir of Poland and they away this time and simonelli gets an excellent start he’s crashing into a few hurdles sakir got a good starts well now yis coming through very strongly to tallenge simonelli now it’s simonelli all the way through to the line yis T Sila just look at that time he’s taken more than a tenth of a second off his Italian record in the semifinals without doubt a personal best I think for Enrique yit coming through for a bright silver [Music] medal there you can see it a European lead Lorenzo simonelli by 50 HS of a second a flying Run for the Italian these throws were a few minutes ago 2051 for Scott linol that’s a really solid opener and that’s even more solid that is about 21 M hard took wow he’s going very nicely indeed what’s he been given har took that surely will be the best of this opening round 20 94 and a season’s best the pole hit the big one at the perfect moment fabri leads still with that massive 2245 a new Championship record by the way in round five Fab’s just had two uh three valid throws two of them would have been easily good enough for gold and that’s not bad that is quite something from movich 2110 in round one he really has kept the focus kept the determination 20 2120 it is better but fabri at 27 has Europe At His Feet he’s the world championship silver medalist and interestingly with Paris just a few weeks away the world record holder from the USA is injured as a bad elbow injury and that’s another monster from fabri oh and they’re loving it how inspired are all these kids in the stadium by this display of power but that from fra 2245 extends his lead yes I would be great I feel great I feel like I’m in a dream cuz winning my first title in Rome in front of Italian crowd is beautiful two throws over 22 great great uh I was a little bit scared after round first round one cuz I felt like cramp and my feeling in warm up were terrible but then I was thinking on on myself when I was 67 then I started doing Athletics I always dreamed to be European champ World Champ and Olympic champ so I was thinking about that child who grow up having big dreams so yeah I’m it’s bad to say but I was quite confident on on the winning I had a lot of respect of course for the others but I was in a great shape so yeah so Simon eham third attempt well he’s in the top eight at the moment but he’s a long way from the medals that’s a big jump without a doubt that is a big jump it’s around the 8:30 Mark that looks more likely I think we saw yesterday look at his face the smile on his face that looks to me to be pushing him comfortably into a medal position which is exactly where he’ll want to be and it was absolutely spot on the board wasn’t it well bronze at the moment Fin and Jukes 812 but that’s a long way in front of Jacob finam Jukes just waiting for confirmation 831 he says calm down calm down here we are this is fine so now you can hear the decibels going up just a little bit here in the stadio olympico Matea fani very much the poster boy of these championships on the runway he’s quick lot of elevation great height beers out to the right that’s a good distance he shrugs his shoulders as there he says whatever that’s all right he did have plenty of room on the board I’m sure we’ll see that in just a second but the crowd love it it’s a strong start it’s a jump that we could be pretty confident whatever it is that’s going to get him through to the final three jumps so I would imagine he can push his run forward he’s got 9.2 cm of space on the board that’s enough he could in this position move his runway in a tiny little bit what is it how far has he gone 838 no real improvements for most of the athletes during the course of the fifth round so this is the first very last attempt in the fifth round for the event leader miltiadis tloo he’s quick on oh what that is absolutely huge that is well beyond 850 that surely is a new Championship record which he already holds at 852 finally we get a smile well we saw him disappointed with 845 and now we know why he knew he had something huge in the tank but how huge is it Greek teammate Emanuel corales in the crowd looking waiting watching how far have you jumped well his personal best is 860 we’re still waiting for that figer he knows 865 a championship record her personal best just one ctim shy of the Greek record and tilage T glue well he’s really imposed his authority throughout the competition I was feeling H that I could jump 860 uh I knew personal best but uh it was really difficult to find uh my my steps in this weird runup uh in the last uh two jumps I got everything together I go went for it I gave my best and 65 then I talk to my coach he told me uh come on do one more you can do it because I wanted to do the National Record which is uh 66 yeah and uh he told me you can do it I told him Coach I’m very tired I did five jumps almost 850 all of them he told me you can do it you can do it and again I tried my best but it was the same ridiculous yeah I’m very happy very happy I’m very happy no problem helana saw finding herself being pushed down to Fourth Place let’s see if she can try and improve just managed to keep those feet inside the circle just touching the edge there discus comes crashing down to the ground 6453 so moves are up into second place behind Sandra Ali’s 6704 yinda van clink final round don’t forget she’s only 6 cm off Liliana SAR in second she likes it what is this measurement oh it’s fantastic binda van Clin just what has she done with the final throw of the competition well I said she was ready to respond just in case she was pushed off the podium but actually she’s the one that’s gone out on the proverbial attack with the last throw of the dice van Clin waiting for this measurement to come up it’s moved her into silver 6599 her best this year so I’m sure we’ll see a great display from the he athletes arm in arm as we typically see with flags around their neck what about Sandra elasic she’s now the one with the the game face on inside the circle great agility see great power and I’m sure a great ability to start off this competition off so well well over 65 M and really trying to break records in this competition ultimately no one else had ever won six gold medals in the same event even coming into these championships but elich that’s her best this year 67 M and 4 cm I’m super happy my my uh start I started 2010 in Barcelona I was pretty young I was 20 years old and now 14 years after 34 years old in uh in Rome I’m still here I’m still competing I’m still on highest level and uh I’m super happy I was super nervous because everybody thought after six gold medals that’s enough and uh the girls are strong this year it was like a very long throws all over the all over the world and I knew that I can be because I’m mentally strong but I’m also nervous I’m also a human and I know I need to be myself and a lots of things was happening in past seven days so now it’s everything good and I’m happy and I’m happy that I thr with 67 and I’m fortunately not so happy because of my second one it was even much stronger but I I I’m I’m doing too much fast in the end because I think I can throw 75 M probably but I think uh now this is my confirmation that I’m on wrong on the right uh path to the Paris and I have two more months and I hope I will I will be even better and representing Europe on the right way in a Paris that that been before so here’s uh anet Kalen of Switzerland one of the best long Jumpers in this field she’s also entered the individual event so what’s this going to be like for the Swiss athlete close there on the board and that looks like a fantastic jump to open up this competition well I suppose someone like her who’s great individually in this event will be full of confidence absolutely I think the latest start for the heon this morning will really really be suiting anen um often the ladies have to get up early to start the long jump on day two um oh my goodness that is a huge personal best for khen 682 that puts her in good stad for the individual long jump but also crucially gives her such a huge handful of points so nafy TM let’s see what she’s capable of here Jas was mentioning that her Belgian national record of 686 set in Birmingham 5 years ago but maybe more realistic with nafy to look at something closer to her season’s best from last year perhaps that was 659 in Istanbul let’s see though well I think she’s done just that we’ll see for an exact Mark but it does look as though she’s somewhere near that 650 Mark and for anybody with questions about nathy’s Fitness we had no idea where she was at coming into this whole competition yes yesterday she showed us that she is ready to do a Heaton and here we’re seeing she’s in long jump shape too yeah so nafy TM holder of the Belgian record in this individual discipline with 5932 PR tending to be looking at her 2023 season bests as a a better comparison 5261 last year in ringham and that is a big big effort really only in can stop her now so tiam looking for a big helping of points going into the 800 meters 53 M exactly worth 98 points Ariana lazarat class has taken to this competition like a duct to water personal bests nearly all the way through apart for when she was only 3 cm off it in the long jump so her PB is 212 43 compared to vits 2085 that I mentioned vits of course the world indoor Champion we know that Katarina Johnson Thompson and nafy tiam weren’t there but yes vits you might say she’s overshadowed at times given the quality athlete that she is taking that opportunity and uh now TM the one who can certainly relax in this 8800 as she quite often does nor Vitz though is doing everything she can lazarat class will feel as though that Gap is massive but in reality she is doing what she needs to do I think to hold on to Silva as Vitz comes through in 2093 one of her fastest ever times but surely that’s going to be for the bronze medal it was a really strong finish for lazat class but in front of her nafy tiam winning the European title once again no doubt really 12 and a half laps of the track then and 13 minutes these days is fairly run-ofthe-mill it has to be said but Yano Binger Brits and starts here as extraordinary favorite remember uh just beaten by Josh K couple of weeks back in the Eugene Diamond League meeting over one mile where they both ran 345 he’s in fabulous form he’s the Olympic champion at 1500 he’s double world champion at 5,000 m i mean you run out of superlatives frankly to describe yakob Binger briten he can toy with Fields these days that are of the highest caliber except he’s a caliber One Step higher in just about every race he enters iner Briton in the lead at the Bell then they go through there and the time is going to be slow for forget about the time this is a typical Championship 5,000 m but you know what the cream always Rises to the top call it gravity you can’t resist it and ninger Brit with Mills on his shoulder now and then dick and L Lalo trying to challenge here but I feel I feel and I’d love to be wrong that they’ve missed their opportunity Michal on the inside trying to run the shortest line Spanish vests in third and fourth coming to a tussle with each other as Zinger briten around the final Bend is there to be shot at but has he got the strength he’s a master tactician he’s a master at winding it up in the last 300 M A little glance over his shoulder there and George Mills the 348 M indoors can’t go with him as ining britson changes gear and moves away he does have fabulous finishing straight speed and he covers the last lap now winning by 10 m and going away to make it a hattick of wins that last lap I got a 53.6 from iner Briton and all the hard running frankly coming in the last 250 or so he winds it up imperceptibly it’s really just deceptive you really can’t tell it because he’s not a violent he’s not a powerful arm swinging Sprinter he just gradually turns it up keeps cranking up the knob and turns the speed on Full Speed when he hits the home straight so you’re really putting your neck on the line when you try and predict a 100 meter hurdles race but samb Mella was terrific in that semi-final forer vissa Lavin samb mayella then in Lane five scosa defending Champion sber cuni and Huska in a very exciting final this one so decent getaway from Sarah Lavin samb Mella now in the blue of France chased down by scova and chased by kji as well tries to hold him off kji trying to close but goal for France and Sira s mayella in 1231 the fastest time in the world this year and a phenomenal performance taking the championship record that had been held since 1986 by yordana donga it’s a tenth of a second of the European record also held by the Bulgarian that is quite simply Sensational from Sera samb mayella diachi kamuni one place higher than she was two years ago and Pi kova well in the semi-finals we got a sense that she wasn’t quite at her best but still she’s produced her fastest ever time of 1242 well they’re underway 35 men 19 laps of the stadia Del M the stadium of marmal here in the Faro italico and then about another kilometer looping into the stadium 390 M roughly on the track come in just a little bit in front of the entrance and then they loop around PA MCG running a solitary race for Silva over the final 4 kilm but persus cstom as we’ve been saying couldn’t go to a better Walker a nicer guy really loved and applauded throughout the whole of the race walking fraternity coming through the line it’s going to be gold in the men’s 20 km race walk to s Eden to persus carlstrom unofficially 11914 and yes as we were talking about earlier his coach Rob Hefner is watching Paul mcgr ambles through the line a terrific performance from The Young Spaniard we are going to see so much more of mcgr over the years we saw that before once upon a time that was a baby baa in 64 not in 1960 and huge cheers for Francesco foron well there wasn’t going to be a close battle for bronze in the final kilometers forat too much ground to make up on mcra had time to just amble to the side and pick up a Italian vest in the meantime


  1. Jordie Van Klinken has a very strange discus formation. She holds the disc like a tray and winds up without too much effort. I am impressed.

  2. Leonardo Fabbri is getting better and better at the Shot Put, definitely could be in with a shout of a medal at the Olympics.

  3. Women's 100m Hurdles is in an insane spot right now. 12.4x used to win most Olympics/World Championships, but now it may take close to 12.4x just to make the Olympic final when there is this many great athletes from North America, Africa, & Europe all competing at the same time, wow.

  4. I like the way Marcel just gained what he needed so quickly in the lat 10 meters. I think he has more speed in him. Barring injury, I think he is capable of running faster times. He might be saving that for the Olympic final.

  5. Unfortunately the European male sprinters have zero chance of winning a medal in the upcoming Paris Olympics

  6. Where's Michael Johnson?! I thought he would be somewhere trying to claim Lamont as an American via Italy 😂😂

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