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Fastest Round Of Golf EVER With A PGA Tour Winner

We set the record for the fastest round of golf ever with PGA Tour Winner Derek Ernst! Check out what time we clocked in at.

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I’m Busta I’m Jack welcome back to another video today we are with tour winner Derek er’s 2013 Wells Fargo Championship champion and today we’re going to set the record for the fastest round of golf ever played in nine holes here he goes let’s go run oh yeah what a shot oh no it’s me it’s de oh oh my god let’s go get it off the path we’re going to be flying around this place try to get in the hole as least Strokes as possible but the score does not matter let’s get right into it let’s play some fast Golf Ready golf no rangefinders just it are you ready ready you going to hit the drive I mean I can let’s do what we thought you hit the drive I’ll hit the we’ll have like a wedge in y and then M Jack you’ll be up by the green 393 if I hit it correctly you should have 90ish yards 85 I’m going to be grabbing a 54 no matter what so just and this pin’s front yeah so it’s going to run you got green firm right now yeah they’re pretty firm um so you got to land at front edge keep that in mind he’ll be standing there are you even going to take a wedge I guess I can I guess youd hold it just in case no I think I got trust you’ll be on The Fringe at worst this place is hard so this is going to be a tough challenge that’s why we brought the big guns in cuz we’re going to need some good shots yeah let’s get in position fellas we are in carts cuz this is our record yeah this is a unofficial time we’ll have the exact time in the edit but just to have it you know for the video and what what we’re kind of gaming with we’re going to try and keep the time as best as we can here last stop is most important part you got to get it in the hole so green kind of has some pressure cuz you obviously want to get it fast but it just kind of goes against your morals to just whack it around you got to get a good support he told me to not bring a wedge so I’m going to trust them no wedge where should I be here I think I’m going to be over here cuz if he’s going to be long if he’s M hit I’m like 116 to the hole right here I’m expecting him to hit it past me about 15 yards to Landing about 15 yards it’s kind of wet over here too I don’t know why I’m nervous I guess it’s cuz there’s a lot of pressure on the t-ball if I hit this out of bounds it’s that’s a Time penalty timer starts when the ball is struck here we go all right here we go ladies and gentlemen first hole here he goes right at you right at us oh yeah right by him come on oh don’t have the cart right in the way okay good feed down there look at that right by his cart yeah I got to be ready pin we’re play Matt Patrick today oh heads up heads up heads up it’s deep it’s deep oh no no it’s off the green I got whack it he already hit it and it went deep oh no come on go mad Jack Go Go Mad Jack go get in the hole get in the hole got to make it got to make it all right yeah bang what are we at 47 what are we at 4727 47 seconds that’s pretty good for the first attempt all right I didn’t adjust for wind yeah it was BL I forgot about the win oh man that was perfect the drive was perfect 47 seconds I think if we average 1 minute a hole that’s 9 Minute round right there the drive was perfect you hit it right at me dude I tried to hit it right at you that was perfect all right that was my bad I think I could have I probably cost us 10 seconds so need to do better next time I hit that drive right by his feet I was like all right just try and hit it close to him at least fed right by his cart I was like no it’s going to be right behind the cart that’s what he was saying if oh my could you imagine I hit it under the cart 4 I cost this like 10 seconds by fly like I just didn’t ad just for win I was like okay 11 16ish and that’s okay hit it so 10 seconds we can’t afford that I know that’s what I said that’s why I was like I cost this big time so yeah we got to account for adrenaline here I know right my gosh that was awesome we’re going to start nine holes we might do this 18 holes next time all hole number two coming up a little par 4 over the water so Fairway might have a ball in his pocket I didn’t adjust for the wind I I was about 116 I hit a sand wedge but it’s downwind pins up front I kind of got to like figure all my variables out before I even hit the shot like remember where the wind is and just adjust as fast as I can as I’m about to hit the shot hang on can old deboss drive it onto the green 387 322 right at the flag to cover wait so should Derek hit the drive if I hit the drive I can go the right edge of the uh real yeah and then it’s a little wedge in and somebody’s on the driver’s too much you think it’ll go well yeah you have to so like my Fairway is basically right edge of the rail ties probably and I can’t go right of that cart path that you see going up the hill I think I can I mean I can hit that I can do Drive dude I mean I don’t mind it do you want to hit the wedge yeah I can do wedge okay so just bomb it madjack will flip the wedge up there yeah if you hit a perfect drive here madjack flips a wedge up we tap in birdie I know imagine how far do you think you’ll hit it 320 yeah if you’re cutting it with the w cut it with the wind it’ll probably land like 305 and then however firm get even with the rail tie yeah got a big chip coming up here yeah you do and those are the little the ones that will stubby lay the S over it hey you say it best think long you think wrong that’s right I’m calling a under sub30 oo sub30 on this one he is 290 right here I’m going to have two clubs if he’s back here 54 he’s up there 60 if you’re going to miss it miss it deep left okay first time on the green how you feel great love putting you ready let’s roll you got the Tim ready Yep this is going to be tough into the sun I don’t know if I’m going to be able to see this ball that’s kind of straight I think straight coming at you where right there let’s go flip wedge brother I’m trying to predict where it’s going to be short no it’s good yeah come on baby make the bird get up there ohop rolling Hamed it he hammered it he’s got to stop moving come on Mason hold time time oh man time I hammered the first putt dude I got so much of adrenaline on that dang it what dude that was a great shot I screwed it up and then I hit it on the slope so it wouldn’t stop rolling I don’t think that was any longer than the last hole but I made a mistake there big time that was on me dude what a drive I saw it I caught it at the back end I was like it’s right at you M’s going this is electrifying I didn’t hit it long but I I hit it in the Fairway oh it’s perfect right in the middle it was so hard to see it with that sun I know right what a t a drop I hit it straight I didn’t hit it long but I hit it straight enough 36 pretty good we we Saed 10 seconds that was 10 seconds off now if you throw a dart on 12 tap it in for birdie yeah oh my gosh that’s our game plan right you’re teing off on 12 yeah do that you’re the best player here so okay let’s do it let’s do it what was it 47 and 36 so we’re 83 seconds that’s going to be that’s I said I want less than 8 minutes if you hit the Fairway in green every time of course 8 minutes is easy yeah you got two amateurs here that was about as good as a hole you can play right there he would just made the birdies then you couldn’t do any better you missed left you missed where you where you miss I missed short left that’s right where we wanted it this is where we can really make up some time par three especially with a good shot we got a hole in one hole in one would be crazy that save some time now we do have a pro so that definitely helps that’s why we brought them in this is exactly what we needed for the par 3s one what’s the number what did I just shoot 147 147 around them with three cameras so I’m hitting the I’m hitting the t- shot who’s putting on okay so you just both be on the green part yeah you’re surrounded by cameras all you’re an oppressor right now yeah look at this Mr ER why haven’t you won since 2013 I don’t know I wish I could answer that little into off the left I know I’m thinking I think I got to hit the nine I don’t think I hit theed it cannot go further than 47 oh that’s true dude hole in one would be the most in one that would be the most electric thing I’ve ever seen let’s go see up there I’m going to say it’s like a 10:30 win which which is exactly yeah 10:30 wind how does the adrenaline doing something no yeah like off that tea I was cuz there’s water on both sides on that last t- shot so I was my heart was racing how does it compare to going into Sunday at a tournament um you can slow your pace down but this is like there’s no you don’t have time to think and regroup it’s go no matter what right so this is uh this is good for testing your hands when your heart’s going really fast right I’m going to go just left to cameraman and try and land it just right at cameraman throw a dart come on Derek absolute Dart left get down good get down sit sit yes okay here we go here we go here we go yeah here we go come on go in oh what a putt what a putt we got a I thought I lost that right that was so good you like that putt dude I thought it was in the water I oh my gosh I was ready to give it one of these put for four that was so good that be like sub 20 how about that putt that was perfect you almost made it I know it was right in there it’s part of me feels like tapping it down there takes more time yeah but if I hammer it by yeah definitely as close as you can get I think yeah let’s go did you time it 18 18 18 seconds 1863 unofficial that is such a saver right right there 18 seconds Wow since we’re playing the blues we will be able to get there do we want Mad Jack T off I’ll hit the second you’re around the green can nip it get it up and down putt it whatever yeah if I miss the green yeah absolutely I don’t mind it I think I like you on the T box because we’ll have an iron in okay I’ll game plan for like 285 out of you like I I’ll bring wedge and put it up there I’m going to stand at the top of the hill you got to give me an early signal yeah and then I got to go catch the ball I would stand like right Fringe so I’d assume the Miss is going to be in that little goalie this will be the biggest test yet Par 3 is actually will be the easiest this is our first test par five we’re going to need to be dialed everyone I think Mason shot is the most important here going to say shout out to invited thank you for having us out here in stowbridge ranch our home course you already know we are partnered with invited ex life benefits get you access to all the courses across the us so you could even come play this course go check it out link down below and we’ll see you at an invited property look he just puted he just putted to get the speed down I love it okay we got the all clear double thumb up need a big drive out of the young man here he hit it left all right he hit it little left so far left run run what a terrible Drive come on right at me right at me oh oh no oh no I shaked it magic what are we doing he’s got to come on short get up there oh darn I’m going to putt it look at him go go no way no no no good good good good good come on Derek come on Derek come on D stop stop Time 1 minute Point 1 minute. 39 okay I don’t know what we made I think that was pretty good I mean they finished before I could even see it that was the most running yet I fre I snap hooked it I know I snapped it I saw it go left and I go and then I shanked it almost hey that was a minute flat that was pretty good with a shank holy that’s why they tell you before you hit to like decompress breath cuz I freaking shanked it I thought I had too much Club so I tried to lay off of it slap cuted it over here good thing Derrick’s fast sorry you’re good I ran a freaking quarter mile I know I’m like run and then the ball wouldn’t stop and I’m like wait yeah but that was a minute flat a minute flat that’s not bad for a part five okay I thought it was over a minute for sure all right minute flat with aat with the bad drive with the yeah I mean first swing of the day was dver actually the driver wasn’t that bad it was I was far away that was pretty good first part five a little bit of shakiness but yeah still a minute pretty good didn’t lose a ball we’re at a minute didn’t lose the ball I respect those people that play speed golf D I know SM cuz I when I got over that ball I was like yeah the heart like putting is so like cuz you’re not doing it you’re just going and yeah you’re like running and praying for the ball to stop rolling stop rolling yeah what do we want here you hit the drive I’ll put I can hit the drive again it’ll be straight this time promise promise it’s a promise it’s 370 so he should have about 90 yards in all right I get Redemption on a wedge shot from 10 so need to hit it close we need a birdie I mean got to get the birdie because the birdie I know it’s not score but birdie help you finish the hole a lot faster just got to hit a good wedge shot I got to plan out so the wind’s going to be in off the right mostly in all right good t-ball from madjack with a tour pro hitting a wedge this is birdie time so as I’m running after it I need to start doing math in my head based off of distance really got to focus up here hit a good drive I mean freaking absolutely snap hooked the last one we got the all good we got the double thumb up come on baby Focus up let’s hit it right at him oh it looks good it’s a little right I don’t see it oh back back back there it is oh not bad 76 oh it’s a little short I’m like almost 100 oh man shoot yeah almost come on Derek sit sit sit sit yeah okay good pot for the par for the par let’s go that’s a par that he he got here I heard him coming while I was putting he was moving look at you move dude what was that 35 35 is that a par that’s a par good stuff hey it his t-ball spun a little bit huh it did well he pointed right but I think the wind brought it back too yeah so cuz I was running up and then I went back you put on this 30 seconds 35 sorry all right if you like what you’re watching make sure you hit the sub button we will definitely be doing this again this is so much fun I’d love to do it for 18 holes we’ll set our own records this is the official Buster Jack golf world record we’re playing a hard golf course we do this at an easy place could be even quicker so shout out to y’all for watching make sure you smash a sub let’s go hit hit number 15 that was pretty good one that’s a par so those last two holes like I feel like were a test because 10 was easy because I hit it right by you yeah 11 was easy you hit it right by him 12 was easy cuz it was part three those two holes I was worried about to play those in a minute and this one’s going to be tough too do we want Derek hitting the t- shot I think we should either go one of you get as close as we can I think we go Derek hitting the t- shot cuz it’ll be like 90 yards okay yeah I can hit the wedge I don’t care you can hit the wedge I’ll hit the wedge if you want to putt yeah I’ll be green okay there’s a sand bottle I’m going to try hit it like at the sand bottle maybe just left of it gotta gotch you I’ll stand by that then what a start this has been I mean I think we can absolutely do 18 holes next time we’re out here this has gone much smoother than I thought for the first attempt let us know down below make sure you subscribe if you like this sort of content and comment down below if you want to see another attempt to try to break our record here um maybe even do 18 holks yeah that’d be fun let us know that bunker is very much in play here we need a good wedge shot out of the big guy I’m going to go right in here and I hope this is ideal it’s about 115 right here into the wind I’m going to just hit a gap wedge so if it’s back here I’ve got to hit this hard if it’s up here I’ve got to hit it soft this could be the hardest hole yet I just need to put it on the green for Mad Jack I might take an extra breath over the ball that’s fine just to make sure we get it on the green I’m not going to need it but just in case this would be so impossible you have to miss left yep I’m going to try and hit it if you hit it in this bunker it’s dead I’m going to try and go a little past it and left yeah like right here is perfect what am I doing got to get the head cover off he did that last time oh no it’s in the bunker all right we’re ready okay get ready for this come on baby this is a big hole I’m getting bomb out of Derek I don’t see it oh it’s right oh no C path okay oh it’s right it’s right that’s not bad though it’s in play come on baby right at it oh it’s Deep Get down it’s deep oh no oh no oh no oh no stay uh-oh come on ball go ball bust is running from 130 yards sit sit sit sit sit sit freaking speed come on come on on come on come on come on come on come on all right time caught a flyer dude it was flying in that rough that was pretty good how how how much 46 nice 46 that’s pretty good it’s a deep ball yeah that was that was good I mean it’s way better than here shoot we make bogey on this hole and we’re trying taking our time yeah we’re sub one that was that was my goal at least to be sub one minute every hole it nestled down in the rough yeah flyer flyer all the way over the green oh man so back over there yeah he was back left corner which was better than this bunker yeah for sure all right that was a good one feel like that’s not bad though that’s not bad I was standing at the perfect distance yeah par five coming up what do we want to do here let’s go see how far it is from the blues let’s go game planing on that box I mean we’re like 8 minute pace yeah I mean this is 8 Minute round of golf you want me to hit the T no I mean I I can literally hit this over everything yeah cart pass 270 out you can definitely get past the cart I should hit it past the cart path unless it lands soft cart path like three 300 you want me on the green you want hit second yeah I think I’ll hit second I’m going to see what the only thing I’m nervous about is I like I really need to hit the Fairway okay I’m going to try and hit it at that you see the brown sand bunker pins up front yeah the brown sand bunker I’m going try and hit it over that um I would stand on the cart path maybe a little past it and watch it come in okay yeah so I’m going to probably have like I’m going to guess around 200ish maybe like 220 I’m just trying to think of like where is it better to run after it from going this way or going towards the flag I almost feel like it’s better to have them hit it over my head I’ll have a better sense of my like bearings of distance so that I can my brain can do the work for me I haven’t done cardio like this in a while either I mean I do cardio but it’s never like Sprint and then hit a golf shot yeah so I’m going to going to hit a four iron I’m going to just have it out cuz we’re 255 right here I have to hit a good t- shot here under pressure under pressure hit a good one don’t get quick all right need to clutch up Derek bring back the Wells Fargo win here got to Sticky darkart oh we hit a good one oh no he hit short and right it’s right I bottomed it Dad Gum it I screwed us is come on baby come on come on come on come on oh don’t stop on it oh shoot I’m going to break oh no oh no come on the ball’s not stopping rolling no are you kidding me I got to wait for it to stop too it’s on the path stop is it on the cart path oh it’s p no way it’s I’m so sorry oh it’s going to roll all the way down yeah that’s the worst case scenario come on oh my gosh it’s still rolling no way what is happening got to move he got oh oh my God no get it off the path get off get off get it off the path get off you saying hit it off the path we have to make sure it stops but I yeah I no way I can’t believe that get it off the path going is he saying hit it off I think he’s saying get it get it off come on it’s still going oh oh oh here we go okay it stopped here we go I can’t oh he shaked it he shaked he’s got to hit it again got you got it I got it I almost hit my hands on the shattered my hands on the car path I got it he’s got to go [Music] oh oh my gosh did it not stop rolling no not a single bit all right ready this is you this is coming right after probably keep your eyes open right at it oh that looks good be good deep deep where is it long long I didn’t know how far it was oh that was a good chip yep yep yep come on good chip Under Pressure how did that ball get on the path and not stop rolling oh time 2 minutes 14 oh it rolled for 40 seconds I know I drove all the way up there holy what an absolute unbelievable hole is that the worst lock you’ve ever seen in your life that is the craziest thing I’ve never seen that on this hole ever what in the world that’s the worst luck you could possibly have I know that’s the worst thing that’s the most unbelievable thing dude I was I bottom that ball just a little bit and I cut it yeah so I thought it was still going to be good yeah no it but it got on the path it got was it going sideways on the path it was just right in the middle of the path the whole time just and then as soon as it got near the edge it bumped off and went right to the middle I mean that was insane like that’s something you don’t think about car path ruins it no literally the worst case scenario ever could happen if I would have hit it a little better it would have gotten over the path on one hop it literally went it just slowly got right to the middle okay how far 197 um what’s that cover on the bunker 80 you’re good enough if you can get it to stop at like 90 in between those two bunkers we can make an easy three land at 85 and let it release okay let’s get it boys we got two more holes left yep we were doing so well until we had the most unlucky break of all time this is a tough par three this has just got to stay dry it’s actually a really good pin for it and then one more hole let’s get it yeah I’ll get anything deep of the flag you get anything short of the flag call out where you see it in case I lose it yep you see it no I don’t see it right at it oh my god oh oh my God I got it I got it tap it in tap it in wait yes time there we go 17 17 what a shot three what a shot woo good stuff there we go that was a dart what was that other part three 18 18 okay so that was a second faster like he landed that literally exactly where we told where we told him to oh my gosh that was so that was easy that was easy we gained a lot of time back there yeah that was big that was big okay last hole I want you in the edit to do however long that ball was on the cart pth or however long my swing took compare it to other holes cuz we played other holes faster than that one shot yeah we did stick around till the end because that is going to be hilarious that one shot up side by side to other holes okay let’s finish her off all right all right what’s the game plan I think you’re pumping driver again okay I’ll hit at that electrical box I love that you can pick a three foot wide Target well I mean that’s just my you know what I see I’m like hey I’m going to try and get right of that that’s perfect L okay so you’re going to go right there it’s a little down off the right you should hit this like 330 yeah depending on how it lands so it’ll carry 300 I like it you want me to hit the wedge or you want to hit the wedge uh I’ll hit the wedge okay I’ll putt oh my gosh let’s go fellas let’s finish it with the bird we will be doing this again 1 million per let us know who you want to see us do it with I think it would be hilarious to see Grant do this I think it would be hilarious to see George do this not being able to take a practice swing not being able to shoot a number wesu would be incredible he’s got the fastest round on PGA tour history okay I’m 315 right here I think I like this got 117 to the hole 54 over here 50 over here we’re thumbing it up we’re ready to roll oh your glove on oh last hole let’s do this last hole we need a good drive I think it’s a little left that’s straight ball that was a rocket where is it he a pocket oh yeah what a shot Drive oh my gosh how good is that oh this be a good one just left come on Cole oh it’s short oh jeez oh what a shot come on make it come on baby off oh we babied It Go ball go go make the the line that’s a good putt time time 34 34 that was a great hole there that was perfect hole that was a perfect hole that was an absolute perfect Drive they couldn’t have been that was like putting it in your lap he is so dialed oh my gosh that’s why I wanted Tour event ladies and gentlemen that’s another par we shoot six over I think the only way to make that faster is to hit it closer and he makes a putt but yeah you can’t do anything better it’s going to be tough to beat this is the Dream Team right here yeah perfect hole that was good 34 34 yes let’s go what a round that was all right that’ll do it for us unofficial time is 7 minutes 15 seconds this is the actual official time in post yep that was a lot of fun that was a lot of fun boys we’re going again cuz that was really cool the cart path is the only thing yeah the cart path killed us what a video shout out to Derek make sure to go give him a follow link down below shout out to Stonebridge and invited for having us out make sure you sub and thanks for watching and uh stay tuned for the replays absolutely see [Music] you oh we hit a good one oh no he hit short and right it’s right I bottomed it dad G it I screwed us come bab come on come on come on come on oh don’t stop on it oh shoot I’m going to break a oh no oh no come on the ball’s not stopping rolling no are you kidding me I got to wait for it to stop too it’s on the path stop is it on the cart path oh it’s path no way it’s on I’m so sorry oh it’s going to R all the way down yeah that’s the worst case scenario come on oh my gosh still rolling no way what is happening he’s got to move he’s got oh my God no get it off the path get off get off H it off the path get off you saying hit it off the path we have to make sure it stops but I yeah I no way I can’t believe that get it off the path go is he saying hit it off I think he’s saying get it off get it off come on it’s still going uh uh oh here we go okay stopped here we go


  1. That was great video. Derek really buying in and trying hard makes it even better. Would love to see this be a series as long as the guests are committed to trying

  2. Alternate shot. I think experior did it the other day. It was funny and good stuff. I like your version because I dont like running.

  3. Seriously this is the dream team against Grant Wesley and Brian. Omg that would be funny but nothing is funnier than this entire video. Crying nonstop hole after hole then home 7 omg. 😂😂😂😂

  4. I wanna see it done with a continuously running clock and chaos from the first tee to the last green

  5. These are fun videos. Experior recently did one and it was also entertaining. 👍👍👍👍👍👍 At least you didn't have a coyote steal a ball or hit one into an alligator's mouth. You'd probably kill Grant making him run but it would be a great laugh!

  6. I don’t understand why your vids aren’t getting views. I think you guys need to work on the clickbait and cover art

  7. Definitely full 18 next. After that y'all should do nine holes no stops in between holes. Time starts on the first tee first and ends on the putt at 18. You'll have to plan out every hole before you start. O/U 20 minutes

  8. Laughed my ass off the whole time! I use my push cart and jog 18 holes. It's freaking tough! I can imagine playing at that pace is insane! I'd love to play a round like this!

  9. Felt like that ball was on the path forever 😂😂😂 love this video format!
    Can’t wait to see birdies or better!

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