Why You Need to Know Your Golf Ball | Should You Use Refurbished Balls? | Boost Your Distance

Today I’m comparing the new Volvik Combi, Vista3 Prism 360 & Pink 360, Cordor & Cordor X AND refurbished balls. I’ll test these to see how they perform and determine which ball suits your game best.

0:00 Why Is Choosing The Right Golf Ball So Important?
0:25 Volvik Vivid Combi (3PC)
0:40 Vista3 Prism 360 & Pink 360 (3PC)
0:56 Cordor & Cordor X (3PC & 4PC)
1:06 Refurbished golf balls
1:12 Distance and Spin RPM
1:17 On-Course Testing: Driver
1:47 On-Course Review: Driver
3:08 On-Course Testing: Iron
3:57 On-Course Review: Iron
4:47 On-Course Testing: Short Game
5:41 Final Comparison: Which Ball Suits You The Best?
8:36 Know What You Want From A Ball
8:58 Summary: Golfers Suggested and Highlights

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🎥 Filmed at Sand Canyon Country Club
👕: Benjefe Golfwear
🛒: Volvik Vivid Combi, Vista3 (Prism, Pink) Cordor & Cordor X

today I’m going to talk about the importance of your equipment if you are using the right golf ball for your game not only can you gain a couple yards but you’re also able to lower your scores as well sounds amazing right so I’ll be comparing four different models of golf balls Vivid Combi Vista 3 Condor threepiece and four piece and then the refurbished golf balls Vivid Combi is matte finish divided into two different colors power dual core gives you a little bit longer distance and straighter flight it helps you to aim better and also be able to check how the ball is rolling on the Putting Green Vista 3 has 360° putting Line Design on it Nano bisiness core gives it amazing compression and longer distance if you use the pink Edition volic donates to help cure breast cancer which is amazing Condor a urethane cover lower handicap golers professionals would use these models so I personally play the threepiece I absolutely love it refurbish golf balls I usually recommend them for beginners who tend to lose a lot of golf balls that was a ton of fun guys now time for the encourse testing let’s go that was a good one it jumps off the face with like less effort oh the compression is good this is the ball I use oh yes that’s the ball I know that’s the compression I love oh no the Vivid comi felt really jumpy off the face I barely hit hard at it it just took off that was pretty cool curious to find out where it ended up Vista 3 I actually lined myself up with the line so I think if you have issues with your alignment it’ll help you it’s very visible so it’ll remind you of the alignment I thought that was great the compression though it felt like butter it was delicious I really wasn’t expecting to feel that kind of compression the kind of compression that I would feel with my urethane golf ball so used to uh using my Condor threepiece I mean it might have too much advantage over the other golf balls just because I’m so comfortable with the compression it makes I hit that one really well actually so I don’t know if it’s fair to compare with the others uh the refurbish ball just felt so crappy I mean I try to put on my best swing with the ball just so we can be fair with it it barely made over the bunker and you can see that’s the refurbished ball it looks like Vista 3 is the longest it’s crazy I really didn’t expect that and then you know Condor I hit that one really well so it kept up but you see the difference in distance like dudee oh no yeah let’s check him out with my irons now back pin 155 felt very heavy I hit it great the contact just felt heavy so I’m going to hit my seven iron I’m curious to find out how this feels oh PL 1330 eight iron yeah this is this is what I know and what I love pin High kind of excited about this one about 1258 iron yeah soft it didn’t spin as much but it’s pin high with the Vivid Combi ball it spun more than I had expected the refurbished ball it it just felt so heavy it felt dead it Dove down and it just didn’t carry all the way it’s in the bunker because I’m doing side by-side comparison I totally can feel that the refurbished ball is off with the Condor threepiece it’s something that I’m comfortable with I felt the compression your thing cover makes it feel soft like it carried and then it stopped here so that’s basically what’s expected and then Vista I felt very very soft I felt the compression uh it did run out a little bit it landed way before my Condor and then it kept rolling it’s just past the flag which is not bad but I’m still amazed by how soft that fist the threee feels and the compression you get out of it oh it felt really heavy it stopped more than I thought so that’s good birdie putt H nice let me finish it out nice par refurbish ball par pot wo wo felt like a ping pong ball Condor birdie ah good try fista three birdie ooh wrong read par that was actually a ton of fun all right so refurbish Paul with the driver and six irons felt the same way felt very heavy dove into the ground both were very short bunker shot chip shop potting it felt like I was hitting like a pingpong ball I just was terrible if you’re new to golf and you’re losing losing a lot of golf balls out here this is budget friendly but once you start getting close to 100 I strongly suggest you go into a little bit better golf balls to play with cuz I just felt terrible playing with this guy because I’m comparing side by side it was even bigger of a difference these refurbished balls should really just stay out of bounds because that’s where they were found and that’s where they’re going to end up soon anyways computer data the combi was the longest Vista 3 though in reality this was the longest it felt super soft I felt the compression I loved it with the driver and both the iron I did notice that this didn’t spin as much with both clubs with chipping putting felt soft I love the big alignment line that I have on the ball I actually lined up with my driver and with my putting I can see the roll I can check my alignments I really loved it if you want more more distance but you want to feel that compression I would go with the Vista 3 if you know what the compression feels like you’re probably a good player if you choose to play Vista 3 you have the option of playing the pink version which is making donations too help cure breast cancer so if you want to play Vista 3 I think it’s a great idea to play the pink version regardless if you’re a male golfer or a female golfer it’s for a great cause but Vista was really cool super unexpected with the Vivid Combi I love how it doesn’t scratch it looks brand new it’s pretty amazing I didn’t feel the compression it just had a really quick jump off the face it really took less effort to hit and have it fly out there into the greens it spun very well with chipping putting felt very soft maybe if you’re not strong enough to hit really hard at it and you want some extra jump on the ball with your long game but you need a really soft touch around the greens the Vivid comi is for you so I would say single digit handicaps all the way up to Bogey players female male does not matter so I think this has more feel and more spin on the ball but then it helps you to jump this ball out there distance-wise Condor is more of a performance ball urethane cover is what the tour pros play so I felt the compression it felt beautiful distance was right up there this is my ball so I just absolutely love it if you’re on the verge of breaking 80 or you have single digit handicap Condor hands down Condor for you the most important thing is that you have to know what you want do you want more distance do you want soft compression at impact or do you want more spin into the greens around the greens do you want softer feel with short game you have to know exactly what you want I was pleasantly surprised with the golf balls I’ve tried today because they all felt very different I catar the golf balls for you so I hope it was easy for you guys to follow along please take your time and choose the golf balls wisely because it’ll definitely help you to gain some distance and also lower your scores like that I had a ton of fun filming today’s video I hope you guys have enjoyed the video as well please give this a thumbs up subscribe to my channel and comment down below any questions you might have thank you so much for golfing with me today and I’ll see you in the next one


  1. 0:00 Why Is Choosing The Right Golf Ball So Important?

    0:25 Volvik Vivid Combi (3PC)

    0:40 Vista3 Prism 360 & Pink 360 (3PC)

    0:56 Cordor & Cordor X (3PC & 4PC)

    1:06 Refurbished golf balls

    1:12 Distance and Spin RPM

    1:17 On-Course Testing: Driver

    1:47 On-Course Review: Driver

    3:08 On-Course Testing: Iron

    3:57 On-Course Review: Iron

    4:47 On-Course Testing: Short Game

    5:41 Final Comparison: Which Ball Suits You The Best?

    8:36 Know What You Want From A Ball

    8:58 Summary: Golfers Suggested and Highlights

  2. The video has sound, but I can't hear anything you were saying in the beginning until after 1:20. Then it cut out again at 2:10. Kinda figured it out tho 😂

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