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Canadian GP Race Review – Wet and Wild Vs Cool and Calm

Max Verstappen delivered a precise and commanding victory at the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve to take the top step of the podium for the 2024 F1 Canadian Grand Prix, despite having to negotiate difficult changeable conditions as Montreal had multiple showers throughout the race.

Joining Bryn Lucas is Jake Boxall-Legge from the track, as well as Charles Bradley, to discuss Max’s calm and measured brilliance, whether McLaren’s gamble of running one extra lap on a drying track with an intermediate tyre made sense, Magnussen’s magnificence, Perez’s performance and a horrible race for Ferrari’s double DNF.

0:00 Canadian GP Review
2:46 Verstappen’s Race
4:45 Perez’s Performance
6:52 Lando’s Near Win
10:48 Tyre Strategy
12:59 Mercedes’ Results
18:37 Ferrari’s Double DNF
23:05 Aston Martin’s Race
25:05 Daniel Ricciardo’s Fight
26:46 Alpine’s Communications
30:02 Haas’ Race Results
32:35 Looking to Barcelona

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[Music] come rain or shine Max for stappen delivered a precise and commanding victory at the circuit XEL vilner to take the top step of the podium for the 2024 F1 Canadian Grand Prix Lando Norris brought it home for McLaren in second place and George Russell finished third after a close battle with his fourth place teammate Lewis Hamilton in the final laps Max did have to work for it navigating changing weather conditions concern over his suspension and both Norris and Russell leading the race at various stages but he remained cool calm and collected the win here’s how they finished ven in first and he leads the driver’s championship by 56 points over lir Norris in second place Russell third Hamilton fourth then piastri in fifth alono and stroll in sixth and seventh Daniel Ricardo in eighth and gazley and Aon in ninth and 10th for Alpine hulkenberg and Magnuson finished 11th and 12th those two taken the gamble to start on wets but ultimately it didn’t pay off as much as they’d hoped then it was botas in 13th snower in 14th and Joe Guan Yu the final finisher in 15th and those who didn’t finish where they were sergeants lir Perez sints and albon a disaster for Ferrari after the success in Monaco just a couple of weeks ago well to talk through the race I’m delighted to have Trackside jake boxel leg and also our us autop sport editor Charles Bradley it’s great to have you here first of all JBL you got the race you were after didn’t you a wet one sort of yeah I was looking forward to a little bit of rain um always the great leveler as the cliche goes and uh yeah it threw a lot of uh spanners in the works starting off wet uh a lot of teams had to kind of adapt and cope uh a little bit more rain came just the circuit was drying out so uh a lot to be aware of a lot of the a lot of strategy work that the teams had to do to try and get on top of it so yeah it was it was an exciting one and it always around here yeah it’s always a nice one Charles you wrote in one of your columns that it was a a wet and wild event and it kind of was wasn’t it but it was a a very different performance from Max V stappen it was a calm and precise performance from him where truth be told elsewhere it was it was a bit messy wasn’t it yeah I mean Max was again just masterful wasn’t he does everything just so perfectly well and always comes up smelling of roses on the flip side on the other side of the garage Sergio Perez was pretty pathetic wasn’t he really Mercedes had a where they had a car that looked like it could contend for the Victory and then it got a little bit messy and uh they they fell a little bit short McLaren looked really good at times too and uh yeah and then you’ve got Ferrari at the uh at the other end of the scale just they were just playing old flipping foul Wen they flipping foul yeah exactly they I mean they had an absolute shocker didn’t they it was we’ll come to them in a little bit but first of all JBL let’s just talk about Max for stappen because there was this uh a couple of moments to the race with some radio messages back and forth to his team one he mentioned that he thought he was having his suspension had locked or something can you tell us what he meant by that and what was going on yeah so I think it was more of a sort of turn of phrase more than anything but we know how this Red Bull set up and the suspension is very stiffly sprung because as we know that’s the the way that the floor likes to work so it got to a point where perhaps in the start he was kind of attacking the curbs a little bit more as it dried out but the thing is because the suspension is so stiff it kind of acts like it sort of almost couples with the the unsprung mass of the car so from that point on he just had to completely avoid curbs um which you know that that kind of not saved his race as such but saved him from a few headaches and anything like that so I think that was basically where he was coming from there um so it’s just a rebel limitation that they know they’ve got they’re trying to improve it um and they’re pretty confident they can do without compromising on the rest of the car so um yeah that’s basically the situation uh from from Max’s standpoint he said after the race didn’t he that it was um it was a problem that they they knew about they they were going to deal with it’s also quite ironic as well he said that he couldn’t drive on a a curb because he might knock him out and then he went and drove on curbs so it’s that usual thing isn’t it it’s uh you kind of hear what they say and then you see what they do and it’s very different Charles yeah absolutely I mean he’s just uh he’s got the handle on that car completely I think he’s he’s driving to such a a finite level that he feels these tiny things and he explains them as if they’re a huge deal that you’d think that the car’s about to you know either break down or our Wheels going to fall off or something like that and apart from uh I guess Australia where he had the brake fire it’s uh it’s it’s just the uh it’s just those little tiny things that he just needs to find uh to to to be perfect really and that just he just keeps delivering so many times even when the car was difficult to drive as it clearly was throughout the weekend it wasn’t wasn’t their cleanest weekend but they uh again they got the got the job done yeah they certainly did and that’s three wins on the bounce for him in Canada which is very very impressive now what about his teammate then starting all the way back down that grid it was always going to be tough for Sergio Perez but a weekend for him to forget wouldn’t you say Charles I think that’s pretty fair well I don’t know they just resigned him as the best option to be Max’s teammate for the next two years so he’s his his bank account’s probably looking all right uh but yeah two crashes on the Trot you know he’s fifth in points at the best car he’s been on the front row twice all year you know he’s got no polls he’s got two q1 exits on the bounce and uh helmet Marco is obviously very important in the Red Bull setup says he has psychological issues well he needs to get that sorted out really quickly uh and get get back on track you know if this keeps going on certainly Barcelona is a real litmus test isn’t it you know that track so uh indicative of what’s to come in the rest of the year if he doesn’t get his act together shortly then that two-year contracts might not be worth the payer written on you know when you’re not feeling very well and someone says Oh Come and you’ll be all right and you think yeah but currently I’m not feeling all right or you Bang Your Head someone says oh mind your head and it’s a bit too late how helpful is it when somebody like helmet Marco is saying oh it’s psychological problems it’s not the car how’s that helping Sergio Perez Charles take one yeah I guess it very much depends on the individual isn’t it some people like an arm around them I think to Max VPP and you could say that I think you can be very straightforward to him because I think he’s very straightforward to to other people um and I think Sergio is probably the the opposite of that you know I don’t think he’s a shrinking violet or anything like that I think he he is quite tough nut but he just has to get over this uh over this problem with with uh with he’s having with the car at the moment cuz you know Max is performing week in week out and Sergio is just uh just underperforming and he just needs to if it takes a a kick up the backside I don’t know what it does really but uh he either going to be a cuddle or a kick up the backsides to get him back on track yeah it’s a it’s a weird dynamic a kick and a cuddle at the same time maybe now JBL McLaren I think they might be maybe a bit disappointed second and fifth for them with Norris and piau respectively they seem to have the pace though to do better than they did yeah and um Lon nor said that he should have won the race um pure and simple and it wasn’t a matter of um let’s say missing the boat with uh the safety car it wasn’t like a Miami situation where uh he took the lead because vak was stuck behind the safety car he wasn’t stuck behind the safety car he said that there was an opportunity for them to pit and so ultimately McLaren didn’t react to that that time window that that he had so they had to go around another lap um by which point he’d caught the safety car and so that kind of Pit Stop Delta was no longer there um and he was in a situation where basically the it was bordering on 10 seconds that lead uh and that had evaporated um because of the that safety car time loss and even the sort of like reduced time loss of a a pit stop under the safety car didn’t help him and ultimately drop down to third so that was basically the nail in his coffin um it wasn’t like um the his latest stop when he tried to build build a two-lap offset with the with the intermediate Tire actually he said that was very very helpful because um he was in a position where he didn’t feel like he could attack and then suddenly he could sort of have a little bit more of a go of it in that situation so I think McLaren kind of giveth with one hand a little bit later on but they’d already taken with the other unfortunately um yeah he did genuinely believe that he should have won that race he was very good in the post race interview that I saw on TV though Charles because he didn’t he didn’t moan about the safety car he didn’t say oh I can’t really complain because it played into my hands when I won you know so I can’t really complain about it but you can see there’s a different temperament about Lando Norris now he seems to be you know he’s won a race that monkey’s off his back he seems to be a very very different driver and a more composed uh driver and character off track too yeah I said this in our show after after he won in Miami that I thought this was the this was the sort of trigger point that could really allow him to kick on and win regularly or appear you know even more regularly on the podium and I think that’s exactly what he’s doing right now uh I thought it was quite funny to hear from the the engineers as it swayed backwards and forwards didn’t it the first safety car uh benefited Max and then the second one kind of brought it back in and uh and you know I did as JBL was just alluding to I loved his attempted overcut there that really nearly came off if the track him just stayed a little bit where W because the the crossover Point uh just came a little bit too soon for him but I uh but I also agree that not pitting that first time was the was the error and uh you know it was difficult to to bounce back from there um but you know it’s like they do a NASCAR you know if you’ve got the uh if you’ve got some new boots uh check them on you know smoke them if you got them don’t don’t leave the tires in the uh in the in the warmers in the pits just get get them on and go for it yeah Charles is right about um Lando’s attitude uh um he did say in the press conference after the race that um McLaren is now a winning team for for the first time in three years and so it has to cut its cloth I guess accordingly um it now has to sort of expect to to win these kinds of races so he was he was a bit disappointed that he hadn’t um I think you know obviously teams sort of learned from that and they’ll come back from it and be stronger the next time and Formula 1 teams I I guess it’s almost an Allegre for life really you do learn a lot from from the failures you make um but obviously you kind of also wish that you hadn’t made them so I think they’ll sort of go back to to woking tail a little bit between their legs but obviously you know next time they’ll they’ll sort of have something a little bit stronger in their their Arsenal because as you know they’ve spent so many years in the doldrums um they they’re still on their way back up yeah they’re starting to close the gap up around them aren’t they they’ve really started to make inroads on on both Red Bull and on Ferrari as well which we will come to I’m sure very quickly there was a this is all your fault by the JBL because you wanted this kind of wet dry wet race and that’s kind of what we got and there was this very it was a crucial moment in the race or a crucial point in the race really where it was do we change onto the Slicks do we stay on the Ines where do we go and what do you think I mean do we do we think that maybe Hamilton and and Russell got them changed too early and piastri and Norris did it all too late what do we think what general consensus of of of opinion I think as kind of sort like discussed about the uh the the overcut attempt um I think that that did ultimately kind of work out I think you know they weren’t going to gain anything by doing exactly the same as theen and Russ oread um that was kind of McLaren’s shot of of having a go um and and pestre kind of came at the the other end of that he he’ stopped a little bit sooner than than the rest so um there were a lot of moving pieces there um I think kind of about the time Bap and Russell pitted that was probably the ultimate the Optimum time because as we saw by the time Norris had come out although it was still very wet on the pit exit um you know they’d got their tires up to temperature by that point um so yeah again a lot of sort of moving Parts the interesting bit was after the second safety C to Mercedes pitting again um the interesting part about that was um Russell and both Russell and Hamilton were a little bit unsure about that after the race um Hamilton said if he’d known that Russell would gone onto the media tires then he might have stayed out Russell said in the press conference that he was actually feeling quite good on the hard tires that he’d already been given so um you know if he’ had a little bit more information he might have felt a little bit more FR in franchise to to stay out as well so yeah I think Mercedes sort of came a away from it thinking was that the right call um they still got a Podium out of it obviously but um you know there’s a chance for them to to have two so you know if buts and maybe yeah and I’m sure they’ll be picking through it for a fair bit on the flight home and after that as well let’s just uh quickly jump over to Mercedes then and your thoughts Charles on this one because it was a cracking fight really near the end but on the TV certainly on the British TV with Sky Sports anyway there was a a moment in the commentary where where crofty was the commentator saying that George Russell always seems to make a mistake and it was more of a it was wasn’t really him accusing Russell of not being a lead driver but there was that question mark hanging over him what are your thoughts there because he has done it he finished third today so it’s great but he has thrown away other opportunities he only have one win in Formula 1 so far yeah I think it was that moment over the curbs wasn’t it where he was trying to push on I think he just got ahead of uh Norris if I’m correct um yeah and I thought that was that was a little bit harsh at the time um George is obviously uh going to lead this team next year and they needs or he needs a car that’s capable to win and I think this weekend for once I think they actually they almost had it they almost had it right there didn’t they what they really needed was the track position again George had it but the race just didn’t fall his way did it he looked reasonably uh strong out front at the start of the race obviously Max put him under a little bit of pressure and then uh but then when Lando’s cars suddenly came alive that really sort of uh kind of tripped him up and then he had the trip over the uh over the chicane when at the moment with piastri as well so you know may maybe crofty does have a point maybe he’s he is right there that George does have a mistake in him um but you know he beat Lewis at the end of the day I very much like the fact that they they let them fight and they had a nice a nice fight over what became third place in the end and uh yeah I think they definitely finally Mercedes could be on the right trajectory and again we’ll see at that litmus test in Barcelona for the next race yeah JBL what’s been going on at Mercedes how come they’ve had this big leap this this move on don’t forget I mean George Russell finished third with a really good fight with leis Hamilton right at the end and leou Hamilton got the fastest lap so something’s been going on what’s happened I think it’s been sort of like this continuous um and it’s quite almost nebulous concept but it’s adding balance to the car um and the w15 it was a it was a sort of very clean sheet design when it first emerged um very very different to its predecessors it was something that Mercedes needed to spend a little bit of time working out um and in the opening races you know I had that sort of like relatively controversial front wing and I think um the team had decided that that was the best way forward for the car in in that current specification they needed to do other things around the car floor uh addressing sort of the the the envelope I guess of developing dforce that kind of thing um and once they’d sort of Hit Upon what was I guess the right formula um a few races ago there was this new front Wing that came in for Monaco and that just seems to have set everything off um they they came with another update for as well which was just some changes to kind of the front corner so suspension breake ducks that kind of area um it’s just all about basically trying to make sure the car is as balanced as possible um going through what what leis Hamilton has already said this weekend about um where the car has struggled um he said that stability sort of overall has been better this year and particularly sort of on Corner entry but when you’re in that cornering phase that’s when the car starts to get a little bit sideways and a little bit unpredictable so all of these changes have just been about addressing that and making sure the car is a lot more predictable to drive and once they’ve been able to do that yeah it was uh sort of getting that front wing on and dialed in in Monaco and now both cars have had it in Canada um it just seems to be the case that it’s a lot more balanced it seems to be doing what the drivers want it to do um going through the GPS data the other day it does seem to sort of serve that um going through bapen and Russells qualifying laps back to back um Mercedes also sort of had a little bit more on the straights out of traction it was a lot stronger as well it’s just maybe a little bit more work is needed on that sort of in corner balance because that’s where the stacking was a lot stronger but um yeah over the rest of the lap the car seems to be very much improved now post race George Russell said it was a missed opportunity that although it was a good thing they got their first Podium of the season I can’t believe it nine races in 18 opportunities to get a Podium they’ve secured one Charles but they’ve done it anyway they’ve got their first Podium of the season but Lewis Hamilton said post race that um the car had the performance I think he enjoyed himself out there today didn’t he Lewis but it had the performance to win the race now is that a bit over optimistic or is that real do you think I think it was uh a little bit over optimally from Lois’s point of view after qualifying he left himself with way too much to do getting stuck behind Fernando in that first stint until the the round of pit stops uh was never going to help his cause as I said earlier I think George George was the guy who did did have the the shot at winning today things didn’t really fall fall their way after a you know a pretty strong first stint on those uh in those wet conditions um but you know yeah I think it’s I think it’s a little bit of a a stretch to say that they’ve got a they’re completely back in the hunt and then expect them to go to Barcelona uh you know and and set Pole Position again I mean obviously what happened on Saturday was quite surreal with the uh with the 0.00 seconds between them and you know Lando just the 21,000 further back so uh I mean more of that please but I just think he is a little bit over optimistic to to expect that let’s see okay so what about the team then that were looking so strong coming into to Canada 24 points off the back of Red Bull looking really really good they won at Monaco they were flying high and then the wheels pretty much fell off didn’t they JBL we know what happened to Carlos SS he decided to take out Alex albon um as a bit of collateral damage but what’s going on there it was a disastrous week talk us through the permutations of both yeah I think it all sort of had its Genesis in you know obviously sort of very limited dry weather practice um that’s when you really earn your money and that’s where you really have to extrapolate from incomplete data and a lot of teams got it right and hit upon the rights kind of set up in fp3 but Ferrari were finding uh a lot on Saturday morning that they just weren’t getting their tires into the right window they don’t really know why they don’t know what they were doing particularly to that was different to other teams Carlos s suggested that it was probably Tire prep and things like that um but then just going through the race as well that set them on the back foot CU obviously they were eliminating Q2 but they were never really there in the race either they really kind of struggled particularly in the wet conditions um both sort uh drivers um had their well Scher CL particularly had a a Powertrain issue that he was managing he was you know pretty active on the steering wheel to try and alleviate the symptoms he said you know the suggestion over the radio was that uh he was losing about half a second sometimes it was more than that so he was sort of very much out of the race at that point because he was just getting overtaken quite a lot in in the dry um in the wet it wasn’t so much of a limitation but when the circuit started to dry out he said he was a Sitting Duck um for SS um yet similar struggles but he was he was struggling a little bit more in the wet weather when it started to get dry and once he was on slicks um he felt that he was able to fight a little bit more but in saying that uh he felt that he was taking a lot more risk as well um and so he especially in sector 2 he was trying to sort of stay close stay close Through The Hairpin as well and try and get somebody with DRS because there was a bit of a DRS train forming ahead of him um and then he just ended up putting a wheel on the grass spinning and poor old Alex Al just happened to be in the role play at the wrong time so it was very very unfortunate for albon he had a fantastic race um be S had a bit of a had a bit of a stinker from his perspective and L Clair’s race was kind of a non-starter really so really difficult day for Ferrari no points on the board not even a finish on the board so that’s going to be a huge dent in the Constructors Championship yeah what you don’t want is a double retirement do you want at least one of your drivers to score like Red Bull did now Charles with Ferrari looking you know on the high from Monaco coming here and having this disastrous weekend it’s going to be compounded surely they’re going to be a bit more concerned heading back to to Barcelona of the gains that McLaren and Mercedes have made yeah if I was them I would be worried um I’d say the the real concern was the 28 points that both uh McLaren and Mercedes gained on them thanks to the zero points in the Constructor Championship uh today uh and before that they’ looked actually quite competitive towards to towards Red Bull obviously got a huge points hole in uh in Monaco to uh I think Red Bull only scored eight didn’t they was definitely their worst weekend for long time um but yes I think what they’ll hope to find in Barcelona is that they go back to that momentum that sort of Snowball Effect that they had going previously where they had pretty good strong performance in the in the previous races coming here and hope that you know as Carlos science suggests that this was just a one-off as JBL said they just couldn’t get the tires working in the window and a good example of it was Carlos’s spin because it was just really really odd wasn’t it it was like uh in in the middle of the corner where the car’s not really do probably going at slowest speed just swap ends on him got a proper a proper swapper on um you know it’s like one of those motor GP front end folds we can’t explain why that happens but uh yeah it made him look quite quite dumb and then you know organizationally they had the uh the the sort of Hail Mary of going for putting putting slick on when it was raining that was that was that wasn’t the greatest day in the the pits for the guys either and obviously with the Technic problem that was a uh that that’s something that they need to get on top of and just hope that they haven’t lost another IC yeah imagine it’ll be a bit of a concern for them now one team that will be very I think fairly happy not maybe very happy but fairly happy with what they achieved this weekend is Aston Martin finishing sixth and seventh alono and stroll respectively JBL a good result for Aston Martin and maybe not making ground up on those ahead of them but gaining some decent points and and a bit of bit of space between those behind them should we say yeah definitely I think um Alonzo did say sort of P6 was kind of the maximum that he could expect and you know behind the the Red Bull McLaren Mercedes that pretty much sort of stands up um I don’t think he said that it was one of his best races because uh well he he said that quite a lot and if he had it would be one of probably about 100 best races he’s ever had um but on a serious note um ason Martin’s been sort of relatively diligently making progress um I guess one of the criticisms leveled at it was that when it brings updates to a race it doesn’t necessarily switch them on quite as quickly as say McLaren does it’s not that kind of as instantaneous but speaking to well speaking to Tom mull this morning uh for his usual ason Martin kind of post-qualifying debrief pce sort of briefing um he was pretty confident that that Aston was understanding the the scope of the updates that it had brought it continues to bring more got more planned for for the next few races um so things are just sort of relatively quietly building um obviously Barcelona will be the big test of that um aerodynamically it’s a car that’s a lot more efficient than last year it’s just not hit the same Heights as last year and I think that’s just mainly due to the relative progress of everybody else and Aston not making the same steps over the winter there’s sort of relatively sort of tentative reason to be cheerful there um they they did a good job this weekend it’s just up to them to to keep that going and eventually try and factor in Podium fights once again as it had done last year yeah if we keep on think keep we looking further at field I mean Daniel Ricardo we look at other drivers we’re going to kind of touch one as many as we can but Daniel Ricardo finally got some points in a gr Prix as opposed to a Sprint race but decent points all for him and it would have been more for RB had a soda not spun turn 94 laps from the end but both of them Charles just quick thoughts on both drivers performance-wise well I certainly think Daniel needed a good weekend didn’t he after the kind of shoeing that Jack vve gave him on sky on Friday um that that certainly didn’t seem to go down well with him did it um but I think again it’s it’s almost going back to that um helmet Marco approach isn’t it do you need to kick up the backside or or a cuddle um I think think he did need a bit of a a kick and I think he he’s reacted in a in a very strong strong way he was saying that it was finally he’s put together an entire weekend uh you know Miami was a bit of a a half wasn’t it with the Sprint race he was really good and then the actual race he wasn’t wasn’t really there um so uh let’s let’s just hope he can keep this momentum going really um and Claw his way back towards the uh to the front end of the grid because we know that he can do it we know from you know 10 years ago here he made a you know one of the most fantastic drives to to win the race um and it’s it’s always good to see him up near the front and then sonoda again another typically attacking drive from him today and then he just overdid it I don’t know if he was legitimately trying to go to the left of the uh the arrows board that he then took out and almost took out that battle of four cars as well didn’t he uh I think he had very near Miss of one of the H guys um but again he’s he’s exciting to watch and he’s uh it’s fun to see him around it’s always fun to see him around it’s also fun to see uh other teams finishing inside the top 10 and and Alpine did a decent job didn’t they this weekend JBL they got ninth and 10th respectively with gazley and Aon a avoiding each other which I think is the first thing we should say they avoided each other out on track and do you think this is going to give them as a team the endstone lot a bit of a boost as they head to Barcelona next time out in some ways yes in a lot of ways no uh I spoke to WAN okon in the pen and so for for context uh at the end of the race there was a team orders call between him and Pierre gazley okon was asked to to basically to let gazley through um they were sitting in ninth and 10th at the time they hoped they could try and get off to Daniel Ricardo ahead um and you could hear oon on the radio it was a little bit Hess up about it and a little bit disappointed eventually acquiesced and as he said in the pen did his bit um but this is kind of the kicker he was expecting perhaps the team to to let gazley back through on the final lap um because you know as Aon put it Ricardo was already two and a half seconds ahead so it would have been a little bit impossible for them to try and catch him in the final laps as it happens that his assessment was right they never reversed the position so aong was understandably absolutely Furious um so you know as again he said he did his bit um but he didn’t understand why Alpine didn’t do its own bit and it’s true that they did avoid each other but one can’t help but think this is a legacy of the team now splitting up with okon uh as it was announced earlier this week um okon won’t be part of the team in 2025 and and you you can make your own conclusions about that certainly but um yeah okon was even though he’d scored a point in 10th which has been a rare occurrence this season he was understandably and I’ll put this delicately quite AG grieved by the decision so um obviously not doing their bit for team Harmony Aline um if you know there was a sort of you know talks in in NATO or something that is not the first team that I would choose to do any kind of deescalation or anything like that but nonetheless they adapted to the conditions um they they kept o on out for a very long time uh to try and anticipate slick go um it worked quite well and the team got three points but it’s probably the most unhappy three points that they’ll ever get in in their lives strange isn’t it nine rounds into a 24 Race season and maybe Aon to use your analogy Charles needs a bit of an arm around him rather than a kick up the backside all the time yeah it’s a it’s a tricky situation there um we always knew that these two drivers had a little bit of History uh with each other and it was always going to be quite a tricky one to manage and there’s been such disruption at that team that I don’t think I think they’ve just been allowed to to to free range and they’ve just sort of gone off gone off the handle again we know that ‘s had his problems with other teammates in the past as well um so yeah I I I wouldn’t like to be in that uh in that position of of managing that I would but I would like to see if if Flavio B briori doeses come back I’d like to see how he he would handle it situation and imagine it would involve an immense amount of swearing I’m sure it would and then even then JB wouldn’t be able to tell us what he says now then would no one would what about further a field and any other honorable mentions you want to make Charles what what about the two H drivers their fantastic five laps or do you want to talk about anybody else that’s a standout performer for for whatever reason yeah my stand out performer was definitely Kevin Magnuson for the uh for the agent of chaos that he usually brings to to live and up races today it was for all the right reasons wasn’t it running the extreme wet the extreme wet never works so how it suddenly did today I guess they just rained harder than they expected and it suddenly hit that perfect window didn’t it and to have him you know overtaking pastri for fourth catching Lando Norris you know someone on the podium uh sat in fastest lap I think on about lap six just before they then blew it didn’t they by bringing him in too early they should have left him out there for a little bit longer switched to the intermediate when it was uh when it was a a better time to do it because then he would have had the Boost of having a fresh inter as well um and obviously hulkenberg did kind of did the same Ploy but didn’t didn’t get as far up the grid so definitely Kevin Magnuson was my my man of the day outside the top 10 lovely JB have you got one I think I was going to agree and uh Kevin was another driver that I spoke to in the pen uh it’s rare that I get to go in the pen because usually the the Press conferen is on after but um it took quite a long time for the drivers to go through so uh it was nice to sort of hear people um lower down the grp kind of talking about their races and yeah Kevin agreed with the assessment that that he was brought into early um if it had been for a few more laps yeah he could as Charles had already said he could have put the inter on and then during the safety car period stayed on it because he probably would have had enough offset to eventually do the same stint length everybody else did did so um I thought he was an impressive performer in in those opening race in those opening laps sorry and Alex Alor again I’ve already mentioned really doing a fantastic race he did a fantastic overtake on both Daniel Ricardo and estan oon went round to one and then squeezed in and and went down the inside of the other so that was a fantastic move it had shades of I can’t remember who it was in Formula E what I watched do that I think it was Edo MTAR actually that did a similar move at derer a couple of years ago just using every single inch of space available to do it so yeah that was that was a fantastic little move and um was on for points today but unfortunately just got taken out by science and it’s a bit of a loss for Williams as well especially because um Alpine scored a decent hatful of points yeah absolutely right let’s quickly jump on to two weeks time final question pretty much for you both two weeks time Barcelona this is traditionally a circuit where we see a lot of major major upgrades brought what are you both expecting to see or hoping to see maybe they’re two different questions Charles I’m hoping not to see a Red Bull front row as much as it sounds like like I’ve got it in for Sergio Perez today um because we normally see a sort of Noah’s Arc uh Grid at Barcelona don’t we where it’s just the two two red bulls two Mercedes two McLaren Etc um what I’d like to see is just a little bit of variety in that and just like we saw this weekend where uh it was a little bit mixed up we had McLaren and Mercedes right in the mix I’d like for Ferrari to go back to bring in that momentum that they had uh before this race too um but I think the fear is always when you go to Barcelona it’s such a a uh such an arrow track isn’t it that it always just leans lends itself towards uh towards Red Bull and you know that fantastic machine that Adrian Yu and Pierre wack have have made so um you know fingers crossed for for for a good one but uh yeah we’ll see obvious it’s traditionally a place where we see a lot of AO updates brought and as Charles said is sort of very AO dependent uh really rewards those who have got really good underbody downforce because it’s got a lot of long radius and highspeed corners turn three you’ve got cser as well and I guess the sort of re revived final two corners as well um so yeah I think it’s going to it’s going to be a lot show a lot of car performance it’s a circuit that teams have a lot of data on which is why they usually bring updates there um and yeah it rewards those highs speed characteristics so I would be surprised if anyone other than Rebel won it um but again teams will bring updates they will have opportunity to bed them in over the practice sessions and hopefully it rewards us with a little bit of a different picture I think it’ll really show us where everybody is where everybody Stacks up um and ultimately I’m also just hoping for a good Barcelona race because unfortunately those are in short supply and I think I might be in one of the minorities uh one in the minority here but um I’m just looking forward to when F1 moves to Madrid for the Spanish Grand PRI because uh Barcelona we’ve sort of been there done it not really a lot to get excited about unfortunately it’s a nice track to run around though I’ve run around that once or twice before it’s it’s quite a nice one actually so if you got your trainers and you’re out there in two weeks time go for a little go for a little jog why not the gents thank you very much indeed as always Charles thank you very much to yourself and to you as well JBL don’t forget when you come back to bring some maple syrup that was highly on the agenda Cheers Cheers B uh it comes in C funn enough so I’ll try and sneak a couple through for you please do but do it legally thanks very much there to the guys and hopefully you have enjoyed this episode as well it wasn’t quite to be for McLaren and Lando Norris 56 years to the day that Bruce McLaren got the first ever win for McLaren but it wasn’t for him because Max V staffen was there once again as always thanks very much for tuning in don’t forget to like And subscribe and get in touch with your comments as well so we can see what you think of the race we all just witnessed until next time time thanks for watching we’ll see you then [Music]


  1. How was this commanding victory for max, if not for that sergeant accident, norris was flying into the horizon. Mercedes was also probably the fastest car on the dry.

  2. merc and mclaren did there best bottlejob to throw a race and give a lone redbull the win, they have 4 cars vs 1 redbull and somehow blew it and lets not talk about noris on the 2nd restart how naive is he, max already showed hes going to floor it in the last 2 corners, he was weaving so much and did it to Russell and somehow noris just allowed it to happen, letting max get tyre temp while hes losing temp and let him get 1.1 second before turn 1 is a utter joke really from that the race was over.

  3. In Barcelona Mercedes will be fighting Aston Martin and Yuki again for 7th+ places….😍 Talking about how close qually was between Max and George without mentioning the HUGE tow George got… #BrittiesBeLike

  4. Perez would be an excellent nr1 driver in a lesser team. Being a nr2 in THE top team with the current best driver puts a lot of stress on him.

  5. LH gives contradicting messages "…. I had a lot of fun out there, the cour had the performance for a win …" and at the same time … " This was one of the worst races I have run …" …. I just think he is full of it. I dislike people who cannot be honest, either with themselves of towards others. I know this because of the mixed messages LH is sending out contantly this year. These games just prove his true character …. selfish and somewhat narcissistic. I just think he needs to grow up a bit, realise that the world owes him nothing and does not revolve around him. I doube he will ever get his 8th and perhaps thankfully so ! We do not need more wokery rammed down our throats.

  6. I think Crofty and the narrative on George pressure issue…No pressure in Brazil on both wins that weekend. Spain '22 against Max. I mean in Monaco keeping Max behind with old mediums. Singapore was a clip on the wall that Lando also experienced, with severe consequences for George. George Qualy performances show how much he performs under pressure. Spa in a Williams. This narrative is overblown.

  7. Ocon delayed and protested just enough to make the plan impossible. Had he just agreed then and there, Gasly has a far greater and realistic chance to catch the driver in front. Ocon was the team player but not. Mind games on his behalf.

  8. G Russel could have a win, if he doesn't make so many mistakes. And still he was happy after the race. He never gonna be a champion this way.

  9. Another race where Albon might have finished in the points and something out of his control ended his race. It's happened a few times this year. He should probably have 7 or 8 points by now. Shame. But at least it looks like the Williams upgrades are slowly catching them up to where they (Alex) can fight for the last few points positions.

  10. Max won but it wasnt an easy win or commanding. The pressure was off for the last few laps but not for the bulk of the race.
    I dont think George Russell will ever be a WDC unless he has a dominant car and a compliant No2 alongside him. He is too error prone. He is certainly not at Landos level who delivers the same speed but rarely makes significant errors. Just ask how many cars has Lando had to walk away from or badly damaged in over 5 years or had a coming together due to his error. Then work out the same for George. I rest my cae.

  11. Sargent is terrible in the dry worse in the wet.make him double his check. Sainz is going to the excel team to retire and become a permanent back marker😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅

  12. George was never going to win. He doesnt have the race pace to win, obviously. If Lewis had stayed on his mediums, i believe he could have been P2.

  13. Hang about JBL… If Ocon had given the place to Gasley when FIRST requested, there would have been time for Gasley to at least TRY and make an attempt to pass DR. It was disingenuous of Ocon to claim he did his part for the team, when he left it to the last possible moment to let him pass.

  14. The Red Bull team is a tight unit. Good strategies, good pit stops, all of it pushing the best pilot towards first place day in, day out.

  15. If Perez has psychological problems, why re-sign him just when other teams are closing the gap to the Red Bull? Perez must be the most expensive ballast in F1 history!

  16. It wasn't a commanding win mate, if not for the bad timing of the safety car, norris would've won it. But anyways, you win some you lose some.

  17. Really enjoyed that race. Even if Max wins most races left as long as the others stay competitive and don’t let him waltz 20 seconds down the road it’s worth tuning in each weekend.

  18. Kevin Magnussen: "Guys, I am coming into the pit now, stay focused, stay cool and change my tires quickly"

    HAAS Pit crew: Running around like headless chickens!!!

  19. Ocon must have forgotten when they told Gasly to let him by in suzuka for totally zero reason lol. What a ding-dong, getting his panties in a bunch over that. Pretending to "be too nice" all of a sudden you don't have a contact 🤔😂😂😂

  20. Its the car! You said the car is Very Stiffly sprung!! Max type of car as Shumi car was back in the day!! Who raced with Shumi back in the day? Jos V! MadMax drives in similar style!

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