Golf swing: How much turn on the backswing and follow through?

How much turn on the backswing and follow through? Like many things about the golf swing, the way the body turns is not simple. What you do on one side of your swing is not what you should do on the other. If anything, the body should turn more on the backswing than on the follow through. Why? I will explain in this video.
Sue Shapcott, PhD, PGA GB&I
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Sue Shapcott, PhD, PGA GB&I is the founder of Change Golf Instruction. Sue is a former tour player with a passion for helping recreational players reach their potential. She trained with the British PGA and spent 5 years developing technical expertise with Hank Haney in Dallas, TX. Sue is also an educational psychologist and will sneak that into lessons!

hello I’m Su shapot and today I’m in Westport Connecticut and in this video I’m going to talk about how the body moves in the golf swing okay so one of the errors that I see regularly is that players are very concerned about how much their body turns through on the follow through but don’t turn back on the back swing now it’s more important to get turned back on the back swing as it is to turn on the follow through and the reason for that is that on the back swing we turn this whole right side back so that the hands can get behind the ball and if the hands can get behind the ball then you can make contact with the club swinging in this direction from in to out okay if I don’t get turned back on the back swing and I just lift my arms up then the club is going to hit down on top of the ball too much I’m going to get a steep um swing plane I’m going to get a glancing blow um on The Bard and I’m going to get an out twin swing path so if you’re thinking about how your body should turn then put a lot of emphasize on getting your right side turned back on your back swing and a little bit less of an emphasis on getting your body turned on the follow through let me just put that into practice so I’m going to set up going to get my right side turn back on the back swing then I can hit from the inside part of the ball I can hit from into to out and I’m not so worried about how much I turn through on the follow through because the momentum of the club is going to pull me I hope that helps please check out some of our other videos and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel a [Music]

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