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Aaron Rodgers missing Jets mandatory minicamp considered ‘selfish’ | NFL | FIRST THINGS FIRST

Aaron Rodgers missed the first day of the New York Jets’ mandatory minicamp, and Robert Saleh said that “he had something that was very important to him”. Haason Reddick also missed the first day. Nick Wright, Chris Broussard, and Kevin Wildes discuss the tone this sets for the Jets.

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Aaron Rodgers missing Jets mandatory minicamp considered ‘selfish’ | NFL | FIRST THINGS FIRST

First Things First

Aaron Rogers not at Jet’s mandatory mini camp it’s an unexcused absence and subject to a fine okay something or nothing oh it’s definitely something um prediction before I give my take uh when Rogers talks he’s going to not so subtly scold Robert Salah for those comments there and Salah when he talks after Rogers talks we’ll walk it back a little bit really yeah so you thought those were harsh comments I think Aaron to Aaron’s ears they’re harsh I think unexcused sounds as sounds harsh I think in Aaron’s world I gave you guys a heads up what more do you want for me I’m a busy guy with important things which is why he’s such a phony I guys every player there’s one other jet not there a player that never wanted to be a jet that the Jets traded for who wanted to with the problem with his previous team as son reic was he wanted a new contract the Jets thought well we’re the Jets he won’t want one with us they traded for him and he got there and it’s like nope still want the contract guys every other notable player who isn’t at mandatory mini camp we know why money Brandon iuk CD lamb T Higgins doesn’t even have to be there because he hasn’t signed his deal but that’s all money I’m not saying that’s right or wrong I actually think it’s kind of fine if it’s like hey I’m I’m holding out for money we know why Aaron Rogers ah double booked hate when I do that I hate it you double booked you’re like June 11th I think I have something now I can commit oh the mandatory mini camp and then you have to make a choice what’s more important this other event or the mandatory mini camp that every single one of your teammates will be at except for one who’s hasn’t really even joined the team yet when you are the leader of a team and when you just said you’re going to you know you believe you can lead him to the Super Bowl and win the MVP and he chose the other thing this wasn’t a last second event this isn’t birth of a child those things can be excused those things we understand this was I have two things going going on in my life today I’m choosing the other so don’t then tell me the thing that was second place this time is the most important thing going on with you because it’s not and Brew in my opinion that is not sustainable for the quarterback of an NFL team it’s just not might be sustainable for uh you know the running back maybe you know he a busy guy and you guys will be fine without me it’s not sustainable for the veteran leader quarterback especially when he lectured everyone about how important is keep the nonsense out of the building it’s something something serious I mean really oh no no I see you got me all messed up something selfish is what I meant not serious something selfish all right and Robert Sol is not the he’s talking about that’s why I don’t think that comment was harsh if if Rogers has a problem with that come on at some point somebody gonna have to call him on the carpet all right because Salah said selfishly I want everybody to it’s a mandatory practice you’re not being selfish Robert you’re not they’re supposed to be there Aaron Rogers is the one being selfish and you guys know I’ve tried to believe in him with the Jets this is ridiculous if it’s not family or health related then you should be at practice I don’t care there is no other excuse all right there is no other excuse and you’re writing it this sets such a bad tone for the start of mini camp cuz all the other and we know they love Rogers but they’re human beings too and they’re like where’s Rogers do and like you said he didn’t he tell us months ago get all the distractions out of the way be all about football it makes him look hypocritical like Nick said it makes it looks like insubordination do you think this helps uh Robert Salah have more author with the other players no this is terrible I almost think the Jets should have said like they they said it’s in excused so he gets fined yeah I almost think they should have been like let’s just say it’s excused let’s just say because this is a bad look but it probably was so frivolous his reason that they couldn’t justify saying and even we excuse the thing is even if it’s not frivolous because wilds and I we talked about this before the show I don’t think the the reason the Jets I think felt forced cuz I I’m sure they would have preferred to call it excused Oh Aaron was here he told us you know we’re not it’s personal we’re not getting into it and if that were the case that would have been one of them very little pullback the what is it fourth wall fifth wall I don’t know how that works wild I never know um but sorry the the those are the times where I get very frustrated before a show because I’m like man I know this is a nonsense excuse but because you don’t know for certain like hey maybe someone is sick may you don’t want to so you you give them the doubt and it’s like okay we who knows they didn’t do that in my opinion because that then open if he’s talking at a conference or doing a political thing then you set the Preston for every other team veteran teammate in there who’s got some level of guaranteed money to be like I’ve got other important stuff too yeah I’m not trying to be in New Jersey in the first week of June or middle of June there’s a lot going on I could be out making money signing autographs talking to my Foundation talk whatever it is so you have to draw a line somewhere and the fact that he gave them I am again this speculation Wilds I would imagine this is why I think rer is going to be bothered by this that he thought they were going to say whatever you want Aaron we’ll call we you are excused when Aaron said hey guys just so you know small calendar conflict June 11th not available that they’d be like oh no problem and they didn’t and and then Salah has to sheepishly if you watch the whole thing he’s like yeah two guys weren’t here and he talks about Hassan and gives a thing and then everyone’s like oh who’s the other guy and he’s like and Aaron it’s unexcused and then a reporter followed up was like did you say excused or unexcused he’s like no it’s unexcused the reporter says so he’ll be fed and he’s like no well the CBA handles that it you just can’t have it look look I do think when he like I don’t when he gets there if it’s tomorrow whatever and he’s ready to go like I think football-wise he will be fine the question is the tone that is set it just sets a bad tone it may not be something insurmountable but it’s just not a good tone to set for your team Jets reporters watched the whole practice and they were talking about you know they went through every pass of the backup quarterbacks and a fumbled handoff so it’s not just Aaron missing uh practice in a vacuum now the receivers aren’t catching balls and we’re not doing the the handoffs and it was kind of it it was a odd report of that practice didn’t seem like it went swimming swimming Le of course but again who are they trying to beat to get to the Super Bowl who do they have to beat who have to beat yes to get to the super team but the Chiefs I’m I’m not even away I know you’re not we talking about bills Dolph sure but but let’s just go to the for them to reach what Aaron has doubled down on as the goals they are going to have to go through Patrick Mahomes they can’t see Chiefs Patrick if if can you imagine Patrick not being there today or when the Chiefs open can you imagine you know what if he weren’t you could live with that he’s Patrick Mahomes you know he’s all in he doesn’t say that’s kind of my point is he has he has built Aaron Rogers played three plays for this team right he has no he Aaron Rogers has as many plays with the Jets as Mahomes has super bowls with the Chiefs and momes is I it would be unfathomable for him to opt into skipping something mandatory and I’m not trying to act like Mahomes is some Paragon it’s all the other quarterbacks my point is that’s who you’re chasing and if you’re chasing that team with that continuity to get to a Super Bowl which is what they’re claiming they want to do you can’t skip work thanks for watching subscribe here to get more from the show and to check out clips from from other shows on FS1


  1. He’s been at every voluntary OTA, it’s not a big deal to anyone in the building…nick reaching here

  2. Rodgers does this every year.
    Step 1. Show he wants to win and he’s 100% engaged
    Step 2. Support the team
    Step 3. Does something that contradicts step 1
    Step 4. Does something that contradicts step 2
    Step 5. Blames the media
    Step 6. People stop talking about him
    Step 7. Does something to get people to talk about him again, because he’s a narcissist.

  3. People are really slow, it’s a big deal because his TEAM said it was unexcused, obviously the team feels some type of way so it’s deeper then just missing a training camp day

  4. This is the reason why Rogers is lucky he has one SB ring. He’s got all the talent but his work ethic sucks!!

  5. This happens every offseason for one player or another. This is June “media is bored” nothingness

  6. It's actually amusing because he was at all the voluntary stuff and skipped the mandatory stuff. Otherwise this is just being used as a vector to smear someone who publicly goes against team blue.

  7. Rodger's is an a** for doing this. Specifically because he has no cache with the Jets as he would have had with Green Bay. He played 3 snaps last year with the team. If he really cares about reaching the SB then he needs as much time with his teammates as possible to get some familiarity with their movements and play. He couldn't practice much last year with the ACL so last year was a wash.

    Maybe they sneak into the playoffs but they will be out soon after that.

  8. QB is an overvalued position and some are really making out on that deal and some are really losing out on that deal.. just ask NY, Cleveland, Denver and a host of others

  9. Don’t even have to listen, Nick hates on Rodgers(obviously politically motivated) on every subject. He will rip him in this for everything he can.

    You can tell when Nick has a political issue cause he trashes those guys non stop

  10. Rodgers is a goat. He’s different from other people. He can’t miss 1 day. Stop hating. You don’t know what he had to do. Sorry football isn’t all he cares about. This is nothing

  11. Aaron is wearing a tinfoil helmet somewhere, researching the effects of monkey enzymes on the thought patterns of independent thinkers….in a dark room whilst taking Aztec drugs to the sounds of butterflies flapping their wings.

  12. When Nick wants to make sense, he does. And he went an entire segment without licking Mahomes bunghole. What a day.

  13. At this point in AR's life and career, it's safe to say he is who he is. A piddly fine isn't going to change a thing.

  14. I can't believe people haven't figured out this is obviously Aaron's Tyrion Lannister ploy. He creates an incident the media will latch on to, they are going to feed different versions of where he is to other people, and via what's reported they're going to ID and can the sources. That's the BS he's trying to filter out the building.

  15. Who the eff cares what's going on with Ayahuasca Aaron? Y'all media are giving airtime on a dude that really isn't that interesting.

  16. Aaron is naturally inseminating a lesbian couple. Both of them. This is for a good cause. He is excused by the public.

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