Golf Players


I heard there was a new course in Nyköping called Ekensberg Discgolfpark just 1,5h from home! Had to give it a try!
Can I get the course record?
Let’s find out!

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what’s up people you’ve seen the title brand new course let’s play it’s not an eagle chance anymore if I don’t throw this in Ho One 70 M slight Tizer into the woods very nice looking starting hle very big and nice t- signs as well me likey testing out the dis Mania tayor nice flight always nice to start off with a tapping I used to throw this a bit before I don’t know why I put it out I think I like it all right ho two 68 M kind of a turnover around the corner here basket out on the field blind from the tea but it’s behind there I’ll go with my understable Luna throw it high let it turn out I just want it out of the Gap ah early release that was really close to going in okay the basket was way further out and way further left than I thought I think you actually want to throw something over stable and force it out so it pans out but it’s a par even the second Luna was a bit too [Music] short right hole three 90 M slight higher the entire way looks like there’s OB long and right of the basket as well I’m going slight flip up with the heling heat that might be a bit too far and left there’s a bit of a Tailwind so it pushed it really far I think I hit this last big tree and kicked left Easy Money hole four 89 M tight Gap at the end with a Mando slight turnover the entire way maybe a bit too low but I hit the Gap perfect so I’m happy ended up short again and have another C2 putt okay another part and we’re minus 2 through 4 ho 5 75 M downhill overstable forehand I actually think the safest Gap is to go over here but I don’t know how to record that so I’m going overstable forehand just into the Gap try to go as far right as possible there’s OB long of the basket as well on the path you can see in the background that’s tight go through that was bad very bad love the tea pad so far and Big T signs very good I have to say though there’s really rough rough but that’s not that weird cuz it’s only a week old C course when people have played here for a couple of months should be really nice bit weak but it’s a part all right hole six first part four 138 M dog leg right considering I don’t know exactly when it goes right I think I’m just going to lay up into the open over there so I have something no matter what there is a m though so you can’t go over right here and I think I see the Drop Zone which is further away than the actual basket so I think I’m going to lay up as close to the drop zone as possible I’ll go High a flip with the shrike should be pretty good it’s a bit shorter than I actually wanted it but it’s a headwind and I kind of got it nose up from what I saw on the T sign should be an easy birdie I don’t know perfect shot Guru moner I’m really glad I kept it out wide cuz this Gap is basically going backwards 62 m left going with A5 forand through the left Gap a bit too close for comfort but it should be a birdie look at this beautiful green Pro tip for course designers use this makes greens look so much better birdie hole s slightly downhill slight turnover the entire way 69 M and it looks like there’s a really nice green down there looks like there’s OB behind the basket as well so I’m going pretty low with the Luna just float it down there might have been a bit too short actually but should be a PO very nice I mean look at this beautiful green I love this mulch everywhere and a nice back stop easy birdie ho 8 82 M Straight Ahead shoes a gap get it up there I think the left Gap is bigger actually so I’m going flippy mid-range last three ah that was bad ho 9 182 2 m par 4 Mando right here from the T sign it looks like you want to just fade out to the left but there’s actually more trees over there so I’m just going to go straight with my night strike towards the trees straight ahead and just fade in front of them just keep it straight oh it didn’t flip at all um that’s bad that faded too much we’ll see what we have okay because I faded this has turned to a really tough approach I think I’m going over stable distance driver just get it around the corner go for long putt I think that’s as good as I could have done it but it might have been a bit too straight cuz I gave it Annie but like I said I think it’s a putt much better than I thought it was easy birdie don’t do that to me ho 10 this one looks pretty strange at the moment I think there’s a couple of trees that needs to be taken down par 4 137 M you can see the Birch just over the hill here you want to kind of have a pushing Heiser to the left of that so I’m going flippy Luna on a steep Heiser let it flip up but still Glide to the left the entire way I think I didn’t put enough Heiser on that I think it flipped up a bit too much but we’ll see pretty strange hole like I thought I flipped up a bit too much and went too straight the basket is just above the hill over there and like 25 past it but I’m over here I think my only play from over here is a thumber so I’m going nuke OS thumber n last three that was about to be pretty good scramble town I don’t really know how to record this but the basket is between those two trees past the hill so it’s a forehand hopefully we can save par let’s go bdd perfect might be a bit too short but I hate the Gap perfect I’m happy woo nice but I went unnecessarily short on this one am I inside or outside nice par save but like I said it’s a one we old course so I don’t think they’re entirely done of couple of branches and trees might have to go on this one all right ho 11 first par five on the course might be the only one I don’t remember 228 M so maybe eable basically just the trees in the middle in the way so I’m going big turnover with the Hades hopefully I can find my disc though I don’t want to end up in the High Grass hold it hold it hold it hold it it’s close okay I think I can find that but that didn’t turn as much as I wanted this approach looks pretty tricky though there’s a Mando tree right there with a bunch of cool sticks from the ground then it’s a pretty sharp right turn so the basket is behind here somewhere but it’s not too far left it’s 80 to the Mando and from the Mando I think it’s like 25 to 30 m to the basket so do I want to go turn over or forehand here I think I’m going forehand just to be safe if the grass was cut a bit shorter then I would have gone for a really flippy roller but now I’m going forehand stand still just aim at the Mando tree and fade in front of it get a long long look for the eagle miss it please sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit ah I don’t know if I’m P Amanda the wind pushed it so far left that’s better but it’s shorter I did not go past the Mando so I’m safe but it’s not an eagle chance anymore if I don’t throw this in oh I almost did oh my God I did not think I was going to carry them entire way but the wind just kept it up that was so close a I wanted the eagle so close so close this is pretty cool though okay unfortunately not an eagle but tapping birdie very close though I don’t think I’ve ever played a course with better teap pads I’m loving these teap pads and look at this big wall to protect us on the teapad as well from the last hole very nice ho 12 77 M with a bunch of trees straight ahead go left or right get your birdie I’ll go bus right Gap play it simple no what I thought I was past it okay it’s longer than it looks apparently with this wind I think it’s much easier to go for the forehand outside just keep it out wide let the wind push it back yeah that’s like 5 M from the basket I want to putt here but there’s a bunch of twigs and branches in the way so I think I’m actually stepping out here and throwing a forehand with the batter nice I can see the basket between here oh that’s so bad one more one more I’ll see myself out let’s go Sonic Master back at it again now I have a tester for par instead that was so unnecessary Edwin n kept up thank you headwind thank you thank you thank you hold 13 90 M very straight I’ll go Essence slight heer flip just keep it straight go for the ace get up get up no I didn’t flip fast enough time to be clutch 50 m left straight ahead I’ll go with the batter turn it over a bit too much but it’s a pot it’s a par hole 14 180 M par 4 hit the Gap get out in the open and then around the corner looks like there’s OB on the entire left side I don’t see any sticks but I guess it’s the high grass over there I’ll go with my more overstable strike just hit the middle Gap get it to drift a bit right and then come back too much headwind that’s not good okay I think I’m blind teapad is over there and there’s clearly sticks all the way here and it’s not the high grass over here basket over there and I’m over here this has to be outside yep 11 M whole 15 98 M Straight Ahead the basket is just behind the first set of trees I’m going Destroyer just straight on there’s a bit of a headwind so I’ll just keep it straight miss it no of course the one tree to miss sorry about the filming hole 16 61 m Island hole Hazard outside the island I’ll go with A5 on a forehand it’s a pretty small island sit no the wind’s going to push it that’s so bad thankfully it’s haard though so I can still save Luna highy flip straight on ah too low nice line though let’s go with the mine Bender laser straight come on let’s go M vender Ace ignore all the other discs around the basket this is the only important one let’s go but I still have to make this to save my part unfortunately it’s good though thankfully it’s just Hazard and not OB with like a drop zone or rethrow hold 17 94 M Straight Ahead or a slight higher Gap over there but it’s slightly downhill so I think I’m going heer flip with the midnight prowl just get it to push down there no two flippy uh cut rolled down a bit so might actually be a look very many trees just behind here maybe 14 15 M let’s give it a bid bit too lofty pole 18 par 4 210 M just dead straight with a big tree in the middle so either left or right of that and then a long approach I’m going with my overstable stke ah it’s too overstable sit well not good unfortunately I’m in the tree line here so I’m just going to have to pitch out and save the par almost I tried to be creative but I had no space to swing my arm 50 m left just going to lay up for par and end the round with minus 8 that is parked and it’s a minus8 round considering that the course is brand new there’s a lot of branches that has to go all in all I think I’m pretty happy with minus8 but when it’s all done I think should be pretty easy to score out here all right all done what do you have to say about the course pretty good pretty good yeah like I’ve been saying it’s a brand new course so need some clean up the rough is really rough but it’s going to get a lot better when people have played here for a couple of months or even a couple couple of weeks Amazing teap pads I don’t think I’ve ever played course with better teap pads good baskets all in all pretty good course [Music]


  1. Tack för att du kom förbi och testade vår nybyggda bana. Vi tar emot din feedback och forsätter att förbättra banan. Banrekordet är nu mera -8 tack vare dig.
    Grym video och kom gärna tillbaka senare. Hade inte sagt nej till att köra en runda då

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