How Constant Golf Tips can Ruin your Game

GRF Golf Head Coach Marcus demonstrates to Tom how recalling a pattern he already has on recall (such as kicking a football) can readily be transferred to the golf swing given the correct stimuli.

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#CoachYourself #GRFgolf #Golf
Marcus Bell is a registered exercise professional and sports bio-mechanist but any exercises recommended or suggested in this video are performed purely at the individual’s own risk.

my worst part of the game is definitely low Point control which is the fat shot that goes about three yards in front of you that’s my worst part okay so handy cat wise 23 has it been kind of going down has it been stay fa yeah yeah it’s basically if I have a good good round would be a low 90s for me and then bad rounds can go up yeah playing once a week practi once a week yeah cool yeah yeah but no lessons just YouTube videos yes we love YouTube That’s and so what what are the moment then so obviously with the videos cuz obvious it can be really reactive in terms of so you want you play golf you have a game of golf you get a few shots like you might hit hitting it heavy bit fat or you’re getting the slic so you got watch a video on slicing or how to stop the P so yeah it sends you down a bit of a rabbit hole yeah um and like you just said your swing thoughts change from week to week even possibly from even from shop to shop what this kind of continual journey of YouTube videos can do by it’s great the nature of exploration I mean it’s like that’s how we evolve and it’s fun and it’s good to experiment what it can do it can overload us and we’re just shifting our attention somewhere else it’s a distraction for that moment and if we get a little bit of kind of success we attach it to what we’ve just been thinking about and we’re like oh that swing thought works but you only have to video your golf swing and you’ll notice that your swing doesn’t change that much you could change your swing thought three or four times from swing to swing we video all those three or four swings there won’t be that much difference right wow okay but you don’t really know how you throw how you kick how you you don’t need to know the biome mechanics you don’t need to watch videos how to do it you might not be the world’s best you might not be able to throw that well you might not be able to kick but you’re able to move around in life and adapt to Everyday activity and you never give your movement a second thought the only time you tend to think about your movement in as a golfer is when you pick a golf club all but everything else in life is generally you just you’re consciously focused on the task at hand and you’re letting your body adapt yeah now watching YouTube videos is taking you into a completely different mental sphere it’s taking you into into a kind of conscious competence where then hopefully you become unconsciously competent and people are liking it to like driving a car but it’s not like driving a car in terms of you don’t think about what your knees doing you thought you you might think about pushing the brake pedal or steering the wheel in terms in response to where you want to go or how you want to accelerate but that’s just operating that’s operating the equipment that’s like using a knife and for that’s like this is a piece of equipment so once we become attuned to this we don’t need to think about where we are in space in terms of deliberately manipulate it what we what we’re actually doing is we’re allowing ourselves just to react but this has to be familiar for the body to let you go there so what we’re actually doing is we’re training the body just to let us go where we need to to play a golf shot so if you’re going to kick a ball and you wanted to start it further right what would you do f yeah but so what just start the action Imagine The Bu ball there what would you do as you start to move towards it close hold it there so notice what you did cuz this is your kicking for yeah that’s trailing your lead Fort moved into a place to let you use your Trail for yeah kick it almost going into that place you’re going into that place yeah so if you used your Trail foot first you w’t even be able to get to it no by the time you got to the ball you’d be going that way yeah that’s right yeah so you took a step out there yeah so now you could use this to create the path right okay so in go we’ve not got the luxury of taking a step over there okay we’re using our body right okay yeah so how can we use our body to do the job of that lead foot now legs straight and all we’re going to do is roll back and forth toe to heel heel to toe and when you go into your toes just let it lift you up that’s it okay like starting to use that push off from the ground to essentially detention the body right okay you’re getting the force from somewhere else that transfer force is detention in yeah yeah yeah yeah absolutely so just grab your grab your golf club yeah and just have a have a swing here for me nice different feeling acid now that’s a bit to the left so how imagine where I was with the hoop how do you get out to the hoop Co let’s have a few shots and just play around with that that direction see you’re twisting your body so you can feel how you can rotate your body to swing the club into that space that you feel directs the swing over there so the back swing helps direct the through swing that’s okay nice and easy first yeah just drawing back a bit lovely try and just stay in your finish at the end as well so just got that that place we recognize at the end Let the Body know where it’s going oh what a gold shot little draw feeling there nice that felt nice it’s the um finish is just so just the hands are like this and look like wow that was lovely how you let yourself go there as well that is awesome hold it there can just let that continue soon have a few shots where you can sense the direction of the swing to the ark The Arc is throwing the throwing the club out on the ark to the right awesome that’s a little finish not sure about 23 handicap it’s another oneor you’re going signed up for some prime see that’s the thing as well is um because of the way you’ve been playing golf it makes you really nervous playing with other people I’d like to try and get a bit more confidence to be able to play with other people and that like yeah of course yeah you want to you want to feel like you’ve got a level of consistency to your play yeah absolutely yeah and you will do through your practice cuz you got purpose just to like to it like you said look at that that is phenomenal that feel good it was a out I’ve never felt that before no no never looks really sequency nice but you had a lot of you had a lot of this mov before you even well you had it all before you started all we’re doing is just letting you reorganize it in a more functional way I want to grab them yeah you get off our website and after today you’ll get an email with your link to your video yeah and then you’ll get a discount code for the oh oh brilant and then um you can get some balance pads and even if you just buy the pads have to buy the whole K yeah just buy the pads if you want and then you can be doing them at home yeah they just felt like I’d not gone to certain places joints and never felt that stretching and yeah all these different yeah last one and we’re going to do a little board board movement good what we’re going to do is start on your left foot okay so rock it to the left that side there all I want you to do is just twist your feet to this basket that slippery yeah it’s going to challenge you this okay now keep the feet pointing at the basket so on a clock face that would be like 10:30 okay keep the feet pointing at that basket and just drop your hip drop the board to the right you your HP your right HP so we’re trying to load this here just Bend forward B forward so stick this hit right out stick it out there we go wow so you load that hit so it feels like it’s way outside the ankle yeah and you brought the board here now St this side okay and all I want you to do is just spring up but don’t rck the board back stay the side okay so we’re training ourselves to control so it’s here just what just look up for me just twist your shoulders bit this way see sticking out and now just s on and let your hips twist the bo twist the disc to me not your don’t use your shoulder just use your feet twist your disc that’s it twist this as well drop down twist it in now spring up and twist it to me perfect okay that’s the HP working now stay where you are if we want to get to this side the first thing we need to do is we need to point our feet towards those Balance pads then we can drop the other hip to the left take the bo perfect so now you’re over here loaded your hip now we stay on this side and spring on perfect drop and pop brilliant to drop and then pop and then drop the other way and pop yes there little you drop in to rock the board and then pop that’s brilliant that’s awesome just watch your KNE caps so you’ve seen the videoos probably the one two three four yes so what you’ve done there is you just gone one two three and then The Four’s the spring right right okay fantastic feels so nice does feels it really as well I mean you’re starting the ball right now and it’s drawing so now you got a ball that starts right where earlier you were fading yeah that’s right yeah having to start the ball left and then if you did want it it right where we tried to draw it just became a push cut yeah awesome wow that’s the best eight iron I’ve ever read do it’s 17 that’s incredible and it feels like less effort that’s amazing I can’t believe that a that’s hilarious sound strike yes that got that oh what a swing just finish that we do finish now Scotty sheff been going on there new trend Scot sheff is going to be copying you oh bless you you would want that we’ve got a destination with our movement now a pop to a finish nice finish and again now that shots giving you an indication of where you can go with the movement you’ve got some feedback with B light did I swing too far right was my club face too closed or open so suddenly can identify the right variables yeah just like that that was not yeah let’s grab your driver I want to go outside and some some drivers the driver as well will help you with the overall feel okay so I always [Music]

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