BEST FORMAT EVER! Golf supply lads challenge me to killer golf… WHO WINS????

Today we’re back with the Golf Supply boys at Foxhills! We’re playing killer golf but who’s going to win?

Hope you enjoy, Gaz!

oh my God man no what that hello guys and welcome back to the channel right it’s got the goldl supply boys Westy and Ash it’s be back on your channel G I know last time you beat us as well I can’t have you beaten us twice remember the last last time I was on your channel I shanked off the first I was the CLI of that going to do six holes killer golf so everyone there’s no handicaps nothing like that Westy’s going to get three lives I’m going to get two lives and Ash is going to get one life so if I make a par wesy makes a par Gaz makes a bogey he loses a life so the person with the highest score on the hole loses their life so I can only afford to lose one hole Gaz can only afford to lose two Wesley can afford to lose three in the event of a hole being tied all make pars you move on to the t- shots of the next hole and the person who hits the worst t- shot on the next hole loses their life from the previous hole that is a rules of golf killer this is gaz’s golfish Channel and we’re over at Fox Hills thanks that man TR to shut him up P has EXP one thing roll right it’s par five in it par five start y five start needs to be a steady stop so good cut a baby bit cut a baby bit that tree blocks y down there don’t it you be a little bit further back there you should be all righto it’s a good St though mate it we’re off to a start right Ash driver’s hot he’s coming inot yeah out cheat stick we’ve all got cheating sticks we’ve I need I need the cheating cheating stick we all got all things in our hand 30s gaz’s got the 10K bit got 10K have you not all Maxes yeah they’re all Maxes all the real the 10K is weighted a little bit differently and it’s a bit the max is the one oh he’s back on the channel baby draw off the pylon looking for his te can’t find it I didn’t want to get in front of the Tracer didn’t want to get in the toot tracer profal and now I’ve got the tea thanking you oh oh killer M oh killer oh might find it out there though West you know what how did I start so hot this morning and then just like now just like 3600 actually happens buddy happens proper capitulated come on not I deal 222 down to that tree so I’ve just got a bank on I’m just going to hit a six iron going and then I’m going to a bank of gas doing something silly deal de yeah no I would love to I really would go on I want to see you do well let’s have a nice competitive match yeah are we are we bantering or we just like being friendly no we we banter that’s how we are we were boys all right put it St in the trees right that kind of banner yeah on that on that that level yeah right shank it to Gaz uh to Jake shins what you said you wanted B oh oh that’s great that’s perfect right it com down yeah perfect it’s a bit it’s a bit annoying I’ve had to like lay up a 79 but I just now have to bank on G shanking it flushed it there didn’t you right we’ve got I’m going to have to lay up as well I can’t hit that ling up what is how far M the ball is sitting down in the roof right look at it how far is it look at this it’s not I can’t get like a seven wood to it oh you can no no guys if there’s one thing you can get there is your seven wood look at them arms now as well guys that is true what’s the point in going to gym if you ain’t going to muscle it out of bad lies I’m not formed for it I did last time I’m not formed for it over it get over it get over it it’s so thick ain’t it oh it’s gone back in a thick roof man they all growing it out here though they all growing it out for the uh the live Asia 21 that’s why it’s like this but look we’re down there knocking on for free make paw hope Westy up all right we have got 211 um into the flag you laying up as well uh I don’t know if my forearm will get it’s back into wind a little bit ball sitting down a touch just go all out at 4 just try to miss it left like if anything left green side trap I wouldn’t be too disappointed with if it goes in if it’s short of it then we’re all good such a good strike how’s it do you know your ball flight I swear it starts to fade but then draws it’s that grip it’s the grip it’s the ah you noticed that what’s that your ball always looks like it’s yeah I think there was mud on that ball course M ball good shot no problem guess thanks mate I said six strike I’m think but I’m saying your ball always looks like a feel like BL knuckle ball and then it goes that way you know if you met Jeremy Lynch you must have seen him in your time in social media J does like the swas ball yeah yeah ball yeah yeah that’s my golf ball it does it goes left that there look like it bunkers and then it drew wrong good ow 50 yards put this one on the D Floor put a bit put a bit of pressure on the man in the heavy rough there paddle arms ain’t going to get out of that you got beds sh thaty he got T400 [Laughter] that might be right that’s fine abely fine another L you can’t L up twice on five F let’s see pad LS when you get in that rough oh yeah I have a rough I’ve had an absolute shock as this rough is have my giraffe today soft hands soft hands 65 yards got a 50 keep rid of the tree oh no brother what that you’re not laying up on a par five you I just caught the tree the last tree it was actually nice nice it as well right come on I know I’m playing the worst golf I’ve played about a year but come on I can get out of here 47 yards come on oh my God man I’ve really got I’ve gone backwards I’ve got worse like much much worse is it where’d it go I am I’ve just thinned it over the back nothing crazy here I don’t care how this shot comes out I don’t care if I fat it thin it anything just within 10 foot and I’ll be happy with please Messy as it’s got perfect distance just absolute little bit look at this good flight good little spinny flight though two good that yeah nicely done guys little Eagle on gaz’s golf imagine the scenes eag Eagle eag you got to subscribe to the go Supply don’t cut that out Tom leave that in wanted to taing birdie more than the eagle not the best part not the worst really was it yeah tapping bir never really threed but watch the scenes here uh Westy for five you for six you make and he misses it’s a half slightly right to left get some gazes I really haven’t got the speed I got still you no i’ side still me uphill as well which is one thing I you can’t lose the hole the scenes absolute this is a massive thought this is a massive to be fair though guys we need we need his lives gone anyway so do but he’s got two yeah but you got three yeah he’s got two and he’s better golfer so he’s got one less yeah today I’m not a better golfer your knees shaking no you did you change the line to go more left to right Jake can you get that both way it’s going to bunk of m means on the next hole whoever hits the worst t-shot is going to take the L on this and lose a life right so CU me and Wesley both double the last that means we do it purely off t- shot so I doing like worst t- shot worst one yeah what off the both Mr Fairway whoever’s furthest away from the hole oh so it’s on length as well or we’ll have like the neutral man or the de side should we yeah who’s you can just say who’s the worst t- shot yeah I’ll got you West why have I just said that locked him Duty I’ve got you brother stepped out of it sit down spinny so it might sit sit down I see it bounc right at that tree through the middle what right at that tree in the middle of the Gap where that just where that bloke’s walking a bit yeah it went too long ah so good great ball that guys lovely mate not on the not on the bunk has it might just be in that trap it’s a good leave there’s no way you can see that’s better than my um where yeah yeah you’ve lost the L I’ll tell you what that might be close I couldn’t even save we G we’ll get down there and see I I wanted to save you on that but I just couldn’t there’s only one option here so I’m not going to talk you and boring I’m going to have to play out cuz this tree yeah what just don’t go in that sit that’s fine when I pulled that back and hit the leaf I thought that was going to be head lost but yeah all good that’s not bad man have you shared everyone your your gym routine for your followers yet or not not yet you not 10 paddle forearms followed by no they’re got called forearms they’re called Baristas are they why are they called something different cuz it’s Spanish bandua it’s a Spanish but is it bandua there’s those of different ones isn’t there Banda brother what’s that wait I nearly keep keep you up that what she what your handup 14 brother brother right oh look he hits one good drive look he’s poed up I hav’t I’m just asking for the viewers I didn’t explain at the start that Ash is off plus one and you were off 14 oh no I meant still me all right yeah I mean I’m saying that I could happily knife this bunker shot I’m slowly I’m slowly progressing no the bunkers are nice over at a minute we’re getting there we’re getting there what are you doing what the what are you actually [Music] doing give all how do you take fre shot but nice nice little up and down then just knife it H you you are going to get up and down the the swing speed on that last shot was about 0 about this oh he dunked it me nearly dunking house nearly dunk take that mightbe a little bird you get a bird he used get an extra life really actually know cuz you would had an extra life in the first would you yeah I want to two they from now from now new rules Li Is Not Great look oh my de oh sounds like what a prick that is I’ll give you that that is so unlucky what a golf shot oh that was close wasn’t it close 10 in further that is that is like dying next to the hall out of the roof as well nice going go I don’t know who pissed in the green Keepers conflakes with these pin positions say they’re sitting on the side of a hill there it goes maybe you just RAC the um put too hard your On’s here yeah but she only it’s going to finish short it’s like if you miss the hole it’s not always a green g fault well if you miss the hole he gone yeah good good guess good mate thank you good taking no risk no I like it strategic that was the Pod looks better than the birdie and that’s it yeah right two putts for Westy to lose another life you hate to see a free pot but it’s match play and it’s killer so two actually you took two from me that hole because of the drive you n the drive and then you got one life left so now and what you on two still two yeah 211 brother brother o right yeah so Westy is on one life I’m On One Life Gaz is still on two bom leading proceedings what we got here Gaza it’s the best on the coast isn’t it 16th hle Fox Hills signature hle it’s it’s a it’s a good ho to be fair yeah the water it’s Harden it if you’re a little Feer of the ball it’s not bad if you’re if you’re a drawer you’ve got to have balls you have to start on that water it’s 180 into wind to draw I’ve got seven in my hand and I’m going to have to absolutely like Nuke it yeah I might guess change to a six I’m going to stick with seven just cuz I want to hit it hard rather than it’s a very good hole but this could literally be a life Killer By the way straight away wesy looks nervous oh no no loves a club dropper big enough to carry though I think in the water ash oh my Splash God Splash it was the right it was the right number wasn’t it we just pushed it I know I’m changing Club uhoh I blocked it but missed it right though just don’t get don’t get cart paff oh it’s straight in straight on the C path didn’t the C path no I didn’t carry over into the bushes what did it hit it hit something though Tre I think that’s going to be an interesting a chip yeah that is Wy hit the green and I’m a you it’s too much it’s a side to miss it’s it is you better off down there the bunker yeah good Miss 7even iron I think maybe eight IR for me it’s good Miss Right Miss I’m Clos to the green so I’ll take that money as well right in the old Aqua um line of Entry was kind of like on that and then spinning back this way so I’ve come you know that Echo here it’s really yeah I it’s really annoying um but we’ll go drop there we don’t want to leave this shot short we’ve all got three wood oh a sh it’s a safe shot on it seven out of 10 sit think at the back of the green I take it though sit sit in the water sit I that’s a possible shot that’s hard from there that is just hard from there I knew Aqua was always in place but I can’t see any of the green and that was I get it and that was always going to be an option an option it was out no no good what you can’t fish it out I’ve got it for you what did it hit I didn’t go in I didn’t ah this stopped it you’re joking perfect I swear you’re lying I’m not you’re chatting pure you scooped out the water no I pretended ABS it’s going in the water it’s flying it’s got this look so did it go in or not no it did that what I’ve just done there oh so I’m in perfect oh great shot lovely touch oh the fishing rod might have saved I just got make that butt now oh bubbled we’re all pting for four boys didn’t snap nowhere near as much I’m in for a five Lads oh wesy just got this to get me out this is this will kill me this will kill him this will kill me Wes Wy don’t kill me Wy do it Wy don’t kill me just you know don’t kill mey but what about our Channel Wy we’re Partners remember on the channel don’t trust my line he’s off Ash is out he’s dead hold on boys by the fishing the fishing rod fishing you right one down two left right what is this PA four West yeah boys cameraman you’re all right boy get the camera right it’s Par Four straight up um Green’s like an elevated green got blind t- shot into it it’s a nice hole very nice looking hole great ball driver’s come to player isn’t it today G dri been right fa oh you don’t like that rough though do you I don’t like that rough so all I need to do is hit the Fairway and that’s really hard for you yeah so there’s two things we struggle with you had the rough Speak Easy for it to do Jesus so all I’ve got to do is the Fairway on the tightest on the tightest cuse and Fox Hill yeah but if you see it’s quite open there 100 yards we’ll just carry 100 then yeah do one of them low punch cuty fats or just do your big blocky right straight in the trees oh it’s red steak it’s not red steak it is the red steak is only on three me open your Stakes is just a little stre it’s gone in there look look come here come here look youve just been saved by a fishing rod look at the red Stak cheat you look cheat guys you’re not looking I am looking I think I’ve just gone in that stream it flew the stream by about 100 yards I think it went in that red steak the driver has been that is Hazard the driver’s been solid today the driver what else what else has been solid well I’m still in it so I played this bad and I’m still going I did say show me the low the lower top yeah and you’ve been clanging the driver the low top Healy one yeah and everything you wanted I’ll give to you oh I like it thick just don’t go in that again though or just keep rolling to the next bit go go go yeah that’s that’s not bad that’s not bad Ching a pop that was a good job hopping down for six right 94 yards sitting down the roof I’m going to play like a I don’t know what I’m going to [Laughter] play a thinny pin on the pin that’ll be off the back of the green but actually it still was hot out there it’s so thick it is hard it’s so they’re grown the rof and they’re going to throw this even harder and it’s still two month away yeah it’s going to be like up here let’s put let’s put a tiny tiny bit of pressure on the man let him finishing style 54° I’ve got 45 yards good shot it’s just completely the wrong direction pretty pretty mid ah I love it though beetle with the glove on with the no look put that’s so annoying yeah that is so annoying that is annoying right cuz would you have won if if that all that would happen I didn’t lose a life you got saved by a net how did you not lose a life though put in the you on the five and made double he made four there made I played well there was that the driver saved us there oh you’ve been clanging driver driver was all right everything else was bad yeah how did you not lose a life cuz he’s driver kept piping it no cuz the par five he doubled then i’ beat him on the t- shot but after that i’ be I should have nicked one off him on the par five should but you didn’t I won guys won golf supply run that back nil but actually you did win on your turn technically it’s one we’ll play it again thanks for watching I’ll see you soon


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