Golf Players

Peter Crouch…”My Finest Sporting Moment” ! 🔥👀 | Golf Life v Golf Day

This is Golf Life v Golf Day !!
We went down to the Husqvarna Invitational at the glorious Grove and went head to head with all the guests in a par 3 challenge like no other !
Love this video ! Such a laugh.

Check out Husqvarna’s magmotional products here …

Hope you enjoy you legends

Golf life x

welcome back to the channel and welcome back to a new video you golf life Legends we’re back here at the beautiful Grove for the husana Invitational and today is golf life versus golf day but before I tell you all about that let me tell you a little bit about husana and some of their magm motional products husana are world leaders and inventors of robotic LMO go on little fell they have these double decent Auto mowers and there’s one suitable for every Garden right through to professional Turf Care for sports and golf courses which myself big an and Jimmy Bullard will demonstrate further down the line because we are going to be greenkeepers for the day absolutely buzzing right Let’s cross to Big an and Jimmy Bullard to find out what we’re doing yes Angie baby you you good what are we doing here today we are buzzing M we are down here at the beautiful Grove 13th Par 3 for the husan Invitational golf day and there are some big old names here in there got some serious boats if you get on this super Joey Cole Peter CR cury G I got to name a few loads of them yeah yeah yeah right format wise obviously par three yeah Pete’s going to explain the uh the rules but I’m not very good you’re very good right so what we’re going to do is 12 handicap and Below you’re taking shots okay I see what you’re done yeah 12 and above I’m going to take it makes sense yeah yeah should we throw down to Pete he’s on the green yeah he’s pting yeah let’s go put it up the rules are simple you golf life Legends if we golf life win the hole we get a point if the husana massive win the hole they get a point absolutely nothing for a draw This Is War let’s go for it bring on the first contestant right our first contestant is you know him SI on go are how are you I’m good mate listen mid to long range par three are not my thing and you said it wasn’t your number not it’s not a number for me really I’ve got six yeah okay got six me okay you big boys let’s have a go right come on then it’s clean oh it is clean look at it drawing nice got a gold a it ey oh bit room there come on in Seb let’s have it Oh it’s leaking a bit oh there the number right sh boy you haven’t made the green so um it’s not it’s not quite you know I’m quite happy with the shots but I told you it’s my number for me it’s good shot a little CH to that’s a one n gol life oh is it points like that yeah come on bring on the next contestant right everyone look what we got Club face UK how are you son good thank you m you massive numbers on Tik Tok yeah that’s what I’m hearing fin yeah yeah boy welcome anyway we got 160 yards yeah yep course it’s wet 160 yards I’ve got eight on what you got I got seven all right okay all the best eh okay well you are you’re an absolute unit of a man um see we get one in close eh come on in J let’s put the meal right up in oh yeah number Cloud fights we got chances here no I’ve still got a p I’ve still got a p so that was down G it cracking stri lovely effort that I you hey Tick Tock me up down a fraction oh that’s why you do right cut off here we go let’s get down there and let’s go see who’s closer come on come good start with this you right up the right Bo up the right come on look at the tactics here we can park this boy he just doesn’t miss oh my God yes he does has it he does such a pure partt get your old pot back that was a good read definitely taking oh Club boats got a right you’re good yeah M you’re good you’re good my eyes perfect anyway Louie right to get it back to one1 a 111 Lou Club Boat Boat Race Face and a birdie dance yeah birdie dance you got to bring it to your channel 40 million subs and all that left Edge it it’s ended a draw so it’s still 1 n oh you you Haven one of them no no Jimmy in don’t blame me on the it’s got sweaty shins now right and if you hit the green it’s another point if you hit the green it’s another point the last three so let’s get close oh no ST right D it’s still 1 n still one n does not count unlucky mate both two no [Music] good what you off John uh I’m off 18 at the minute 18 right still me coming in John Boy scratch on the driving range though yeah nice swing though lad hang on oh no go hit the green flasher the St in car on the handicap it’s not made the green though tell you what I thought that was on it then it’s went it’s pin either though oh I’m absolutely go BL me still 1 nil golf [Music] life few golfers in this group you love this little group oh clean yes he’s made the green boy bit clean weren it but it’s all right they’re clean they’re good what a shot luy you’ve got to hit the green that’s the rules that’s the rules then it’s me and you P off ohy luy that is special get up and get gone and find legs oh oh oh oh oh my go he’s on the green that it’s a it’s a p off love that oh the boy oh what a PT that is lucky over to you mate it’s nice it’s nice it’s nice oh right the pressure is on that’s nice though lad real good the pressure is on can we tie that was nice felt good that was good mate thanking you this is for the you got it left lip fir left lip yeah don’t let go life down just doesn’t miss it oh it ends draw it ends the draw love that what is it what you got I’ve got eight have you yeah i’ got eight always Clum I’ve got eight not really I just uh you playing lately not not as much as I’d like to but I’m going to I’m I’m working on it always good have a look at this man I’m a big admirer of this boy it’s mutual big admire let’s go can I just say garage classical if you’ve never seen it go and watch it it’s one of the best things I’ve ever seen live unbeliev unbelievable the governor come let’s have it oh no Jim turnover is it coming it’s a little bit right oh no tell you what it’s strike out of Heaven by the way I did strike yeah yeah that striking strike was for you lad cracking stries get up go a little bit more go on get [Applause] on the H massive with a point here we are it’s our mate guys come on we got a new girlfriend by the way too much might make is better gol what you playing on uh three three now three now and can I ask a massive favor yeah can you come back on the channel and do an 18 H holder against Jimmy here in the summer yeah yeah for it because last time was epic the Great what is the greatest performance on go was it three under three under n yeah had a put for five on seven was a good match on it like he’s not forgotten knows the exact so that that match will be coming up but now we’ve got the H versus golf life take it away boys come on Jim Bob oh he’s not he’s not he’s not letting us anywhere near it a day he he’s been teach us a lesson oh no was a bit fat oh he not made the green is it oh no pressure pressure oh [Laughter] noen and that is gol Life The Last Time come on no score no score look at me F the lovely Mia Baker how are you how’s it going thanks for coming um you love your golf don’t you I do but this is the first time we’ve met in real life it is real life it’s real look different you look different it’s usually height isn’t it anyway it’s 160 yards yes um and you just got to get on the green girl all you got to do this is all you’ve been doing all day I wish you luck good luck mate love your stuff by the way yours too oh that’s pure that’s beautiful Timmy Bullard do you know what it’s wet is it it’s exactly the same yard is that on I can’t tell is that on is that on no it’s no we’ve no stoy said it’s not on the green all you’ve got to do is hit the green here Mia Mia you’ve got a chance here oh God I feel like I’m going to do a Gaz great confidence is that what it’s called now is it a gas yeah all right do the gas oh sugar it was better than Gaz but it was still a Gaz we love go love it m we love go look who it is train everyone how are you son are you ready I’m ready for this gy I’ve been watching you clip a few away and I’m up for this I’m I’m all over where’s your partner J great B down he’s got he tried to get in early we got 160 yards yeah oh re you got eight I got eight yeah come son you’ve cled up one haven’t you yeah I mate the rain started to come down it’s terrible I can’t lie you I’m dying for a I need to hit this quit all right come on oh fade AIT fade a bit oh it’s on the green what safe one steady come on come on Jim it’s steady allow me to putt come on M you just heard try I’ve just clubbed up a bit just because little little bleeder to the right yeah you know didn’t you that’s my shot are you dog heavy ball it’s just terrible ball striking soon as that rains come down get up how many times have I been there you want the six sign here we go again another point for the h massive golf life are down what’s the score 2-1 is it oh God come on Jim right look who I’ve got Joe car everyone how are you son how are you Joey Cole look who super Joey absolutely love him you love your golf don’t you I love it mate yeah I’m not very good but I do I do enjoy it do you have an handicap 24 right okay yeah I don’t play I play like four or five times a year he says I don’t play I’ve been up here twice he’s been up here both times slippy um anyway look 160 yard 160 yards you’re taking on big an what club you got we go for a five I’ve not been eating it well J have you hang on have you got diamonds in your Club of course I ain’t oh I’m sorry I thought big time don’t you think I’m a rapper or something turn it in sorry um so what you got five iron five IR cuz I’ve not been eating it well today so I just want to get it down yeah I like it mate I like it so we got 170 yards I’m going to H 7 and you got try and beat me right let’s go oh Jimbo oh it’s just Majestic oh it’s superb it’s on it a look at that oh oh my god when I was on a pitch for you beautiful here we go come on Coy he’s probably got a trick shot now him nice left mate get up get over him bunker oh oh bunker unlucky big Peter Crouch don’t leave me hanging son um you love your golf I love it now yeah I love it I want to get to your level that’s what I want to get to and you got a lot to what you are uh 12.2 okay yeah nice abs play uh no no no no it’s uh but I will I’m trying to get revolved yeah quite nice well anyway got 160 yards okay what you me I’ve got a six iron but yeah is that right with you take it away lad you don’t need me and you come on let’s have a look at you come on such a nice strike go on the wind’s got it as well go on your crouchy it’s inside that b that’s unreal really good didn’t expect that is that big Improvement mate big Improvement oh it’s going to be tight Jim grab a piece kick left got a kick left there Crouch tight oh he’s done there a nice little set of balls as come on that was close this is myy moment right get on this guest Mark right what a man Legend are you lad I’m good privileged to be on this than so much I didn’t know you was a big golfer uh I wouldn’t say big okay a budding golfer is what I like to say I’m getting there I’m in progress it always is mate got handicap about 16 18 today okay so me hitting them right you’re going to get out against and yeah and just um just show them what you got we want Mark we we want on a channel proper I’m coming you a few more lessons but when you’re when you’re up for it he makes sure you come off love to come come on coming and we need you here we do mate what’s the scores CH 3-2 we’re losing 3-2 oh you absolute donut was that a donut ball maybe I need that donut ball for me yeah Mark all you’ve got to do is hit the green it’s a nice mate it’s not going to get it though is it get up it’s all right that’s all right mate tripping apart I’ll take it yeah still [Music] 32 J [Applause] what welcome back to the Channel all right mate before we get going can you come back on yes you and and you know my fees wored about M how good was that match we had it’s close it’s a close F your part was unbelievable winning that hurt me I’m not even going to lie that hurt me that hurt me anyway enough about that 160 yards that’s what it’s plan um fance yourself what you got I don’t know I got eight in my hand what you got got big yeah what you got big dog i’ got seven come on Jim oh lovely shot Beauty got get left it right a bit I love it over there at the minute like honestly you put a flag over there it is it seven yeah was that a seven is it a seven That’s good I’ve got eight in my hand but after seeing that I think I’m at no I think no no no no J if Jay bid hits the green has Van have won the day yeah you’ve won the day been defeated take an eight you’re not a seven you’re an eight no pressure Jay pressure soever it’s on it’s on I can’t believe that it’s big an versus ciry G oh for goodness s ridiculous if we draw it or if we lose it it’s the big one next oh God that’s that’s tragic I can’t believe it bounc [Music] left so it’s all come down to this it’s three too so hasana right um and it’s you versus big an so if I miss the green then that’s it is it is that it so I have to hit the green come on I haven’t hit yet today if you hit and miss the green do I have to bother hitting oh right okay pressure there she does have to hit yeah we’ like to see bitun no cuz you’re an absolute Legend you come from a golfing background and I want to see how good you are oh thanks thanks Jim pressure she’s really good direct it oh a te be getting here proper done you joking please be right come on and come on baby yeah I’m on it sweaty Palms Wonderland oh blood it’s going for the 14th that’s the’s G for the 40 right the match is over down the problem you were supposed to be doing zoomi I was so you you didn’t get it then you didn’t get it it’s in the it’s in the O massive massive thing so in the video now yeah go cir doesn’t want a shot anyway you going to have a shot yeah I’ve got to hit one from here and here yeah okay we are going to have Kirsty shot ASV of w um so we’re going this is absolute Carnage no you didn’t make the green pal oh it’s in the bung bounce over bounce over unlucky curs C better than last time though oh dear so that was real down there well on Lads losing team Jim you were good sorry didn’t turn up that’s all right it’s all about the fun and a massive thanks to haana and glorious grow for having us and we’ll see you next time when we’re greeners come on is that the next one is it yeah we’re green Keepers oh God the best you won’t you won’t want to play call out we been on it all the best see you later


  1. How golf life diddnt win that Jimmy hitting against 12hcp 18hcp and not hitting green, should been ange hitting against them, good vid short and sweet

  2. can you go back to when you asked the guests questions during the round? them videos were the best, would love to hear crouchy or mark wright stories

  3. I would have been happy seeing cole and crouch pair up with bully and tubes. 9 holes..crouch and tubes v jimmy and the best player to come out of London in 90,s…overload with the lovely Kirsty. Ha….busy people I guess

  4. It’s crazy how ange plays every week nearly and just can’t hit a ball get some lessons figure it out

  5. Hello I have a celebrity charity golf day on the 20th September are you free to play in the event golf club is woolston manor

  6. Got to meet big Ange today had a nice litte chat what a lovely fella, didnt get to spek to tubes he was busy they had been filming at a new course opens tomorrow

  7. Club Face miffed. No banter.

    Kirsty the game isn’t for her.

    The rest excellent.

    Ange piss poor son ffs have a word! 😂👍🏻

  8. Master Tubes…., you told me .., after agging u… Mr Shearer was coming on your channel! Where/when is he?🖤🤍 loving all the vids as normal. Well done to you and the team

  9. Ange and Tubes scratch golfers in 6 months 😂😂😂 Gaz Golf 3 hdc yeah right this was a hack fest of the highest order .👍

  10. 25 seconds in Tubes talks about how great the mower is as it go past and doesn't cut 1 piece of grass 😂😂

  11. Get retired jump jockey will kennedy on the show be good to get an insight into the sport from someone who has been around in the sport for 25 years lovely bloke 👍

  12. I’m a high handicapper so not good in the slightest but surely Ang is a higher handicapper than he says he is. And tubes tbh.

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