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Another in-state commitment and a bunch more Nebraska football recruiting nuggets

Pierce Mooberry committed to the Huskers over the weekend. We analyze that commitment and offer up more recruiting nuggets for Nebraska football.

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hey Husker fans welcome to another episode of the Husker big red podcast with Chris Peterson and Danny Gillette as always go Big Red good morning Husker fans and welcome back to the Husker big red YouTube channel I’m Chris Peterson and joining me as always is Danny Gillette and Danny how you doing this morning man I saw your Celtics up 2 in the finals so you got to be feeling good about that I am feeling good about that and I’m feeling good overall I had a bachelor party this weekend and I’m still kind of recovering I’m not as young as I used to be so uh but we’re hanging in we’re hanging in it’s uh the weather’s getting warmer and the recruiting Trail is heating up and that includes a commitment this past weekend from Pierce moonberry yeah the uh we got a new commitment for Nebraska football and a bunch more recruiting uh nuggets to come here uh some good and potentially some bad ones for Nebraska so um we’ll get to that here in just a second before we do though please make sure if you haven’t do us the huge favor and hit the Subscribe button make sure that you get into the comment section hit the like button that all helps us out helps us grow the channel and helps more Nebraska fans find our great content also please uh make sure that you’re checking out Husker big as well we have a couple of podcasts but we also have a lot of content daily content at Husker so please check that out um but yeah Nebraska football uh getting a lot of things happening with h the recruiting Trail um starting last week with the kind of the end of or what was that Saturday with Pierce mberry coming up with the commitment um another instate um commitment for Nebraska football um with Pierce mberry that’s the fifth in this class and uh you know another three star guy but another guy that’s ranked you know in the top seven in the state so they’ve got four of the top seven uh players um 64 20000 pounds um chose Nebraska over you know a bunch of offers from the Midwest Minnesota Kansas State uh Kansas Iowa State so those were some of the other teams in the mix for Pierce mberry and what what do you think about uh what’s now the 10th commitment of the Nebraska 2025 class muber is a solid player um he’s he has the ability to you know come down and make plays in the running game um he takes very good angles when it comes to Pursuit uh he’s a solid tackler and he’s he’s a well-developed player um you know for the high school level now the question is can he take the next step to the Collegiate level and um it’s it’s interesting just to um see you know the athleticism that he brings to the table and for that reason you know I think he could be an intriguing fit in this defense we’ve talked about this defense being position lless before and you know muber is the type of guy that can you know fly all over the field and make plays so it’ll be interesting to see how he fits in this defense and um yeah like you said a three star recruit but you know a very a very solid player um he’s got R NE gr and good on Nebraska for continuing to lock down the in state targets and like I’ve said before it’s worth repeating again we talked about this two years ago uh you know we needed a coach at the time in with a good recruiting record and the ability to recruit due to the fact that uh Nebraska the state had strong instate talent coming up and you know now you know Matt ru’s kind of putting his money where his mouth is and really emphasizing keeping kids home and like we’ve said before it’s hard to it’s hard to at this point get a kid to leave the state with the job that Matt rule is doing and he’s shown the ability to close the deal not just Matt rule but the entire staff yeah he’s done a great he’s done a great job I just think emphasizing the state of Nebraska and keeping you know the best players there and he’s just done a great job of you know keeping talent in Nebraska keeping players at Nebraska too when they’ve gotten talented players there you know Nash Hutch maker Ty Robinson some of those other guys Jamari you know Jamari Butler some just some of those other players that could have you know gone to the transfer portal could have gone somewhere else and Matt rule was able to get him to stay I think he just sells a really great vision for Nebraska and I do like uh muber a lot you know he plays safety in high school he’s going to play linebacker for Nebraska I mean at least the film that I watched he was playing safety and then some tight end you know um but yeah I like what you know he brings in coverage I think he has a chance to play play all three you know linebacker spots I think he said that um Nebraska used him as a will which I think makes a lot of sense you think about you know like Luke Rymer you know a guy who can be in coverage um you know can do things against the run but can also you know Blitz and attack the quarterback I think JoJo doen in that way too as well like that type of player yeah for sure yeah he could be that type of player very athletic um you know kind of fits you know the the mat rule profile of guys so um you know this is another big commitment and and um you know number 10 in this class so I like where they’re at um I think they’re number 29 overall in 24 OR7 sports team ranking so that’s kind of a good place to be I feel like they have a chance to you know maybe put together a top 20 class but they do need to get some more Blue Chips in there I mean you’ve got two blue chips out of 10 you know which is kind of how it goes for Nebraska with when you’re recruiting a lot of instate players but um I do like this commitment and I think it’s hopefully will help them um you know land Christian Jones and Chase Lofton there’re still and Roman zebr the other one but those are still the three kind of instate guys that Nebraska’s targeted and and Matt rule when they’ve really recruited a guy um you know from the beginning they have not I don’t I don’t think that they’ve missed on a single you know Target in Nebraska I know they had like the kid that went to Notre Dame last year but Nebraska offer him kind of late um so I don’t think there’s been a recruit that I can think of where they’ve really you know got him on campus a bunch of times offered him early you know fairly early compared to other schools really p prioritized him I can’t think of one that they have not landed so unless I’m wrong um you know correct me if I am but I’m trying to think right now and I don’t believe they’re I don’t I don’t think so players some lower ranked players that you know ended up being maybe maybe takes you know but like I think a tight end last year went to Illinois and um some stuff like that that I can remember that Nebraska was kind of maybe Alex manky no he’s not anate player I mean that’s true yeah he’s for anyway so um kids in general that they hadn’t landed that they were really high on so yeah I mean there’s there’s been some few a few and I think there’s going to be um about to be some others and we’ll talk about that in a second not many though not many but yeah in terms of the instate um in terms of the instate kids they haven’t missed on any that that they’ve truly prioritized as like a topof the board you know type of kid so I think that that says a lot about Matt Rule and this coaching staff and um we see how that you know plays out over the next few weeks because I do think that that is going to be tested here with uh with Chase Lofton and with Christian Jones so we’ve got you know kind of a bunch of recruiting nuggets not much else really going on right now with Nebraska sports um there were you know some NCA championships over the weekend track and field but um for the most part we’re kind of into the offseason with uh with everything with all of the uh you know I guess the school year sports for lack of a better term um but on the recruiting Trail things are really starting to pick up in June and I guess to start with um one of the top Targets on the board one of my top Targets on the board for Nebraska is Chase Lofton he visited Florida State on Saturday or over this past weekend um Steve Wilfong did some interviews with him it was posted on the Florida State on three message board but um got over there and and got some of the information so Chase Lofton um said that Florida State really set the bar high in his visit um he said that they would be a great option for him these are quotes from Chase Lofton and then he said he will be making a decision soon which I take to be after you know he still has two more visits to take to Texas A&M and to Nebraska so I take soon to mean later this month or you know early July a lot there’s a lot of commitments that happen in early July after guys take all their visits so um but yeah after after visiting Missouri and Florida State what are your thoughts on Chase Lofton and his commitment timeline you know I don’t know if it favors Nebraska I I know he’s coming the 21st um Nebraska’s going to have to make the most of that visit I just and I understand you want to take as many athletes as possible but just looking at the tight end room overall um there’s not a lot of room there and you I feel more comfortable saying that Missouri is probably going to land him but I I hope I’m wrong and I could be wrong um again it’s not that I don’t want him I just don’t see from a numbers standpoint you know where he would fit and also I think Missouri has a lot of cash I mean you heard uh Troy Troy Dannon actually say last week I believe it was that Nebraska was maybe at a little bit of a disadvantage in terms of nil so I think those two things um the the crowded room and lack of nil are going to work against Nebraska but I certainly wish LOF in the best yeah well see I’m not worried I’m not worried about the the crowded room at all I mean that’s you know cuz Thomas fedon is by the time Chase lton gets here I don’t think that’s going to be an issue um and he’s I mean he’s 66 3 or 215 pound so um so yeah I’m not worried about that at all um he’ll have a place you know especially you know down I mean you know because most of these freshmen aren’t going to play the first year so you have to think about two years down the road um and what the depth chart might look like in that situation um yeah I think we’ll see what happens Missouri definitely has some nil money um but I mean I don’t really see much you know a ton of momentum from them coming out of it but we’ll see I I think all these schools have a chance but I still think the balls in Nebraska’s Court I I feel pretty about the same way I did you know with Carter Nelson not even I mean Carter Nelson visited Georgia and got some you know projections for Georgia and that kind of got people talking and we haven’t even seen anything like that I don’t know if you know yeah if Steve Wilfong drops a bomb for you know Missouri or Florida State or something but I don’t know I still you know this will be his nth visit to Nebraska when he takes his official visit he hasn’t visited one of these schools more than twice so I just that would be quite an upset in my opinion if they were able to pull that off so I still you know if I had a crystal ball I’d put it on shase Loft and I know nobody has yet but um that’s you know I just until somebody beats Matt rule for one of these recruits I’ll I’ll believe it when I see it and um that’s kind of how I think about Chase Lofton now Christian Jones I think there’s a maybe a better chance of one of these other schools Landing in but um he’s going to be visiting this weekend and now I’m think I think that they did that on purpose and so you have you know Christian Jones can you know be your focus this weekend Chase lofted I know they’ve got some other big guys like Corey Sims but I I just don’t think that’s happening I don’t think Corey Sims or you know um I’m trying to think of the other wide receiver yeah I am too I’m blanking right now but um at any rate I mean I don’t I just don’t feel great about any of those guys I know Michael Terry was at Texas this weekend and he said that he had a great visit and I I think that they’re still in a good spot you know for Michael Terry but you know it’s going to come down to I mean when guys say it’s going to come down to nil I just I don’t know if that’s going to be a win for Nebraska and and he mentioned that being in one of their top two things now like I said before I don’t think a guy goes on an official visit and doesn’t have an idea what the nil package is going to be so I don’t know it’s tough It’s it’s it is really tough in this era of nil but in terms of you know like bad news for the Huskers they did miss a you know a commitment over the week and Broad rck scha who was one of the top guys on the board at offensive tackle committed to Auburn um and he said that you know that’s that just kind goes to show I mean after the Nebraska visit you know Nebraska and Auburn were co-leaders right you know according to browick scha and now they took a visit there and so he’s committed to Auburn so that that shows how quickly things can change from one visit to another that’s why I still feel good about Nebraska having the final visit um with Chase Lofton so I guess we’ll see there but um was the other wide receiver we were thinking of I believe yeah Cortez Mills so um you know and then they’ve got a few other you know receivers um that they’re kind of looking at so it’s not that they desperately need a receiver or anything um but yeah and and that you know Cortez Mills already took his visit and so I think that they’re I mean I think it was smart to try to shoot their shot with him but and I don’t really like I said I really don’t think they have a shot with Corey Sims I think they have less of a chance with Corey Sims than they do with Cortez Mills um just I know he’s ranked a little bit lower but you know that’s just my read on it and um you know you talk about a kid that’s from Missouri like Missouri’s definitely going to pay yeah a boatload of money to keep that kid they have the last official visit but he’s went to um Penn State and USC coming to Nebraska this weekend and then Missouri um so I mean you never know if they could Land one of those one of those receivers Michael Terry or Mills um or Sims that would be awesome but you know I wouldn’t uh I wouldn’t hold my breath and I also wouldn’t hold my breath for um for Dawson Merritt either after his visit to Alabama this weekend yeah I I would have a hard time um believing that uh Mills would even leave the state I know Miami is putting a bunch of pressure on him and they’re really recruiting him hard and he’s been to a couple camps obviously down there and so Cortez Mills is going to be a hard PLL and quite honestly it was always going to be a hard pull because you know these Florida schools got a get a firsthand look at them rather quickly so um you know wide receiver is not necessarily a position of need but it would have been nice to add either um Mills or you know even a guy like like Terry who you’re kind of unsure where he stands in terms of Nebraska I know he said he really liked to hear and the visit was great but you know a lot of them say that so overall I’m not too worried about the wide receiver position I am a little bummed on Dawson Merritt though I mean it’s hard to say no to Alabama um but I think that makes the Christian Jones visit this weekend or or um you know in the next couple days even more important even more important and so um I think you know they will get a linebacker is my prediction and you know I would feel I feel good about Christian Jones coming to Lincoln but we’ll see I know he’s taking a couple visits and you know I think there has been some question in the past as to whether he’s worthy of his you know ranking I’ve watched his highlights and you know seen a little bit of his film and I believe he’s a really good player so there may be some misses in this recruiting cycle don’t freak out this is what happens when you recruit with some of the bigger programs and um as it stands right now it’s not like the cupet is bare we have a solid foundation for the 2025 class and I think that’s something to kind of keep in mind too because by the time last season started the 2024 class was pretty wrapped up and so as we look towards 2025 I think it’s going to be you know I I think we’re probably going to see a couple of commitments and then um maybe you know some more action you know towards the fall but overall it’s pretty solid class and you know just like last year you know players want to see what this team is going to like and if and if Nebraska starts winning and I feel like we’ve said that quite a lot over the last couple of years then that will pick up recruiting as well um yeah rahee Hutchins jior is another uh receiver to know so I mean if things don’t go the way Nebraska wants with like Mills and Corey Sims and those guys I think he’s the next guy up because they do have some receivers already in this class so it’s not like they’re desperate for them in terms of you know the numbers or whatever um so keep an eye on him um he’s supposed to take a visit he’s got the top three of Nebraska uh Houston and Memphis so I feel like this is a situation where Nebraska you know is trying to figure out whether to take him or not and so if he does end up being a take um scholarship wise compared to you know some of the other guys that they miss um he is still another player to kind of be aware of um but yeah Christian Jones is another you know important Prospect 149 overall in the 247 composite rankings Nebraska’s the crystal ball leader right now um you know I feel like he’s taken a visit to he just visited Auburn um or USC I’m not yeah let 247 says he has uh has him going to USC and Auburn so I’ll have to double check which place he actually went last weekend um and then visiting Nebraska and then Oklahoma after this I think it’s USC I think it’s USC Oklahoma and Nebraska are the top three teams um I want to say um so you know out of those three I mean I still feel pretty good I you know Oklahoma’s probably the one that worries me a little bit more but um you know Nebraska I think has recruited him really hard he talked about you know instate recruits like about a year ago and how Matt rules kind of prioritize that um so it’s kind of the same thing with Lofton you know the he’s a national recruit and they’re you know taking their visits and you know doing all that stuff but I still I still think at the end of the day you know getting them on Camp they’re still gonna have to say no to Matt Rule and uh I just feel like he makes it really hard to do that with everything that Nebraska’s offering and all the instate stuff the inate poll um so you know push come to shove I I think Nebraska’s going to get I still think this month they’ll get Christian Jones and Chase Lofton maybe not this calendar month but I think those visits will seal the deal and they’ll get those I think they’ll get those two guys they’ll get all their instate uh instate targets Roman zebert Maybe not maybe they won’t get him um but I definitely think those top two guys not it’s not like I’m overly confident I just haven’t seen anything from the other places to tell me that you know he’s going to go elsewhere like Dawson Merritt there’s been expert projections to Alabama and you know that that kind of always worried me and he doesn’t have that instate tie you know what I’m saying so I think that that does make a big difference but in terms of Lofton and Jones I’m still I’m still feeling Nebraska as of right now Jones visited USC this weekend and he’s going to visit Oklahoma June 21st through the 23rd so we’re sandwiched in the middle you know in terms of recruiting I always like it when Nebraska has the last visit on a recruit kind of recruiting you know visit tour but um you know I think I still think Nebraska has a chance to you know I think they have a better chance of like I said earlier Landing Jones than they do Lofton I would love both but at the same time you know positionally we are better set up um at both the tight end and linebacker positions to where you know the cup is not going to be completely bare um if we miss on either I don’t think we’ll miss on either but it’s just it goes back to having depth and being prepared and just in his first year Matt Ru and his coaching staff did a nice job of stalking the cuper and you know making sure that there was depth at positions and also recruiting at a high level in the meantime yeah and they um you know went they worked a bunch of camps this weekend so there’s a ton of new offers that went out um I want to say that there’s been like 15 probably over offers so um not really going to go through all of those but they did offer some more quarterbacks they’ve been um they actually have hosted I think I think Will Anderson Who Um I want to say is Daniel kalin’s he came up and started after Daniel Kalin um but at any rate um so that’ll be interesting in 2026 quarterback recruiting they definitely need to get going because they’re they’re behind the eightball there’s no question about that they’re behind the eightball with 2026 quarterback recruiting um you know Notre Dame a bunch of schools have already taken quarterbacks I mean a lot of schools have got guys on campus for visits top targets Nebraska is just in this jumbled mess of like 20 quarterbacks that they’ve offered so they they really need to start drilling drilling down and focusing in on two or three or four guys because I mean I know that they’ve obviously got you know three Elite 11 quarterbacks in the last two classes but they’re behind the eightball with 2026 quarterback recruiting there’s no bones about that I’m not too worried yet I mean you know I think we again we have a lot of talent in the quarterback room right now I get trying to be you know keep keep adding for the future and keep recruiting but I I think they’ll get it done I think they’ll get it done I would be a little bit more worried had TJ Latif not committed then there would be a definite scramble I’m not too worried about the position right now like you said they do seem to have you know a thousand quarterback offers out but I wouldn’t be too worried about the uh 2026 quarterback recruiting quite yet yeah I mean I just look at it you know with each class and I just know you want have you know you want to have your quarterback in like you know if you’re s if you’re going to next summer still needing a quarterback then youve really have lost the ball and uh or dropped the ball and it just it the timelines are getting so accelerated right now I think a lot of the top 10 I mean a few of the top 10 quarterbacks in 2026 have already made their decisions and they’re already you know so I’m just saying if they want to get a good if they want to get one of those good players they really got to get going and but I think they’re trying to figure things out I think they’re trying to evaluate you know date Rola who’s coming for a camp um Will Anderson and yeah there’s not as much pressure to get a highly ranked guy but you know I just still think you want to get as I don’t think that Georgia you know is going down there being like well you know we already got 80 80 top 100 players let’s just get you know they’re they’re trying to get the best players every single time and Geor is also an easier sell I mean they can they can afford to do that well yeah I’m just saying I think that’s the way that you should recruit you get the best players that you can possibly find you know whenever you can and and then yeah for sure you let it sort out the rest when they get there that’s yeah for sure but at the same time we were five and seven last year we don’t have as much we don’t have as much PLL so I think you know like like you kind of mentioned there you know they’re probably evaluating Dayton they’re probably evaluating Will Anderson so I think honestly for the 2026 you know cycle taking their time and evaluating the options they have is going to be important yeah I mean I think so but like you know a lot of the top quarterbacks you know these summer visit are really important and you know we’re getting into June and yeah you know you got to get some of these kids on campus so I mean that’s all I’m saying I think they just yeah they need to you know they they kind of lucked out with TJ Latif and that that kind of worked out late you know but um usually got to get going a little bit earlier so we’ll we’ll see how that works out how that priority works out um and who knows they may already be working on something that we don’t even know about yeah potentially could be um and yeah I do like Anderson and rayola but um you know there’s a reason why Dayton rayola is unranked right now so he’s got he’s got a lot to prove out there as well so um all right well with that I think we’ll wrap up the show there you guys so please make sure again to uh hit the like button um subscribe to the channel check out Husker big and as always go Big Red go Big Red


  1. Youre a fool if you believe our nil isnt competitive. Nebraska has insane donors and literally one of the few that actaully didnt cost the college money. You guys know nothing of our nil

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