Golf Players

Club Champion Media Q&A Live // Monday, June 10th 2024



Club Champion:
Ian Fraser:
Mike Martysiewicz:
Filmed at: Club Champion Toronto
Custom Golf Club Fitting Studio – Toronto, Canada

good afternoon happy one o00 10 passed as it would be that’s your fault it was my fault was I was getting drinks for the lads Starbucks took too long happy US Open week yep happy US Open week to all of you guys um how do you feel about the fast turnaround between the the PGA and the US Open too quick too quick for me as well I I don’t really uh watch turn this on oh I know I can do that Hocus Pocus Peace On You focus um yeah I would say too fast I want the PJ back in August yeah I don’t like it where it’s at in May why did they change that what did you do just to you know change it Up Stir It Up as Bob Marley would say you and Bob kill Stoners okay what’s going on what’s going on um shout out to your dear Mother if she’s watching she’s not watching I hope Christine’s feeling better thanks you were in the hospital to win last night uh like just before five just before five poor Mrs marich is broken ankle you were being a good kind son and in there to the we hours of the morning and now we’re here good for you so if Mikey looks a we bit tired he has good reason cuz he’s a good son he’s a good lad anyone has a laundry service out there give us a goal okay what’s going on Alexander Chung hello all hello Alexander Chun it’s damp damp in Glasgow at the moment no golf for me due to work see this work thing at the moment but have ordered cway parad AI smoke Max driver with Oben isawa red 60s from Club Champion glasow can you wait seeing the lads Joseph and Dane the top team who’s your money on for the US Open this week get all Alexander this morning I don’t know that’s who ask that straight to who’s your money on give me give me your um top three Dark Horse and then two foreign ponies if you like Scotty sheffler oh yeah y um really put your neck in the Lan of that one Shane lar even though he had a actually like Shane Lowry around there because the intricacies of the the shots around the greens even though he had a bad day yesterday yeah yeah and then Tiger Woods shocker um okay I would I mean Sheffer is an obvious one um Mark two are cam Smith I hate cam Smith cam the mullet Smith you used toet I did I you know right too uh um cam the mullet Smith and Alex nor that’s my two uh that’s my two round there Alex noren the bulldozer yeah Strokes gained this year he’s fourth in total Strokes gain this year so like around him you’ve got like Xander obviously Scotty Rory and then like Stuck in the Middle is nor so he’s playing really well um Pine Hurst throws up a little curve ball with you know the Michael Campbell the um hope Martin ker you those types of players so we will see we will see Adam hadwin Adam hadwin actually do like hadwin around there I think he’s uh he’s obviously playing well so there our friend Mitchell hel in the house Mitchell how are you how are you how are you um s on the water mhm Smoke on the Water played two rounds now with my spider TX putter 35 in and I have to say awesome putter I’ve drained some 10 15 Footers which is helping my score nicely fitted hold out as well C CC Dean Dean fry if you guys are looking to make putts come see Dean fry the club champion Mrs SG so that’s he’s huling out y That’s So Good anyways I thought even have got what I was saying what do you think of the purple yeah you were the other day it’s nice vibrant you a bit too vibrant you trying new colors trying some new things I’m 40 can you try and mix up I’m 40 what it you said earlier on we’re talking about something in your age came up well no it wasn’t that it was what was it it was something about like you were no wasn’t that no wasn’t that it was something it was like 12 years oh Olympics right we’re talking about the tennis Andy m in the tennis and uh in like 2012 Andy married you remember that and I’m thinking myself you were 17 okay just a e thing so just to e Joseph what is the most popular driver what is the most played driver shaft on tour probably say vent’s black Follow by Avengers blue Follow by Avengers red but are two Avengers black from what I can see yeah sorry for tune and old bar is a great thing by the way folks it’s a great thing but man oh man there’s a lot of oats in it I tell you what there’s more there’s more butter than there’s oats no um golf7 Good Day to all good day pineur number two is looking good I love pineur number two said it many many times it’s in my top three yeah it’s a special does it make you’re top three top five no but it’s a good spot top 10 for sure is it in your top 10 yeah um watch watch list hello from Dallas hello any any de for the ls is naked what you going to buy when the time’s right what you buying when the time’s right we treat to yourself just a simple little subate green bezel I used to like the all black and then I was I saw someone on the weekend had a green bezel that’s quite nice little Masters inspired I’ve always like that but blue not green um Dave Fogle Ian what did you shoot on mfield on FSX plate Fogle go watch it go watch it it’s a good watch see how many times he hold out so I was saying to Mike ear on uh I was like I really like FSX play I think it’s much better than FSX 2020 for the gaming side of it I was like I hold a few and you’re like all right that’s good I was like I like you know how it’s was quite hold hard to hold hold them before you’re like yeah and you what full shots it’s like no chips no pts I hold a few PS well done mro um uh oh FAL s it just ended after 18 but no score top left the scores up the the under par stickers up in the toall I tell you what mfield village nice so hard yeah great on I don’t honestly don’t think I would I don’t think I’d break honestly don’t think I’d break 90 off the back te’s yeah I don’t you wouldn’t want to go there and play the back season he too hard if you were striping the driver like pretty long and hitting you know some Fairways I think I could break 90 if I wasn’t hitting driver well there’s not a chance I’d break 90 if anyone is a member there and like to host two young chaps be nice call be nice well Mitchell Herer in with the Super Chat drinks on me for two of the classes guys have had the privilege of meeting and spending time with the starbcks is on you pal thank you very much I bought these that would be a first oh very good don’t even start JB Super Chat from JB I know a JB JB wer I JB wer this fasty best strategy for the next Club after driver 345w a longest reli reliably reliably gets off the turf Phil’s Gap atine driver in next club or see other best strategy for next Club after driver let me bring that one back up you’re struggling that we um I think asking like what what do you want so longest that reliably gets off the turf right which is yes fills gap between driver and other club yes as well so I think I think it’s a combination of A and B but I think you have to take into consideration your own needs are you really straight with the driver so you don’t really ever have to hit three with off the te are you do you play a course that can you hit it quite long so you you play a lot of holes that maybe driver doesn’t quite fit the hole it’s not quite a straightforward question to answer that one because your individual needs are a big big part of it um like I thought that I would need I thought I really rely on that mini driver and then I kind of got out in the course and I didn’t really have that many places to hit it yeah so Three Wood went back in so I ended up put three wood back in and and actually and a fivewood yeah I H the five would mostly are your face there just like stared into the distance you’re like I was thinking about it uh I hit that five with a lot a lot a lot so yes Scott yusa what is the equivalent or most similar vogi grind to the M Grind for Tiger Woods lob wedge grind I think that little popular V starting that again I think that little popular grind that’s going onto the vuli low bound K I’ve seen a lot of that from ad where you’ve got the kind of lead Edge Trail Edge relief and it kind of turns it into a little try grind yeah I’m seeing a lot of that going on so I think that but on a what kind of s think the T Dub’s 11 degrees of Bounce isn’t it yeah so probably like a an S like a a modified s something like that I like that T Dub grind though yeah yeah me too for me it’s I know it’s 11 degrees of bounds but it’s a little more Diggy than that like I always found it it was Cy has one and he says he’s digging a wee bit who C c c yeah find Impossible on so much are you yeah no remember that day we had them up at Magna you probably won’t remember I definitely do we had like we had like eight different 60° wedes on your head like you do actually remember I do remember got lightning storm came we were stuck in the truck after well you won’t remember which wedge dug the turf which didn’t but that one was digging I remember being there like a trough I was brutal get kicked off the ground shut your face so yes I uh think that was a bit of a digger Alexander Chung says he’s feeling famous he got three shout outs tonight four feel like they fog Fredy um so offended I’m like f watch it I watch now golf double of sens his picks is Scotty Bryson and Rory I don’t like Rory’s chances around there no I think you just you hit it off the you hit a bit offline round there um your St ruggle and I don’t think he’s sting it that straight Tyler Stewart what’s up fam Tyler do you know of a shaft that plays similar to an oband ct125 there’s nothing like it creme de La Creme yeah the best of the best if I was if I was in your situation I would pick a modus 125 that’s what I would go to from a weight perspective they’re not the most Stout profiles that’s what I play We love that um Adam Dickinson how were the numbers on the left dot stay tuned at 11:00 this week p.m. one night this week at 11:00 um chalk and cheese those two golf balls left Dot and left Dash CH I actually want to do the five ball test I hit them both left and left Dash but I knew that if I did there’d be lots of people going well how does AVX compare how does prov1 Prov 1X so I want to do I want do all five of the golf balls at once you don’t care no I do John KY Mikey Ye Old wedge Guru what type of player would you round off the Leading Edge of the wedges round off yeah depending on Bounce are you careful with the type of turf they play and hopefully they’re not getting too Diggy into the turf we haven’t really rounded off many leading edges if anything made them sharper that’s what I’ve done in the past I don’t remember adding more of a like camber to it yeah that rounding it off don’t remember that it a rounded Leading Edge is more for players who want to play with face angle so the more you round that lead Edge you could open the face and still have the face s of pointing at the Target Harrison Burns M think a good putter can putt well with any putter a good putter can putt well with any putter but can’t putt as well as they could with a fitted putter how much wood could a w chuck chuck that’s what that was but that’s true a good po can putt well with any putter but not as well as they can putt with a fitted putter I didn’t say that that’s good all said for the boys got fit from Mike two years ago how quickly does a mik fitting expire days weeks months 24 hours yeah 24 hours best courses expected by so what ises he I know come on in best course in Ontario outside of the GTA greater Toronto area oh thanks for that well there’s people here that maybe don’t know what the GTA stands foro yeah best best Ontario outside of the GTA I still don’t know that up to that me neither what that in London London hunt that good yeah you don’t like it no it’s nice you don’t I can tell immediately you’re I LED under this folks maybe stuff in the mokas that’s a good show there got Port Carling or Moka lakes or Moka Bay I think M never played it that’s what we should try and get to for our next uh I don’t know anyone I do call is C kaladin’s outside the GTA TV really not really Peter topless he Peter you’re top on any more news on the upcoming GTS from tital list I know nothing looks good sounds good yeah it was in some players bags last week MH y we uh we’ll no more at the end of this month there’s lots of I don’t want to call it fake news but there’s lots of um fake news yeah there there’s videos in there articles being written but nothing’s being said yeah you know what I mean nothing’s being said so all hypotheticals benoa question started and thank you Beno that’s a very very kind Super Chat 20 bucks is extremely kind it’s two weeks I know we yes we have Ben a friend family started to play the tp5 love the feeling and stability tried to be 5x and gain distance straight off the T 93 97 Club some say tp5x is 4 100 could be have your take Club head speed more fake news you need to be a certain Club head speed for a ball to work for you absolute fake news a higher compression golf ball will go farther for everyone it will be faster for everyone you know my gos buy reports on on that stuff for a while back low compression is slow high compression is fast that is that is 100% the case I think tp5 the current one tp5x is a great golf ball one of the best all around golf balls I think it still spins enough I think it’s long uh I haven’t really I mean we played a little bit in Florida when it was quite windy yeah yeah it seemed pretty good and I like it yeah it’s good good golf so the one I want to do more testing with because feel like you know obviously Callaway were really bullish on their own golf ball Chrome tour especially and it’s just like I we we tested it in here but I kind of want to give it the outdoor test yeah we’ve still we’ve said we want to do outdoor ball test we really want to do outdoor ball test especially with that one I just I hear so much about it but we haven’t haven’t gotten around to that one yet you’re a bit lazy Al CQ visiting Highlands before the open any visiting or course recommendations north of iness is RO Dorn worth it come on get up get the flame up is Royal Dorn worth it of course but it’s not the only one there’s there’s lots as you kind of um you drive up there you know you trying to get to the the little courses you know Granton on spay boat of um there is 10 I mean if you want to got past that got up to BR uh which is you know a lot of people’s highlight of their trip when they go up to the highlands um obviously there’s cab at Highlands now yeah you know Castle formerly known as Castle Stewart so someone told me Peebles is quite good St white pees dangerous Al is asking Triple Diamond max review um yeah we we actually need to dedicate a review to that one we need get one from Mr Wonder Mr Wonderful not seen him in a while chatted with him haven’t seen them in a good one busy busy boy busy boy um Ben was fing up by the way I I love my new driver you were right perfect love to maximize distance outside enough height 9° to Mike love my irons and wedges and putter changed my game see my FIT was better than yours I changed his game your driver just was a wee bit okay he didn’t trust you with the driver I was busy uh you know I can I can get away with it with the the IRS and the wedges but I’m going to go the big dog for the driver the big dog for the big dog it’s all right I see where your faith lies you’ll get there John Jansen good morning Lads morning John John Park could a super light or flexible shaft in a wedge help with touch or finesse around the greens thoughts I was reading something what was the question sorry I was reading something I feel like your school teacher Michael I tell our parents have a d could a super light or flexible shaft in the wedge help with cut your finesse shots around the green oh no everybody who was a two temper spinner I mean listen some people believe in it yeah I don’t see why not I remember we did that stuff with rusi we built them a what was that pink shaft called the fujiura training shaft we built one of those into a wedge short and things spun like crazy so yeah can definitely can definitely help mhm everyone use a finish um Kyle H Ian are you over or under 80% that you’ll be in a new GT3 driver from September through to the end of the year September it’s called July Kyle come on play the game son you think we’re waiting we’re not the most patient people in the world um do you think you’ll be in one yeah yeah we’ll see we’ll see yeah we’ll see if if what I think is going to be some of the changes in in terms of ball flight I think it’s highly likely I’m hoping it’s I’d love it for it to be three I think I just like my TSR 3 but you do don’t you you don’t want to change well you do want to change but like you’re you’re really happy with the one you’re in yeah yeah speaking of that tomorrow your what’s in the bag is coming out stay tuned folks stay tuned like And subscribe clear your calendars folks live or what do you call it live release Premier yeah Premier live release yeah the suspense is just killing everybody Freddy M are blade Putters on their way out they’re just making their way in mhm no I don’t believe so I don’t believe so golf7 sd2 titlist is in Mike and Ian’s DNA I think I it probably be argued that tailor made is in my da since I worked for them for yeah a number of years um when you wear white pants in white top you’re I never wore white pants they were Heather gr uh we I think it’s it’s hard to argue that we play CU it’s in our DNA versus we play it because it’s it’s kind of the best stuff out there right now across the board I mean hard to see past T Series irons obviously um TSR two and three are fantastic so yeah yep yep yep either of you you guys golfing this week and if so where let’s just clear one thing up Mikey plays at one place and one place only Dixie Road no I love going all around just north of lakes Shore yeah a little bit of golf this week for sure are you that’s nice yeah yeah yeah little bit three rounds nice oh yeah four for me yeah he just lay off a we bit this week taking a couple days um what was John saying Ian likes the tight list drives but he so I gu he because that he hit the zx5 ls better Jee that was a long time ago that was a long time ago I’m glad you remember it um I tell you what I hit better than both of them Sim Sims a great Drive sha D question for Ian how does the VF feel compared to the DM GT you gain both I didn’t I didn’t love the feel of that dmag GT it felt really the only way I can describe it Sean I don’t know if you’ve played racket Sports before it felt like a really tightly strung racket like it didn’t feel like I was able to sort of load it it didn’t feel like I was getting much responsiveness from the GT oh GT y whereas VF had a little bit more sort of of that that load and feel a little softer in hand effectively all it is but yeah I didn’t I didn’t kind of quite get on with with that one Freddy m is saying Rah is finally out of his alela driver shaft into vent’s black he also out at the tournament this week did he withdraw from the open yeah injured yeah he just he just looks like a man that is not enjoying his golf anymore as he got he’s pain in his back right side EX I don’t know what it is well it’s too thick that’s why exactly i’ GL kill for that P I know lot sided what’s that your back Bells um just doesn’t I just think at the Masters you know he made some comments in the uh press conferences I think since then I just don’t think he looks like a man who’s enjoying his golf that’s a shame not really um day Fogle not fake News Real News baby one 10 Club speed have you ever been one oh I yesterday no you hav yeah on the course only on the course swing slower inside just don’t want to hurt the screen go7 Ian and Mike you boys need to do a vlog from Bandon Dunes before they they host in the US Open no before the Open Open Championship I think is that like how reference to Link’s go oh okay okay um by the time we got theand the open would be over I’m trying to think where we we we can’t really do that can we I mean turn turn I mean that’s pretty if it’s what you good for no you don’t know heands that’ be nice nah that’s not going to be enough of definitely not enough of that table it’s soft oh it’s links it’s not there’s nothing in the GTA that’s lyns you’re telling me Glen Karen is not a lyns golf course I’m not I’m absolutely telling you Glen Karen is not a lyns course I if you’re calling that links you’ve never been in links it’s kind of links not links well that’s what the website says well you don’t what links is if that if you’re calling that links there’s nothing about that is links yeah it’s not it’s not it’s not rolling it’s not running it doesn’t have sort of you played on the wrong day I was a member I know I don’t think you went though yes reference to Links gol up S said correct regardless we would love to go to Bandon wouldn’t we love to go to to Bandon um it’s just so hard you need to book it so far in advance yeah you literally book band in a year and a half in advance I remember we contacted him at one point it was maybe I don’t know a couple years ago or something like that been going and doing you know a trip out to there and we spoke to the marketing department and they they basically went who are you guys we’re not really interested man I guess they don’t need it right I guess I guess I guess um Richard Brooker do you think playing too much simulator golf damages your real golf outside I actually think it helps it I do think it helps it I think it can help it I don’t know if it’s for I don’t know if that’s for everyone um but I do think that I do think that it is much better than standing on a simulator pitting on the driving range in a simulator I think do a few a little bit of that and then you know get to get to play a few holes in the course see some shapes you actually have some consequences um for hit so I think it’s good I actually do hockey mik are we ever going to do reviews on the Denali shafts I don’t think so I don’t think that’s on the agenda um we’ve no we we’ve built out this SK the calendar for the next few months and that’s not on it unfortunately hockey mic um Ian I know you used to flirt with the graphic design XC but now like the VF other than the handle stiffness what do you see as the difference for player fit I just think tip stiffness is very different as well think obviously VF is much more tip stiff so um yeah that’s that’s I honestly feel them as two different shafts you had a XC fit for you pxg didn’t you yeah and the driver I I like it I do I can’t even say anything I’m not coming on these lives anymore y this ingenuous when you said that there Christian qu qu you struggle with that every week really yep does 580 verse uh 600 grip diameter matter can you actually feel it when installing golf grips I don’t you don’t feel it I don’t think so when you I get it I understand it but I just I really don’t like everything we grab all our tour velvets are 58 rounds I mean the butt section of the 60 is a little bit bigger yeah for sure but I don’t really see a massive difference Co you I don’t see a massive difference I’ve never I’ve never played 58s really no I always played 60s um okay what do we got golf7 said Ian how about setting a date so we can plan to attend it how fun would that be it would be a lot of fun it really would um it’s just as I said though it’s planning something that far out is the is the difficulty so it’s a challenge planning something that far out if we could plan it a few months out but um okay Robert asked I asked Mikey about the D go mid 15s Ian have you hit them and what do you think I have not hit them I’ve never never hit a dynamic goal I’ve hit the um the two issue ones I the 130s I hit the 115s they came in the two isue ones came in a oh no that’s right A P I’ve tried them actually there something about it I just I don’t know I don’t I don’t love the feel of a dynamic gold it’s nice yeah I’m sure it works for a lot of people it just doesn’t work for me go um they if you’re planning something can you invite Paige I can invite her this means she’s going to come busy lady you know and if she hears your comments you definitely won’t come Doo if a customer comes in who plays mostly soft slower greens versus fast hard greens does Spin and descent angle become less of a priority for you in the fitting over other aspects such as distance I’d say a little bit I’d say perhaps a little bit um but you don’t want to you don’t want to handicap someone so that if their game travels a little bit they going to play other places that they obviously you know they’re going to struggle so so um yeah I think uh I think we take into consideration for sure um but there’s always workarounds with golf balls and lots of other things that we can add in so if we we see some launch characteristics maybe you know the the spins a bit low and the Peaks a bit you know on the low side we can always say okay maybe try these three golf balls and you know if you find that you need a little bit more go to them rather than your usual uh Mitch B goes how does the feel of tz5 Acura tz5 compared to Ventus black have you swung either tz5 probably tz5 but not not vent is black um to me tz5 a little softer in handle than a than a vent vent just feels stiff just feels just linear stiff Project X type of stuff um so read y put something y said on my way along Lads you’ve got a Starbucks sorted just half just half a hundred weight of opal fruits and for CI and Oreos today um yeah I just think tz5 is a little bit more little softer in the butt section ventage black just a stiffer overall profile that’s nice golf golf7 um Mikey’s personality on the links is very joyful I laugh my H so many times been watching his reactions thank you that’s nice thank you for the poite comment Dave fog take notes John Janssen thoughts on adcq for slow swing speed I think you missed Super Chat sorry John if we did Michael no what do you mean no oh yeah I just came in oh here we go it’s a big one uh graphic design adcq is working in my driver tried this based on Ian’s testing the way he described the feel sealed it I swing driver 90 mph I’m working great actually launches a bit lower than the I interesting that’s the problem with uh launch charts and things like that um I would always John I’d always lean on you to not look at the the shafts for height and and spin and that type of thing I think you know Center gravity and Loft and face height you know all these sorts of things are far more important Cody can you grab a m just Preston got fit at Club champ for an AI Triple Diamond driver fitting adapter uh swing weight swing weight E1 will shaft play different at the swing weight vers stock swing weight shaft was vent as black TR 6X it won’t play different if it’s built as it was fit yeah but it will the Sha will play softer at that swing weight there’s no doubt uh there’s no doubt about that um um so so yeah you want to try and obviously try and match up the fitting specs to the to the pl specs as much as possible Chris Washburn uh hey boys game ldx 9 degree at 7 and a half with a teny CK white 70tx 115 swing speed aggressive transition 5 degrees in out struggle with open face and push Fades too heavy yeah could be could be definitely very fade byas driver y then there’s a correlation between something being heavier and and staying open something being softer and closing over for you guys so uh that is definitely something that you can do to uh to help Squad and friends when do you guys go and test the GT uh end of this month yeah 20 something yep yep they for Mike you and me can will do a spa day and Bond you can go get your tootsies done together I love a spa nothing nothing wrong with a spa day anyone who says they’re lame you’re missing out go see my girl Winnie she’ll she’ll get you sorted how are you ready that’s that was just the [Music] best um Freddy I’m did graphite iron shafts make any difference to neck pain for you in no no but I tell you what if if I could get if I could get something right now that helped with neck pain actually I’m genuinely thinking of taking like a month off just to see if it if it goes away like the month of October off I probably it’s it’s rough why’ you get like an injection I got an injection into my into the nerves at the bottom of my neck that connect to my brain and down my spine and I just go why do you think that t see I’m sure millions of people get him done yeah no thanks no thanks Tim Cairo to be honest like I was going to see the Cairo probably once every two weeks and I’ve gotten to the point where I’m doing it once every week and I actually started going like twice a week um brutal brutal getting immediately you get the relief from the k but um it’s just it’s like immediate relapse it’s so painful not good that Dr Ho is 10’s machine I’ll get you one for your birthday thanks pal thank you thank you they F AR Cairo is a very nice gentleman wait is Dr Lawrence Cairo um Cairo is is amongst the things he not a scam Dr Lawrence is a great guy Fogo there’s like any in any industry or any um I guess profession there are there are people who are charlott and there are people who are good at it and everybody or you know friends whether it be Michelle or whether it be Dr Lawrence are both excellent um at what they do so they both help a ton it’s just something about uh something about I think my movement pattern of the goal swing and especially when I’m when I’m working on speed my neck just hates it yeah yeah absolutely hates it yeah dry needling you’ve tried it all I’ve done I’ve done everything I’ve done yeah I’ve done uh acupuncture I’ve done acupuncture with electrical current through it um yeah like I’m trying to kind of work through St stres and and Mobility routines I’m trying to work on sort of strengthening around the traps and different things it’s just actually just every time shoulder workout nice shoulder workout yep yep yep um all right what else what else any news on AI smoke being available in the UK one of must be in the Triple Diamond max must be must um yeah it should be available I don’t think it a North American only uh launch no I don’t think so um yeah it’ll be Aiden I don’t know where you’re based but um if you’re down in the south of England reach out to um Club Champion basing sto down there um if you’re north of England or uh in Scotland reach out to Joe and Dane at Club Champion Glasgow um both should be able to get access if you want to purchase one oh or the Tactical that’s a I I have no idea very I think it was pretty limited yeah Victor Kim is asking what are your guys current golf ball of choice does it ever change depending on conditions probably on X I’m probably on X currently as well um does it change in I sometimes think about changing it in Winder days because I do spin it a little bit but that’s that’s Choice yeah did enough testing over the winter yeah probably when ex it is yep we both generally need more spin not less mhm right totally um coach is asking do you think km 700s are worth it nice fitted set treat yourself yeah they worth it did you ever play a set did you did you with LA golf iron chest how how long did they last three months four months how long is that three months well surprised surprised um okay let’s take three more Tim goes Mike and Ian is it possible to do a vid on Forge versus cast irons in terms of distance or is it in the archives already because you can’t find it I don’t think we’ve done that before be a good one yeah it’s an easy one would be an easy one would be an easy one let us know let’s know love to actually hear from you guys for the next five minutes while we take the last few questions here what what would you like in terms of video topics in the next few weeks we have obviously we have a calendar that’s that’s filled out but we want to know what you guys want to see uh more of in terms of testing today we done the by far the biggest test we’ve ever done on the channel nine different clubs being tested um best Blades of 2024 minus one you guys are going to be so upset the way we didn’t do the Wilson they are and know no comment uh yeah so let us know what do you guys want to see um get Mikey to do a protection for the Scotland versus Germany game protection yeah wit your protection hocus bcus um wedge bracket yeah long overdue that’s a hard one training AIDS maybe your top three training I like a training aid you do love a training aid and do you want to see a video with top three training AIDS top five Training top 10 maybe you can fill that one on a Tuesday ah wedge bracket lots of lots of a wedge bracket chatter here would enjoy a wedge bracket with wet conditions Incorporated golf balls are comparisons helping choosing golf ball okay Steve can you bring up Steve Middleton I it there right there would like to see more Junior in women’s fittings well we might we might be able to help with that we might be able to help with that we definitely know there needs to be more from other genres within the golf Market we do too many of the same you know type of golfer same driver fits we we absolutely see the trend and the pattern and there’s lots of you who like that but it is only ever speaking to such a small sort of uh segment of the market so we need to do a better job we are going to do a better job with that starting today starting today starting today chap four minutes time proper course management I was just talking speaking about proper course management I was just talking with Scott faet from decade golf online so um we’re going to have Scott on as a guest I think there might be as you know I obviously preach and we preach as much value in the club fitting side of things I think thinking Smarter on the golf course uh and employing a a sort of a strategy like decade might be as useful as any any sort of other thing you can improve in your game I’ve never really taken a deep dive into it yeah it’s cool is very cool Richard Brooker is saying a prediction Scotland versus Germany prediction I probably read that wrong a prediction I’m going to say two nil Germany it’s devastating to say that but I do I’m going go one nil Scotland you guys need to believe you and Patty so negative we negative we’re realistic Scottish Tim saying oh how about a video on how not to strain your neck during golf sorry yeah that’s a that’s that’s the dagger right to the heart right to the heart um s saying how how you use Aros data to improve your game we definitely need to uh to do a Refresh on that we’ve done some sessions with L stagner we’ve had him in the pod podcast um you know we talked about it at length about you know we use arus in here from our clients who come in so we get a good insight into their game before we even start the session I think that’s really valuable so um we’ like to definitely do more of that as well top of the hour top of the hour okay guys hope you have a great week US Open week we will s through all of these uh comments you guys have made especially around the ones on uh video topics really uh really useful just obviously you guys are the ones we do these videos for so if we’re not doing it for what you guys like what are we doing it for Michael I know what are we doing it for do you ask yourself that every night in the M every night every night quick get call you just put in a quick Super Chat at the end oh relax come on man uh driver flight that appears high but stalls out by product too much spin or not enough launch appears okay and seems high but distance calculation that you preach seems short spin spin Cole spinny off down too much loft or wrong CG or strike it probably not strike it it too low in the head because that’s not going to be flying too high it’ll be flying kind of like mid in spinny but um yeah definitely uh too much Dynamic Loft one would imagine cool get that down go get fitted go fitted see yeah have a great US Open guys we’ll see you next Monday


  1. Ian, I feel for you with your neck pain. I struggled with the same pain on the left side of my neck. I'm a right handed golfer. Try to keep your neck and jaw muscles relaxed when swinging

  2. Ian what’s a new equivalent to a handcrafted evenflow black? I play it 85x in an older ts 7 wood and love it. When I upgrade that club not sure what to try in new 7 wood.

  3. As an Aussie who’s been listening and following like most since the TXG days; pretty disappointed to hear the absolutely out of the blue drive by on Cam Smith by Mikey there..

  4. I would like to see a video test on the differences on available stock shafts. For golfers who do buy off of the shelf, all of the choices are overwhelming. Really do not know how each one performs, the characteristics of each, or which one to choose.

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