Golf Players

The Final Teams | Carlton v Essendon | AFL Round 13, 2024

Join us as the final teams are announced ahead of our round 13 clash with Essendon.

Powered by Mr Cabinets

hello guys welcome to the teams show it’s the second installment of the team show for this week ah had of round 13 2024 ahead of the Blues taking on the bombers in a very highly anticipated matchup it is Friday the 7th of June 2024 it’s good to be back I like double teams I know about you I enjoy it I enjoy hanging out here after a day uh once the day’s been done get to the evening um lots to get through we’re going to have a general chat for about an hour we’re going to hang out we can talk about anything you like we’ll cover some Calon news um follow up and some questions that we had yesterday and then at about 5 o’clock sharp there will be final teams announced I think for the most part we won’t have too many changes but it’s interesting to because we’re not going to have a channel 7 update it’s just going to be refreshing Twitter and uh and seeing how we go from there so before we get started let’s just see who’s here say hello to everyone Lucinda’s always here hello uh Malcom cartton flaggers mof 84 Jonathan tato hello Maz Brett Kennedy hello Maya what’s up Elena simola hello assalam alayum alikum Salam Danny good to see you mate matd boy lovely Maya as you finish your work day I have a I have a question actually an open-ended question for all of us to answer before we get before we get cracking but I’ll say hello Jay TOS Aaron Paul jaana Damian Damian mate there’s not going to be a channel 7 update for for you so I don’t know what you’re going to do tonight how did I find m i get started pure luck hey well that’s because you’re subscribed mate that would probably be why yeah Richard teams are going to be announced at 5: PM so thought I’d come in a little early and hang out uh a her up here on the go Coast Ben anworth is on our radar since Haywood resign any truth chz brother I have no idea but I would love benworth I like those players the anworth the Swit cowsky the Jamie criers those types of players big fan Kane hello Pops from zanbar what are you doing in Zanzibar tell me everything Aaron came for the Makai cup absolutely get a Ben Lucinda’s got a spoiler every team we select can get it done yeah Brian Shalom Shabbat I think you mean shabbat shalom but yes Lou Hall hello MADD boy my workday is done everyone has checked out for the long weekend true it is long weekend it’s a good point hey Peter um my question was about I asked you guys what you did for work last week or the week before uh I guess give me a recap of what you achieved this week what did you do what did you achieve this week what do you look back on this week and say I got that done that was important to you let me know I want to see what is important to you guys um let me just fix myself up here also I had a look at the footy grid for today and it’s a Carlton related footy Grid or gridly yeah footy grid so maybe we can do it would you like to do a footy grid a and faola and Collingwood St Kilda theme James played golf wow how good Joshua watching on TV drop in here to like and occasionally comment appreciate you being here yes very good Carlton flag is 2024 bit of content creation are you are you the account on Instagram the one that we’re going to do an interview after you hit 10 episodes is that you are you the same account spent the week visualizing Ence scum getting thumped very good Paul sebastiani and I went to the MCG only a few hours ago and we filmed a bit of a a chat and a preview of the game that’s going to come out at 6 PM but we we did the same we went there and visualized it we wanted to go you you know smell the air see what the mcj is looking like so that’ll come out on the channel here at 6 PM mat boy learning how frustrating sales is with the current state of the economic client yeah what do you sell I think you told me a few weeks ago but I did forget um what are you what’s the industry Maya you received an invoice haded been 200 plus days overdue then interviewed for a new job very good yeah we’ll do it we’ll do the footy Grid it’s cool we’ll have some fun with it haven’t done it in a while Kane you quit vaping or in the process of ridiculous how much nicotine those things have in them good on you mate that’s a that’s a forever journey I don’t know if that’s a I don’t that’s something you’ll be doing you know um forever because I think at any moment you can start it again like most addictions to be honest that’s a forever Journey so good for you thanks for sharing Aaron dks got my training approved with another team so I can hopefully bug her off and do some more interesting stuff Aaron are you related to Matt are you related to Matt Dirks he was one of my best friends growing up you cousin like distant family just a a coincidence being a Dirks because that’s got me stumped Richard nothing but anger and stress this week for me mate why is that is that because of the game Jak completing statements for an investor company that was busting my chops very good very good this week I made 2,200 Arena rating in World of Warcraft PVP which is probably top 1,000 in the world as a Retribution Paladin I don’t know what that means but I think it sounds cool to be top thousand in the world in anything is very very [Music] impressive okay I’m thinking of someone else waiting for cesa to be announced as a Guna yes Maz had your grandson for a couple of days best days of the week suppored my youngest as he studies hard to achieve his big dreams and I spent more time caring for myself good for you love that gave up smoking 13 weeks ago best thing ever good for you that’s oh no way what a small world there you go um I was I was one of his groomsmen yeah yeah I grew up with Maddie mty’s a special special man in my life mattye Dirks shout out to mattye Dirks I I I knew you had to be related I mean there’s I don’t know any other dures in the world other than the family so good to see you here mate yep explicit Empress hey we are all experiencing this world in a very different lens we’re all so different yet we’re all so connected so it’s it’s definitely different to what I’ve ever consumed but um she’s a great human commercial and residential sales oh okay so yeah I remember now that’s that is tough Aiden you’re bored doing nothing babysitting twoy olds worked all week just pump for this week and fairly confident we can get what we can correct we can get the job done inshah correct inshallah yeah some more water of Warcraft toour [Music] no work and lawyers ATO accountants more internalized anger not outward well lucky the weekend is here mate got a party Sunday as you watch the Baggers going to King’s birthday game should be a good long weekend you know what’s crazy about this week that’s how I knew that the this week would be a massive crowd people were asking for tickets 3 weeks ago and if I had SP like I don’t have access to tickets tis most of the time people will message me to give away their tickets for the game so we can give them away on the team show firstly three weeks ago people started asking for tickets to this game and not one person has been able to give up their ticket so I think we I think we’re going to get 990,000 people there provided it doesn’t rain Sandy celebrated a milestone birthday for my wife last Sunday with family which was great how good how good Aaron you found out about the channel love the content wedding was a blast we had a few so it wasn’t sure if you remember me or not yeah we did have a few it was a good it was it was a very special night I think was it madd’s wedding maybe it was his in which one was it wedding it was like during pre-season it must have been Matt’s wedding it was during preseason we played I’m going to say either the pies or the swans and I called in I called in pommy and Le dog that day cuz I was pretty sure it was the wedding had to have [Music] been no long weekend up on the sunny Coast booked at Rio what is your favorite food to eat oh I don’t generally eat I usually have a bottle of water but I don’t mind hot chips if if I’m with my sister she’ll always go and buy hot chips and I’ll just tuck into them and then I’ll start drinking the packet um like it’s water CU I just want to get it out of my my system and not have to hold anything so yeah Connor Papa cheese just listen to your chat with Rob’s a great listen thank you uh Rob’s a good man I’ve been a little hesitant to do content with ID and supporters to be honest because I I have a real issue trying to contain my hatred but he reached out and I said you know what if someone’s going to reach out I’m not going to say no uh and I’m glad we did it it was really good chat I kind of want to get him on footy abroad cuz I think he he was awesome to chat with I really enjoyed it so yeah finally booked a psychiatrist appointment again good for you well done Skylar you started a a painting for a project painting a photo of cripper make sure you send through photos once it’s done Damian finished up for the week heading to the game very keen Debbie you got a ticket good good to see Zack mlop in you reckon was a wedding you were getting me my Mrs wine from the Grooms table that was better than the one oh yes I don’t know if I should have done that but yeah yeah what a small world that’s crazy Grant coming down from cans to watch this one watch it with my two brothers on tazzy one backs Essen and the other pies wow that’s going to be that’s going to be an interesting combination buzy boy pump for Sunday my guess is for the teams Carol fog huitt boy with mlop sub I reckon I’ll bring mlop as the sub as well even though technically he wasn’t in form I still think they will do it don’t know why hello Nick pretty pumped about the weekend ESS and Carlon in front of 90,000 screaming fans doesn’t get much better absolutely good to have you here mate um is this to me or is this to someone else who plays the cultural role this week because last week Fantasia did it good question really good question I want to see the teams or it’s Kennedy me so when I was practicing full-time I was doing commercial law and criminal law and now I just do uh just commercial I guess but more so Wills so I write people’s Wills standard contracts so if you need any of that done um get in touch with me but yeah when I was in the thick of it full time working in The Firm I loved criminal law I loved going to court I loved appearing um the thrill of it is just something else but unfortunately you get involved with interesting characters and you’re around interesting people and I don’t think it’s it’s just not for me it’s not good not good for me um also I was so obsessed with what was happening with the internet so yeah Spencer $15 donation thank you man thank you T sometimes you talk to some absolute bananas that ESS and bloke was half decent to listen to how funny is it now that Frio duers is quiet now how about Jam is being best forward yeah yeah we’ve been through a few people haven’t we hilarious you reckon a debut player okay Holly you’re a swim teacher made a lot of progress with some of the kids love that love to see that you’d be disappointed if they bring in dur and record MZ will have a bigger impact even 75% fit Lance Got a Feeling mop is just an AFL player there is just some players who just thve at the top level he’s more of a moments player that that’s I mean that’s fair he did it last year he wasn’t in form when he came into the side it was a late in for Matt o against Port kick four in the first half so there you go criminal psychology yeah do I do probates no I don’t I don’t uh criminal law sounds really time consuming rarely get any free time yeah it’s such I don’t know I I loved just being in court whether it was for criminal or the civil litigation I just loved it I think it’s translated into this because I don’t mind talking obviously um and presenting so I don’t mind that I don’t I have I do enjoy I think I’ve brought those skills into here and I do enjoy the evidence-based way of talking so yeah mate get in touch you know how to find me yeah found out what Harry studies on Wednesday but not what type what does Harry study I think Carol comes in to play on the wing in patches to give Acres and ol a break like Fantasia dude yeah you could what was my hardest case um not allowed to tell you not allowed to tell you specifically on a live stream um yeah I won’t go into details some of my best friends are bomb Tides so go easy on them at the moment different papy’s friends because of the smugness yeah Skyla you know vfl form is important to consider but honestly you never know what someone’s going to do when they’re in the seniors that is very true Maya what age do you recommend getting a will I recommend you should absolutely be getting a will when the following happens you get married you buy property you have children if one of those three things has happened in your life I think you must get a will it’s one of those things that’s so easy to put off because it’s just like I can deal with it tomorrow um and then before you know it 30 years passes um the worst thing is when it doesn’t get done and someone passes away and the family come and it’s just it’s just too late it’s just tough so yeah I know a little bit yeah I know a base level around trademark and pton Payton’s law yeah um I can’t I can’t I can’t talk in detail yeah it it I wouldn’t be able to do it justice I don’t think I really want to do it in this forum what if none of the above what’s a good age ah I mean when you when you’re an adult 18 I guess still loyer on Tuesdays depending on these blue boys yeah do I think do will play around no no I don’t think he’ll play at all uh yeah um message me on anything or just email me Terry deani if you message me on any other the platforms I’ll send you my email address and you can get in touch uh yeah yeah Buzzy boy docs being fully ruled out for 2024 he has it’s unfortunate I did see this clip Mike from North Caron I did see this Jonathan I went to Union with two of your best mates no way Yanni and Mick what small world yeah they finished a few years after me I think um but we have a really good mutual friend who’s actually been on this channel before yeah that’s a good point well this this I mean let’s break it down do you say whatever bucket doc we might win the flag this year risk it and bring him back or I mean I still think doc can play for a couple of Seasons still like he’s missed a few years in his career so I don’t think his body has the same wear and tear of the week toe grind um but thing with acl’s is the more you do them the more susceptible you B you are to doing them again I think he could play this year if he really wanted to push it but I don’t think it’s the right move Maya you wanted to study law when you were younger love doing legal studies in college was the way way too scared to commit the time to do it really you were scared to do it yeah I loved legal studies in your 12 and this was at a time when the world was still at that point where you had like 27 jobs available in the world and you just pick a course and you go do one of them social media and YouTube and podcast like none of this stuff had really taken off yet it hadn’t really existed but I loved legal studies I got a massive kick out of it and I had a really good teacher and that’s what kind of led me to wanting to do law eyes footy hello mate good to see you here we met against we met in 20202 Aiden I talk to you now but I H honestly if I’m being dead honest I don’t really remember exactly when we met but I know who you are now and that’s what counts have you been to the foot with Steve he he’s a great B I was with him the other morning I have heard nothing on chera I don’t have any Goss I don’t get any Goss I don’t deal in Goss I just react to things um but actually what does the injury report say didn’t they say in the injury report it would be uh they’d be reassessing him after the buy let me just share my screen here let’s have a look I’m pretty sure it was chera cotol and Cunningham yeah to be assessed following the club’s round 14 by that was May 28 that’s going to be a solid timeout Cal the same reassess so we’ll find out in a couple of weeks Cunningham and Jack [Music] Martin Robbie team’s come out at 5 o’ we’re going to hang out here for a little bit just talk about everything else really get to know each other Sandy I’m with you here yeah it’s so risky my brother’s done three and you’re just so much more susceptible every time Aaron you’re really Keen to see MOA and or bins get a run sometime this year praying they won’t become patted 2.0 yeah yeah it’s a tough team to crack into at the moment if form isn’t a criteria why not marchie well I guess you who would March you come in for Deb in that case uh uh it would have to be Cowan I guess or Kemp but it looks like they want to get the games into into those younger boys uh that’s what it seems like anyway marchie just sitting there as a if marchie is now at a point where he is depth that means the list has evolved because I think we were relying on March Bank to be in the team for a while now you’ve got temp’s really holding it down all of a sudden Cowan now gets talked in this conversation of you know settling into the side I think that’s a good sign for this backline but I think Machi will still have his chance this still a half a season to play crowd predictions all right let’s do it crowd predictions uh I think if it doesn’t rain I think we’re going to get 9 2,657 what about you guys Dylan I will not be coming to wa for West Coast I have not been to opta Stadium though it’s going to happen it won’t be this year though I think I mean no disrespect to the Eagles I just don’t want to watch us play against the Eagles I think I’d rather come and watch us play freem Manel again break their hearts shout out drewy all right your predictions what do we got full yeah what do we got 90k 93 o 95 996 wow can you imagine Debbie you were thinking Marie is the sub he can play small or tall always always felt like a sub should be someone who’s who can play in the Midfield always felt that way personally 96 95 90 91 95 okay okay are we going to drop Kemp or Muka I don’t yeah I not right now I think marchie is going to have his chance in the next couple of months getting him fit getting him fit and getting continuity into him is really the most important thing right now [Music] um what’s my opinion on the Rock situation I think Tom’s capable I think we finally find ourselves at that point in time remember when we used to say one day Tom’s going to be able to do it on his own we’re there now now we just have pido who’s able to first of all beating the side with Tom make us unpredictable I know that sometimes we can get caught into this trap of oh Tom’s are number one Rockman that’s the way it’s going to be forever I don’t think that’s the case I think five to eight games a year you can have them both in the side but for the most part I reckon Tom’s the guy um but I love P I love what he brings around stoppage I love his uh intensity I think you I think you need a player like pido firstly in your club and secondly in your team particularly in finals time so yeah we’ve got some we’ve Evol evolved and we’ve got some nice depth in the rck division now so it’s good do we go back to T I think it just depends on who we play to be honest WS Martin and cult back in the team we’re going to find out after round 14 so that’s is that after the buy this is round 13 yeah yeah after the buy we’ll find out Shane if this game was at 320 I think it would be 94,000 night games nowadays the Crowds Are a bit less so I think 88,000 on a Sunday night okay did we are the Navy Blues get ever brought up as a chance suggestion from the war cry suggestions no it didn’t it was Navy Blues extended um no it didn’t a Debbie this kills me this kills me when I look and I see empty seats there but it’s you know what can you do score prediction some moments I think we’re going to win by 27 other moments I think we’re going to win by four I think it’s just going to be stressful having said that 109 to 82 Ali Mari will go to Kangas at years end thoughts uh I don’t know let’s see if it happens I think will Howard was going to come to Calton as well G you’re confident we’re going to pump him okay 29 28 hey Let’s do let’s do footy grid let’s do it hey Jason hope you’re having a good drive home what is news not much is news we’re just uh we’re just hanging out um what are you doing nothing just hanging around um let me share my screen it’s a favola themed booty grid which is kind of cool so the way this works you’ve got uh unlimited guesses thank goodness we want we want really unique players not popular players the more unique the better the score we get so we can do this while chatting we can sort of like multitask but basically what we’re going to do is we’ll start in maybe we can start in the top left corner so a three Club player who kicked 250 plus goals in his career any ideas guys three Club player who kicked 2 50 plus goals in his career um in interesting Jesse Hogan true Barry Hall did I record another interview with fogy nope I re-shared my my initial my original interview with him though Basia three club and blues okay very good oh Menon oconnell Lou I think I’m going to back you in on this this guy Simon mol Connell is this the guy you’re talking about Minon o Connell Sam Jacobs but did Sam Jacobs kick 250 plus goals Minon all right I’m going to back you in here that’s what I’m talking about Lou that’s right uh a three Club player that played at least one game for Calton a three Club player someone said Fantasia that would be one he would be a popular guest though what about who were some of the guys that played for us like in the 2017 Michael W wler love from La you’re tuning in from La how Cool Diesel hotton is that uh oh CI that’s a good one reys Palmer that is also a good one Adrien Gala Galer Gala gallager I think that would be Adrian G this guy ree Palmer Justin Murphy I think Gall is a random name yeah that’s a good guess 0.4 that’s what we want we want like you know 2% or under I mean 2.9 is not bad how about a three Club player that played for St Kilda well Blake acres is one um let’s go a three Club we’ll finish the game on the favola um the faola row a three Club player to play for St CUA will Barry Hall good call Maverick Weller great call did he play for S Kilda Sam did Maverick well play for St Kilda are we sure about that Dale kick it wow hang on a minute Ivan Bal Ivan B he played for three clubs including St Kilda in three seasons wait Blues For Life whoa whoa whoa whoa we’re talking wait wait wait Maverick Weller he did Maverick Weller played when when did he play for he played for go Coast played for for Rio wait Maya Maya I think I’m going to back you in here I’m not saying Maverick didn’t play but I like this name and I think it’s a really unique name oh mate Maya you’ve nailed it that’s a unicorn that means no one’s picked it how good that is what we’re looking for ladies and gents Saints Sons okay that was Maverick wer all right that was uh I mean listen Maya got the Unicorn so oh and now we have ah and now we have a sound for [Music] it um all right someone who played a game for Collingwood at least one game and had 250 plus goals in his career [Music] um played a game for Collingwood okay cloak Dak Davis Leon Davis um D Thomas Dan Swan M Mick maguan Craig Davis now that’s a name I’m not aware of Gordon Coventry Craig Davis Nick Davis well Nick D oh Nick Davis true Nick Davis Anthony rocker dermit we want the we want the player that’s going to be most random most unique der bran could be Renee Kink Bill Manassa oh Petra Petra Phil Manassa kicked 250 plus goals in six seasons really actually yeah I mean ideally ideally it would be this oh wow look at these names Twiggy dun Dez fathergill you guys could really Stitch me up here so is Phil Manassa he kicked Phil Manassa didn’t kick 250 yeah he has to have kicked 250 career goals Ron McAn he kicked 250 goals in Four Seasons no way I mean it’s possible Phil Phil Manassa wait Phil Manassa did it have to go with him dick Lee kick 707 in the 1900s right we’re kind of cheating here but whatever okay who’s a player that played for Carlton and Collingwood one game they have to have played at least one game for each hey mate I’m GNA have to call you back I’m live is it an urgent okay uh I think this is a for solo you know someone that played one one or two games or Jordan Russell it’s Jordan Russell it has to be Jordan Russell okay let me just Trent Hutton Peter McKenna Russ MC McAn Les AB Les Abbott played one game for p one game for Carlton all right Les Abbott oh perfect let’s go a Collingwood St Kilda player and then we’ve got fev Collingwood and St kilder Dale Thomas no oh Nathan Freeman I actually saw him today that is a great cult who Jim Jackson iron Monga Jack byel Jack byel he yes [Music] yes who’s iron Monga John ironmonger all right oh oh what you didn’t play for no Petra what’s going on what happened Jim Jackson boom all right fa have time who we need we need a player that played at least one game with Brendan favola and kicked at least 250 goals in their career Bev and Saints Matthew lapen all right we’ll get to that we’ll get to that let’s do this one so a teammate of favola who kicked 250 plus goals in their career Brad Shaw Jonathan Brown Eddie Betts what about like Andrew Walker or Jared Brennan that’s a great call Aaron haml Jared Wade camper RI yeah yeah these are good these are real good Brad Shaw braddles did he play a game with Craig Bradley because that would be a really good answer so fev played in like 99 games in 99 right yeah he would have played with battles Barnie be French should I go Craig Bradley but did Craig Bradley hang on a minute did Craig Bradley kick 250 plus goals that’s the question I mean he played a lot of games so he probably did Bradley retired 2000 or 2002 okay beev play with battles okay I’m gonna I’m G to go for it Craig Craig Bradley 86 to 202 oh he did he mustn’t have kicked 250 plus okay or he didn’t play a game with fev but I think he must have Josh Kennedy there you go Bradley kick 247 Cory mckernan all right okay 5% not bad not bad who’s the teammate of brenon faala that played for so we want like someone that played one or two games with him so like wow where do you go with this who’s someone that played one or two games from 2002 to 200 N Justin Davies Adrian Duca Colton oh yeah Superstar Scott Freeborn maray Vance Daniel Harford Daniel Harford it’s an elite answer it’s an elite answer yeah that’s a great one that’s brilliant Micha Voss would have been one okay now we want a a teammate of fevs who ALS so played for St Kilda someone said MADD Lapin before that would work in theory but I kind of want to see who else comes to mind by the way this is a pretty good grid Sam cranage who from 1998 to 2002 okay mayia Clark played one game for brisban oh Jess but with fev Callum Bey kland who played a game with him at brzy then traded to Carlton uh not sure Jess okay you know what I’m going to back you in oh well okay it was a popular answer that’s solid well done very good that was fun that was good thanks for that K akland would have been another one what are some of the popular answers oh yeah oh yeah Bradley Hill sure we did well we did very well all right we’ve got we have got docky as well we’ve got just over 15 minutes to go until the final teams are announced so oh that’s right I forgot to ask you all a question from yesterday um I was doing you know how the club sent out the a survey I did the survey the other day and one of the questions that came up in that survey was something I want to ask here and just see where you’re at the question was when you think of the Carlton football club what words come to mind so I’ll ask you here right in the comments when you think of the Carlton football club what words come to mind think I had written Community Family passion I think energy was the other one I think I had four uh but yeah what what words come to mind for you if you were answering that question what would you what would you say [Laughter] heart attack family [Laughter] love oh that’s so true it’s so good that is Elite Brett that is Elite oh goodness Liberal Party passion stress belonging yeah true stress has to be there tough her AG passion and love cardiac stronger together passion passion loyalty Cardiac Arrest roller coaster premierships CP doctor and stand boy on standby family hope pain and stress yeah it’s good Avengers brown paper bags one day that’s good there most premierships history as someone who hasn’t experienced or seen much success I’d say tired but also hot yeah lawyers till we die we Bleed Blue the Caron crew underbelly oh yeah anyone old enough to remember pup that’s my little claim to fame you mean Darren Hume Pop I remember pop history misery Italy history endless complaining great call love family success Healthy Mind and a healthy body there it is help my BPM is at 300 next chapter pick up the phone my luaka Zan Wiggins 16 the greatest Club of all time John Elliot oh yeah I think of this one guy years ago at Marvel who was obsessed with saying boo Mark Murphy boo yeah he left after murf kicked a goal two minutes later yeah right lion street it’s just Carlton mesmorized oh yeah Wooden Spoons geni Rose you’re watching from Japan mate welcome we got about 12 minutes until the teams drop so stick around we’re going to find out well we know what the teams are we just don’t know what the final iteration of the teams are so Prestige we’re coming here for Alis Clarkson svani strong support networks for former Caron players yeah [ __ ] recruiting not anymore not anymore High reputation what time do teams drop uh 10 minutes five o’clock we’re going to get the final teams very shortly just checking to see if no there’s no up upd dates there passion anxiety and Snapper yeah the family Club yeah okay we’re on a similar path I don’t know what this means but there you go poor drafting destination Club if you live to through 2018 would deserve the Premiership amen yeah Lucinda passionate resilient courageous commitment driven that was the survey version fair I like this question if I could tell myself this time last year one sentence what would it be um as in before the endon loss last year I guess so this time last year I could tell myself one thing I would say go for it yeah don’t be scared go for it is is this relating to like life or or like following Carlton if it was Carlton I would say they’re going to do it just hold on one more week two more weeks patience yes how time is coming I don’t know if you can say [ __ ] recruiting yeah I don’t know if you can say it’s been sh I mean there’ have been some misses I think we missed now definitely 2017 draft well pick three and pick 10 we missed we got we ended up getting chera kind of from that draft we picked up D coning in that draft coning 2017 I want to see what pick he was he was pick 30 Deone was pick 30 in the 2017 draft 2018 we get Walsh and stalker well if we go back 2016 it’s a Miss because we took petrify Satan we took Fisher none of them none of them play for the club yeah it’s been a few years yeah I think our recruiting of of talent from other clubs has gotten better in the lot pretty much since SS left to be honest although to be fair mcgaven is important to us now um Martin is important to us now we just we just don’t see him on the park enough but I think over the last few years we’re talking chera Acres these types Jordan Boyd um chinot I think they’re the ones that have really taken off do I think dropping Faz was a good idea I love when players go against their former teams well he’s injured I thought he would play I’m with you I thought it would be a nice opportunity for him I thought he was building but apparently he got hurt in the game last week they didn’t put it up on the injury report on the Tuesday but they announced it yesterday which I thought was a bit weird yeah Luca 2015 makes all the drafting RS okay yeah when you think about it that way weering McKai and kerno like coners and syani are solid but just those three M it’s it’s insane you didn’t think of the time we should have gotten petesy seatan let’s have a look at the 2016 AFL draft oh this might not be a good exercise this may not be fun I don’t know if I want to do this just as teams are about to be announced we’re going to do this um maybe I can zoom in um this is not a good website hang on um maybe this what is going on okay mcra pick one Toranto and this is the game since drafted a this is not going to read well guys uh Toranto mccluggage Ben anworth was pick four wow setfield petreski Sean so think about it at the time midfielder SL forward that’s what we went for who could we have had instead hindsight’s a beautiful thing but yeah Griffin I don’t think scream Shaw was what we needed Griffin log also will Brody potential potentially Jack Bose he would have been pretty solid for us oh Ollie could have just taken will Hayward all along this a pretty interesting draft no pal Peppa Zack Fisher so we ended up taking fish I stand by it fish was the best of all of them pety Sean Dow O’Brien Fisher he did better than all of them played 100 100 odd games for us petesy Satan was it was disappointing it was very disappointing the way it ended but that’s the draft isn’t it that’s just the way it goes will Haywood so pretty much guys between here after our next pick are the guys we could have had who’s the best of this lot GED Barry probably wow OE Florent I think I’d probably pick I would probably say well I mean could have just had Tim English then we wouldn’t have taken well we wouldn’t have taken dcing the after so here’s the 2017 oh this is not good either H got it so wrong we got it so wrong so wrong man so so wrong we could have had Ed Richards at Pick 10 we got it so wrong I guess I guess the Saving Grace in this draft we still have to pay for it but we end up getting chera on the list from this era so we got chera WIS D coning where’s he at he was like pick 30 yeah that’s a great pick d who do you yeah who would you have taken I mean you probably just take chera at pick three Davis UNC probably not because we had Crips and so I can understand that you know you’re not looking for that type of player again because you’re building a Midfield around Patrick Crips it was just chera wasn’t it pretty simple that’s also true Daman obviously yeah yeah it’s all it’s all easy now in hindsight it really is nah this annoys me more than anything whatever we’ve got two minutes until teams guys I don’t want to get in a bad mood before the teams before the teams come on yeah correct it’s 2024 you got to move on uh teams are going to be out any minute any second we’ve got yeah about 90 seconds final teams will be out before we know it yeah I basically got Twitter up in front of me right now so we’ll find out very shortly let’s have a look AFL all right 60 seconds who’s going to be the first person to send through the team do you know what first person to send through the correct changes I’m sending you a ba pin a ba pin first person how about that deal deal it’s 5 o’ no no no the ins and the outs mlot for orazio okay no change okay one change to the team okay here we go Colton has made one change for Sunday night’s clash with essendon it was announced that arer would miss the game and place the blues have gone like for like Duran it’s always Damian he just gets it D you’re collected 15 disposals love that love that so who’s the sub we don’t know yet yeah all right Damian you need to you need to send me a message with your address and I will you know what I’ll pack it for you right now I’m not going to lick it because that’s gross and I’ve done that before let me go to the AFL app AFL site perfect oh wait no they haven’t actually updated this properly yet no they have okay Fantasia out for deran Redmond and Nick Bryan out setfield and Goldstein in okay Rob from the sash told us that that would happen I think Duran was the best out of all of them though James no uh out of all of them that played I was told that he was the best out of everyone that played [Music] so the question is who’s going to be the sub I reckon Jack harol is goingon to play the game Maz said it yesterday Vos said it yesterday I’ll get a game into him emergencies motlop March bank and bins M sub good Carl Langford injured no he was a test he was a test throughout the week I think he got a Cory or something like that but he’s named M sub Carol plays full game doing a sub we’re cooked if that BL plays [ __ ] me dead Yousef not a fan dur and sub wouldn’t be a bad sub to have might back Jesse but keep an eye on him will manag minutes well now Jesse’s going to get a game in the vfl then a buy and then push hard for the second half of the year I like that they didn’t play Jesse to be honest my take is that in this part of his career take a little bit more time he’s got a long long career ahead of him make sure that when he comes into the side he’s fully fit full of confidence full of touch and then he will just sore for the rest of the season my love cannot be sub it’ll be DS well yeah it can’t be mlot because he’s here for the bombers they’ve been playing young Sardis as the sub I think meny will probably be sub interesting to note Who’s name in the backline so Jake Kelly I don’t know if they’re gonna be so dys Dyson heand on the wing that’s interesting Kemp in Cowan sad mcgaven Newman Holland’s Crips Acres Williams KERO chotta named on the half forward you know what Paul sebastiani mentioned this he might not just necessarily go straight to Merit he could be going on their their halfbacks one of them maybe Nick Martin or mcra let’s see how that plays out Elijah Harry Matt oise then you got dcone Walsh and Kennedy Carl Duran fogy Boyd and huitt who plays the Fantasia role jinot I mean Zack Williams can have minutes I think yeah I think it’s Zack Williams or a bit of Cory Duran I don’t know that’s the real answer I have no idea need a welfare check on the Monday blues after this why what’s happened to the Monday blues need a rafield chucker Kennedy in there that’s how I feel it usually goes that’s a good point that’s a real good point Williams on Ridley I think Ridley will oh no I think lde will take Charlie I yeah lde or Ridley I think lde has got the attributes to play on Charlie I don’t think they want to have Jordan Ridley one-on-one with Charlie know Fantasia’s what is his role to be honest I’m still trying to figure it out but when we do the rating show we we find that we’re looking to have an extra up on the ball at stoppages and Fantasia does that particularly the last few weeks so I don’t know no Joseph chot on either Meritt or Sam darham darham can be dangerous well darham darham tags doesn’t he darham actually goes to an opposition midfielder and shuts them down so that’s that’s tough can’t have Kennedy huitt and Crips together at CBA yeah not too many times chot to Martin and hu to Meritt I don’t if you play both lock down I don’t know the role that we did on Houston last week we didn’t have a tagger per se but that was so focused and that was the team the tandem of Zack Williams and Loy fogy and then I think now that Duran’s in there I think he’ll have that defensive mindedness as well so I think it’s more of an awareness of these guys because they’ll get a lot of ball especially Nick Martin these guys driers off half back so I don’t know we shall see anyway guys that’s us we have final teams in it is a Cory Duran in for orazio Fantasia that my friends is your teams show for round 13 2024 I’m looking forward to it I can’t wait hope to see as many of you there as possible wearing your ba pins of course I want to see them on your scarves Damian don’t forget to message me your address so I can post this out to you and we’ll go from there guys good stuff good chat go Blues


  1. First time on here, watch BA every time you are on, Hello to you and all your blues family , Love the blue baggers passionately, I am sure they will win on Sunday Go Blueboys ,ever since the great Ron Barassi, 1point over the line, that’s all that counts.

  2. I think Orazio inj is why Durdin is in and like that we will give mots until after the bye. Think Club has got it right.

  3. If Durdin lays a couple of tackles and doesn't almost take Harry's head off trying to take Mark of the Year, everyone will say he's a million times better, Fantasia must never play again, even if he does nothing else all day. But is Durdin the sub? He'll be up for some action, but may not have much chance to produce. Surely they can't do it to Carrol again, and I thought Voss said he was getting a full game. Hewett the sub? Bad idea against this team.

  4. NO Raz , DurdIN , Hewett on the Flagpole , ready to jump off and into the frey , i know we must manage players , but , Not this game , not Hewy ,not this week , but it tells us ab
    out , Martin Cerra Carroll Cotrell , Durds , will put up , just dont , remove our boys heads , now , if there is no NAVY , or Red Sashes it's all good , go hard at them Durds , Baggers C' mon , GO BLUES RARARA

  5. Footy this season in term of the football aspect has been a joke one minute they are letting every holding the ball go next they go hot on it the sports becoming more of a not surprised that footy has gone worse since Laura Kane took over. She's dropping the ball and anyone that disagrees loves her and has bias for her coz nobody can deny footys been a shambles. Out of 10 how do you guys rate her start to a role thats too big for her shoes?

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