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28 becomes 26 two players have to drop out and it looks like the rumors were true as we say goodbye to Craig Gordon and John Sut welcome back guys to F football and if we said goodbye to Craig Gordon 12 hours ago we might not have dropped two goals against Finland in the last 20 minutes we might have actually won a friendly game against a half decent team heading in to the Euros absolutely but we didn’t guys we knew it was going to be John we knew it was going to be Craig all right leaving the building leaving the camp not going on that plane to Germany let’s see if The Replacements fit the bell and let’s see who shouldn’t be here and let’s see who shouldn’t be here as well post the Euros that’s for sure I think we he going with this but H yeah so what you’re saying is who doesn’t deserve to be in this squad and maybe who does deserve to be in this squad but this should absolutely be their last run in a Scotland team that’s pretty much the g i I think that’s fair I think there’s some players that I can make a case for them being in this squad but I believe that headed into World Cup 2026 Euro 2028 there’s definitely a few players in there that I think need to start getting phased out or maybe just never mind phased out maybe just completely cleared out all together yeah I I would agree right so the three goalies are Gun Kelly and sander Clark I I think these three are the future right now are the three that Scotland should be looking at right I I can’t really see Robbie mcro is someone that I think could definitely get in there especially if he does leave Rangers Links of him rumors of him going to abine if he goes to abine and be becomes the first team keeper I could see Robie mccu breaking into the Scotland Squad but I expect these three to be Main Stays over the next couple of tournament I don’t think these three are going anywhere Robbie MC right now is the only guy that I can potentially see breaking into this I think we’re done with Craig Gordon I don’t think we’ll see Craig Gordon again so other than these three robin mcro is probably the only guy out there that I think will break in Craig Gordon’s was a good buy right yesterday it was a good buy I think Craig Gordon’s more than good enough I think the real reason he’s not get in is because he just hasn’t had enough game time and he’s been injured and when you’re not getting game time then you’re going to make more mistakes you’re not going to be sharp yeah so is what it is let’s move into Defenders right Cooper Hanley Henry mcro McKenna Portis Ralston Robertson Taylor TIY that that sounded really piss didn’t it that didn’t sound too good say it again because it sounds better second time around no I’m not going to bother my ass but you can really notice the um the the gaping hole on the right side there yeah the we need hickey but we don’t have them I mean Cooper I think he only gets in because he’s at a Premiership Championship level I’ve never really rated the guy I think he’s a player that I think shouldn’t be there and should also go Grant Hanley I mean I know he’s got a lot of Nay but I mean I think that he’s I think he’s under Steve Clark has been pretty good so I I can’t really speak too much I would rather I would rather take somebody like Louis Mayo than than um agreed think we should start getting the likes of Louis Mayo in start getting these young players in and see what they’re made of see if they’re good enough um another player that I think is good enough to be in the Scotland Squad at least get a chance people might say you know heart’s biased but I think Craig hit is someone that could definitely be getting a look in at the Scotland Squad and going into the future that’s what I would like to see I would like to see those guys that haven’t really got a chance and at this before actually get in there get an opportunity I’m just sick of seeing the same faces in there so for me uh yeah but Craig hit makes Kamar rof look like Iron Man the guy’s injury PR true that’s fair enough like no there’s not a chance you I think Craig alut right without injuries is a very good Defender same with I I think John but then you say that John Su kind of cut the injuries at his game not mistakes I cut injuries not mistakes yeah I mean I would phase out Cooper Hanley I mean it wouldn’t even bother to face mcro in uh Ron I would phase it and I mean that’s probably about it to be honest I I I look at Ralston and I look at the only reason they’re in there yeah going forward heckey and Patterson aren’t going to be injured Calvin Ramsey will he come good yeah I’d like to see him in there well will Calvin Ramsey come Good Will Max Johnson come good all right mle absentee if you’ve got hickey in there right fit if you’ve got Nathan Parson fit and if we see Max Johnson and Calvin Ramsey improving over the next couple of Seasons then the likelihood of Ralston getting in there is it’s just not going to happen yeah I’ve just seen the human F on the TV I know you think we’re weak on the right side but I think potentially a couple years down the line we could be looking at having a great right hand side arguably as strong as the left I think in a couple years time Robertson know Robertson’s going to get older I think we could be looking at a situation where our right side in a few years is stronger than the left but it is all going to come down to the development of those players that I mentioned Nathan Parson can he improve and then you got like Johnston and Calvin Ramsey two guys that great things are expected of but we haven’t really seen enough and who’s the other guy Miller Calvin Miller isn’t here right back yeah but see Greg Taylor had a great season Greg Taylor’s only in here because we play five at the back and TI and Robertson both start that is it I’m not saying he’s awful but that’s only reason he’s in this team also Josh do another player that we could see getting in there so yeah right I think when you look at our fullbacks we have potential over the next couple of seasons to bring in in or see a massive Improvement in those areas right Midfield this is what I wanted to talk about sh Armstrong H for me ever since he threw me that win against England I I’ve wanted them out I don’t know that was a long time ago but I mean here’s the deal right great moment for Lee Griff right fantastic two amazing free kicks and when you’re getting beat late on and you don’t lose the game right it’s good but you just cannot help feel the disappointment like to be two one up and to lose it needlessly when we had the counter on for 3-1 it’s almost like St Armstrong knew is on Lee Griff’s hard drive and shter I me it’s almost like he did cuz it makes no and even in the Euros he tried the exact same thing yeah almost GI to England another goal in that so yeah for me Stuart Armstrong you’ve been a good player I think it is time to move him on and also Kenny McLean another guy that I’ve just kind of seen enough of and Ryan Jack as well right um I mean obviously the Boon’s just pathetic but forget about the Boon see mlan Armstrong and Jack those three have got to go have your last week tournament brilliant but we need to start phasing through young Talent you need to get fuson as good as our Midfield is they’re not exactly the youngest outside of Gilmore and Ferguson yeah there’s not much youth in there no there’s not and what see come Euro 2028 I know it’s four years away but the majority of that Midfield is going to be old probably maybe possibly entering the last tournament absolutely right not their second last their penultimate last Gilmore mcin McGregor and momy I’ll keep um I mean McGregor is getting to the age where as you say he will be getting to his last I think I actually think for K McGregor the World Cup could be his last tournament especially if he wants to prolong his Celtic career yeah so and we have seen players prioritize club and retire a little bit early in order to continue at a top level for the for the club so I mean that that could happen right up front we have got the five players Shay Adams uh Conway we’ve got James Forest we’ve got that guy um Lis Morgan and then we’ve got Lauren shankland see the amount of slander that Lauren shanklin’s get yeah I don’t I honestly don’t understand it he is hands that people will say oh you can’t mean that he is hands down the best forwards Scotland have and it’s not in my opinion it’s not even close and I’m a big F well maybe not a big fan but I am a fan of Lyon dikes but shankland his head and shoulders above the guy I mean when you talk about his ability at finishing and being clinical there’s a massive difference between Lauren shankland and everybody else in a blue shirt when it comes to finishing age I don’t know why the guy gets so much hate is it because he doesn’t play down in England is it because he doesn’t play for one of the old form can people not stomach or believe the fact that I think if he played for one side of the old F he’ probably still be getting hit yeah I know but it’s almost like because he plays for hearts people just don’t believe he can be that good no no no that’s what it is no people are saying he looked like a lost lamb out there tonight that guy on BBC was what’s his name Tom English and people saying he was shy he looked like a League 2 player theight oh this is a guy that’s not even got 50 goals in the Top Flight of Scotland he see this whole logic that he’s not get to 50 goals in the Top Flight of Scotland to me that’s a relevant because look what he’s done the past couple of Seasons we need no we need to live we need to live in the here and now no like see that logic man that’s pathetic like I actually I do not get that the guy has had two fantastic Seasons back to back smokes I mean he’s yeah in fantastic isn’t thrown out a word there you know it’s not an overstatement literally fantastic Seasons yeah well you could not have asked for much more the only thing you could have asked for is to win a trophy but you can’t really blame that in him no it’s not like he’s let Hearts down no if anything Hearts have let him then no you’re right though if Shanklin played for you know a premier like a lower Premiership team or he he played for Celtic and Rangers No One Would B an island if Shanklin played for Rangers rangers would be celebrating title 56 right now there you go yo gy get one chance tonight and he scored it if he got that Conway chance he scored it he so let’s talk about players that need phased out right I I don’t think we’ll see I don’t well I hope we don’t see leou Morgan or Tommy Conway I just don’t think they’re good enough James for I’ve seen people tonight tweeting that oh Conway suits the system way more we seen about 10 minutes there’s an agenda here against shankland James Forest right good player I like him been a great player for Celtics been a good player for Scotland but we cannot put James forest in there we cannot look at him for the future just because he is better than the Wingers at Celtic and that’s essentially what it is we can say that James Forest has been great truth is he’s been better than a poor bunch at Celtic that that is the fact right he’s an all right player for his age I think he’s still got something to offer but he shouldn’t be a starting player I mean he’s a bench player at best he shouldn’t be I get why he’s in here though it’s the Euros you don’t want to take a risk with youth even though you could argue have did that either side well I think we I think we injury problems this place but I don’t think James Forest should be in this squad 2026 I think shankland and Shay Adams are the only two that deserve to stay going I tell you what Celtic fans are wax and L over this guy I guarantee you see if no signings are made in the summer and Celtic are rocking into the Champions League with James Forest the fans will be fuming yeah there will be but that is your squad um I think it’s just time to filter a lot of it out and that could include the manager could include the manager my only issue is I just don’t think we’re really that blessed with lots of young players coming forward I know I spoke about the field backs I think we’re good in those areas but yeah I mean you look at Strikers I mean where’s the where’s the young prospects coming through you got Ben do who let’s hope he can turn into a a superstar within the next few years yeah let’s hope so but that is where we’re going to wrap this up I think you need to give youth a chance I’m not even too sure what’s after the Euros is the nation leagues F we’re in group a as well lots of pumps coming there what pump here see that one one and nine pit that could turn into one wi and like 15 could do hope doesn’t happen though guys we’ll catch you in the next one let us know your thoughts down below what players would you phase out what players do you think deserve a chance what players do you think will be key to Scotland in Euro 2024 we’ll catch you in the next one till then peace


  1. Ryan Jack in there and he's hardly kicked a baw in anger for years! WTF! How can he possibly be even near match fit?

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