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Caitlin Clark not included on Team USA, Was she snubbed? | WNBA | FIRST THINGS FIRST

Caitlin Clark was not included on the Women’s Team USA roster, and said “they woke a monster.” Nick Wright, Chris Broussard, and Kevin Wildes discuss her omission and if she was snubbed.

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Caitlin Clark not included on Team USA, Was she snubbed? | WNBA | FIRST THINGS FIRST

First Things First

kayen Clark WNBA rookie of the month uh packing Arenas while averaging 17 and six assists that’s not enough to make the Olympic roster Caitlin gets snub okay can I I implore once again all of my colleagues to please take a breath before these conversations because the Caitlyn Clark conversation is in the process of jumping over into the political realm and it’s going to get even grosser I’m just letting you know there have been someone who might end up being a Vice Presidential nominee not Aaron Rogers was out here tweeting today damn near demanding an investigation about why she wasn’t on there what I bet Wilds we’ll see if I’m right that this there will be a Caitlyn Clark related question at a White House Press Conference this week because this is become culture War because everything God knows must be culture War when in reality I think there is totally legitimate arguments and I rarely feel this way on both sides of this I think if you want to say she is not good enough yet that’s fair mhm the numbers would say she’s probably not she’s not good enough yet and and it’s the Olympic team and giving her a spot takes one away from someone else it is also totally legitimate to say we roll in the Olympics every year we can afford having you know someone who’s the 20th best or 24th best instead of the 12th best because of what it would potentially do to grow the game that’s legitimate and I also think that that door somewhat got open Brew by Diana taz’s inclusion so Diana I and we can show you their we can show you their numbers they’re having a shockingly similar season so points and rebounds basically identical field goal percentage is identical Caitlyn has way more assists and way more turnovers to go along with it Diana has very few assists very few turnovers you know so they’re Caitlyn’s not yet in her prime Diana’s past her prime Diana I think got in because she’s Diana freaking terazzi and she’s aren’t you know she deserves it but you then can’t say we’re just doing our 12 best so I think it’s I think there’s Fair arguments on both sides I just wish everyone didn’t get so angry about it at all times when it relates to this young lady snubbed is the wrong word because as you said you can argue for all the other 12 players and you’re right terazzi but she’s a legend she’s a legend so we get that all right you can also AR argue for Caitlyn CL like there this notion that she’s not playing well of course she’s not doing what she did in college but you saw the number 16.6 she’s fourth in the league and assists she’s averaging almost 17 points a game she is on Pace to become only the fifth player in history in the WNBA history not rookie player to have a 155 and five season that I mean she’s playing for a rookie she’s playing well now she still may not be one of the 12 best players in the world that’s fine but like you said we’ve won seven straight gold medals when we won the last one we whoop Japan by like 15 I mean we won 55 straight games we’re going to win no matter who that 12th or 11th man or woman in this case is I think though while you can’t say she was snubbed it was a mistake to leave her off because to grow the game of women’s pro basketball here in America it just is what it is and and the players can if if they’re angry cuz a lot of them saying they aren’t whatever whatever it is she brings eyeballs to the sport they’re going to roll this year in the Olympics and not many people going to watch or care about it if you had her on there people would be watching and caring and that would lift the whole league she’s already lifted the whole league to some degree and this she’s not the best player ever it may not be fair but is happening all right and it’s not her doing and so they should have had her on there for PR reasons like you said tazzi Christian lner on the freaking Dream Team Isaiah Thomas wasn’t on it like we haven’t always just had the best players so I think it was a mistake PR wise not to have her on let me show read this uh quote from Christine Brennan of USA Today two sources uh both longtime US basketball veterans and with Decades of experience in the women’s game told me Friday that concerned about how Clark’s millions of the fans would react to What would likely be limited playing time on a stacked roster was a factor in the decision making yeah they would have been blowing they’re gonna be blowing people out she probably would have got enough minutes I think well so a couple things one is I do I do think people are overstating to a degree how much more eyeballs her being the 11th person on the roster would bring I cuz she’s not going to start even if she was on there she wouldn’t be starting she wouldn’t be playing huge minutes so I I I do think people are overseeing it to a I also think that point right there is an insane way to operate a business or a team and this it gets back to oddly a conversation we had about angel Reese but which is too many people are making decisions or letting their life be run by make believe people who live in their phone what are we talking about her millions of fans the the G the games are in Paris y’all they’re not going to be there what are they what we talking about what they’re really talking about is people are going to send some tweets yo they’re going to be send some angry tweets where’s Caitlyn that’s what it is like what are what do you actually mean her millions of fans are going to be angry what does that anger actually manifest itself as other than angry tweets I I’m being serious like I don’t and so I I think it is leg I I I disagree with you brew that it was definitively a mistake it was a mistake I but I also you know who I think it actually maybe it’s not good for the the overall health of the WNBA which you can say women’s basketball’s Olympic team’s not in charge of that whatever you know what I think it’s good for her Caitlyn Clark in the fever I think it’s because they woke a monster no because she’s going to she already remember how they had all those games and she finally had four days off and had her best game of the year she had 30 points eight rebounds six assists and it was also against the worst team of the league she’s she’s now going to be rested the team is going to be rested CU they had all those backto backs early and you think she’s going to play great yeah then that’s going to look even worse for the Olympic team I think it I I think the Olympic wor yeah but if people wanted to see her be on it thanks for watching subscribe here to get more from the show and to check out clips from other shows on FS1


  1. The right question would be: How much more TV ratings will the Women's Basketball get with her and without her? How much more money can be made if she is in the team? More viewers = more money = higher salaries.
    Edit: Now, if she ends up not going to the Olympics and the US does not get the gold? Unlikely, but still there will be a lot of finger pointing.

  2. It is such a simple decision, it is time to solidify your own league woman and stop MEN / NBA league from subsidizing your failing league for over 20 years. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, fight for your own job cuz pampering need to stop for these delusion that they have something special when they have the golden goose Caitlin Clark. Its over due, choose money before winning, and in the end you both bring money and gold home regardless. Like and Share my comment.

  3. Stop complaining about not making money and pass up on a money opportunity. Nobody is saying she is the best. What makes people want to watch is that she is NOT boring

  4. As a—Blackman… Veteran; not that my master status should matter— who served more than 20-years the U.S. Air Force I won’t be watching Team USA Women compete for the gold medal in basketball because if we are truly talking individuals on the women’s basketball team representing US then Brittney Griner definitely shouldn’t be on team USA with her history of not standing up during the playing of our National Anthem to show respect for the US Flag which is proudly displayed during the Olympics! As for earning a spot on the women’s Olympics roster Caitlin Clark’s résumé for the WNBAs 2024 is better than Diana Taurasi’s! So the Olympics selection committee and all they WOKE women alleged sports analysts with their biased attitude toward Caitlin Clark need to stop all the excuses… The LGBTQ and these entitled black WNBA led players need to stop this nonsense and their jealousy and covert racism towards Caitlin Clark. Let’s see if they play “prison basketball! Like they have engaged in with Caitlin Clark… against the women on the opposing Country teams they face in the Olympics?! The bottom line is that this is a business and when the powers to be leave their most marketable player there’s definitely a need for some soul searching! I can see why the WNBA hasn’t turn a profit since their inception more than 25-years ago. They don’t understand that they’re in the entertainment business! But being “the crab people” league that they are… none of us should be surprised. Enough said!

  5. Do people realize that the WNBA has nothing to do with the Olympics. The United States National Olympic Committee selects players and sends out the inviations. The WNBA doesn't have any say on who they select.

  6. who's here after Caitlin got benched after scoring only 10 points and playing horrible on defense against Connecticut?

  7. CC is a distraction of the highest order & doesn't fit into the concept of what it means to be on a national team. She thinks she's gods gift to basketball & doesn't play defense & pout & complains when she doesn't get calls. Imagine how bad the discourse would have been if she made the team & didn't even see the floor. imagine the hate her teammates would get for getting minutes over her when people tune in & tweet why is CC not in the game. Imagine reporters asking about nothing but CC when the team is trying to focus on winning.

  8. They are fools for not putting clark on the team. OMG she will not be tripled and doubled team on team usa like she is now. She will be on a better team not the worst. + She brings eyes to the team like it or not. I'm not going to watch it never have but I might watch if clark is on the team. Idiots should have done it for publicity as the bottom line is the improve the product. OMG idiots who made the decision? Dumb financially Dumb for growing the team etc. Not way was it a smart move.

  9. The anger is in fewer people watching count me as one of them. Sorry. She brings in fans no clark fewer eyes on olympics.

  10. USA Women's National team winning Gold without Caitlin Clark is the equivalent of being Valedictorian of a Community College 😂

  11. Brou as always gives the correct adult take. Nick as always gives the stupid woke take. There isn’t an argument…she should have been on the roster. Imagine the example you set that someone who breaks the law and kneels for the national anthem makes it on the team but you don’t include the player who has been a national inspiration for both men and women. Just crazy

  12. CC should go play over seas and make more cash and tell WNBA seeya. Make an example of someone else. Not ME!

  13. Yea. They missed a big opportunity for sure. Just can’t complain at all about salaries or ratings anymore. You had a chance to improve it, almost permanently

  14. Imagine choosing players that disrespect the flag and hate their own country to be the representative of your country and flag. Yep, thats america.

  15. Massive opportunity missed by the WNBA. They can’t complain about their pay when they are not interested in promoting the game. Caitlin is the revenue raiser .

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