MIKE’S 2024 WITB // What’s in the Bag For The Start of The Golf Season

Today Mike is in the bay to go through his bag for the 2024 golf season! Come see what Mike is trusting to get his game in tip top shape this year!

00:24 Intro Bag Breakdown
60° LOFT
55° LOFT
11:30 TITLEIST T150
13:18 TITLEIST T200
14:53 TITLEIST T200
18° A1
22:50 Summary



Club Champion:
Ian Fraser:
Mike Martysiewicz:
Filmed at: Club Champion Toronto
Custom Golf Club Fitting Studio – Toronto, Canada

I mean it is a little bit more of a running club yeah yeah for sure you’re not this is something I’m not going to flight in and stop to you know like a seven eight iron yeah that’s for sure I don’t mind that though for for people to have a club in the bag that they can flight down I think that’s a good option to have I really do all right guys welcome back to the channel so today Michael be careful how I word this we’re taking a dive into your bag um we’re going to see what clubs have made their way into this lovely vessel vehicle that you’ve got yeah yeah see how the interesting to see if there’s any tweaks made this is like a free fitting for no I don’t like where you’re going with this we’re here to establish what’s in it not what’s going in it we’ll make a few changes see see where you’re going all right um there have been a few changes not too many no I feel like when you change your irons it’s kind of like the boat I’ve found myself in this year like I’ve not changed my IRS in wedges really other than upgraded from sm9 uh to 10 and I’ve been in my T1 50s and t2s since last June so that’s 10 of the clubs I use yeah putter hasn’t changed so it’s just really the top end of the bag and you’ve kind of kept the irons the same but well for the most part you got a couple we sneaky changes couple little changes but nothing nothing crazy honestly with the iron as good as they are I’ve not thought of changing anything like everything just SE feels fine um wedges putter did change for a second but that’s it and then yeah we’ll see couple oh I see you’re actually back to the blade yeah I played it yesterday it’s quite good quite good did change for a second yeah it did change for a second okay all right you’ll see that in the video later this week all right starts Michael at the uh the top why fact why don’t we why don’t we grab the bag let’s bring it over y okay head covers are off head covers are off tsr3 still in the bag new shaft new shaft you Chang this when we played at streams uh 10c 1K white 50s A2 setting weight in the heel I mean it’s been pretty good you’ll see in a video this week of hitting it outside I like the flight it can still you know obviously I’m still going to hit out of the heel but it’s almost like that flatter heel flight which I mean it protects me the ball still runs out it doesn’t Spin To the Moon and and not go anywhere which I like so been uh been impressed with that change easier to release for me than than when I played Venus Blue that’s all is that right that’s been the biggest the biggest change interesting um yeah I mean we’ve we’ve messed with drivers with you in here this year and test different things and but Outdoors that’s a really good driver a really good driver yeah I can catch it high on the face and a low spin so it goes goes nice and far well far enough um old faith favorite Club in the bik favorite Club in the bike yeah cuz I mean where I play I can use it off certainties um yeah this they will we only have two part fives um so it uh it puts me in in play we’ve got a super long part three if it’s into the wind I’ve had to hit three-wood off that t so um yeah tz6 70 M4 I’ve gotten the upright and one lower and yeah I love this thing this thing is I hope it doesn’t cave or anything because it’ll be tough to get out of my bike worry about that I think you’ll be fine well you never know uh and then fivewood some else borrow I ditched the seven wood was fun while it lasted but not that fun and went to tsr2 18° A1 setting with a TB 80 stiff because it’s short it’s 41 and a half 41 and a half so it’s a shorter fivewood but again I hit this thing pretty good I I act like I use it like it’s a hybrid um mash it out of rough and stuff like that it’s just got a the black weight in there um yeah it’s great good I don’t even know what that weighs plus two with the seven wood gone gone and that mauno hybrid gone it’s not bad that Muno hybrid the 4r is back in the bag uh with a DI 95 stiff you’ve made more changes than me I get the reputation for being the club hole you I’ve not made more changes than you um you force the hybrid change anyways this is good this plays at four iron length though so di 95 at four iron length which I like hold the bus change okay nothing I know I know what with a multicolored CPS I know you know what our inventory was we it off it’s all black black oh jeez it’s all black black from down here tension is for black blacks but you know what see black black thank God the five iron was black black um because the four ir’s back in the bag I put the five iron back in the bag um we were at cavat Citrus farms and we were all hitting balls on the Range and I hate your for iron your for iron has a 105 G Shaft or 100 G shaft in it so I put a modus 105 in this um yeah might be the second favorite Club in the bag um nice transition that so sort of 80 gam shaft in your uh in your fivewood a little 80 95 Big Boy uh in the 4 iron a 105 in the five iron and then obviously into the motus 120s in the irons a like that Motors 120s and the t-50s and that goes to wedge okay and then the latest addition uh it’s a lot of changes not a lot of changes I uh I’ve played Artisan for a while so I reordered the 50 and the 55 and then I got the 60 made to a wedge that I’ve had for a long time that I loved um and yeah I’ve enjoyed these a little bit of pre-worn Leading Edge to them and they spin like crazy very little offset and the shafts I play DG Spinners wedge plus wedge plus yeah at standard length though my irons are/ inch under I’ve tried wedges at half in under I just I don’t know too short and then I play the wedges now at standard length okay excellent um yeah let’s talk a little bit about your grinds so why you you like that pre-war sort of in in the the pre-war in the front yeah what’s that for I mean for for tighter lies around the green I just feel like I can get underneath the ball really nicely I think with the 60 it’s taking me a while to get used to it I get under the ball a little too much and it’s probably technique as well but uh it slides under the ball pretty quickly and then comes up a bit short so I’ve been playing a lot more 55 around the greens um but again that pre-worn gets me through some long rough and stuff like that so we’re seeing more of this uh TM made have a really nice version of this in that T Dub uh where it’s got the pre-worn Leading Edge it’s got the fullness of the sole through the middle and then it’s got the trail Edge relief that blends and wraps around the toe uh I really like that yeah yeah great out of the bunker too 10 degrees of Bounce um 10 degrees of bounce on everything the 55 5 12° 5512 okay yeah that’s the big play a prov1x MH we did enough ball testing over the winner and I thought well maybe tp5x maybe chrom soft but no prov1x is the ball and it will continue to be the ball okay yeah let’s hit some oh jeez all right Mikey okay 60° um what’s your repertoire with this what would do you like to do and where do you sort of where do you cut it off I mean mainly around the greens I don’t love a full shot with these to be honest with you I think right now it is a bit of technique I’ve struggled with wedges the last couple months um not awful but just not what I’ve what I’m used to in a way uh so I’ve went away from a full 60 shot and I would hit like a 55 kind of like a saw off little shot it just I think it’s easier almost think like hip to hip in a way and it just it flights nicer and Spins a bit more but um I can’t hit a full shot it’s just it’s probably more technique than anything let’s go to 50 yards let’s see what it’s going to do at 50 lovely little slidy one yeah premium 8600 in spin that’s a lot yeah honestly the the first week I put these in play I took them to the Carolinas and it was like dewy morning so you get a little bit of moisture on the faces I was spinning wedges off like I’ve never spun wedges like that so again we did a thing with like oil on the face from raw wedges they were full of oil when I was using them but they were spinning like crazy so who knows a bit hard spinny mhm yeah lots of spin yeah one more okay okay grab your 55 for me okay 50 yards 50 yeah same s same shot maybe just feel you’re going to land this a little shorter rather than fly quite as far nice good two more just like that good really good okay so the reason I wanted you to hit those two sort of uh shots we play a lot of golf together and your distance control that 68 times around the greens you can Conn of come up a bit short a lot short yeah so we always talk about the launch angle should be about half of the Loft your launch angle just gets a little excessively high with the the 60 and let’s see angle attack so you’re a little bit across it a little bit down so what we I see you doing is you can float in that 60 actually I mean quite quite useful but the six 6 and 1 half degrees of angle of descent change really changes the behavior of the golf ball when it hits the green so um I think that would serve you much much better much more often 28 degrees of laun a little 50 yard 50 yard and just kind of like skip it in there like that one you almost hold a second ago I mean that’s probably not going to nip up as as much as that it’s where you’re actually going to nip and then release a little bit you’re going to hold it you know if that’s the case you’re never really going to haul it if it’s gone in and and obviously you know just jams the brakes on as soon as it hits the green there’s a time in a place where that’s great but you know front pins things like that but I much much prefer that 55 Yard sorry 55 degree club for for this one okay all right let’s uh let’s get into um your wedges let’s sorry irons let’s maybe grab a mid iron guiney get away with it yeah a really good sound off these irons yeah feel like you’ve been hitting these really nicely the last few times we’ve been playing honestly like I’ve played enough golf with them that i’ I’ve got a lot of confidence behind them they feel bigger than they look mhm so there’s tons of tons of help tons of confidence boosting which is nice that little pull is is your shot Mikey yeah isn’t it I mean generally speaking your aim on the golf course is a little bit right yeah and you can of just you do exactly this which is just pull it back online which is absolutely fine because you do it well and often yeah I yeah I mean the strike you look at that it’s left the strike feels great yeah yeah I never here when you set up pretty Square you actually aim a lot straighter so you’re not making the compensation that you do on the golf course okay maybe just make that a little more right feel you’re going to aim into the right half of the green nicely done sound is nice and crispy yeah and these irons out of anything rough jeez besue is up right now at the golf course um so easy to hit they just they work everywhere which is nice okay show me some of these new long IRS so if you’re hitting that’s that’s flying 167 going out to 170 perfect right on the money the trick is with this five iron is ball position if I got in the right place it’s amazing if it if it sneaks a little too far back on me it’s just I mean I know it’s not the club but it’s me but yeah yeah um I get to catch it high in the face and it doesn’t really go anywhere absolutely flushed you’re uh you’re you’ve got more spin than I you know I’ve seen you have for quite a while which is a good thing you know almost 5,000 of spin yeah it’s nice with a five it’s kind of why we went away from long IRS with you uh in the past obviously in a bite size um comparison but there’s your seven and your five you know certain the first and your five is Apex above your seven is really nice to see that’s nice just high in the face excellent as far as long irons go I mean these are as good as anything out there really aren’t they I mean simple easy it feels good it looks good it does yeah I like it it it takes every box War yeah let’s see the four yeah all right Mikey talk to me about your for this is a a good little weapon for you this is uh the thing I like about this it well we’ll see in a second but outside it seems to flight high enough where it doesn’t come in like a what a driving iron would and I don’t need a driving Iron by any means but this is just a 4 iron a fraction longer than standard length half quarter half over um it’s just it’s just a and lighter obviously than what’s in my current iron so just just seems easy to use like a hybrid basically so I mean I mean it is a little bit more of a running club yeah yeah for sure you’re not this is something I’m not going to flight in and stop to you know not drop like a seven yeah that’s for sure I don’t mind that though for for people to have a club in the bag that they can flight down I think that’s a good option to have I really do I think the other thing with this too you said like if I miss it off the tea hit a bad drive or whatever hit three with off the te and don’t hit it great this can kind of run you up the Fairway without being again I’m not long but without being crazy long or putting you in trouble so yeah I do like it okay give me uh give me your your best best all of this one that was nice that was nice Michael yeah yep 205 in the carry with a little bit of Chase yeah honestly if it was 200 Carry On Any Day I’d be it’s what I need really I mean if we go back to probably some point last year and we took this club out your bag you can kind of see why in a sense of just you know it’s a bit lower it kind of can just run and Scoot a little bit so in indoor like you there’s always probably an argument that this club is on the edge of really being that useful but I think you’re finding it quite useful in the golf course is that yeah I mean the last three were the awful swing so you know obviously doesn’t help but yeah I like it I will not put a I will not put a hybrid back in the B no no you’re happy enough with uh having the option Okay jump into fivewood it was a bit of a head scratcher there for a second um 41 and A2 so an inch and a an inch sorry short 80 g uh shaft you’ve only added two grams to the head and it’s a D5 heavy yeah when we got fit for t-50s my fitter asked he’s like anything else you want to try I’m like well don’t mind if I do so we tried some stuff he built a 5w short with a Ventus red 7s in it and I think they probably added some Hot Melt to that that that makes sense the head before uh sleeve is at 2117 yeah so pretty heavy okay what does this do um wise what you comfortable with yeah I would say like kind of 25 outside probably in around there good looking flight that but probably just a hair toy yeah a toy well all three-w fivewood are going to be out the toe driver is going to be out the toe that’s a safety that’s so good best one 219 on the Fly that was really nice I know that’s like oh 219 I’m going to say oh that’s what it does all the time but around 215 like if you see 220 out of it great that’s awesome but the one thing for me what’s that 96 ft in the air like it goes It goes plenty high so I can use it kind of everywhere which is nice and you know do you ever do you ever flight it down do you ever I don’t want to say oh I can flight it up and down but yes there’s times where I feel like I can play it a bit lower Maybe it runs definitely so it’s a nice I mean it’s a safety Club if I need to bunt something and just get it down the Fairway this this does it for me so and that’s that’s the benefit of having that shorter shaft isn’t it that was quite nice that was very nice 96 in the previous one probably 80ish on that one yeah Healy a little Healy but that’s nice M yeah I got away with it Cy but Healy yeah yeah lost a bit your speed on it all right move into that three-wood for me did you ever have this in a fivewood no no no a bit draggy it it’s just it works so well out there all right Mikey big stick yeah this is where you just turn it off now folks talk to us a little bit about this because obviously like there’s there’s the I think the numbers that make it look like it’s a weakness when on the golf course is actually a stength I know I know and honestly like I don’t care what the numbers say today right now there’s been T like we played Thursday there’s some drives I hit they go plenty far they have nice flights I played Saturday plenty far and don’t get me wrong I M hit it but for some reason in here it’s a it’s not an excuse because we have thousands of clients that come indoors and they hit driver great and they hit driver great outside it’s me it’s a me thing so driver indoors I don’t know some days it’s pretty good and then others days it’s like three drives to get me out of here so we’ll see what today is but yeah this outside has been pretty good the uh the speed Journey that you were on yeah what made you what made you sort of kind of almost like stop Chase and speed laziness was it when you hit when I hit bad drives inside mhm and I feel like the camera guys are watching I’m wasting people’s time I hit it bad and then when a speed journey I hit drives indoors and there might be faster but it’s not what I want to see flightwise and I know that’s completely the opposite of what you want to do like who cares where it goes when you’re doing a speed journey I just got demotivate or unmotivated and demoralized watching the the ball flight I I mean yeah I would say if that’s if that’s kind of the case because obviously there’s value in doing it there’s no doubt about that is Do It Outdoors do it your driving range at your Club take the sticks to the club and you know hit do your drills and then do 20 of the fastest drives whether it’s four sets of five or something like that but it it’ probably be good if if that’s the way you feel about it that you don’t like you look at the feedback like a negative and not a positive I know uh and then like just check in every two weeks where I’m at okay Mark it down see in two weeks yeah yeah no that’s a good point all right try that we’re back more like you there yeah those are really nice launch conditions that was like that yeah that there is something I see outside and you know am I happy with 260 and 280 total I mean yeah it gets me around but I like to be 275 and 290 yeah sure but I mean that yeah as far as what you do on the golf course I would say that’s it yeah that that is exactly it and it’s pretty quick Beauty absolute Bey run run run ball run give me something positive to what more do you look at those two little peas and a pod all right nice work oh right that’s the big folks it’s uh it’s pretty good it’s pretty good not bad yeah how’s your start to the season been M yeah good like I’m happy with it uh the last I would say the last six rounds have been trending trending yeah probably the best I’ve I’ve hit it in a while um just need to work on some short game stuff get some reps under under my belt and get comfortable with the wedges again I kind of lost a bit of the comfort with regardless of the wedge that was in is just just lost comfort with it what’s something that you sort of take to the golf course whether it’s a mind set or a strategy something that you think that people you could help people um who maybe sort of recognize their game when they see you um I would say like junior golf and even up until the last few years like the amount of golf balls that I would lose in around like maybe two balls around right um obviously that adds to your score and you look at your score card in the end you’re like May double there you know from A Loss ball or something like that so the uh the lost ball prevention for me is uh is kind of the one thing like I I find it like a little reward if I play round the golf with the same ball you know I just Chuck it out after or leave it in the bucket for the for the back shop guys so uh for me preventing losing golf balls I think is one way to you know shave some Strokes off your game definitely without a doubt keep those penalty shots down okay uh what’s the handicap at as of right now two two and change two in a bet goals for the season scratch it’s uh I I thought the other week I was like okay I’ve played a lot of golf this year already um and very little time on the Range yesterday was the third time in the season that I’ve been to the range and actually hit golf balls so I need to throughout the week at least one or two nights is go go hit golf balls and and not see an empty te box and well I’m going to go play because that’s a what you know course is empty most of the time so it’s enticing to go play but just to go hit you know 257 irons would be the most practice I’ve done in The Last 5 Years anyway so what would that do for you though that would benefit your game um I think the you know if you find it on the Range you get a few nice strikes to me mentally that takes it to the golf course going okay I’ve hit this I’ve hit this shot before I you know we have Targets on the Range I pick a Target I get a lot more comfortable yeah yeah confidence get goes up with it so um you know I think that would be you know one thing you said to me a couple weeks ago is just go to the left side of the range and hit big draws kind of thing thing and you know I’ve done that twice and it’s it’s helped with certain things so yeah just getting reps and being comfortable excellent okay well uh that’s Michael’s bag set for the year and I know you pretty well there’s there might be one change um that comes later in the year maybe June July time there might be a change other not I don’t see much we haven’t looked at your putter Old Faithful same as last year same as last year nothing’s changed bardy try Soul blade sight dot I did change the grip I used the deep edge last year and I went to the to the Ping grip I dabbled with a Scotty sheffler spider plumers neck I liked it um but we did some testing here with a blade and we we talked about some stuff and I went to the course played with you on Thursday I was like okay and then put the blade back in the bag for Satur or for Sunday or for Saturday and yeah puted what I thought was better so it’s interesting a lot of people do that you see you guys in Tour all the time me how many times Dustin John a aquaro like you know spider to Blade spider to Blade lot lot sort of jumping about so uh just got to find that comfort zone even if it’s different styles of Putters you know the uh finding the sort of confidence totally going to help you putt a little bit better is so important definitely anything in the bag that’s uh in the the other pocket Side Pockets anything you keep any lucky trink markers are you creatur a habit with anything tall boys no no tall boys in there that’s for sure silver dollar to mark my golf ball and then I keep another flat marker because people think you could get irritating you have to putt over a silver dollar um but that’s it two T’s in the right pocket ball marker oh way we go very good Footwear uh foot Joy has been a lot this year um which I like you know again when we’ve traveled I’ve foot Choice shoes um yeah they they’ve been the Footwear of of choice you’ve been wearing the new SL Pro carbon yeah yeah I love them really comfy they are nice aren’t they yeah impressive well we’re going to talk a little bit about that in the coming weeks is to sort of the importance of Footwear and Footwear really being a piece of your equipment uh and the benefits it could give you so it’s why I wanted to just touch on that quickly cuz I think both of us um will be talking a little bit about that so um yeah a little teaser to what’s coming in that very good Michael 14 clubs that uh probably are not changing you’ll probably dabble a little bit with the new driver later in the season I think you’re in pretty good shape yeah I’m I’m happy with it good all right guys hope you can take a little bit from that um Mikey pretty much has got himself to a point where he knows exactly what works dabbled in some things with higher lofted hybrids even the wedges that you played were similar in Spec to the ones you’ve got right now just maybe some subtle changes to the the grind on the bottom and stuff like that but other than that you are pretty set with what you’ve got so um that is very very important that Mikey then takes it to the golf course yeah and hopefully shoot a nice score very good okay guys um more to come and we will get to the golf course you’ll see more of us on the golf course we’ve actually filmed a couple um that we’ll have in the bank and we’ll hopefully do a few more ones we can see you out there Mikey boy see these puppies in action yeah I’m excited good stuff all right stay tuned for more we’ll see you again soon [Music]


  1. Can foresight turn off the range view and only show Ball and club speed? If so that might help Mike with indoor speed journey in not worrying about flight. I see the long drive guys do something similar on trackman sims.

  2. Love all the equipment videos, but what I'd really enjoy watching would be you two playing an actual round of golf and then reviewing if you have indeed built the right bag.

  3. Cool video – i heard the 3w being the favorite club in the bag but seems there is 5y difference with the 5w… get a mini driver in there? 🙂

  4. Finally hit the T150s outdoors about a week ago and really liked them. Will be a contender when I do my full bag fitting update in September. I'm in the exact same boat as Mikey…I do not hit well indoor and particularly with driver. I will only ever do fittings outdoor and on grass. Outside of more consistent ball striking you can't beat it for turf interaction on the irons and wedges.

  5. Mikey MAN OF THE PEOPLE hasn’t changed his season beginning bag 100 times already like you know who 😂😂😂

  6. What did you do Mikey to stop the one or two lost balls a round? I find that this is where I am suffering from lately, not good for my score or my bank balance!

  7. Aren’t we overdue Ian’s latest WITB, it’s been at least a month since the last one.

  8. I think it’s fascinating that Ian fit him into clubs they “work better for him” but either the simulator numbers are “lying” or he just dislikes hybrids/high loft woods so much he’d rather play worse.

  9. Mikey, Great job on the bag. I am surprised you shortened that wood, i always find it that club fitters refuse cutting shafts. like you i find it more comfortable and stable shortened shafts. I grip my 7 wood to 41.5, my 5 wood to 42.5, I have not cut them yet. I also grip my Driver to 43.5. keep up the great work guys, always inspired by your channel.

  10. I appreciate hearing a golfer that is humble and knowledgeable about his game and distances. Nothing worse than the golfer who hit a certain distance once, and then during a fitting or game, is always making excuses. Thanks Mike

  11. Keep saying it again and again. I'm tremendeously impressed with how Mike performs in front of the camera and all. From what i can see, you don't believe to much in yourself, but holy shit you got balls dude. Respect. Wouldn't miss an episode if you kind of did a personal vlog on the side with practice, gym, warmup, feel before a club comp or whatever.

  12. love watching you guys. i do have to ask, how much does mike work on his swing with driver?

  13. @Mike – I'm sure you'll find scratch very soon! Please also know the insights you and Fraz share are helping me get back into single figures….been hovering low teens for far too long!

  14. Footwear…. Gfore for the win… Light comfy on the feet and that massage action in the insole… Heaven sent… Hooked… 3 pair already… Love the content boys!

  15. Those T150 irons still seem very solid for you. But I'm surprised that you can't find a hybrid that is beneficial for your game. Would love to see a hybrid vs 4 iron heads up battle.

  16. Start chasing the speed again. It’s a power up you haven’t unlocked yet. You can also gain speed with exercise outside of golf if you feel like smashing drives, irons, etc. will ruin your game (which it won’t).

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