Golf's Top 10 Mental Strategies to Win

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Book Introduction
This book uncovers the mental strategies and insights that I have discovered interviewing golf’s professional tour player champions. These insights are condensed into an easy to read mini book outlining the most influential mental habits contributing to their professional victories.

As a former tour player myself, I have always been interested in golf’s mental game. The insights I share with you in this book come from 17 personal interviews I completed in 2012 with players who have won on the PGA Tour Canada and Tour. Some of the players I interviewed include: Matt Hill ( Tour player 2013), Roger Sloan ( Tour player 2013) and Eugene Wong whom I interviewed in the middle of his three consecutive victories in 2012. I also had the privilege of interviewing Brad Fritsch after he successfully graduated from the tour to the 2013 PGA Tour.

Within this book I’ve clearly defined the top 10 mental strategies that are common habits amongst these Tour player Champions which have significantly influenced their success. Each of these short insights is packed with purpose and proven championship results.

Take control of your game and take advantage of the insights within.

Brett Taylor
January 2013

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