Golf Players

Supercoach Swordplay S4 E12 I THE BIG 7!

G’day guys! This week we discuss all the big topics heading into round 13, including the BIG 7 coming off their bye. Hope you enjoy and thanks for the support! Cheers, DR, Spills & Janath ✌

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[Music] good day guys and welcome back to season 4 episode 12 the super Coast swordplay podcast you’re with me Jan and I’m joined by my great mate di H spills will be joining soon as well so with the Three Amigos we’ll be back together again just very quickly had a good weekend Dia the three of us got together at yours was was quite the afternoon I must say Jeremy McGavin wasn’t looking too flash when I was at yours but did pull through in the end I was very very happy for you mate but no it was awesome to catch up with you to Lad sp’s obviously be joining us in a sec as you mentioned mate but now great to catch up on the Saturday unfortunately the games weren’t overly super coach relevant for us it was on the Sunday where those games seem to be more relevant but great to catch up with you you’re such a lovely human mate bought River down some of the biscuits and he’s still maning into those mate he’s got a taste for those so I need to find out where you got them from because I’ll I’ll tell you that’s where you got them from Sri Lanka jeez mate you made that one easy just up the road for me mate oh no you said I make sure you ask Jan where you where where he got them from I’m like yep awesome we’ll buy him bulk next time even if it’s now a trip we’ll go there because he loves them that much just up to Sri Lanka no worries mate we’ll there are some good Sri Lankan shops down your way though mate so don’t you worry oh excellent excellent so I don’t need to make that much of a trip beautiful but now other than that mate had a good weekend no brilliant and um great to see you guys mate really really was and uh look The Good Friday appeal here brother how’s this going $180 absolutely stoked at the moment mate absolutely stoked you can see Nikki boy there and uh We’ve also got some legends that will be adding to the wall of fame very very soon as well mate yeah and if you guys again if you guys want to cop your banie super from what what from what we can tell shipping two days bang beanie at your door so um apologies just very quickly apologies to anyone that’s bought a t-shirt a hoodie a notebook we’re just we’re really we really do apologize for unforeseen circumstances with those products uh yeah just with their merch Supply some Unfortunate Events have happened so we’re we’re really looking into trying to fix that up soon just working on the run here the beanies are okay but the other stuff we’ll just really try to get that to you as soon as possible I know some of you guys been waiting a while but we we promise to make up for it in the long run um as well but without further Ado let’s let’s look into this wall of fame sh there’s some good looking blocks on here ah isn’t there you know we we’ve we’ve got some some wonderful wonderful people here we we’ve already talked about Kar and deal and Nicki Martin and uh a few of these other Legends but we’ve got our brother Rosco here so Rosa and I tell you what with Rosco I love the old school jacket there the pur milk cannot beat that that and I’ll tell you what isn’t that a nice match with the sword play beanie he’s got the colors working there somehow Rosco So yeah thank you very much for your support mate and ab good win on the weekend as well oh brilliant win on the weekend up and about both boys will be up and about both boys mate and uh Jules AKA Crazy Frogs one of our favorites he’s a man known for his pods he was looking to get Tomah Haw in on the weekend I know if he went there I think it might have been Salem that he went with I think he was pretty happy so shout out to you brother I’ve also had jwes on the podcast as well before format number one for I think it was about 3 weeks in a row so does know his stuff and loves a podor jewels and the other Legend we have to add to the wall this week is Mitch Mitch has been a wonderful supporter of the podcast again just an absolute ripping bloke asks questions gives advice as well and always been a great supporter of all of us so uh thank very much Mitch and thank you to all legends that have bought a beanie so far supporting a great calls giving us a little bit of a head wobble and uh they are fantastic quality I’m not biasing saying that they are the best quality beanies that you will find so thank you very speaking of head wobbles how many of you would be interested in super coach Sword Play bobbleheads leave it down in the comments and we’ll we’ll see if we can Source some out you know I collect toys so I know I know you’re a fan de all right well let’s get into the me of this podcast then we’ll go into our round reviews I’ll start off with you di top of the pod for this week chat us through what what went down in the first week of the buyers mate look it wasn’t a disaster as you can see it’s always really hard to tell the boy buys isn’t it where you’re actually looking in regards to the round ranks and I suppose the then date was was pretty solid my worst buy is certainly around 14 so this wasn’t a terrible one but remember I recently did invest into this buy with your Zoro and your Fisher so given the fact I did that in the last couple of weeks I’m really really happy with this score knowing that they’ll be able to cover for the next three buys mate so 2058 as you can see on the screen inside the top 1500 so again it was a couple of weeks ago I think I was around the 2K Mark goal after the buys is to get inside that top 1K so heading in the right direction at the moment but I think a lot of that will hinge on what I do in round 14 mate but a very late change in regards to buys and we were talking on the weekend weren’t we how many times have we actually gone through with the trades that we put here at the end of this podcast not too many I don’t think but things happen don’t they towards the end of the week we don’t have access to team sheets at the stage of recording or time of recording so a lot of things do happen but ended up bringing nny Moyle into the side for Jordan sweet and got Sam Dary out and got Jolly boy in so pretty happy with that banked about 300 odk ready to select one of the big seven this week that we’ll be talking about in great depth You’ have done some wonderful work on the big seven and uh yeah looking forward to deep diving into that mate but all in all uh pretty good for this this week I think it’s the easy buy just got to prepare for that round 14 one mate how about yourself brother uh you can see a slight red arrow but look you’re not complaining with this rank still are you no not at all so much like yourself D sort of invested into this round um with Zoro Fisher ‘s late sort of inclusions and I guess one of my big pods in Luke Davis unak El has this buy as well so it was what I consider to be my worst buy so only going down six spots was probably very fortunate I guess some of the big guns like Harley Reed going backwards in the second half sack Meritt having this having a untypically quiet fourth quarter um sort of yeah Clayton olva not going all too well so sort of played into my favor a little bit but again yeah so the trades I made last week was GV uh G Jeremy McGavin Joel freyer and um what is it mcff in now that trade was looking very inspired at halftime when he was on 67 just have a onepoint second half great great work mate and out went Sam Darcy Joe Richards and Jordan sweet so I crunched the numbers because on on the potty last week I was saying I’m I’m pretty set on doing Richards to Freya now if I stuck with just that trade I would have had um 85 points less than what I than if I went through with the three of them and given round 14 only have one of those mids so only T Miller it sort of felt okay to bring in the gov at that stage so it was sort of a long-term play um of things and this plan that I’ll I might talk about a bit later in the trade section RS not trading next week and setting myself up for after the round 14 b um so we chap there but if you look if you shave 85 points off this score what that brings it down to 1,000 900 1,9 what sorry can’t do mats at the moment uh 52 48 1,948 and that’s probably a sub pass score at the rank I am at and so it’s all about keeping the momentum going the upgrade Cadence going and that’s why I went that way VC de cost we didn’t talk with the VC’s de but you’ve got to talk me through what on Earth went down on Friday night with your team IC de cost and I felt like a loser at the end of Friday night you felt like a winner explain yourself mate I got like lucky but not that’s what I’m going to say right so big shout out to B James P he’s a regular on you Youtube comments and I did the live stock market stream because I couldn’t upload it and big big storry couldn’t get up to YouTube so end up doing it live and then towards the end of the stream um BP end up putting a comment out saying that his housemate is best friends with Gallagher who’s going to be putting a hard tag on day and I’m like oh I’m flustered now what do I do I’ve just locked in deos and all of a sudden I’m like you know what I’m going with my man here because people are going oh I reckon it’s just BS I’m like no no he’s a regular I trust this man I’m going with it I’m going with it I’m going to switch to deos I’m going to do the Pod move and uh sorry switch to bond and go the Pod move there and in all honesty right I was waiting right until the the first bounce and I saw tror go to him and I’m like abort Mission abort mission go back to day cost and I was locked out and for three quarters I was spewing I was dirty as going oh what have I done you know this is just shambles I’m gonna lose out and then Mr Bond just decides to basically quarter I’ll tell you what mate I got aead because I did hit the roof I was just all over the shop it was brilliant so a little bit lucky but um it is what it is mate you got to take luck when you got it mate so very I’ll tell you what two things your your Source might be correct G was on him but about half the time when gallager was on him he was just pushing Nick Doos in the back or holding him off the ball without the ball he was at Center bouncers without tagging Nick day because I don’t think he’s ever played as a tager harvey gager so what was he doing yeah yeah n having a but yeah so look you’d say you’re happy with where you’re at three rounds going The Bu you’ve made progress so right now 305 spots up looking to work into that what top 1K I think think you’re well in your way mate and and spill’s look I think for him as well he’s not here yet but I think 1971 persable score and I think he’s in line to make a make a big upgrade is he we hopefully get him in for the top seven chat because I think we all need to sort of nut it through and figure out exactly which which way to go in um three of us here absolutely mate that’s going to be a big topic for this week but spy is he’s getting back here I think this is one of his week as well which was good so that’s another thing got to take into account normally they’ve got a weaker buys strong Buys so yeah you can’t take too much from the rankings this week but the fact that you mentioned that this was your weakest buy you’ve got a really solid score and only gone down six spots in the ranking points you’re in a very good spot brother and you’re in a very good spot here 26480 for top 300 rank I’m coming in next at under 1500 now which is really nice 1432 and B he he’s getting back up 7616 and jenith we’re going to this mate this is my rant now for anyone that tuned in last week I gave SPI a little bit of a rocket and it was very hypocritical talking about mental health and I’ll just give him one and Jan you know how much I love you mate you do I’ve got great great love for you you are my brother but come on mate now give us an absolute spell there was one particular League that I was it’s a really competitive league that I really really want to win and I was home and hosed I’d tell you what with with six minutes to go on this game I was absolutely home and hosed took Mill up jth what I I I check so I’m looking at top 1% I’m like all right where is he own here and I looked his ownership I’m like I was licking my lips rubbing my hands together going here we go I’m G to really get a decent jump in the ranks here because he’s a pretty popular player in that upper echelon and uh he’s up for an absolute stinker stin right a cheap a cheap 50 walks into goal like the easiest go ever we’re not talking Eddie Betts go the left foot torpedo type or you know we’re not talking great acts like this a dodgy 50 strolls in and kicks easiest goal you’ve ever seen in your life what was it 50 odd points you got 50 points in the last five and a half minutes after he came back on it was you know the amount of the The Urge that it was like okay if T finished off 57 what’s his price going to be that’s that’s where I was five and a half minutes to go in the game you can’t you can’t have a preo 57 in a crunch game like this come on it was it was dawon it was toque it was like it was just ly rning out for me this week and that’s that’s a point isn’t it mate it’s not always the way that your players go you’re often worried about how other players are going that you don’t own because that also affects your ranks you know the dwon stinkers that’s great for non-owners you know that’s fantastic for BLS like me and you know that I suppose more of the Pod types in the top 1% like Bailey Dale for example I think he’s under 25% him going really well is fantastic for me so ah damn you to I’d love to the trademark I’ve got great love for the man I’ve got great love for you too Jan but buggy you two this week absolute highway robbery this got out of jail you got the Lego one you got the gold one this My Sacrifice bring the sacrifice for one week they took you were doing so you got that out in the last six minutes didn’t you mate I don’t know what you’re doing with that but I tell you this is the voodoo oh mate congratulations mate given the fact you’ve got him very very happy for you m I’m just going to have a very quick cook on one of the players in this in is in your rent and you can probably predict who this is going to be at he’s one of our boys and look Nikki Martin I know you play beanie last week you’re not come on you cannot be rolling into goal 15 me out and try to kick it out of the stadium and hit it into the post like every point we get from you man is like treasure because Jordan Ridley’s killed your role you’re turning the ball over still you cannot be kicking it into the post from 15 me out mate like come on that’s my very quick one Nicki Martin get your get your head in the game don’t go too big on our boys this week though so take it easy n Nicki Nicki Nicki we love you mate but come on what what wasn’t as bad as Cameron Lings I suppose but uh anyway let’s move on mate to the injuries we’ve got this man here that you can see on this screen with a sling it’s Mr Matthew Crouch now I feel really really sorry for owners here because for me this goal is an absolute hold potentially for the season he’s scoring as well as many other premiums in the game and I think that many were viewing him just as that maybe shortterm or medium term type selection then we look to move him on but in in recent form and in current form I really don’t think that there was any real reason to want to move him on but unfortunately we’re no good mate we’re no good here’s now out he’s got surgery so I think he’s now a must trade out there’s no way that you want him a shoulder out for the season Jen so super frustrating for Matt Crouch owners you know hoping cover for this week that’s it mate uh and for the next boy as well but unfortunately mate he is gone so not much big ramifications I think from this mate so you think Jordan Jordan yeah probably gets a big tick Isaac Ranken after the Buy I think is going to be a must have forward um does joshell get more mid time and there’s been big big WPS on Billy darling to debut this week from the centl 123. NK if anyone’s interested I would recommend going and have a listen to The Phantom uh podcast because obviously a South Australian based podcast and he knows everything about Billy darling clearly um so going have a list in a bit more detail about Darling H but yeah he really big reps Adela supporters have been wanting him to debut for a long long time now so one to just watch and I think we’ll talk about this in the rookies Dr but he his bubble game will line up with with after their bu so I think with the DPP the forward mid DPP is definitely one that we will be wanting as sort of our last sort of rookie in our final upgrade I reckon very handy my friend someone’s joined us he’s he’s just spped in he’s just slipped in here how are you my friend how’s little bit sore banged up mate or yeah I’m a bit sore actually did a bit of uh did bit gym stuff yesterday as well so yeah starting to feel it a little bit on the body being out of things a little bit but yeah it’s good to be back into it feels weird coming to podcast pretty late but yeah Tuesday night training’s super unpredictable like sometimes we’re out there for 45 minutes other times we’re out there for up to an hour and a half so yeah you never know what you’re going to get out there a little bit later than I probably would have wanted to be but um nonetheless we’re here boys and ready to S of pick up where where we’re leaving off so what of we sort of just did a rapid Ram review Dr had a cook at TK and me I had a cook at Nicki Martin and then we just you haven’t missed too much mate but well look di crou is a big one but if we can just talk about essam very quickly so Darcy Parish an extra couple of weeks added on to that car inj so now is five to six weeks away Mason Redmond one to two weeks does this help Nick Martin sort of get a little bit little bit more of that kick in rebound and roll back you may say and then unfortunately the big one which is bit of more like a grave on our super coach defensive bench is sacked poor bloke he just can’t he can’t take a trick man he’s yeah glgy yeah it’s a different injury every time as well spills like can it’s ridiculous luck at the end of the day isn’t it like it’s just yeah I don’t I’m not sure what’s what’s going on I don’t know how he’s being managed but it’s it’s it’s probably happening a little bit too often for it to be a fluke so I don’t know what his strength and conditioning training’s like I don’t know what they’re doing with him but obviously he needs a little bit more attention behind the scenes and he’s clearly not getting that so massive shame we do we do I don’t know say we need him but he’ll be perfect to come in for the Red Dog this week but not meant to be Lads and another dead rookie stuck on our defensive bench which is very very annoying any other injury any other injury news mate well I think we we’ve still got to go that’s out for three weeks you got Mitchell that’s listed one to three with his foot pendle’s bicep for three weeks obviously Joe rich as well for three weeks yeah well it does bode well potentially for some of these cheaper Collingwood players that have been getting a game recently still a few their best 22 out and not really looking like they’re be coming back in the next week or two I think that’s probably more of your three week type stuff there no real news here at foo you got Dangerfield who’s a test for hamstring this week cam Guthrie kiles one week power suspension coming back round 15 so that may affect Alex tton not too sure about that obviously the supions As We Know Sam Dary going for two Harley Reid did they appeal you know the appeal’s gone they are appealing but they can only get it down to one maximum so we’re just going to just one to just have a look at I’ll I’ll keep going D I’ll get some I’ll get back to you mate yeah we’ve got gws so you got Buckley a car for a week so Leia don’t know what we think about him boys but uh I think after his last performance and droppable at least for the next week but little bit concerned potential in Buckley comes back you got humberg Taylor Buckley down there can you fit air in as well I’m really not too sure there Darcy Jones I don’t think anyone’s holding him but four to six weeks away not much more relevance there with the Hawks you got Lloyd Meek ankle with a t uh Melbourne not much relevance here Marty Hawk one to two weeks but really even going to get back I’m not too sure C mcer interesting one so we’re still not sure I did hear somewhere or read somewhere today Jan apparently was just walking around the track not participating in full training so that’s obviously a bit of a SL concern there can I can I add something to this because as a as an aid FPL player erling Highland one of the best sort of soccer players in the world football for those Europeans had this exact same injury so it wasn’t a fracture but he had bone stress and he was there for eight weeks for Manchester City so um that sort of that sort of timeline’s coming to light and even before the ball saying you’re not going to risk him because there’s nothing to gain from this season just by Rolling him out there U maybe the only thing is now that the rising star has sort of opened up it maybe his for the taking but again at the end of the day it’s having him healthy throughout his career is way more important than winning the r and star so I guess they’ll take the precautionary approach again y yeah uh Richmond well unfortunately forel going on Richmond with acl’s like what is happen yeah the the kings of the Jungle it’s um yeah no good at all gez you feel for him don’t you because he’s really fing his feed at AFL level I thought when when I first saw him first couple of weeks just extremely raw but really coming into his own so that’s yeah really disappointing for him hamstring for Hopper another two weeks listed here that affects someone like him M Calli types Bolton Toranto all available so see how the shuffle looks around there I reckon MC of still holds he looked he did look really good so it’s just one of the you’d be stiff to drop him after game like that in Long really Kell Mills back in two to three weeks from his shoulder no idea where he’s going to fit in that 22 does the captain even Force his way in surely he’s got to but yeah really not too sure there boys Tim C hit one to two weeks no relevance there and then we look at liba look concussion with a test both expected to return against brisman this Friday night great yeah just just wait to let Liber and Richards return against our boys f B he continues to screw me even as a supporter like come on have an absolute laugh I have an absolute laugh uh and I think that’s pretty muches guys awesome well I guess I guess one other very small thing that many coaches may not be thinking so if liba and Richards are due to come back in Sam Dar is injured does this mean that Bon magnet gets moved move forward to sort of play with Norton and Darcy uh n and lob so that’s just something I’m just thinking straight up what do the magnets look like in in bevo’s hands with bont you can’t take him out of the Midfield but again there’s no you don’t really have a like for like replacement for Sam Darcy because he’s just a unicorn really could you go like a Karma Jim could you bring buku in and swing maybe it’s a look and see what the teams come out with reckon and then it it’ll probably impact whether the VC b or not that’s really it’s not like you’re not going to like bench him on it’s whether or not you put the VC on him I’m much more comfortable if they bring in a karmas type someone like that to play as a key tall just to keep bond to that Midfield but if lib and Rich are both named then they got to play somewhere right they’re not going to play up forward absolutely absolutely do they I wonder if they both play in the gats interesting that’s possible we haven’t seen that liba and Rich combo before have we that was when Liber Richards came in so it be interesting to see what the combo is and if only we knew the answer to that what are the magnets looking like in B’s hands I’ll tell you what the 50k get on Harvey gallager a bit more get him get the go Harvey they call that a tag please give me an absolute rest they call that a tag sorry Harvey a little drive by from you mate all right now jenith we’re going to get into probably the biggest talking point in my opinion in this week mate and we have the big seven here now the work that you have done on this and we do have a follow-up slide this is not all folks let me tell you this is not all believe it or not this is absolutely Elite mate now when we’re talking about the big seven here we are focusing purely on midfielders it seems like a week we’re I’ve seing lots of teams anyway looking to lock either that M8 or maybe worst M7 in and we’re looking at BL are now coming off the buy that obviously means unless injury strikes hopefully not these BLS won’t be missing another game from here until the end of the season if you’re picking any other BLS apart from the teams have just come off that buy they will missing at least one so that’s why we’re focusing on the swans the Lions the Rus and the Giants so we can see couple lines here oh we can see three lines here actually couple of swanes and then we’ve got someone from North Janice old mate here and uh my mate Tommy green the green bull now what you may notice straight away is that Isaac heene isn’t here assuming that most people have Isaac Keeney as well but uh I think we’ve talked about him at Great length the other bloke is possibly Brody Grundy we might talk about a little bit after this who’s obviously in the rck as well you may even be looking at the lizard I’ve had a couple of questions about the lizard this week as well so and sheel oh and the she of course I just most people just talk so we just talk about them so much that these are these seven players sort of we haven’t talked much at all this year no no particularly about the brzy boys and I think that’s largely due to their Vibes that they’ve had this year just been terrible boys for super coach but look Jen this is all your good work mate where do you want to start here because I’m looking at this there’s absolute Gold Everywhere where are we actually starting here brother take us through what my so just very quickly if you guys need to screenshot this um go for it otherwise it’s all available on the third man up Twitter page so _ ManUp we’ll just start off with the play prices so as you can see lock Neil 64,500 most expensive all the way down to Tom gra of 490k I guess one thing to look at here if you’re looking for Value I’ve got a row for Value here and that’s dollars per point average so if we look at that when we think about so that’s basically the price divided by the average so if you look at the player that’s most value this week is Tom Green out of D7 he’s going at $474 per Point basically whereas St salker a bit more expensive so this is that magic number that comes into so if you look value Tom Green is definitely value this week if we look at averages loan Neil has gone very very under the radar I didn’t think he was having that good of a season super coach wise 1174 is is very very neat and wouldn’t you know it that’s backed up by the fact that he’s said eight tons in 10 games played he’s had two scores in the 70s uh both outside of the gab which I guess is a slight concern with that pick but other than that he has a very he has a high score of 168 and just one very quick thing and I think this is really good for informing which player is sort of rated in our sort of inner bubble because let’s let’s just admit spiels D I know as we’re in the we’re in the super coach sort of bubble where we’re surrounded by sort of Twitter Community other sort of content creators so we’re looking for ownership we’re really looking at the top 1% and so for those that are really looking to climb those rankings I’d be looking at the ownership in the top 1% and comparing it against the overall ownership so typically players that have a higher ownership in the top 1% relative to overall it generally means that their play that you want to get because it means that a lot of good coaches have them in their teams and yes it may mean that it makes it harder to rise the ranks but it probably means that they’re a good player so if you look at Dane Zoro for instance he’s only owned by 24.4% of the overall but it’s owned by 66% of the top 1% and so that’s really really important and you compare that s like Errol golden all these numbers are before this week so I’ve taken out any movements for this week because it’s going to fluctuate throughout the weight but he’s owned by 19.5% of the overall percentage but he’s only owned by 2.8% of the top 1% I think that’s really important to keep in mind as to okay well does that mean that we don’t go for a play just because of the name value but we go for a play that has a good role has has the runs on the board that sort of thing I think if we would just look at these seven holistically it may look very very tight so hopefully this next slide will help to uh break things up a little bit I’ll get your boys opinions very very soon but I’ve just done a fixure analysis as well so obviously there’s 12 rounds left in the season now you may be wondering what do the colors mean green colored matchup is a match which DFS Australia so big shout out to them they give great numbers this is based off of the last five matchups so last five strength of schedule basically and so DFS have basically said do players exceed the average or go worse when playing a certain team in a certain position so we got locking Neel and Josh Dunley as inside mids zor as a designated kicker Warner LD green as side mids and Errol golden as a wing and based on this you can see that any matchup that’s highlighting green is a top three matchup right now um for that position so for designated kicker St Hill is the third easiest matchup right now as per the last five games whereas the last five games on inside mid Sydney is the hardest matchup so if we have a look at this Dan zorer has three top three matchups coming up and no bottom three matchup coming up ldu has three top three matchups and Sydney has a hard matchup coming up whereas Chad Warner and the Lions inside mids have two hard matchups and a single easy matchup coming up the waiting at the here at the bottom here average fixture difficulty is basically te is basically the numbers in terms of easiest all added up and in a golf style way I’ve divided them all by 12 and then found which player has the easiest fixture difficulty coming up and surprisingly that will be Luke Davis Yaki who plays West Coast this week Gold Coast in a couple of weeks who’s an easy match up for midfielders jalong and Richmond in back-to-back weeks and West Coast again all before the season is out and we saw how Melbourne went North Melbourne may not be walk in the park for this Melbourne team same with Collingwood so I think one of the players that’s going heavily under the radar bias aside is Luke Davis uni now give you boys the hard part here try to rank these boys one through seven you’ve done a really good job here janif by the way first of all thank you I don’t know how long this took you to do but buddy Kudos I I think what I would say straight off the bat is every one of these picks is a great option depending on what sort of game style you play so if you’re someone that likes those value picks um which I don’t mind them but I like paying for sort of top of your line sort of stuff so yeah Ali you and Errol I think sort of take the cake I think green is probably in everyone’s team there would be many sides without Tom GRE clear throat haven’t spoken a couple of hours um yeah um I so if I to rank him number one mate to stra the bat I would say loy Neil and the reason for that I’ve done a little bit of cuz my biggest dilemma personally is Neil vers Warner it’s been really tough for me but it’s sort of narrowed down a little bit so Neil’s actually fourth for average in mid zon so he’s first doesn’t really count he’s a forward Bon and pal second song Third deos he’s a Defender he doesn’t count Butters Flanders he’s a four doesn’t count and then Neil so lucky Neil in your Midfield only essentially with the other boys in their sort of preferred line so he’s the one that I actually really do like um so I’d have him one um two for this week definitely Chad Warner he’s just on my raer he’s someone I really want myself but a just it’s it’s splitting hairs boys it’s so hard to pick between the two but that easy match up and that 35 break a you can’t go wrong with it and think Zoro comes behind him just in terms of he’s definitely F2 or three if you don’t have him that that stat you bought up Jan that 60% own in the top 1% is a critical stat if you want to get back into the game and climb up the rank guys that all the big dogs have in the in the comp so he’s really important fourth I feel like it I feel like it’s a pretty dead heat between ALU and Errol they’re very similar players you great point with alu’s matchups but yeah Errol I think a little bit inconsistent uh definitely lost that consistency he had last year so a little bit concerned uh Green’s really hard to to rank boys because I think he’s just in everyone’s side and he’s so much better than what he’s producing so I just he’s the one I actually can’t get a proper read on and be controversial but I’d probably when you’re weighing up the price the break even all those factors I’m gonna have Dunley last because for to for yeah I know yeah I know someone’s got to come last Jonathan I think yeah like because you you got to wait it up boys so like L and Errol green all huge value Dunley I don’t see any value and when you paying up that price for him he’s sort of your M1 or 11 you might as well Fork up a little bit more for M4 locky Neil at the moment and Chad Warner who he’s really hard to get a read on because yeah three round average close to 140 so he’s dominating so is it sustainable where Neil’s kind of got the runs on the board so for me it’s it’s Neil vers Warner this week I love the Chad I think he’s an absolutely unbelievable pod but luy Neil he’s he’s pretty safe but yeah Kenny here you got that one you know you know what’s crazy about this bills is the fact that Tom Green has the most scores out of above 130 of any of these players he’s got four no one’s got three the the next best is what’s going what’s going on with him though like but he he terrible he’s been terrible these last couple of weeks to watch like he’s been tagged or he’s poor disposal efficiency and Di I’ll put it to you mate do you agree with spills is there any you’d move up down slide on the scale where do you rank Tom Green in and amongst all this value considered you done putting Dunley down the bottom spills off mate this 133 133 Break Even 600k he’s sitting I think fair enough I’ve I’ve actually got Errol down the bottom uh yeah mainly because he’s a wing roll isn’t he really I’m not going to take a Winger over any of these guys look it’s nice value but value for what we haven’t really seen a a really huge season from eral so far look I was are going to start with a man after that pre-season game sucked a few in but uh n look I’m I’m not huge on AR one thing I just did want to quickly raise here if we’re looking at ld’s fixture so we’re talking around 20 and 21 So currently we’ve got jalong as the easiest matchup Richmond second easiest matchup do we think by then that’s going to be remaining the same like when we’ve got your torantos back your pre preer will be back and then gone the next week probably your Hoppers do you think that by the time that ldu gets that Richmond game that possibly they’re not they’re not a top three jalong does danger make that much of a difference I’m not too sure we know he hasn’t been there for a little while so that’s just one thing I’m looking at in regards to some these I’ll add I’ll just add something to that D so obviously that is a big caveat with using fixture ratings but so the data here is for the last five games well to give you a bigger sample size for the last 10 games jalong is the easiest match Richmond’s the second easiest match up for I guess with a big sample size even so there’s games in there with danger playe with um with re Stanley as The Ruck there’s games with um Tanto and um Dion prey all from coexistence so there’s there’s a mix of variety of games within there so I’d say that this is pretty accurate and you can see if you use dfs’s ratings to choose your captains to do that most of the time it’s pretty accurate like you saw Bailey Dale Collingwood give up so many points to reband Defenders what do you know Bailey Dale 130 so it’s I really like using this as a metric for determining future future success in a way no can’t argue with that mate look for my ratings at number one I’ve got Dane Zoro and the the reason I say that is because I don’t see any other player apart from Zoro a must have I don’t see any of these BLS as must have midfielders I see Zoro as a must have forward so that’s why I’d have Zoro at number one uh number two I’m going with another one of my boys uh JW Brown medalist luy Neil not going to add much more on that but this bike’s got history I think that we’ve seen yeah a floor of around 70 to 80 but then a ceiling of 160 plus we’ve seen that a couple of times so I do like that about Neil next I would look I’m going to go with with the Chad uh I just think that the side to this bloke is phenomenal he’s impacted the scoreboard every game apart from one with bags a couple of bags of Threes had a four in there I don’t think the threes and fours he’ll be able to maintain so I don’t yeah even though he’s got a low break even I don’t think that he’s like extraordinary value if that makes sense at the same time because he’s coming off a couple of big ceiling games had three in a row under 100 not long ago so I’d probably have him next I do like ldu then green then Dunley then Errol right at the end so not much more boys you cover that really well I think that one’s hard to argue i’ say D I think SOS a must have it’s a bit of a cheat to included as part of the seven because he’s he’s not really a midfielder but he’s eligible as a midfielder um Lo Neil for me as well is my number one um Chad Warner that that fixture difficulty for Sydney is is the hardest off the lot in terms of for an inside mid because you get the jalong match up this week and if you have a look at the run home there’s no real matchups that scream out to you except for maybe theg matchups that’s something we’re not really giving much attention is home vers away that sort of thing and the other thing and this is intangible I got I got this in a comment as well you got three Lions here you got two swans does that mean the Lions take points off of each other do the swans take points with each other and then you get stuck with ldu and Tom Green here if their teams win or their teams are competitive they’re probably going to score well and so if I’m looking for a player and this is specifically for league players if you’re looking for a player right now for the for the rest of the season with a good finals fixture and we’ll I’ll just bring it back to the finals the super coach finals fixure of row here just to finish it off think Luke Davis Yak is your man and this is as a play as someone I’m just saying I’m just saying come on there’s risk there’s a big risk here definitely is a big risk yeah but the fact is that he could he could really go big he can go big in games with where they win like who’s going to score when North Melbourne win ldu sheel fer Nick gonna win though that’s the question they’re not wi they win one they’re goingon to win one or two games so like you you probably assume that it’s going to be a pretty long year for him and like where does ldu sit with that I think he’s in he’s in good form but like it’s such a it’s such a punt like is I think there’s some really good really good oh sry Ki gone Jan you’re not no no no you’re good I was just saying I was just saying ldu is he’s not my number one if you’re ranking the seven but I’m saying if you’re looking for purely a pick to win you finals downline super coach finals if ALU is there at the end of the race with those three games I’d expect him to be very very close to to winning you games as a pod really go SPS I was just going to say like this is really hard to rank because D bought a great point up like Zoro number one because he’s got that forward DPP but I bought up like the value picks as well like I would never have like Dunley in the bottom two but because of we taking the value into consideration I saw of if I was to pick these just straight off the bat like Dunley would easily be like top three but that’s sort of what it is at the moment so he sort of factor in like the value and and all that sort of stuff so yeah it’s pry tough to rank but I think for yeah I think for me like yeah the Bruce and boys can’t go wrong Neil and Neil and Zoro but good point as well of Chad Warner like that’s a that hard fixture maybe he’s already had his Purple Patch cuz it’s so a sustainable way to score like kicking bags of goals as a midfielder it’s nice but you don’t you’re not going to model your your game off it you may as well I think if you’re going to divide the two like I am I think you’re looking at so locking Neel where you know what output you’re going to get every single week is that inside mid grunt unless he gets tagged or it’s really outside sort of game yeah and I suppose just to book in the discussion from my end anyway another thing you got to take into a camp and I’m talking if you’re looking at your eral ldu types what’s your current Midfield setup like so if you’re already running like an Oliver and another speculative midfielder there i’ I’d want to go for one of the big guns I wouldn’t want to be three of those BLS if you know what I mean you want you know there four or five really top tier ones and then I think you can afford to have maybe two types like your Oliver Erol just for example so that’s just another slight point I’d just like to add there very very team dependent I wouldn’t be going overly heavy on on the lower types at at this stage if that makes sense jeez that was a brilliant discussion boys look I’m going to agree loan one I’m gonna exclude Dane zorer from this chat because he’s a must have yeah Neil Tom Green for Value two I’m gonna have Dunley at three Warner tied with LD I just not sold on Warner there just something the gut wise that says looking at that Bulldogs game the amount of times the ball fell into his lap apart from that Specky for him to kick a goal there’s just something about I’m not sold just it could be bait could be bait it could be there has there has potential for be a boom or bust pick really ALU at at five Errol at six just the just the lack of a real ceiling um and yeah I I’m just not sold on on that and also Sydney are just playing so well at the moment that they could come to a point where they can just end up resting plays at the end and it’s not to say that brisbane’s season again D it’s not going as well as you’d hope there is possib that some of these players get a little bit rest mid game as well but you think you’re more likely to challenge the top eight compared to Sydney who are just flying at the moment they’re just like in cruise control they probably have a bit of time rest Warner forward put golden on out a little bit sort of thing well Brisbane in Revenge mode now well yeah said sort of the opposite about Neil the fact that oh look Brisbane probably won’t make finals so they may even just rest him through the end of the season but the way that I see it within the next let’s just say five to six weeks in particular he’ll be playing his out he plays his hard out every week Lo absolutely I can guarantee that captain of the club but if you ever you know if there’s been ever time in the last five years excluding finals where we need Loy Neil to step up and play his best football during these next five six weeks if you want to have any chance of making a slight dent in the top eight this year I’ve still got a smidgen of Hope but a very very small smidgen but uh that will be WIP dead if we lose to the dogs this week I think so big game but I think this is a time where loing Neil really want to play best football and hopefully our mate Harvey looks to tag him this week Joy NE time Joy Neil time boys I’m in well boys before we go into the mailbag just very very quickly I’ve just got four rookies to discuss and I just want a very quick ranking okay so Toby McMullen 123. NK forward has really good pause per minute Steven kigo six we shoulder injury most likely mcmullon plays a full game uh the next one will Dawson 117.0 K def forward defensive forward he had a he played two games in defense got about two bags of I think nine goals alt together kicked on him he’s now playing as a forward so alongside ly um and those types so he that’s in training leak Lea as we talked about before um Jack buckler is probably one week away now so is it that Aaliyah has one bad game is now it would have been great to see see Buckley get up this week and see whether what the Giants backline mix looks like is it Haynes that goes out is it Iden that goes out it’s just very it’s a very settled back six that one and then finally we we chatt about him before as well but Billy darling so he’ll be on his bubble after the buy so a really good sort of a gift in a way 123. NK mid forward could be covered for the rest of the season we’ll probably chat about him in a couple of weeks I’ve seen a couple of games but very quick ranking if you to look to bring in a rookie this week start with yeah so I I’m all over a at the moment I just think he is in such red hot form the Giants are a good team with a down there I don’t think they’re going to drop him I think there’s there’s other moves that they will consider but I think he’s pretty far from being dropped and he’s sort of 200k so he a bit bit sort of awkward but yeah low break even and more importantly great onfield points coming to the bars I think he’s going to serve really well as an onfield cover where dwson doesn’t like he’s probably someone I’m bringing in at the moment as well because there’s no one else and MCM and they’re pretty neck and neck for me at the moment I can’t separate them I don’t know enough about them but they’re both pretty underwhelming but air for me boys I’m pretty hot on him so I think he’s most likely gon to make his way into my team this week so we’ll see how we go what about you D what do you reckon mate I find it really tough spills to to rank these blocks I think it’s very team dependent one thing that tough yeah one thing for me anyway with my particular setup with Dawson is that defensive forward DPP and thinking to myself look worse comes to worse he’s going to be a loop where I can swap the fish or the sexy beast Mr Alex with him so that’s what the rest of the year now dawon like he’s your team’s almost done so you probably grabbed Dawson and even if dies on the bench it just becomes like nice DP for like sex and Fisher this this is the way that I’m thinking spills cuz I know you’re pretty keen on on a Leah right so what I’m what I’m thinking at the moment is that with with a Leah let’s just say if you’ve got you know your [ __ ] and your read like I know lots of people do a couple of dead rookies here you’re actually having to pay up for that which I I really really don’t like I’d almost rather than pay up for AIA just get Dawson in and this is if you’ve got your fish or your seon get him on the bench make sure that you keep on to E either one of those Fisher or Exon picks and then you’ve actually got that back up for your backline without having to pay for Leia and then be worried that in a week’s time you’re going to be stuck with another dead rookie there all B at a high price but we just don’t know what’s going to happen with Buckley back they’ve got so many good tools down there himberg is another one we haven’t talked about that’s down there as well where does this spoke fit when Buckley comes back who actually misses out and he’s a talented player and I I agree with this bills like played out of his skin last week but after this week one b game away yeah if he if he drops a 50 I think he’s out again mate I think he’s out again so I would actually have probably McMullen ahead of him to be quite honest uh for me I know one of those games is a sub game but Point per minute is really good so I’ll probably have Toby at one um sorry McMullen at one then we’re looking at I’d say Dawson for me Aaliyah and then darling I only have ding last because yeah we I’ve never never seen a play game so I’m not going to R him seen the BL play game so that’s probably for me mate I agree with that very quickly though if might be a very personal question if bringing in will Dawson ahead of MC Mullen means you can bring in Loy Neil instead of any of these other ones would you do it because we all ranked Neil at one is Neil more important than bringing in Dawson versus MCM or is that just insignificant at the end of the day I would say that’s I would say yes assuming that you’ve got fish or seon to to loop with him if you don’t have fish or seon my answer is no if you do my answer is yes very nice very very team specific question that one with that let’s go into the questions the mailbag so we got here we’re going to try to get through as many of them as possible we’ll we sort of set ourselves um a little bit of a timer uh so we’re going to get through as many questions in 20 minutes and we’re going to try to get through the more more general ones first because we we’ve talked a lot about the big talking points this week we’re going to fire through as many general questions as possible and then try to get to the team specific ones um at the end of that kick again thank you to anyone that has left a question we really do appreciate all the engagement guys and hopefully we can help you out a little bit this week anyway so first one we’ve got is from Benny get a Benny hey guys loving the content as always appreciate you man is dogger from here on out a top six forward if Shrek stays healthy he doesn’t seem to have a good run either would you avoid for the season and finish off your F line with maai or Kono after their buy he’s an interesting one isn’t it spy you’ve owned him with me for the season and what what I’ll say is he’s coming bloody handy at times mate he hasn’t been the best scorer I was just gonna say that it’s not yeah it’s not whether he’s a a top six forward he probably like cuz if Shrek goes down you beauty but like d how how handy is it going to be like how handy is it having him at R2 when you need him like I’m probably going to wait on English until my last upgrade so Dogg is when I get rid of Mo like Dogg is going to be my R2 for like another week so M it’s just so handy so I think he’s more important than that but I do like the CT forwards like sort of in that finals when the season comes you are paying over 500 for him but I think what people tend to forget is that there’s a little bit of a bonus they’re not steak knives but you get an insurance policy with him as well and this considering that you’ve got Livingston as many of us do sitting there at R3 so look is he a top six forward is he going to average like a top six forward with Shrek for me probably not but I’m probably willing to take that knowing that if I’ve got some Carnage in the rcks it’s an easy swap and so yeah that’s probably the way I’d feel Jan how about you mate as as a non-owner what do you feel there’s been many times where I’ve just wanted to have him and even now if one of my rocks G English gets injured Jackson’s in next week so it’s almost like having that trade in the bank where you’re like well that’s the only way you because you’re not going to sideways one of gone or English for one weeker so it’s like that’s why you guys you boys have that insurance policy in but the thing is to actually answer this question I don’t think he’s a top six forward yeah if play yeah is playing he’s probably averaging 80 to 85 and there’s players like both the blues boys even definitely Ranken I think will definitely go above 90 and then Zoro Fisher Heeney Flanders they’re six right there and there’s probably others J cwell Dylan Moore that are probably around that type in that sort of seven to 12 range along and Jackson’s one of them in there as well even seon could peep him like it’s starting to get a little bit competitive down there in coming back in yeah yeah yeah very interesting with P come back in all right next one here we’ve got is from Jacob Sparks get a j you mate who if any uh the better Keepers to bring in so I’ve got two here green versus Neil we just talked about that so we said lucky Neil mate although green does provide a lot more value it may allow you to make another upgrade so take that into a can as well seon versus Fisher I’m still going to say the fish I know we’re paying up a little bit more uh Janet who do you think averages more are you going with the fish you think he’s a safer safer pick 100% and I’ll give you another thing West Coast this week decent match up Collingwood next week we’re just talking about how predictable it is that running Defenders will play well against Collingwood Bailey Dale sack Fisher is in for field day next week I reckon so yeah Fisher now and into the long term out of those two beautiful spy agree with that mate 100% like just bought up the power factor for second so yeah no fish are easily top six from now on I reckon beautiful mate all right next one is from the JK buddy hey guys hope I’m not too late you are not mate what do you guys think of Oliver to one of Errol or lead so look I suppose let’s just talk about ol for a sec do you think it’s time now where you could just bite the bullet after watching him last week he’s got the round 14 bar which was tricky for many people uh SP you got any inkling to just move the pig on now or you going to hold strong mate and just hope for a second half of the Season Revival from the great man I love the idea of bof flipping him before round 14 but I don’t like the idea of a straight sideways trade to like an arrow or a lead I don’t like that I if I was you like I don’t know if you like you get rid of a Garcia down to like one of those like a mid-season rookie whoever’s on the bubble ding whatever and then get Oliver to Neil or like someone you know who’s going to be a top four so I’m big for trading him but you don’t want to like for like you don’t want to trade Oliver for someone around his level otherwise it’s almost a sideways trade if you get rid a bit of dead wood on the bench get get 100K in the bank you can all of a sudden because he’s sort of low 500s you can all of a sudden Target someone the low 600s and that’s what I would be doing that’s what I am tempted to do come round 14 by so to answer in that format yes I would like to BU flip him but not is not in a straight sideways manner do not say enough value in the trade for dor and Errol what about what do you reckon Jan you with me on that one no I agree 100% And then and another thing is I’m not sure why you would trade all of it this week he’s his b Break Even is only 120 I mean I say only 120 they’re playing Collingwood weak Midfield big game I I think I think they’re all going to respond like the Melbourne boys when we get into the captains they they’re all going to respond I reckon yeah all right hopefully that was a little bit of help for you Legends all right uh this one’s got four here k a j mate wonder if you think Fisher and seon could be F5 and F6 knowing P will be back after the Gold Coast Suns Baran cheers K yeah it’s a really good question mate currently they I’m planning for them to actually be my F5 and six unless I need to trade them with five as that other man on the side now things may change and it’s so hard isn’t it when pal comes back because you assume he’s a main kickout distributor or he’s got the main Monopoly on the kickouts I think pal so oh look I’m I’m still going to say yes just given the fact that I don’t think our forward Line’s going to be anything terrific and you even look like the Dylan Moos that lots of people are bringing in massive score but look at what he’s done the two three weeks prior to that that bit of a roller coaster type pick so I think there’s potential for that Jan do you think there’s any world where seon could finishes out F6 or you think it’s a bit too much an Ask mate surely not you’re not as confident as me it’s to it’s be what I’ll do I’ll do the way that se’s played he’s sort of afforded given he’s got 100 in his breaking once pal comes back in we get aord one free week without his break even being too high to look how pal and sex can coexist and if they look okay then he may be that D7 F7 swing otherwise you get 400 if you can get you thought Alex ston at 180 was going to get 400 I’m taking that and running in a heartbeat no need for him to be a keeper good point it’s a good point yeah oh well I’m hoping that I’m right anyway because wouldn’t that be an absolute bonus as you said spills that would be just terrific would it made if we could manage to actually get away with something like that mate but the thing is the thing is D you’re going to get to a position where some teams are going to have Isaac ranking at F6 and you’re going to Alex ston at that point like it’s it’s going to be very difficult to make up those points Elsewhere on your field otherwise I reckon uh Jam very quick on this one from Chu H worth going Oliver to Neil I say absolutely no are you boys interested in anyway we’re probably talking about trading out Oliver rather than in jenith no from you mate I I think that’s fine that’s what we were talking about before mate that um if you’re trading Oliver this week you should go to one of the Ubers it’s hard I think Neil’s the only one i’ be comfortable sort of trading Oliver to two if that makes any sense sorry do you know what I read that I just want do it this way as to I’m an idiot I read that completely the other way around I thought he wanted to trade Oliver in gez sorry I’m losing it boys I’m losing all right next one is from Stevie price hey Stevie love the Pod Lads appreciate you man do we reckon Sherry can come close to outscoring English from here on out now jenith you are a Tim English owner so tell us mate what are your thoughts on Sher versus English in regards to averaging from here on out mate I don’t think Cherry can do it and again big shout out with the soal rock Whisperer from the do super coach podcast Pig mentality he did the um he did a rock fixtion analysis a bit like how I did a Midfield one um and he saw that CH Tristan Cherry had the easiest rck run until now and now he’s got the hardest rock run till the end of the season okay English English had a a ridiculous amount of hit outs on the weekend I think it was 50 50 odd I was like Tim English never has never has 50 hit outs yeah they both had 50 hit outs how crazy is that two rman had 50 hits in a game in the same game and so team English 130 I think this is I think this is a turn the fact is when I was watching the game he looked super aggressive he looked much more aggressive he was taking marks in the middle of the ground he was looking like he actually wanted to be paid and that’s really important I think I think English will not average 130 but he could should probably push that 120 mark from here on out I don’t think Sher can do that beautiful mate spy thrillho has one for you here mate directed at you so Jen we’ll just take it back that’s all good thought on Nick we know who thrill Ho’s favorite is Jan no worries at all mate hey thoughts on Nick hind as my defensive forward Ben option I’m deciding between him and Lous big pod there for the remainder of the Year how’s his role when durma returns spy what do you got for your number one fan thrillho well first of all mate appreciate appreciate asking me ahead of these two goats so um at least we’re not the pack order is around here boys I’m not too far behind after all look mate look I love ni boys don’t get me wrong but I don’t I couldn’t really see him in my team if I was to pick a Don I’d go Jordan Ridley um yeah just really highly on the bubble at the moment plenty of value averaging I think it’s 140 average in two weeks or something like that so yeah he’s going to make some serious money I think he’s about 6% trade in this week so plenty of recognition so if you’re looking for value and I I I would probably fade Hind and and Lous yeah H and Lous I’m just not really sure an either in terms of super coach relevance Nick the best probably ever seen him play honestly he’s he’s in really good for he is and I haven’t monitored him boys I don’t I couldn’t even really tell you Pro what the price is but in terms of value and role Ridley’s if he can get through injuries which hopefully he can um yeah really like him a little bit more two I tell you what I’ve noticed with Nick H hunger Hunger in his game def hunger yeah I’ve never seen him work so hard in his life I don’t know if it’s because he was out of the team he was a sub and he thought you know what my career could be actually be at the crossroads here yeah I need to work my absolute backside off to get into this team and hats off to him because he’s been playing some really really good football I had a trap on him in the stock market I think a couple of weeks ago and maybe that was a little bit harsh it probably was but yeah I didn’t expect this from Nick yeah had sof as I said because he absolute but off y well done Hy um but yeah J tough no look 388k Break Even of 10 you can go there but if you bring him in now it’s going to be as a keeper and I think unless unless you’ve already got your 22 premiums I’d look to get them in first before getting that 23rd sort of bench cover in Because by the time the bench cover comes in you may have a gift that’s falling into your lap of 400 can you like everyone else can get on like a Conor Rosie and you’re like damn I should have I should have just waited it out so I think that’s where I’d be going mate yeah good advice buddy all right next one is from Benji good day Benji who do you guys have ranked one to five top averaging rman from now until the end of the year I’ve been asking myself this for so long it’s Max G at one then who well look would you boys all agree and I’m not saying in any particular order L Marshall and Grundy are going to be the next four okay yeah do we think that the fifth ruckman’s even going to be relevant would have said Meck Lloyd me before he got injured was really coming on and now he’s injured it’s really annoying because it was good to see it was good to see making that touch what do you reckon I’ve I’ve got Marshall I’ve got I’ve got Grandy Marshall English but English and Marshall again it’s very interchangeable but do you see like as soon as Grandy’s buy over he becomes instantaneously more valuable the question asks averaging so I still think Grandy’s got that edge though because of those scg games he just looks like a beast at theg yeah I think even if we take that averaging out because I don’t think it really matters about who’s the top averaging because obviously looking to get someone in uh I think it’s who scores the most points total points from here until the end the season and for me with an extra game jeez I think it’s hard to go past Brody Grundy I really do and I can’t believe I’m saying that and I hate it because I traded him out for Martin who I had traded out and traded back in and this merry go round of players in out of my side Zack Fisher welcome and go and welcome it’s a little bit frustrating there but uh I’d I’d probably have Grundy at one myself spills you yeah I’d have him at one oh sorry well one sorry first out of I’m not getting that you all good brother that’s good brother all good all righty uh BS where do you rank him yeah probably pretty similar to they are I do like Grundy quite a fair yeah Marsh englisht game H it’s this so hard splitting hairs I’m going to go English a little bit more consistent I think yeah Marshall 160 60 160 60 I can’t cope with that I English a little bit more like sort of 110s to 120s 130 on a good day so look I don’t think you can go wrong but I really like Grundy as well he’s probably the ar2 that I I’m considering but haven’t got to that point yet we decide a couple weeks I Maya got him this week to be honest if I hadn’t traded Mo in yeah if I traded Mo in I would have probably at theg I really like that matchup so uh yeah I’m actually yeah I like Brady Grundy sorry jonth just no just a very quick one we were chatting about this at your place mate but I was I was very interested to see how the West Coast double rck setup goes because obviously we’ve been seeing West Coast is sort of the Whi boys for rakman in the past couple years but as soon as you get Flynn and BJ Williams the same side you could see that the effort that it took for the opposing rman to beat that matchup just exponentially increase so I think that’s a trend that’s we’re going to see throughout the year so Marshall originally having two West Coast matchups when I first got in like think Bey they G really good matchups and now you got to Temp your expectations and some of the other rck matchups sort of become a bit more favorable like anyone that plays Marshall is basically three points at this point yeah yeah really good combo is an absolute killer like the bombers are really good with it as well when dra is on the park and Goldstein so like impossible to score against veru so you got to that’s another thing you got to weigh up as well with these like sort of as you’re ranking them what is their fixure like how many double rcks do they have so yeah I think I’ll be doing a little research myself nice bsy and there was another question here from braids M wondering who you guys rate out of more in English and gone through that and we’ve also ranked the rookies for this week as well so justly boys luy mcneel sorry I just forgot that one before 158k he’s on his bubble um and he just scored 80 as the sub should play this week even though Riley West got his suspension upheld any interest in him is it it’s not if you’re paying up for Leia like I just don’t like paying enough for rookies at this point in the upgrade season where that extra K could come in a bit handy yeah not not for me not for me go MCM for the yeah MCM for the price I think agre yeah agreed agreed all right uh next one is from Luca good day Luca hey Legends I took h on Mo last week hoping he can be one more week at our two yeah it’s been confirmed hasn’t it I got a DM sent to me that wit is it y so you don’t need to worry about that mate because witz will not be back this week and that we’ve talked about English and Grandy as well all right uh Chris asks is Oliver to Warner a good trade so I’ve already talked about whether or not you think it’s okay to sideways uh do we think that’s okay very quickly boys spills you g to give that a tick mate or you reckon just keep all of this week so when I was saying before like I think this is a good trade but not until he goes byy I think all of his onfield points matter this week in a buy get rid of the buy players first like you can’t really do it yeah Warner’s price CU break even that’s what I mean it’s got to it’s going to have to be someone else if you really want Warner then I suppose so but it’s just not a good week for it because you want ol even though Oliver’s not in great form you want that 80 or 90 on field like trust me i’ probably wait a we and Target someone else how about this if ol if you’re GNA trade Oliver to war you’re gonna go one for one this week anyway so it’s not like you’ll have oliv on field as long as you assume Warner is going to score more than Oliver this week you’re just going to get that extra points in your best 18 if you have 21 or 22 playing regardless so I think this is the week where if you do need to trade him if you do want a sideways this is probably the Best Buy Round to do it since we probably don’t have as many plays on the buyers other buy rounds like welcome to Super coach 2024 where we’re looking to upgrades to Chad prob do it I’ll probably do it myself then that in that case money too I might grab NE this week boys oh my goodness all right uh Rob Cocker or getto Robbie love the show Lads bought him more last week for a quick cash grab as did I and my man spy as well looks like he’s getting another game of years would you still bring in English this week if it pushes M to R3 no I don’t think that’s a good idea this week all right next one we he plays Marshall so I reck moy’s moy’s in for a big one this week he’s got Rowan Marshall let’s go moyy on the mo train next one is from Maxi good Maxi hey guys apologies if this has been asked earlier how would you rank we have absolutely answered that one for you Maxi buddyman on it for you buddy there we go dedicated to you Max next one another Legend regular CR7 hey man boys do we think Tom Stewart is D6 or D7 or and d27 at the moment mate yeah I F written all over’s he’s finished he’s done Max Holmes is the one you on from the jalong backline I agree I agree I’m just I’m not a fan of Tom stew and hang hang up Tommy Boy put was talking no I was talking super coach he can retire from our super coach Rel I thought reti [Music] look I’m at the moment CR7 I’m not recommending Stuart to anyone mate look he could turn around hope he does for those owners but uh I I I just couldn’t ad myself recommending mate sorry buddy all right uh we are how are we going for time boys we can get through coup more CP okay okay uh and again Jen big shout out to you mate because you did get to every one of the questions that we didn’t get to last week on the potty a personal so thank you brother I’ll try to take over a little bit this week as well and SP you can even jump on for some advice if you’ve got apologies to anyone that we don’t get through tonight there’s some absolute Legends and regulars but we want to keep this to a certain time guys you’ll get one-on-one advice for us from us anyway Danny good day Danny hey Legends love the sword play and all the hard work you guys put in I appreciate it man thank you really appr thinking of sideway trading Martin to Ridley or even McGavin so Dan got a bit of gut deal here that things aren’t looking good Nikki boy but I don’t know if the red may may put you off from this at least for the week uh it’s two sideways put me off doing it it’s a big pod move though it’s a big pod move I’m saying no if your team’s done and you got if your team’s done now and you’ve got them and you got the trades CU I genuinely think that Ridley is going to take 15 points off Martin for the rest the season which is so annoying but that’s just how it is getting all the kickouts Beautiful by foot I know that I love Ridley always good always just unbelievable B you we love him but i’ probably back as a Don’s man and as a nervous Watcher at times I’d much I’m much more comfortable with the ball in Ridley’s hands just a beautiful use of the ball so going to lose the kick outs so I do like the idea of cashing him out but I think if you still need to upgrade and it’s preventing you from progressing there then it’s a no but I I wouldn’t rule it out completely do you want a better alternative bills and this is what I would be doing if you if you’re not confident Nick Martin give him this week against Carlton yes he may not go overly well but it’s not like he’s putting out 60s if you want to play next week get in Jordan Clark or Dan Houston Jordan Clark 58k last three games all 125 and he won’t have the buy because when you trade in Ridley or McGavin as a sideways you’re going to have the buyer next week anyway so it’s like what’s what’s really the point you trade out a player that’s got a buyer coming up for two players that also buyers coming up so in that get more points overall with yeah you get way more points overall so another fantastic it’s definitely a pod move next week possibly like if teams want to do it obviously you need to have some cash built up in the bank for it uh to get in Jordan Clark from Nick Martin but yeah that’s something that could be done really beautiful uh next one is from Silver Pigeon Isaac FS get uh this week boys it’s a 137 bra ke I’m G say abely yes please do it please do it go for it get the man in is this is does this categorize as a behind the couch game if you don’t have heene against jalong absolutely and uh when we get to our absolutely go for it mate all right last two guys land of the bishops get day mate get day fellas I like a cheap defensive option from the round 12 byes Lo with Sal Till The Season’s end I’m currently getting a lizard with Whitfield the only other likely candidate can Blakey hover around the D6 to 10 Mark are in Ryan deos Houston shazel and Martin cheers BLS I love the cheers BLS thank you very much mate look I don’t like please please spills yeah um if you if you be unsure about Whitfield just watch George’s last review and he’ll tell you all about him he he hates hates him can’t stand him I I’d probably if you’re looking if you’re looking value I loved Clark next week or like Nas after he’s buy so w so that got the he’s got I think it’s eight or nine Marvel games in a row so he’s someone that I’d love to get in my side to finish off the team so they will be the two real standouts that I think can definitely push top six Defender if not top seven or eight particularly where their price at at the moment so they’re the two that I’d recommend mate J you can see sorry D6 to d10 average from here on out this we for for who for Blakey yeah could could happen but again I think this I think the Sydney backline is a is a committee more than one like you have Brisbane with zor you have North Melbourne with Fisher Sydney’s very similar to Carlton I’d say we’re both very there’s no Stand Out player that takes the kicks like even the the key backs of trust leis mikin um their trusted with taking kicks as well I don’t think Blake is going to be in that D6 to 10 range it probably will but it’s I’m not confident in the pick honestly I’m more confident in Loy Whitfield but he’s probably going to get tagged in three more weeks against James Jordan it’s not great yeah Terri of sack fer I would be happy with sack Fisher as an option even if it’s in your defense temporarily and they can move it forward and then grab Clark if you want to all right and last one boys from the angry chahua again anyone that we didn’t get to absolutely guarantee we’ll get to your comment thank you very much and apologies for that Legend is the angry man hey guys can’t make up my mind on trades this round looking for your guidance one Ridley or Neal setting aside the upcoming buy isn’t Ridley a option number two is it worth swapping Marshall for English to raise a bit of cash I would say no absolutely Marshal English I could see either one outscoring the other I just would not be doing that mate I think you could be slapping yourself for doing that one Ridley or Neil look it’s very team dependent you need that midfielder you need that that Defender uh I like I like Neil boys it’s it’s tough rley versus Neil we’re all agreeing obviously we’re not going the mar in English we’re not staffed around there are we surely not no no no okay let’s rule that one out I go Neil over Ridley I would say very so Ridley like as good as he’s been has had two soft tissue quads in a row this year so that’s bad you you don’t it’s really bad so how long can you keep it up for great player I love him look at look at the background boys my favorite player but cannot stay on the park I was literally just gonna say I’m gonna send you damn it you made me do it can I can I had a very just odd story here but if you guys remember back a couple years ago when Loy Neil after his Brand L he was about 720k and there were masses that were trading there Loy Neil for Jordan Ridley and Jordan Ridley got got concussed for 18 so whenever I see rley and Neil in the same sentence this is all that brings Memories Back remember this bills do you remember that I do I I remember it very clearly cuz I yeah I remember watching him I remember bringing him in and going to Essence St Kilda where he had an absolute Field Day scored like 145 and I was just loving it and yeah the next week he he got injured so so yeah but Neil had a how himself Neil dropped almost 150k so he dropped money they both they both the bed be honest let’s hope it doesn’t repeat thanks again guys for your questions onto the TR boys have to Chuck Oliver in there for for Warner somehow wow okay well boys I no probably not oh look at that look at that di we got the same trades mate well Jen they say great minds think Alik I’m just jumping back mate soal cons you look at the look for me this this could actually change I I’ve got the option of also bringing Dylan Mo in this week so I can do that um I don’t know if another forward though I could also afford to bring Jordan Ridley uh as well so and that’s for Hugo gar mind you so I could go Garcia to Mo or Garcia to Ridley as well but I’m just I don’t want to trade into that round 14 with Ridley I’m just a little bit worried about that but yeah for me closy is done his job now Wilson I I wish I could just keep in because I’ve got so much respect for the rising start of 2024 but with that break even getting close to Triple figures now I don’t want to lose too much coin on him so think it’s time just to cash him out and uh Dawson I’m not huge on his role particularly given the fact his talk he’s moving forward or even if he gets a game this week but I love his DP and I’m keen on keeping on Fisher and seon for the remainder of the season so I think that just just makes sense for me spy talk us about your oh sorry we might go Jan very quickly because we’ve got the same trades mate and then go to spy uh anything that you’re thinking I’m not with these particular trades yourself mate no that’s that’s perfect mate it was a very nervous watch cuz I got $900 in the bank so you can imagine me scking along having already done the C how many points needed needed 45 points and he got there with kick in the last quarter just come on scaling do not doy that’s awesome so that’s to get lock I mean if if closer didn’t get it the decision was already made that I couldn’t go NE basically um but basically I just walk through the quick plan so ranked at 288 so bringing in a Primo this week for 17 Primos on field and then you got the seon uh seon Sullivan um um Will Graham Riley Garcia types as well sort of rounding out the 21 next week I’m not planning to make any trades because I’ve got two I’ve got two Freo and two Port plays coming off the bu Houston Ryan buts strong there’s no real Freo Port play I’m really looking to bring in at the moment not really keen on that five Luke Jackson at the moment unless sha Dar does something in training uh and then round 15 whereas it gets bit interesting because I’ll bring in Zack Merritt I’ll bring in Charlie and it may be that Jack steel who’s got that round 15 buy as a buy flip so we were talking a bit before haven’t been impressed with Jack Ste when he was on six at quarter time I’m like yeah this is on but I needed this big score this 118 to be in this cycle so that I can cash him out at a decent price for sack Meritt that’s probably the one sideways trade and then in round 17 uh 16 looking in to bring in Isaac Rank and Billy dalan as the final upgrade and cash All Things Considered this may be a bit of shout out to ABS magic this is very similar to the plan like just planning weeks in advance right now Connor Ros at about 400k in round 17 look to have the 23rd and then hopefully finish with three to four trades all up wouldn’t that be ideal if Conor Rosie somehow got DP I know he can’t but wouldn’t that just be the best the best wouldn’t it but oh well yeah like like the future plan in jth very good mate and that’s why you are where you’re at spills we’ve talked about how great and knowledgeable intelligent this man is his team’s worth over 13 point something Mill and he gets his trades within the $900 mark That’s how good this man is here mate let me tell you tell us about what you’re doing mate you’re splurging a little bit more than us this week and taking advantage of these three trades uh yeah tell us and brother so this looks extremely aggressive but trust me it isn’t so I’ve got nine trades in the bank now with these trades being finalized I’m probably I I do like to take advice off people who know the game and what two blocks know the game s of persuade me away from a so I’ll probably go MCM instead but as a result all three of these blocks need to leave because they’re going to leak cash like Dar suspended they’re all going to they’ve all got to go otherwise it’s cash again so so if I if I go MCM now over Leia I’d have over 300K which means next week using just one trade I’ll be able to get rid of Mo which has just worked out perfectly he’ll be around 300K himself and I’ll be able to grab us beard DP get dogger in there somehow and then get Clark probably to finish my defense or elect to go for a Ruckman I like Clark because he’s got such a low break even so I’ve only got two more upgrades to go boys I need a Ruckman and I need a Defender so that’s sort of where I’m at and probably another forward to to flip seon so three three overall so yeah looks really aggressive three trades this week but they’re three blocks who I reckon you talk about the must haves in super coach but you also got to talk about the must trades and I couldn’t think of any reason to hold any three of these BS any one of them they’ve got to go can advs on one of them I’d rather you didn’t I’d rather you didn’t but far away mate J you’re saying I’m just saying I’m I’m gonna help you here all right wait hold on hold on all right Sam Dary is going to break him 93 but that is not going to move he’s suspended he can’t he’s not going to play it’s not going to drop him cash so you can hold Dary if you’ve got 22 this week and trade all of it at Warner if you really wanted to this week and use Darcy to get to whoever you want next week oh he’s tempting him [ __ ] you can see the this is just a general thing I don’t think Sam Dar is a must trade if he was playing this week from AER ranked 300 D you’re in decent hands mate do you want my password to me super coach J if you yourself even bother each week is not aade this week that’s my hot take it’s not even a hot take he’s not going to move price this week the other two that’s a great Point that’s a great point it’s decent we to have someone suspended because this is probably want field cover but if you’ve got 2021 it probably doesn’t make a difference does it Sam D wasn’t probably going to be in your best 18 anyway is is Warner like like is he the real that’s the question that’s the question that is hard to answer that’s a gut caller Reon he’s better than it throwings I’m not I’m just see showing you a different way to see these trades that’s all all right well spy some food for thought brother let’s finish it up boys with the capanos SP is just recovering from this quick conversation and on his I’m trying to work out this Trad so I knew’ his phone see I knew he’d have his phone here I knew there he goes in the phone yeah all right just make sure you get your captain right this week uh shout out to you again Mr bonson P thank you very much and Nick Nick Doos who Bo should have been on the bomb all jth uh take us through this mate you and Rosco again shout out we saw Rosco on the wall of fame as well with his s play beanie so one of our brothers on the channel as well great work from you guys always at the third man up tell us about our options for this week my man yeah some very good options I’m just going to go straight to the bottom row there Max Gorn I’m pretty confident as a captaincy option this week he is going to bounce back we saw Tim English did to DAR Cameron last week there if there’s a if there’s more for a bounceback game than this week i’ i’ I would love for someone to let me know because 92 Point demolition you could see the disappointment gor’s face that he couldn’t do more this week is the week I reckon they bounce back Melbourne have a big win against Collingwood on King’s birthday so that’s I’m just going to put that right there if we have a look at the earlier options Jordan Dawson do you trust the foot it’s bit hard on the matchup is there the bond again question mark regarding team sheet so if Li Richards are named and a key forward isn’t named that’s probably alarm Bell starting ring okay is that is that the is that the bond going forward like it did against um Sydney a couple of weeks ago Luke Davis unaki against West Coast you can see that green road it’s the most green I’d say on this actual document um here so that’s a great match up against West Coast no Harley Reed as well um so should be no Tim Kelly so should be plus match up for him uh we got Rowan Marshall going up against Ned Mo and you could could even say Ned Mo going up against Rowan Marshall in the same sentence go on in that match up we’ve got a player we got a player that has not sub tunned all yeah Sammy Flanders said Ned Flanders going up against St ker possible VC option we know that St kild has been a bit of an overrated match up for designated kickers in the last couple of weeks so just want to play around with toy around with but Di it’s going to be a bit hard to go past Heeney Grundy Warner Types on the Sunday as as your BC absolutely I’m just looking at Brady Grandy there tell you what and I’d have the money to do it as well to go from Mo straight to gry but it just wouldn’t be worth it I love this match up this week for Grody Grandy I really do but Isaac Keeny for me is so hard to go past the only thing that you know concerns me about Flanders is that I think he’s look if you just want a a super super super safe captaincy option then just fall back on Flanders as a VC we’re really looking for that ceiling and upside and I don’t really see fanders one of those gone3 but he said four scores between 124 and 128 exactly and that is so safe as a captain if you want to P back five wow they it’s like um you know shael is start of the year like if you just wanted an easy fullback Captain when he was in defense like just go him but for me mate I like the look of Isa Heeney as my VC it’s pretty much locked in at this stage the big decision for me is on that Queen’s birthday game Max geez it’s hard to go past a the last minute it’ll be till the last minute to make that decision as well because you’ve got these byy plays you can just just flick it around do a coin TOS figure out if it’s if it comes down to I think one of you two boys did a coin toss one time figure out your captain didn’t you we did mate I did you yeah that’s it but let’s be honest boys we’re hoping that Isaac he is our VC we’re not even going to have to worry about that Captain so uh yeah any different to you jenith what are you looking to go yourself mate yeah looking to go he and to g and at the moment but just very quickly um sack Meritt likely Alex chotta tag outside of Center bounces so that’s something we’ve been operating so chot sort of graduated from small fors in terms of um Appley and kazai picking and now he’s gone last two weeks he’s effectively shut down two Millan sack buts to sub 100 scores and I think you don’t fix what’s not broken it’s pretty obvious that zck Merritt’s going to cop it from chinot uh this week and then yeah Sam Walsh could be in for a big game against essendon uh as well but one of day kagor looks like a safe four back captaincy option isn’t Jenneth laughing on the inside no C are playing s he’s not as look at him just laughing on the inside laughing andona personally mate but anyway great great BL great BL fantastic Captain but I can’t argue with Jan like I I did say to been saying this all year we’re second on the ladder but the lid’s not off unless we beat Caron on Kings and I’m not confident but if we if we do like I’m going to be pretty chirpy next week but next I’m not you might have to mate you might have to have a rest have a chop out mate because um a chop and maybe maybe I might have to as well if the Don’s turn up you know in a ordinary manner might be going solo yeah I’ll just do it boy don’t worry about rocking up let’s go for the draw that’ be interesting uh how about you mate where you going buddy well yeah originally I had it sort of on B very safe but I do like the Heeney upside against jalong that’s pretty hard to overlook so yeah probably might go there I’m not really sure like the way Bon’s been playing just so consistent so yeah he’s definitely one I’ve really flirted with uh B maybe skip deos G yeah because with G deos they’re so very like which are you going to n it which one’s good I like them both I probably like d cost a little bit more in current form but go as well like it’s not an easy Choice do you know that the problem for me with heene is his first five games were all above 128 so they’re all captaincy Vice captaincy scores his last six scores have all been under 120 one which are not in that captaincy blast Captain isfe saying that he VC bang but I mean it’s just a VC I wouldn’t Captain Isaac is probably what I’m what I’m lean that’s what I’m leaning towards just Captain I captained him straight up against West Coast I did Captain him and like as good as it went it f form then feel top not didn’t feel right though post by he’s he’s he’s losing ground in the coaches aboard as well he he’s he was first for a very long time now deos is catching up I think we’re going to see a big Heeney game though against shog mate yeah I’ll probably probably go V hany into deos or gone might have flip another coin we’ll see but I can’t go can’t go too you know what PHS you should flip a coin you should doing you should you should go into the ice bath as well oh take you take your word for it no it’s a tough tough week for captains anyway so we’ll see what happens I I’ll got to show you something I know if you guys can see this please Focus oh no no 56k so that’s so that’s Wilson that’s Wilson so Wilson out Oliver out Kos out Warner in Neil in and that’s how much I’ve got for a rookie so it’s not you only you have minus 56k for a rookie you want a 50% bloody discount on a midseason Pi mate get out of it SPS that’s a little bit cheeky there m so Jif look I think I’m think I’ll be yeah sideways probably have to hold unfortunately but I really like that thought jonth well done but just a bit short mate well done well done it’s like a school teacher giving you a TI of approval the credit words you Jan you you are the professor but you still need the recognition because it’s that’s for absolutely well it was it was a it was a podcast filled with good laughs as always spills you joined us bit late but we covered through the big seven the big seven we discussed all the big injury news the key rookies for this week there’s not much on the horizon I guess either we went through all your mailbag questions but most of all we had fun doing it so thank you all for tuning in any last advice boys from you two about about the second of The Bu rounds freem manle and Port Port Adela on The Bu just um just as a heads up again any last advice or words of wisdom uh look I think uh that it’s a pretty easy one coming up I think for most teams what I’d be looking at is how are you’re looking for your next two weeks so this is a point in time where I think within the next month we’ll have completed teams make sure that you’re planning out your future trades don’t look too shortterm you run out of cash all of a sudden you can’t make your upgrades make sure that you’re focusing on your future planning right now and work out what your ideal team wants to look like at the end of The Bu rounds that’s probably what I’d say and uh spy you’re going to leave us mate with some absolute words of wisdom here I’m sure you’ve got an absolute peer coming up spills no pressure mate well first of all I wouldn’t say this is like it’s tough buy but I’ve got two premiums with a Buy in round 15 so I’m not doing too bad to finish yeah to finish this off jeez you put me under the pump um I’d probably say oh back your gut with your trades go don’t don’t let everyone talk you out what you want to do like what J tried to do with me moments ago he’s having a crack the man help him out like never I’m never giving you trade advice againsts sorry that come out complet that come out completely wrong oh I just being thrown under the bus I got let me start over again let me start you a drive you are the best driver what are you talking about mate let me I use some words of wisdom if you’re going to start a podcast um don’t don’t don’t finish on what I would say um yeah that’s um that’s that’s terrible I’m sorry j you know what they say a bird in a hand is worth two in a bush that’s it that’s why that’s why J needs to finish off the podcast of the one L because that is an absolute cracker I’ll live by that motto mate I I’ll I’ll I’ll finish off on a quote I love a good quote don’t be afraid to take the first step even when you don’t see the full staircase Cheerio we’ll see you guys next week go Blues [Music]


  1. Aww boyyys what a bloody train wreck ending💀
    I’d like to apologise to Janath at the end there. Was meant to say to blame him for getting me in other trade minds but the delivery was putrid! Heat of the moment got to me boys

  2. i was 6 points up after the game ended, then the ole magical adjustment and i lost by 1 point in my paid league… Thanks Touk….

  3. Well done Spills. Not only looked a gift horse in the mouth but took him for a full physical and then asked for a discount. 🤣🤣🤣. That was hilarious but good podcast as usual, thanks guys well done again. Keep punchin Spills I always value your insight and comments. 🙂

  4. G'day boys, If you were to choose between getting in lachie neale and salem – or – fisher and gulden who would you go for?

  5. Great content guys! One thing you guys didn’t mention with Errol is his high TOG. 97% last week, has a lot of 7-8 day breaks to come; I reckon we will see him involved in a lot more general play, and I think at 535k for a player who went on a tear in the second half of last year, it feels too good to pass up. That’s my opinion though, loving the podcast and the work you guys put in every week!

  6. Hi boys,
    Love your work as always.
    It's Dunkley over Neale for me (next week though – gotta get Heeney this week). Only Neale's 2nd 160+ score separates them, if Dunkley has a ceiling game this week and Neale a floor game, their averages will swap in Dunkley's favour.
    But I'm paying for what they can do on the run home, not what they have done so far, and I reckon Dunks is more likely to go 115+ for the rest of the year, at 601k is about 40k of value. I could be wrong, and last year I went against your advice a couple of times too many, 🤞 it works for me this year.
    Thanks, Daz

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