Golf Players

Jeremiah Sirles, Haven Fields on Sports Nightly: Monday, June 10th, 2024

Sports Nightly, presented by the NDOT Highway Safety Office with Greg Sharpe & Jessica Coody, live from our ✨brand new✨ studio in East Memorial Stadium. 6-8pm CT, M-F!

e good evening I’m Camden con and our Sports ticker is brought to you by the 1890 initiative the Collegiate track and field season ended this past weekend in Eugene Oregon with the NCAA track and field championships the Husker women finished ninth as a team their first back-to-back top 10 finishes since 2005 and 2006 Rema OTA won the javelin and Jenna Rogers finished fifth in the high jump to lead Nebraska on the women’s side the men tied for 13th headlined by Darius Lu’s title in the 110 meter hurdles and tus Wilson’s second place finish in the high jump It’s the men’s best finish since 2016 when they finished 10th overall for more results and information visit former Husker baseball star Bryce Matthews was named South Atlantic lead League player of the week Matthews is a member of the Houston Astros High a affiliate the Asheville tourist he hit four 62 in six games with four home runs seven RBI and five stolen bases another former Husker Adrien Martinez was named the UFL MVP today Martinez led the league in rushing was third in passing yards and second in passing touchdowns his Birmingham stallions will play in the championship game Sunday just one more spot up for grabs for the College World Series in Omaha as North Carolina State takes on Georgia tonight first pitch is scheduled to take place in a few minutes Tennessee Florida State Virginia North Carolina Kentucky Florida and Texas A&M have already punched their tickets our Sports ticker is sponsored by the 1890 initiative do you want to support Husker student athletes through name image and likeness if so visit 1890 hour one of sports nightly is up next right here on the Huskers radio network coming to you live from Memorial Stadium it’s Sports nightly all the Huskers all the time Sports nightly is presented to you by the ndot highway safety office who remind you to buckle up and put the phone down here come the Razer backs bumping over the left Gillan she sto B Al block number 11 for the team 16 their body bumping in Lincoln dlan turns hands it off to Dowell left side bounces to the outside 40 30 25 20 15 10 5 touchdown Dante Dowell sh throws down low marowski kicks it out to Jazz knocked Away by Marshall seven to shoot six to shoot Shelly for three bet you Huskers take their first lead of the game with 30 seconds left here’s the two two pitch called strike three breaking ball outside corner make it an even 10 for mcah and the hooers leave two more here in the top of the seventh now the 3-2 and BR well swings and hammers it deep center field she’s gone home run Eva Bradwell and a two to nothing lead for the corn huser toy kna with nine eight seven starts down the right side goes to the right sideline 4 second step back 30-footer got it [Applause] unbelievable I don’t believe what I just saw toy nag Kno at home here are your hosts Jessica cudy and Jeremiah seros on the Huskers radio network well happy Monday everybody it is so great to be back talking Husker sports with you much a appreciated much needed week off last week with the family uh but I am so happy to be back and excited for this week we got a fun week ahead before we get into that I did want to give a huge shout out to Matt cotney for helping us out last week filling in for me hosting the show I heard had a great time uh you guys called in and had some great guests so again shout out thank you so much to Matt cotney for helping us out last week but we have another member of the Huskers radio network family helping us out this week you just heard his name Greg and I like to call him the big dog Jeremiah sir’s in studio all week live by the way so 402 413 2400 if you’ve got text questions you want to call in and chat with them I know we always have a lot of people that want to chat with you so hey all week long he’s going to be here in studio with us welcome thanks for being here yeah it’s been a minute I can’t I can’t I was driving on campus I feel like every time I drive down here something new is being built and everything’s crazy but no great to be back excited to be back here I mean it’s a little bit of a slowtime sports season time but for me I’m crazy busy with the work going but super excited to be back you just recently we talked about this Greg and I on a couple weeks ago you took the kids all under five on a long road trip how was that everyone always ask how was your vacation I was like no no we went on a trip we went on a trip uh it was fantastic no uh my wife em and I we took the kids we went up through the bad lands of South Dakota uh stayed in Deadwood one night wife and I made like 700 bucks on the slot machines randomly it was kind of cool and then we went down through oh excuse me went over to Jackson Hall stayed in Jackson Hall from there we went to Teton National Park wow and then we went to Yellowstone and then we drove back down through Denver saw my folks for a couple days and then drove back through so all in all was about 48 hours in the car 2 200 miles it was great uh the kids did great saw a lot of fun things core memories I would love to go spend like a week in ton National Park I mean that place was incredible so um your kids are are all very outdoorsy whether they like it or not they’re going to be right oh yeah we’re outside all the time yeah I mean they watched a lot of TV on the trip we we weren’t planning on it right we were like no we brought my wife did a great job she got a bag she had with colors and stickers and the whole bit they just kept like when can I watch something and so we’re like okay just iPad Leave Me Alone um but you know they did yeah they loved being outside we on a little hike um one day went up to uh gosh tagert Lake I believe it was called um so was like a three mile hike overall they did great they had a ton of F want to take their feet off and get in the water it was freezing of course um but no they did really good and then the little one had his moments to be expected but um most of the time he did really well too and they are listening slash watching I think so maybe the wife was on her way home from work but they as I was leaving they were like where you going I was like oh I’m going to go do the radio and they’re like can we watch you I was like yeah sure so I’m sure at one point in time they’ll uh the wife will get it pulled up didn’t uh verman get mad one time when you were on and the another voice came on and he’s like where’s Dad it was well it was when I was calling the it was when I was calling the Colorado game and a commercial came on he started yelling at my wife he’s like turn it back dad’s not on the ready up oh that’s funny how’s the golf game it’s okay um you know I realizing so I joined Firethorn three years ago and i’ never really golfed and everyone was like why would you do that like why would you learn how to golf at Firethorn I like I don’t know I just kind of figured it out um and I’m started getting better there but I went and played Crooked Creek the other uh two weeks ago and I shot like an 8 six and I was like oh maybe the course is actually just really hard but it’s been good to get back out um you know it’s that time of year I was worried I was going to be able to golf at all this summer with shoulder but know three months out this week so kind of getting back to cleared uh Dane Todd lifts with me who’s also the Husker so I always kind of look at him like can I can I do this am I good um but no yeah so it’s been good just to get cleared from that kind of get that put behind me it needed to get done um yeah so been out golfing how about you you’ve been out swinging them at all or not too much no but I was actually going to bring that up because so my dad will be here next week and I’ve talked about this on the show uh periodically since I’ve been here but my dad loves the golf and we’ve been to a few different courses around here but I think for Father’s Day he actually texted me today and was like Hey find us a golf course to go play next Friday so listeners got any suggestions maybe we should take a poll I need to figure out I’ve been to Iron Horse I’m not sure if it’s open yet I don’t know they were redoing the course weren’t they yes I’m not sure if it’s back open but the one that’s across the way from that uh uh Greg likes it and then I played the one where all the hoscar football players play over there in Air Park Cole which one was that one it’s got the wind tunnels that’s Highlands I played Highlands and you really like P have you done Pioneers no Pioneers is a good one uh Woodland Hills another great one yes I we actually played Woodland Hills with Travis vocal act yeah Woodland Woodland Hills is a good one uh so if you got I mean listeners in I mean if you got we should maybe start a poll or I don’t know uh figure out where I should uh take my dad for a new course yeah well I mean so we can experience a new one yeah no I mean there’s a lot of great there’s a the one out in Nebraska City uh Arbor links I think that’s a great one how far is that Nebraska City’s about an hour okay well and that’s I think coach hoyberg one of Coach Hoy Berg’s favorite yeah I haven’t gotone out there I I want to go out there bad I really want to get out there okay I’m I’m taking notes here yeah all right well um again 402 413 2400 is that number to call in the phone lines are open text lined for you as well um I did want to dive into recruiting Because it’s been last week was the first Friday Night Lights camp for hoscar football we saw several offers already being extended but it just for me it feels like there’s and I know the Huskers have had good recruiting classes even before coach rol and the staff got here but it just seems like there’s a different kind of momentum this this time around do you feel that way yeah I do you know I’ve been kind of tracking it a little bit more and I think there’s just more momentum behind the program you know I think with rule getting here last year and kind of just trying to throw a class together as quickly as he could getting culture flipped around like all that stuff it took a lot of time but now you’re starting to see the full effect of Matt Rule and the full effect of a full season of having the clips of him with the pregame speeches and a person that’s in high school being able to look at this program and go okay I can really actually see where they’re going I can see the path and I see the trajectory at which this h football team is going and I want to be a part of that right like that is that’s the cell right now I mean it’s if you’re Alabama and you’re Georgia and you’re Texas and like your sell is do you want to come win national championships like we’re ready right now right but when you’re Nebraska you’re selling like Hey we’re on the cusp of really getting to where we need to go we got our quarterback we got our guys for the future we got veteran players we got young players come be a part of something special and when you can have that message it’s really good to build momentum right now but all of that is for not if you don’t go win in the fall right because it’s really easy to point to hey this is what we’re doing here’s how we’re going to make it work but then you need to put all that into action to then really seal the deal with a lot of those recruits so we saw an offer for a 2028 uh quarterback which just seems so far down the line 2028 I mean it’s not surprising though I me that’s the game is changing and is changing the game guys are getting found quicker now guys are getting like I mean the huddles are getting out I mean there’s baby groon out there I mean there’s just so many ways to find players now and they’re just going to get so saturated if they’re a high level recruit you want to get in early right you want to be the first impression you want to be the first one to dance like all those things matter and so you have to put these things but there’s always a chance he doesn’t pan out right and that’s the hard part where you’re like man if I offer this kid and in two years he’s riding the pine then what you know it’s just but it’s the same thing with my wife was telling me this is how women’s recruit recruting actually was changed yes she was saying that like she needed to have scholar or colleges lined up by like her sophomore year in high school and I found that to be fascinating but it seems like that’s kind of becoming the path that we’re starting to see for football and basketball and some of the bigger Nam men Sports too and there’s also talk too about uh potentially moving up and having an early signing day which is in the summer before their senior year what and you know I I talked to a lot of these recruits on Signing Day and and just even throughout the proc process and I know it can get pretty stressful especially throughout a senior football season maybe for some of them they’re locked in just get it out of the way I’m done don’t contact me I signed officially you can’t do anything about it like what what are your thoughts on maybe even having an even earlier sighning day period even earlier than the December Signing Day I love it you know I I personally love it because I hate like I see it all the time on the r like this guy’s committed to Florida State oh he’s visiting Texas this weekend it’s like well then how committed actually are you right like the the commitment is you sign on the died line and it’s over and you know I’m seeing this a little bit in my world too the agent world right so so many guys when I was coming out and even recently was like Hey I make my decision on who my agent is after my senior season right that just kind of forever and always how it is you’re seeing more and more guys for all the reasons you just laid out of I don’t want to deal with it I don’t want to get my phone blown up all that just picking their agent before the season begins for their senior year and saying I’m done right and I think that might be a little bit more and that goes back to even what I said earlier about the access to these kids is so wide open right Instagram DMS Twitter Facebook Tik Tok text messages phone calls like these dudes are getting bombarded right because no one wants to feel like they’re not talking to them or talking to them too little or like they’re staying with them but sometimes it can just be so overwhelming that you can lose focus of keeping the main thing the main thing and not perform right and so if you just want to be like hey I’m really comfortable with the school that I have I love the prth I love let’s get this thing signed let me go Focus maybe they can start giving me a little bit of resources right like hey you’re going to be your next year here’s the nutrition plan here’s the strength plan like all that stuff so they can be even more prepared when they walk on to campus in June did you go to camps no I tore my AC I tore my ACL my last game of my year my junior year so I spent that whole summer um rehabbing and actually CU was the only school that pulled my offer and told me the only way they would offer me back is if I came to their summer camp and showed them I could still play I was like wow you live 4 5 minutes away come to a game in the fall so needless to say I was not happy with Dan Hawkins and them but you know I never did any of the camps H so you know we we’ve seen and we heard coach Ru and the staff say that they were going to put emphasis on camps from the day they were hired and we’re already seeing that and it’s it’s become already a huge deal but I think you know even for a guy like James Williams the SackMan and they found him in a camp and and I think some of these other guys will continue to see as they are developed but you know what what do you feel how do you feel about that and just like the emphasis of the camps and being able to find and and have those opportunities for guys that they can come here and come to camp and potentially maybe land an offer yeah you know anytime you can see someone with your own eyes and make judgment off of that is so much better than tape right especially for the high school level right anyone can make a high school highlight if you’re a good player in high school yeah you should be kicking the dog crap out of everyone right it’s like oh that there’s the eighth pan cake of this game like well yeah is that kid a 14-year-old freshman that he’s going against right like if you can get a kid into a college Camp get him on campus get him surrounded by other athletes who have college potential you’ll be able to see the guys that pop right hey that guy’s moving at a different speed than the rest of these or that guy’s get off or wow did you see that catch that the guy had or did you see that throw the arm strength or whatever it is like you can just see so much more from a physical evaluation standpoint when you’re in real time and you know I use this too with our camps for seniors in college I want to like bring them up to Minnesota to our gym I’m like hey this kid look good on tape but he’s not really performing the way I thought he would and so maybe on or maybe hey this kid’s popping but he’s at an N FCS level so he’s not going to get his tape scen so you know those things are going to play such a pivotal role but you have to really trust your evaluators like you have to really be like hey if I’m bringing all these kids in we’re going to look at them like I have to really trust you that you’re going to be able to find these guys and sort them out and find the five 10 or however many it is that we want to make offers to we’ve heard a lot about Donovan Rola and obviously we’ve seen some of the guys that he’s been able to sign how impressed have you been with his recruiting and continuing to build that’s been a conversation you and I have had since I first got here we started the podcast that you know just building that room and it takes time with o line it’s not an overnight fix but you know we’re we’re continuing to see the momentum especially in that o line room some of the top offensive linemen in the country are are interested in Nebraska and and we got the number one recruit out of Iowa last year but just the way that he’s been able to continue to connect to that that young core and continue to build uh especially with the young group of of incoming Huskers yeah I think it’s been fantastic and we need him to do it right you need a face of the franchise and look at any great football team it’s always the quarterback right and you know last year was such a question mark at the quarterback position really who’s it going to be is who’s the guy and then when you get your guy who you know is going to be here for at least hopefully three if not four years then you’re like okay buddy we need your help to put the pieces around you to make you the best that you can be right and you want the best pieces around you right if I’m Rola I want the best offensive lineman I want the best receivers I want the best guys that not will be able just to Showcase my talent but to elevate everyone else around me right and because it’s no secret look at Michigan they had what 17 players drafted or something like that no wonder they won the national title right NFL players in college make college football players good well how do you start with that you start by bringing in top-notch Talent right you bring a top-notch talent and then develop him from within now we’re cooking with gas right so really excited to see him get super involved into that it shows how bot in he is to the program it shows how much faith that the coaches have in him to put him out front and say hey your message you go you run with it right and I thought that for a young man he’s handled it extremely well so that is uh Dylan R what about uh Donovan and the the old line specifically and the job that he’s done and and how big of a splash he’s made yes Donovan yeah Dylan’s I’ve been and Dylan all over the place no he’s he’s he’s all in which I agree is huge yes donov yeah Donovan mean you talk about a guy that is the holdover right the one guy that held over and talking to all the O linemen that I’ve talked with man they love him like they love him and when you’ve got a coach that you can go to bat for that you like love for you’ll run through a brick wall for that’s infectious that’s contagious and if you can get a recruit and bring him and put them into that environment they immediately on to it too right if you put a recruit into a room and you’re asking guys like so what do you think about the coach like yeah he’s cool like yeah he’s fine like oh okay but when you bring it back no we love this dude like this is our guy this is our ride or die like We’ll Kill for this guy yeah like that’s that’s really contagious and o line me can pick up on that and just kind of feel like okay everyone in this room’s bought into this dude I want to be I want to be a part of this this could be really fun and you know that’s a big piece of the recruiting is just the environment in which you create as an offensive line coach is really important great great stuff uh and we are just getting started with the big dog Jeremiah CS but we got to work in our first break here on Sports nightly do see some text we’ll get to those on the other side of this break and Husker fans check out the all new Hive Perks program sign up for the totally free hi ve Perks program and enjoy exclusive perks pricing on hundreds of items in store and online score big savings today at perks Hive is an official grocery partner of hoscar Athletics and is your onstop shop for making your life easier healthier and happier visit local visit your local Hive today dear roads trails and rivers you ready for some SUV action Toyota SUVs can roll their sleeves up for tight turns and twisty Trails dress up for a night out on the town or head to the Great Outdoors take your family adventure game to a whole new 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means Sports and Outdoor activities catch an Omaha stormchasers baseball game or a Union Omaha pro soccer match at wner Park visit fontel Forest where you can enjoy tree Rush Adventures or hike and bike on one of the many trails play a round of golf or experience great fishing relax refresh and ReDiscover yourself with a springtime trip plan your adventure at welcome back inside our Huskers radio network broadcast Center which is sponsored by Acres the Midwest Premier John Deere dealer supplying the equipment and service to advance Agriculture and much more Acres solutions for every field as well welcome you back to sports nightly I’m Jessica cudy joined by Jeremiah surl all week long uh we do have some texts and some lots more uh suggestions for golf so Corey Oaks was the one that we were talking about and Stephen BW said I’ve golfed the Lincoln courses um and Arbor links Corey Oaks is the best course it’s hard you wouldn’t know you’re in eastern Nebraska it’s hard it’s hard Cory Oaks is yeah I I’ve lost many of balls at that golf course so but Cory Oaks is the one that was closed that was under iron is the one that’s across the street yes and that’s the one Greg likes is Iron Horse yes I’ve golfed qu Oaks with my dad but I’ve have not been there since it’s been renovated I haven’t been there either I want to go check it out um Mike said uh Seward has a decent golf course and an Italian restaurant there for after my dad’s a huge Italian fan that might be in the running Seward’s not that far away and uh Sam said Play Somewhere in Omaha you got any om play Om um I want to drive an hour home after golf right like once you’re done especially if it’s like a hot day and you get going it’s like oh let me get in the car and just Cruise an hour back to Lincoln yes yeah have a couple pops you know you don’t want to drive after golf so Carla who you’re a big fan of um so welcome back Jessica hope you had a good time away I did Mr Big Dog looking forward to your week on the show she got us pizza last time last year I’ll never forget thank you Carla I’ll you give me pizza you always have a piece in my you always have a place in my heart you are you got a fan life yeah you give me food you’re in you’re in the Inner Circle there’s cookies back there for my mom by I already had one okay well you take some of the frosted cookies I’m on a diet for your kids I’m on a diet okay I’ll give the kids yeah but see here’s the thing I have very little willpower so if they’re in the house they’re going to get eat take three cookies back for your three kids and you have to give them to them and they’re if they’re listening you hold him accountable when he gets home to give you the cookies okay so Carla went on to say uh suggestions for local golf courses Wilderness Ridge or Holmes or pioneers here in Lincoln you said Pioneers Holmes is a good one too um and then second the motion for table Creek in Nebraska City that’s the one table Creek that’s the one okay and said PS thanks to the Reverend cotney for last week’s covering the show great to hear him Yes again uh thanks to Matt cotney and then one more from Mike he said well let me before I get to that because that that’s going to lead us into a discussion also crypto I think has given up on you coaching and has now moved to you playing in the uh Arena Football League going back to playing no chance in the U is it the UFL right the UFL I could not play in that League there’s some good players in that League the UFL I mean I think at best I could give you one drive I could give you one drive at right tackle maybe Right Guard but nothing on the left side zero and I I mean I yeah I could give you one drive just one I I’m impressed you said one drive I figured you’d say like one series one drive one drive one drive we could do it okay so so crypto your suggestions still are I’m glad you’re off the coaching horse cuz yeah that’s never going to happen Okay so and then Mike also said we need the big dog to be here with Will Compton during the Colorado game I’m sure you are going to be here for that you’re not you cannot miss that one right that’s not what I’m going to miss you know at home under the lights against the fighting Dions I cannot wait for that football game I mean it’s I was talking to my dad about it he’s talking about maybe coming up my brother’s like there’s a few friends from friends from high school that have already hit me up like hey what do you think I’m like you better buy tickets now cuz there’s going to be no tickets for that one and you know I think that has every potential to be as Rowdy and as like lit up as Michigan was at the night game or even Miami in 2014 like that game is that’s a powder cake right we go out there and handle business week one that is an absolute powder cake that’s going to light off in Memorial Stadium and you we just heard you told a story about Colorado you’ve got some extra I hate them yes I mean deep and you’re from Colorado I’m from there my entire family went there like cousins uncles like when I committed to Nebraska there was a family Rift like they’re like what do you mean I’m like oh no I’m going to Big Red like I’m not going to the crazies and Boulder like I’m going to Big Red um so yeah there’s definitely no love loss there I mean and I had I got to call that game last year with Greg in the booth last year had so much fun so uh I will be somewhere in this stadium for that game it’s just so perfect because I know that the Husker fans even probably Colorado fans everyone’s been asking for that to be a night game and it was delivered and a lot of that was because of the new TV package that um has been signed on with the big 10 so previously big Fox was like the the big game for the Big 10 right and it’s their Prime Time game is the big noon kickoff so a lot of those big time games which Colorado was last year was on big noon kick off but with the addition of the NBC Prime Time game um just so perfect and so great for this program and there’s multiple Prime Time games that the Huskers nationally televised Prime Time games are going to be on um that we’ve already seen from the schedule and I think more to come how do you feel though about that Friday night game against Illinois here in Lincoln I like Friday night games you know as a player I hate short weeks you know it’s one less day to recover one less day to prepare Everything feels kind of rushed um you know but as a fan there’s nothing better than turning on your football team on a Friday night and be like Oh my team’s on right now I can focus on all the other fun games on Saturday um you know but that’s going to be another big game you know Illinois was one that we felt like we probably let get away a little bit um we beat Illinois on the road you called that game yes we did golly my CTS the year before the year before is the one we like yeah CT and the year before that so my first year the very first game of the season did you were on the Seline for that one yes I sideline for that one second year that was one where Cam Taylor Brit tried to catch the punt on the like one yard line yes and then the call back of the interception yeah that was a disaster um the Miss fill goals I mean there was a lot yes and then yeah we beat them last year right yes at Illinois at Illinois yes so them coming back here yeah that was a big win because that that was a talent there was a lot of Team there was a lot of dudes on that team that went to the NFL yes right like their guard got drafted in the fourth they had Isaiah Newton they had Keith Randolph like they had some dudes on there and I felt like that was a really good showing for the Huskers last year but yeah Friday night that’s gonna be a big one because I mean when you’re Friday Night Football you’re the only you’re the only show on Turf right everyone’s watching from because I mean whether they’re sitting in their garage having a beer or anything like you’re just going to turn on football right and if you’re the only show on Turf it’s a great chance to show the like the world and not your normal viewers what you’re all about well and just everybody like you said I mean if there’s not many things to compete with I mean everybody all the eyeballs are on so it’s it’s it’s a huge opportunity I know coach ru we had Troy Danon on right after the announcement like not not ideal because they don’t want to compete with high school football but it is a a big opportunity and like you said I kind of like having all day Saturday to watch everybody else yeah whenever the Huskers like by week or whenever they play on like a Friday night I I can relax on a Saturday right like I can be like okay what games do I just want to watch today like what okay YouTube TV what four games are you going to give me right but when the husers is on you’re just kind of like nervous pacing around like not real sure what to do so yeah I mean I’m excited for that one because it’ll give me a nice relaxing Saturday to watch college football my wife actually so my sister-in-law was getting rid of a TV and my wife’s big NFL gal right not a big col she plays fantasy football loves the NFL and so she’s like Hannah’s getting ready of a TV um I’m going to bring it home I was like we don’t need another TV we have plenty of TV she’s like no no this is for Sundays I was like what do you mean she goes no we’re going to bring the TV in the living room on Sundays and then we’ll have eight games on I was like and Saturdays and she’s like no no Su I was like no Saturdays too now like that so we’re just going to have double TVs stacked up in the living room on Saturday Sundays in the fall I can’t wait oh that’s amazing so we I have talked about this a lot um you know it seems like for the most part the consensuses when I talk to players they actually prefer playing the earlier games just cuz sitting around what you you are a fan of that too and coach R I know is a fan of the earlier games too but you like playing early right you don’t like sitting around I love just waking up and going like wake up get breakfast cup of coffee I’ll see at the stadium like and that’s why I loved the noon kickoff in the NFL I thought that was great and the 11:00 a.m. kickoffs for college I love those I mean as a player you can work yourself up during the day and like I need to watch one more thing of film or like running through reps in your head and like you can almost mentally tie yourself out I mean and also not many high level athletes are used to performing at a super high level at 9:00 or 10:00 at night right like your body has to act at to that versus so many times you’re used to just kind of waking up your body’s sharp your mind’s sharp and you’re ready to go perform so it is a training to do especially if you have young players that are really not used to it um performing on a high pressure high level stage at 10 o’clock at night with some of these games that go later and later is a really tough thing to do and then also it if you combined night games in a row your recovery time actually really gets cut down a lot I mean if you play a an 11:00 kickoff and you’re off your feet by 400 p.m. on a Saturday you’re already starting the recovery process right you play a long night game on an away trip get on a plane fly back late land early Sunday morning like your recovery is kind of already screwed up and it’s going to be even harder and those can compound as the years as the year goes on so yeah I know the environments are unlike any other like there’s nothing like playing on a Saturday night game Memorial Stadium nothing like it but it does start to build into it so you are saying you you probably think that these different time zones that we’re about to see the Big 10 play in like there’s an 11 o’clock kickoff in California which is 9:00 a.m. ruter is kicking off at 11:00 p.m. basically um against USC and then vice versa then you’ve got the California the West Coast teams that are going to be kicking off at like 800 a.m. you know so that’s going to could potentially play a factor for sure I mean I remember in when I was in Minnesota in 2015 we did the double header uh Monday Night Football um to start the season and we were the second game so we didn’t kick off until like 7:30 or maybe even 8:00 West Coast time which was like 10:00 for our body clock time right you’re like man I am tired like I’m ready to take it like I’m ready to go to bed and we’re starting a football game like that plays a huge factor into it and especially when you’re talking about now multiple times I mean it’s just like the NFL right there’s not really like a regional thing anymore I mean you’re going to be in Washington and you’re going to be in Pennsylvania and then you’ll be back down in Southern California and then you’ll have a quick jump to Iowa like it really is more like an NFL schedule now where you’re going to have to just adjust your body accordingly 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here in Nebraska visit groundworks tocom for for a free estimate groundworks Foundation Solutions crafted with pride the official Foundation company of the Huskers welcome back inside our Huskers radio network broadcast Center which is sponsored by Acres the Midwest Premier John Deere dealer supplying the equipment and service to advance Agriculture and much more Acres solutions for every field alongside Jeremiah Sirles I’m J kakudi so there is a pretty heated debate going on in the YouTube chat right now who is worse who do you despise more Colorado or Iowa Colorado no it’s a longer deeper rooted hate you have a different kind of Iowa I hated Iowa like because we started playing them in the like I didn’t I only played Iowa three times right like but I grew up in Denver Colorado fan they did me dirty like they did me dirty in the recruiting I mean I on My Signing Day the news was there and they were like why didn’t you go to CU you and I was like I just wanted to go somewhere I could beat them every single year and we ended up beating them both times we played them thankfully but yeah I mean there’s a it’s hard to it’s hard to root out the Deep the Deep hate for CU I mean Iowa’s right there but CU is definitely definitely more I feel like probably um the older School fans that have been a fan of this program for a long time will will agree with you Colorado probably the newer school and some of the younger fans are more hate Iowa yeah no I I definitely think that’s more accurate speaking of Iowa um you and I were chatting you actually are you defend Caitlyn Clark I do I mean the WNBA hates money apparently because they want to beat up their Cash Cow I mean if she if if she came to my team I’d be like dud let’s get this chick out in front of everyone she’s going to sell jerseys she’s going to put butts in the seats and guess what all that money trickles downward to us but apparently the wa just wants to WWE her all over the court and then she doesn’t make the Olympic team I mean I don’t get it I don’t understand it um I think she’s a phenomenal player I mean I get it you have to earn your stripes in this league but she is so wildly popular so wildly lik she handles herself well great competitor I don’t understand the hate that the other players in the league are giving her I just don’t understand it do you though dislike some of her Antics on the court I she’s a competitor I mean I don’t know I can’t say that I haven’t said the things that she said now I had a helmet of mouth piece on but you know I think that she does get a little fiery she does get after it a little bit but that’s I think part of what people like about her like I think that people can relate to that and relate to she’s not the buttoned up pretty girl like no she’s the competitor she’s out there to fight and she’s got she got that dog in her like she she’s ready for it man I I don’t know I love the way she plays the game about I just don’t like how she cries to the referees I am from but I think that’s part of the game isn’t it I’m from a referee family and so my dad refs my women my brother co uh refs women’s basketball too and um you know I talked to referees that have said that hey basically let her do whatever she wants and I think she took it too a little too far this past year because she didn’t have any Reigns or leash on her at all because she was so good for the game that it would basically was like hey it’s Caitlyn Clark’s World whatever she wants to do I think that’s a bad example that she’s setting to a younger generation that is so um like you mentioned like everybody’s watching her and she is a huge role model right now I think that’s a little bit of an example that I would not want my young people in my life to look up to and and do you know I don’t want that carried over but you do have to appreciate her game and what she’s done and I do think it’s crazy how they’re trying to kill her out there it’s unbelievable like they’re trying to they’re trying to like physically assault her I’m like what did she do to you she’s making you she’s going to make you guys more money you you talked about her handling herself well I thought I was really impressed with how she handled the Olympic announcement not making the Olympic team and you know there’s been so many arguments about both sides but I thought you know with women’s basketball and how big it is right now and for NBC and the rights and and you could have talk about a huge following that was going to follow the the women’s team over in the Olympics this year but I thought she handled it really well about look it’s the most competitive team in the world um I’m so happy for the girls I’ll be rooting for them and it said actually it’s probably going to be a much needed break for me because unlike any other sport they go right from playing in college to playing professionally they get like a month in between and but they are going straight to training camp straight to playing in the league so you know she handled it really well but I do think they probably missed an opportunity despite whether she was going to play or not but just her presence being on the team I thought I think they missed a big opportunity there yeah I mean I think from a public side and from a like a um what’s the word I’m looking for an Optics side like just having her there and all it would have been big for the sport in the country too um you know but I think she’ll her time will come I mean she’s going to be there again and I mean it’s tough to wait another four years I mean she probably had the goal of making that team this year um but yeah I mean I can’t imagine her body feels feels very good right now I mean rolling all the way through to the top and then rolling right into an NBA SE or WNBA season like where she’s getting hammered yeah where she’s getting beat down like yeah she her body probably does need a couple hours in the cold tub so who would have thought we would have had a hot take on uh women’s basketball and Caitlyn Clark with Jeremiah s I’m a fan of I’m a fan of all sports I watch I watch them all and if hey if you’re Caitlyn Clark’s teammate stand up for her man like that like the interal alinan in me was like why is someone not dog stomping that girl right like go over body like someone over there just start giving her shoulder or something I I like it I like it okay we got to get to another break here final segment here of our number one coming up next Husker fans check out The allnew hivy Perks program sign up for the totally free hivy Perks program and enjoy exclusive perks pricing on hundreds of items in store and online score big savings today at perks hve is an official grocery partner of husar Athletics and is your One-Stop shop for making your life easier healthier and happier visit your local H ve today shop smarter online for your next vehicle with buy now from Woodhouse car buying 100% online from your local trusted Auto 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Huskers Athletics and to serve Nebraska farmers and huster fans across America’s hardland Woodhouse Auto family is your trusted Auto partner with 20 Brands and 20 convenient Sales and Service locations we’re making car buying on your terms visit us online at 42413 2400 is that number to call in or text in if you got a question or comment for the big dog man this hour has already flown by oh always does we’re we’re having fun right it’s like the Pod you just just get on it and just roll I know right um so we were continued that discussion into the commercial break on the Caitlyn Clark situation and I had said that I don’t like the crying about the referees I should clear up I don’t like it when anybody anybody does it because that’s been a big argument that women have said well the men do it yes they do do it and I hate it when the men do it too yeah it’s all when anyone does I mean I hate when Tom Brady did it I hate when Aaron Rogers does it like I don’t I I don’t enjoy it but you know as weird as it is I feel like it’s almost just unusual part of the game now right you’re like watching you’re like oh well they’re going to cry and whine and be like he hit my arm right but it is what it is yeah I just I I don’t like it either trust me I’m with you just with it and go yeah it’s not like I am singling out Caitlyn Clark I don’t like it when anybody does it Point Blank period you actually said too you said it’s like soccer it’s becoming like soccer and your wife played soccer she did she ages she hates it more than I do she hates men’s soccer she thinks they’re all babies like I don’t know I just have a really hard time when someone like and trust me I bet getting kicked in the shin really hurts like I really do but I can’t stand when you lay on the ground like someone just stabbed you and you’re like I’m dead and then you pop back up and run away like 20 seconds later like come on let’s be real here okay got a couple minutes here Cole are we ready for this phone call no no we’re not okay we have a phone call coming in but we will get to it on the other side of this break um are you big Olympics do you like watching the Olympics speaking of I do I love the Olympics yeah what’s your favorite like summer event to watch the 400 I I just I think the 400 and the 4×4 is so you’re track you like watching I like I like watching people that I can’t do things like they’re fast like they’re so fast you can’t run the 400 no absolutely not everything in my every bone and ligament my body would break um but I love watching those dudes cuz it’s just amazing how fast they can run 400 m and the 4×4 and how close it is like it’s so like it’s by you’re talking like seconds or hundreds of a second and you know I love watching those track runners run I think it’s really really cool speaking of huge congratulations to Nebraska track and field a couple of national title winners over the the last week Rema OTA who was on the show last week previewing the NCA championships there was like 2 ft meters what is it in in the javelin is it meters I think it’s meters okay but colle record backto back Defender Defender National Title not easy to do and then Darius left Lincoln kid wins the national title in the 110 meter hurdles we’re going to actually have him on the program coming up this week but I mean you always you’re always happy when national titles come back to Lincoln yeah I mean and I think it’s so cool when you win like winning a national title and anything from a team related sport is awesome but I think to do it from an individual perspective like I am the best in the country like out of anyone right like like when you win as a team it’s great but like I just feel like it’s kind of like golf too like when you win you’re like I was the only winner there was no no one else like this was me and I think that’s a really cool thing for track athletes and any individual sport athlete like that to be able to do just got about a minute left but it’s not there’s also two like you said like with golf a lot of different conditions can go into it I mean it’s just it’s so hard to do and so for and Darius left was a senior and he’s been right there mult All-American but for him to get it done and uh just so happy for him and again a local product and then for Rema back to back that’s just so hard to do but the women finished ninth and it’s their highest point total in a long time in a while and so I just I we’ve talked about the track and field team they’ve won a big 10 title go back Tob back in the outdoor continuing to build momentum and also for the director Cup standings yeah we we’ve talked a lot about that the Capital One director cups big for for them to actually contribute points there but there’s a lot of momentum there with uh track and fil all right hour number one fast hour in the books we’ve got another segment with sirl coming up here in hour number two of sports NY keep it here hit us up on the text line text 402 413 2400 with your Husker thoughts [Music] hey Mom yeah I got in a crash I’m okay I was wearing my seat belt people count on you to buckle up brought to you by the ndot highway safety office if there’s one thing we like it’s choices find yours with Ford F-150 gas hybrid or all electric whether it’s Towing powering up or getting from zero to 60 and 3.8 seconds what you choose to do with that much power is up to you tough this smart can only be called F150 get 1.9% financing for 72 months plus 1,000 bonus cash on a brand new 2023 F-150 only at your Midwest Ford dealers hi this is Husker national champion and Super Bowl champ Tony vand throughout my football career Chiropractic Care helped my athletic performance on the field and kept me in the game today regular Chiropractic Care keeps me healthy and active to do the things I love Chiropractic is safe and effective for all ages make Chiropractic your first choice to reduce pain improve your mobility and feel better naturally it works for me and it can work for you too learn more at Nebraska fire my job can get pretty stressful I have to keep my eyes open at all times and if I don’t make the right call people boo me so to relax I visit an nebr ask a lottery retailer like this one and buy some scratch tickets it always calms me down hey you cut in line I did not all right you’re out of here hey he didn’t cut all right you’re out of here I feel better already the Nebraska Lottery top prize odds vary by game e e e e e e e e good evening I’m Camden con and our Sports ticker is brought to you by the 1890 initiative the Collegiate track and field season ended this past weekend in Eugene Oregon with the NCAA track and field championships the Husker women finished ninth as a team their first back-to-back top 10 finishes since 2005 and 2006 Rema OTA won the javelin and Jenna Rogers finished fifth in the high jump to lead Nebraska on the women’s side the men tied for 13th head signed by Darius L’s title in the 110 meter hurdles and tus Wilson’s second place finish in the hup it’s the men’s best finish since 2016 when they finished 10th overall for more results and information visit former Husker baseball star Bryce Matthews was named South Atlantic lead player of the week Matthews is a member of the Houston Astros High a affiliate the Asheville tourist he hit 462 in six games with four home runs R seven RBI and five stolen bases last week another former Husker Adrien Martinez was named the UFL MVP today Martinez led the league in rushing was third in passing yards and second in passing touchdowns his Birmingham stallions will play in the championship game Sunday and just one more spot up for grabs for the College World Series in Omaha as NC State takes on Georgia they’re currently tied at two in the bottom of the third Tennessee Florida State Virginia North Carolina Kentucky Florida and Texas A&M have already punched their tickets our Sports ticker is sponsored by the 1890 initiative do you want to support Husker student athletes through name image and likeness if so visit 1890 hour two of sports nightly is up next right here on the Huskers radio network coming to you live from Memorial Stadium it’s Sports nightly all the husk all the time Sports nightly is presented to you by the ndot highway safety office who remind you to buckle up and put the phone down here come the Razer backs bumping over the left Gillan she sto big alen block number 11 for the team 16 their body bumping in Lincoln Dylan turns hands it off to Dowell left side bounces to the outside 40 30 25 20 15 10 5 touchdown Dante a down down shell throws down low marowski kicks it out to Jazz knocked Away by Marshall seven to shoot six to shoot Shel for three you bet you Huskers take their first lead of the game with 30 seconds left here’s the two two pitch called strike three breaking ball outside corner make it an even 10 for Mah and the hooers leave two more here in the top of the seventh now the 3-2 and Bradwell swings and hammers it deep center field she’s gone home run Eva Bradwell and a two to nothing lead for the Corn Huskers toy knocker with nine8 seven starts down the right side goes to the right sideline 4 second step back 30-footer got it [Applause] unbelievable I don’t believe what I just saw toy Naga knocks it home here are your host Jessica Cy and Jeremiah seros on the Huskers Radio Network welcome back hour number two of sports nightly on this Monday evening I’m Jessica Hy and uh glad to be joined by the big dog Jeremiah Sur for another segment here then we’re going to let him get out of here we’re going to hear from uh the new Deputy ad here for Nebraska Athletics Haven Fields awesome conversation there so that’s coming up here in just a few minutes but do have another uh segment here with sir and so we were talking about Caitlyn Clark I just look I first of all want to say that I think it’s awesome that it’s been such a big point of debate and topic across National media local media everybody’s talking about it for women’s basketball for the sport it’s good it’s a good thing that that it’s being debated about but Mark had a had a take on here and he disagrees with us he said I disagree on Clark being on the Olympic team did she even participate in any of the qualifying or training camps no she did not because Iowa was in the NCA tournament so she did not uh a lot of the girls are already resentful of her just giving her a roster spot isn’t going to help she’ll get her chance in four years when she’s more proven you don’t need her as a media distraction when they’re trying to win the gold that’s from Mark it wouldn’t be a media distraction though I mean she brings coach barel by the way hello she brings eyes to the sport and eyes bring notoriety brings money brings web traffic like she’s good for women’s basketball why wouldn’t you want her on the biggest stage even if she’s not playing she’s going to bring eyes there she’s going to bring young fans there to watch cuz she’s going to be like I I get it and know we talking off like the resentment thing I think it’s very real and I think a lot of that comes from the fact that like these girls like Cameron Brink Angel ree Caitlyn Clark made so much money in college with the nil stuff that they’re coming into a league where veterans that have been in that league for eight plus years are going man you have more money than I’ll ever scratch as a professional in this and there can be some not that but that’s just the way the world is turning now friends like that’s every sport right cayb Williams made $10 million in college right there’s guys I played six years in the league I didn’t make $10 million like that’s just the way that the world is turning now with the professionalism of College athletics and I mean there’s going to be some people that are a little pushed up outside by it but I mean I get it she’ll prove herself I think that it’s good like you said I like that for women’s having a daughter now that having women’s Athletics be more in the prime time I think is awesome um but yeah it’ll just be interesting think I hope it doesn’t linger right I hope that like I hope that the US Olympic women’s team isn’t getting asked why what do you think about Caitlyn Clark not being here right I hope it kind of runs its media course here then dies out it’s just um you know amazing to me because if you talk to a lot of the women that pave the way for even to where we are in women’s Athletics they are nothing but happy they aren’t resentful look at Ronda Revel who is a Pioneer for and just a huge pillar in in Nebraska s and women softball and and college softball and you know some of those older players that I’ve been able to talk to even here at Nebraska and and they are thankful that it it’s it’s transitioning and and moving into this and it just seems like the they’re not really appreciative of the way that things are changing instead they’re choosing to be negative and like you said resentful about it as opposed to seeing it as a positive like you said wouldn’t you rather have more people watching you play basketball wouldn’t you rather have more people in the stands AR I just feel like they should be more open and appreciative of of what these young rookies have done for the game of basketball and I’ll be curious to see if it’s maybe even a little bit of a rookie thing right like if by the time it’s in her second year if it’s kind of all blown over but there’s going to be another I mean not another Caitlyn Clark but there’s going to be more of that caliber type of player that’s going to come out of college that’s a darling nationally with Instagram and everything that goes like into following these athletes now like it’s just going to continue to get more and more and as kind of the older generation phases out it’s just going to become more and more acceptable I think look there are a lot of great women that have played incred that have been incredible basketball players but it’s just I I compared a little bit to Tiger Woods and look at the generation of golfers we have now because of what Tiger Woods did and you know there he was dominating there was no competition and then but he inspired an entire generation to what we’re seeing now which is this great competitive game field of golfers that will all say hey I I like Tiger Woods when I was a kid and so I think when who knows maybe 10 20 years from now a lot of we might even see the Game grow even more because there’s a whole generation that’s been inspired by Caitlyn Clark 100% I completely agree with you okay on that note we had Bill call in and he had an interesting question he didn’t want to go on the air with this but he gave it to Cole Cole gave it to us okay whose hand would you rather Shake who would you rather shake hands with Caitlyn Clark or Dennis Rodman you want to go first you want go first I mean Dennis Rodman the worm are you kidding me like that dude met kja moon like that dude left and went to Vegas in the middle of like a playoff series like that dude is fascinating yeah fascinating I would love to have a cup of coffee with that dude and just be like just start talking like just start just bring up a subject I want to hear your thoughts on it so I will also agree with you Dennis Rodman but here is kind of a crazy connection my uncle he actually went to Southeastern Oklahoma State in Durant Oklahoma and my uncle was a baseball player I had two uncles one was a coach one was a baseball player there and they were like giving him rides to practice and stuff driving him around because I think he was he from uh where was he from but he didn’t have a vehicle there and so they were and he they said he was normal as can be somewhat shy and reserved but just that the transformation that he went through while he was in the NBA was just they would have never thought where he went so I would like to probably just because I have Family Ties That know him and how different he was then but but yeah I’m with you he’s a fascinating character oh I mean the Last Dance the interviews with him where he’s just sitting there and you’re just like oh my gosh dude the stories you could tell oh yeah like the stories that could come out of your mouth like I would just be I would just be lucky to hear one well Bill that was a great question because we’ve got the text rolling in here Sam said Robin was from Arkansas so he wasn’t from far away but he I know that he was um again my uncle was one that was giving him rides and he was just completely different um this okay here is another hot take on this maybe if you and all the media would stop talking about all this it would die down for her and for us I for one am sick of it sick of her there are a lot I mean it’s there are a lot of Nebraska fans that don’t like Caitlin CL also like if this is September yeah probably not making the main news cycle buddy it’s June there’s not a lot NBA is in season the WNBA is in season we got down to the we’re in conference we’re in the Stanley Cup Playoffs we’re in the NBA Finals we’re entering into purgatory of Sports World where there’s only baseball on until football season like yeah that’s why it’s in the news right now there’s not a lot else going on there’s another vote uh he did respond said Dennis Rodman by far okay another text that we got in here said um a asking about Ethan nation and I know that that was a big kind of report uh over the weekend that he was not on the official roster I do not want to comment on that until we know from the head coach what’s going on there I I do not know um you never know with the website what’s going on I I don’t know I do not know the backstory there uh I will wait to hear from the head coach um and e um coach Cooper on that front um but yeah that’s uh I did want to address it I do know that that was a big kind of news cycle thing over the weekend that Ethan nation and um were will you be surprised by that if he’s not here I don’t know I mean it’s one to it’s one to question about for sure but you you know without hearing anything about it it could be as simple as a website glitch yeah like it really could I mean and until there’s an official report on it I mean it’s hard to speculate for anything I hope he’s not gone so another big kind of news item today was that um there is a the Nia Player of the Year quarterback I should have looked up his name I’m with you a little bit until like they’re here it’s hard for me to like go all in and but um NAIA quarterback worked out here um and potentially could land an experienced quarterback in that room J Jaylen grad there you go um so worked out here through for the guys is that a need do you think maybe getting an experience type quarterback in that room would be a good thing but I mean it wouldn’t be a bad thing but I I put myself in his shoes and I go why why right like do you think you can come in here and start like if you’re if you’re going to try and do that you want to play right and do you think that you can come in here and start or is this maybe a springboard into a coach or is this you know it doesn’t make a lot of sense for from the player side unless he just like hey I want to just be on a team one more time or I want to be in a power four program and finish my career that way that makes sense but you know if I’m him I’m looking for a team that’s not stable at the quarterback position right now and I feel pretty comfortable about our room um would be great to get some experience sure but I don’t think it’s going to happen so you’re looking at potentially um you know true freshman if it is uh Dylan Rola playing quarterback um if Ethan Nation Ethan Nation uh played a few games last year but but you don’t have beyond the starters maybe at corner you know you’re looking at maybe some young guys having to play and step up there in terms of the depth and the the depth chart maybe some younger guys there but I I when I was thinking about this and you know with you coming on here I want I thought this would be a fun conversation to have with you if you could rank maybe the hardest positions to play as a true freshman on the football field in college football quarterback number one M offensive line number two um Corner probably number three because that being as much as you give a hard time about defensive backs cornerback is a hard not safety corner corner is a hard position to play It’s A Hard position to play because not only do you have to be fast you have to be physical right and so I mean all those positions besides the quarterback like take the quarterback out of it right like because that’s its own bag of worms as far as the mental the talent that comes with it the commanding of the offense understanding the offense going into game planning playing on a huge stage that you’re not used to like that’s his own side but when it comes to corner and offensive line specifically those to take so much physical development right like understand like if you’re coming out of high school very rarely are you physically ready to go play offensive line in a big time power program right I mean as an 18-year-old can you really say that you’re ready to go up against a 22 year-old dude that’s been playing for four years like it’s a hard task to say I mean you could probably survive survive but it’s definitely up there with one of the hardest to like Thrive at so what would be the easiest to play come in and play right away Edge rusher um and receiver I think Edge rusher and receiver um mostly because receivers you don’t get hit a ton right like so you don’t really need that strong upper body like it’s important but you’re not banging every single play um and then Edge rusher you can just be a super athlete and just get off the edge 25 times a game right just be fast be be able to flash in the pan be quick you don’t even really have to get touched if you’re a speed guy and just develop a pass rush specialty plan like I think those two are probably the easiest to come in and play at well and especially the way that this defensive line rotates you know you can just run right in do do your thing I’m saying Edge rusher yeah I know I’m saying like I think interiorly no but on the edge side the whole defensive line and even on the edge the way that they run guys in hey let’s drop a play for this guy to just go go get the quarterback and then yeah it’s third and it’s third and eight eight third and N obvious passing situation we know you probably can’t hold up in the Run game on First and 10 or second and eight but hey go run go up there give us your best shot right go do it and I mean we saw it last year with Cam lenhardt right like he went in there and did it Van Poppel went in there and did it like those dudes can Flash in a pan because you’re not asking them to play every snap right when you’re a quarterback a corner or an O lineman they’re asking you to play every snap of that position group right you don’t rotate o linemen often right if you start the game unless you get hurt or you get yanked you’re usually in there for the Long Haul that’s what wears and tears on a young person’s body you just mentioned uh there were what three true freshman offensive lineman that came in and contributed significantly last year which one impressed you the most I guess offensive linemen defensive lineman sorry I said defensive line wait my brain breaking again um cam lard yeah yeah I think you know the breakout performance against CU having the multiple sacks I know he got dinged a little bit mid year but you know he’s already a guy that I’ve heard on NFL Boards of potential risers in the next coming couple years as an NFL draft pick he’s got the long arms he’s got the body the physical development will come um but he’s definitely he definitely flashed a lot for me coming off and I think if he can develop himself more into an every down player not just that edge rust specialty but if he can become more of a run Defender he’s going to be a great player for us to your point though I mean Riley POA playing in the interior interior as a true freshman as you just said is hard to do was pretty impressive yeah very impressive you know but that he was in Spell duty of Nash right like he was Nash just like I’m I need a blow right like okay buddy come on come come give me 10 snaps here and he worked himself in and I thought that you know Tony white did a nice job of not just throwing those dudes Into the Fire and being like here you go but like hey you’re going to get 10 snaps in this game then we’re going to give you 12 and then 15 and then 18 and then 20 like working them in more and more into that so that by the end of the year they’re more of the Season like okay we can trust you not just like hey you’re starting this game let’s see what you can do right that was a really nice job by Tony white of handling the management of young players okay great stuff tonight we’re going to let you go ahead and get out of here because we got an interview we want to get to with h Haven Fields the deputy ad but you’re going to be here all week long right easy breezy for this hour and what half absolutely it’s always fun okay and so again sir will be here every night this week if you’ve got some topics you want us to hit on questions let us know uh but we are just scratching the surface we’ll get into much more uh throughout the week as uh srls is in all week right here live in studio all right we’re going to step aside for a break here on Sports nightly appreciate all those texts coming in on our Sports hotline brought to you by Woodhouse Woodhouse Auto family is your trusted Auto partner with 20 Brands and 20 convenient Sales and Service locations we’re making car buying on your terms visit us online at when you switch and save with Progressive you can use that money towards going to see your favorite team in the playoffs Progressive cannot guarantee 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powering up or getting from 0 to 60 in 3.8 seconds what you choose to do with that much power is up to you tough this smart can only be called F-150 get 1.9% financing for 72 months plus 1,000 bonus cash on a brand new 2023 F-150 only at your Midwest Ford dealers welcome back inside our Huskers radio network broadcast Center which is sponsored by Acres the Midwest Premier John Deere dealer supplying the equipment and service to advance Agriculture and much more Acres solutions for every field appreciate Jeremiah sirs stepping in and helping us out all this week we let him go uh because we have a interview we wanted to get to and and let you listen in on here tonight Haven Fields is the the new Deputy ad and Co o for Nebraska Athletics hired by Troy Dan and he was with Troy in Washington and uh you know uh Troy was really excited to get him here on staff here at Nebraska so recently had a chance to sit down with him get to know him a little bit uh what excites him about working with with Troy Danon and and all kinds of good stuff he’s also the sport administrator for football too so I spent a lot of time with Matt Rule and his staff as well so wanted to uh let you guys listen in and get to know Haven Fields a little bit here tonight on Sports nightly once you get into development and then you start maybe okay I can move up in this I guess what led you to want to be in more of the the leadership role of an athletics department yeah you know over time you know it’s easy to to to be in one entity of Athletics and sometimes you get labeled uh I knew that I would probably do a really good job on the fundraising side but there was so much more this was 2004 2005 so things were completely different than they are here in 2024 um it it became clear to me that there were other areas is that I want to have a chance to work in and so when I left Auburn I went to the University of South Alabama having a chance to help start a division one FBS football program and and that kind of led me down the path that there’s so much more for me I am really thankful to the uh to Joe Godfrey uh his his his son Mark Godfrey longtime basketball coach was he I mean Joe was just um everything I could ask for as someone starting in the industry and getting on the administrative side helping start a program he held my hand for a while and allowed me to do everything that I wanted to as ask a lot of questions uh sitting meetings that I probably shouldn’t have been in um and it was just the start of what I knew would be a long career and having a chance to shift was always involved in the development piece I love people I love process so it drove me to continue to be involved in development uh but also having a chance to explore other areas that have led to me sitting in this role again which I’m very humble for you know you just told a story that I I was actually going to ask you so who are some of the people that maybe inspired you as leaders and and maybe led to help help you shape into the leader that you became yeah thank you so much for asking uh I mentioned Joe Godfrey longtime ad uh uh J Jacobs at Alburn uh K hardgrave who I’m I’m thankful for that got me involved in the development space um Dr Joel Erman who enhanced my role at South Alabama after Joe Godfrey retired I’m really thankful for current director of Athletics uh at the University of Illinois Josh Whitman um his chief development officers like a brother and friend of mine and a great mentor Howard Milton uh Beth gets the director of Athletics at Iowa I’m not sitting at Ball State without her current president at Ball State uh president Jeffrey Ms uh the list goes on and on I mentioned Troy uh my position coach at Auburn uh Joe wit senior who I’m thankful for um it just goes on and on uh there’s so many people I know I’m not mentioning everybody but those those people have certainly um laid laid you know uh uh help me with my Foundation Uh current director of Athletics um just thinking about people um um Dave Benedict at at Yukon uh there’s so many people that I’m I’m thinking about right now uh that have just had a part in you know what you see today um that certainly have helped build me as a professional uh and I’m grateful for them because without any of them again I’m not sitting here as your Chief Operating Officer serving uh Nebraska so you know through through those relationships with those folks and just your your career what have you found are some of maybe the the most important attribute attributes and traits of good leaders yeah you know I think first and foremost people who are who are extremely honest I I think transparent with you because there’s going to come a time in your career where you need brutal honesty and you have to have people around you that are not just telling you how great you are but you have people around you challenging you holding you accountable and some of the people I mentioned have done that for me in my career I call them my board of directors there’s a great book by Bob Bodin called The Power of who uh and in that book he talks about a board of directors and having a network of people that you can count on but I think the honesty uh I think people who who are obviously have great integrity and character people you can lean on that you know have your best interest and they’re going to make the best decisions for the Department um I think something else is is great to be around put competitors it’s great to be around people who want to compete and want to be the best in everything um you know I mentioned the honesty earlier on um I think people who know how to serve and not just lead I think sometimes as Leaders we get we get in this place where we feel like we have to always be the one uh to make the decisions but we’ve got to have people that we can serve and allow them opportunities to make decisions and and be able to make recommendations as to why uh we’re going in that direction so those are some things that I would point to uh right way um and people that just know how to pull a department or pull an organization together uh in really difficult times um and I’ve seen all those things uh and people who I’ve worked with worked for and that’s just the Baseline there’s so many things that I can share uh I talk a lot about being collaborative uh I’ve been around some of the most collaborative leaders I’ve ever seen uh and they’ve done it in a way where it’s really helped campus they help Athletics uh it’s given us a chance to really have success as an institution and those are some of the things that really excite me around the folks that I’ve been around and obviously uh in working with Troy um today it’s awesome so you know in terms of leadership within Athletics not all of the leaders have had a college sports background some do some don’t but how have you found that you playing football at Auburn and being a Collegiate athlete at this level have has helped also you and your in your leadership roles yeah you know PE people often talk about U organiz ations or departments wanting to hire former student athletes um you know we we we’re um we’re War Ready as I say for anything and when you come out I think uh we’re we’re tapped in a way where we’ve been through so many things there’s there’s adversity there’s success there’s so many things that we’ve been through so you know obviously being a great teammate uh being collaborative as I mentioned earlier knowing that when we’re we’re battle tested in some ways we know how to deal with uh situations that may not be great I point to you know I hate to talk about Co I hate to talk about the pandemic but I was surrounded by some folks that were former student athletes and it’s great to be in a room where you know you’re going to have people um that know how to be collaborative but also know how to challenge each other having healthy debates for what’s best for the department and I think that comes natural to people that have competed at a really high level to be able to have those conversations about what they believe in uh what what their morals are their values are um and so I I point to some of those things and um just knowing again you’re going to have people who are thinking about the big picture because they’ve been put in so many different situations that they’ve got to find a way to make sure that the organization have success so one of your duties you’re going to be the the sport administrator for football you’ve already been I know you dove in as soon as you got here they were in the middle of spring football what has it been like getting to know coach R his staff and and working with that group you know he he he’s he’s uh such a great man a man of culture uh one of the most impressive things was you know when I sat down with him he kind of laid out some of the things that he his expectations were of me uh and he’s just looking for a partner like most coaches you know somebody he can lean on and have conversations with but I have to tell this story we had our first all staff meeting of the year uh my first week here second week here um and his whole football staff came in and then the most impressive thing I had ever seen you don’t see it everywhere is the entire football staff sat in the first two rows uh you know they they are leaders on the campus obviously they’re influential impactful in a lot of areas um and that’s that’s what leadership is knowing that you’re going to have somebody uh that that you know that not only sets the culture but embodies it and does all those things and it was one of the most impressive things with him he’s certainly really organized he knows what he wants uh I think the plethora of experiences that he has at the Collegiate level along with the professional level will certainly set us up for Success so close last year and uh the amount of talent back the number of starters back uh we’re certainly going going to have a great year so I look forward to the partnership with with with Coach Ru uh Dr Susan elza who I’ve gotten to know and spending time with as well um you know in the entire staff it’s going to be great he has developers he has leaders uh as well as coaches uh all packaged into one and it’s certainly going to be great for our student athletes one of my favorite things that I’ve come to like the most about coach rule is how passionate and how much he cares about the programs not just football here at Nebraska and and how he does want everybody to succeed and he wants to do his part in helping and and you don’t find that a lot of times in football coaches so um you know from your perspective how how good is that for a program to have a football coach that does care and is invested in the programs outside of just his football team yeah as you and I know both know Jess you know they’re one of the more popular faces in this State and in this case he is certainly the face of Nebraska football so anytime he’s out in the community I’ll start out with and work in with any time he’s out in the community anytime he’s at another event that involves other sports which I know that he does anytime he’s just walking around saying hello to other departments the business office facility staff you know that sets the tone for the Department to know you’ve got one of your more influential more influential people in the state let alone the department out in front connecting with others uh it really allows for people to understand the importance of everybody being in this together uh and he certainly does and that’s why he’s going to have success on the field he’ll continue to have it off of it because he currently he he certainly sees the big picture as it relates to how um we all are in it together and we’re all working uh towards the same Mission uh to to obviously uh win championships but to develop Young people that are going to leave here and do amazing things outside of Nebraska so throughout all your career your playing days had you ever been inside this stadium before I I had not and I tell you the greatest experience I had was I started working on a Wednesday we had the spring game on a Saturday watching 65,000 people float around this place on on a at a spring game it tells you everything you need to know about the support not again for football in that moment but about Nebraska uh the first half I’m on the field watching the game doing what football guys do trying to see what we have and in the second second U half I decided you know put my credential away and walk around like a fan and you know I knew I was in a different place when I had a couple people recognize me and walk up to me and shake my hand and give me some history on Nebraska and things I needed to know um yes I have tried uh Runa I have tried have tried to I have tried and I think it was pretty good um um and so I you you know you’re in a different place so for me that was just kind of a Prelude to what I know I’m going to see as we as we get ready to start a football season love that so you know you you had talked earlier about the Ever Changing landscape of College athletics and there’s just been some waves that have happened over the last couple of weeks as you and Troy have been here and have been embedded with Nebraska how do you feel about where Nebraska is set up to to be able to move forward with how things are changing in in Collegiate Athletics we certainly will be a trend Setter we’ll we’ll we’ll we’ll be able to lead uh in a way I I think that at the end of the day everything continues to change in our landscape but there’s still one Mission and continue to provide uh an amazing experience for our student athletes uh for where we sit you know obviously a member of the Big 10 uh no different than the SEC in some ways um as far as preparation around was coming with a settlement knowing there’s a revenue share model coming uh we feel really good about where we are uh we’re going to be set up in a way where is going to allow us to still recruit at the highest levels not just for football and men’s basketball but across all of our Sports uh for our coaches trying to get the best in the nation uh we feel really good about where we are today uh obviously AC academically our students are are are outstanding so that side of it won’t won’t change we’ll continue to provide uh all all the all the things that we need to to make sure they’re successful but athletically we’ll just continue to uh enhance things knowing that uh there there’s going to be a different model more of a business model than we’ve ever seen uh in college athletics uh but we certainly will be a trend Setter in that uh and be a leader as far as what we do uh with the ever with the with the changes in the landscape we had coach Cook on the other night after he signed his his contract extension and and talked about his his horse but he had said he had brought up something with with Troy about how even as coaches they’re like what’s going on maybe confused a little bit and Troy’s always good about hey this this is where we’re at and and just communicating and making sure that coaches are aware and understanding of of just everything how do you guys is as the leaders of this department stay up to date on all of that and make sure that you are uh knowledgeable enough to to be able to communicate that to not only coaches but but an athletic staff yeah you know it starts with a lot of a lot of reading a lot of things that you you know you you read uh you know I for me I start my day by reading a D1 ticker uh and then I’m also communicating with you know um you know other folks across the country on thoughts and things that they’re doing is just just bounce ideas off each other around where you are versus US similar size institutions maybe some smaller some larger just in the sense of what we have to look forward to but I think it all starts with just knowing that uh the transparency that we’re providing aside from just us staying up on it the transparency we’re provid to our coaches probably the most important but I think it’s just a lot of research a lot of reading and then it’s not just that I think internally communicating with Troy communicating with Seth dorsy our new Chief Financial officers as well as our leadership team on things that everyone’s hearing so we can just stay at the Forefront of what we need to be preparing for um I think you have to be as anticipatory as possible and that means sharing things with coaches ahead of time when we can um but a lot of research a lot of reading at the Baseline of it all to make sure that as things come up uh we’re able to maybe send out a text to coaches and just say hey you need to be thoughtful this or maybe to some of the staff I work with when things come up around this new landscape I think it’s just sharing it not that we need to stay knowledgeable but it’s everyone in the department needs to be knowledgeable of what’s taking place because at any given time we can all be asked our thoughts and we need to all have opinions and we all need to understand what we’re doing here in Nebraska moving forward together so really really appreciate Haven Fields uh stepping stopping by and and spending some time that was just a small portion not even half of the conversation that I had with him it is out now on our podcast platforms and our YouTube channel if you want to listen to that full conversation did also want to mention so in that interview we talked about uh the marketing team here at Nebraska was nominated for nacma a nacma award the best uh best marketing team and there was five other schools and they it recently was announced that Nebraska did win marketing team of the year so congratulations Brandon Meyer Alex Harris and the entire marketing crew here at Nebraska the uh National marketing team of the year at this year’s nagma Awards all right uh got to step aside for a break here on Sports 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official partner of Huskers Athletics and to serve Nebraska farmers and Husker fans across America’s hardland woodh house Auto family is your trusted Auto partner with 20 Brands and 20 convenient Sales and Service locations we’re making car buying on your terms visit us online at just got a couple quick segments left here of hour number two so uh the men’s College World Series up in Omaha seven of the eight teams have punched their ticket we’ve got one final spot left and Camden’s got an update for us yeah yeah so looks like right now they’re in the bottom of the fifth between North Carolina State and Georgia um North Carolina state has the lead um they’re up four to2 and this was the only game um from this side of the bracket anyways that went to a third game um so the only game tonight like you said seven of the eight spots have been clinched um so North Carolina State looking to get that final spot and make it four- four even and not 5 and three with the SEC teams I got to tell you I’m I’m rooting for NC State I do not want another SEC team to be in the field the SEC SEC teams are pretty overpowering it seems so like you said um having the ACC teams would be nice I would have liked another conference obviously get in whether it be the Big 10 or Pack 12 but um I’m cheering for AC teams right now at least you know and and Ben said when we previewed the Stillwater Regional for Nebraska he said having Florida in that Regional worried him that you know that was a team that made it to the NCA National Championship or made it to the national championship last year and they had a lot of talent and here they are they are right back in the field for the men’s College World Series but also made a point to he also made a point too that yeah when you get to host throughout the entire time Regional Super Regional it is it does make it a little bit easier to to be able to advance all the way and a lot of those SEC SEC schools got that opportunity but I am definitely going to be rooting for NC State to uh pull it out here tonight all right we got a working our final break here on hour number two sports nightly keep it here we’re we’re back to wrap things up with our weekend winners keep it here a few drinks at home after work a couple of hits at a party with some friends over-the-counter drugs for a minor illness a new daily prescription and you’re not quite sure how it makes you feel it doesn’t just matter how much of a substance you take if it impairs you driving becomes deceptively dangerous don’t drive impaired paid for by the ndot highway safety [Music] office Husker fans the 2024 Nebraska football season is right around the corner and we need your support in Memorial Stadium this fall you can now purchase a Husker football 3 game mini plan for only $170 this plan includes tickets to UTEP or Northern Iowa plus Illinois or Rutter and either UCLA or Wisconsin tickets are only available while supplies last to purchase your Husker football 3 game mini plan today or for more information visit tickets go Big Red hit us up on the text line text 402 413 2400 with your Husker thoughts farming today is a combination of hard work Innovation and Partnerships to help keep us moving forward sa Brothers petroleum has provided us with fuel propane and lubricants on the farm for many years for over 52 years sa brother has been a reliable partner to thousands of farmers across our great state we work hard to make sure our customers have the most reliable Supply provided in the safest Manner and at the most competitive price trust Sapp Brothers petroleum to protect your equipment and keep your farm fueled sap Brothers is proud to be an official partner of Huskers Athletics and to serve Nebraska farmers and Husker fans across America’s hardland Husker fans Springtime in sarpi County means Sports and Outdoor activities catching Omaha stormchasers baseball game or a Union Omaha pro soccer match at Warner Park visit fontel Forest where you can enjoy tree Rush Adventures or hike and bike on one of the many trails play around of golf or experience great fishing relax refresh and ReDiscover yourself with a springtime trip plan your adventure at welcome back inside our Huskers radio network broadcast Center which is sponsored by ACR the Midwest Premier John Deere dealer supplying the equipment and service to advance Agriculture and much more Acres solutions for every fil we had a busy text line tonight and appreciate everybody chiming in and uh giving Golf Course recommendations also their opinions on Caitlyn Clark and uh Wall-E actually sent in this text said when we were discussing Caitlyn Clark and Dennis Rodman um said I watched Dennis Rodman play in Nebraska several years ago I would not walk across the street to meet him or shake his hand too much baggage people need to let Caitlyn Clark be the talent she is and go to the Olympics get rid of all the petty jealousy I I mean I think we all agree with that it’s been a little bit too much whether you like Caitlyn Clark or not it is a lot of drama that I think they should be appreciative of uh the attention that and the eyeballs that she is bringing in no doubt about it we were Cam and I were talking in the break about just the already in this short season throughout that’s just the beginning of the WNBA season the record number of attendance of Jersey sales of uh merchandise Sals of eyeballs on the games and the pregame shows all that it this it is crazy the percentage that it has grown uh just with this season of the WNBA so certainly Caitlin Clark has paid a factor to that there’s no doubt about it okay we’d like to reserve our final segment of Monday nights for our weekend winners just a couple minutes left just Camden and I left in the studio but I’ve got sur’s weekend winner Camden’s got Kohl’s Camden you want to go first sure I’ll start with Kohl’s um he went with Rema OTA um after she won the javelin um this past weekend for Husker track and field um I had this in my ticker for mine um I’m going to go with Bryce Matthews um after his name is South Atlantic League player of the week um he’s a member of the Houston Astros High a affiliate um the Asheville tourist um he hit 462 in their six games had four home runs seven RB and five stolen bases wow um so really good week from him okay so Sirles uh when I asked him no hesitation no brainer he said Scotty sheffler he won his uh fifth PGA Tour title of the year over the weekend I saw a funny social media post that said uh Scotty Sheffer has either won a golf tournament produced a child or been arrested in seven of the last 12 weeks uh but yeah he’s just on another level so uh surl went with Scotty I am going to give it up to Darius luff who was a national title winner in the 110 meter hurdles just um incredible story local kid and um I actually also wanted to pick him because I’m going to tease that he is going to be on the show hopefully tomorrow night we’re gonna chat with him hopefully tomorrow and so we’re going to talk about him winning the NCAA title in the 110 meter hurdles so a little plug there to stay tuned to chat with him and winning that title at up in Oregon over the weekend also did want to correct myself I said that Rema threw the javelin 210 feet that is not right it was two or 210 M she threw it 210 ft and which broke the Collegiate record and it was like what 69 what did I say 69 meters but still just impressive absolutely impressive and she uh defends her national title goes back to back um so congratulations to both those track athletes bringing home individual national titles for the Huskers all right that’s going to do it here for this Monday night edition of sports nightly what a fun two hours and again Jeremiah s is going to be here all week long so um again get those text calls in um we will chat with big dog all week long we’re also going to have Fred hyberg in studio as well lots of fun stuff coming up so we will see you this week uh all week long here on Sports nightly hit us up on the text line text 42413 2400 with your Husker thoughts if there’s one thing we like it’s choices find yours with Ford F-150 gas hybrid or all electric whether it’s Towing powering up or getting from 0 to 60 in 3.8 seconds what you choose to do with that much power is up to you tough this smart can only be called F-150 get 1.9% financing for 72 months plus 1,000 bonus cash on a brand new 2023 F-150 only at your Midwest Ford dealers things that impair you come in many different shapes and sizes some are the shape of beer and liquor bottles others look like cigarettes but aren’t cigarettes at all all these are the things we know impair us the things our parents warned us about what we’re not always aware of is our new prescription or the over-the-counter medicine we picked up just for allergies or a bad cold see it doesn’t just matter how much of a substance you take if you are impaired driving is deceptively dangerous don’t drive impaired paid 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