Golf Players

US Open | SweetSpotDFS | The Bucket System

The Bucket System clipped from the PGA DFS Preview video of the 2024 US Open.

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The Bucket System:
How to use the Optimizer:
Does Projected Ownership Matter:


when it comes to the bucket system I like to start here the summary page this gives us kind of an idea of how many golfers from each bucket we want to play from and before I get further into this just a reminder if you have no idea what the bucket system is I actually have two resources you can use one check out the video that I created for the bucket system there’s a link for that video in the description of this video just click on it watch the first five six minutes you don’t you might not even have to watch that much it is an 18 minute long video but it explains about the bucket system if you don’t have uh the ability to listen to that or even have the um the attention span for it you can read about it uh if you go to my website sweetspot again there’s a link for that in the description you go to fancy tools go to articles I’ve opened up a new tab this is loading you’re going to find two articles that I have written one is for combo buckets the other one is for the bucket system if you just click on the bucket system it’s actually going to open up a new tab and you’re going to be able to read all about the bucket system what it is all the stats that I look at and how each of the buckets are are created so again sweetspot under Articles you can check it out there but when we go back to this page again uh I shouldn’t say again if you’re just watching the bucket system version of this video I will say this I have this available to you on on the cheat sheet as well there is a link for the cheat sheet down in the description and once again you can find the cheat sheet on the website under fantasy tools cheat sheet and that’ll bring you to this page you can click this button here and it’ll actually bring you to the cheat sheet not only do I have the price conversion from the pass optimal and gpp lineups but I also have a bucket system tab which talks about the US Open so you can follow along with me as I go through this two important columns you want to look at is this Min projection and Max projection I know it’s backwards it’s just when I first created it it’s just how it works when you’re looking at these projections there are 36 total buckets and there are six buckets per stat category so if you just wanted to look at the last years one thing you could do is put a filter on it up at the top of the the header or the the the menu you’re going to see all the different uh buttons that you can click one of them is Filters hit the bucket system filter and just make sure I I think when you first get it you’re not not going to have any filters currently used but if you only wanted to look at one of these buckets one of the stat categories go into the filter for that stat clear everything out and just look at one of the buckets this is probably an easier way to explain it to you so we’re only looking at the last year stat now the totals for how many golfers are in these buckets should match how many golfers are in the field and that’s obviously 156 so you’re going to see that right here under the bucket totals now when it comes to how many golfers you should play from each of these buckets or consider I should say you want to look at these two columns right here and for each of the stat categories you going see so for last year ones I have a 2.48 for the minimum and a 4.13 for the maximum now to read this you always want to round down with the minimum so 2.48 turns into two and you always want to round up the maximum 4.13 turns into five so the projection for this bucket would be you want somewhere between two that’s your minimum to five which is your maximum golfers that you want to pick from now to add a layer deeper to this which I’m sure is already confusing to any of you that are new if I go to my cheat sheet and I go ahead and I only look at the last year ones which you can do by putting a filter on this sheet which is in the cheat sheet clear everything out and just select one under last year you’re going to find the 22 golfers that match that description and of these 22 golfers this is this is the layer that you have to consider the projection says two to five golfers are going to finish inside the top 10 from this bucket it’s a pretty large range I understand it’s easy to you know create you know like be correct with that kind of projection but here’s the thing I’m telling you I’m projecting two to five to be inside the top 10 that should help you eliminate creating lineups with bad golfers in them so like you can see these these bottom five golfers right here you have Ricky Henley English e root and McCarthy well guess what you can build a lineup with those golfers uh you can do it that way and do it that way is it something like this and this interesting something’s not right oh I already I have six golfers already selected I’m like uh this isn’t how is this not working out this is five golfers selected okay this with Scotty is 47,000 so I could actually unclick one of these guys and put in what can go further than that okay so this right here I could create a Scotty Victor hin lineup Henley English eot and McCarthy in it you might think that’s a good lineup I’m going to tell you right now that’s not going to win you a gpp because those six golfers aren’t going to be in the optimal lineup they’re not even going to be a top 10 scoring lineup don’t put together six golfers from this bucket you might not even think about it because this bucket is golfers who top 20 this event last year so you might already think well yeah I want to put these guys together because they’re just good don’t do it um a popular lineup is going to start with col morawa so a Scotty col morawa lineup sounds pretty enticing but who else you I mean if you’re going to select the bottom four golfers like I did in that last one you’re leaving $400 on the table don’t do that and and by the way you probably don’t even have to do that can I go Tom Kim um I could do something like this this equals 50,000 on the button Scotty sheffler morawa Tom Kim Russell Henley Austin atro and Denny McCarthy don’t build a lineup like that you’re not going to win remember the projections two to five here’s the other thing here’s that one layer I’m talking about what’s the likelihood of five of these golfers at the top finishing inside the top 10 it’s pretty high right maybe not John ROM because he’s battling some kind of injury or what whatever but these four golfers you can include kka havin morawa Klay guess what you can’t do with those golfers you can’t put them all in a lineup together so even if the projections two to five and five of those guys at the top finish inside the top 10 the bucket is a success but guess what you can’t do you can’t put those five golfers in a lineup this is what I’ve had to learn the hard way because I used to take that very literal like yes I do want two to five golfers so I’m going to select my five or my favorite four golfers well the only way to do that to build a lineup is you’re going to have to grab some of these lower price guys and it it completely eliminates the thought process of oh wait a minute five of these guys can finish inside the top 10 so when you do your own research and you’re using the bucket system just remember that you have to look at every bucket with fresh eyes basically and and you have to consider the fact that you have to consider the fact that these guys at the top of the the salary leaderboard as we would call it have a very much higher chance of finishing inside the top 10 as some of these guys down at the bottom but the fact that this projection is two out of five I can already tell you I really like Russell Henley this week I also don’t mind minmo or Tom Kim I obviously like Scotty sheffler I got no issue playing Rory if it’s not Scotty and I got no issue playing Xander if it’s not Scotty or Rory and I do want to pair him up with morawa or havland I like havin this week despite everyone else talking about well you don’t want to play them on these tight lie surfaces because he can’t chip that’s a Croc of it’s just it’s seriously don’t listen to those people that’s like nerds trying to get really cute with golf analysis doesn’t work it just doesn’t work it doesn’t apply um here are my favorite plays cam Smith like if I’m G to put a line up together cam Smith Tom Mora and Scotty sheffler those three golfers I don’t mind anchoring around in all of my lineups and then I can Splash in Russell Henley and just give you an idea what kind of price like what kind of salaries we got left those four golfers leaves me with $112,000 which we just discussed in the past optimal gpp lineup segment um you can build lineups pretty darn easy with those golfers so I oh my God this makes me uh I really like this this combo so just so you’re aware I just wanted to let you guys know how to look at the bucket system uh another thing that might be confusing is like this bucket right here last year 3es you can see if you if you round down from 0.34 you get zero you round up Point uh from 0.57 you get one there is a rule that you want at least a twoo buffer between your minimum and maximum projections so this this bucket is a 0 to2 that is the projection for that bucket just so you’re aware 0 to2 um when you have a bucket like this last year four where it’s similar there are only two golfers in that bucket be cognizant of that zero to two is unlikely to happen and quite frankly you can see there’s been a Max of one to finish inside the top 10 of any year that I’ve had salaries not salaries uh the buckets and you see Zero in the optimal lineup zero inside the top five success ratees kind of high 10% that’s pretty good that’s of all golfers from that bucket you want to let’s take a look at who those golfers are this year I wonder if there’s anyone notable I haven’t even looked Rio Ishikawa and Maxwell moven yep don’t play any of those guys there’s just if you want to get cute and play Rio go for it but the other guy just just don’t save yourself some money or give it to me I’ll spend it better than what you would do if you to play Max or Rio just don’t do it and that’s Rio Ishikawa all right so I’m actually going to open this all up and we’re going to go over the anchor buckets because it shouldn’t change the field should be pretty much set I have all 156 golfers in the field so if you want to fall along with me all you have to do is in the max projection filter by condition go greater than or equal to two and then hit okay this will give you all of your anchor buckets now I’m not going to go over every single one of these golfers what I’m going to do instead is I’m going to limit when I’m looking up but this is where you would get all your anchor uh buckets that means at least one is in the minimum projection at least one here’s actually something I just noticed um you you have access to this on the cheat sheet you see this salary by the way you can ignore salaries but do you see this column over here in purple uh I have 1.95 as the max projection if if this column in the purple Max projection if if it’s less than two I want you to automatically make your minimum zero for that bucket so if I look at this re uh salary 9 uh the 9k range is 1.20 which you round down to one 2.01 we round up to two I know it’s really close to two but obviously this say 1.95 now this bucket actually becomes a 0 to3 projected bucket that means zero could finish inside the top 10 or up to three could finish inside the top 10 which is kind of you know strange and if you’re wondering this also includes my uh the salaries include my price conversion so if you are kind of doing your own homework and going wait a minute there aren’t 42 7K golfers there aren’t 8 9k golfers I did a price conversion you can find that on the cheat sheet I discussed it throughout my entire preview video I I discussed it during the uh the pass optimal and gpp winning lineups check out those videos if you haven’t already if you’re watching the preview right now you probably already heard it or maybe if you weren’t paying attention rewind backwards you’re going to find it there but that’s how you would actually look at a bucket like this that has a very low projection between 1 to three so now that you know how to look at the buckets I’m going to limit this and we’re just going to talk about a few of the buckets I’m going to select all the buckets that have 27 or less golfers from it and we’re going to go through the list we already talked about the last year ones so we’re going to skip that we’re going to go to last week ones which is a bit interesting because most us opens I want to show you something really quick most us opens if I go to my last year buckets uh this is kind of the engine page that runs all of the buckets I want you to look at this right here this is salary the or these are the totals not salary I’m sorry these are the totals for the last year bucket for the top and the last week bucket for the bottom every single year we see somewhere between 110 to 130 golfers who did not play the week before heading into the US Open you want to know what usually what what tournament came before the US Open the Canadian open and guess what not everyone played in the Canadian open only a few golfers would go and play in the Canadian open and then play in the US Open this year’s different the tournament that preceded the US Open was the Memorial tournament which was a signature event so you actually had more golfers playing in the memorial than you did any other time we have 21 golfers who finished inside the top 20 last week in this tournament in the US Open and like I told you 110 to 130 that did not play the week before now we have 91 and this includes the live golfers by the way and you can see all the other numbers are higher so I have a total of 65 golfers from last week playing this week any other year uh the year before 23 the year before that 32 the year before that 28 the year before that 19 the year before that 38 the year before that 31 the year before that 32 the year before before that 26 and the year before that 25 again this year 65 65 almost double of any other year of golfers playing the week before that’s going to skew these numbers slightly and I say that and it doesn’t really matter because um the last week ones are such a high quality uh bucket I include the strength of field points by the way in these bucket projections 41% of the strength of field goes towards this bucket so that’s why the projection is 2: 4 technically it’s uh one to four because this minimum is three I would drop this two down to a one so this this bucket is a one to four um I only wanted to mention that because it is a bit different and we can actually change the rules by using just reason that’s kind of what I’m why I’m mentioning it because the buckets are including past success rates and stuff like that from the tournament beforeand of golfers coming into the US Open and past Canadian opens were much weaker strength of field events than the Memorial tournament which was played this year before the US Open I know that’s kind of confusing but I hope you you were able to stay along with me I just want you just just to summarize this really really easily last week’s tournament here this is the 2024 US Open the tournament before was the Memorial tournament which was a signature event in 2023 in previous years the event that was before the US Open was the RBC Canadian open you didn’t have a high quality field in those Canadian opens not compared to this week’s or this year’s Memorial Tournament that once again preceded the U open so that changes numbers it skews numbers a little bit it’s still a pretty high projection 1 to four I can almost say two to four for sure are going to finish inside the top 10 from this bucket because look at the bucket you get Scotty Sheffer who won last week Rory maroy is in it Xander Victor lud VI oberg Colin morawa a lot of names we’ve already talked about so like I’ve said before some of my favorite golfers to play would be Scott shuffler Victor hlin col morawa I really like Hideki matama this week I don’t mind going to Sun JM disappointed I don’t see uh Russell Henley here because Russell Henley is probably one of my favorite plays to this week but I mean you can also see golfers that were in that last year one bucket these four golfers you I’m using this column right here so these four golfers these four or these three golfers scroll down and we don’t see anyone else that was in the last year one bucket so those uh seven golfers I could see some overlap I could see two of those guys if not maybe three or four finishing inside the top 10 just if you are hard to see Scotty sheffler Rory mroy Xander shafley Victor hin colum morawa tommmy flew would and Matt Fitzpatrick I don’t mind going to Matt Fitzpatrick this week he uh showed us a little something at Jack’s place last week that I think is trending in the right direction and he’s $8,200 if you wanted to select three golfers here guess what sky sheffler at 13 uh colum morawa at 94 or even havin at 98 to go along with Fitzpatrick leaves you $199,000 for your remaining three golfers you can build a lineup very easily this week starting that way so that’s one way to think about it just one way to think about it but again this is all available to you on the cheat cheat which again you can find a link in the description below or go to sweetbot to find it there going to the next bucket course history 2os now course history really means tournament history just so you’re all aware and let’s look at tournament history one golfers you have Xander Brooks Tom kimman Min Wy there are only four golfers in this bucket and it’s probably because they don’t have a lot of tournament history now obviously Xander does so too does Brooks but Tom Kim and Min muli do not so I like this bucket I bet you the projection isn’t even that low I’m not going to redo everything but you know one golfer from this bucket maybe two would be the max but I don’t know because the number is so small like the volume of golfers are so small you probably just want to don’t go overboard don’t select four golfers from this bucket it’s just not I I don’t think it’s going to work out for you but course history 2os are golfers with you know pretty good uh tournament history again course history and tournament history for me is is the same thing just I’m I’m I’m aware I might be confusing you I just want you to know it’s the same thing course history and tournament history but this bucket has Scotty Sheffer in it Rory maroy John ROM Bryson in it and then hey by the way colum morawa is also in this bucket I’ve already told you how much I like colum morawa and this projection is 1 to3 and that stays the same even when looking at this column here so 1 to three um I already told you we could go Scotty and like Victor hoblin if we wanted to but we could go Scotty Al morawa and Hideki matama those three have been in all the buckets we’ve already been talking about I like those golfers a lot trying to find some other decent golfers oh no I need to update Adam Scott uh stroke gain stats oh they should be I know what I have to do it doesn’t really matter it his stroking stats it’s not affecting anything but I do need to update that so he’s a different color than that dark red because he does have strok G data um but anyways one to three and if I just selected the three golfers that I think are going to finish inside the top 10 you know what I do with with the rest of those golfers that I have not selected I cut them out of my player pool I’m not going to I’m not going to select any of those golfers three is the max that I’m going to play from this bucket and I think I think it’s very doable to select three golfers even the high price golfers so keep that in mind the next one are recent form one golfers which are golfers with the best recent form coming into the event and again put a filter on this make sure all the other filters are cleared out and just select recent form ones we don’t have a lot of golfers in this bucket we have 11 and the projection is very similar to corses twos we want one to three you’ve seen Scotty in each of these buckets that we’ve talked about you’ve seen Rory in each of these buckets you have seen Xander in each of the buckets uh no Xander was in the course history one but you know what you can still involve him he can still be included you’ve almost seen Victor in all of them he uh was in the course history 3 bucket when we were looking at course History 2 but you’ve seen Colin morawa in each of these buckets you’ve almost seen Fleetwood in each of them but that’s not the case and hey benan and Russell Henley those are favorite golfers of mine if I was building a lineup like I’ve been kind of telling you guys Scotty would be number one but I also don’t mind going to Rory but let’s say if I go to Scotty hey there’s Victor once again let’s just stick with col morawa we chose Hideki matama in a different bucket Hideki is not in this bucket so I could go Scotty K morawa and round it up with Russell Henley here’s the other thing that comes with it I know I also like biang Hanan but if I’m following The Sweet Spot process all the way I am not forcing that in that’s fine I don’t have to play benan Maybe This is a way to reduce my exposure to say high owned golfers or golfers with high volatility it is kind of a shame that I can’t really play all four of them together I mean I could but I’m not going to break my own rules but I do like the idea of kind of building a lineup like this I mean it’s it’s probably Scotty Colin and one of these two guys or maybe I just don’t choose Colin at all or Victor and it’s Scotty with benan and Russell Henley maybe this how you get off of Someone Like A Colin morawa or a Victor havin and you insert someone else I mean like let’s look at our recent form two golfers well Matt Fitzpatrick’s there and so to is hii matama so maybe you could put those lineups together like a Matt Fitzpatrick and Hideki matama no one else really interests me like I’m not that interested in kka I’m not that interested in JT or maxom but I do like Fitzpatrick I actually don’t mind Tony fenale this week and I and I kind of like hadek matama anyways moving on I’m not going to talk about the salaries 9k range we already kind of mentioned that Strokes gain stats we have strokes gain one and two buckets and one is a two to four uh projection but I might even drop that down to a one to four because this is very close to being under three and this is very close to being under two so I actually might make this a zero to three bucket for The Strokes gain too but one easy way to do this is just sort A to Z On The Strokes gain stats and you’re GNA see the 18 golfers in The Strokes gain one bucket and the 24 in the Str 2 I think Adam Scott will be somewhere in there once I make the updates I don’t know if he’ll be in the Str one or two but for whatever reason he didn’t get updated uh to the strok strok G stats that I need him to or the buckets anyways you’re going to see Scotty Sheffer is in there Scotty sheffler is a bad putter that’s why he’s in The Strokes gain three bu it but when it comes to strok sc one and two remember this one here I’m kind of saying it’s going to be a 1 to four projected inside the top 10 it’s it’s technically two to four well there’s my guy uh col marawa we like that I also really like cam Smith by the way I like Benny an and I like Russell Henley so those could be my four golfers those could be my four of course we can’t do Benny and Russell Henley and col morawa so maybe we take one of these guys out and say maybe it’s Benny Anne and actually I could put in Tom Kim right because Tom Kim wasn’t in in the other bucket we were looking at with Scotty sheffler Colin morawa and Russell Henley so maybe it’s it’s this way this is these are like natural pivots that can happen with the bucka system um but yeah two to four and it literally and and and oh by the way this bucket will be successful if Rory and Xander inside the top 10 and the rest of them do not and maybe Scotty Sheffer wins this tournament and you need Scotty that means you probably can’t play Rory and that also means you probably can’t play Xander so although two golfers from this bucket finish inside the top 10 they satisfy the the bucket projection meaning it’s successful you still can’t play two of these golfers these are things you got to think about down here we want one to three golfers to put in our lineup or at least that’s what we’re projecting to be inside the top 10 and I don’t think anything breaks your bank Brooks kepa could Victor hlin could they could both break your bank the rest of them though you can just jam into your lineups so if we do think one golfer from this bucket will finish inside the top 10 remember I did say I’m going to change it to a 0o to3 projection I think any of these golfers are live especially if you do not like Brooks or Victor if you if you want to avoid them here are your pivots you go into the S and 6K range so that’s one way to look at the bucket or all of the buckets uh and that’s that’s exactly what I kind of do but I also just use my Optimizer which I do not have built yet I have to wait for the the uh tea times from the PGA Tour which usually come out on Tuesday I mean this will be coming from the USGA but they’ll go to the PJ tour I copy it from there because it’s easy I’ve got a whole system and then I’ll put it to uh my spreadsheets the cheat sheet my own spreadsheet and then I will create the optimizer after I get all of the uh the tea times into the optimizer so be on the lookout for that you can request that Optimizer at sweetspot and you know what before I go any further I just want to actually before we go any further that’s the end of the anchor buckets it’s the end of the bucket system segment of the preview video before I sign off I want to remind you that tomorrow Tuesday I will be going live at 8:00 pm Central Standard Time so be on the lookout I will have a video or I will have something posted in YouTube I will have something posted in Twitter X that will say when I’m going live um I will also have the optimiz is ready tomorrow before I go live the the whole website if you are unaware go sign up I will have the combo buckets updated after the stream tomorrow night you can see how the Memorial tournament did in the meantime and go to sweetspot make yourself an account giveaways going forward will be for memberships but if you want to be in the giveaway for tomorrow night again Tuesday night 8:00 p.m. I’m giving away $100 um Let me throw this on the screen there we go we weigh 100 bucks I need three new subscribers though three new ones and I will give away $100 if I can get 10 more after my my sub goals so if we get to 760 I’ll add $10 to the pot and for every 10 subscribers I get I will just add more $10 more dollars so if you aren’t subscribed please do so highly or greatly appreciated yeah that’s what I have for the giveaway reminders so if you’re not on sweetspot go sign up and if you’re not subscribed to this channel subscribe so we can we can give away some money that’s all that I have for this preview video thank you all for watching please leave a like subscribe uh all that good stuff and I’ll see you in the next one all right bye


  1. Been watching your show awhile all season and I'm just now noticing your cheat sheet and now it all makes more sense. Will surely use for this tournament. One question though that I'm confused on is What if I want to use the strokes gained bucket 1's and pick from 2 to 4 players but Scottie is not on that list, so does that mean I can use him with 2 to 4 players on that list? Or because in another bucket like LY bucket some of those players are on the list with him I can't? That's the confusing part for me. Lastly man that price conversion tab is super nice man, makes so much sense.

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