Golf Players

We Play The Old Course At THE HOME OF GOLF !! (Still buzzing !) | Tubes & Open Goal v Jimmy Bullard

I never thought this would happen ! Golf Life play the Old Course at the Home of Golf St Andrews ! What an incredible experience . To make it even more incredible we were joined by the boys from Open goal podcast. What a bunch of great blokes.

Check out their pod / YouTube channel here –

Without you golf life legends this would have never happened so we can’t thank you enough.

Love you all

Golf life x

welcome back to the channel welcome back to new video you golf life legend Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy we are here come on boy we correct it we correct it you know you can’t get on this gol home of golf St Andrews I mean I never thought we’d be here this golf course thank you so much thanks for sorting this out boys this absolute dream come true for the bully and we are with the open goal look at come come pleas be hanging please unbelievable Abol so today it’s me and Kev yes playing Scramble yeah against you what are these two doing the C your c c nine hes okay old Course St Andrews but we’re tearing off on the first right tearing off on the first obiously we’re going to the 10th right amazing thank you s Andrews for giving us this opportunity it’s going to be class I’m so nervous feeling I’m I’m I’m Dre to this my whole life and I am Absol he’s got an iron out yeah we’ve both got this right that’s going straight back in the bag cuz there’s absolutely no need for that JY why have you went with iron for his jumper iron iron your we Tash on your lip there they put your shoes in a freezer last so obviously we had a we a we social sociable afternoon and then a we night and then woke up this morning couldn’t find my golf shoes they’re in the freezer my big toes got frost bite so if I’m limping oh you standing at 5: in the morning with hair dryer on the shoes let’s get crack this going to be amazing also there is a massive competition that St Andrews are doing which we’ll tell you about later on but basically you can play here one of you can play here unbelievable at the golf life this is one of the most iconic shots in golf I feel a bit go on chipsy feel a bit choked guys yes a shibs what that the m is that the M it’s a car just driving through it’s a nauy turnout is it we’re away come on go on Kev oh a oh he’s said a shocker [Laughter] gotj go I see did you go on K helmet say stay left on the front line wow that’s beautiful that’s a joke what a shot wow said Andrew’s old course right down there watch you got to the remember you can of be going Target golf at the old old course cuz you’re going to get big bounds so I would say you’re playing a shot about 110 to go over that bum and then hopefully let it just release out that’s what I would do go for comeing for a guy that say put it all in the first course right here we go we got two we got two shots it all sure go huh it’s in the B went in ah you’re joking is that the right yardage think I’ve sold you up the dummy did you say 12 that’s 147 but is that is it meters or is it yards on that I don’t know no it’s got to be it’s got because you’re thinking you’ve D at least two t it’s one 12 definitely I don’t know what we thinking I don’t it I know but it’s the yardage I should have got my yards 147 so you 12 it’s 120 I’m I’m going to stti with the 52 shot shot shot shot yes Kev I don’t know if it’s short it’s a bit short but we take it come on right 12 n got a 50 the wonderful St Andrews first it looks so different in real life here we go oh that’s a shot shot oh as well good shot Jimmy cheers mate that’s a suay pin position there just that we Hill right what you thinking I think there a left to right I think it’s going to go up just feed a bit I don’t think it’s got a massive T in it but enough to get I it’s just Pace we get the pace right for for a CO up so I’ll go first try and get one coed up but I think it’s a I could be wrong but not bad go just P the as well is it it is a little bit he departing God Jimmy I’m how you feel I’m so nervous I just feel weird the home of golf huh that’s what it does to you home of golf I just feel proper like like I’m not here do you know what mean good pece great pece what a pot good tubs up Peter je man I can’t believe he’s called you pet is that his name yeah Jimmy Bullard for a birdie be great wouldn’t it birdie dance at St Andrews oh it’s fast it’s fast you’re in the gym this morning still him yeah you couldn’t have two points for the winning the first trer nice just put out here can’t miss two of them can you I tell you what he messes yeah Go on p oh no pizza redeem yourself now I don’t know if I can your t-shir I don’t know if I can redeem myself because that t-shot is absolutely horrific come on Kevin come on Kevin your wife and kids are watching this [Applause] yeah my heart is stop beating EXC oh my that the most nervous that is the most nervous I’ve ever been on a golf course don’t wow right Kev right we’re all square B let’s go for it just go for a driver straight down the middle straight down the middle this is the 10th here on the old course I know it’s a bit foggy in it so I think I think that they call that the har the har comes in from the sea but from me if we just get in the middle we’ll find it somehow if we don’t find it I’ve got a ball my [Laughter] sock fine we good CH go on Peter there we go come on good shot strike it down Kev forget just forget about that last Drive K just put out your mind first thing about the last Drive was I actually went for a lesson yesterday and I was absolutely ripping it ripping and he says you don’t need to put Power what you’re doing is you’re coming up here and you’re trying to drive through just go back 60% so I thought 60% I bounds in the first give the guy a mention who is it Nigel Nigel up at part getting sacked in the morning hopeless Nigel you like right come on Cave redeem yourself oh my God yes we go we robish take that though straight down the middle that’s a bit 220 oh my God that’s sweet isn’t that yeah that’s lovely consistently unbelievable is that nor that your normal shot we we you draw that draw now little soft lemons saw like Steven Gerard passing Kev is like ash passing he’s awful aun [Laughter] right he didn’t deserve that I’m very much of the the fuel type of guy yeah you saying you don’t really I don’t really go like I get a yard I’ll give a rough gauge but the likes of this I would I’m a 52 a 56 and a 60 but I would always I’m feel comfortable with a 56 so what I’ll probably he us CU I down hard Li can I get up and get the stop no so I’ll probably try and just like run one in yeah but you’ll don’t know how you do that with a link scope you don’t get much length to goope so I’ll I’ll just try and run it in so see that try Kev sorry just try and hit it I’m I’m actually talking a really good game for the guy that shanked off the F hey don’t worry about that get out of your head we’re all good we’re going to we’re going to be victorious here we go ah shot get down yeah yeah not bad go go go go get up oh sh go on yeah on that’s good very good build on are you not confident with the Ching now um don’t like the B eyes not really I just think more control with the poter yeah it’s got it that’s a great shot it that’s not bad sh J shs oh wow by the way I think uh think we’re playing 10 holes because we obviously did the first and then 10 to 18 so yeah I think it’s a 10 hole match but when you’re a place like this you just got to play as many hours as you can what a place right just going to go left to late to stop with because you can see the slope but somehow I feel like it’s going to come back at the end yeah I do so it’s like try to gauge it to Jimmy’s marker somehow get it to him and I think it’s going to look left right to his and it’s going to come back at the end this is tougher this is tougher see it’s coming around that chb that’s a great Pace tubes love it lad chibs what a piece that is my man so it’s not as much ton as that no that’s your best shot yet chibs she is mate love it that’s the one Kev Kev Kev I like it Kev Kev now now it’ll come back should come back Kev it’s going to come back oh Kev come on Partner come on that’s why there’s two of us yeah Jimmy the Lord Oneal son what a PO right 164 yards We Ready boys yeah I SC on one up and I one up one up it’s a 10 hole match as well like we why not is that good standing is it what you go withy I got an 8 on F it okay it’s beautiful mate cracking shot that’s that old jaw wait chibs don’t know that a run a bun should see no bad mate right Kev I’m going to Pat this that’s could be the greatest pot of all time I’m going to P it see the way that shape goes it’s perfect for it yeah go up around the do you need the Stak removed no I think I’m I’m going to use that as a marker you move that steak there no I’m all right I’m good you want to go left or the state yeah you’re not all right I I don’t know if you I think if you go inside that state you’re going to get closer to the whole like if you go round it is it going to breaking off to the right guaranteed Kev the post again I wouldn’t hit the post I’ve never F that far up the park let’s see that’s come on he it’s good chy great shot can go for it can be TI that’s outstanding I’m actually thinking doing the same but trying to cut a bit off the corner they might get closer do it do it come on do it for Nigel [Laughter] kid well Nigel watch just I don’t know man I hope hopefully he’s got internet in the house right here we go see if we get it through those 2v gaps if that’s the goal post yeah I think we’re winning open goal open goal exactly oh yeah that is genius otion yes come on that’s a Jimmy oh lovely well played well played we’re done James right Cham you want to take the glory what you seeing how you reading this left FP I I’m thinking right lip is real I think it’s going this way it’s rest I think he right on the home of go standing what a PO up and down that is still one down on his tail it could be wor Tuesday 299 win behind J you get the green I seen you hitting 270 you know Kev you’ve done a lot of H workor on me it’s a little bit perfect to be [Laughter] honest oh my God mate the noise off of that bit right h no idea beautiful come on partner so you just see the middle right know that we’re going to be able to get it down the middle come on Kev come on yes that’s good night that’s good Kev very low Nigel big [Applause] Nigel look I love how shot I love it come on right here we go Kev y uh what how you saying this mate happy with happy with the t-sh here oh oh here we go Jimmy you might have found your ball tight found it m get the face in there no it’s not that ball is it that one no it’s not oh lovely tubsy tell you what gol shot lad a shot you’ve just got over that we hump and it rested nice yeah yeah very good what a shot mate cheers mate Kev okay beautiful my partner is it good I don’t know what make just be shot we’ve got each other mate don’t worry about that back to Old Square was this is over I think he’s got it in the bush tubes you got it SL send he me going to have to take a drop I think who is this J is is that yours Joe let’s have a look that it yeah kind of got it here what I find SLS what I find we ball finder [Laughter] up binder not a bunker there is there just sure oh nosy NOS he nosy nosy right so Kev Jimmy’s playing his fourth shot we’re playing our third so we don’t need to be crazy well one down two pots take the wi back to Old Square how do you see it I see it see I don’t I see that right hey so I see the I see it going left L to start with yeah and then it and it’s going to come back a pot good give you that chy yeah thanks Jim in for four we got come on Kev I just want a we short we go Kevin a one great a Jimmy hold on boys Square all square good little spicy game this come on uh boys open goal um it’s absolutely brilliant hey Legend’s your faite one I was on but how did it all start basically life has going there my start a podcast we get a bash H get five your best mates so it was Adam MC Charlie M yeah Charlie Adam Dan OD uh can with one other no my anymore not important enough um and then we just kicked five interviews off me and they went mad and then I brought these two on and it went even bigger Andy how’s involved now as who’s been your favorite guest what the best best easiest interv ever gor Tommy but you you all talk about Tommy graison on there don’t you what what what is he like well he you actually played with him side didn’t you he he obviously told all the stories about Tommy so we are just going from like second hand and then obviously the the the first Hydro we did when we sold out the hydro Tommy came as a guest so everyone he’ said we thinking he must be talking nonsense about Tommy was oh my goodness the like I just wish I’d like been in a mad you came for Real Madrid to Cel and I was like a job at C I was Ines and me and him ended up being this weird kind of best mate partnership yeah yeah knows how he just got off on your energy just got off Ong I’ve been incredible since I came he he’s us to Hedgehog oh no you like human what happen what’s happened with that what you cut with a shovel oh man but you mentioned Hydro there you’re now selling out like live venues are you thinking like wow this is what we achieved me he says we’re going to sell the hydro one day and I was like no we were selling the hydro and then we did we sold it that Friday morning like before 12:00 the whole place sold out 11,000 11 half th000 tickets and then he then Jed will do handen one day but have a script you go or prob profal at the hyro at the podcast is where laid back in it but the Hydra like proper you need to be in time or he’s a guy for that you and you love you love intro in it and all you love all that stuff genely The Producers brought me in a few I’m going to sack you if you keep doing the hles I can’t now I don’t know what it is when you read it half a bit of paper you can even see it camera but I’m with you I can’t I can’t I can’t read something off a piece of paper and then say just his name that’s on the P he can’t talk let let’s not go there lisis Capaldi talk to me about that I mean the worst guy honestly not a nice guy at all came a couple the live shows yeah we we were we were what was it 500 people at swg3 he was on the balcony so we think you started singing get your for the ls next thing you know he’s up on the balcony M Lou cap and AIT one for that summer for the summer and then we up his for the party that was a good party got got the guit when they singing giving it Al well boys keep smashing it seriously you’ve got Jimmy coming on a you I’m coming on today you got to look after these two or what see I’m looking the older one so the I I get ripped to shreds me and my wife and family but H I’m still here hanging if you haven’t checked out open go the link is down below right so just over the guy Phil straight okay Kevin that is a lovely strike strike was it yeah I bit B warming up new jimy cuz my back to Old squ yeah a pce should be all that’s right it I think it’s all eight wow Beauty straight down the middle is M yeah that’s incredible is it everyone so effortless HH well it doesn’t feel like that M right we’ve g kev’s b y I think got seven we got 160 160 we been into the be yeah a nice seven that’s what we’re going to go for hopefully weade that would be nice that’s a shot that’s straight at it but it’s left I think Kev great shot pal what up there well you went seven you’re a lot stronger than me I’m just thinking there’s a we Breeze into yeah so there’s no point in being shy cuz there obviously there’s no trouble behind exactly six oh that’s why you’re here Harry you’re the man little caddy come in mate introduce you this is Harry kev’s son proper go for right hit a few parts unbelievable caddy for today touch me Legend Hardy two right that no that’s actually not too bad yeah all that’s all right I think yours is the one though right and know well we’ll see we got here but it’s um one’s right one’s left so hopefully one of the two exctly that that’s right at it I can’t see it but it looks like it’s try let’s try and bump one over the heel there oh no Harry’s just counted out 45 yard P 45 yards I think we better we be quicker no huh I go go and get my Uber and we’ll just like drive up to the hole like seriously how do you even begin to read a break i’ just start it left start it left and just try and go for Pace right come on wow this could be the crowds are gathering this could this is the moment do you know what go on Kev it’s not too shabby mate it’s still shy it’s not too shabby mate it’s still a boss jley oh oh oh oh oh oh what a pot what a shot that wow that J what up home of golf yeah left Edge left Ed oh oh oh Jimmy Jimmy boy Jimmy Bard not bad lad shot Jim shot take that away right to go one up team Kev Carle he missed oh is that for the wind tube yeah for the hole right I’ve no hit it ah thought you had that boys oh that was disgusting okay what’s your plan here what you going with I’m just going with the driver me it’s obvious you going to a I think we’re going to just try and aim over that hump and if it fades we should be okay cuz out of B is right we probably need try and keep it a bit left prob right that’s that sounds you need to pull the socks you’re outstanding the socks a s draw kid belt that a SC hey into the wind as well little Ripper oh chbs CHS Beauty right down the middle that’s the one I think that is beautiful no that’s good that’s good how is it jyes are we fade that’s good the right side I think I think that’s good very good that’s lovely good shot that keeps us in play yeah sorted right see if we could get past that bunker that’ be amazing Kev what a great strike of a golf ball that’s huge yeah flying good shot mate we great shot right 240 left straight over that TFT which won’t mean a lot to use cuz you can’t see it but man that is unreal by T left was it just because of the wind I think I’m going to hit a nine I know that’s understandable cuz the pitch mer on the first went short didn’t it I mean I mean there’s so many people out there as well I’m absolutely bricking it three balls three balls three balls that’s right on it yeah I that’s that could it’s coming back har that could be lovely I have absolutely no idea cuz I can’t see the bloody thing nice strike though do you know what what I’m worried about here there’s not a single flicker or twins from any adult up there as if to say Well done cave well done chbs no have it we are 114 yards away they’re 14 yards away seriously like just em motion yeah just not even like you just hit a Blinder they went team Jimmy haven’t they yeah of course they’re always J team Jimmy just got a play out here Jim just talk to us what you going for here mate we’re going to um got PL the right here boys I think this is unbelievable the undulations on this you’re going to pitch it over that second amp skid it up the bank on the right get it up the ill what we saying get D get down get down get down oh it’s checked come on and you come and come and he come St Andrews for you H this is unbelievable right here we got another proper I me I mean this is what a place this is wow look at the elevation change sure you peace oh hit it oh oh oh I tell you what that’s actually too bad more right more hard you chipping I’m going to chip into the bank see these we be lies you just take it off his office a that is hands Kev Kev that’s MCN at M is that good I watched a YouTube with proper golf and you just did the bounds you I’ll teach that after steepness of it that’s a bullet go oh my that’s the other side to get on open goal he lucky good part good J two for the two for it to go one up against Timothy bard oh it’s a good pot two for it are yeah yeah we’re in for six what’s your the hardest part of go for you hardest part of golf for me is long irons like six iron five iron off the Fairway cuz I’ve never played M but I’m going to start so do you think it how long do you think it’ll be before I can start competing against people and stuff well I’d go um driving range the driving range um and just hit balls Jimmy Jimmy will know on he wants to get into golf give [Laughter] itot no seriously seriously get down the get down the r get down the range hit balls it’s an amazing game and it’s so good to get out that come be your it’s beautiful right myself and Kev W up here at the old Course St Andrews the visibility is not great but I don’t care we’re playing St Andrews oh Pizza Pizza is absolutely it’s just easy it’s just easy just caught the bun yeah the bunker can you see T standing up on a bra Hill is going to make a difference you as weirdo so we just straight down I yeah oh oh that’s Mega right that’s gone oh take chibs shot over that bump Kev what bump I can’t even see anything sounded beautiful beautiful that is it very very a sound it I’ve got a 52 i’ got 100 yards in y that is a good looking all right no it look very very good strike Kev cracking strike lad Kev that could be double double decent that’s money Kev that could be a WR Kev we could be birdie warm up L we could be birdie dancing fig Drive great shot great shot be come on come on in 84 yards s what you think I go of course you would J it’s lovely m right Hill look at the on backwards please Jim I would just have a setting for about the is it the right Club okay what you saying then I maybe just go for pitching Just Bounce It just let it you go it he has no clue on your [Laughter] ass it’s fast it’s fast you have J I’ve been out of them last night and I come on J these two since theyve jumped on my bag these two are crackers and they’ve got into a nut come on JB come bit of concentration hold your R oh yeah yeah is that all right yeah all good mate yeah using kev’s ball what a shot mate what an approach shot I think we again we got two for the win is that we’ve got to again yeah he’s just got a five this is our third shot right no all that’s just for B come on body for birdie this is for body it’s to go one up no two up two up and then we’ll win the next night B be up Road get a bit of breakfast go one pet Scottish fry up how nice is Scottish sausage is B what one the square or the links sare a no links are better yeah LS so Square better what’s the difference between links and Square links is that way and square square soon as I said it I was like oh go go oh what a pot just paace I did you think you hit that good a thought that’s [Laughter] good we’re two up it’s for the birdie two up birdie come on Kev come on get those arms flapping give it a go effort give it a go exell come on you bu in chbs yeah just taking it all in done you who’s the most nervous you’ve ever played against who’s the most nervous when I played against I you felt really nervous put against him JN Franco Zola wow he’s my hero I know he can’t cut the ball far can he I can can he yeah wow power power like his free kicks remember what a player man who’s the most nervous you’ve been having a guest on your show um great question B an m was stutting all the way through that of you really kept stuttering didn’t I that’s just a normal week he’s the top guy I love it I love his postmatch interviews he’s brilliant was he good when he came on he’s a good life as well yeah got a good sense of humor me oh chbs CH Peter I think been the best play’s been ay watch’s Peter’s turned up the day there’s a guy it’s no turn up here’s a guy that’s what a bad office big hasely the office big oh no it’s not come on what a that looks lovely back to f Jimmy right we’re going my ball uh ke was further but Kev there’s a bunker there is there so we better line in we’ve got a straight line in so a nice 80 I think the the ledge Harry looks like it looks like the pins on the ledge see how it’s up a we bit Yeah so that would indicate that maybe we front so we just need to just get two balls again we got could be we could be up road be 16 do you know what I’m happy with that I tell you what that looked good it just left oh that sounds beautiful Kev that could oh it’s not in your way choose is it no all good mate just your left later left or right one thing you will do is give me a little radi here that’s all that far tell you what your weight’s been outstanding he lost the [Laughter] stone in for four come on Kev Kev K yes yes yes yeah oh Jimmy to win the come on Jimmy come on we to win the hole oh he just it’s just broke not broke I I thought You’ be a bit hard in the face D me to right here we are on the 17th absolutely buzzing there’s the famous hotel which we’re going to attempt to try and get over but St Andrews have recently launched a winter package uh three rounds here including the old course and they are giving away that very package to one of you golf life Legends so all we need to do is get across to St Andrew’s Instagram the home of golf and find out how to win good luck this place this is one of these where you feel like the guys telling you go over the ale of the old on the building you hit it there you go around the corner you can’t find the ball it’s um it’s a small Fairway if L’s left the R’s middle and the L I know he’s right I’ll just be happy to get it over the hotel to be honest that’s straight straight left a chibs I didn’t see it it’s over did it go the building went over the building hit the building didn’t over the building over the building think it hit it I think I had it hit the roof it’s just landed in somebody’s coffee that’s the one outstanding outstanding shot good Jimmy did you never want to go a coaching gy there coaching I tried it I managed Leever non League um Le there he’s that LE lead Le did you enjoy it mate no honestly absolutely loved it but then socer M come calling so they pay me a few qus like what do I do you know like do I do that do I go the you know what it’s like you so sold it a you it’s it’s tough is it it’s like you got to get back into it you got get R of to travel again I had enough of traveling there you could be a a manager yeah I got number one in me have you be assistant well don’t you could be serious like yeah yeah I’ve got serious you yeah that’s what I mean people think I’m a joke and about all the time you no I don’t give cuz I joking about but I’m like Cameleon is I I got serious and I’m going yeah I just but I’ve got serious otherwise I wouldn’t achieved in 30 what did you coach or did you just like B coached did you did sessions yeah who who who taught you the best sessions you played under it tght me best um Roy oddson was good somebody said that Roy was great but very defensive minded very very Tactical Defensive minded I didn’t buy into it really I want you just to the it didn’t you getting a box and not and entertain but he was all about results obviously but do you remember him as a play J brilant box the Box outstanding F you’re outstanding yeah I loved it f brilliant that’s when I um I peaked do you know Kevin McDonald played the film Kevin McDonald big Center Cent me he said once he was taking a corner at film and he looked at theow and a guy was sitting by a book in a glass Circle oh no yeah the weird thing with Fulham right fantastic Football Club but we was 3-0 down once and I remember they capped us all off have they yeah it’s a different just yeah different um fan base absolutely I seen you in the uh dressing room at Linux to Celtic you walk right by me potentially you’re going to sign for Celtic probably because the barn it I’ll never itate of him I thought he a clean saying right when I when I hit the ball Kev I actually thought hit it pretty sweet and it’s t out it is right in the middle of the Fairway so think Lan what Lan yeah 19 got to the left of the green is it straight straight on straight straight where Ang is yeah so see where the go pretty much yeah all right 190 190 oh we bit chunky hit the floor you bit chunky luy right I’m going saying six because I think it I think it might be down so see this dude here I’m thinking that that’s not the hole cuz he’s very brave standing L he’s dedicated to the job get right over the top of so he’s pointing to the left so I think just go to the left of him trying to get the think I don’t like knowing where you know where you going that’s crushed but is it on the line huh I but I don’t know I don’t know where the hole is that’s a short that’s a golf shot but then you don’t know whether it’s bit right think that’s unbelievable what looking at the road old bunker there the undulations on it is didn’t realize our ey had come up honestly that JY well that’s SN again now that’s not getting there would you know I foundy tripping that you want that shot didn’t you you’ve had this shot all the way around now this is going to come down the minerals whether you’ve got it or not oh no it’s not get enough I enough grass behind it oh he’s bounced in it’s good shot take that just trust it oh he f it un lucky mate not easy there break break break break ah pretty shape it had a slight drift didn’t it oh ah that’s weak Nice Part yeah go man I’ll give you well done well done boys a bad the match is over but we’ve got to play the 18th um but honestly boys thank you so much for and massive thanks to S Andre good right Kev me and you little one old playoff yeah little golf Life Special I’m not going to give you a shot no cuz you Struck it as good as me I know I’ve I’ve got I’ve got warmer but I still kind of take back that first shot I had oh beauty is that good Kev it’s in between 1 and 18 was it there you’re ripping it now lad beautiful oh I’m going to just G one I think a that’s good cev that looks like it’s spun back I had that the come on J last shot the make it a good one 65 yards let’s do this make it a good one son heavy dumped it oh my God how bad’s that how bad is that God dear oh dear all right I’m going to uh I’m just going to trust it oh Kev Kev oh de R it wrong that is amazing get in there h no J oh oh oh unbelievable so no stroking no it’s incredible J that’s what I’ll do boys and that is officially the end of the video please like And subscribe and again thank you to St Andrews this place magical see you later


  1. I’ve just come out of a 6 year relationship and life has been real tough for me. Thanks for putting a smile on my face with your vids❤️

  2. Great video but can't believe I didn't get to see the bulldog do the birdie dance on the 18th of one if not theee most famous courses 😂😂

  3. Jimmy might be considered the best Youtube Golfer out there. However, TUBES is without a doubt the best Putting youtuber. It's outrageous how good he is.

  4. Well played Tubes and Kevin. Shame about the haar but still a great watch. I’ve been lucky enough to have lunch in the Royal and Ancient Clubhouse. Great experience. 👍🏻

  5. Kevin Kyle talks absolute pish about golf a feel player don’t blast it 20 yards long with a 52 degree wedge,,big throbber isn’t half as good as he thinks

  6. This is going to sound like complete bs. But when I was 8 I won a round at St Andrews. I went to a golf convention and there was a massive jar filled with golf tees, whoever guessed the closest won the prize. I guessed the golf tees literally down to the tee. 654 bang on. I’ll never forget that. When I think back it really spooks me on how I guessed that. Creepy behaviour

  7. Brilliant boys , shame about the fog
    The “Peter” caddies were frozen at the start
    Square sorsidge yummmy

  8. Tubes is getting better and better. I hope he decides to one day really go for it like jimmy is now!!! Ange to as he can play also. Love you lads you keep producing the goods. Bringing me smiles and I’m trying my best to play more on the back of watching your videos

  9. I do love the channel and the content, but I do think the filming and edits are pretty basic compared to other golf channels. Could add a little more drama to it especially when you’re playing at St Andrews…

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