How to Break 90 with Only 250 Yard Tee Shots on 6700 Yard Course

Excellent REDTIGER Rangefinder


a lot of people have the swing speed to hit the ball pretty far but are still not breaking 90 and that comes down to a few things I’m going to point out to you in this video to help you get under 90 regardless of what distance you hit the ball I’m going to be using my red tiger rang finder to shoot to my target so I get the ball in position 14° driver mini driver by Tailor Made I’m just going to set this one up I expect a little fed we don’t want double chips if you chip you get it on the green if you’re on the green no three putts we don’t want balls hazards we don’t want balls OB so we’re going to try keep the ball away from danger as our priority number one especially and mainly off the te my final big rule is not to overpower any shot every single shot when you break 90 should be easy because you’re not going to smash the ball as far as you can to try to hit these hero Pro shots because you don’t have to from here with my red tiger Rangefinder 172 so because we’re blocked out on the right side we have to go left so I shoot that person up there with my Rangefinder they’re 183 away the pin’s 172 away if I head it to the worker there with 170 yard shot I’m going to have a pitch up the green if you do hit a Big Slice you can take the shot on if you don’t up at the worker 20 yard short of them one of the things I see the most with people trying to break 90 is they’re using so much loft they’re hitting a 60° 56° and they’re trying to land the ball at the hall if you hit the ball decent distance and you feel like you hit it far enough to break 90 and you’re not this is probably one of the biggest areas you can start shaving shots because you’re either losing golf balls off the tea or you’re duffing a lot of shots with your iron game and have no distance control or more than likely the short game is costing you a lot of shots so the easiest way to get better at the short game around the greens regardless of the LI you’re on is to use tow down chipping I say it all the time and the reason is because it keeps the ball low and with tow down chipping you get closer to the ball and you pick the handle up and you use your putting stroke and your putting grip to just stroke the ball as if it’s a long putt off the toe of the club the toe of the club removes a lot of the bounce and add some Loft to the go to the golf club and that way you get a lot of consistency if you try get it just off the dead side of the toe now I haven’t played golf in a couple weeks and that’s just how easy tow down shipping is when you look at these things online when you’re looking up how to score better you’re going to find something called decade by Steve forcet now decade is based on Strokes gained so what Simon foret did in the decade system for elite golfers key word elite college players plus handicappers Regional players professionals mini tour players on the te do you have 65 yards between one penalize Hazard and the other 65 yard then you hit the driver if you have 65 or more that’s for elite golfers who hit the ball around 300 yard if you hit the ball 300 yard your dispersion is 65 yards which is 22% of the distance you hit the ball we are not Elite we’re not doing 22% right it will change as your swing speed lowers and the loft of your Club increases but let’s say a standard driver and you’re hitting the ball 250 what’s your deviation going to be let’s say 30% 250 yard at 30% means that we need 75 yard of space from one Hazard to the other if you hit the ball in the trees on this golf course it’s gone you have to rete so that means as I always Advocate on this course not to hit the driver so much where people lose their minds because it look so wide open if you miss the Fairway you’re dead we have 70 yards up there at 250 y with a 21° loft Club in hand we have much less chance of big variation in dispersion we just aim for our shot shape dead at that tree [Music] and look at that we’ve hit that according to the red tiger range finder accurate from 5 to 1,000 yards we’ve hit that ball to 250 yard to the hole the big Temptation here is to bring out your biggest fairway wood and give it a rip but very rarely do we hit a ball an extra 20 yards extra 30 yards with our club especially off the Fairway that we have to remove that Temptation it pinches in left it pinches in right how much is it to that bush where it P pinches in 148 and 156 so I don’t want to hit a club that goes less than 160 I want to hit a60 Club so even if I tug it it goes beyond those trees or beyond that place where it pinches in there so I’m going to hit my seven wood here and instead of trying to muscle an iron up there I just give myself a really good chance with a confidential Fairway Wood maybe seven wood maybe nine wood all very good options for braking 90 something that a lot of people do is get married to one Club they feel like inside 100 the only thing you should use is your sandwich or your lob wge whatever it is I learned this from PGA toour golf on the PlayStation when I played Tiger Woods Golf and they would give you a pitching wedge from like 75 yards I kept changing it to sandwich like why are you doing that until I started using that club on the video game and then I took it to the course I was like hang on I can use a pitching wedge for pitch shots there we go we’re on the green we’re using a pitching wedge and not a sandwich well I made it I did KY what I love about the red tiger range finder is the magnetic hold on the side here you can stick it on the cart you can use the BT clip they provide for you it’s absolutely money less than 110 120 bucks usually under 100 I mean there’s no better value on the market and I’ve used a lot of range finders when we’re trying to break 90 and we have 180 yard par 3s we have to understand that they’re just par fours it’s a very difficult hole from here I can see a humongous part of the green there and that’s at about 165 to 175 yards so let’s hit a club that goes between 160 with a bad strike to 175 with a good strike use your distance ranges you should know them by now if you don’t know them you’re not going to break 90 you need the distance of each Club so if you’re trying to break 90 and you hit it a long way distance is not actually correlated with score strike is correlated to score strike more shots off The Sweet Spot of the of the club face with a better technique makes the ball fly further with the same swing speed and less dispersion left and right and that lack of dispersion is actually what creates better scores it’s not about the distance the distance is a byproduct of better strike and better dispersion and one of the easiest ways to get better dispersion to focus on contact it’s just to not hit the ball so hard and that can help you to just get the ball in play instead of trying to muscle everything which is stopping you from breaking 90 now over here you need situational awareness to know which one to pick I could do a partt because it’s flat here not much slope no valleys no troughs nothing like that then we go onto the green which is a tier at the top downhill and the pin is cut on the downhill like on the slope so if you leave it short of the pin you’re still pting all all the way down the slope if you miss the hole you’re going past the hole anyway the best thing we can do to eliminate those two shots is just go past the hole initially to leave the uphill putt just give it a little bash here we go maybe we make it maybe we don’t but you can see I want to tell you about the opportunity here on ho 16 at the 250 yard mark we have 64 yards between the water on the left and the bunker on the right I don’t want to be in that bunker on the right because it’s a shot over water who wants to have a fairway bunker shot over water to the green we’re just wasting our opportunity so we’re going to take the seven wood and this is the message I’m not saying don’t ever hit driver I’m saying according to the experts mathematically you shouldn’t be hitting driver and I’ve always just said it because I know I can see it’s going to get me in danger here cuz I’ve been playing golf so long now you have a method matical equation so we’re going to hit the seven wood and we’re going to account for our shot shape little draw or straight so we’re going to hit it straight down the middle of the Fairway and hopefully finish straight or left Edge maybe you have a fairway wood 7 or nine wood that you’re going to hit well these are the easiest Fairway Woods forget the three-wood three-wood vers driver is a terrible argument 15° is no easier to hit than a 10° driver now the red tiger range finder is absolutely money USB charging so you don’t have to keep changing batteries you just charge it up and I’ve only charged it once and it’s lasted me I don’t know 30 40 rounds already without losing power the other thing I love about is has slope so you can switch slope on and off beautiful I mean you’re not going to get better than this the other thing I like is the bull’s eye is really small so you can pick up your target from a very long way out 300 plus yards with the pin with your red tiger range finder what I’m going to do is move my ball for you just to emulate your course maybe and one of the things you’re going to find on your course is the same as that lie in the Fairway where you’re sitting down on a little depression and you didn’t notice and you hit a shot it happens around the green too and it’s an even easier fix and you can see it’s just sitting right down there little Hollow tiny Hollow it’s not much but it’s enough to destroy your game so to fix this situation we don’t pat it either because if you Pat it it’s going to like hit the rim of the little depression Boop and pop up and probably you’re going to leave a 6 7 foot short the best thing you can do chipping is to use toe down chipping from any dodgy lie I would recommend it from all lies so you never have to question it toe down works for dodgy lies dodgy lie toe down we take our iron we bring the the heel up we use our putting grip and we just use the toe of the club to get that that ball out of that little depression the PS inside 5 ft 6 ft are going to be insanely important the more you hold patch the more confidential you feel the more confidential you feel the more confidentiality you take to the next te to play that hole really well now big surprise on this hole when I looked at the map at 250 yard from this te I only have 57 yards of space that seemed crazy to me so it looks like the widest hole on the course to me and this is where I usually pump driver and this is where the numbers help you a certain way but the look and feel of a hole help you another way I smash driver down here every time I’ve never lost a golf pool down here this is my most Confident Driving hle now I’ve only got 57 yard wide one of the narrowest on the course so I’m going to hit the driver anyway and let’s see what happens I need to hit this ball 147 y onto an UPS slope to clear the water in front of me do I have that shot I really don’t if I’m trying to break 90 you don’t have the shot you have to tilt your shoulders and swing up the slope trying not to fall back you’re going to hit it high in the air the wind’s going to hit it and dump you in the water the easiest solution is just to go left with a little chippy shot get us back can play for our approaching into the green remember we only have to hit this in four shots we can go maximum 122 yd down that way so we’re going to chip a pitching wedge down there pitching now this is all about situational awareness you got to know that you can’t hit that shot over the water you got to keep it left and then you understand this is a four shot hole you just change the Outlook of the hole instead of getting tense oh I’m not going to be attacking I’m such a loser well we’re trying to break 90 and we’ve chipped this one straight down the Fairway there and now we have our third shot easy game we found ourselves in one of these lies maybe an old divot you can see how it just goes back into this depression in the ground what I’m going to do is take two or three clubs more than usual again and find a place where it’s going to be safest I don’t want to go over the longest part of the bunker here cuz I might trash it in that bunker the most important thing is to clear this water and not go in the bunker cuz we want to have a nice easy fourth shot in so I’m going to take two or three clubs more than normal and hit a Chip Shot way right of the green open up the green for me to chip on get it on the green you know we want to avoid double chips so get it on the green you might leave yourself a 10 footer 12 footer 3-footer doesn’t matter we’ve left ourselves about a 15 footer and we understand the expectations to break 90 you don’t need to focus on your putts made inside 10 ft no you need to focus on your putts made inside 6 ft that’s where you’re going to leave your chips to your pitches to your bunker shots to a lot of the time your second putts inside 6 ft 15 Footers don’t worry about it it’s just about Pace control Pros 15 Footers probably are making one out of eight one out of 10 as long as we can just get the pace control perfect to this and just secure our bogey see and then because we confid IAL inside 6 ft we know we can just put it away and please this is not just a low handicap thing this is not some special thing reserved for elite members of society any dingleberry can get good at 1 2 3 4 5 foot putts and get the distance control on anything longer than 10 ft anybody anybody even my dead granny when you’re hitting an approach shot we have to take the big Shyer out of play this hole is a very tough approach shot we have a very narrow entrance to the green and on the left is just thick grass balls gone and Wilder if you go into Wilder you got to take a drop ski you dzos and over the back you also got wer then we have a deep ass bunker on the right where you’re hitting the bunker shot towards that exact same water so what’s the best play here the best play here is short anything from 175 down to about 120 y to have a pitch up the green just take the club that feels so sensual that it makes you want to I just want to take that bunker out of play on the right I can’t reach it and I want to leave myself a beautiful pitch I’m accepting a 30 yard 40 yard pitch onto the green come on let’s go smooth we don’t have to overpower anything let’s find a nice small Target in a big landing area into Texas come on Texas remember this is situational awareness if there’s no danger up there you have to take on the 175 yard shot but in this hole we have a red light danger it’s screaming at me don’t screw it up and look I understand this is not attacking golf this is not PGA Tour golf you’re not on the PGA tour we’re trying to get under 90 what you have to worry about is double chips three putts keeping the ball in play no OB no hazards then what you have to do is find out where to miss the greens then what you have to do is get the ball on the green and then not three put that’s just it’s just that simple and yes it sounds simple but and it’s difficult to do only because in your mind you don’t have the emotional control to stick to it for 18 holes or 4 and 1/2 hours work on that first 35 40 yard pitch take a 56° titties to the Target and look at that we just get it on the green somewhere the hole starts at the T and the most important thing when you’re trying to break 90 is actually not distance it’s just getting the ball in play first time instead of taking drops a lot of people lose most of their shots on the T because they’re trying to hit the ball too hard number one and they’re using too low Loft and a club that’s too difficult that’s why I recommend the mini driver 14° if you play a 10° drive and you’re pretty good with it of course you have to keep playing it but make sure the ball goes in play if that club’s not going to work you have to gear down to something less the more Loft you have the less the dispersion right and left the more chance of getting the ball in play yes it may disperse right and left but often it doesn’t reach the big trouble the big Club often reaches the big trouble cuz the architect puts the big trouble there so here we have about the closest to the 30% of the dispersion of our distance this is about as close as we’re going to get to that 30% Mark to be able to justify a driver we’ve got 71 y 72 yd here between the left Bush and the right farm so this one should be a confidential shot and it feels pretty good but you see every now and then you’re going to put one way out right even when you have so much space that’s how it goes so that means we have to hit another ball and that’s when people get very angry what you have to do is take your medicine and go you know what I’m not going to fall into that trap and destroy my score because it’s mathematically correct I’m not feeling confidential on this hole so I’ll do what I should have done in the first place I’ll take my penalty which usually works out to be about Two Shots by the end of the hole and next time I play I’ll hit this club first instead of the driver because you’re going to have confidential shots over non-confidential shots regardless of what the mathematics says as a break 90 player you are working on emotion I do love my red tiger range finder it’s got beautiful yards and meters it’s got continuous scan mode it’s got horizontal and vertical measuring it’s got a speed measurement just absolutely money now I’m hitting my fourth shot from 190 this could have just been my first so from here we’re going to hit our 7even wood or our 200 yard shot up there just a little bit of situational awareness is going to help you a lot here when you know where the pin is cut you can adjust your expectations and the kind of shot you’re going to play this pin is cut so close to the front of the green here that we call this the short siding so when you have a lot of green beond the pin don’t get greedy get assertive geotic get it on the green so we want to go actually a little further and try land this at the hole or beyond the hole so that’s on the green for sure it’s not always going to work out 100% you might be further back let’s say here 12 ft 14 ft I’ve put myself to about 7 ft 6 and 1/2 ft I have like a maybe 50/50 chance of making this putt so if we keep doing that we give ourselves good 50/50 chance as long as we take our six maximum seven and GTFO out of this hole didn’t make it we take our seven and this is the key part right now do not lose your it’s one hole you’ve got you’ve played six you screwed up your seventh and now you’ve got another freaking 11 to go don’t spoil it over one hole okay stinky winky on this hole we have 62 yard from the edge of that bunker you don’t want to be on that bunker on the right because it’s a bunker shot fully over the bunker over water it’s a terrible shot if you’re trying to break 90 you don’t have the skill for it and on the left we’ve got water we have a cart path so between the cart path and the edge of that bunker we got 62 yards at the 250 yd Mark we’re going to go to our next Club what’s the dispersion percentage of a higher lofted Club I don’t know but I can guarantee it’s a lot less than a driver and when you take your clubs you have to understand your shot shape with each club and pick a good aiming spot I I can’t see the right side of the hole so I’m going to aim to what I can see which is a big ass tree in the distance and I hope for a little draw ski here if it doesn’t come and it go straight that’s good we’re going middle left of this Fairway and we’ve hit it so high and it’s in the fair way and we don’t care in play we’ve got 200 y left and that is not going to be ideal because you see it as a short hole you see it as an attack hole but you don’t see the danger around you it’s Dreadful it’s actually not an easy hole so we take this as a bogey hole and we go give ourselves the best chance I’m taking a 9wood the pin’s back left and if I can leave it on the front right I have a long P or a long chip easy game we only need to hit it in three shots come on if that shot is a chip we’re happy if that shot is a pitch we’re also happy look I mean I I may have hold that I was aiming to the right Edge and it’s gone dead at the pin nine wood get yourself a nine wood girls everyone in the ’90s has some great shots they can hit I refuse to believe that 90 to 100 Shooters are hackers who just Duff shots every hole and screw up every shot that’s a beginner that’s someone who’s shooting 110 plus I know you have the good shots in you I know you do because I play with 990 to 100 Shooters all the time every two weeks I take someone out in the course and I show them how to break 90 because they have shots they know how to hit but they don’t think those shots are good enough but I give them permission to be themselves and giving yourself permission to be yourself is one of the first things you need to play better golf to understand it’s your game come on MD we might have a chance oh and every now and then a blind squirrel finds an acorn be very very careful when you’re listening to people talk about golf when we talk about par fives as an opportunity that’s for people who are kind of expert golfers because they can hit two shots beautifully three shots beautifully when we’re trying to break 90 we’re hitting four mediocre shots to get to the green that’s the fact of the matter it’s actually a defense hole you’re not attacking attack holes are more like short par fours short par 3es where we have an advantage on a par five especially into the wind like this with water on it we’re not attacking this hole we just want to make a six here it’s the most difficult on the course and we have 61 yards of space there before we hit the trees versus the water on the left so I can’t hit the 250 yard Club cuz the dispersion is too high so I’m going to hit myself a hybrid up there to get the ball in play because once I hit this shot I’ve only got to hit the Green in three more I hope it’s a chip I hope it’s a pitch or I hope it’s a wedge into the green we got 290 to the hole according to the red tiger range vinder if you are highly confidential you can get past that tree at 130 yard and get the ball in the Fairway if you’re not we’re just going to play this very clever so we’re going to keep the short of 130 and we’re going to hit a little chippy 140 yard Club I’ve blocked myself out of getting to the green I’m probably only about like 190 yard but I’ve blocked myself out of the green so what we do is we hit this ball to a place we want to pitch from we want to have for me a 100 yard shot I like it do you like 80 do you like 90 it’s up to you and we take this tree completely out of play by hitting it over the right side of the tree we don’t take the tree on and just like that terrible strike and you know what I’m going to have my shot into the green that I really want when you’re trying to break 90 and you have trouble short go long go to the back Edge I’ve got a 100 yards here to the middle of the green I’m just going to play the middle to back of the green I’m not going to try get this at the hole see my stroke is all over the place because I haven’t played and so I miss them but we know two puts from there is a pretty damn good result in general here’s a couple nuggets of gold right here just save this in your memory bank pick the shot you can hit n out of 10 times if you’re not hitting that shot stop and use the shot you can even if it’s not the shot that’s going to reach the hole that’s key it doesn’t matter about reaching the hole here we can go left to 160 165 can you hit that shot no okay we go to 140 in the Fairway left with a pitch up the green can you do that two stress free shots in in a row of course you can that’s the 9 out of 10 shot it may not be glamorous but that’s what we’re talking about the next thing we have is that if you have the distance to go for this hole at 170 we don’t go at the pin unless you know we are highly skilled which means we’re probably breaking 80 we go between the pin and the fat Edge you see the pin is on the right so you have short side on the right side that’s where the pin is far from the edge of the close to the edge of the green the closest it can be the furthest Edge is on the left so if we aim between the left Edge and the pin that’s a great aiming point to just get this ball on the green especially if we hit a feder if we hit a draw maybe we need to start a bit closer to the pin so let’s go just between the left Edge and the pin as our aiming point we look at that point before we hit don’t get caught and trapped by the by the pin look at your spot in the middle of the green and you see we miss on the left side the safe side that’s always going to do better for you than missing on the short side or putting it in the bunker now we have a stress chip up the green yeah we have a line iron probably not the best situation to actually use it but we’re going to be aggressive toe down chipping we put it up on the left there onto the down slope and then it just rolls down like that you know I didn’t even think much on that why cuz tow down chipping is so freaking easy all the data and Analysis in the world can only bring you so far but when you understand this is a mental and emotional game it also brings you the the reality that confidence is the 15th Club in your bag this hole is not actually a driver hole if we look at the distance between the hazards and at the 250 yard Mark we only have 62 yards but I feel confidential here that it looks wide open enough and that I feel I can get a good shot going that’s confidence that just it’s a 15th Club in your bag and there we go I’ve hit a great shot despite the fact that the mathematics says I shouldn’t the red TIG is telling me 120 up the hill but up the hill and a little bit of a breeze into us come on guys we want to break 90 we have to start taking into account elevation so when we head it up 121 is probably playing 126 into the breeze playing another 5 yards 130 yard if you hit a 120 Club you’re going to be finishing 10 yard short of the pin which can be in the water so we want to make sure we clear the water we’ve taken into account wind we’ve taken into account the the elevation and sometimes we get lucky you are going to get lucky when you try break 90 cuz you have so many good shots in you from that Glimpse you’ve once had where you went par for six seven holes in a row you went level par for 12 holes and you thought this is it and then you put in your mind the wheels are going to fall off no we want to achieve the Glimpse every hole get out of your own way stop making excuses to live up to the poor expectations you put in your own brain cuz you want to fail but you know a two’s a great result on this hole I didn’t realize how tight it was until I looked at Google Earth to see it’s 42 yards of playable area at 250 yard shot so before I always advocated for no driver here now it’s even more secure and more concrete that I shouldn’t be hitting driver here I’m going to hit the hybrid up there we understand this is a long ass hole maybe 440 yard or something crazy like that it’s a long par 4 we’re playing is a power five oh look at that right down the center we have 227 yard to the hole down to the water’s edge that runs across the Fairway we probably have about30 yard so we don’t want to go over 130 so we have no choice we have to lay up short of 130 to leave us off a wedge or something inside 120 onto the green we’ve left ourselves 140 not ideal we could have done better let’s focus on this shot hitting our 140 y shot not at the pin just to the left of the pin between the fat Edge and the hole look I don’t want to get gimmicky here because people get very upset if you don’t play the way they expect you to play but the reality is that 185 yard shot over water is very difficult for anybody to get an accurate handle on clearing the water and not getting in the bunker and staying in a dispersion that doesn’t push you into the water which which actually comes around on the right side bringing it more into play so I’m going to do the crazy thing here every Golf Course should really have a layup area short of the water so I’m going to show you what happens if you really really struggle with this and you don’t want to lose a ball now this is not the ideal way to play a part three but it’s the dry way we got about 70 yards left and we’re just going to hit this on the green secure the two part wow not bad not [Music] bad okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] when you do have a bit of power you’re going to have to learn to pitch the ball because you’re going to hit the ball into positions where you have like 175 180 160 into the green you’re not going to lay that up to 100 yards you’re just not going to do it unless you have serious danger so what i is there is I left the ball short of this bunker short of this bunker in the opening to The Green to maximize my chance at the four and guarantee of five going in these bunkers never fun never guaranteed and we have water on the left here other times there’s no danger you go for it this time I left it a bit short which means you have to work on your pit shots take a pitching WI take a sand wedge take a gap wedge get half a swing and just find the distance of all three clubs with the exact same half swing you now have three pitch shots to use when you get yourself in this [Applause] position this is the first hole where we actually hit 75 yards at 250 we also can reach the water at 250 at the right edge of that dispersion range so we want to keep this well left and expect to fade hopefully so I’m going to go up the middle left of the Fairway hopefully it fades in if it doesn’t and go a little left we’re still in play well I’ve hadit a beauty off the toe and the math tells you to do something the Comfort says one thing I like to go with the comfort and the confidence that I can commit to rather than just being like numbers only and then it doesn’t work and you blame yourself you have to know yourself and play your own game so I’ve left myself 140 here you may leave yourself 140 into the holes a lot and then screw it up the reason you’re doing that is because you’re trying to keep the image in your mind of the golfer you think you are you cannot outplay your self-perception you cannot play better than that if you feel like you’re going to throw it away you’re going to the wheels are going to fall off you’re going to chunk it off to a great drive you are going to do it because your brain will not let you exceed your expectations Club up swing easy so I’m going to hit my 150 yd Club here look at that so relaxed probably right next to the hole absolute money just chill out take a more Club hit it softer and this is only 69 y wide at the 250 y Zone it’s not mathematically correct but I feel this is very wide for me and I’m not going to reach the really bad danger that I can see when I see it I feel more confidential I feel more commitment I feel more comfortable and I can hit the shot so I’m going to hit the driver here even though the mathematics say it’s wrong and my own brain will tell me that I don’t really need to hit it because I’m not going for this hole in two most people trying to break 90 if you’re going for a par five and two it better be with a second shot under 180 yards anything else you’re kind of screwing your game up you just don’t have the shots so we have to accept we don’t have the shots and just go with the flow and that’s in the middle of the Fairway not going for it in two anyway let’s get it to a great wedge position get it on the green we got 288 left according to the red tiger rang finder absolutely money even from freaking nearly 300 yard not much better than that for 100 bucks but what we want to know is how we going to get the ball from here stress free to a place that’s going to give us another stressfree shot so this bunker in front of us is 152 to clear so whatever I H from here has to clear this bunker 152 so I’m going to take my 165 yard club and red tiger range founder to the Rescue 111 yards uphill playing 117 yards so we have to hit 120 yard Club so we hit our 130 club and take a easy ass swing like a mother lover pitching see look at this is you don’t ever have to hit the ball hard when you’re trying to break 90 and if you take that with you on the golf course you’re going to hit easier shots more stress-free shots when you pick the one you can do nine out of 10 times when you do that you get more stress free and when you get more stress free you you just play good you get in the zone so we’re going to hit the 130 club and we’re going to just take it real easy up there little fader let’s say outside of 5T you can twoot everything inside of 5 ft you can one putt eight out of 10 times man you’re going to slash 90 easy Breaking 100 can be very stressful to most mother lovers because you get a plan and you really have to stick to that plan without losing completely your mind you hardly have any shots so you have to stick to the plan even if you have a 10 on a hole you just keep sticking to it quite stressful making 90 should be the most relaxing of all the barriers to break because you never have to hit the ball hard and by this time if you’re shooting in the ’90s you probably have all the shots to shoot mid 80s you just have to use them and the more you use your shots that you have the more relaxed you get the better your swing gets the better your contact gets the better your aiming gets and the better your understanding gets because now you relax instead of stressed so I’m going to hit the 9wood here from about that’s like the easiest I’ve never seen the pin on this hole on the left hand side so for me it’s really TR break 90 we only have to get out of the bunker just get out in one and this is how you do it there’s many videos I’ve done on this you play off the off the front foot you put 60 70% of your weight in your left side and you open the club face up and then grip it while it’s open don’t don’t flip it open with your wrists open it to 1 2:00 grip it while it’s open play it off the front foot 60 70% of your weight on your left side and we’re going to skim it through the sand we’re not going to chip it we’re going to skim it Hing 1 in behind the ball with the sole of the club actually slicing under the ball and it flies out on a t a tuft of sand and follow through don’t give up like that so you have to follow through don’t quit on it and don’t try chip it because every now and then you’ll chip one real good and you’ll say that works the other nine out of 10 times you your teeth it straight into the bank here get out in one shot you’re breaking line to and it’s not our day today with a putter first day back after a few weeks but if we can tput everything I promise you’re going to break 90 if you follow what I’ve told you the whole way around this course that’s how you break 90 there’s no arguments if you have any problem with it you can email me at suck my ass at you otherwise you can check out this video over here if you want to break 90 Harder Faster and more often easy game


  1. Now, please do a video where you sprinkle in about 5 total mishits and talk about how to play recovery golf.

    I play to a 12 right now, but even I have one skulled shot or a big chunk in me every 6 holes…

    I like these videos a lot, but you are executing every shot, and we don’t. Would love to see you sprinkle in some near disasters and talk about the strategy when the game plan falls apart…

  2. I took my driver out of my bag and I've been playing with my hybrid 2 off the tee. It goes around 200-230 but I hit 40-50% of fairways with it. I've been rocking my bucket hat as well. I've completely embraced the way of the playa and my scores have dropped significantly and consistently. Thanks for everything, Matty Boom-Boom

  3. On the cusp of breaking 90 since embracing the way of the playa – this video might just get me across the line – great video Baus

  4. Good practical advice, as hitting big drives is only half the battle, you also have to putt well, hit decent approach shots, no hero shots in my view, no I really have to smash this shot, thoughts. All calm, and equanimity of mind. I often over club close to the green that way I think I've got plenty to hit the green with just take a bit off. :pw stress, try not to worry or notice things that might annoy you.

    I've been in a slump with driver for 2 years, came out of it, then went back to 1 out of 3 drives mediocre, and confidentially it's true that 3 wood is little help, though I hit it great in the fairway, maybe I have tee anxiety. Then I went to 3 Hybrid off the tee, 200 yards. Then back to the driving range and driver is coming around again. Easy drives of 230 or so, and in the middle, no thoughts of crushing driver.

    Analysis: 31:46 After the 2nd shot to the 15th, how relaxed, facing the target the player is. Post swing his body is in the same relative relaxed position, as his arms swing back and forth as he watches the shot. Compare that to what you look like after a shot, notice any difference?

  5. Another great video on how to think through golf. Thanks Golf Sidekick! Yours confidentially, Aidan

  6. Played today with a buddy, I shot 89. This guy's advice is as relatable as it gets. I'm a casual golfer, really value his takes on the stuff I see out playing.

  7. Most chill golf YouTuber. I like your channel because it’s just as chill as watching a competition. A little talking and then a Golfshot. Do you find explaining everything meticulously as you do in your vid’s has helped your game a lot?

  8. I shot a 91 only using a 5 wood off the tee, 9 iron, and pitching wedge from the whites. This tactic is OP SEVERELY OP.

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