Road To Scratch S1, Ep2 | First Round USGA GHIN Stats

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and now I post my first score to establish my handicap we’re going to review this together and I’m going to see where I need Improvement on which I kind of already have an idea after watching the video oh big whoa the hell was that get in the hole [ __ ] to ble that for YouTube yeah man I’m playing the ball way back in my stance very nice [Music] Dam this is the valley for you the humidity is crazy down here in South Texas the lens is off Los logos today first round to set my handicap at a course that can be very tough we are here whole one playing from the blues establishing a handicap today it’s going to be hot into the wind get over there you go little low Beamer 205 to the front I got a bunch buker City out there nice little for iron into the [Music] wind shorty seems like I’m always in this area when I’m playing this course all right over bunker pin in the back nice little sandwich get him Chubbies here you go can we make bar hole two part four I get it over those Hill oh big [Music] wow look at that get over go C hopefully I don’t need to play that [Music] one safe shot Breck kind of fast aren’t they double double trouble kick kick it it’s like you swing effortless effortly effort effort oh no lost it snap hooking left Lefty going left [Music] cutting all right we got a buck 50 with the wind [ __ ] on the hillage I need to get it just short and bounce up easy there we go par P baby oh that look right part three got me a nice six oh chubbed it chunky [Applause] kick left oh over little bump and run with a nine iron oh man got to hit it oh wow oh going around deep right field work go high oh blocked it oh yeah amazing easy [Music] yeah helps me with my coming across Nice Shot Eddie get over don’t bucker in the bucker last two ho kick right nice high cut second shot about a buck 50 no pin hunting oh get up nice shot get up all right roll up baby get in the hole [ __ ] good yeah how you have to bleep that for YouTube roll baby damn look at that you saw how like fcet [Music] dip bro you’re consistent [Music] bro been hitting this fade so let me play the fade here we go exactly I was say to the mic I was like a little high fade oh kick right oh look at that [ __ ] jeez yeah let’s go next week maybe K right get up nice bir let’s go baby pulled it bam look at that be right baby yeah yeah let’s get a birdie 30 Oh shot good P baby oh no that’s water oh man too much Nice Shot there we go bam all right this is for birdie in this part five into the wind about 100 yards be right baby there you go let’s get this par baby oh it stayed up back n here at Los Lagos With the Wind I’m going to bombit this corner right here big oh high cut should be [Music] good damn flew the green get down there oh birdie birdie City baby get up a you said that she blows yeah hit water who the hell was that oh [Music] from a birdie to a seven ouch On a par three we go baby play that low cut a cutting [Music] feed it [Music] down there you go easy cut it [Music] damn where you [Applause] [Music] going up can’t even see break finally stopped the bleeding [Music] man 55 yds to the pan sit damn [Music] damn nice huh yeah man I’m playing the ball way back in my stance right side okay right come on no very nice [Music] damn come on win take your wind I’m glad I switched it last minute Mar yeah cut [Music] TR kick kick right yeah damn it went trap it did sit break no break no break round number one of establishing my handicap in the books Los logos just paid for the the the USGA annual fee which is 53 bucks and I got the link for the app so I’m in the app right now just created my profile got my GH number and now I post my first score to establish my handicap and it’s 81 we’re going to review this together and I’m going to see where I need Improvement on which I kind of already have an idea after watching the video score history 81 I don’t know what the a means uh but it has those logos has the rating uh differential I don’t know what any of this stuff means I guess I got to look it up but first score 81 stats this is where I’m I’m a real nerdy guy about stats so scoring summary 61% par or better to me that’s over 50% so it sounds good uh but I guess I’m going to want to increase that number the one that throws all this off is the triple Bogies are higher that’s 5% which that seven on a par three just like knife just yeah knowing how I’ve played recently I’ve noticed like when I birdie a hole I am amped I pumped it’s always like 80% of the time that next hole I blow up so I go from birdie to Bogey or birdie to double or worse and this one you saw from hole 10 birding to the next hole is seven on a part three that just hurts so there’s something there I want to say it’s more mental and my adrenaline might be up because when I hit that shot I flushed it but I didn’t hit enough of it and then the Chip Shot I shank which is into the water which is random crazy but I think more so that’s just cuz my heart was racing I was I was pumped and excited for that so right away I need to work on the breathing and relax uh in between shots especially when I’m coming off a birdie birdies are better 11% bogey 28% so basically decrease the Bogies doubles and triples and move that more towards the par or better I don’t know that’s what I’m thinking all right part 3es 4.25 so I’m guessing I’m averaging bogey on par 3s right now par fours I’m averaging a little over par and then par fives I guess I parred it so I’m paring right on averaging par on the par fivs that’s pretty cool uh Advanced stats based on one round 25 putts five up and downs uh I don’t know how I feel about the 25 putts I definitely I didn’t have any three putts so I’m really excited about that no three putts but I did have a lot of two putts where I didn’t get up and down so I need to work on that putting summary 67% uh is two putts then one put or better is 33% and no three puts or worse and then approach shot accuracy this is where I’m getting the weeds where I’ve never looked at in my game before so I’m really pumped to see about this approach shot accuracy I was green and regulation 39% oh man that just right away tells me all right irons approach shots wedges like all that maybe 150 yards in in definitely need work approach shot and accuracy 5% long so I’m not long all the time but look at the short I’m short 22% of the time man and I and I have a feeling it is because of my blade irons so I’ve noticed I when I M hit a blade like I lose a ton of distance when I M hit these blades and if I don’t hit them right look at that left and right perfectly balanced one thing I’ve been questioning myself were go back and get fitted for maybe some muscle backs or you know not the blades but like the what is the the ones above the blades they’re not blades but they’re like I think they’re muscle backs or cavity backs I don’t know one of those I’ve been thinking a lot lately about maybe going to get fitted for a set of those used you know cuz the budget ain’t there yet cuz you two don’t pay a whole lot if if that would help my game cuz I’ve been playing with these blades for over 10 years now and I think it’s time for me to possibly look into something else but I don’t know long isn’t really that much of an issue the short so that means I’m not hitting my distances right there so that tells me right there I need to work on that driving accuracy Fairways hit 65% and look at that another equally balanced 14% left 14% right and then 7% long which that blew through the Fairway but the 65% Fairways hit that’s pretty good shout outs to Francis on that one lesson you gave me bro still helped so that is it y’all first round in the books setting up my handicap so the the fee is $53 to allow me to do this I did notice uh 18 birdies also kind of does something similar uh where they can establish the handicap but I noticed there’s a lot of ads that pop up and a lot of things within the app that aren’t consistent to what I’ve seen in USGA app uh so I’m going to roll with this one it’s up to you guys if you want to do pay the $53 a year and get it or you can possibly just use the 18 birdies and just keep your handicap going so based on the app what I need to get my official handicap is I only need 54 holes of either nine holes or 18 whole rounds to make an official handicap this week I’m going to work on definitely the iron games and then the short game and not so much the driver I usually focus a lot on the driver towards the end of of my range sessions uh but now that I have something where I can see where I’m lacking I’m going to focus more on that so pretty much 150 170 yards and in and then the short game around the greens to kind of narrow the putts thank you all so much for watching hit the like button if enjoying the video subscribe if you haven’t already Ro to scratch continues baby episode 3 coming next week see you then peace [Music]


  1. +9 is pretty good man, so a SD of 6.2 means that right now your handicap would be 6.2, but you still need more rounds, that's pretty good, unlucky par 3 there, but remember to stay focused even if you blow up one hole, it will calculate stableford not stroke play, so you still have a chance to have a good score even if you blow up a couple of holes.

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