Build a GREAT Golf Swing with These 3 Easy Steps! So SIMPLE!

In this video, Steve and Walt show you how to build a solid repeating golf swing step by step with 3 simple ideas!

Follow these tips and drills to increase clubhead speed, smash factor, driver distance, improve your golf swing, and have more FUN!
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I’ve put together a complete program to teach you a powerful on plane swing, increase your clubhead speed, and hit it solid and pure.. Check it out here:


okay we’re going to put the swish way out in front with a little more speed wind it up and that’s really good hey this is from Hit longer. comom as usual I Hope You Get Enough value out of this video that you’ll hit like uh hit the Subscribe button leave a comment down below especially cheer on my longtime student Wald is joining me once again today we’re going to learn how to build a really solid golf swing step by step things that we’ve talked about over time but we’re just going to reiterate them today for you because I think this process is really going to help you uh get your scores down get your distance up and build a really good repeatable golf swing so stay tuned so we’re going to talk about four Concepts today and we’re going to kind of break them down step byst step to make it really really easy for you to understand now of course you’re not just going to magically acquire these skills you’re going to have to work at them a little bit you have to practice but I’m confident that you’re going to understand exactly how how to go about this by the end of this video so step one we’re going to practice creating and maintaining a proper bow at the hips a proper angle of inclination which would mean hip flexion so go ahead and see if you can take about a 30° bow and we’ve got our speed whoo here and then what we’re going to do is we’re going to slide the chair in you’ve watched the channel you’ve seen how I like to use this so what we’re after here we can measure this angle right here at the hip so it wouldn’t count if your back is curved or your chin is way down in your chest so you’re you’re trying for and I’d like to get you to bend about 5° further to get to about a 30 so most golfers that you’re seeing on TV they’re bowing with a reasonably straight back to approximately a 30 or even a 35° angle now there’s some that might fall a little bit outside that but Mo majority of golfers that are good that you see on TV are bending about this much so key number one here is that we set the angle and then maintain it through the swing so we’re using the chair to keep the rump back Walt will try to keep his head forward in the same place now go ahead and take a couple of easy swings keeping your butt on the wall terrific doesn’t have to be fast you’re going to work on this at home okay wonderful and let’s say you take one more and see if if you can move laterally a little bit further down to the end of the chair and shift the weight that way and let this foot come on up and over so let me see you start a little narrower feet and let’s see you end up up on the Tippy Toe this time that’s much better okay so you came off a little bit that time okay so slow it down if you find yourself having difficulty maintaining the bow so set a little deeper bow nice and slide and turn and let your foot come all the way up and over and we’re going to have the the Finish should come down and touch the collar there with the foot all the way up here go ahead and slide this closer for me okay and then put your hip so at the end of the Swing we still want our hip to be against the chair now you will have stood up by then you’re going to keep the bow throughout the swing until the follow through when the right arm reaches the horizontal after impact and then you’ll slowly start to stand up out of that so 30° which is a little bit more than you’re used to now maintain the butt depth and turn and wrap it around the neck and let your foot come up and over okay so that’s number one we’re trying to Simply find the right amount degrees that helps us a lot with the next step which is setting the swing plane properly so we can hit the ball long and straight all right I love building the swing like this step by step we started with the hip angle and the hip depth and this is really going to encourage us to swing on a proper plane now if you can remember the Hogan image and I’ll put it up on the screen here the Hogan image of the glass going from the ball up and resting on the golfer’s chest going through the neck like there’s a hole in it and resting on the chest Hogan just simply encouraged us to swing at or below that and so here this is going to be our representation of the Hogan glass it really is pretty much as best I can in line with the shaft of the driver at address and of course the basket will and the stick are going to prevent us from swinging above the Hogan plane either going back at the top or coming down which might result in steep outside in so this is really going to get us a long way towards swinging from the inside getting into that powerful slot position which you’ll see we’ll play this in slow motion again after we see Walt do a good one so again it’s about 50% speed and effort now we’re building block it’s going to be maintain the bow and miss the stick and bucket here we go that’s terrific again at the end of the Swing you should have your left hip still touching or ideally even lifting the chair off the ground can you show me lifting the chair off the ground even if you have to sacrifice some Club head speed okay the average good player that you might see on TV is lifting this chair about 1 in while they move laterally towards the target about 6 in or so with their left hip the left hip should still end up just as deep at the end of the Swing he’s successfully missing this and you’re going to see in slow motion that this is starting to resemble quite a solid swing this is the type of Swing if we can build this and hit balls with this same swing we can develop a golf swing that going to help Walt shoot his age soon all right let’s give him a couple more here so it’s under the stick and bucket lift the chair fantastic in slow motion you can see that Walt is really developing a beautiful swing plane he’s dropping it into the slot we’re going to see the last two building blocks from the face on angle and you’re going to get to see how good this looks from there too all right now what will we be able to see from the face on Angle now we’re going to add a third concept which I often call putting your speed out in front and this is going to help everyone out there who has issues with rotation uh hitting the ball fat hitting the ball thin uh casting flipping at impact all these terms can be solved by just simply adding this third step into your swing speed out in front let me use this as my indicator here if there was no ball in the way the fastest part of your swing should be about 30 yards or 30 in out in front which is about the front of this map so this is where you’d want to hear a swish luckily we have the speed whoo that makes a nice loud swish sound we’ll be able to hear if Walt is making this at or even a out ahead and I encourage you to go more than 30 in if you have any issue with creating lag or not rotating enough or problems with your divot location maybe you hit behind it all the time or top the ball practice maybe even up to double 60 in out in front and that’ll really encourage you to turn and again I call this putting your speed out in front of the ball don’t put your speed at it put put your speed out in front of it you’d be shocked at how much faster you will also get working on this exercise too so this is a building block going to put the stick back to control the the Hogan glass plane here we’re going to keep the hip depth also from this angle you’re going to be able to see this lateral hip slide so wal if you could start at the back post like you’re doing now perfect and that way you can have some chair that you can cover up again these are swings that are maybe 50% uh effort maybe 50% Tempo these are slow and easy we’re trying to overall get a gist we’re adding our third step but the goal here is to come out with a with one fluid motion that you can almost repeat with your eyes closed that no longer feels like parts anymore cuz that’s the key to taking a swing like this out to the golf course is when it just feels like one motion you you feel like an athlete there’s flow and Tempo you can do it with your eyes closed that’s the goal here all right well we’re going to be maintaining the bow swinging under the glass plane and swishing out in front terrific that’s amazing let’s see if you can keep your feet a little closer together swish out in front Okay now just for fun we’ll show this one in slow motion for those of you who really have an issue with with losing the angle early I’m going to have Walt purposely and some some people the mental image is all you need for some of my students I give them the mental image that they’re at a birthday party and they’re 10 years old again and they’re going to whack a pinata so where’s the pinata that’s your mental image is just you’re going to turn and you’re going to whack the pinata with the stick let’s put the swish we’re going to put the Pata right about here which is both further ahead and around the corner to the left and we’re going to show you this in slow motion you’re going to see how much lag swish way out in front terrific now let’s do one with just a little bit more speed narrower feet walk to your right so that we are at the right post of the chair this gives everybody watching at home you see this amount of chair that’s currently exposed you’re going to see the end of the swing or at the transition he’s going to be covering that up so just like that now you’re at the right post with some exposed chair okay we’re going to put the swish way out in front with a little more speed wind it up and that’s really good now looking at that back at that in slow motion you can see got to remember Walt is can we say you’re not a spring chicken is that 76 are you 76 yet you turn Okay so Walt’s turned 76 and yet you’re seeing Tempo balance rhythm you’re seeing lag look at the amount of lag that there is in the shaft coming down into the Impact Zone so I can’t really remember the last time you hit a really fat shot so we’ had again building blocks you can build this step by step the same way that we are every day you can do a practice session just like this you could even use just an alignment stick if you don’t want to pay for the tool this is probably cost you probably already have one of these you can use this to hear your swish sound so well what have we done we’ve set the correct uh angle at a dress of the hips we have practiced maintaining that then we add added swinging under the Hogan glass then we added swishing out in front and getting the speed out in front the last thing we’re going to do is we’re just going to Simply practice building speed with these first three concepts [Music]

1 Comment

  1. Thank you so much. I just got a swing trainer yesterday in the mail and was wondering “ now what do I do?” Your video today was perfect timing! Thanks again Steve👊🏻

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