Tiger Woods has ‘strength’ to win U.S. Open (FULL PRESSER) | Live From the U.S. Open | Golf Channel

Tiger Woods says he has “the strength” to win a fourth U.S. Open championship in his first appearance at the tournament since 2020 at Winged Foot. #GolfChannel #USOpen #TigerWoods
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Tiger Woods has ‘strength’ to win U.S. Open (FULL PRESSER) | Live From the U.S. Open | Golf Channel

please join me in welcoming back to the interview area three-time Champion Tiger Woods tiger how does it feel to be back at the US Open but especially one here at Pinehurst well it’s great to be back uh I I love us opens I love the the tests of us opens and I’ve had a little bit of success here U Back in 99 in 2005 so I’m looking forward to this week and um getting underway we’re going to go on the right Dan and then Bob hey tiger uh we were talking the Colin morawa last last week at the memorial and he said you know doing that clinic with you that your your game the shots it’s all there it’s still there do you feel like your body right now is in a spot that you can win this tournament has it improved enough to where you feel like you have the strength to to carry it for four rounds yeah I do I I do I do feel like I have the strength to be to do it it’s just a matter of doing it uh this golf course is going to test every single aspect of your game uh especially mentally and just the mental um discipline that it takes to play this this particular golf course and it’s going to take a lot and uh uh we’ve been working on that and making sure that I understand the game plan and be ready you know in two more days stay on the Right with Bob tiger since the PGA what have you had to focus on the most is it more your Fitness is it more your game um you know the sharpness part of it and and how much did coming up here uh I guess last week help oh we’ve been always working on Fitness Fitness is always a part of it and uh I did a little bit of work on uh chipping and putting but nothing can nothing can simulate what we have here this particular week uh the amount of little shots and the knobs and runoffs and either using wedges or long irons or woods around the greens or even putts uh sorry putter there’s so many different shots that you really can’t simulate unless you get on on the property that’s one reason I came up here last Tuesday and Bill to try and do that and we did quite a bit of work uh the golf course has fed up gotten faster since then and uh it’s even even this week even the rain we heard had there the other night uh the golf course is still faster front right Mark FR left Mark tiger um in the last few years at times when you have struggled the elements have been an issue whether it’s been cold which has not been good your body Augusta obviously a difficult walk I’m curious this week where it’s going to be hot what you like and it’s not a taxing walk how how much that can play into potential success for you this week so I feel like home this is I mean hot humid is what we deal with every single day in Florida so that that’s nothing new uh it’s it’s the matter of just keeping making sure that I keep up hydrating and uh the mental tax that the heat will bring uh it’s going to bring it to all of us not just me everyone’s going to be tested and and um it’s going to make for a long long rounds with uh with the falloffs and runoffs on the greens the the rounds time wise going to be a little bit longer and then when you’re out in the heat for that that length of period of time um that’s going to take a a little wear and tear on you well I would rather play in hot humid conditions any day than anything cold uh I think pretty much anyone you know my age to youre AG will definitely like it look a little hotter we’re going to go far back right Mark and then Taylor the tiger U Rory described the meeting in New York with yaser and the piff as as good and productive how would you describe it and and do you see a light at the end of the tunnel and this thing getting done it is it is it it was productive and is there light in the tunnel I I think we’re closer to that point than we were pre- meeting um we discussed a lot of different uh endings and how we get there and I think that you know both sides walked away from the meeting felt like um we we all felt very positive in in the meeting and as I said both sides were looking at different ways to to get to the end game and I think that uh both sides shared a deep passion for how we need to get there and yes there are going to be difference of opinion but we all want the same thing far back right Taylor tiger this is the 1,000th USGA Championship you’re tied for the record with most USGA championships with nine with Bob Jones and this week you’re receiving the Bob Jones award what is the significance of all that to you well I think anytime you’re you’re in association with uh with Mr Jones it’s always incredible uh what he did in his Amer career winning the AMS and the opens uh and then obviously creating Augusta National uh the fact that I I get a chance to be honored with uh his award tonight it’s it’s very special uh I I’ve been able to play in this uh well I would say not in this Championship but in the usj Championships since I was 14 years old so uh it’s been a long time and I’ve always enjoyed it at at all levels and uh tonight’s going to be very special front left Jonathan tiger um how different is the surrounds around the greens different from what you remember from 99 and 05 and what sort of thought process goes into what how you’re going to play it whether it’s put or wedge or a seven or eight iron yeah it’s all different um uh I played it under under Ben grass so now having a Bermuda it’s very different it’s grainy uh we didn’t have the Grain on on the greens and you know they in those open championships and um they were softer than they are now I granted I I know the surrounds were burnt out in’ 05 uh but the greens were not like what they are right now uh that’s very different and the the the shot selections around the greens are I think are more plentiful this year from either putting it to wedging it as you said six or seven irons and uh I’ve used long irons and in woods around the greens and I’ve seen a number of guys do the same thing so there’s a there’s a lot of different shot selections and uh the the grain’s going to play you know a big part of it and the last few days playing practice rounds I’m guilty as well as you know rest of the guys I’ve played with we’ve put it off a lot of greens and I it depends on how severe the usj wants to make this and how close they want to get us up to those sides um but yeah I foresee just like in ‘ 05 watching some of the guys play ping pong back and forth so it could happen just a few more Claire on the right and then Jeff hi tiger um how has it been having Charlie out here with you and what are his responsibilities kind of as player support out there well I think having a Charlie out here is is very special I to have the the fatherson relationship that we have and extended into this part of both of our Lives um he’s playing a lot of junior golf and uh I’m still playing out here so uh it’s neat for him to to see the guys that he watches on TV and YouTube and Tik Tok and whatever where the hell that is um that they do and uh just to have you know you know he sees it at home I mean he’s with JT and Rick you know a lot um but to see other guys hit the golf ball it you know doesn’t really do it justice until you actually see it in person and know he was very excited today to to watch Max and and mwo and uh watch them hit golf balls and they talk to him quite a bit especially minwu and him I think they’re they’re closer to age than I am to anybody else so uh it it’s great it’s great for us to be able to share uh these moments together and as far as his responsibilities are it’s just it’s the same I trust him with my swing and my game he’s seen it more than anybody else in in the world he’s seen me hit more golf balls than anyone so um I I I tell them what to look for um especially with putting and um he you know gave me a couple little side bits today which was great cuz I I get I get so in entrenched in hitting certain putts to certain pins and I tend to forget some of the things I’m I’m working on I just want to see the balls roll and he reminds me every now and again which is great uh we have a great relationship and great Rapport like that and it’s a it’s a wonderful experience for both of us last question here front left yeah tell welcome back to the San Hills good to see you uh second off we talked about the renovation first US Open since we did the Rena here uh up and downs around the greens we’ve seen the putting the chipping the three Woods how do you see yourself approaching that this week I think I’ll be all the above uh there are a few areas in which I would Putt and there’s also a few areas in which I would use my 56 or 60 uh I have used up to a four iron bumping and running it and I tried a few Woods out there I I didn’t like the way that that reacted um but some of the areas are more grainy than others and I think that’s the one of the things I me in particular I need to watch out for is um some of the chatter that you might get coming up the hills um and how much speed they going to have coming up and then over the next Ridge that’s that’s the beauty of playing Don Ross golf courses he he tests you and since the renovation here I think they’ve they done an amazing job of doing that but just I we were talking about the last couple days is that when When Donald did this golf course and made the greens this severe I don’t think he intended to be running at 13 on the S meter there were speed of Fairways so you know that’s one of the differences and when you go to most golf courses are they’re very severe but know we’re playing under faster conditions so it’s it’s more of a test and it’s going to be a great test and a and a great war with trishan this week and it’s going to be um a lot of fun for all of us sorry I forgot about Jeff hard to do but Jeff one more tiger uh was last week the first time you were here since uh 05 that is correct yes so uh we I mean we obviously have talked about the greens but from your architect’s uh perspective the look off the te’s and the change since you were last year what do you think uh the look off the te’s are about the same I I know it’s more more native and more openl looking um but from what I when I watched and from 05 and and what I saw in 14 yes there is a bit of a change but that’s no no big deal but the surrounds are very different um going from bent to Bermuda it it is a significant change um you know we were half joking that by the end of the week it might be one of those Bermuda greens when they get so slick that you bend down to to read a putt or you’ve been down to fix the ball Mark in your putter slips you know it I think it has that kind of look and that kind of Sheen that it could get there by by Sunday uh the only thing that would stop it would be the humidity that’s coming in uh but it has that look and feel that this could be one of the one of the opens where whatever the leading score is um that’s probably as low as we’ll ever go that for the first day tiger thanks for your time we look forward to seeing you tonight at the Bob Jones a ceremony you got thank you


  1. Pinehurst is shorter and pretty flat. Should be an easy walk for him. The problem there is getting your approaches close and making putts!

  2. He’s still under 50. There is a possibility he can muster up a win sometime. Probably not the US Open. But Tom Watson almost won the Open Championship at age 60 I believe.

  3. All the best Tiger, I hope you win that being said, I just don’t see it in you anymore, understandable, prepare for senior tour

  4. Tiger will never win again with out putting in some serious work. Im not hating on him…im just being real. Same goes for any sport.

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