Nike Sport Lite Stand Bag – Golf Equipment Review

Joss bought a new golf bag and reviews it. Also takes a few shots at the driving range and a par 3 course.

today should be a good day I’ll uh play golf outside for the first time I’ll just do a quick stop at GFF town to check out their bags and see if I can’t get anything with legs that would stand up golf town is a fun store to go in it’s like a candy store for kids except all the candy is over $100 there’s a ton of choices here bags from $100 to $5 and $600 but I’m going in for something cheap something with legs and that has the backpack straps there are some Marvel Superhero options here but I’ll stick to something plain and black like this Nike one over here now I’ll take this thing for a spin at Good Old Country Meadows over here I love this golf course all right so here’s my new bag that I just got at golf toown I went with uh for sure one of the cheaper options they had there um this one’s for 200 bucks and I had it on sale for 150 I love that you know it comes with like the stand has the backpack and all the like zippers seem to be nice and well working uh has enough pouch for what I need and because I do a lot of walking I think that’s going to be very helpful for me I am cheap as you guys know and I always look for a deal I think this is hard to beat uh there was a very similar bag at Costco the one at Costco that was slightly more expensive it was 25 or 220 I think and that’s Canadian it did have however kind of like a nice handle here but I think you know maybe I’ll just put my butter over here grab it there but it works well enough as you can see I still have to take away the Plastics and all that but overall I think is going to be good and you know if you have a good bag and you end up you know walking instead of always using carts you know you’ll pay your bag fast enough so I’m not too worried about that so should be a good day first time uh playing outside here going to hit the driving range and then got a little part tree course down that way so should have very good day see how far this thing goes probably not that far yeah about 100 yards for a little Mr pitching [Music] witch not bad here’s something I don’t do enough that I should do more of which is practicing putts that was a bad putt [Music] [Music] more about distance for me than actual Precision I could two even three put most things I’d be pretty happy but when I blow it right past the hole get really mad at myself and if you don’t want to be too mad guess what means you need to practice not hit shots like that much better after that I’ll go hustle on my part three course all right so here’s something I’ve never done before which is playing with a brand new set of balls I didn’t bring my vice balls cuz I don’t want to lose them right away but hopefully I can hang on to these three balls for most of my little round here [Music] not a bad first shot that’s very good nice start all right so walking with this bag is pretty sweet got the straps on me and uh I really like it it’s light I think that’s what you want if you get like a stand bag just want something that’s big enough to carry all your clubs but yet it’s not like weighing a ton so far so good I like it it’s comfortable pretty happy with my shot here just On The Fringe of the green but I typically shoot way up in those trees so it’s big improvement from last year see if I can put this in be honest if I got this I’d be so freaking happy to get a bird on the first realistically if I got a bogey meaning I three put this still wouldn’t be too unhappy with that trying to get close that’s all right by me little two footer to clean up should be pretty [Music] straight hey power on my first outdoor hole just a power three but still often I don’t get them got to take what you get can get so here as you can see my uh microphone died but what I was saying is just I really enjoyed my round I played pretty good I was 11 over after nine holes which honestly for me is about as good as it gets don’t think I’ve ever done um such a good start to my season so I’m pretty happy I’m happy with my bag if you guys are interested or in the market uh check it out at golf town I think it’s still on sale for 150 have fun guys and uh I’ll see you in the next one

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