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Sportsman Nationals 2024 – Sunday #dragracing

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[Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] please so what’s going to happen today well we have one more round of qualifying for all of our race classes we got some uh out of what we call uh out of permit classes here as well um and then the idea is to basically crack on with with it as best as we can uh get everybody through to finals and uh have a good day racing so that’s the plan uh good morning to a few of you that there’s only well I’ve got two people on the banking good morning to you over there how are you can you hear me that’s good and on the grandstands good morning to you over there as well just give us a wave so I know that you can hear me well Julian heard me that’s good enough for me thank you so here we go then this is the last qualifying round for all of our race classes this is Sportsman ET off Lake Steven Gil with [Music] so The Darlings for the first pair Steven jws looking for 1250 Gary looking for 1389 and it’s a 1281 and a 1386 breakout for Gary and no help for steeve next PA Kirsty tra [Music] flat oh I’m disappointed with Tom and dibs this morning where the mullet’s gone ah gutted I was going to say it was Pat sharp definitely down there [Laughter] [Music] yesterday so Kirsty looking for a 12 now looking for 1349 let’s see what comes out 1204 for Kirsty and a 1378 for Al so they both stay put can I have VW Pro into the pairing Lanes please VW Pro can we have you into the lanes please right Gina Smith wants 1581 and Holly Holloway looking for 12 flat good to see the Mustang finally getting a a representative timing yesterday uh wouldn’t be disappointed if she broke out here actually’ be good fun but let’s see what happens then Georgina currently number 12 Holly number 16 oh plenty of wor SP off the line for Holly sounded good look good 1299 uh that was lost on the whe off the line but nevertheless good run uh 1586 for Georgina moves up from 12 to 10 Jill medley and Rob Creswell Jill number one qualifier has been since the first round of qualifying nobody’s got in front of her yet uh she dials 1232 Rob currently number 23 14.6 Target for Rob [Music] [Music] Jo gets there first goes 1238 on the 32 let’s see how Rob gets on that’s better for Rob 1464 and the 60 goes from 23 up to number 10 nice [Music] move all right Joo Stokes goes 1305 with a dial in from the skyline and uh Alexander PRI with the caddy 20.5 two [Music] so Alex is number nine Joo 14 [Music] [Music] so 1305 the target 1301 the result that’s a breakout a little bit too quick there for Joo Stokes but 2052 let’s see how Annex gets on 2119 stays number nine obviously no movement uh for the skyline either fisty Gibbs and Pete Walters your next pair looking for a 1710 and Pete looking for 1235 [Music] so P going to get there first with a 1231 breakout a little bit too quick only 400s so but it’s still a breakout and fisy go 16 on a 10 stays number seven Troy atry and Matt Hors your next pair Troy currently number six looking for 12.49 and Matt with the escort 14.70 [Music] so Troy goes to number two with that one excellent run 1249 with a seven but ahead of him Matt horsa 14 70 with a five on a 1470 he goes to number one brilliant pairing that they go one and two but Matt horsa with the escort your new number one qualifier in Sportsman ET Chris Orthodoxy with the Cuda looking for 1210 James Gru with the twig 1570 [Music] 1254 there for Chris and a 1604 for James no movement on the uh qualified order for those two Richard pal with the family cat that’s the Jag X KR looking for 1320 he’s currently number 15 uh Brian Huxley with the Ford Focus is dial in for this one 1343 just’s wait for them to be called [Music] forward so Jill medley held on to that number one spot for an eternity but just got pipped by a pair it really was Matt Troy side by side taking number one and number two okay now been told to come forward so you’ll see the Jag and the focus make their way up to the start line [Music] well Brian gets the drop on the tree should be pretty close between Easter as I cross the line actually 1340 breakout for Brian and a 1335 it was the right side for Richard but uh no improvement in position for either of them Dave chrot with the es cargo the foxall Astra 1780 going alongside Simon swri with the four pop thanks to the entertaining conversation last night guys that was hysterical any more news yet oh I can’t wait for that to evolve I really can’t I’m not saying anything but we’ll we’ll catch up later [Laughter] mate you just know in life if Terry Newton’s involved in anything it’s going to be hysterical you really do so s swri looking for 1201 for this one uh the problem he has is slowing it down to run the number [Music] that’s a nice looking run actually just Feathering the fott at the stripe 1238 94 mil hour you could tell he was off the gas by then and Dave goes oh new number one qualifier Dave Cherry 1780 with a three brilliant job so well done that’s uh I told you the order was going to shuffle uh can we please have 850 and 950 bike into the pairing Lanes please 850 bike and 950 bike can we have you into the pairing Lanes next up Terence atre with the focus looking for 1890 and that’s Sylvia pel looking for 1425 with the Mustang well despite three Racers hitting the dialing bang on nobody yet has taken the perfect ET money and nobody yet has taken the perfect light money either they’re still up for grabs courtesy of bad habit racing and uh twister racing with Andy Hadfield in memory of Haley Sylvia goes up two spots there with a 1433 on a 25 a breakout for teren ay there big breakout actually 1876 on an 1890 so next pairing Steph pman with the BMW looking for 140 and Chris Creswell 1475 with the fiesta [Music] [Music] both off the line well but as per usual in qualifying it’s all about the ETS Steph gets there first with a 1404 stays number six 15 17 little bit off Pace there for Chris stays number [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 14 so Dar Huxley down there with the Earth [Music] meis big old burn out down there 1270 dialing there for Adam Wakefield with the monster [Music] [Music] Maverick well I can only assume Adam struggling to find a gear at the moment well I’m going to send Darren on his [Music] [Music] way 1210 breakout on a 1223 dialing and uh Adam unfortunately well the engine is running but just can’t engage a gear so yeah he’ll be pushed back and uh get prepped for eliminations I think as we move on to VW Sportsman [Music] [Music] first pair Olivia Carter who’s now stolen the car from Hazel completely with Patricia the pat going alongside Nigel greggson with mcolf face Darlings then 13 flat for Nigel 1640 for Olivia [Music] [Music] let’s see how Nigel gets on at the strike looking for 13 flat gets a 1307 but he’s already number three don’t think that’s going to move him up at all and a 1757 for Olivia stays put number 22 your number one qualifier can he hold on to that position Jimmy the golf driven by Thomas Webb going alongside Carl gold Smith looking for 1870 both go red doesn’t matter though this is qualifying Thomas goes 12 12 at1 Carl goes which wait for him to cross the line 1864 Breakout by just six hundreds of a second re finny with the Lop 1590 Dialing for him and Jerry Sadler wants [Music] 1522 well ree having to go at the perfect light W just misses it he went 04 [Music] Jerry goes 1540 Reese goes 16 flat Reese moves up from 12 to 8 Jerry moves up from 24- 16 right Danny Bean with his loopo looking for 1335 and Jake fronda 1235 with the [Music] golf now what Jake has done he’s uh I think he’s parked Neo and he’s now switched the golf that wasn’t running in VW Pro going to run this in VW Sportsman hence that’s why he hasn’t got a qualified position at the moment cuz he switched cars 1282 there for Jake 1435 for Danny so Jake goes in at number 23 well the hits just keep on coming poppy Hunter John Galant next pair poppy looking for 1510 John 1540 oh5 light there for John as well 14 massive break out for poppy 3/10 of a second uh 400th breakout there for John GES to show they’re trying can we have ET bike into the pairing Lanes please ET bike let’s have you into the pairing Lanes please as we look down on John Crawford and Phil Jones John looking for 1583 and Phil looking for [Music] 1660 so John Curry 18 Phil 21 will their positions change 1588 yes John Crawford up to number six but Phil Jones 1663 on the 60 goes all the way up to number three good move Steve mcha he’s currently 16 DS 1568 and lorri anelo she’s number two qualifier at the moment with the say this time DS 1385 [Music] okay [Music] Lori 1467 and Steve with a 1587 no movement in position for those two Steve Stone and Paul Robinson your next pair Steve look for a 1310 he’s currently number 11 one place behind him Paul Robinson number 12 he wants a 1470 can I have Nostalgia superstock into the pairing Lanes please Nostalgia super stock can we have you into the lanes please right Steve Stone 1310 what’s he going to get 1337 uh Paul Robinson issues on the run there 1565 so uh no movement for those two PA Val TTS then George Miller wants uh 1430 Polly poly judge 1611 for her [Music] [Music] 1474 for George St 13 Polly breaks out oh 1607 or 1611 so yeah they stay put so Jordan Clark with the thunderbug Nigel Greg with the turits it’s the Beetle and the Audi A6 1389 for the Beetle and uh the turits target 15. 28 [Music] so just a little bit of a of a wipe if you like in uh s trick Lane just making sure the Lane’s perfect before we send Jordan and n on their way 15 2 [Music] yeah so Jordan’s going to get their first with a 1411 and a 1542 for Greg moves up from 17 to 16 right C waterhous looking for 1490 Jason anslo with schools a drag let go to 1645 [Music] well C’s currently number 22 wants to move on up if she can wants 1490 gets a for oh goodness me 1489 with a nine was just that far away from being perfect uh breakout 1638 too quick uh for uh for the scoda so actually they both stay put next up Linda Thomas with the audt Tom cirit with the L 14 flat and 1780 at Islands as we switch to VW Pro first pair it is the team militia VR 6 powered altered of James Gold looking for 9 990 uh Paul walklate with a caddy want 11 flat and can I please have gasa circus into the parent Lanes please gasa circus can we have you into the lanes please [Music] [Music] 1220 there for James but Paul Walk Lake does move up there from 9 to 7 goes 1138 on that 11 flat dialing [Music] all right next pair Jacob Bailey your number one qualifier looking for 990 and Sam young with the beatle 828 good chat with the Black Crown team in the pairing Lanes last night found a lot more more information about what happened yesterday see if it uh gets traction off the line today so Jacob looking for that 990 gets 1025 and uh Sam young once again as that wheel spin but uh fortunately this time gets all the way through with a 1786 Hazel Carter with the golf looking for 1299 and James Hudson with his golf older version though for 1093 [Music] 1113 there for James Hazel goes 12 1266 that’s a fair old breakout goes quick that cut right Abby tether with ala daily he appears in the Slick tricks Lane and going alongside the VW Golf of guy Folly so Abby number two qualifier at the moment trying to get back in front of Jacob Bailey and Guy currently number 12 [Music] 1270 there for guy not quite what he wanted was off the throttle at the strike and Abby breaks out with a 1286 on 1290 D you had to try and uh get it bang on just out for action too quick Chris Waterhouse with the Audi S3 down there and Rob Carter with Percy just wait patiently before he does his burnout Rob Carter then with Percy the pat 7.70 darling for Rob and Chris Waterhouse 9.70 [Music] well Rob’s already run 783 this [Music] weekend 124 60t and 02 light Rob’s doing everything right here and a 780 stays number four Chris stays number six but breaks out by a 10 uh that was a good run bit too good so I rob a 10th too quick sorry I rob a 10th off and Chris a 10th too quick average am out two good [Music] runs all right Phil blog with the caddy and Luke Stevenson with the dawn 1217 and 12:46 Phil stays 10 Luke stays 8 all right Jake backround again with the golf this time in Pro h of 92 dialing and a 1202 the result moves him up from number nine to number five so that’s VW Pro qualifying done and imagine there’s a little bit bit of track prep going on now as we get ready for our next class it’s 850 bike so yet Ian going I think for the tractor with the bluebird one or the other uh but it gives us a chance to catch up on some ladders up here so Nitro 96.2 going to take the airwaves over for a moment and we will be back with more qualifying here at the Sportsman [Music] Nationals this is the last qualifying round for all of our race classes this is Sportsman ET [Laughter] [Music] so Kirsty looking for a 12 now looking for 1349 let’s see what comes out 1204 for Kirsty and a 1378 for Al so they both stay put can I have and Holly Holloway looking for 12 flat good to see the Mustang finally getting a a representative time in yesterday uh wouldn’t be disappointed if she broke out here actually’ be good fun but let’s see what happens then Georgina currently number 12 Holly number 16 oh plenty of wil off the line for Holly sounded good looked good 1299 uh that was lost on the Wilman off the line but nevertheless good run uh 1586 for Georgina moves up from 12 to 10 Creswell Jill uh number one qualifier has been since the first round of qualifying nobody’s got in front of it yet uh she dials 1232 Rob currently number 23 14.6 Target for [Music] [Music] Rob Jo gets there first goes 1238 on the 32 let’s see how Rob gets on that’s that’s better for Rob 1464 and the 60 goes from 23 up to number 10 stes goes 1305 with the darling from the skyline and uh Alexander prior with the caddy 20.5 to so Alex is number nine Joo 14 [Music] so 1305 the target 1301 the result it’s a breakout a little bit too quick there for Joo Stokes but 2052 let’s see how Annex gets on 21 19 stays number nine fisy Gibbs and Pete Walters your next pair looking for a 1710 and Pete looking for 1235 [Music] so P going to get their first with a 1231 breakout a little bit too quick only 400 so but it’s still a breakout and fisty go 16 on a 10 stays number seven Troy Atri and Matt horo your next pair Troy currently number six looking for 12.49 and and Matt with the escort [Music] 14.70 so Troy go goes to number two with that one an excellent run 1249 with a seven but ahead of him Matt Halla 1470 with a five on a 1470 he goes to number one Chris Orthodoxy with the Kudo looking for 1210 James Gru with the twg 1570 [Music] 1254 there for Chris and a 1604 for James no movement on the uh qualified order for those two Richard pal with the family cat that’s the Jag X KR looking for 1320 currently number 15 uh Brian Huxley with the Ford Focus here Dialing for this one 1343 just’s wait for them to be called forward so Jill medley held on to that number one spot for an eternity but just got pipped by a pair it really was Matt and Troy side by side taking number one and number two to okay now I’ve been told to come forward so you’ll see the Jag and the focus make their way up to the start line [Music] well Brian gets the drop on the tree should be pretty close between these two as I cross the line actually [Music] 1340 breakout for Brian and a 1335 it was the right side for Richard but uh no improvement in position for either of them Dave cheret with the es cargo the foxall Astra 1780 going alongside Simon swri with the four pop thanks for the entertaining conversation last night guys that was hysterical any more news yet [Laughter] oh I can’t wait for that to evolve I really can’t I’m not saying anything but we’ll we’ll catch up later [Laughter] mate you just know in life if Terry Newton’s involved in anything it’s going to be hysterical you really do so s wrick looking for 1201 for this one uh the problem he has is slowing it down to run the [Music] number that’s a nice looking run actually just Feathering the frott at the stripe 1238 24 mil hour you could tell he was off the gas by then and Dave goes oh new number one qualifier Dave Cherry 1780 with a three brilliant job so [Music] here we go once again and he’s on to two wheels now kicking things off for them with 850 bike number two qualifier is here in crito number seven at the moment is Patrick marit 11 bikes in the class at the moment [Music] [Music] [Music] so Ian chit’s already gone 851 with a s Patrick has already got 868 okay we have an improvement there Patrick mie goes 864 doesn’t move position but better break out there crit goes [Music] 847 Craig right and Daniel Madera your next pair Craig currently number six on an 863 Daniel c number 8 871 [Music] well fortun to get no times for Daniel went before the tree was activated Craig goes 858 he moves up one spot from six to [Music] five well Carl Thomas giving it absolutely everything on the burn out there the colonel already on an 857 he’s currently number four qualifier Joe Elliott one place ahead in number three he’s already on [Music] 854 855 and 861 they both stay put Carl Thomas slight Improvement on ET but doesn’t change position all right MC wiard and Pete Slater your next [Music] [Music] pet more problems for Pete On The Run mck wyard go uh 795 179 that was way too quick and Pete coasting there to 1345 [Music] next up Stacy Reed she appears in the Cal Lan going alongside number one qualified jro Now problem for Stace yesterday uh the the rear tire broke loose and uh was uh fishtailing up to 60 foot hopefully she can get some good traction off line this time uh no issues for Jay at all uh number one qualifier 851 much better launch for [Music] Stace and double breakout 842 and 843 so they’re going to stay put Stacy number six J remains your number one qualifier we move on to 950 bike well to say they’re very tightly bunched is an understatement um your number one qualifier uh Rob is on 952 Josh mlan here in the Cal Lane he’s on a 955 and Dave Hall in the S trick Lane he’s on 956 so just 400s of a second separating the three of [Music] them 96 oh Dave Hall takes number one 950 with a two that shuffled the order around so Rob Stanley’s just been dropped down to number two now he’s got to go 950 with a 24 or 950 00 between those two we’ll give him the number one spot otherwise it’s Dave Hall that’s going to get the solo into the final and Rob will have to fight very smart [Music] Rob Tri hard he tried uh but didn’t quite get there 955 so that’s a wrap for qualifying for 950 bike we move on to ET bike well looking at the pairing Lanes absolutely chocka block with race Machinery down there Nostalgia superstock out Anglia gas circus are down there loads of bikes looking good I think 760 are the back there as well but it’s ET bike that comes around the corner now I’ll give him another mention when he comes down to L but we do have h a racer with a birthday today Andrew christofi happy birthday Day to you running in a c bike this weekend so uh while she’s in the pits waiting to be called so give him a shout out straight [Music] away so first pair in ET bike it’s the pollen count machine of Grace going alongside Casey hogate both these uh if you like graduates from junior drag bike doing very well here in ET bike [Music] 972 on a 43 and 1214 1152 Grace stays put Casey moves up three spots from 18 to 15 next pair KL rushby and Justin Molton Carl wants 11 flat Justin wants 10 [Music] flat just in 1043 car goes 12:34 uh they stay put just 11 car 18 Scott Smith with the five blade and Dave Gundy with the [Music] Triumph so Dave wants 1054 Scott wants [Music] 1080 oh 1056 Dave Grandy goes up from 7-2 with that one uh no improvement for Scott but uh nice run for Dave actually just went ahead of this man Phil Pratt now dropped to number three Nick pladen actually dropped to number seven so 899 the target for Phil Nick wants 1125 [Music] H go oh he breaks out by 200 897 just a little bit too much and Nick playay and stays foot goes 1185 Jake Bowden in the Slick tricks Lane company number five wants 12 flat and Carl Hester on the rebel 1050 number for him he’s Gary Hester that is your number one qualifier at the moment only double O2 off his dialing he’s yet to come [Music] 1061 for Carl that should move him up he does from 16 to 10 and a 1210 on the 12 flat but Jake already number five and uh doesn’t move up Nigel lenberg looking for 925 Robbie Dobby wants 995 here Nigel currently number eight Robbie number four [Music] oh 992 for Robbie on the super penguin just a little bit too quick there uh Nigel though goes from 8 to 6 9:30 on a 925 moves him up two [Music] spots Lee bter and Gary Hester Gary is your number one qualifier at the moment Lee wants 1098 he’s currently number [Music] nine 903 for Gary And 11:04 Lee Baxter moves up 9-7 so two spot Improvement there as we look down at Scott Kier and Travis marit so Travis 910 Scott one’s 962 [Music] 920 and a 964 Scott Kier goes to number two with that one number two Travis ends up number 10 next up Patrick marit 8.70 in the Slick tricks Lane and Brett Cordell 9.20 [Music] [Applause] [Music] 928 Brett moves up from 15 to 10 Patrick moves up 16 to 8 goes 876 on the 87 right nostalgia superstock to see Adrien portelli and Mick sharp your first pair this morning 981 there for Mick and 1090 for Adrian they are one and two respectively at the moment [Music] [Applause] [Music] so M gets there first with the 988 Adrian goes 1096 they both [Music] stay right second pair Steve Lloyd Don Scott 995 the target for Don Steve 1116 the numbers coming down all the time then uh uh for Steve let’s see if we can hit that [Music] 1116 oh dou4 off the line for Steve Lloyd that was almost a perfect light not quite but a good effort Don’s going to get there first with a 1002 Steve Lloyd 1122 and actually fact Steve moves around on there so Steve Lloyd up to number three Don drops to number four all right gasa circus up next Chris Lam currently number one qualify for Nick Brook langum number two Nick huon is is number three NE Smith number four then it’s Brian gsum Simon press Steve Matthews and Andy cob rounding out the top eight 14 cars in attendance this weekend and uh this is the round that will set the field first pair coming round it is Steve Matthews with honky tonin going alongside Ray Turner with green onions [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so Ray Turner currently number nine Steve Matthews two Place head at number seven the Dialing for this one Ray looking for 1080 and Steve wants 965 [Music] 959 Steve Matthews a bit too quick there Ray Turner goes 1086 but doesn’t move he stays put at number nine Adam kazinski and Sam Glenn your next pair 1125 and 104 four respectively they are 11 and 12 on the qualified order would like to move on [Music] up S Blen gets there first for a 1068 1129 Adam kazinski goes 11 to number [Music] nine and into the pairing Lanes please can I have comp bike and funny bike please comp bike and funny bike can we have you into the pairing Lanes [Music] please Nick hon with a short fuse foron 990 Dialing for him count number three and uh Billy Jones with grumpy Grizz 1062 the number of choice for [Music] him 993 and Oh Billy ghost J oh breaks out by just that much he dial 1062 went 1061 with a seven oh so [Music] close SES with the rocket daring 11 flat as is Tony Pearson let’s see who does the better job [Music] all right so goes 1098 breaks out by 200s Tony Pearson goes 1110 goes from 14 to [Music] 12 Nick Brook langum currently number two Brian Gibson number five dialing 1177 and 11 40 [Music] [Music] 1169 for Brian Gibson 1171 for Nick Nick goes too quick breaks out and uh Brian just a little bit off Pace there so no help for either of them they stay put well sha Milson can he move up 1057 um one guy that can’t move up for number one it is Chris Lam he’s already there Ding A 1018 for this one [Music] 10:30 plays 1062 sha Milson moves up from 14 to 11 and Chris goes 10:30 on that 1018 [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] why you move on to out L Anglia Ben Montgomery and Ben kennedy Ben currently I say Ben Montgomery uh on a 1226 Ben kennedy on an 892 [Music] lovely launch there for the Relentless pop he’s already on 892 what’s he got here 888 finds just that little bit more SA number three medmont gy his PR [Music] 129 right your second pair Wayne power and Rob Stone [Music] [Music] main power number four qualifier 936 Rob Stone number two on [Music] [Music] 837 866 for Rob and 108 for Wayne so they remain at turn and four is’s mve to 760 heads up can I have super street bike and junior drag bike into the pairing Lanes please super street bike and junior drag bike into the pairing [Music] L well the battle of the pickup trucks Jean SLE and Belinda bu both Chevy S10s [Music] okay going to be a solo then for John sleep on this one blind’s truck won’t do the burnout [Music] so John SLE then what can he do we know he’s can run the number be going a little bit too quick wants to try and slow it down to 760 782 gets one the right side this time 173 mph [Music] so let’s see how Belinda gets on on this one [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh there it is we finally got the perfect ET and congratulations to Belinda bu 7601 that was worth the wa and that’s the money 76 with a 0 0 that’s the the third time the money has gone to 760 heads up can’t believe it but uh that’s how you do it Belinda bull takes the number one spot and also takes the money the perfect ET money [Music] [Music] right your next pair then Rob smor and Colin [Music] [Music] Miller well Colin g a little bit out of shape Rob small worth goes 765 goes up from 6 to four calling posting across the [Music] [Applause] [Music] line so Mark teller and Billy gain well Mark Turner has just seen his number one spot disappear and uh bar Miracle unlikely to get it back Billy gain currently number five qualifier so Belinda bu is your number one qualifier takes that perfect ET award uh supported by Andy Hadfield and of course in memory of Haley and than if you tuned in the very good morning to you mate look forward to seeing you on Friday well possibly Thursday actually when we get ready for string weekend Oh Billy G stands up on the tires that’s a a busted run for him in effect let’s see how Mark Turner gets on 787 179 m mil an hour so Mark stays number two obviously and Billy just coting across the line goes number five all right we move on to the big bracket just these two Don Scott and Pi up [Music] so Mick looking for a 987 Don Scott looking for a 10 flat H good morning to Dave Swift I just had a message from Dave good morning to you mate watching from the race coach this morning next best thing to be in there well we’re looking forward to seeing you and the car here Dave and of course the beautiful new coach is looking very very good got to say mate can’t wait to see that anyway Mick sharp Don Scott 987 and 10 flat we got a 983 and a 107 one a breakout I one 700 [Music] a really good to see Josh Duncan get a run in as well Josh has been here all weekend with the uh the hundy uh running in the big bracket [Music] here just let that smoke cliar you see what’s going on okay so Josh Duncan then as we’d like to have old school stalkers into the pairing Lanes please the old school stalkers let’s have you into the P Lanes please [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow 997 138 mph for Josh well done guys worth the patience worth the way getting the job done there 138 M out the strike more to come I reckon from them so can I have 100 e challenge and supercharged Outlaw into the pairing Lanes please 100e Challenge and supercharged Outlaw into the pairing Lanes please as we get ready for funny bike just a bit of a track inspection in the castal lane just making sure everything’s are okay there got a funny feeling in might be jumping for the tractor he is indeed so whilst they just sort the track out let’s take a breath and hand a Airwaves over to Nitro FM 96.2 we’ll take it back when we continue qualifying here at the Sportsman Nationals things off for them with 850 bike number two qualifier is here in Crow number seven at the moment is Patrick marit 11 bikes in the class at the moment [Music] [Music] [Music] so Ian crit has already gone 851 with a seven Patrick has already got 868 okay we have an improvement there Patrick mie goes 864 doesn’t move position but better break out there for crit goes [Music] 847 Craig right and Daniel Madera your next pair Craig currently number six on an 863 Daniel County number 8 L 71 [Music] well fortun to get no times for Daniel went before the tree was activated Craig goes 858 he moves up one spot from six to [Music] five well Carl Thomas giving it absolutely everything on the burn out there the colonel already on an 857 he’s currently number four qualifier Joe Elliott one place ahead in number three he’s already on [Music] 854 855 and 861 they both stay put Carl Thomas slight Improvement on ET but doesn’t change position all right MC wiard and Pete Slater your next [Music] [Music] pet well problems for Pete on the run MC wyard go uh 795 179 that was way too quick and Pete coasting there to 1345 [Music] next up Stacy Reed she appears in the Cal Lan going alongside number one qualified J Now problem for Stace yesterday uh the the rear tire broke loose and uh was uh fish tailing up to 60t hopefully she can get some good traction off line this time uh no issues for Jay at all uh number one qualifier 851 much better launch for St and uh double breakout 8:42 and 843 so they’re going to stay put Stacy number six okay so very quick clean up there and can I please have Sportsman ET into the pairing Lanes please Sportsman ET can we have you into the par L please [Music] so this is funny bike Lan Parnell new clutch setup throwing them a big old curve ball [Music] so Roger moall and Lan Parnell Raj fantastic runs this weekend brilliant consistency best of 729 and Lan just lik to go A to B if he [Music] can 733 180 well yeah I get it uh L coasting through there to a 1342 well he gets a number on the board not the number he wanted right we move on now to uh comp [Music] bike s just happy he’s got a run what [Music] up right the birthday boy Andrew christofi now then is he going to get a gift here of a super quick run he’s already been 769 had an issue yesterday where I believe an oil seal uh failed and just dumped the uh 3 l of oil on the start line well in the burnout box actually but very quickly cleaned up and Ed shot off the fo any further a problem alongside Michael [Music] pigot 763 and Michael pigot goes 767 both with their best run to the weekend [Music] right mark dainy down there uh not in the weekend that normally expect from Mark we know the biker got the performance we know Danny uh sorry we know Mark can ride the wheels off this thing just getting it all right at the time D though what a weekend for him 728 knocking on the door 200 mph PB after PB [Music] 732 194 and eight flat for Mark dainty 151 uh didn’t pick up any speed at all in the second half but uh at least it’s up a little bit better but the good times continue there for dandf Anastasia let’s see what she’s got for [Music] us and the best this weekend so far 888 [Music] [Music] that’ll do 864 173 mph nice Improvement stays put at number 11 but nice Improvement on the ET all right Danny cockrel and Len padet your next [Music] pair Len on 778 at the moment Danny on a [Music] 734 Dany 744 Len 785 they stay put though Danny stays three Len stays seven right Paul hambridge and Sheron Martis Shon on an 815 at the moment Paul on a 729 just a 100th away from top of the shop so the Silent Assassin this bike is absolutely superb so hawkey spotted something there well on in [Music] so can Paul hamage pull one out [Music] Silent Assassin is no it’s uh bike’s cut out on him and there uh Sheron goes 8:14 his best of the weekend but stays number nine big shout out for Liz tuned in morning from her watching while ironing and attempting to be I love that Liz just in time for funny bike and of course for com bike as well so good morning to Liz this is Jasmine Cordell well already run a 743 [Music] string Ro sounding good 743 again well consistent if anything right blade King just like to go full pass in here [Music] that’s looking much better well a blade ah 798 with an eight that’ll do nicely congratulations blade uh he’s gone to number eight with that one and he’s in the sevens what more could you ask for [Music] we switch our attention to Super street bike Alan Morrison and Steve vbl [Music] V goes 714 Allan goes 727 both of them with their best runs of the weekend ven moves up for 4 to three and stays five [Music] all right Alan Morris Jr Jake Michelle these two are one and two Jake on a 675 Allan on a 693 at the moment [Music] a propers air for Allan Jake disappearing off into the distance to a 675 with a three matches what he run earlier on but uh Allan’s bike literally launched and bit had a bit of everything going on there and uh stops the bike about 200t out well not what uh Junior wanted but I got a feeling he loaded it with everything for that one and it just just overdid it can’t F them for trying though [Music] Costas janulus and Chris Reed your next pair can I have VW Sportsman into the lanes please VW Sportsman Costa is currently number six on a 733 boyy number four on a 724 but boisey over 200 mph this [Music] weekend what more she wanted costus on his way to a 743 and uh boy back to the pits to plan his eliminations we move on to a junior drag [Music] bike right first up Sophie pollen and Richard Wilcox Sophie number four Richard number five at the moment so it’s the darling class to the e8th mile Sophie looking for 902 Richard wants 962 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh 9007 for Sophie stays put number four Richard goes 986 stays put number five right ad burgering appears in the Slick tricks Lane just look to see what the dialing is for nuke see the board there we go 1259 going alongside deim but 1398 [Music] so nuk’s going to get there first with 1272 Stage Nine Declan goes 1406 on that 98 uh stage number three asai Alvarez with the firecracker darling 1340 and leam Morrison he number one qualifier at the moment going to be tough to get around here D 11 [Music] flat 1104 for Leah 1391 one for Aire so Rico Patterson and Jackson King Jackson looking for 1343 and Rico also 1343 [Music] oh 1341 for Jackson breaks out 1359 the right side for Rico so they stay put how about Harry Harry Isaacs John mlan your next pair once again a shout out to John McLean senior tuning in VI the Life feed look forward to seeing you back at the trun soon John and uh get yourself 100% mate so har are you looking for 1010 young John looking for [Music] 1158 oh 986 for Harry too quick John goes 1187 B taper Harry 15 John 13 and talking to people tuned in at home Hannah King is at home would like to wish Holly a very happy 15th Birthday for Wednesday um Hannah having to stay at home they got poorly puppy at home and uh hopefully the youngster gets well soon but Hannah Hope you join the coverage and here Holly currently number eight looking for 837 and Brad Morrison looking for 1165 he’s number [Music] two 844 for Holly that should move up a little bit oh no stage number eight wow tough field uh 116 on the 65 for Brad that’s a breakout no help there as we look at our next pair Maggie smallman and Lyra Humber so Maggie small and Lyra hum then Maggie looking for 990 Lyra wants 14 flat [Music] 109 for Maggie Lyra goes 1384 that’s a little bit too quick there right this is Ali aler number 12 want 9.20 [Music] 1013 the result there so stays number 12 so looking into the lanes you can see Nostalgia potop bikes down there I can also see supercharge or in the form of the good guys Topolino I can also see the hundred down there can see Sportsman ET getting ready there’s a whole host of people down there [Music] [Music] so Rod [Music] spry quite sure what R you R run yesterday cuz the uh the computer screen giv me a bit of bit of a weird [Applause] [Music] number all the way through though 894 138 mph effect in the number three spot right I think it’s going to be super next but uh Ian has just disappeared into the bar so we’ll find out uh in a very short moment what’s coming around the corner next but I can also see Sportsman ET lining up for round one eliminations uh I’ve also got the 100 e down there as well but yeah getting ready for our eliminations uh the actual racing part of the weekend all the qualifying uh is last all the qualifying is done now actually it’s into eliminations for all of our race classes now uh the classes that we got are running uh out of permit so they don’t actually get full-blown eliminations for Championship points Etc I think we’re on just a pause for a moment uh let me give the airwaves over to nit FM let’s see 6.2 we’ll take it back when we continue here at the Sportsman Nationals [Music] [Music] well we had time for one advert as Steve Clark brings the good guys Topolino around had a good catch up with uh with the this morning nice to stop by and have a chat absolutely delighted the way the car’s going this weekend no pressure just doing A2B runs getting data they’re sticking with the right lane all the way through so they just like consistency all the way a best of 8.43 so far this weekend uh with which is a PB the best thing for the team is uh they haven’t really had any issues this weekend the car’s been going straight nice chilled out weekend for the team and that’s what you want uh looking forward to coming back at drag stalgia which is only four weeks away now many time flies when you’re having fun doesn’t [Music] [Music] it another good looking run an 8 watt this time 853 159 still going very very well indeed all right the hundred e they had a good time this weekend fair to say this man certainly has Scott Collin goes for uh the Bob darling 808 and uh matx Dany wants 1265 oh he’s into the a O’s does it with style 809 at 166 not only that a 01 light does everything to Perfection well done and that’s his PB as well can’t ask any more than that 166 mph 809 right this is Stuart flinton with the necessary evil 100e uh let’s see then 1032 [Music] [Applause] oh goodness me he hits it 10:32 with an eight very good this weekend very very good indeed right here we go then eliminations round number one Sportsman ET this is where it starts to get very very interesting indeed the winner goes through to round two and unfortunately it’s game over if you come home second first up going to be fisty Gibbs darling in 17113 with the Mustang taken on Simon swri he’s going to have to be very patient indeed dial in for him 1201 over 5 Seconds Simon’s got away for so Simon’s got to be waiting waiting waiting his side of the tree runs and off he [Music] goes and Felicity takes that one 1727 to a lose out 12:41 Simon lifted off uh a fair way out actually so fista G into round number [Music] two all right next pair then Joo Stokes taking on Troy atry The Darlings end 1320 for Joo 1245 [Music] [Music] right a green light drag race this one then will be sorted out at the Finish Line it’s a Breakout for Joo stes he gets there first but goes too quick so 12501 for Troy atree sees Troy in to round number two Steph pman and Pete Walters two families sted with history in the sport 14 flat for Steph 1231 for Pete so will be the white BMW going first there she goes and Pete sets off in Pursuit [Music] and that’s Steph all the way with a 1405 in an’ 05 light and despite Pete Walters going 1232 on the 31 it was in vain as the 05 light for Steph helped her on way Joel medley and Richard Palmer next pair 1333 plays 1236 so it will be the Jag first and the SRT8 Jeep going to be doing the chasing at 1241 gets it done Joe medley into round number two a perfect ET for Richard palmer but it was in vain as jel medley takes the win but a 1333 with a zero on a 1333 dial in for Richard palmer but the reaction time just allowed jel medley to take that win and unfortunately the perfect ET money is already gone as well so just totally missed out there but a good run for Richard palmer but it is juel that goes into round number two that’s a point if she hasn’t been up yet Belinda bull got some money to collect from the tower from in association with Andy Hadfield twister racing in memory of Haley right next up uh Terry atry with the forward Focus taking on Holly Holloway with the Mustang now then Holly has got to be really patient here Dialing for Holly is 1210 uh Terry with the focus 1869 over 6 and a half seconds Holly’s got to wait right so there goes the focus and there goes the Mustang in Pursuit and it is ter atry all the way with a perfect light triple 07 off the line what a time to do that in round one eliminations you can’t make that’s phenomenal Z 07 congratulations to Terry atry that’s 50 Quid coming your way courtesy of and bad habit racing Kath and Tig napia so all the money’s gone for our Rewards well on to Terry all right Georgina sets off with a 158 1 Steven jws with the Forester chasing looking for [Music] 1260 and it is Georgina that takes it 1589 to a lose out 138 Georgina into round number two I’m just I’m just spotted it oh the mullets are back sticking out the back of kirsty’s car uh 12 flat the Dialing for Kirsty tra 16 flat the Dialing for James grew that’s easy one to work out 4 seconds is the dialing difference either that or there’s two in the back of the car no sorry the two dummies are stood by the side of it so James Drew will be going first with Lamont Blanc toag off he goes Kirsty off in Pursuit [Music] [Music] 1614 gets the job done with an 01 light as well for James grew kough near her daring basically got shed by James but thanks for the entertainment guys loved it so James grw into round number two right your points leader Gary Lake ah actually got uh just a stoppage for the moment bit of a concern in the uh castal line well it gives me an opportunity once again to congratulate Terren atry uh in his race uh took the perfect reaction time money went triple7 off the line so uh ter if you haven’t found out yet you just got back to the pits and go what they saying about me what they saying uh yeah when you get a moment pop up to the tower and there’s 50 Quid here waiting for you courtesy of cther TIG napia bad habit racing and you you Terry have taken the perfect light money right well whilst they’re doing a little bit of track work in the Castro Lane going to take a pause just for a moment we give the OAS over to Nitro fm96 to we’ll take it back when eliminations continue here at the Sportsman Nationals [Music] [Music] [Music] another good looking run an 8 wat this time 853 159 still going very very well indeed right the hundred e they’ve had a good time this weekend fair to say this man certainly has Scott Collin [Music] goes for uh the Bob darling [Music] 808 and uh Max Dy wants 1265 oh he’s into the a O’s does it with style 809 at 166 not only that a 01 light does everything to Perfection well done all right this is Stuart flinton with the necessary evil 100e uh let’s see then [Music] 1032 oh goodness me he hits it 10:32 with an eight they’re good this weekend well that was extremely quick clean up whatever that was didn’t even notice it myself to be honest right so your next pair then Chris Orthodox who and Gary Lake [Music] e e first up is going to be fisy Gibbs darling in 17113 with the Mustang taking on Simon swri he’s going to have to be very patient indeed dial in for him 1201 over 5 Seconds Simon’s got away for so Sim’s got to be waiting waiting waiting his side of the tree runs and off he [Music] goes and ficity takes that one 1727 to a lose out 1241 Simon lifted off uh a fair way out actually right next pair then Jag Stokes taking on Troy atry The Darlings end 1320 for Joo 1245 for [Music] [Music] Troy right a green light drag race this one then will be sorted out at the Finish Line it’s a break out for Joo stes he gets there first but goes too quick 51 for Troy 1223 for Darren Huxley eight nearly eight and a half seconds Darren has got the wait in the earth met niss and down there before he can set off so basically Alex could be by the 330 for but block by the time Darren leaves the line that’s exactly where he was [Music] actually well I thought Alex had a big lead uh it was too big he broke out by 3/10 of a second uh so 1266 takes the win for Darren Huxley he goes in to round number two Matt Hors and Sylvia pel 1490 Place 1430 only point 6 of a second difference between these two compared to the 8 and a half seconds that we had on the last one [Music] [Music] well Matt’s got his nose out in front and very well judged a bit too well judged actually 1492 on a 1490 takes the win over Sylvia pel right next up Rob Creswell should have been alongside Adam Wakefield but we know the monster Maverick had a problem uh on his last qualifying run this morning so maybe uh that was the end of his day well it was so solo for Rob he dials 1465 let’s see how he gets on [Music] so 1465 can he hit it 1508 right your last pair in Sportsman ET going to be Brian Huxley and Alan medley 1363 for the Mustang it’ll be going first and then be the focus doing the chasing only two10 of a second difference between [Music] them oh and now medley goes red so Brian Huxley into round number two irrespective of what these guys run now 1392 and 1358 so Brian Huxley books his spot in round number two right next up VW Sportsman eliminations round number one for them and straight up is Jason anslo going to be taking on Nigel Greg so the scota darling in 1645 the Audi 1538 right green light both side of the tree so let them sort it out at the Finish Line looks like Jason’s got his nose in front but here comes the Audi A6 Jason dabs on the brakes but a little bit too much 13 Migel greggson takes the win win margin 03 at the stripe Jake Fonda Steve Stone 1201 Place 1345 oh and Jake F goes red so Steve Stone gets the win 133 breaks out doesn’t matter he’s already got the wind light Thomas Webb your number one qualifier gets the solo [Music] TOS 12 flat goes 1291 108 this is the race though this is Jerry Sadler with the beatle 15.35 taking on Linda Thomas 140 well green lights both side of the tree so again let’s see what happens at the stripe oh it’s a close one the wi margin 09 it’s Linda Thomas that takes it hits her he dial in perfectly there 1538 300s off of Jerry but Linda Thomas 14 flat on a 14 flat dialing Linda into round number two B Robinson and Olivia Carter your next pair 1664 Target for Olivia Paul wants 1499 so green light again on both sides of the tree well Olivia out in front but Paul Robinson closing in this is oh it’s a breakout for Olivia goes 1653 she did have a slight Reaction Time Advantage as well but is Paul Robinson that takes it 1561 Rees finny C Waterhouse weeks want 1610 C 1490 1644 takes the win there for Reese Cas goes 1522 but it is reys in round number two Jordan Clark Nigel greggson your next [Music] pair a Nigel greggson goes so that is a win for Jordan [Music] clock goes 141 in the process 1358 there for Nigel next pair Steve meta with blue steel taking on John Crawford so St Bea looking for 1578 John Crawford 1583 just 5 hunds of a second difference between them on the tree well I’m [Music] 1582 takes the win on a lose out 1645 so Steve meta moves on all right next up and both up here Tom circuit he’s WR a message on the back window what’s we got happy birthday Isel I think that is Isel darling in 17.9 and Phil Jones darling in 16.6 1.3 second difference on the tree it will be the green lopho setting off first this is looking close actually and it is 1805 Tom circuit takes the win from a loose out 1697 so world to young Tom still got four pairs to come and uh whil the squeegees are out there let’s give a mention to the vwdc sponsors for the 2024 season the headline sponsors are of course Dark Side developments DH Automotive RT mg performance CG Motorsport performance clutches rtech performance hanger 30 and Pro Race Engineering and we’ll get the associate Club sponsors out in a little bit but many thanks to the headline sponsors next up it is Danny bean and Poppy Hunter 1360 plays 1480 the Lup and the Audi one of them will be racing Linda in the next [Music] round and it’s Poppy hunter that goes to with a 156 L out 1397 so Poppy will be taking the Audi into round number two loriano and George Miller your next p the winner of this will get a buy into round three 1395 for Lori she’s got to be tiny bit patient as leaving first will be George Miller with the TT 1430 it’s only. 35 of a second difference on the tree oh and Lori goes red so is George Miller gets the automatic win okay your next pair and this is fingers crossed and just hope that the clutch holds out it really is L large with flossy 18 flat that’s not the dialing that she would normally want but she’s uh well that’s fair to say the clutch is going to be replaced after this meeting it’s just how long it lasts uh going alongside poly judge dialing in 1611 with the Audi and just to show how much theine is on the edge here she skipped Q4 just so that she had a car for eliminations rest assur whatever happens they’ll be back for Buck Jam sh well the clutches got off the line okay think it might be fading a bit now though oh Lorraine large takes that one by 03 at the stripe my goodness 1780 for quite Polly with Polly there I think she’s just lifted off too much but Lorraine large into round number two right you got uh we got one more pair to go John Gant and Carl well they’re waiting got okay so our final pair then in WW Sportsman come to the line KL Goldsmith and John gallon and i’ got to say uh a big thank you for Jeff and blinda bull actually uh Belinda’s just been up to collect her perfect ET money and and just taking it off Graham and just giving it straight to me thank you ever so much indeed it’s obviously not going to me personally but uh as most of you know I’m doing a street weekend next weekend raising money for the British drag racing Hall of Fame benevolent fund and uh very kindly that money is going straight into that pot so Belinda and Jeff thank you very much indeed all right so let these two sort it out of the strike they both go green 1862 plays [Music] 1532 and it’s an 1869 that takes the win for car Goldsmith breakout for John gallantly got their first by quite a margin uh but went way too quick so it is Kyle Goldsmith that goes into round number two right we move on to VW Pro round one eliminations Jacob Bailey you’re number one qualifier gets a solo [Music] well no taking it easy for Jacob Bailey that doesn’t exist in his uh in his repertoire does it 990 is going for it 1043 127 a fair bit of wheel spin off the line fair to say but nevertheless into round number two all right Chris waterhous have been oh no there it is I was looking for Sam young I saw the team out there just couldn’t see Sam uh the big difference so this time round is Sam has wound the dialing back to 990 uh they’re realizing they’re giving it too much off the line uh overloads the circuitry and it goes into safe mode so uh just take a little bit more easier this time out [Music] that’s going to be a break 879 at 160 mph I couldn’t care less it was a double breakout uh but it is Chris Waterhouse that goes through it goes to show that the black current team have got performance there it was just getting it down on the line but uh yeah nice good run there 8791 16 but it is Chris 960 151 into round number two Abby tether and Paul walklake your next pair 1280 plays 1121 [Music] 1298 for Abby tether takes the win to a lose out 1202 for Paul so Abby actually gets a Buy in round two to the semi-finals can I please have junior drag bike and 850 bike into the pairing Lanes please junior drag bike and 850 bike into the lanes as we look down at the Mark two golf of James Hudson and the mark five I think it is of Luke Stevenson apologies if I got those wrong um Luke the dawn 1240 dialing James 1099 well wasi I didn’t see Luke move but he must have done 1126 and L goes [Music] 1857 right Hazel Carter looks like she got solo here problems for guy oh yeah a little bit of fluid escaped out the front of uh guys [Music] car oh Hazel Carter triple1 off the line it’s the shame the money is already gone but perfect light uh 1250 break out but uh yeah she’ll be extremely happy with the perfect light there shame as I say the money’s already gone but the timing ticket will always be there for you Hazel well done so we just got uh two pairs to go Jake fond and James gold and Rob cars taking on Phil blog and that is the be we’re looking at Rob Carter the fil blog 7.70 Rob Carter sticking with that from W he ran in qualifying and Phil blog daring in 12 flat Chris Waterhouse is the opponent in round two for whichever one of these two gets through [Music] course a tight one at the stripe and it is a double breakout but it is Rob Carter that takes it 766 to a breakout of 1188 as I say double breakout but Rob Carter goes through right your last pair James gold with the team militia VR6 altered taking on Jake Fonda with the golf winner of this gets to Jacob Bailey in round number two e [Music] uh 989 James Gold takes the win there uh that will go down as a whole shot win actually 1207 for Jake fronda but it is James Gold into round number two right we move on to ET bike I think we just got a little bit of track work to do before we get on to that so uh whilst uh they get themselves ready and I get by ladders in order let’s give the Airways over to nro FM 96.2 we’ll take it back when we commence with the bikes [Music] [Music] diing in 17113 with the Mustang taking on Simon swri he’s going to have to be very patient indeed dial in for him 121 over 5 Seconds Simon’s got away for so s’s got to be waiting waiting waiting his side of the tree runs and off he goes [Music] and Felicity takes that one 1727 to a lose out 1241 Simon lifted off uh a fair way out actually right next pair then Joo Stokes taking on Troy atry The Darlings end 1320 for Joo 1245 for Troy [Music] [Music] right a green light drag race this one then will be sorted out at the Finish Line it’s a break out for Joo stes he gets there first but goes too quick so 1251 for Troy atree sees Troy in to round number two Pete Walters two families steeped with history in the sport 14 flat for Steph 1231 for Pete so will be the white BMW going first there she goes and Pete sets off in [Music] Pursuit and that’s step all the way with a 1405 in an 05 light and by Pete Walters going 1232 on the 31 it was in vain as the 05 light for Steph helped her on way Joel medley and Richard Palmer next pair 1333 plays 1236 so it will be the Jag going first and the SRT8 Jeep going to be doing the chasing uh 12:41 gets it done Joel medley into round number two perfect ET for Richard palmer but it was in vain as jel medley takes the win but a 1333 with a zero on a 1333 dial in for Richard palmer but the reaction time just allow Jill medley to take that win right next up uh Terry atry with the forward Focus taking on Holly Holloway with the Mustang now then Holly has got to be really patient here Dialing for Holly is 1210 uh Terry with the focus 1869 over 6 and a half seconds Holly’s got to wait right so there goes the focus and there goes the Mustang in Pursuit and it is Terry all the way with a perfect light triple7 off the line what a time to do that in round one eliminations you can’t make that’s phenomenal all right Georgina sets off with a 1581 Steven JS with the Forester chasing looking for [Music] 1260 and it is Georgina that takes it 1589 to a lose out 1318 Georgina into round number two 12 flat the daring for Kirsty tram 16 flat the Dialing for James grw that’s easy one to work out 4 seconds is the dialing difference either that or there’s two dubbies in the back of the car no sorry the two dummies have stood by the side of it so James Drew will be going first we the mon Blanc toar off he goes Kirsty off in [Music] [Music] Pursuit 164 gets the job done with an 01 light as well for James grew C so basically Alex could be by the 330t block by the time Darren leaves the line that’s exactly where he was actually [Music] well I thought Alex had a big lead uh it was too big he broke out by 3/10 of a second uh so 1266 takes the win for Darren Huxley Matt Hors and Sylvia pcel 4 1490 Place 1430 only point 6 of a second difference between these two compared to the 8 and 1 half seconds that we had on the last [Music] one well Matt’s got his nose out in front and very well judged a bit too well judged actually 1492 on a 1490 takes the win over Sil 1363 for the Mustang will’ll be going first and then be the focus doing the chasing only 210 of a second difference between them [Music] oh and now medley goes red so Brian Huxley into round number two respect okay we are back with ET bike and uh during that break uh I just St scrolling through social media and uh came across a video clip from last year thanks so so much for Lee Taylor for putting it back up again it’s when John Willard did his checkout pass last year pure dropping moment never forget it okay so this is round number one for et bike Patrick marit Casey Holgate Patrick on the blue fish booer 8.7 Z Casey Holgate 12.10 on the rug rack racing Honda oh and Patrick goes red so it is a win for Casey doesn’t matter what she runs she goes 1201 one breakout Patrick was the right side 873 but the red light was enough to give Casey the win Gary Hester number one qualifier gets the solo here DS in 885 is which he stuck with all the way through qualifying [Music] 902 at [Music] 145 right Nigel lenberg taking on Scott Smith nidel looking for a 925 Scott 1080 so will be Scott going first can I have cop bike into the pairing Lan please C bike we have you into the lanes [Music] right 02 light and a 928 pretty good combination there Nigel goes into round number two Justin Molton and Jake Bowden your next pair two seconds difference on the tree Jake going first 1210 Justin will be going second 1010 [Music] oh and Justin s was rolling the beams and then went red so Jake Bowden gets the [Music] win goes 1218 in the process nice run right Dave gandi and Travis marit well unfortunately Patrick went red against Casey so see if Travis can hold up marine family honor here Dave Bry tough as they come [Music] oh problems there for Dave uh so Travis is on his way goes 101 to take the [Music] win very unusual for Dave grunley to have any sort of issue whatsoever but uh it is Travis that goes through number two qualifier Scott Kier taking on Nick plon here the winner of this will be taking on Nigel in round number two [Music] [Music] well this one is all about the stripe and it is Scott colia identical reaction times both of them went .1 02 so it’s all about the stripe and it was Scott Coler that got there first without breaking out 9987 he goes through to round number two Lee Baxter and kyl rushby just 02 of a difference on the tree so difficult to spot well basically whoever leads first is going to have have the advantage uh it’s difficult to spot [Music] actually and the wind L goes to Lee Baxter 1152 to a lose at 1145 win margin 03 for Lee maxter good match up this one Carl Hester and Phil Pratt Carl dos 1060 Phil [Music] 895 oh it’s a breakout for Carl Hester so 901 for Phil Pratt takes the win two pairs to go Robbie Dobby on the super penguin 9.90 darling for him taking on Grace pollen 9.5 point4 of a second difference between these two on the tree and it’ll be Robbie that has his side of the tree run first [Music] so Robbie takes out with the 10:3 so unfortunately a deep stage foul there for Grace all right Bret Cordell Peter Harrison your last pair now I know Peter Harrison is having issues uh pretty much all weekend long uh with the uh with the jaati and unfortunately not been able to make the call for round one so he’s going to be a solo for Brett Cordell [Applause] so Bret Do’s [Music] 920 918 nicely done all right gas of circus round number one your first pair then the green onions Chevy of Ray Turner the short fuse forson of Nick hon 1085 for Ray leaving first and it be Nick do the chasing 992 [Music] [Music] and that is a win for Nick hon 998 to a lose out 1094 Nick into round number two right Chris L on a solo here we found out that Andy Cobb is actually broken unfortunate for Andy so number one qualifier Chris Lam getting a buy into round two where Believe It or Not gets another buy into the semis just the way the ladder works [Music] [Music] 1030 127 [Music] there well nice to see sha BOS tuned in very good uh where are we now afternoon to Sean he’s watching drag racing from all over the world today so uh Sean uh good afternoon mate as we look at Sam Glenn and Steve Matthews 1068 959 and it is a breakout for Sam Glenn a little bit too quick so it is Steve Matthews that goes through into round number two your next pair grumpy Grizz of Billy Jones The Willis starting in 1059 but leaving first will be Brian Gibson with the identity crisis start 11:42 a Brian goes red by 06 so is Billy Jones that gets the freebie [Music] another guy tuned in watching the live feed from the garden of all places Luke fton a very good afternoon to you Luke uh hope be keeping well buddy and no doubt we all see you at the track soon next up Adam Kinski and nervous Nick can I have super street bike into the pairing Lanes please super street bike as Nick goes red so your number two qualifier is out Adam kazinski goes into round number two regardless of what they run 1169 for Adam Nick went 1225 didn’t matter actually fact they both went red but uh Nick did it first right Sha m should have been alongside Neeve but uh we didn’t see a huge amount of NE yesterday so it is sha milsum on a solo ain’t misbehaving the Morris goes 1064 [Music] [Music] Simon pressed with the rocket no Tony Pearson I don’t know what’s happened to Tony but Simon is definitely there 11:06 on that 11 darling so round two matchups have been gas of circus Chris R Chris Lam gets the buy Nick hon will be taking on Simon pressed Adam kazinski will get Billy Jones and Shawn Milson we taking on Steve Matthews as we look down on junior drag bike our next class that is Maggie smallman but no sign of deck and butt down there unfortunately oh there he is he was hiding behind the Marshall I couldn’t see him wow how odd was that um yeah de looking for 1399 Maggie looking for 10:05 and the win light does go to Declan a 1409 to a lose out 1042 Declan but into round number two I don’t think I’ve ever had that before uh the Marshall was stood in exactly the point where Dean was lined up and I couldn’t see Dean there that was really weird right anyway your next pair Sophie pollen asaiah Alvarez Sophie DS 902 but going first will be a sire there he goes and Sophie sets off in [Music] Pursuit well the wind like goes to Sophie 916 on that 902 dial your next pair Lyra Humber and John mlan right both get green light so Lara Humber 1382 John mlan 1180 and that is a win for Lyra Humber 1398 to lose at 1209 Brad Morrison an nuk burgering your next pair off goes ANUK and there goes Brad doing the chasing 1263 plays 1155 and W by 0 five of a second Luke burgering takes that [Music] one Harry Isaacs dial of 9.80 8.43 the dial in for Holly King celebrates a birthday this week and once again a shout out to Hannah at home looking after a a poly puppy [Music] 993 not enough as Holly King takes the win with an 854 on that 43 daring so it’s Holly King that moves on Rico Patterson and Jackson King 1350 darling for Rico Jackson and looking for 1337 both [Music] away oh it’s a breakout for Jackson 400’s too quick so it is Rico Patterson that goes into round number two all right number one qualifier Liam Morrison gets a solo here sticks with that 11 flat [Music] dialing and goes 1104 in the process right last pair Richard Wilcox aliester for both of them on 962 for the dialing so we’ll to see who moves [Music] first not much in it and is Richard wiox that takes that one with a 969 right so that’s Junior Dragon bike eliminations one one completed as we move on to 850 bike more people tuned in from home Rachel Wilson we’re watching from home preparing for Street weekend it was T’s 21st birthday on Thursday well this is the class that uh Dan is running in oh no he’s in comike sorry he used to be 850 whoops but yeah looking forward to seeing everybody on stream weekend next weekend it’s one that everyone is talking about right first up Ian crito taking on Patrick marit this is 850 bike [Music] [Music] [Music] oh a bit of a bucking bronco there for Patrick [Music] and that’s in Crow taking the win with an [Music] 856 Daniel Madera taking on Joe Elliott oh Daniel absolute flyer here goes 902 gets away from Joe and takes the win [Music] [Applause] [Music] well you could call this the big match up of round one jayro taking on Stacy Reed whoever wins this gets a buy into two the semis so in effect two round wins for the Costa one jro was your number one qualifier went 851 Stacy went 862 but we know Stacy’s got it in the bike and herself to do it oh once again that back tire just not giving the grip that Stacy wanted Jay looks over his shoulder comes off an 861 only 126 mph so it’s jro into round [Music] two Craig Wright alongside Pete Slater winner this one gets Daniel madira here round number [Music] two big wheelie there for Pete Slater Craig looks over his shoulder goes 8 87 for the win against the lose at 969 so your last pair Carl Thomas and MC wyard we normally see Mick run in cob bike we used to see kyl Thomas running in 950 bike but this year they meet in 850 bike winner this takes on in crit in round number two [Music] 853 for MC wiard but it’s KL Thomas with an 851 that takes the win very very well judged indeed from kyl Thomas as we move into comike what a class this has been this weekend I think we’ve got a bit of a pause actually as uh good I’ll look at the uh the [Music] lanes and all engines stop bit of a concern in the Slick tricks Lane I think well the spot is having a good look around up there everybody sort of just waiting patiently well looks like they’re going to hop back over the wall well they’ve cleared the track so uh yep signals been given for the uh the first pair in comike to fire [Music] up so first pair Len padet taking on Michael piger well heads up wh gets to the top end first takes win simple as [Applause] that oh this is a good race oh Michael fot takes that a 761 to a lose out 781 but Len tried everything off the line for Michael Road Ro about the [Music] strike anasia and D well Dan number one qualifier 728 199 mph that 200s are coming is it going to be now [Music] 728 21 mil hour he’s got [Music] it oh congratulations to dandia 2.47 mph that was a belated birthday present for young Caitlyn Wilson as Dan has done it 728 oh what a run that was Rachel Wilson just probably leapt up in the garden as well watching that one excellent stuff and it’s a round wi of course and I went through there with an 840 168 a cracking run there for Anna as well let’s not forget that but it is Dan that takes the win uh 760 heads up and the St just superstock into the lanes as we look down on Jasmine Cordell Mark dainy your next pair H Mark dainy goes red so it is going to be a win for jasman Cordell 744 for jazz 748 for Mark finally Mark got some performance in the bike that he’d be looking for but unfortunately just left a little bit too soon so he going to be Jazz into round number two still got two pairs to no three pairs to come actually but uh the bikes go silent just for a moment just waiting patiently in the lanes well it gives me a chance to look down and wish Andrew christofi happy birthday once again he got his fan club happy birthday mate yeah it’s not very often get a pause in proceedings to be able to do that and for him to actually hear it but there we go okay signals given for the next pair to fire up [Music] so Danny cockroll taking on Shon Martis well Danny uh qualified number three with a 734 sh was number 10 on 814 that means now anymore rounds [Music] that’s Danny cck all the way to a 748 194 to lose at 848 and 155 so Danny to face Jasmine Cordell in the next round [Music] [Music] so Paul hamage with the Silent Assassin machine gets a solo here should have been alongside Keith right but we know Keith had an issue yesterday uh not entirely sure what it was but uh it didn’t look good when Keith was going down the shutdown area so Paul hamage on a solo here was number two qualify went 729 [Music] good looking run 739 [Music] 139 okay last to go then Andrew christofi the birthday boy but unfortunately no blade King oh what a shame uh blade was went really well on his last qualifying pass uh went 798 yesterday oh no this morning but uh Andrew with a solo [Music] here went 763 qual guess a 778 there so that’s com by done we move into Super street bike first pair then costus taking on Steve 733 was costus his numbered up number six and van went 714 on his last qualifier this warning and at number three [Music] [Music] very good race indeed but vent’s horsepower pulls him ahead at the strike 212 mph 7113 to a lose out for cost 753 at 167 [Music] can have Sportsman ET and VW Sportsman into the pairings Lane pairing Lanes please Sportsman ET and VW Sportsman into the pairing Lanes please all right Chris Reed and Alan Morrison [Music] what a race Chris Reed with a05 light as well yeah5 and a 745 On The Run takes the win to a 751 uh from Alam Morrison so boyy in to round number two [Music] all right Alan Morrison should have been alongside rulfo Maduro but hav’t see much of him unfortunately so Alan Morrison uh well B mind he’s qualified didn’t go too well this morning he uh well it got off the line that’s about as far as it went had to stop the bike short much better 120 to 60 ft this will be a six but what flavor it’s w 676 216 mph very nicely done indeed for Allan and and all Jake is going to do is break the beams here it’s all he needs to do saving it for the semis and the final so Jake Michelle has to break the beams under his own power that’s exactly what he’s just done so that’s his spot book so semi-final lineup in super street bike Jake Michelle taking on Chris Reed and it will be Alan Morrison taking on Steve venables all right Nostalgia superstock up next lined up and ready to go semi-finals straight into finals for Nostalgia superstock first pair going to be Mick sharp and Steve Lloyd h so The Darlings then 11.21 for Steve Lloyd he’ll be going first mck Sharpie doing the chasing 9.85 this for a spot in the final oh Mick Shar rolled the beams it’s Steve Lloyd into the [Music] final oh frustrating there for me but the car was rolling and uh yep just Trigg of those beams so who is it going to be to race Steve for the trophy then Adrian portelli or Don Scott Don DS 10:05 Adrian 1092 [Music] going to be very close at the Finish Line Don’s got his nose out in front but goes too quick he breaks out 992 so Adrien portelli takes the win 1094 and a 1092 so it’s going to be Adrien portelli and Steve Lloyd for the final in Nostalgia Superstar all right next up 760 heads up there they are in the lanes actually just making the way down some of them actually to see Belinda crossing the uh Crossing so the pairings are Colin Miller taking on John SLE that will be the first first pair and then you’ve got Billy gain and Mark Turner and then Blinder ball taking on Rob smth so those are your pairings for 760 heads up and once again many thanks to Belinda uh your number one qualifier and also took the money for the perfect ET went 7601 and uh very cently gave well took the money from your dra gave it straight to me to put into the British drag racing Hall of Fame benevolent fund and uh very very kind indeed so many thanks indeed to uh bindable and uh for those of you that uh are tuned in at home go and check out the British drag racing Hall of Fame website and also check out the uh British drag racing Hall of Fame benevolent fund Facebook page as uh it is a registered charity that uh as they say for the racing family or the racing Community from the racing Community basically all the money that the charity raises go straight back into the sport and uh helping organizations and uh clubs and people uh within our community Sportsman ET are making their way down into the lanes as well but I’ll tell you what just going to take a breather from proceedings just for a moment so night F if you can take it over we will be back with you [Music] shortly got to say uh a big thank you for Jeff and Belinda bu actually uh Belinda’s just been up to collect her perfect ET money and just taking it off Graham and just giving it straight to me thank you ever so much indeed it’s obviously not going to me personally but uh as most of you know I’m doing a street weekend next weekend raising money for the British drag racing Hall of Fame benevolent fund and uh very kindly that money is going straight into that pot so Belinda and Jeff thank you very much indeed all right so let these two sort it out the right they both go green 1862 plays 1532 and it’s an 1869 that takes the win for Carl Goldsmith breakout for John gallantly got their first by quite a margin uh but went way too quick so VW Pro round one eliminations Jacob Bailey your number one qualifier gets a solo oh [Music] well no taking it easy for Jacob Bailey that doesn’t exist in his uh in his repertoire does it 990 he going for it 1043 127 a fair bit of wheel spin off the line fair to say but nevertheless into round number two all right Chris waterhous should have been oh no there it is I was looking for Sam young I saw the team out there just couldn’t see Sam has wound the dialing back to 990 uh they realizing they’re giving it too much off the line uh overloads of circuitry and it goes into safe mode so uh just take a little bit more easier this time [Music] out that’s going to be a break 879 160 mph I couldn’t care less it was a double break Abby tether and Paul walklake your next pair 1280 plays 11 21 [Music] 1298 for Abby tether takes the win to a lose out 1202 for Paul can I please have junor drag bike and 850 bike into the pairing Lanes please junior drag bike an 850 bike into the lanes as we look down at the Mark two golf of James Hodson and the mark five I think it is of Luke Stevenson apies if I got those wrong um Luke the dawn 1240 dialing James 1099 well wasi I didn’t see Luke move but he must have done 1126 and Luke goes 1857 right Hazel Carter looks like she got solo here problems for guy oh yeah a little bit of fluid escaped out the front of uh guy’s [Music] car oh Hazel Carter triple 01 off the line it’s a shame the money’s already gone but perfect light uh 1250 breakout but uh yeah it she’ll be extremely happy with the perfect light there shame as I say the money’s already gone 7.70 Rob Carter sticking with that from Wy R in qualifying and Phil blog daring in 12 flat Chris Waterhouse is the opponent in round two whichever one of these two gets through [Music] that’s a tight one at the stripe and it is a double breakout but it is Rob Carter that takes it 766 to a breakout of 1188 as I say all right your last pair we go then s six0 heads up eliminations round number one six altered going to be John SLE Colin Miller [Music] [Music] well fair to say uh 760 heads up mean absolutely Stellar this weekend the only one that hasn’t qualified in the 760soldskooljams okay col Miller John SLE this for resp SP in the semis both Away really well oh pick the bones out of this one it’s John slee that takes it with a 767 both of them 04 off the line [Applause] [Music] right B gain a mark Turner well we must admit during qualifying we thought the mark Turner was a shoe in for number one qualify he went 7.60 with a two that was until Belinda had other ideas took the perfect ET Billy G he’s not one to be out done though great racer qualifi with a 769 now I know Dave Swift is tuned in uh I know he likes going complim minator but this class could be pretty good for Dave Swift as well 76 heads up here we go Billy G Mark Turner both away on the green oh it’s a squeaker at the stripe it’s a 764 for Billy gain it’s not enough 760 with a six Mark Turner takes the win the win margin 018 at the stripe what a cracking race that one was Billy G 03 off the line Mark Turner 04 off the line but it is Mark Turner that gets the job [Music] done brilliant racing that so the win margin 018 at the stripe Mark was moving around his Lane but uh what a race uh we still got one more to come Blinder Bull and Rob small withth but I do feel that uh yep Ian is sprinting for the tractor just a little bit of work in the Slick tricks Lane as can I please have VW Pro into the pairing Lanes please VW Pro can we have you into the pairing Lanes please okay whil Ian jumps in the tractor uh that game of ping pong with nitm is going to continue as we hand the airwaves back over to them but don’t worry we’ll take it back as soon as more eliminations take place here at the Sportsman Nationals so your last pair Carl Thomas and MC wyard we normally see Mick run in comob bike we used to see kyl Thomas running in 950 bike but this year they meet an 850 bike winner this takes on in crit low in round number [Music] two 853 for MC wiard but it’s Carl Thomas with an 851 that takes the win well heads up whever gets to the top end first takes the win simple as [Applause] that oh this is a good race oh Michael bigot takes that 761 to a lose out 781 but Len tried everything off the line anak and DF well Dan number one qualifier 728 199 mph that 200s are coming is it going to be now [Music] uh 760 heads up and the St super stock into the lanes as we look down on Jasmine Cordell and Mark dainy your next pair and Mark dainty goes red so it is going to be a win for Jasmine Cordell 744 for jazz 748 for Mark finally Mark got some performance in the bike that he’d be looking for but unfortunately just left a little bit too soon so he’s going to be Jazz into round number two with 760 heads up the final pair Blinder B and Rob foror [Music] the winner of this one goes into the semi where a buy [Music] can I have ET bike into the pairing Lanes please ET bike can we have you into the lanes so Rob smor Belinda [Music] ball and the win L goes to Rob smallwork takes that with a 788 to lose at 815 traction issue off the line there for blind is best way I could describe that uh the car sort of stood up on its tires it uh it hooked up again and went but uh Rob was uh running away then so it is Rob small worth let into the semis where he gets a buy into the finals all right Sportsman ET eliminations round number two Joe medley and Gary Lake down there 1236 Place 1388 Gary’s going to be going first J eventually goes in so Gary’s going to follow [Music] [Music] oh Gary Lake very well judged 1389 on an 88 and an 03 light as well Jill medley bows out with a 1245 Gary Marches On right the man that took the perfect light award in round one Terry atry taking on down Huxley the Earth metn yeah he’s down there [Music] and once again uh dar’s going to have to be very patient 1875 daring for Terry 1230 for Darren Dar out to wait eight seconds in his first run he’s got to wait six seconds on this one right can I have gas a circus into the Parry Lanes please gas of circus as Terence aty approaches the strike But Here Comes Darren Oxley and it is Darren that takes that one 1244 to lose out 1883 James Gru with the tweg and Georgina Smith with the Toyota Supra 16 flat Place 1581 just 0.1 n of a second difference between the pair of them and it is going to be M Blanc that goes first both away [Music] and James grew takes that one with a 1615 a breakout for Georgina and she got their second so James gr Marches On he’s going to face uh Gary Lake in round number three can I have the old school stalkers into the lanes please old school stalkers have you come down please as we look at Brian Huxley lining up with his focus and Matt horsa just underneath the tower the other side of the track well whoever wins this one gets a buy into the semis well un fortunately a a small but noticeable fluid leak there for for Brian Huxley so it’s going to be Matt on a solo [Music] goes 1568 61 just takes it easy next up then fisy Gibbs and Troy atry flick darling in 1720 Troy 1248 the sign all right FY goes 1720 oh and Troy goes red so it is a win for fisty [Music] Gibbs well 1719 with a s didn’t matter uh she’d already got the win as Troy went red we move on with Dave cherrett gets the solo here courtesy of been number one and getting past Chris Creswell in round one right let’s see how Dave gets on looking for that 1780 has stepen chosen the right dialing oh dear I like your optimistic Outlook Steve 1798 77 mph there for day Chariot but he’s into round number three going be facing Darren Huxley right last pair Steph pman Rob Creswell Steph 1402 Rob 1499 for so te doing the chasing at the moment Rob with the Smur Fiesta give that 1499 1402 for Steph as they reach the stripe it is oh it’s a breakout for Rob questell 1498 on that 99 but Steph pman hits a dial in 1402 on that 1402 and it is Steph that takes it despite an 02 light there for Rob he did a brilliant job off the line just aund to quick so move on to VW [Music] Sportsman Reese finny Jordan Clark so Jordan with the thunderbug 1410 he’s going to have to be waiting two seconds as ree finny dial 1610 he’ll be going [Music] first and the win like goes well it’s a double breakout actually but by the lesser amount Jordan CLK takes that one 1406 to 1604 all right Next Up George Miller he gets the solo here got past lorano in round number one which gave him the predetermined buy here in round number two DARS in 1430 gets a 1450 all right Steve Stone and Nigel Greg your next pair 1538 The Ding for the tpet and 1335 for S Leon okay bring the next pair forward then all right green light for Nigel green light for Steve so let these two sorted out at the [Music] stri and the wind goes to Nigel Greg with the turits 1544 on a 1538 darling with margin point2 ni fact Nigel with an 03 light really helped him on his way there very nicely done indeed next pair Tom circuit and Poppy Hunter toming for 1790 poppy 1480 whoever wins this gets a by in the next round [Music] so Tom on the brakes there takes the win 1801 to lose at 1496 as you look at the blue steel Bara bug of Steve Mecha taking on Paul Robinson [Music] [Music] and the win L goes to Paul Robinson 1562 on the 1560 uh Steve MF goes 1597 on the 1578 again goes through right Linda Thomas with the Audi TT 14 flat going to be taken on Lorraine large with flossy it’s hanging together D at 20 seconds there there’s no clutch left in the car now it’s it’s running on hopes and prayers isn’t it there’s nothing left of it I think it’s game over for flossy here unfortunately but Linda Thomas goes W 1406 wow uh 2191 there for line but it is Linda Thomas uh that does take the win and flossy can now get a new clutch well done very well done indeed oh look at that just been given some timing data right we move on can I have a 100e challenge into the pairing Lanes please 100e challenge uh Carl godith taking off the number one qualifier Thomas Webb so Carl 1864 and uh Thomas looking for 12.1 and it is Thomas that takes that one 1211 to a loser 1874 okay so the big bracket eliminations round number one this in effect is the semi-finals Don Scott taking on Josh [Music] Duncan 992 Dialing for Don 994 for Josh [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don’t think Josh cares less he broke out there got a good run in 967 well done but it is Don Scott the takes that [Music] 1024 and it’s Mick sharp on a solo here to book his spot in the final [Music] [Music] 987 on an 85 that’ll do her nicely done tell to work with this time herb good stuff right we move on to VW Pro we’ got the militia altered of of James down there taking on Jacob Bailey with the Jetta this to go into the semis 101 darling for Jacob 980 for James [Music] [Music] oh Jacob goes red so it’s going to be James Gold into round number two Jacob goes 10:15 James Goes 10:30 but it is James Gold into the semis Hazel Carter and James Hudson your next pair Hazel messaged me to say thanks so so much for the birthday shout out listening to Nitro FM in the car so obviously not going to say anything about reaction times or anything I don’t anyway but uh you’d hear what’s going on so James Hodson taking on Hazel Carter and uh oh a breakout for Hazel goes oh 1249 with a three on a 1250 James Hodson takes the win though he is through all right Chris Waterhouse taking on Rob Carter so are we going to see the bad have it out of the S3 or is it going to be Percy the pat into the semis robs adjusted the dialing accordingly to 7.60 Chris with 9.60 two seconds difference on the tree well unfortunately game over for robcast it goes red 784 lose that but oh look at that Chris Waterhouse 960 on the dial in 960 with a four on the run so Chris into the semis ABY tether on a solo here predetermined by so the semi-finals in VW Pro going to be James Gold taking on James Hodson and Abby tether going to be taking on Chris Waterhouse looking into the lanes can see ET bik down there of course I see gasa circus and it is ET bike up next just a little bit of uh start line prep nothing more than that down there at the moment so ET bite let’s have a look at the second round pairings then Gary Hester has got Jake Bowden Gary was your number one qualifier got through round number one on a buy uh Phil Pratt got Lee Scott Nigel uh Scott klier uh going to have this season long battle trying to take points just as as much as everybody else Travis Mar and Casey Holgate and then Robbie Dobby taking on Brett Cordell and the other class in the lanes I can see is gas circus so quick look at them try looking at the lanes there lined up in their pairings actually so uh we got Nick huon taking on Simon press Adam kazinski taking on Billy Jones Shan milsome and Steve Matthews that’ll be interesting one to call and the one who gets a solo is Chris Lam predetermined by 100e challenge tucked in behind them and the great weekend continues for Scott Collin he’s now in the 80’s with the adrenaline rush 100e absolutely outstanding performances from uh from Scott he’s just having one of those weekends that he’s just going so so well right just whilst uh we wait for uh the track to be ready Ian’s just popping out on the track to to do a little bit of sledding so Nitro if you can take the airwaves and we will be right back with more eliminations here at the Sportsman Nationals right first up Ian crito taking on Patrick marit this is a 50 [Music] [Music] [Music] bike oh a bit of a bucking bronco there for Patrick [Music] and that’s in Crow taking the wi with an 856 oh Daniel on absolute flyer here goes 902 gets away from Joe and takes the win well you could call this the big match up of round one jayro taking on Stacy Reed whoever wins this gets a buy into the semis so in effect two round wins for the cost of one jayro was your number one qualifier went 851 Stacy went 862 but we know Stacy has got it in the bike and the to do it oh once again that back tire just not giving the grip that Stacy wanted Jay looks over his shoulder comes off an 861 only 126 mph so it’s jro into R Craig R alongside Pete Slater winner this one gets Daniel madira here round number two [Music] big wheelie there for Pete Slater cig looks over his shoulder goes 887 for the win against lose at 969 so your last pair Carl Thomas and MC wineyard we normally see Mick run in cob bike we used to see kyl Thomas running in 950 bike but this year they meet an 850 bike winner this takes on in crit low in round number [Music] two 8853 for MC wiard but it’s Carl Thomas with an 851 that takes the win here we go then with ET bike eliminations round number two heads up where gets to the top end first takes the win simple as that [Applause] [Music] oh this is a good race oh Michael bigot takes that 761 to a lose out 781 but Len tried everything off the line right first off going to be Scott Kier taking on Nigel lenberg Nigel ding in 925 Scott daring in 967 so we’ll be Scott going first then be Nigel doing the chasing [Music] yeah n takes out 19 53 to a lose out 105 think got a miss shift there [Music] that Nigel gets a buy into the semis in the next round right Casey Holgate Travis marit 12 flat Place 9915 be Casey going [Music] [Music] first and it’s Casey that takes it 1223 to lose at 953 [Music] next pair Phil Pratt Lee backer Phil daring in 895 Lee daring in 1098 2.03 difference on the tree oh and Phil PR goes red so Lee takes the [Music] wi next up then Robbie Dobby and Brett Cordell so Robbie darling in 994 Brett 917 winner of this gets Casey hogate in the quarterfinals and it’s going to be Bret Cordell as Robbie goes 9 [Music] red oh Robbie went 995 as well on a 994 dial but it is Brett Cordell that goes through last [Applause] pair Gary Hester and Jake Bowden Jake darling in 1210 we’re going first Gary Hester doing the chasing [Music] 885 com biker 950 bike in the pl in the par Lan please com biker 950 bike and the win goes to Gary Hester 886 on an 85 very very well judged chared indeed he’s that there 1226 for Jake but it is Gary into round number three right move on to the Juniors this is round number two for the juniors it’s going to be Sophie pollen and Holly King sopie p and darling in 903 Holly King 843 [Music] green light both sides of the tree and the winner by 003 was Holly King they both had identical reaction times 326 but a 906 for Sophie came home second to the 845 from Holly King can’t believe they had identical reaction times that was the thing right your next pair Dean but and Rico Patterson they both get green light so dlan B 1399 Rico Patterson 1363 looks like Rico is out in front at the moment but he going to close up oh and it’s Dean but that takes it 1417 to lose out 1370 so we’re on to Dean Richard Wilcox and Leah Morrison rner this will be racing Declan in the semis so 11 flat Dialing for Leah 962 for Richard [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the wind light goes to leam Morrison with 1102 on that 11 flat daring 9 an 82 lose out on a 62 so leam Morrison Into the semis all right the last one to go through there n they going to be an nuk or Lyra we’re of this will be facing Holly King [Music] oh that was tight uh the winner Lyra Humber goes 1385 on an 84 daring an nuk actually broke out there but well done to Lyra right gasa circus eliminations round number two for them [Music] [Music] so I’m impressed with the rocket Nick houon with the short views 992 it’ll be uh so impressed with the rocket leaving first 11 flat [Music] all right it’s a green light drag race well p is not time press went red didn’t see [Music] that so it is Nick hon that takes that with a 995 but then Simon oh dear he’s going to be cursing himself hit his ET perfectly went 11 flat on the 11 flat dialing but the red light he left too soon and Nick hon is in round number three the semi-finals Steve Matthews and sha milsome 962 plays 1062 1 second between them [Music] and that’s a win there for Steve Matthews Oh sha Milson will be cursing his reaction time because sha hit his dialing 1062 with a seven on a 1062 but Steve Matthews was better off the line takes the whole shot [Music] win all right Chris Lam on a predetermined buy Chris Bazar has gone way through to the semi-finals without actually racing anybody yet oh lovely little wheelie off the line so he dials 1020 that goes 1021 in the process nicely done right your last pair Adam kazinski and Billy Jones so it’s so mellow yellow Chevy taking on grumpy G Willis the all important dialing then 1059 for Billy but it’ll be Adam going first 11:25 [Music] [Music] [Music] what a brilliant race that one was uh Alan Kine goes 1135 on a 25 with an 02 light Billy Jones 01 off the line takes the win with a 1066 both of them razor sharp off the line so the old school stalkers then [Music] Clare roll appears in the train going to be taking on Peter mcginness number one and number six qualifier the winner of this gets a Buy in the semis all the way through to the finals [Music] as long as CLA keeps it away from the S line which he does and that’s a 937 taking the win there from Peter mcginness is 1187 all right next pair start off underneath the T [Music] well the ice cream man made a lot of noise but the bike didn’t seem to burn out properly there so he’s going to be Rod spry on his own [Applause] well I just [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] resetting that’s a good looking run there 901 there for rods spry [Music] right so uh the last ones to uh match up in Old School stalkers it’s Chris Ry and uh Richard P [Music] [Music] well actually they both went red uh Chris rolled the beams and uh Richard went red but it is Richard that actually takes the win there there 892 nosy in the lanes to see uh hundred e are down there and also outler Anglia a good mix of uh good mix of everything actually got uh some of the bikes as well can’t quite tell I think that’s uh yeah I think that’s cotton bik down there actually right the glue Bird’s just going to put some extra traction down so whilst it’s doing that uh let’s give the ear waves over to nitm 96.2 we will take it back with more elimination here at the Sportsman Nationals [Music] [Music] and it’s mix sharp on a solo here to book his spot in the final [Music] 987 on an 85 that’ll do her right we move on to VW Pro we’ve got the militia altered of James down there taking on Jacob Bailey with the Jetta this to go into the semis 101 darling for Jacob 980 for James [Music] oh Jacob goes red so it’s going to be James Gold into round number two Jacob goes 10:15 James Goes 10:30 but it is James Gold into the semis so James Hodson taking on Hazel Carter and uh oh a breakout for Hazel goes oh 1249 with a three on a 1250 James Hudson takes the win though he is through [Music] [Music] so your last pair Carl Thomas and MC wiard we normally see Mick run in cob bike we used to see Carl Thomas running a 950 bike but this year they meet an 850 bike Winer this takes on in crit low in round number two [Music] 853 for MC wiard but it’s Carl Thomas with an 851 that takes the win well heads up whever gets to the top end first takes the win simple as [Applause] that oh this is a good race oh Michael bigot takes that 761 to a lose out 781 but Len tried everything off the line Alasia and D can I please have Sportsman ET into the paring Lanes [Music] please yeah Sportsman ET into the lanes was that call just in case you didn’t hear it so Matt Stanley his Target 1265 and Scott Collin 808 ah just being pushed back on this one the engine is still going for [Music] boom 806 this time around 164 B sty goes uh 1260 at [Music] 103 um yeah the hits just keep on coming uh Scott cin every run is a PB at the moment 1206 went quicker than the uh 1208 from previous sorry [Music] 129 right out angl eliminations round number one Rob Stone and Ben Montgomery well Ben disqualifies himself by going into the blue uh but nevertheless Rob stone is 842 at [Music] [Music] 155 all right B Kennedy and Wayne power [Music] [Music] all right so let’s look at qualifying numbers then Wayne went 936 Ben was 888 but uh that only was qualifying this is racing gets to the top end first take the win is Ben kennedy with his nose out in front and it is Ben who takes the win with an 886 147 out for white with a 104 [Music] all right Colin Miller number one qualifier with a 760 I know we talked about it uh occasionally but uh Colin Miller next weekend we’ll be driving his uh 34 Ford Coupe as he along with his crew chief Aaron Springford uh we’ll be doing Street weekend Aaron in his uh in his daily driver which is no slouch and uh Colin Miller behind the wheel of his forward uh can I have VW Sportsman into the pairing Lanes please VW Sportsman [Music] well 877 all kind of weird that was trying to take it easy and the car thoughts no I want have a go I want to go and Colin’s going calm down calm down but anyway Colin Miller through to the semis where he faces Ben kennedy and Rob Stone will have the solo the other side of the ladder right VW Pro let’s have you in the lanes please VW Pro so Steve Clark for the good guys Topolino been uh pretty much every run in the mid 8s this weekend to be an 84 or an 85 for so here we go then Steve Clark supercharge Outlaw gu is [Music] topino once again another nice run 864 157 just dropping off a little bit but nevertheless very very consistent Well Done Right C bike round number two [Music] [Music] Paul hamage and Andrew christofi so the birthday boy got a tough customer here though with Paul hamage two 7c bikes [Music] 734 takes the win for Paul but 745 and christofi had a good run there only 03 between him but the stri that was close but it is Paul that goes [Music] on right Danny cckr and Jasmine Cordell for [Music] oh great looking race this one and it is Jasmine Cordell that takes it on a whole shot got 744 to a lose out 738 the win margin [Music] 015 all right Michael pigot taking on Dan di well Dan’s weekend has been epic in every single way he’s number one qualifier he set PBS uh in the 72s he’s been over 200 miles an hour all he wants now is to get this round win where he gets a Buy in the semis to the finals but Michael pigot will be there if Dan drops the ball oh that’s Dan all the way 729 he’s gone two 100 mph again a lose out 7551 194 but Dan that’s 200 mph again and not only that he’s in the semis where he gets a buy into the final right we move on to 950 bike Rob Stanley and Josh mlan this for a spot in the [Music] final and the wind light goes to Rob Stanley a 955 beats a 958 both of them had zero lights but it is Rob into the final going to be facing this man Dave Hall the artist all he needs to do is break the beams which he basically has he’s just cruising on up so that sets the final in 950 bike okay it’s on to eight 50 bike then KL Thomas taking on Ian crlo this for a spot in the semies and in this particular pairing whoever wins this we’ll get a buy into the final concern for call oh shame for call fluid leak at the front of the bike so in crito we get solo W what a shame for Carl he’s having a real good weekend until that point CR 851 uh for Ian crito but uh yeah just a a tiny fluid leak for kyl Thomas well we got jayro to take his by and we have a race between Daniel madira and Craig Wright having a look in the lanes we can see uh Sportsman ETA there also VW Sportsman and and I do believe that is super Street Pike as well so a little bit of a clean up in the C Lane and we will continue with uh 850 bike very surely indeed just get all the ladders in order as well Haven really had a chance to mention much about up and cominging events obviously we do know next weekend is um Street weekend uh but also coming up uh is the uh summmer Nationals and that’s towards the end of the month that is the next round of our national championships [Music] and then Mo into live with the Dr staler four week time for that one here we go then Craig Wright Daniel madira [Music] and it’s an 864 it’s a whole shot win actually Daniel badira takes out Craig Wright the win margin 09 at the strike [Music] both them at zero lights but the better one going to Daniel jro on his solo [Music] 848 breakout doesn’t matter so that sets the semi then in 850 by jro taking on Daniel madira and it’s going to be uh in Crow on a solo into the final right on to Sportsman ET this will set the semi-finals it is Gary Lake and James Gru Gary darling in 16 flat be leaving first and then it’ll be Gary Lake 1388 can I please have funny bike into the paring Lanes please funny bike can we have you into the lanes green light both sides and it is Gary Lake that takes that one 1399 to lose at 1609 [Music] Matt horsa on predetermined by and he will be facing Gary Lake in the semi-finals [Music] 1546 there for Matt break lights on at the Finish Line right Dave Cherry 1795 Darren Huxley 12.30 so once again uh Darren’s going to have to be patient 5 and a half second Gap this time and some loose change so Dar had an 8C difference on the tree for his first round match up 6 seconds for his second five and a half plus a bit in this round right so off goes Dave and there goes Darren in Pursuit [Music] H it’s a double breakout but by the lesser amount Darren Huxley takes the win so he goes through 1226 on that 1230 to a 784 1784 even so Darren is into the semis last pair fisty Gibbs and Steph pman 14 flat play 1719 so it will be fisy going first oh and it is ficity going into the next round there Steph pman goes red so flick is into the semis so the matchups then Gary Lake and Matt horsa and it’s is going to be Darren Huxley taking on for ly Gibbs all right VW Sportsman gain to set semi-finals and is Audy TT time Paul Robinson taking on George Miller 1560 for Paul leaving first 143 for George 1.3 seconds later well George has to go to Stage there we go right so Paul Robinson goes first gets a green oh and George Miller gets a red so Paul Robinson so po Robinson goes through then a 1489 on a 1560 tile wow right you number one qualifier then Thomas Webb taking on Nigel Greg with the turits right uh now coming forward right not go straight to Stage so ah Thomas web goes red so it is going to be Nigro Greg that goes through and could I please have 760 heads up into the lanes please 760 heads up let’s have you into the pairing Lanes please right Tom ciruit gets a predetermined by here Tom daring in 1790 for his solo 1784 breakout doesn’t matter he is safely through right last pair then Jordan Clark and Linda Thomas [Music] [Music] well they’re both di 14s who’s going to get their first well Linda got their first but she broke out so 1416 Jordan Clark takes the win and sets up a semi-final matchup with Paul Robinson andby Tom circuit taken on Nigel greggson this is VW Pro Abby tether and Chris [Music] Waterhouse well first of all they need to get green lights which they have and this for a spot in the finals between Abby and Chris and it is Chris Waterhouse that takes it 96 66 to 1290 Gris is into the [Music] final but which James is it going to be is it going to be James Hudson with the VW Golf darling in 1110 or is it J be James gold with the militia VR6 power Al to 1010 the dial in for him right green light drag [Music] race closing up nicely at the top end but it’s 11:41 for James Hodson that takes the win 1061 for James Gold so that’s the final set for VW Pro I can see gas isus in the lanes I can see uh 760 heads up just looking to see who comes around the corner next but looks like Ian’s going for the tractor so have a hint it’s going to get a little bit quicker out there so whil he’s doing that I’ll get the ladders and orders up here and give the airwaves over to Nitro FM 96.2 we will take it back when eliminations continue here at the Sportsman Nationals Peter Harrison your last pair I know Peter Harris is having issues uh pretty much all weekend long uh with the uh with the jatti and unfortunately not been able to make the call for round one so he’s going to be a solo for Brett Cordell [Applause] [Music] so Brett DS [Music] 920 8 nicely done 1085 for Ray leaving first and it’ be Nick doing the chasing 992 [Music] [Music] and that is a win for Nick hon 998 to a lose out 1094 qualifier Chris Lam getting a b into round to where Believe It or Not gets another buy into the semis just the way the ladder [Music] Works 1030 127 there so uh sure uh good afternoon make as we look at Sam Glenn and Steve Matthews 1068 5959 and it is a breakout for Sam Glenn a little bit too quick so it is Steve Matthews that goes through into round number two your next pair grumpy Grizz of Billy Jones The Willis staring in 10 9 but leaving first will be Brian Gibson with the identity crisis start 1142 oh Brian goes red by 06 so is Billy Jones that gets the freebie [Music] next up Adam cinski and nervous Nick can I have super street bike into the pairing Lanes please super street bike as Nick goes red so your number two qualifier is out Adam kazinski goes into round number two regardless of what they run 11 boisey still needs to get to the strike before 30 odd seconds get timed out and I believe he did get timed out [Music] right okay so um the way I see this whoever wins this has got to buy in the final Steve venables Alan Morrison [Music] oh great race and that goes the way of Alan Morrison with a 670 at 219 milph thenen go 710 191 but what a run for Alan Morrison almost into the 660s it was a 670 at 219 right funny bike at last haven’t seen them yet today so let’s have a look at the uh the funny bike ladder [Music] the sound of Roger Mo’s box of frogs bike down [Music] there Ro having a really good weekend this weekend on the machine it’s been working and it’s been [Music] consistent so r to book his spot in the [Music] final 733 17 seven it’s consistent Lucy it’s working it’s working well I’m Ro into the finally he goes [Music] [Music] so Dave Peters on the riab boot Express and Lan Parnell with the storm bike well it is purely testing for Lan fair to say he’s not looking he’s not [Music] looking 756 for Dave Peters takes the win but Lan gets one down the track 771 at 183 Simon didn’t want to watch at all but loan got down the track so uh well done sets the final in the funny bike right 760 heads [Music] up so John SLE and Mark Turner [Music] think Mark’s got an issue down there so John SLE then with the Chevy S10 burnout complet done oh what a great shame for Mark Turner car was going so so well this weekend but uh whether it won’t start but I don’t know what the cause of the problem is but that’s such a great shame car was going so so well this weekend so John SLE going to be booking his spot in the final so let’s see how John gets on then he he’s yet to hit 760 he’s hit 750s he at 770s good looking run for John 758 but he’s done it again e [Music] right so we got Rob small worth with the dirty dog as long as he can refire and uh break the beams that’s what he needs to do but great shame for Mark Turner it was going so so well but the class my goodness me what an epic weekend five of the six qualified in the s60s the only one that didn’t qualify in the 76s was John slee that’s because either went 78 or [Music] 75 but John SLE is in the [Music] final so it is Rob smor about to book his spot there for [Music] y so Rob taking it easy and he books his fight of the final coasting for the night [Music] 31 so he’s going to be Rob smor taking on Jean SLE in the final of 760 green light track racing for gas circus this for a spite the final between Steve Matthews and Billy Jones and the winner is Steve Matthews goes 961 on the 59 daring 1064 on a 1059 D win margin 04 it’s steeve Matthews into the final he’s going to be facing one of these two Chris Lam with the Anglia darling in 1020 Nick hon with a short fuse foron 99 92 [Music] both away on the [Music] green Steve Matthews will be racing against Chris Lam in the final 1022 for Chris on a 1020 dial was a 990 breakout for nickon he took the strike by 03 broke out by 02 right move on to ET [Music] bike this to set the semis right this is a solo for Nigel predetermined eliminations by here so lenberg from the Netherlands going to be booking spot in some’s here [Music] Julie does by breaking the beans under his own [Music] power st’s 925 goes [Music] 938 this is actually an important pairing this one between Casey hogate and Brett Cordell whoever wins this goes into the semis where a buy to the final awaits nobody wants to go in there we go Casey goes in of 12 flat BR darling [Music] 9.20 and Brett takes that with a 939 to a lose at 1221 right the final pair Gary Hester taking on Lee Baxter Lee dialing in 1098 Gary 885 he hasn’t budged off that dialing all weekend long served him well will it continue to do so [Music] here and Gary Hester moves on again [Music] takes Mo the l96 to lose at 1104 okay Outlaw Anglia semifinals we got a solo here from Rob Stone and then it’ll be uh K Miller and Ben kennedy [Music] good looking run here from Robie went 837 qu go 841 here [Music] so Rob Stone books his spot in the final well no sign of B Kennedy unfortunately so going to be Colin Miller on solo into the final [Music] wee just taking the long way round go a 2541 in the [Laughter] end right [Laughter] Lyn right the old school stalkers semi finals so Richard pachy and Rod spry this for a spot in the final heads up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Richard just got his nose in front and takes it with an 886 to a loser 894 hardly anything between them but Richard pichy into the final going to be taking on a clar roll as long as the beams are broken [Music] 910 142 there for CLA so the final will be CLA Ru taking on Richard pichy in the old school stalkers right Sportsman ET we whing through the classes a lot of them now set to finals this is to set the final in Sportsman ET Matt Hors taking on Gary Lake Matt 1470 Gary [Music] 1888 well Matt didn’t move an inch there not quite sure what’s happened to Matt well Gary Lake as long as he don’t break out has got the win here yep 1394 takes the win and Matt unfortunately being pushed back right so the other side of the ladder once again Darren hxy is going to have to be patient as fisty Gibbs will be leaving first with the Mustang [Music] so the daring in let’s have a look fisty Gibbs need that board no the dialing board there we go 1722 plays 1225 5c wait this time for Darren he’s coming down [Music] oh oh and ficity goes red so you’re going to see Darren Huxley in the [Music] final Darren seeing the wind light on in his Lane and just coasts through all right VW Sportsman again this to set the final Nigel Greg with the turits Tom circuit with the Lop Darlings 1782 for Tom he’ll be going first 1538 for Nigel he’s the one doing the chasing [Music] oh and Nigel Greg was rolling and he broke the beams too early so is Tom circuit into the [Music] final happy days [Laughter] indeed oh and Nigel Greg perfect ET what I mean perfect absolutely perfect 153 380 but he went red oh what a shame he’d be kicking himself when he sees that but there’s Tom circuit that goes through who’s he going to be racing though is it going to be Jordan Clark with the thunderbug or Paul Robinson with the Audi TT Paul going first 1560 dial there he goes Jordan chasing 14 [Music] flat and it’s Paul Robinson the takes at 1576 to lose at 1462 identical reaction times24 for both of them so it is poor Robinson taking on Tom circuit in the final of VW Sportsman well actually the lanes are thinning out we got uh got some bikes there but I’ve only got uh I think four classes and they are all bikes to get into finals the mics are there [Music] [Music] all right so this is comike Jasmine Cordell and Paul hamage this for a spot in the final [Music] ah Paul sits up on the bike it’s game over for him is Jaz Cordell that goes 744 and she books her spot in the [Music] final DF then he’s had a couple of 200 m our passes this weekend first time he’s ever been that for quick every pass is a test pass but every pass is a good one these days for Dan 128 to 6 fo that is Arrow [Music] straight 727 this time round 199.00 say got a bit of a bracket bike going on there [Music] now 850 bikes semifinals jro taking on Daniel madira [Music] nothing to choose between them here and it is it’s a d breakout wow Daniel mad went 831 there jro went 841 jro broke out by the least it’s Jay row into the final where he’s going to be facing his old sparring partner Ian crito just needs to break the beams he’s on a solo here [Music] well let’s see what crit can run here 8537 very nicely done indeed right junior drag bike semifinals and then the only class to set the finals after that is ET bike and then it’s finals all the way so Lyra taking on Holly King Holly’s birthday on Wednesday we know Hannah is at home cheering her on the all important Darlings end Lyra Humber 13.843 [Music] and that’s Holly that takes it a beautifully judged run there actually 842 on an 840 daring Lyra breaks out by a 100th of a second but it is Holly that gets there first and books spot in the final it’s going to be one of these two that Holly is going to be facing but is it going to be leam Morrison 10.98 darling or is it going to be young deanb 13.99 3.01 seconds difference on the tree between these two e and it’s Dean but takes out 1411 to a lose out 1109 the win margin 018 at the strike there so well on to Declan right okay so I have only got ET bike left to sort out a final everybody else is through to finals but I’ve got empty pairing Lanes at the moment so going to give the airwaves over to n FM 96.2 we’ll take it back with finals for all of our classes and obviously just semi-final and finals of ET bike all right last pair then Jordan Clark and Linda Thom us [Music] well they both di 14s who’s going to get their first well Linda got their first but she broke out so 1416 Jordan Clark takes the win and sets up a semi-final matchup with Paul Robinson and be Tom circuit taking on Nigel greggson this is V [Music] well first of all they need to get green lights which they have and this for a spot in the finals between Abby and Chris and it is Chris Waterhouse that takes it 966 to 1290 Chris is into but which James is it going to be is it going to be James Hodson with the VW Golf darling in 1110 or is it going to be James gold with the militia VR6 power Al to 101 the daring for him right green light drag [Music] race closing up nicely at the top end but it’s 1141 for James Hodson that takes the win 1061 for James Gold and I believe you they get timed [Applause] [Music] out right okay so um the way I see this whoever wins this has got a buy in the final Steve venables Alan Morrison [Music] oh great race and that goes the way of Alan Morrison with a 670 at 219 mph ven go 710 191 but what a run for Alan Morrison almost into the 66s it was a 67 70 at [Music] 29 733 177 it’s consistent Lucy it’s working it’s working well I’m R into the finally [Music] goes so Dave Peters on the riab boot Express and Lan Parnell with the storm bike well it is purely testing for Lan fair to say he’s not looking he’s not looking [Music] 756 for Dave Peters takes the win but Lan gets one down the track 771 at 183 right 760 heads up [Music] so John SLE and Mark [Music] Turner think Mark’s got an issue down there so John SLE then with the Chevy S10 burnout completed and oh what a great shame for Mark Turner car was going so so well this weekend but uh whether it won’t start but I don’t know what the cause of the problem is but that’s such a great shame car was going so so well this weekend so John slee going to be booking his spot in the final so let’s see how John gets on then he he’s yet to hit a 760 he’s hit 750s he’s hit 770s good looking run for John 758 but he’s done it again [Music] right so we got Rob smallwork with the dirty dog as long as he can refire and uh break the beams that’s what he needs to do but great shame for Mark Turner it was going so so well but the class my goodness me what an epic weekend five of the six qualified in the 76s the only one that didn’t qualify at 76 is with John SLE that’s because he either went 78 or [Music] 75 but John S is in the final [Music] so it is Rob smor about to book his spot there [Music] yep so Rob taking it easy and he books his fight the final coasting for 931 [Music] green light track racing for gas circus this for a spite the final between Steve Matthews and Billy Jones and the winner is Steve Matthews goes 961 on the 59 daring 1064 on a 1059 D win margin 04 Chris Lam with the Anglia darling in 1020 Nick H here we go be car Hester trying to get into that final but he’s got to get past Nigel to do that the dings are 885 and 929 [Music] well Gary Hester hasn’t budged from that 885 dialing all weekend long Nigel lenberg what’s that 929 this for a spot then in the final of ET bike and is going to be Gary Hester that takes that spot Nigel goes [Music] red and a 907 for Gary Hester puts him in the final he’s going to be facing this man down here Brett Cordell I would imagine Brett would just break the beams yep and uh Chris just checking with him so he’s going to break the beams and roll back it seems a bit Dar but it’s in the rule book you just need to break the beams onto your own power if you’re on a solo and then that’s it the race win is yours that’s it all the finals are now set so there is actually a scheduled break now to set our fin you know to gather our finalists and uh basically when you’re ready come into the lanes obviously we’re going to run you on mass but uh yeah all finalists into the pairing Lanes when you can Nitro FM 96.2 it’s over to you [Music] [Music] [Music] the winner of this one goes into the semis where a buy [Music] [Music] the can I have ET bike into the pairing Lanes please ET bike can we have you into the lanes so Rob small worth Belinda B and the wind like goes to rob smallworks that with a 788 to lose at 850 traction issue off the line there for blind best way I can describe that uh the car sort of stood up on its tires it uh it hooked up again and went but uh Rob was uh running away then all right Sportsman ET eliminations round number two Joel medley and Gary Lake down there there 1236 Place 1388 G’s going to be going first J eventually goes in so Gary’s going to follow [Music] [Music] oh Gary Lake very well judged 1389 on and an 88 and an 03 light as well Jill medley bows out with a 1245 1875 dial inary 123 30 for Darren Darren had to wait eight seconds in his first run he’s got to wait six seconds on this [Music] one right come I have gas a circus into the par Lanes please gas a circus as ter atry approaches the strike But Here Comes Darren Oxley and it is Darren that takes that one 1244 to lose out 1883 and it is going to be M Blan that goes first both away [Music] and James grw takes that one with a 1615 a breakout for Georgina and she got their second next up then fisty Gibbs and Troy atry flick darling in 1720 Troy 1248 signal all right FY goes 1720 oh and Troy goes red so it is a win for fisty [Music] Gibbs oh 1719 with a Sant didn’t matter uh she’d already got the wi as Troy went red we move on with Dave cherrett gets the solo here right let’s see how Dave gets on looking for that 1780 has Steven chosen the right dialing [Laughter] oh dear I like your optimistic Outlook Steve 1798 77 mph there for Dave Chariot but he’s into round number three and be facing Darren Huxley right last pair Steph pman so St doing the chasing at the moment Rob with the Smur Fiesta that 1499 1402 for Steph as they reach the stripe it is oh it’s a breakout for Rob quell 1498 on that 99 but Steph pman hits a dial in 1402 on that 1402 and it is Steph that takes it so move on to VW Sportsman [Music] Reese finny Jordan Clark so Jordan with the thunderbug 1410 he’s going to have to be waiting two seconds as Reese finny dial 1610 he’ll be going first [Music] and the wind like goes well it’s a double breakout actually but by the lesser amount Jordan Clark takes that one 1406 to a 1604 he gets the solo here got past loriano in round number one which gave him the predetermined buy here in round number two dos in 1430 gets a 1450 all right green light for Nigel green light for Steve so let these two sorted out at the stripe [Music] and the wind goes to Nigel Greg with the turits 1544 on a 1538 darling [Music] [Music] oh e [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] good looking run here from Rob he went 837 qu 841 [Music] here so going to be Colin Miller on solo into the final [Music] we just taking the long way round go a25 141 in the [Laughter] end you right [Laughter] L right the old school stalker [Music] semifinals so Richard pachy and Rod spry this for a spot in the final heads up go then folks it’s finals time and it is uh I think it’s VW Sportsman the first class to come around the corner so this is where we determine who’s going to be taking all the points away from the event and of course the all important winners trophy don’t forget to hang around after racing if you want to see our winners and Runners up receive their awards that will take place on the start line as soon after eliminations as finished as possible with a maximum 30 minutes left later so your finalists in VW Sportsman Paul Robinson and Tom cirit well Paul Robinson has been there a few times before he’s taken championships but I believe this is Tom circuit’s first final so wishing them both the best of luck here The Darlings the all important Darlings 1782 for Tom circuit 1560 for Paul Robinson here we go [Music] well Tom circuit out in front but Paul Robinson starts closing in I don’t think he’s going to do it I think it could be Tom circuit here it is it’s Tom circuit that takes his win 1785 on an 82 congratulations to Tom circuit his first win in VW [Music] Sportsman the big bracket final then Mick sharp and Don Scott 985 plays 10:2 [Music] they both go the green looks like mck Sharp’s drawn alongside Don Scott but leam sort it out at the stripe ah Mick Shar got their first went 985 hit his dialing Don broke out trying to get their second he was in a no- win situation there went 992 so congratulations to mck Sharp taking the win in the big bracket moving on to bikes this is 950 bike Rob Stanley and Dave Hall [Music] [Music] it’s a green light drag [Music] race identical reaction times but it is Dave Hall that takes it with the 56 against a Los out 62 they both e e e e e so Lyra Humber taking on Holly King Holly’s birthday on Wednesday we know Hannah is at home cheering her on that’s race that’s racing it the all important dialing end Lyra Humber dials 13.843 [Music] and that’s hollly that takes it a beautifully judged run there actually 842 on an 840 darling Lyra breaks out by a 100th of a second but it is Holly that gets their first it’s going to be one of these two that Holly is going to be facing but it’s going to be leam Morrison 10.98 darling uh 1024 on a 1020 for Chris Lam but it is Steve Matthews with honky tonin takes the event win both would be deserved winners only one of them gets the top step 760 heads up Rob smor and John SLE well talking to John SLE last night and uh him like everybody else is bizarrely looking forward to next weekend John taking part in Street weekend not with this truck I must add but uh with a different vehicle and Rob small then with the dog 55 Chevy this for the win in 760 [Music] [Music] oh what a cracking final this is it’s John SLE on a whole shot takes it 771 to a lose out 765 it was all John SLE the reaction of 06 off the line so John SLE takes the win Super street bike so Chris Reed taking on Allan Morrison Well Allan went 670 in the semi-finals at 219 mph can he repeat that here oh a good final holds on tight 691 213 but another PB for Chris Reed 713 only 182 but that combination is coming on very nicely indeed wind margin .16 Boyce had 05 Reaction Time Advantage there but it is Alan Morrison Jr takes the win Sportsman ET then the Earth met Nissen of Darren Huxley 1225 dialing but leaving first and hoping for the win will be Gary Lake 1388 with the Arabian Knight [Music] and it is game over for Darren hugley Gary Lake taking the win courtesy of a red light from Darren and a 1394 to lose at 1243 so well on to Gary Lake he’s used to winning in this class wins again 850 bike final the old sparing partners of jro and Ian crito well forget about what they did in qualifying it didn’t matter anymore but for reference they both went 851 [Music] Jay on his journey to the final got past Stacy Reed and Daniel madira and Ian Quito got past Patrick marit Carl Thomas sets up this final then between the number one and number two qualifiers anybody’s race oh J row I don’t know what he was thinking about there but he went way too soon it’s Ian crow that takes the win 858 831 [Music] jro right the last of our car classes then it is Outlaw Anglia robone coling Miller again number one and number two [Music] [Music] qualifiers well looking forward to obviously drag star in four weeks time for uhoh Colin Miller has got all the nitrous on so we going to go for one here uh but yeah out anganga drag St are traditionally a big big event for them hopefully we’ll see the likes of uh young Dalton Scarlet taking part I know they were trying to get ready for an event sooner than that but couldn’t make it but here we go then the final of outler [Music] Anglia Colin Miller 793 takes the win to an 86 68 there from Rob Stone 110 60t there for Colin now Colin can relax and get ready for next weekend where he be taking the 34 Ford coup for a little jaunt around the countryside for three days Friday Saturday Sunday I’m sure you’ll enjoy it okay so it’s bikes all the way now Junior trag Bike final deut and Holly King so is Holly going to celebrate her birthday early with a win here in the final or is it going to be Dean butt which I believe will be his first win in junior drag bike best of luck to both of them the all important dialing 1399 for Declan 840 for Holly [Music] and the win like goes on for Holly King with an 847 to lose out 1415 that was a tenth of a second between him at the stripe but well done to Holly King for taking the win and also for Dean to make the final very very good indeed I think Hannah at home just cheered as well for Holly three finals to go it’s cob bike up next and a great Final in Prospect here actually between dandf and Jasmine Cordell [Music] well number one and number four qualifiers again it doesn’t mean anything anymore it’s all about getting to the top end first to take the win here in comike Jasmine Cordell really riding the wheels off this bike this weekend it is starting to work really really well for now but dandf my goodness me 7 tws this weekend he’s been over 200 miles an hour can he just uncor one more for the final ja is out the hole like a rocket But Here Comes the top end power of Dan de and it’s Dan that takes it 737 to a lose out of 744 brilliant racing between them 195 mph once again dandf awesome performances all weekend long from the [Music] team two finals to go this is the funny bike final Roger Moore and Dave Peters [Music] again it’s just one more pass for Roger Mo he’s had a brilliant weekend the bike so so consistent Dave Peters bit of an up and down weekend for him but he’s in the final and Dave knows how to win races without a shadow of a doubt this ain’t over just yet let’s see what happens the final of funny bike oh what a great final this [Music] is and I think it’s going to be Dave Peters that takes the win it is with a 731 and 176 mph Roger Moore unfortunately big plume of smoke at the stripe but uh yeah the Clockwork weekend just ran out there for for Raj so is Dave Peters takes win in funny bike obviously we need to have a a checkout at the top end as uh it looks like the bike uh well it let go somewhere so our track crew obviously just checking everything out Rogers turned around the top absolutely no problem at all right Ian’s gone for the tractor and we only have one final to go that is the ET bike final between Brett Cordell and Gary Hester best of luck to both of them so so whilst uh Ian just does the uh the top end checkout with the tractor um just a note to all finalist that have just run don’t forget we do need you down here for trophy presentations uh as soon as you can obviously we still got one more final to go uh which is the ET bike final but basically I would like everybody back down to the uh the start line for trophy presentations uh as soon as soon after finals are finished as possible in the mean time let’s just give the Airways over to Nitro FM we will take it back with the last race of the day the ET bike final [Music] well Gary Hester hasn’t budged from that 885 dialing all weekend long Nigel lenberg what’s that 929 this for a spot then in the final of ET bike and it is going to be Gary Hester that takes that spot Nigel goes red and a 907 for Gary Hester puts him in the final he’s going to be facing this man down here Brett Cordell I would imagine Brett would just so your finalists in VW Sportsman Paul Robinson and Tom ciri well Paul Robinson has been there a few times before he’s taken championships but I believe this is Tom circuit’s first final so wishing them both the best of luck here The Darlings the all important Darlings 1782 for Tom circuit 1560 for Paul Robinson here we [Music] go well Tom circuit out in front but Paul Robinson starts closing in I don’t think he’s going to do it I think it could be Tom circuit here it is it’s Tom circuit that takes his win 1785 on an 82 congratulations to Tom circuit his first win in VW sports the big bracket final then Mick sharp and Don Scott 985 plays [Music] 102 they both go the green looks like mck shar’s drawn alongside Don Scot but let him sort it out at the stripe ah Mick sharp got there first went 985 hit his dialing Don broke out trying to get their second he was in a no- win situation they went 992 so congratulations this is 950 bike Rob Stanley and Dave Hall [Music] [Music] it’s a green light drag [Music] race identical reaction times but it is Dave Hall that takes it with a 56 get to lose out 62 and Rob small then with the dirty dog 55 Chevy this for the win in 760 [Music] [Music] oh what a cracking final this is it’s John SLE on a whole shot takes it 771 to a lose out 765 it was all John SLE the reaction of 06 off the line so John SLE takes the win the win will be Gary Lake 1388 with the Arabian Knight [Music] and it is game over for Darren Huxley Gary Lake taking the win courtesy of a red light from Darren and a 1394 to lose at 1243 so well on to Gary Lake he’s used to winning in this class wins again 850 bike final Jay on his journey to the final got past Stacy Reed and Daniel madira and Ian crito got past Patrick marit Carl Thomas sets up this final then between the number one number two qualifiers anybody’s race oh J row I don’t know what he was thinking about there but he went way too soon it’s Ian crow that takes the win 858 831 jro [Music] Brett Cordell and Gary Hester Gary no surprise sticking with that 885 he’s been on that number all weekend long Brett Cordell first final him for for a while so 885 plays 920 Brett Will we going first this for the win in ET bike oh the bike died on the line for Brett oh massive commiserations Gary Hester 904 lifts early oh that was that just wasn’t fair just give him chance to actually get a race next time Brett it will happen you’ll get that win but today it just wasn’t to be what a shame but it is Gary Hester that uh that takes the win okay we are done phenomenal um despite the weather delay yesterday which meant that we had to do all of our fourth round qualifying this morning uh we’re done congratulations to all of our Racers huge thanks to our awesome track crew as per usual and uh all of you Spectators that joined us here today uh it’s not a big event for us this weekend but nevertheless the racing has just been intense as it always is uh we’ll be doing trophy presentations as soon as we can down on the start line uh bear in mind we’ve had uh quite an early finish so to speak so no need to rush off come and join us for trophies down on the start line uh we’ll a to get those done as soon as possible uh obviously the track crew do need to pack everything away and help us get the trophies out so uh I would like hopefully get uh everybody down here at sort of I don’t know 20 to5 the view of starting trophies no later than 5 minutes after that um we need to sort out a few things so if you’re a finalist make sure you do come down for trophy presentations and uh then we can get you on your way home but uh yeah as soon as please everybody down to uh the start line as I say uh well if everybody’s down there for half four fantastic but I think been a little bit more realistic uh about 20 to 5 okay Nitro FM if you can take the airwaves back and uh we’ll pick it up again for trophies [Music] n

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