Golf Players

Target These 2nd Year IDPs in Drafts | 2024 IDP Fantasy Football

Now that rookie fever has died down, let’s revisit the rookies from the 2023 class. With a year of data under our belts, how are we feeling about Jalen Carter, Will Anderson, Brian Branch, and Devon Witherspoon? (Hint: very good.) The rest of the class, including those seven 1st round edge rushers? (Another hint: TBD.) Josh, Adam, and Bobby wade through the data from last season to determine the dynasty and redraft outlook for the notable 2nd year IDPs.

0:00 Shenanigans and Ramblings
6:41 Defensive Tackles
17:55 Edge Rushers
46:34 Defensive Back
1:06:33 Linebacker

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you know I was thinking about that today I don’t know what I was doing this is awing this was a driving thought no I wasn’t mowing here’s poop dude honestly my yard needs to be mowed again I don’t know poop you were just mowing like two days ago I deported our house imagine there is a commode on a mower oh my God you never leave my head just blew B’s been on the mower 6 hours his legs are numb welcome to the IDP show Josh rmer here in the so Shack Adam Markham Bobby Reynolds it is a beautiful day here in Bowling Green Kentucky how are you fine gentlemen doing today I’m doing so good Josh I’m doing so good why you doing why you doing so good why you doing so good Addie just everything’s good right now everything’s good yeah summertime I feel good in the summer you feel good in the summer yeah winter sucks winter sucks I mean that’s think that’s that’s a pretty common uh not a winter boy no not so much I don’t like being cold you know more golf hanging outside cooking grilling you kidding me it’s the best what you been grilling uh steaks a lot of steaks steaks are usually in the mix um Burger Boy Burgers always yeah chickens anything have I ever told y my uh my burger grilling story love my wife uh she’s great she a great cook really good cook and one day gave me some some burger patties to go Grill thre them on the grill they were really like they burned hot like trying to catch the grill on fire fire a lot we got a green egg and like like this is not normal something’s wrong here we get through you put your dressing on little mayo lettuce tomato whatever you feel like some pickles get you a big bite that’s sausage all righty then get you a sausage Burger yeah we ate them fine may be a thing that may be a thing in the future you know you talk about you never know that was a lot of sausage I’ll say too much sausage No Such Thing brother hey summertime means B we’re going up to a Reds game for the first time in probably five six years maybe longer than that I looked today about going maybe Thursday or Friday night so they have a in town they have a um kids section where it’s like close to the playground tickets are 26 bucks so we just bought up a bunch of tickets for Father’s Day for the fam headed up there the whole Squad whole Squad wow we’re we’re parked we’re literally sitting right next to where the playground is yeah Connie the whole all the kids so yeah R thing it’s a rmer thing we’re going to be up in Cincy we used to do the annual Cincinnati trip with all of our buddies got kind came to a halt after the had a couple of incidents um that resulted in us maybe not wanting to go to Cincinnati as much anymore yeah Warren is welcome at some places yeah that’s a good that’s a good way of putting it the Garfield I don’t think uh probably still has our picture up yeah in the lobby like do not let these people rent rooms at this hotel we did enjoy our time though Garfield yes it was it was a very nice establishment we we’re grateful for the time we did have thankful for what sorry it it ended way it did we are sorry and uh sorry to the person who drove by in their car dude I haven’t even been to a Reds game since Barry Lin was their shortstop a long time what it’s a long time that was like early 2000s yeah what was the who’s the owner probably late 90s who’s the owner of the Reds no idea uh Mar shot she still think she passed I think she’s been dead for 40 years I you I’m sorry yeah her granddaughter’s probably running place now legitimately maybe a great grand let’s see when Marge shot died watch she’s still alive what if she is still running the team I’m going to eat a whole lot of crow uh no she looks like uh died in 2004 so she’s been 20 years sorry Marge that’s a while back all the pictures she’s in on Google was she’s ripping ripping heaters in all of her pictures on Google I think that was like kind of probably the lung cancer that got her maybe oh me love the Reds dude I grew up with the Reds that was so much fun I I every single day on the radio had the Reds on yep you know Fox Sports South that’s that’s gone right I think so yeah no longer a channel yeah Cincinnati about four hours from us so MH it’s going to be a good time a lot of red fans around here a lot of Braves fans lot of Cardinals fans we’re such an interesting Melting Pot for fandom I feel like every sport you get like three different kind of major fan bases I can tolerate the Cardinals fans I can’t stand Braves fans there’s a lot here I don’t know what it is about them there’s an there’s an arrogance to them there’s that yeah 95 World Series that glavin Maddox smtz they just got one recently too right two or three years ago oh yeah did they they did WOW had been keeping up in a while baseball couldn’t tell you who it was last year Astros I think have won a bunch can you name two players on the Reds uh there is Deli of course yeah I was gonna say that’s Ellie that’s that’s all I’ve got I can’t it used to be Joey vad but I think he’s in Toronto now I think he’s with the Blue Jays yeah cuz I looked this up the other day mhm that’s it that’s all I got for you okay so if we’re going to buy the kids jerseys it’s going to be that guy because I can’t name a single other player so welcome in to the IDP show we’re not going to talk baseball the entire time you’ll be happy to hear uh this episode we are going to be looking at the outlook for secondy year idps now that we have wrapped our rookie coverage for 2024 we are going to look back at the rookies from 2023 we have a Year’s worth of data now for these players to say what do we think about them headed into their sophomore season uh there’s a great series that Underdog does looking at potential second-year breakouts because a lot of the offensive guys if they don’t break out in year one are in a prime position to break out in year two so we’re going to do something similar today we’re going to go through all of the big notable names for the 2023 rookie class and say what do we think about these players in a dynasty context and for you know 2024 as well now that we have a little bit of information to go off of so boys this should be a fun one uh we got 18 names on the list we’re going to go position by position uh we’ve broken it out DT Edge DB and only one linebacker you can probably guess who it is uh but boys looking at this list the depth of this group from last year was definitely the defensive line between all the edge rushers that went in the first round the defensive tackles that really burst onto the scene uh it’s a definitely a defensive line heavy group yeah and just so many of those Edge rushers really haven’t had a chance to show what they can do yet so but yeah I mean at the top you got Jaylen Carter kajic cany and then Kobe Turner so that’s that’s pretty good yeah I was going to say let’s just get into it um starting off with d tackle yeah Jaylen Carter kijah cany and Kobe Turner it feels like to me babo this is the strength of this 2023 class is the defensive tackles oh for sure you know Jaylen Carter uh Adams Dynasty DT two yep I mean I it’s a might be a little is it is it hot Tak it’s really probably not big Q still number one big Q number one um Jaylen Carter’s great kaga KY another guy that I really really like you got him on your main main roster yeah XFL and then Kobe Turner another guy I Kobe Turner is the one I guess for me that I need to see it apart from Aaron Donald um and you need to see it with Bron Fisk now in town yeah man what’s that going to look like what’s that split going to look like so excited for the Rams they be both those guys I think Kobe Turner not not being Aaron Donald but slotting into the Aaron Donald I think snapshare with Fisk maybe in the Kobe Turner snapshare I mean do they just or do they split it up a little more evenly yeah I think both those I think both those guys get over 50% is really all you’re looking for right I mean you’re looking at you have KOB get what he got last year I think at least I don’t think he’s going down is he no no no that line as as a whole has gotten much better though 62% snaps and 23 62% yeah so he’ll be he’ll be 62 to 70 yeah um you look at you have Kobe Turner as uh uh D tackle 14 kijah KY is D tackle seven so think about that this one class produced oneth of the top 15 of Dynasty defensive tackles that’s pretty impressive yeah uh considering we’ve talked about a lot on this show how rich and deep the defensive tackle pool is right now um but you start at the top there Addy Jaylen Carter I mean just everything I think we wanted to see maybe not from a fantasy standpoint but the flashes that we got to see 87.4 overall 84.6 pass rush grade from PFF 11.7 pressure rate six sacks he had a defensive touchdown played Just 51% of snaps so I know the the the questions are like what’s the what’s the snapshare look like along that defensive line where traditionally they run a lot of guys in and out of there um but I could not be more bullish on Jaylen Carter for dynasty at least yeah man it’s he’s going to be the guy leading those snaps among the defensive t T Les they have no doubt about it uh it’s special I mean to to come out and put up those numbers PFF y year one I mean that’s that’s that’s really really good that that’s a sign of good things to come 11.7% pressure rate out the gate as the defensive tackle really really good you don’t see that a lot so yeah I mean I I I think everything you want to see I mean the fantasy production wasn’t there yet who cares like it it’ll come like no one was really counting on Carter in redraft leagues like you drafted this guy knowing that he’s a defensive tackle and he’s probably going to take a little bit of time to develop MH and uh I think once he does like you’re going to potentially have like a a cheat code Type player on your hands um and the environment is is really good and it’s a team that always invests in in the defensive line so Vic fangio now as the defensive coord and that does a lot of good things for for pass rushers Christian Wilkin Zack seeler we’re very happy to have jayen Phillips last season for for a half a year ball the hell out so uh yeah I mean I I I love Jaylen Carter I think that uh two probably is is bullish and and maybe a bit hot taky considering there’s guys like you know um Jeffrey Simmons who who have already done it uh Justin manabu your boy that’s your three and four so I mean there’s uh there’s some good ones out there but going upside here with jayon Carter I I think that he can reach the levels of of all those guys I just mentioned H and I think there’s room for maybe a little bit more I worry about he’s being taken right now D tackle eight in best ball that seems a little Rich to me what is it overall though DL DL 41 yep I’ll take I’ve Tak Jen Carter he’s you’re getting him in like the eighth ninth round yeah I’m fine with that yeah I think could be all right kijah cany is the one I’m in on just as much though because you look at 62% of snaps last season 10.2 uh percent pressure rate going as the D tackle 15 the DL 58 overall so I think I’d rather take the canany discount yeah uh 8.4 points per game in 23 Jaylen Carter 8.5 points per game Kobe Turner was actually the leader in points per game last year at 10.2 with a 10% pressure rate playing 62% of snaps so um there’s no reason not to like all of these guys man that just happened uh in what are we in bb19 BB9 y so shout out to Jakey um he took kagia KY there at 11.8 whereas uh Country Boy Swagger took Jaylen Carter at 710 M um I’m with you I’ll take uh kaga KY there at the 1108 yeah it’s great value cuz I see those guys pretty similar I see Jaylen Carter a little bit ahead can see just a step down from that but if I’m getting that kind of discount just for 2024 I think the dynasty out look I’m much more bullish on Carter yeah K KY you know I mean he’s he’s pretty much the centerpiece of that defense now yeah I mean you got Yaya there who’s still young he had a great first year as well V VTO vea he’s getting up there in age right um and you lost sha Barrett they brought in Chris brazwell I think he could be pretty solid form him but Joe Tron once he’s not anything no at this point I don’t think so yeah I mean KY is going to be relied on heavily and uh yeah I mean he was someone that I was hyped up about coming out of of Pittsburgh he’s just he’s he’s one of those types right he’s he’s more of the the pass rusher um he’s a little smaller but yeah I think we could look up and he could have like a 10 sack season here at some point pretty soon yeah so defensive tackle outlook for all these guys uh is I mean five stars across the board yeah I don’t think I could be that we’re going to talk about the edge group here and there’s one Superstar and honestly just a bunch of question marks guys that I think we feel good about potential upside but like as a group defensive tackle this was an absolute smash babo for the 2023 class yeah um absolutely you’re right we just got done talking I don’t know where it was today we were talking about the depth of maybe it was Johnny the depth of defensive tackle and just how it’s just crazy I remember when we first started here it was basically Jerel Casey Grady Jarrett Kenny Clark was yeah Kenny Clark had some years there um I mean if you didn’t have it felt almost like cornerbacks where you were just you were reaching a lot more like trying to find these next guys now it’s like you don’t really have there’s so many of them now yeah I mean a lot of us have multiples you know we’re sitting here talking about I have kage KY but I might go get Justin matab beay in the auction you know um I’m sitting here trying to think I mean I agree with your evaluation Adam I’m looking at Quin Quinny Williams he’s 26.5 right now um the IDP in the ranks um you see the age everything Jaylen Carter 23.2 Jeffrey Simmons 20 26.9 and then Justin matab a little older than I thought he was 26.6 years old um see I thought he would have been like 28 or something oh really he felt just kind of older just because I don’t know I think I have a a part of my memory that like I’m like we talk about these guys so many years ago like we talk about matab beay with Nate Ty like what three years ago yeah I’m like oh matab beay is probably 28 at this point so um all those guys and defensive tackle is not a position where I worry about age as much at all yeah because these guys age so well I mean we’ve seen cam Hayward now what 33 34 y be as dominant as ever so I think these guys age very well and honestly I think you could even see like some steps taken in U in 2024 I think you could take another step this year you know he was a little bit disappointing last year from a points per game perspective 22 points uh uh in 2022 he had 11.6 uh 15.9 points per game but then went to last year uh 11.6 points per game um Jeffrey Simmons both those guys are prime bounceback yeah Justin matab beay I would like to say that you probably you got to think maybe he’s a regression candidate just have to with those sacks yeah man he uh you watch you watch ball you watch a game with Justin M he just lives in the back field yeah he’s violent yeah he’s a he he he affects a lot of u a lot of plays I I got to probably agree with Y I think if I were to have four of those guys ranked there um that’s probably about where I would have them ranked also then you got guys like Christian barmore Ed Oliver Derrick Brown Dexter Lawrence Zack celer Zack Allen Byron Murphy the second he’s gonna be creeping up potentially like yeah Johnny Newton yep I mean it’s it is Branden Fisk Fisk yeah it is crazy crazy how deep defensive tackle got one one knock with Kobe Turner was he is a little bit older mhm you know 25.1 already yeah again don’t care don’t care really age for me with defensive tackle is not a big deal Turner was awesome uh looking at the splits um I pulled those earlier uh 7.3 points per game weeks 1 through 7 13.5 weeks 10 through 18 what you love to see guys finishing well to in the season like in your rookie season strong like I think that’s the best indicator and you love the fact that he did get one year of Aaron Donald and I’m sure he still has his number and he can still you know reach out to him for Donald’s going to be at training camp helping some of these guys out you know he’ll probably come back probably right it kind of feels like Tom situation did you see the thing with JJ Watt where he’s told Deo Ryan that need him yeah don’t call me unless you need me yeah but if you need me I’ll be we’re sitting here in November will Anderson’s gone down um but also like JJ what do you do you want me to call you bro yeah cuz I’ll call you we can we can throw you out there as like the in three right now are you going to be mad if I don’t call you yes just say that you want me to call you JJ and I will is a 600% pain right now right imagine that’d be a nice little setup for him right now come play like 35 4 rotational piece third down only I mean yeah that team’s got like Super Bowl aspirations absolutely how old is JJ 34 35 he played so well his last season he did not go out with a whimper So speaking of Houston Edge rushers though let’s transition to the Edge position and kick things off that was a good that was very you guys teed me up very nicely thank you for that uh Will Anderson is Addie’s Edge for right now 23 uh the 2023 points per game was 11.5 currently going as the edge nine right now in our base ball drafts Tyrie Wilson is add’s Edge 28 5.2 points per go uh per game going as Edge 61 Tuli tuy Pou of the Los Angeles char Edge 29 by Adams rankings 8.7 points per game in 2023 Edge 39 in the ADP Lucas vaness Green Bay Packers Edge 30 by the rankings uh 6.3 points per game in 2023 he is Edge 46 by the ADP Byron not so young thank you for that one Ain Los Angeles Rams Edge 38 10.8 points per game going as Edge 36 in the ADP Yaya diabi uh Edge 39 for Addie 88.6 points per game in 2023 going as the edge 40 Nolan Smith Philadelphia Eagles Edge 40 2.5 points per game we saw like uh what was it uh 188 snaps of Nolan Smith so just not a lot to go off of going as the edge 45 uh miles Murphy Cincinnati Bengals Edge 41 4.2 points per game going as the edge 65 and uh couple more guys here The Edge it’s a lot of edge rushers cuz there were a lot of Highly drafted guys last year seven in the first round Will McDonald New York Jets Edge 42 5.1 points per game going as the edge 48 and then Nick herbig himig Pittsburgh Steelers Edge 49 by Adams rankings 4.6 points per game going as Edge 63 actually he’s only listed as a linebacker in uh sleeper which is nuts got change that yeah so he currently the lb 63 uh but he would be Edge 72 if he had dual designation a ni and sleeper DM please yes let’s get this fixed so boys I threw a lot of names out there but let’s start with Will Anderson and then we can talk about some of these other guys uh Addie you have him as Edge for right now we talked about a little bit bullish with the Jaylen Carter ranking I think you could say the same thing here but uh Will Anderson did nothing but prove that he deserves to be there in his rookie season yeah very impressive out the gate 81.6 overall PFF grade last year 76.6 pass rush grade 15% pressure rate that is very very impressive for a rookie you don’t see that a lot um and and I think he got better as the year progressed he looked really good in the playoffs uh they bring in denil Hunter you know that that should help a little bit um but yeah I mean this guy’s a roof MH ceiling’s a roof you know this guy is a roof this this guy room without a roof this guy’s awesome he he’s he’s he’s going to be an asset you want for the next 10 years um yeah you can’t have enough Will Anderson in any format really I mean that are we going to be surprised if this dude finishes top three next season this is no not at all I’m not surp I wouldn’t be surprised if he was Edge one in the video that we do next year for top Dynasty Edge rushers if he has that type of finish he he’s Edge one yes and that’s Turner Edge two yes there you go latu has edge3 as long as we can get that in there um but that’s a great a chop yeah want not Jared ver his guy chop Robinson um it’s a great though uh excuse for the team building side in the actual NFL of like yeah the Texans paid a lot to get back up to three and take Will Anderson after taking CJ stad but now you have the face of your offense and your defense if you smash those two picks Houston is set up now for the next 10 15 years with these two guys yeah so it’s like always if you have that kind of conviction like just go get your guys because if they hit it doesn’t matter what you paid for them so um it was so obvious so that willerson was going to be special like I don’t know it was like uh I can’t believe if anyone had a take that he wasn’t going to be good W or that they paid too much to come up and get him it’s like you just you took JJ watt’s successor in Houston and now you’ve got a franchise quarterback plus your face of your defense yeah and he’s like Michael Parson that’s that’s who I mean he’s going to be like little Michael Parsons I think and what’s michah Parsons about to get on a new deal probably about to get that Bosa money right yeah yeah maybe so 200 mil potentially you got Dax C he’ll get between he’ll get more than Brian Burns just got yeah so he’ll get 170 to one yeah something like that you think you think he’ll get Bosa money right B get right underneath it Bosa got one is it in your ranks let’s see Nick Bosa that was recent though last year five years $170 million before 2023 NFL he’ll reset the market yeah I think so too just they just got a lot of money the Bosa deal was probably when they were at like $210 million cap yeah it was last year yeah okay yeah so that helps as well 223 or something like that last year uh Will Anderson you’re exactly right Addy he started a little slow one sack uh basically through the first seven weeks but then after the buy he had uh six sacks he had a sack in the playoffs um down the stretch and big three scoring he put up a 26-point game put up a 34o game um Will Anderson I added him in a deie league years ago shout out Nico um we draft uh some deie idps which is fun um Will Anderson is one of the guys that has been talked about uh coming out of college on the defensive side of the ball for multiple multiple years I think Will Anderson could be I think Will Anderson could be how H how high do I really want to reach here uh oh I think this could be one of the best Dynasty Edge assets for a long while he’s right up there with Micah Parsons I mean that’s in the mix that’s the com but I’m just saying like I’m just saying right now you look at Will Anderson you look at like all of his years at Alabama he was really really good his first year now at Houston with Deo Ryan has a little bit of help there with Jonathan grenard linebacking play was pretty bad but now has denil Hunter um has a little help there on the line as well too I forget about him Theo a is also there you’ve got a Young quarterback who’s probably going to be going to put you in situations with the game where you’re ahead the opposing team is throwing the ball more you’re going to have more pass rushing opportunities all right so will Anderson also in year one look at the PFF grades we’ve already talked about them 81.6 overall pass rush of 76.6 pressure rate of 15% amazing the other big thing that Adam loves here Will Anderson 22.7 years old I think that if you’re not trying to acquire Will Anderson right now the price is going to get out of control going into 2025 he’s probably the most attainable right now that he might ever be yeah for the next five years exactly I think so ex if he has the kind of season we think he can have yeah and he’s suddenly in sitting at Edge one when we do the edge ranking episode next year what does he cost at that point multiple firsts probably first and a second and imagine him in 3 years when he his body really develops right when he’s 23 or 24 you know I’m not trying to say he’s going to be like the best Edge like for the next 10 years I’m just basically saying that like in this time frame this window that we’re in right now you’re not acquiring Aiden Hutchinson you’re not acquiring Nick Bosa you’re not getting H maybe you’ll get like Max Crosby oh I’m trying to acquire Aiden Hutchinson miles Garrett’s a little bit older but Hutchinson is going to cost you quite a bit more I feel like who do you think costs more right now Aiden Hutchinson oron Aiden my hair a little bit I think it’s pretty close I don’t know though maybe maybe I’m wrong if if that’s the case you should you should be trying to go get Will Anderson Plus for for uh for Aiden I agree yes I think I mean they’re right they’re three and four I believe I don’t think there’s a wide golf in terms of um trade value like the compensation you’d have to spend to get these guys maybe like a first what would Aiden cost a first and a third first and a third something like that and maybe will Anderson’s like a first yeah just a first just a flat out first I’d be okay with that get the extra third because essentially you’re saying that like you’re just giving them their money back really a lot of you know leagues superflex and probably one QB Will Anderson was probably a consideration in the first round because that was kind of a weak offensive offensive group I don’t know I not to stick on Will Anderson too long I just really think that like the rest of this Edge group is a big old question question Mar and this is the one guy we can speak about with some kind of certainty I’m just saying that at the end of 2024 you could look up and with a crazy Will Anderson finish it’s going to be like well I’m not getting that guy now no it’s it’s if you want to go get him Now’s the Time uh Because unless he gets hurt yeah you know um I don’t see him really finishing worse than he did in 2023 yeah that doesn’t mean go spin to first now no no don’t overpay yeah but if you can get him for a first kick the tires M you know see U you know see what you could the move would what would you have uh would you have traded uh Keon Coleman yes for Will Anderson yes okay 100% Jonathan Brooks for Will Anderson yep yep um Brock Bowers for Will Anderson oh that’s that is pretty close but yeah I think I still would take Anderson I’m probably taking the big four wide or the big five wide receivers ahead of Will Anderson and worthy of Will Anderson probably Brian Thomas over probably yep I’m L to be wrong bers to be a smash 106 yeah I think I would 10 I think I would take Will Anderson over worthy and Thomas but I don’t think I would take him over I think him and Bowers is kind of a wash I could see a world I could see a world where where I would take him maybe over worthy I don’t think I’d take him over Thomas I don’t know the Bowers I’d have to sit and think on for a little while Bowers is right there where it’s like I’m definitely not taking him over Brooks yeah I’m definitely not taking get him versus the big three wide receivers mhm but Bowers is where it starts to become a question mark okay you know uh but the other two wide receivers I would have rather have Will Anderson you rather have Aiden or btj Aiden Aiden or Rome I love I love Brian Thomas J same thing with um Aiden Hutchinson I’d rather have the big three wide receivers over Aiden Hutchinson and then Aiden probably I’d see I see Aiden and Will Anderson very very similar I see it as like nextg miles Garrett Nick Bosa type of thing where it’s like these are the two guys moving forward and it’s got to be I’ve got to be in a situation where like I’m ready to compete I’m a defensive end way otherwise you know I’m going to go I’ll I’ll I’ll Bank on maybe I can get Brian Thomas to be worth two first hon ain’t never reaching I know this that’s not something we we really preach in here of like going and getting a guy like Will Anderson you know kind of want to a lot of times let the value fall only time only time I ever pay for guys if I’m set up like the only like recent trades I’ve made i’ I’ve traded for TJ Watt and I’ve traded for Foye yeah I traded for ran in the league as well so it’s that’s the only time like if I’m spinning up I need a certified stud exactly if you’re GNA go spend up spend up on Will Anderson yeah you know dude I was thinking about that the other day um several of my leagues have had several vacancies over the last couple years and that’s a little a little quick subnote I think the best thing to do as far as being like a good Dynasty football player is play less leagues just play fewer leagues and pay more attention to those but yeah if you’re not a good person you can’t stay in leagues that you committed to you know to join everyone loves a puppy but they don’t love a dog it’s so annoying it really is well said Josh um but it made me think like a lot of these new teams that are coming in they’re all pretty trash so it’s like why would you not go for it every year like all right if you’re in a t 10 Team league and you got two or three people rotating every single year you’re already pretty much probably a top 1 you got a real good shot to make the playoffs CU there’s teams cycling in and out that are going to be bad even in 12 team leagues you know you’ve got a couple teams that are cycling in you’re you’re a top nine top 10 team automatically like if you’re shuffling in two or three guys every year and those those teams are always easy to trade with you know I think there’s a little bit of a misnomer in Dynasty to where it’s like H I need to rebuild I kind of need to sell some assets and get younger but it’s like I don’t know in a lot of these leagues I’ve been going and being like no I’m going to give Keenan another shot this year like no let’s see what Nick chub actually has you can patch it together pretty well you shouldn’t have to like totally suck for like multiple years on end khil Mack was pretty freaking good last year yeah okay so speaking of KH Mack I want to hear the edge rusher from the rest of this list which is probably another nine to 10 guys the one that you guys are most excited about Dynasty wise and I’ll go first cuz I was kind of peeking ahead here for me it’s still will McDonald 12.1% pressure rate in 2023 just 19% of snaps we know Bryce Huff is out the door yes Assan reick comes over you still have Germaine Johnson there but um I just think that he has set up very well uh to even maybe get cuz is is Hassan Reddit going to be there for multiple years it kind of two years one to two year rental and also remember that they have the contract incentive not to play him over like 67% of the snaps yeah is it a uh it changes from a third to a second if he plays more than 67% so I mean they uh they should probably want to keep that under that that percentage which would be his lowest amount in like four years if they’re winning and pushing for the playoffs I don’t think they’ll give a crap what that pick is exactly they’re not worried about it but if they’re four and nine going into December or whatever or if they’ve got kind of got it locked up a little bit you know or if Will McDonald is just straight up out playing H right that could happen too anyway 66% is still healthy it’s still a very healthy s you can’t cry that much about it if you’re H reic right I mean you got Will McDonald who could be really good too basically the first two downs is is what you’re saying or you’re bringing them in for like second and third down right yeah no honestly I will McDonald needs probably a bit of an up upgrade in the ranks just because I don’t know if I’m factoring in for the fact that they got rid of jfm too mhhm you know John John Franklin Shi him off to Denver is that right yeah Denver so there is like a path where will McDonald could surprise and get like you know 40 to maybe 50% of the snaps 9.66 Ras yeah he’s a freak he is older 25 years old um but the pressure rate plus the opportunity yes they bring over Hassan reick but Bryce Huff is out the door I I just don’t see a world in which this guy is playing 19% of snaps I’m not saying it’s going to be 70% of snaps and oh this is great I think you’re going to see flashes in 2024 and then 25 and 26 basically whenever Hassan reck get outs gets out the door I kind of see this as like let’s hold down the fort with Hassan reck for a year yeah it could be a year thing let Will McDonald develop a little bit more and then unleash this guy in year three yeah I I don’t disagree with that let him learn from someone else that’s a lot more established to like aan reic which he hasn’t really had there in New York so yeah I like this man I I I I’m still in on Will McDonald I’m still in on a lot of these guys not all these guys are going to come out the gate on fire you know I looked back at some some of like the the the guys that we know and love today like Max Crosby he had a 99.1% press rate after his first two years in the league posted a 67 uh. three pass rush grade in year one and a 58.2 pass rush grade in year two Jaylen Phillips 39 pressures on 42 pass rush snaps that was just 99.7% pressure rate year one 61.1 pass rush grade 53.7 overall defensive grade boy MAF he broke out last year but he sucked as a rookie I remember that terrible 5.3 pressure rate as a rookie 54.1 pass rush grade Cameron Jordan had a 7.4% pressure rate after his first two years if you want me to go back further to give you an example let’s go back to 2013 what you got from that year that was a bad year for Edge rushers see who was there don’t try to do it you’ll bring jar Allen Jared the last yeah yeah he was he was something wouldn’t he uh so the thing is I want to be um optimistic and bullish about a lot of these guys but not all of these guys are going to work out so I do think we have to be a little bit Discerning in terms of like who’s in a good situation you know who do we like coming in yeah that showed us something in year one um babo I know you’re big on uh Nick herbig yeah him big is that your pick here as far as the guy you’re most excited about I think um it’s probably a tie between him and Tulie I love Tulie as well tul is in a great spot but I mean dear goodness the um you know the numbers last year for Nick uh himig uh 22.5 years old he had uh 23 points per game 4.6 but he did only play 177% of the snaps last year so 191 snaps uh but on those he had 27 tackles five TSA tfls and three sacks he had an 81 overall PFF grade and 81.6 pass rush grade and a pressure rate of 12.3 um now the road to relevancy for Nick herbig is a little bit rough because Alex hasith got a new contract at the beginning of last year yeah he’s still got a couple more years on it I think and then TJ watt is obviously TJ watt so how many snaps does Nick herig get to in 2024 him and Tulie are kind of in very similar situations because they’re behind they’re very clearly the third banana on the in the the pecking order of edge rushers but they’re also behind guys that have had injury concerns yeah right Joey Bosa TJ watt both tend to get banged up Miss at least two or three games a year and um you know uh High Smith and khil Mack I think have been a little more consistent in terms of being on the field but all you need is one spot to open up I mean Tuli played 74% of snaps last year because of Bosa right exactly so yeah t watt it’s he’s he’s been hurt a time or bones yep and then High Smith you never know hope nothing like that happens but I mean that that’s the way this league goes it’s a it’s a violent sport opportunity will open up and yeah I mean he could slide into a role where he’s you know playing 70 80% of the snaps if something like that were to happen and he would be out of control and also he’s cheap like he might he’s probably out on waivers like in in you know most of your leagues y probably Tuli as well Tuli 11 11.5 % pressure rate for Tuli and uh herbig was 12.3 so it’s like when they got their opportunity they performed really well Tulie 21.8 years old um I want to talk about Byron young real quick um I don’t know what to think about him moving forward do y’all you know I’m obviously a little bit biased just because of him being a ram do you think he takes a step do you think he just probably Treads water this year I think he’s a prime regression guy I mean 85% of snaps what does that look like with Jared verse and Michael ho back in the building um yeah I don’t know just being already being 26.2 years old um I’m not saying I think this is the best season we’re ever going to see of Byron young but um if I have the chance to sell high right now that’s the move for me for 2024 at least I think that’s about what he is what we saw last year I don’t think he’s the ceiling I don’t think is anything that special so yeah I mean I’m I’m not expecting maybe he takes up a little bit but it’s nothing that’s going to be I on your teams really you also talk about oh he was an athletic freak was able to plug right in 9.22 RS I will go back to Will McDonald 9.6 something RS so and this is the position where athleticism matters there’s going to be little competition too for sacks you got to think Jared verse is going to stack a few in 2024 as well it’s like the Rams finally had a first round pick yeah which position did they address yep Edge rusher exactly so I don’t know that tells me a little bit about what they thought about Kobe Turner and Byron young I think the philosophy was like let’s just get better there yeah um like let’s add more bodies especially with Aaron Donald gone yeah but you know it it is a question now with those two guys in the building what do we do with Lucas vaness just hold yeah I think by yeah I think so uh my my guy’s Tyree Wilson but I think I think van is very similar I think both those guys I’m still optimistic on both those uh with Tye Wilson I know 7.8 % pressure rate on the season when you look a little closer Tyree Wilson had a strong finish 15 pressures on 121 pass rush snaps over his final five games that’s a 12.3% pressure rate banged up we know all about that was uh missed the entire offseason with injury a foot injury didn’t do the combine because of the foot injury so we expected the slow start out of the gate and that’s what we got so I think everyone was most you know if you were being logical I think you should have baked in the slow start with Tyree Wilson but the guys a freak 65 27 um I know that he might be playing more inside but I mean that could also be a good thing where do you think he lines up when we do the I think RSO positional change kind of procedure next year do you think he maybe switches the D tackle based on alignment I don’t think so I mean I think he’s I think he will I think he will get some snaps inside you know but uh no I don’t think he’s going to be exclusively on the defensive tackle I mean Malcolm Co and and uh well Max cby will probably play 100% the snaps but I Co will be the second banana Co will play like 60 to something like that percent M and so I mean they’ll be you know they’ll be 40% 40 to 50% open on the edge and then yeah I imagine he’ll get 10 to 20 inside potentially we’ll see I don’t know it is funny how many of these guys are in situations where they’re the third banana yeah like uh Lucas vaness same situation you have Preston Smith and uh ran Gary there and so it’s like same thing he’s probably going to be third in the it was yeah they were drafted to places where they weren’t really needed but that’s that’s same situation yeah exactly like let’s just go down the list is anyone not I mean Byron young is probably uh first or second option I would say second on this team probably if you were like looking at the Vegas odds for the most snaps for the uh Rams Edge rushers I mean as far as like year two production Byron Young’s probably second on this list right I was going to say Yaya diabi who’s there uh just in terms of opportunity like who is going to be the leader in the clubhouse to get the most snaps at Edge for their team will Anderson probably is probably number one yeah but it’s like denil Hunter does denil Hunter get more snaps than Will Anderson are they about even I don’t think so Hunters approaching 30 but Yaya diabi like you mentioned it’s Chris brazer brazwell and uh Joe Trion shinka who got benched for diabi yeah he should be in 70% range I’d say but byon young is going to be back in the 70% range Nolan Smith we’re talking about um you know he’s getting a lot of love going his Edge 45 dl61 in baseball right now you got sweat you got Huff there now too so third banana uh miles Murphy you got Hubbert and Hendrickson yeah maybe that opens up maybe something opens up maybe one you know we’ve heard about Hendrickson threatening to retire yeah I I’ll do it I will retire it’s like okay you you do that but but every single one of these guys outside of Will Anderson Byron Young and Yaya diabi are all third bananas yeah we didn’t even talk about some of the guys right I mean like d hle FAU so I mean yeah there’s a lot of these guys that just landed in kind of tough situations but also I mean you you hope you kind of hope that they’re good enough to stand out and get playing time right yeah so that’s always that is the thing like a lot of those guys I mentioned like Max Crosby and Jaylen Phillips like sure they did struggle to start but they at least got reps and volume they let them work through this stuff whereas like if we’re not seeing these these guys get you know a significant snap share in year two it’s just hard to I know you don’t have tape how can coaches you know they’re seeing these guys in practice they’re not putting them on the field like coordinators constantly coming in and changing like it’s it’s just it’s tough you know if you don’t stand out immediately or get an opportunity immediately you know I was thinking about that today I don’t know what I was doing this is a mowing this was a driving thought no I wasn’t mowing here’s poop dude honestly my yards need to be mowed again I don’t know you were just mowing like two days ago I ported our house imagine there is a commode on a mower oh my God you never leave my head just blew been on the mower 6 hours his legs are numb what was where was I going with any of that doesn’t matter whatever we said was better than what you were going to say oh I know what it was so I was thinking like we almost need to start tracking some of these highly drafted idps on like a New York Giants team that’s about to have like a complete like redo of the organization you know it’s really similar to like Deon Henley going into like hey Mr Harbaugh this is dayon here you know like I don’t know there’s just it’s a it’s a weird world’s like who yeah it’s a weird world for these guys like some of these guys just get completely cast off when when everybody is just shipped out if you don’t have the draft Capital man yeah these that’s that’s the one anchor you can count on with changing coaching staffs as these highly drafted guys kind of will stick around kind of um you get a little bit longer leash yeah you just you have more opportunities with other teams you’re not free range let’s just look at the snaps like Will Anderson 63% Tyree Wilson 44 Tuli was close to the leader 74% Lucas vaness 33% Byron young I think was number one 85% Yaya diabi 46% noan Smith 16% miles Murphy 28 Will McDonald 19 uh Nick herbig 177% yeah yeah I mean then that’s like not a lot to work with folks and there’s not and like you’re not projecting that much for these guys who are you counting on any of these guys outside of Will Anderson in 2024 no maybe Byron young diab is like a three four Edge exactly right like some depth right but that’s it man it’s funny because we had seven first round Edge rushers and outside of Will Anderson we’re like I don’t know man I’m counting on Tulie Bose is getting hurt ain’t no way yeah probably so it’s like you might as well roll the dice on herbig or Tuli because and just Bank on a TJ Watt and Joey Bosa injury those are high upside I think potential Edge rushing especially though just because like he really could go nuts I really do like his game he’s crazy he’s fun three sacks on 177% uh playing time last year is pretty awesome he’s just like the he’s just like a guy that’s going to work out there you know you just know you can feel like Nick herbick feels like the next great Steelers Edge rusher right even TJ watt like was he was like late first I believe drafted I was like oh you know it’s AJ watt’s brother and like no this guy’s amazing yeah it’s right like he’s every bit to the like B Nick Bosa versus Joey Bosa right we’re gonna take this guy Alex heith no one knows who he is we’re gonna take him in the third round he’s also going to be really good we’re going to have to pay him $70 million exactly hering’s going to be due a $70 million contract here in a couple years probably gosh they don’t miss on wide receivers or defensive ends it seems like important positions too so yeah yes so let’s move on to DB though because this is the position uh I think defensive tackles two thumbs up Edge rushers shrug Emoji no idea no idea really we’ll see uh to be determined DB we got two standout idps from this class and then we mentioned there’s just one linebacker we’re going to talk about I’m not even talking special here yeah this is this is we’re going to just give you the solo cam Addie once I run through these going out we’ve got it looks like four guys here on the list and we’re kicking things off with your um db3 in your ranks uh it is Brian Branch Detroit Lions 13.3 points per game in 2023 played 77% of snaps currently going as the db3 and then Devon with him spoon wither spoon Seattle Seahawks DB5 he is your CB1 16.2 points per game did have a 60-point game in there so keep that in mind uh played 91% of snaps going as the db4 CB1 in best ball drafts right now Joey Porter Jr speaking of the Pittsburgh Steelers DB 39 CB1 for you uh he had looks like 5.7 points per game 72% of snaps currently going as the cb34 and then Chicago Bears Tyreek Stevenson your DB B 47 cb5 12.8 points per game in 2023 playing 82% of snaps going as db35 cb10 Addie I’m just going to give you the solo cam speak on it hun withams pin right he’s him yep he’s him I mean 23 and a half years of age uh 16.2 points per game like you mentioned last season as a rookie that’s that is absurd the PFF grades are are great 84.1 overall PFF grade 79.7 coverage grade tackles 79 tackles last season eight tfls one int three sacks one force fumble one defensive touchdown 16 PDS four quarterback hits four QB Hits 97 return yards just throw that in there too yeah I mean the guy just Stuffs the stat sheet um he was looking at Big Three scoring uh there were four defensive backs that had at least five games with over 20 fantasy points antoan Winfield had six of course he did Jesse Bates donon Bland Witham spoon all had five wow he’s awesome man and anytime you’re in the same category as anwan Winfield Jr from last year right who had a insane like alltime season also uh the guy you’re in you’re tied with had what how many pick sixes and interceptions exactly Jesse bate I I think had six picks and then Bland as well Bland had led the league in interception yes I think he had he he broke the record for pick sixes house a couple he had um right I think yeah I think Bland had five or six pick sixes but um out of that group out of I mean outside of Winfield of course like I pick sixes he scored all six of them donon Bland broke the record for pick sixes yeah he was remember watching he was uh like they were getting like some dpoy Buzz for him oh wow it was nuts bro yeah yeah he was nuts it is weird that Dallas has had land and then they had digs the same thing Rec all that pressure M so he had five pick sixes last year it was a single season record that is nuts think about that what is that an interception is six right mhm plus a touchdown is 12 plus the yardage and big three scoring plus the yardage and big three scoring so you have a baseline of 12 I think you get a PD for in an interception as well 22 three four four and big three scoring so that’s 16 points just with the without the Y time five 16 Time 5 what is that 90 yeah or 80 almost 100 points it’s a lot it’s a lot folks it’s a lot of points just they will call us out in the comments I do need to apologize for the uh tast of Hill I don’t know where that conjured up in the old brain we don’t know where that came from I love giving you the gratification of like absolutely he did that that I know everyone agree with me yeah let me let me uh keep going so yeah did not happen I apologize 16 times five that’s 80 points just off those pick sixes yeah it’s nuts absolutely crazy plus the yardage that’s just just the Baseline yeah but I mean back to Witham spoon I mean now he gets Mike McDonald there like what does his role look like are they going to use him like he used Kyle Hamilton you know is he going to get even more snaps in the in the slot in the Box uh you know on the line of scrimmage Etc so I mean I I think that’s he’s going to be a fun piece for for McDonald so the spicy take from this might be that Witherspoon could be the overall Dynasty DB1 that is spicy but you think about defensive coordinator upgrade big play potential I mean y’all he might be the best cornerback in the NFL right out the gate you’re one yeah I mean just look at the look at the grades look at the production look at the playing time and then the usage is going to be perfect like he is going to be a he is like a a souped up perfect slot corner like we talk about slot Corners all the time this is the dude right here I think people would be scared to say you can’t put a a cornerback as DB1 people will not like this at all no 23.5 years old though got 91% of snaps you got Mike McDonald coming over um yeah it’s it’s it’s it’s more about the player than just I know he’s a corner but he’s he does a lot like again 60 point game and we read through all those stats like it it’s the 79 tackles 16 PDS like the dude makes plays um and in a league like Big Three scoring you know where there’s big three scoring like he’s he’s going to score really well because we reward players that are actually good that are Playmakers Witham spoon is actually good and he makes plays all the time but let’s give Brian Branch his flowers as well I mean we talked about you know defensive tackle we get just some studs right out the gate I feel the same way I mean Brian branch is your db3 in your ranks and Witherspoon is uh DB5 yeah so you’re a big Brian Branch boy as well yeah I guess actually he is uh he’s a slot corner too right cuz even though like he He’s listed as safety mostly I mean he he basically exclusively played out of the slot but he’s awesome he fits he fits what Detroit is doing perfectly uh he’s just he’s a great player man he I’ve said it a lot that he reminds me of Buddha Baker just the type of guy he is um not afraid to get in there and and you know make plays get in the back fied just constantly making plays every Detroit game I watch Like anytime they’d always line them up on usually their best Playmakers but the dude was always giving them a hard time whoever was lined up against so yeah um you love to see that immediately from Brian Branch uh was drafted there in the second round so I mean I I feel great about him as far as security all that stuff he’s going to get a massive deal once his rookie deals up yeah I was going to say PFF and the beste ball ADP have Branch listed as a cornerback he’d be safety4 in beste ball ADP if he was listed as a safety um so but he’s currently cb3 right now I especially as a as a CB um I like Branch a lot yeah he’s listed to a CB he’s he’s worth probably taking that high I agree you know if you’re if you’re in a league where it’s all the positions are split out sleeper it doesn’t matter much because it’s just DB right so I mean I’m not spinning up like I don’t have a lot of I think I did draft Brian branch in a league like I’ve got him in a couple he slid to like the 11th round or something I’ll take him there yep babo it’s going to be interesting to see um Detroit’s defensive backs this year cuz they did bring in the uh terion Arnold and inis rraw and they they traded for um who do they trade for Carlton Davis Caron Davis that’s right gosh that Detroit defense they did lose chony Garner Johnson though they did but now you have the Resurgence Resurgence Resurgence I I definitely said that wrong put a z in there the late season Resurgence of uh not even Resurgence that’s probably the wrong word no we got to stick with it now uh what can we do here I don’t know certainly cut it no absolutely not a Fetti melaan Wu definitely you know lit it up uh late towards the season and I got to thinking I was like I wonder if that affected Branch at all it definitely didn’t affect Branch at all lot of people in that defensive backfield because you also Kirby Joseph Tracy Walker’s gone johy Gardner Johnson are gone K Joseph is terrible but there’s a lot of people there now man I don’t think Kirby’s fetty meono Brian BR Davis Arnold but he’s going to get snaps you think oh yeah he’s going to play I just did they bring in R straw as well you said MH yes man that is a lot of folks there yeah it’s a really good defensive back field they lost uh they have Cam Sutton I think that they lost though so they’ve lost some guys they have lost some guys yeah and I wouldn’t Bank too much on the I mean Arnold Arnold’s gonna be fine yeah but rake draw might he’s okay he might take a second yeah I saw for next year anyway I some senior bow stuff with him lined up against some good receivers and it was like okay I see why you slipped a little bit anyway I mean I don’t think any of those none of those guys are going to affect Brian branch no you’re exactly right the best player in the bunch playmaker he makes that’s what he does he makes plays that’s why they took him in the second round it’s why they gave him immediate playing time that’s why he produced him are you sure that if somebody came to you and they’re like Adam I’m I’m interested in acquiring Brian Branch I want to trade you Witherspoon for him if they were given so I’m getting you’re getting with spoon I mean yeah it’s going to depend on how they’re labeled I think no don’t depend on anything just tell me your answer I think I’d rather have Branch I think I would too wow yep n give me wither spoon but Al but also I’m I’m thinking about market value because I think everyone shares the the thought that cornerbacks you should never overpay for them you should never plant your flag on them because they change so much right disagree that’s that that’s that that’s how most people think oh okay saying I’m talking about like you know with people thinking like that it’s going to leave it less less trades are going to be open for me I I’m not going to be able to it I got to make sure that he no doubt hits okay CU I’m probably going to be locked with him okay you know cuz people aren’t going to view him the way that I do I got you but I think that trade is definitely there to make if you want to make it if you if you if you uh believe in with spoon like that yeah yeah we also don’t quite know what Branch’s role is going to be I think it’s fair to say yeah we think slot Corner yeah that’s why he’s listed as a slot Corner everywhere or as a CB let’s let’s just see that because they’ve literally added so many guys yeah there’s a whole lot less ambiguity with Witherspoon yeah we know what Witherspoon’s gonna be no more Jamal who do they have is gone they brought in Julian love uh The Edge plays better too you got you like you didn’t you remember like he didn’t even get to play with you chin last year yeah so I mean now you got Edge play you got Derek too hype sleeper you chin aosu yeah for sure he’s a great value in these baseball drafts y Pon Murphy there now yep so they’re going to be good man they’re going to be very good they bring somebody else they reigned um they resigned Williams Don Reed is still there oh they’re good they also I saw where they are switching dermont Jones to Edge really which is just like we don’t know what to do with him he was he wasn’t it’s kind of like nil Harry going to tight end it’s like it’s like someone I I thought it was Levitan or somebody said this is the equivalent of putting the kid in right field in Little League it’s like we don’t know we got to hide this guy don’t really know what to do here have you heard anything about the linebackers there in Seattle like who’s going to play I haven’t been keeping up I I think it’s going to be Dodson Baker though I’m not trusting tyres Knight year one not year one I like a lot of these rookies as succession plans just not your one well drone maker could be a nice little value yeah man I had a tweet about that like in March like I’m as soon as it happened drone Baker oh yeah yeah he he’s going to be great he’s he slept on speaking of slept on I’m the Segways I’m killing it tonight guys Tyreek Stevenson did not realize Stevenson was this good year one oh yeah he went on the list originally and our boy Aron asked Adam has the list looking like let’s let’s add Tyreek Stevenson to it yeah because he’s been awesome cb5 for you in the dynasty ranks going as CB 10 right now 16 games played 16 started 82% of snaps 12.8 points per game um this is a guy I think that could be there’s a short list for me at least of cornerbacks that I will just plan to roster the entire year you know cuz most for the most part I tend to play the matchups and do the streaming game but there’s probably what six seven maybe eight cornerbacks if you look at like Witherspoon if branch is labeled as a CB Trent McDuffy um lerus sne lerus sne you could throw in there Kenny Moore maybe could be in there but Tyreek Stevenson should absolutely be on this list as well yep yeah what do I have him in the baseball ranks what it say uh you have him as CB 15 in your Dynasty ranks he’s going as CB 10 right now I definitely have him high in the beste ball ranks We’re head of Market on tarq Stevenson no doubt about it dude crushed it last year especially second half .2 points per game weeks 1 through n 17.3 weeks 10 through 18 so he was a real Difference Maker down the stretch for you uh this will be a second year of course this is what this episode’s about this will be a second year you have him as cb8 in your beste ball rankings so he is actually a little bit of a value because he’s going as cb10 right now yeah yeah because he’s because uh people aren’t hip to him right so I mean you can he’s one of those guy also it’s like we’re taking Tyreek Stevens we’re taking him late in these drafts like we’re not having to spend up you have him as db26 because you also have the sleeper ranks and the best ball rankings which makes sense since these are on sleeper but uh he’s going as db35 so he is a very nice value folks if you’re in these bestas ball drafts or just drafting in general Tyreek Stevenson for your uh quarterback position oh they know they’re in the ranks they’re all we I’m just talking to the folks maybe who are like Andrew Preston and Eric hars aren’t living in the ranks 247 so um and then Joey Porter Jr what made you want to include him here Addie uh similar thought just you know I’ve I’ve heard that he’s beefed up um he’s going to get a a much more expanded role one year two they drafted him the second round he had the quote too right that kind of put him back on the radar of like um I’m the best quarterback in the league and Brett Coleman was like I didn’t see that I think he was the one right where Brett Coleman was like no matter what player it is these quarterbacks think they can fight God I’m pretty sure that was Joey Porter junor probably so yeah it makes sense he was saying like I’m the best quarterback in the league like nobody’s better than me like yeah I mean that sounds like I love that mentality sounds like Joey Porter’s Offspring you um so yeah it’s it’s also a lot of that you know I mean I remember the comp one of somebody I think it was Daniel Kelly Who coming out he comped um Joey Porter Jr to Joey Porter if he was a cornerback that’s amazing because that is 100% accurate um so I I I like that I I love betting on these seconde Corners if you think back to like last year like cam Taylor Brit um alante Taylor was a guy betting on a lot of those guys ended up breaking out uh DJ Turner another guy that’s not on this list that I’m high on for year two mhm um okay can we do some more splits because the the splits which are in the dynasty ranks folks if you’re a paid supporter at the IDP in the best ball ranks uh in the best ball ranks yes uh can you look up will Anderson’s splits I was curious how he finished the season because in my mind he was really strong down the stretch he definitely was 9.6 points per game weeks 1 through n 13.6 week so better he was definitely better um um yeah and then I I don’t think the rest of these guys really um what was Byron Young’s I’m curious do you have Byron Young’s splits in there let’s see what his was cuz I feel like uh maybe he faded down the stretch he did uh 12.5 points per game weeks 1 through nine 8.9 weeks 10 through 18 there you go what about Yaya diabi do we have diabi in there I’m curious got them all in here baby I want guys that finish the year strong that’s the most important thing for me had a nice finish 3.1 weeks 1-9 13.4 10 through 18 cuz he took over the role in uh week nine I believe it was from Joe Tron shinka right yeah Tri started playing like 30% yeah he really jumped up to 66% snap in uh in week 12 12 okay um but yeah good God that finish for Yaya was crazy okay I’m trying to think if there’s anyone else um what do noan Smith didn’t get the plan time no there’s no one else whose splits I think really weren’t looking at cuz nobody else really got the plan time Tulie what did uh what did Tuli look like I feel like he faded maybe down the stretch started off hot 11 points per game weeks one through nine 6.5 weeks not great uh babo pull up Devon wether spoon’s actual um big like big game performance I’ve been saying 60 it may have been like 53 points um from that that explos Ive game big three scoring uh that was week four he had seven tackles two sacks one int one touchdown 5735 points 57 points y’ his log is crazy in Big Three scoring so week one I guess he didn’t play with him spoon yes with him spoon only two games under five points yes wow for a cornerback y’all listen to these big games 20.2 57 17 n and then two but then 10 21 23 122 finished the season off week 18 with 20.7 that was an 11 tackle game he had two 11 tackle games last season incredible as a corner I mentioned DJ Turner um Turner averaged 3.8 no I’m sorry 3.4 points per game weeks 1- n 8.6 points per game weeks 10 through 18 Turner was their second round pick last season uh this is he’s plays for Cincinnati if you’re not aware so they just lost AO so I mean you can plan on him having a bigger role in year two um Christian Gonzalez someone we didn’t mention I mean was looking like he was going to be really good before he went out he went out early but what was his injury it wasn’t super it was torn ACL torn ACL okay y so hopefully he can recover cuz he was their like first round pick like 19th overall or something like that kind of like middle to late first round he was good I don’t know how good it would be for Fantasy but I mean he showed signs these are we bring the cornerbacks up because because they will probably be more relevant than just about anybody else on this list because they’re all in streaming consideration pull up Kobe actually Gonzalez probably was going to be really relevant because he got hurt week four he first game he put up 22.5 points week two 17 and a half points week three 7.25 and then he tore his ACL wow wow that’s a hell of a start for Gonzalez I forgot he start that hot so um Kobe Turner Turner yeah Kobe Turner what do we got uh splitwise 7.3 weeks 1 through n and then 10 through 18 was 13 and A2 okay so finish the season much better love to see it all right boys well let’s wrap up here with everyone’s favorite position linebacker and we’ve only got one on the list because uh Drew Sanders unfortunately tore the Achilles I think it was right yeah pour one out for him Sean pton thinks he’s going to be back by Halloween Sean pton is on drugs is not happen was an edge anyway absolutely not happening we’ll have to talk about uh Henley and and Trent for a second here um both both those guys are in good spots I think I think so too um I’m a little bit gun shy it was funny Mike has uh Triton Simpson is both a breakout and a fade in the draft kit because it’s like I really do think he has this breakout potential but I’m not going to pay the price for him to find out that’s true cuz he’s he’s like what going like linebacker 30 28 I think when I last updated it so that’s a lot just because I mean that’s that’s probably higher than like Jordan Hicks Kaiser white like guys that are really really good and they’re going to be averaging 13 14 points for game let’s pull up the ADP here because I was going to say I would be very curious where I think Macker actually plans on or thinks it’s going to be Malik Harrison to start the season and he’s going as lb90 so uh if you’re wrong on that and you’re paying lb 27 prices for Trenton Simpson it’s going to sting um if you here’s the thing if you’re going to take Trenton Simpson in these baseball drafts take Malik Harrison at the end of your draft just to be safe yeah free they like Malik Harrison there yes they do they brought him back yeah and he’s the veteran so it’s like I’m kind of of the Mind where it’s like I’m not penciling in any of these like air apparent guys if there’s a capable veteran on the roster especially someone that the team brought back yeah and also like hold on to them like don’t just because maybe Trent Simpson starts the year doesn’t mean he’s going to finish the year yep you know if he struggles and is is a weak spot they’ll get him out of there mhm yeah who are we talking about um Simpson was uh yeah you were talking about Kaiser white is going as lb 35 uh proba list all of them I’d probably like all of them after lb 43 uh yeah let’s look at lb and then um so yeah after Simpson you’ve got Josie juel yep Troy Anderson question mark Jack Campbell who we’re going to talk about probably Blake Cashman yes Alex anzalone yes Eric Hendrick Kaden Ellis who’s getting a lot of Buzz Kaiser white EJ speed yes Junior Coulson probably not it’s debatable I and Trent Simpson are pretty similar I think so too Ivan Pace um probably have Ivan Pace we’ve seen Ivan Pace Play Take Pace Matt Milano I don’t know we’ll see I may R the dice on Simpson uh noobe Dean no no Demario Davis de Mario Davis rain Pratt uh I’ll take Simpson I’ll take here’s here’s a beautiful little stretch here Jordan Hicks and Kenneth Murray smash smash that all day bro that’s why man it’s you got to make sure you Hammer linebackers in those mid rounds for a little bit at least because they’re just the values are just great where’s dandre right now dandre Campbell yes lb 55 jamond Davis is down at 58 that’s a great like handcuff I don’t I don’t think it’s a stupid move to like draft Jam Davis late because um if either Bobby Wagner who’s older gets hurt um I think deand Campbell’s watched and he’s a yes he’s a head case too I got you I already saw where he had to do the thing it didn’t end well in Green Bay that that was apparent uh with all the tweets that dandre Kell put out last season but I’ve already seen the thing where he’s taken the taking the shot at Green Bay like he’s just so much rejuvenated there you got to talk yourself into it we get it Camp just say less yeah stop talking bro you’re you’re you’re way past your Prime that’s enough just be quiet no one no one cares about your opinion on anything dude you got paid just be thankful uh that you have I mean you’re going to be starting the season probably as the lb2 you’re probably going to be in the Dre green law role if I had to guess anyone as soon as green law is ready you out cash out if you got if you got Campbell and he’s still worth a crap be ready to sell like end of September if he’s playing well two weeks Dre green Law’s coming he gone uh Deion Henley sitting at 57 right now so you have the the market perception at least in terms of how the public views these guys is 30 lb spots different where’s Perryman at uh so Perryman Al he lb60 we’ll need some time with with these to kind of shake out like I’ll be interested to see like how these how the drafts go this next month now that we know everything that we know now that we know that there’s Coulson there’s Henley and the market likes Coulson the best but it is it’ll be Coulson is is lb1 oh yeah it is pretty close here because um Coulson is where did he go he’s on here as lb 37 so the market likes Coulson yeah very far and away the best of these Chargers linebackers then they like Henley then they like Perryman so and I think Henley is only out there because they liked Henley they don’t like Henley anymore yeah yeah it was like what is La going to do cuz it before free agency when we were starting these drafts it was de on Henley and nobody else cuz Perryman hadn’t signed there yet they had drafted Coulson Henley is a dynasty byy though everyone’s out on him now that’s when you get back in he’s young as hell what would he cost you nothing a fifth he’ll probably be dropped here pretty soon if he’s he’s just wait watch the waivers yeah he’ll he’ll be dropped mid season okay so just stash Henley just to see what happens Simpson I think is um price is getting a little Rich for me and I think it’s going to go well but I’m not I’m like Mike I’m not wanting to pay the price to find out right now yeah I’m I hear that I understand that that last week of the season um oh I had but he could be a smash I mean he could you could look up and you’ve got a top 15 Dynasty linebacker after out of the gate he could just ball for sure so um it’s just it’s a gamble 42% of snaps in week 18 uh five tackles a sack big three scoring he had 21 points he did crush it and he only played how many like 54% of the snaps 42 what was the points wow uh 21 wow that’s nice so yeah could be it could be very very nice it could be an old man or woman filled the grat immediately yes um so let’s have the Jack Campbell conversation though you’re cancelled uh let’s have the Jack Campbell conversation I’m just looking at the 998 R but then right below that is 7.7 points per game 59% of snaps 12 games started 17 games played that needs to be the new bet we go off of do they outscore points per game their ass yeah that’s it if you’re not outscoring your R um that’s not good we don’t want you yeah we don’t want you let’s have the Jack Campbell conversation though going as lb 30 right now in these bestas ball drafts uh finished as the lb 57 last year again 7.7 points per game 52.1 overall defensive grade run defense was his best grade 75.8 he was a 35.3 in coverage I’m just going to ask the question are we sure Jack Campbell is good we’re not sure anyone’s good yeah I I I I’m linebacker wise I’m looking at these numbers and I’m like boy I was I’m still very optimistic about Jack Campbell but first year was not great yeah I’m okay I’m still fine first year is not great for a lot of these guys you know especially linebacker that’s that is the hardest position on defense to play I think in this day and age they’re just asked to do so much it really is it’s tough to find uh someone that’s El leaded that position so yeah I’m willing to give Campbell some Grace also like I don’t think he’s going to play less than 59% of the snaps next season I don’t see he at least got some run yeah he got could say that like Simpson did not see any run uh Henley was um yeah didn’t get anything they played Nick nean over him uh Drew Sanders I don’t think got anything he didn’t they switched his position so you at least as as frustrating as it was because it felt like yeah it was Ivan pace number one lineer I pace is the lb1 right now I think as far as like market value goes yep Everyone likes people are scared of Campbell I think no one’s really going out of the way to buy Campbell so Campbell yeah lb30 uh pace is a little lower he’s lb 38 if you if you drafted Campbell you’re kind of stuck with him because you probably spent like hopefully you didn’t spend a like a late first on him but that I saw that happen a decent amount yeah that’s what Aron and them were talking about on the Battle Royale episode he’s like I’ve got a lot of Jack Campbell he’s like I want a second but no one’s given me more than a third you’re just kind of stuck you’re stuck with them you know but I don’t think that’s a player that’s that’s that you’re gonna that that’s bad to be stuck with um I think that he still has a ton of upside uh I like his situation there man I I I think it will clear out again it’s Derek Barnes and Alex anzelone do you think maybe it’s 2026 or 2025 though I think so when we’re kind of seeing the Ascension do you think it’s 2029 when he finally sees the field I don’t know what year it is guys got two kids getting late yeah it’s 11: people need to yeah get remember that guys we do this we do this pod very late we all have kids we’re all worn out I’m ready to go to bed at 9:00 p.m. it is almost midnight here we will say some wrong [ __ ] occasionally yeah we do say a lot of words every you know hour and a half podcast every week we’re going to get some stuff wrong we’re not we’re not editing the hell out of this you watch a lot of these videos and it’s just cut after cut after cut after cut we’re not doing that I’m only cutting my bad stuff out ex that’s it anytime I missp you go record yourself for an hour and a half see how you do not good cuz we have a lot of stuff that uh I wish I had time to cut out but I got to go edit this afterwards and post it you I don’t want him to I don’t care I don’t care I’ll just live with it yeah I don’t care I don’t care freaking t t some heels and Bronco for all we care we were just convinced I was like he was for a day in my mind one day you guys ruined it ruined it okay so Jack Campbell are there linebackers from this 2023 class that you were counting on in 2024 not really the answer for me is no cuz even Ian Pace right Blake Cashman cash Campell anzalone right yeah and Derrik Barnes too got way too many snaps last season I he was I think Campbell was third in snaps I’m pretty sure I think he was I’m pretty sure Barnes had like 60% see anzalone is going behind Jack Campbell right now that’s stupid that’s malpractice guy that’s dumb the the Lions have told you what they think of Jack Campbell Alex anzelone situation and you’ve got it backwards and also like what else do you need to see from anzelone like the dude has done it for two years now in Detroit like ever since he got there they’ve told you yeah we like this guy we’re g to continue to play him does the public actually hate long hair I might be and we just love it in this shed because we’re Kentucky boys and mullets are the kind of official haircut of our of our state Kentucky waterfall it’s a beautiful thing um so yeah I bab I’m still optimistic I’m still optimistic about Jack Campbell but um you know you may have to be patient CU I’m not banking on any of these guys don’t want Simpson at that cost don’t want Campbell at that cost don’t want Ivan Pace at that cost Drew Sanders is gone now Henley we’ll see yeah but in Dino for Jack Campbell I think you could look up mid-season and be like wow I’m glad I held on to him hell yeah you know you could I don’t know if you will but if you can only but if you can acquire that for like a second a sec I mean I don’t I’m not paying a second for him and the manager get for a third on the clock you can get him for a third the thing is though if you got to make sure like someone Good’s not there yeah as a is a well we said these Edge ressers are primarily going second round no one’s trading to third at that point but would you ra if you’re on the clock and Junior Coulson is there that’s a good one or you can swap it out for Jack Campbell which one would you rather do man that is tough I I feel like if you if I’m putting a $100 down you think Jack Campbell or Junior Coulson plays a higher percentage of snap assuming both are healthy in 2024 I’m putting my money down on Coulson I don’t care what Harbaugh says about oh he’s not going to we a Green Dot you know year one yes he is stop it man that’s really close I think they’re yeah I don’t know again I think Campbell plays at least 59% no doubt that dynasty does he play More than 70% Dynasty wise I still want Jack Campbell more but for 2024 I want junior Coulson more yeah I just think he’s gonna play more man I don’t know that I want either one either one of them for I’m not banking on man but I’m just saying adps are too high right I mean Campbell’s 30 and the coulson’s 37 so I don’t want either one of them yeah we want the Vets cuz look at the there’s so much uncertainty around both of these guys and look at the certainty you have like further back you’ve got Jordan Hicks you’ve got Kenneth Murray a little further down uh even you’ve got um Jerome AK we mentioned um you’ve got Divine Diablo you’ve got Nate lman you talked about Nate lman you’ve got Denzel Perryman um so Tyrell Dodson is sitting still as lb67 right now Dron Baker is not too far behind him yeah so Jack Gibbons is wearing the dot like there’s tons of value late tons yeah so I just don’t think I want to when it comes to linebacker in these drafts I’m not going to pay overpay when there’s ambiguity I’d much rather just wait and the more certain situations and with with Jack Campbell like we haven’t seen him be that productive yet like he’s not like someone that when he he did get a game I think where he played like 100% in the snaps it and it wasn’t anything yeah great yep it fine it wasn’t like the guy was racking up tackles getting tfls that coverage grade just worries me a little bit cuz that’s 35.3 is pretty rotten I know linebackers their heads can be spinning a little bit year one in Dynasty you want Jack Campbell or edrian Cooper Campbell Campbell I’m still bullish on his long-term Outlook I think we’re vastly as a public overestimating his 2024 impact and also with the coverage grade stuff like that that’s they they grade bad all the time rookies too at linebacker like Patrick Queen’s coming to mind right now and it just turned out fine for him Christian Harris was pretty bad as well exactly it can get better it doesn’t get better right you know that’s that’s the worry so we’ll see I think I I think K Murray maybe ticked up a little bit maybe I’m wrong there anyway we see that a lot we it’s it’s it’s a very hard position tough position especially when you’re TOS in like 60% of snaps just about yeah so Campbell or chop Robinson Campbell yeah probably Campbell but all the big three this year ahead of Campbell yes 100% there’s Europe and then when you start talking about Coulson that’s where I think Coulson is four for me in the ranks in P only rank so I mean that’s where I think you uh start to think I think Campbell’s ahead of every other linebacker probably aside from Coulson Coulson and Campbell is a very fun discussion I probably still have Campbell ahead for dynasty but for 2024 I have to bank on one of those two guys I’ll take if Coulson comes out week one playing 100% of snaps is it automatically and and Campbell’s like in a 75% role probably automatically flips yeah it probably does what about in Dino Campbell or pton will wlson Campbell pton Wilson not getting the draft capital and also this the the landing spot you’re there with with Queen you gotta say Campbell but you kind of want to think about it for a minute if if Wilson would have landed somewhere good yeah I mean I think he would have he landed in Seattle we talked about that yeah that would have been so nice yeah just somewhere with the clear path and the medical stuff must be an issue it must have kind of had teams concerned that’s the only reason you saw him go after like trevan Wallace I think oh if he was like an average athlete I don’t think he gets drafted no I mean the the fact he blew the doors off the combine I think saved him from having what one functioning ACL would have been I and Pace otherwise mhm so well there you go folks outlook for second year idps we love this episode every year I think the big takeaway for me don’t expect a lot of these guys in 2024 offensively I think it’s easier for for these guys to get up to speed and be contributors a little more quickly at least for the guys that came in in 2023 we’re going to have to take a wait and see approach for a lot of these guys especially those Edge rushers yeah it’s something to keep in mind you know fresh off this 2024 class it’s just you got to be patient sometimes these guys take a little bit longer than others some classes as a whole are just not as good right that’s kind of how this class kind of feels that way looking back on this class is kind of how it feels and there’s a lot of guys we didn’t even mention tonight like we didn’t mention um Isaiah fosy we didn’t mention Jordan battle Brian BR right a lot I actually like Brian Bry quite a bit so I mean there is still um the the the defensive tackle out of Pittsburgh um Keanu Benton yes his path has gotten a little muddy now with Cam Hayward returning but that was someone that I was kind of excited about there’s a lot of those types right a lot of guys that are interesting but again it’s like we have probably what six or seven uh really really like locked and loaded very nice Dynasty assets with the defensive tackles the two cornerbacks uh Will Anderson yeah I think a way to look at is like um if you were like color coding them like you got like six or seven greens and then you have like 20 yellows and then there’s not a lot of Reds yet cuz still to early right it’s too early to call someone a don’t think I like even these Ed rushers you know the Lucas vanessas and will McDonald’s and these guys that got like less than 25% of snaps it’s like we don’t have enough information yeah to call these guys bust we know defensive line takes a while to develop this episode’s going to be really tough next year just because the defense wasn’t drafted I mean what was it the 14th or 15th pick before do you think we will be more excited about the 2024 class in 2025 than we are about last year’s class right now we’ll be more excited about probably the top of the class but there’s just not as much like there’s not as many like herig and I think it’ll be defensive line dominant again oh yeah you think about Johnny Newton Byron Murphy are we going to talk about cedc Turner are we going to be talking about pton Wilson I think we could be talking about those linebackers because I see clear succession plans um for like a lot of those guys like the room could clear out pretty quick for Payton Wilson you could paint an optimistic case for him in year two if Patrick Queen gets cut or just doesn’t play well um or if he’s just the second linebacker there that’s not the worst thing to be um you know and then in year three maybe it’s uh pton Wilson as the one maybe he’s maybe he just stuffs a statute where it’s like 7% of pton Wilson is is fine that’s startable yep and then Tyrese Knight and Seattle we know all those guys there are rentals Cedric gray and Tennessee we know it’s uh Kenneth Murray and Jack Gibbons Wallace yeah wow Jinx on both you boys I’ve got so much Trev W Edan Cooper like he could be lb1 in Green Bay yeah um so it’s like there are not drafting him though he is way too expensive yeah second round in our home League little two what’s his ADP going in these uh best balls let’s take a look at it probably it’ll be not as high as Coulson but the rookies will it’s just still too high whatever it is he has lb 48 yeah still too high I just I don’t want to take any rookies in these um rookie lbs at least maybe especially him though with Quay Walker and Isaiah McDuffy there yeah I’m I’m give me McDuffy cuz let’s see see where McDuffy is going he is going as uh lb65 give me that all day long he’ll probably even cheaper now too it’s like folks just take even like I love Cedric gray I think he could absolutely be like a League winner type near the end of the season but you look at like he’s going as lb 73 I think that will tick up Gibbons is going as lb 83 take Gibbons folks like I I’m not excited about Jack Gibbons but just take the veterans you I just take the whole room though too at that point you know if you if cuz what’s my God what is Kenneth Murray L 44 if you’re doing if you’re building like to where you want to draft a couple linebackers at at the end I think you do that you just take take a Gibbons and a Malik Harrison you’re or something just take the guys that could uh because it’s best ball and um you know you you don’t have to worry about deciding when to start them and it is a war of attrition because there’s no pickups was Jaylen Ford a udfa was he drafted uh he was drafted to the Saints what round pretty late fifth round I think oh okay and they have you know a ton of linebackers now still got Pete Warner and de Mario and they B willly gay and they bringing KY Hudson he was the fifth round pick 175 overall yep so anyways well there you go folks second year IDP Outlook um next week very special episode we hope you guys will tune in it will be the 400th episode wow in the IDP Show podcast feed so very excited live from bies we’re going to burn this thing down we just just go out with a blaze of glory take my office with it I’ll be inside yes this Lord willing in the creek don’t rise Addy we will get to do that but just for you all because it is a special episode we will be doing Dynasty linebackers 48 to 25 we split out the linebackers into two episodes so look forward to that going to be all linebacker talk uh 24 names will’ll be rattling off for you all so look forward to that episode should be a lot of fun we just locked in very fun guest for the next episode of the IDP trade show coming later this month we’ll talk about that a little bit later in June but y’all look forward to that as well make sure you check out the IDP folks we got the IDP show draft kit updated for you over there all the resources are updated every month and then twice in August to get you ready for those drafts so uh lot of fun stuff happening right now boys oh yeah never stops fun time of year don’t check out yeah don’t get left behind that’s right it’s a little bit sleepy kind of in the NFL calendar right now but there’s no sleeping over here we’ve stayed locked in this entire year the train is rolling that’s been like that for four years now we are never not locked in yeah if anyone rocks with us or has been rocking with us they know they know you know what’s up so next week yeah speaking of locked in episode 400 it’s going to be a lot of fun wow 100 a year 100 a year yeah we’re coming up on year number five yeah wow so crazy to think about boys so uh like I said next week we will see you all for episode 400 talking Dynasty linebackers sub the site the IDP check out our YouTube thep show and we will see you all next week the IDP [Music]


  1. My biggest mistake was drafting Myles Murphy over Ben Sinnot in a startup this year 0.75 TE premium. That’s why you wait till after the nfl draft to draft rookies

  2. Hey guys, I’ve got a scenario, I have saquon, rhamondre, and Aaron jones and have 1.05, 1.09, 1.10 in a 1QB league. A guy in our league is wanting an RB for 1.03 and I’ve offered rhamondre, my 2025 first, and jakobi meyers for the 2024 1.03 and Jayden Reed and he’s thinking about doing it. Is that a good move for me? My mindset is either Malik nabers or Rome Odunze so I think it’d be good and I can replace rhamondre with Jonathan brooks or Trey benson

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