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College Basketball Transfer Portal | Dan Hurley Decision | Wooga Poplar to Villanova

Won & Done is back and keeping tabs on the college basketball transfer portal and everything NCAA Basketball. Tonight we’ll discuss one of the best players available in the portal, Wooga Popla deciding to transfer to the Villanova Wildcats and play for Coach Kyle Neptune. Meanwhile one of the better forwards in all of college basketball, Jamir Watkins, decided to return to Florida State to play for the Seminoles. We also check in on the latest news and rumors around Danny Hurley potentially leaving UCONN to coach the Los Angelas Lakers !! It may be the off-season, but college basketball never sleeps!!

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get out the insurance cards get out the co-pays the office is open my friends brought to you by Dr hello my fellow hoop heads and welcome to one and done your fast break for college basketball information powered by Dr Roto .c I am your always humble host Chris Napier AKA Nate C hustle feels great to be back in the host seat after a short break short Hiatus but I feel right at home with my brosies in basketball here tons of news to go over I’m so pumped to get right into the show but first he is the captain of the green screens media ship find him on X MC Holland 34 Mr Mike Holland what’s up brother hey man I’m excited you’re back we got our guy we got our guy Mr Hinrich over here that you’re going to introduce in just a second he’s back so uh man this my night’s going good Boston’s up 20 so I’m feeling good about all the mess I’ve been talking uh hopefully they can follow through with a 41 victory in the NBA Finals also there’s an update on that top 500 transfer portal big board that me and your boy npy hustle have been working on got some other stuff in the mix uh this guy man this guy has been grinding it out we’re gonna have a ton of information for you guys this offseason uh so we’re so happy to have him on here but yeah man I’m ready to talk about you know we’ve been doing head coaching interviews but I’m ready to talk about some uh some transfer portal and uh I think there’s some some other news that’s really uh really captured the headlines around the country right now for sure yeah absolutely that top 500 transfer Big Board out at Dr uh we put a lot of work into that and as he said we got a lot of other stuff going on behind the scenes we have both been on the grind but as he said somebody else to introduce here he is our conductor of the green screens Media train find him on X at Dr William Cannon where he will follow you back Mr Jay Hinrich what it do what it do baby npy hustle in the hzy what’s up good to be back in the house with everybody and our guy Dan Hurley said well I’m not going to announce what I’m doing until Monday at the earliest so you know what I did this weekend y’all I decided I was gonna relax all weekend long Saturday morning went out to Butler pitch and Putt hole number one right there everybody waiting to play 17 people in line waiting to you know get up there in the teox number one watching all eyes on me Mr hole in one by two Ines right there good start to the weekend and then had a little bit of pool time later that afternoon hung around today got some stuff done around the house what a good weekend just knowing that Hurley was not going to announce until Monday so thank you so much coach and we’re gonna talk about you tonight and you know what else we’re gonna talk about those coach interviews that Mike alluded to earlier that summer road trip series we weren’t going to get into this one without me bringing up the road trip most recently stopping down there in Tampa at us F of course South Florida head coach Amir Abdul raheim joined the brosis the other day what a great conversation with Coach Abdul raheim but uh he’s not the only one Tim miles out in San Jose State herb sendek of Santa Clara and Jeff capable over at pit all have joined one and done this offseason so make sure you get over there to YouTube and check out that playlist of interviews but we are here today to talk Dan Hurley and the portal and that’s it happy to do it happy to be here guys yeah man I mean if I ever get on a golf course I’m shanking whole one without 17 people watching yeah let me tell you let me tell you there was electric it was the it was the it was buzzing was the atmosphere was absolutely it was didn’t get arrested it wasable not time high fives all around and you know else is giving a high or we’re giving high fives out to he’s never too far he’s pushing the buttons for us tonight is Eric the blue make sure you follow him on X at Fantasy naav and while you’re out there make sure you go out there like And subscribe hit that notification Bell we got that summer road trip series coming almost every week we got a new coach every week coming in plenty to see and right now in the comments get in those comments let us know first time long time shoot up those fire emojis whatever you got but I did want to put a poll out there because one of the top transfers uh in our transfer Big Board is still out there Coleman Hawkins he’s our number five guys who wanted to put a poll up and see where you guys think he will end up we have him either at SMU LSU or Kansas State Kansas State what do you think let us know in the comments jump in there and while you guys wait for that let’s just jump right in to those headlines Jay alluded to it Yukon coach Dan Hurley is still deciding on this Laker job I mean it’s reported that the offer is around eight years 100 million dollar like this million dollar I mean he’s always stated he wanted to go to the NBA I mean he’s supposed to make the decision we were hoping today this weekend but it sounds like it’s going to be Monday Mike is he staying or is he going man that’s the uh that’s been the question all weekend I think he goes um I really do I like I to me if I’m in his shoes right which I’m not but I would love to have the decision to take aund million that’d be pretty sweet one that money is crazy two like what does he need to accomplish on the on the college level back toback national titles I mean the three is cool but I mean we we talk about the lore of back toback and how hard that is it’s I think it’s one of the hardest things to do in all of sports right like right up there with Jay holand one that he almost nailed the other day but winning back toback 362 teams going back to back in a tournament where you have to win six games like that’s crazy so I don’t really know what he has to do um on the Collegiate level um if you want to go it feels like I know he says he wants to mature a little bit more and things are going to be a little bit different right you can’t quite coach uh professionals the way that he kind of yells and screams and goes crazy on the sidelines even with referees and stuff like that like it’s just an entirely different League obviously um so for me Jay like I don’t know man I feel like I feel like that’s just too big of a number um I feel like he’s ready I just don’t know what else he has to accomplish and the whole nil situation too I just don’t I don’t feel like he’s one to want to deal with that because there’s no Big E football like it’s just a whole another separate situation so what are your thoughts Jay on this entire deal I think the timing really couldn’t be much better like it’s the stock will never be higher a job of this caliber I mean the Nick’s job is going to open up eventually right like and do you just wait for the Nick’s job to open up like that’s that’s real a legit conversation I think that you can have um but here’s the deal uh Dan Hurley will win at any level of basketball that he decides to coach this is you I don’t want to put the Brad Stevens sort of like because obviously Brad Stevens and he’s about to win a a championship here as in as a front office with Boston right yeah just fleecing people on those deals for porzingis and holiday exactly right um and you think about Hurley and the type of mind that he has the type of people the the type of way that he draws people to him yeah he’ll have to coach the professionals differently sure but he understands that he’s not going to think he’s bigger than the game like this is obviously there was a lot of the conversation around him and his wife it’s very clear that they’re a partnership and like his wife going out to meet jeie bus uh all of these things sort of coming into place it makes sense for him to take this job like right now you can’t tell me that I’ve been hearing the Talking Heads some Talking Heads say like that the Lakers job isn’t that great of a job it’s just it’s look at it like did Darin ham think that it was a great job when he took it of course and look what happened there and it’s like well first of all what is Darvin ham Austin Toro’s Legend Darin ham like as a coach like for him to for him for his first real like head coaching experience almost at any level to be at the Lakers is ridiculous like yeah it’s it’s like it’s like it’s it’s what’s the comparison like it’s tough to even consider um what it’s not the same Dan Hurley and Darin ham are not if I want to win a slam dunk contest I’ll call Darin ham if I want to win if I want to win basketball games at any level I call Dan Hurley yeah it just makes way too much sense for this to happen I’m excited for him to announce tomorrow that he’s going and oh yeah you get to coach this guy he’s pretty good okay I heard basetball hey you know and you get to the son too that’s cool yes that’s true the only thing that I’m worried about um is like Anthony Davis’s knees exploding after a week of Dan Hurley practices we’ll see how it goes but it’s happening guys I I would I would put the odds very high on Dan Hurley announcing that he’s going Los Angeles I think the other thing too is like this roster at Yukon like to me this is the most challenging roster he’s gonna have like there’s no I mean you lost kingan Newton um you know uh Andre Jackson you had those like all these guys like cam Spencer um you know uh the kid from that’s at New Orleans right now Jordan Hawkins like I’d look at this roster and it’s pretty good it’s you know top three in the Big East but to to me it’s like last year we were like okay these guys are Head and Shoulders better than you know it was Purdue and Yukon right and they ended up meeting uh in the national championship game I don’t see that with this particular roster that Yukon has so I think that could be potentially another decision I don’t know Alex caraban is like your number number number two or that just sounds kind of weird I don’t know because I’ve never seen Alex caraban take anybody off the dribble or post someone up or so to me it’s just kind of kind of random to to see a roster that features Terrace Reed uh Aiden mahany you know like that it’s there’s a little bit of a step down in in Talent at least I think in my eyes Yukon even though the odds would suggest that they have a pretty good shot at winning it again I just don’t see it roster wise so that could be another decision that factors in but tough choice man because this is a tough time of year to make this type of decision but do you think it matters any do you think it makes a difference either way if you have the best college basketball roster in the country if the Lakers call you and want to give you $100 million like I I think it makes it I think it makes it easy slightly easier to come back like yeah but again the Lakers are giving you a hundred million yeah I mean I’m taking you know I’m taking one million anywhere so I’ll go forever I’ll take 20 bucks let’s go well all right I mean come on Nate you’re better you’re worth more than that sir [Music] okay I got two things here I got two things here first yeah Graphics Department this picture I love this picture I don’t know where I’m going great but second thing is you know his him and his family are from the upper east coast and they’re super happy there they like being around all their other family and a move across the country could be a hard sell right I mean but that is like you guys are saying that is a lot of money to turn down so we will see hopefully tomorrow what Good Old Dan Hurley decides you guys are calling your shot saying he’s going I’m gonna hold off I’m gonna say he stays oh contrarian play y contrarian that is my life you gotta fill in for Eric somehow you know Mr the contrarian he’s back pushing the button so somebody’s got to be the contrarian here I guess exactly well let us know in the comments guys let us know what you think what Dan Hurley is going to decide let’s go ahead and move on to our next headline here big time for Jamir Watkins decides to return to Florida State this is huge huge news for Florida State coach Leonard Hamilton Watkins was a top 40ish type transfer in the country for us before his withdrawal Jay what kind of player is jir Watkins I think the easiest way to describe is just smooth and versatile it’s easy easy on the eyes to like he can do so much and that’s the thing about Watkins game is like he’s the type of player that opposing coaches hate to game plan for and you know you go against tough players every night in college basketball but players like Watkins that can play the two the three or the four and can guard the two the three or the four uh and they get it done on the offensive end to not just guard but guard really well like Watkins is one of the best two-way players in the country it creates mismatches 67 210 like again Florida State needed this they this was like this was the the last second heave was it who was it for Boston Pritchard thow hit hitting it from from half court half court uh banking it in and and that’s what you got to feel like coach Hamilton hit here that bank shot at the end at the buzzer here Mike to get Watkins yeah I mean so the bank shot but this would be assuming you’re probably down 15 to 20 going into the half I hate to say that but honestly like it feels good going into but we’re not in halftime this is like getting a bank shot going to the fourth quarter down 15 to 20 so here’s the deal like we we’ll talk about this Forida Rost uh Florida State roster here for a second I don’t know how he doesn’t play basically the entire game like he’s the only guy on the roster that we know that can really produce on this level they had a couple other guys coming back chandlery Jackson Taylor bull Bowen they got a little bit of action last year off the bench but a bunch of transfers a bunch of guys moving on so the newcomers are going to play a hugee role for the simal team uh you know two of the best ones they have coming in Boston Hol from South Dakota he’s a guard and then forward Jerry Dane coming over from Hampton yeah they both averaged you know right at Double figures last year their transition from that mid- manager rank up to the ACC is obviously gonna be critical I think especially for Hol um we haven’t projected as a you know as a starter right now Malik yuan’s coming over from Old Miss he’s really the only fiveman on the projected roster uh so they need some more size um on this squad The Freshman Class it looks like it’s going to be busy there’s three guys coming in four star guard dayquon Davis he has the clear path to a big roll early he’s a guy that can attack the rim work the mid-range game uh he’s got great Court Vision as well so we’ll see how his game transitions from the high school ranks to the ACC so those are the huge questions right like you don’t have um you know these big time transfers coming in you don’t have this power five experience transfers coming in outside of you know Malik y coming in from Old Miss where he you know barely got on the court so uh we’re late in the transfer portal season uh I would assume they’re trying to maybe pull a rabbit out of the Hat somewhere um or at least banking on development this offseason because this roster they either need to add a few pieces or get that development piece perfect this offseason if they’re going to be able to contend uh in the ACC so right now um having dayon Davis as a starter alongside Holt um also Deng starting with Watkins obviously coming back and taking 35% of the shots while he’s on the court and probably a 30 to 35% usage rate and then you and starting at the center because there’s just not a lot of size so we’ll see um lonard Hamilton you know it’s been a great coach in the ACC for a long time but uh yeah this is H this roster it’s in it’s in it’s in need of a uh some of that development this offseason or at least another piece or two to get this thing really jump started yeah they may need they may need another piece but getting wat Watkins back is crucial for the seminal to be competitive in this expanded ACC for sure we got three votes all K State on the poll that we put out there if you’re just joining us get in that poll do you where do you think Coleman Hawkins is going to end up Kate SMU LSU or other or just hop in the comments send up those fire Emoji send up a basketball Emoji just say h just say hi where you at let us know how you’re doing how was your weekend don’t even have to be about basketball how you do did you did anybody come closer than me to hitting a ho in one this weekend let me know I would love love to hear about it it was electric it was electric out there at Butler pitch and P pix where it didn’t happen yeah exactly exactly I’ll believe it when I see it let’s go ahead and move on to our next headline here Wugga popper decides to head home and play for villain NOA one of the top remaining Targets on our transfer Big Board this is huge for the Wildcats program Jay give us a rundown on popular uh it’s pretty straightforward here he’s he’s a bucket getter he is a walking bucket as a matter of fact and he is the best pure scorer that is left in the transfer portal doesn’t hurt here guess what guys I’m coming home coming home tell the world I’m coming home that’s right Philly native playing for Villa Nova and he can get you home he can get you those buckets at every level all three levels can score and of course played in the final four a few years ago so can’t you know find that sort of experience just anywhere especially this late in the portal season and wuga is giving Nova a big time boost here uh just like Florida State Mike um Nova really needed a jolt here late and they got it in our guy wuga yeah to stick with our Pritchard half court shot I’ll say we’re at halftime here Nova’s probably down 10 after he hits that shot right um you know the biggest news was a couple of weeks ago when they um got Eric Dixon back who is one of the best bigs in the Big E so now you have a you have a a dynamic duo dare I say you have wuga polar and Eric Dixon so that in itself right a little two-man game right there H is at least making them competitive so you know I think the thing with polar right coming over from Miami uh he’s definitely a bucket but there were a lot of guards right um at Miami the last couple years you had long pack and then obviously usage you had omir Matt Cleveland was there so now he’s going to have a primary role so not only does he get to go home but he is going to get major usage along with Eric Dixon so those two guys are going to get all the shots they want um you know for me like it’s uh it’s kind of interesting when you look at this roster like this roster we talked about Max shulga uh you know they they missed out on him he was you know committed and then goes back to VCU uh outside of these two guys right it’s uh it’s kind of a case of what’s really gonna happen how can they make that push to get to the top you know four top five of the Big East here um obviously for Dixon I think him moving back to a more natural for wor spot is definitely going to help him out you have Enoch boakai who’s coming over from Fresno State really good shot blocking Center good rebounder so um have him starting here we put Dixon slide him down to the four uh where he can kind of take advantage of some mismatches there and then the back court you have jir brickus coming in from Lal Tyler Perkins spectacular freshman year at pen but it is pen he’s obviously stepping up in competition and Jordan Lino was kind of hurt last year but he had some upsides so one of those three is definitely going to have to step up like Lino’s been in the program for a while now Perkins probably has the most upside brickus has the most experience um he’s got four years of playing experience in the A10 they also have a couple of spots open so we’ll see uh kind of like Florida State can they make you know one more Splash we’re going to talk about where are they now and uh there when you start seeing the rankings on the where are they now versus where they were a month ago when we were doing them the numbers have definitely changed a lot we’re into the triple digits and deep into them so um we’ll see what they can do and there’s always surpris is right like just because you’re not in the top 200 there’s 2,000 guys in the transfer portal somebody that be rated 895 could end up being a top 100 guy it happens every single year multiple times um but we’ll see like vill NOA absolutely needed popart for sure let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday I know my kingom await all right oh man that’s I knew I knew it was coming when when I when I said oh yeah he’s going home oh I knew this I knew the song was coming but you know Villanova know now that all of a sudden they got a couple studs right I mean the biggest question here is uh can coach Neptune get this program back to the top half of the league uh so like you said they need a couple more pieces Let’s uh let’s see if coach can do that make sure you get in those comments we still haven’t had any comments this is kind of off for us get in those comments like And subscribe hit that notification Bill do it do it know exactly when we’re coming on yeah we’re a little late this this evening we we we’re all watching the uh excuses they’re watching don’t make they’re watching and they’re just not leaving any comments in the live chat don’t make excuses for them good deal well hit those like And subscribe buttons and uh we will go ahead and move on Bing all right let’s move on to the next one here injury bug bites Kansas this off season but a replacement is already on the way here I mean they had that injury bug during the beginning of the tournament uh and now they get hit with the announcement of sophomore guard El Marco Jackson missing the year after tearing his patella tendon Bill self quickly responded by Landing Mississippi State guard Shaquille Moore what do we think of this pickup guys uh Jay what what do you who who is Shaquille Moore let us know who he is well first of all you know shout out elarco Jackson like the patella tendon obviously something that’s going to put him out but that’s that’s something that can regenerate itself and often an injury that you can come back from Full Speed Ahead no worries so shout out to El Marco Jackson for sure but when there is Darkness there is light and the light has now become Shaquille Moore for Kansas so we talked about how Bill self said he had checked he’d been checked out for about a month at the end of the season which it was very refreshing to hear a coach come out and just say that sort of a thing he knew that this that that team was not poised to make a Deep Run and one of the issues was depth they didn’t have the depth last year to be a force that’s my friends my brosies and Bros skett in basketball uh it’s not going to be an issue for Kansas this year so Mo brings four year four years of experience between NC State and Mississippi State and yeah that Mississippi State team that made the tournament last year he started 22 games for the Bulldogs his shooting has improved every year he’s been in the game and 61190 but plays defense a lot bigger than that a solid Defender for his size to say the least I like this pickup as a guy like that can give you something as a definitely a rotation piece he’s going to be a part of that depth for Coach self and for Kansas so um yeah again it’s you never like to see somebody go down uh in like Jackson but Mike just you know next guy up right not gonna happen again the same way Co you never see coach self have uh have years like that back to back no and you’re right man the dep is definitely going to be there this year the funny thing is like Indiana and Kansas two teams that really shru gold in the portal but we haven’t really talked about them because they shru gold so early that it feels like it happened last year like all the headlines and everything all of that just kind of happened um and then you know they’re pretty much done uh but more he’s gonna come in he’s gonna give them that depth piece so you have Harris uh Dean Harris KJ Adams and Hunter Dickinson are all back so that’s a pretty good start so Harris is clearly going to be your point guard Dickinson’s clearly gonna be your starting center but then you bring in mayo store and Griffin who are you know three of the uh best reinforcements that you could have hoped for as a Kansas fan to come in um those three guys I think are going to battle for two of the spots for two there’s 100 Dickson card right there um oh and is that the Michigan Jersey too let’s go um personally for me like looking at this roster I like KJ Adams to come off the bench as like a backup five or like an energy guy um I don’t he just kind of hurts your offense you know last year they tried to play KJ Adams and Dean Harris out there and there was just no I kind Dickinson would still get his but it was just tough for anybody else to get theirs because they’re not really Shooters so um It’s Kind one of those things where like you know KJ’s not gonna space the floor Dean Harris isn’t gonna space the floor now you’re bringing in Ryland Griffin uh you know you’re bringing in Zeke mayo and AJ store all these guys can get Buckets mayo and Griffin can really shoot it um store is more of your slasher uh you know he can shoot from the outside as well and then uh you know you got some you got some talent coming in obviously a freshman Flor five star we’ll see uh you know what he can give them probably going give him some defense behind Hunter Dickinson which would be really nice they didn’t really have that last year so like you mentioned Jay like depth is not gonna be an issue they have so many ways they can play this like will they will Ste decide to go with Ryland Griffin at the four like Bama did and play really small and have Dickinson at the five that offense would be crazy but then you’re gonna suffer defensively because hun dickin is not the you know not not the best defender in the world um but offensively that would be absolutely explosive or do you bring a griffin Off the Bench or a Mayo Off the Bench um and then all of a sudden you you know you get you get a little bit more defense in there you know maybe starting uh you know someone like a uh KJ Adams so I mean this is a problem they didn’t have last year it was basically the Five Guys they hope they play all 40 minutes um the starters and you know obviously mcculler went down and Dickson got hurt towards the end of the year so I like this roster man um tough for Jackson right but he’ll bounce back so so um looking forward to see Kansas looks like this year yeah I mean def definitely won’t be an issue as you guys said I mean hopefully we won’t have Bill self uh asleep at the wheel month away from the from the uh from March so in in the in the month of February hopefully he’s not falling asleep there like he had said quick update on the poll here we have five votes in four for Kansas State one for other whoever put other who do you think it is who do you think be is it is it Arizona State no can we give him a Lamborghini yeah let us know in the comments what the other is if that was you uh when you talked about a coach being asleep at the wheel I thought I didn’t think we were talking about Jim beheim tonight but that’s that’s different that’s a different we are we are about to talk abouted we are about talk about Syracuse so that’s good exactly well speaking of Syracuse they napped another piece for their back court uh they have one of the best back courts returning in the country with Judah mint and JJ Sterling uh now they act Georgia State guard Lucas Taylor to the mix what can Taylor give them in this backt Jay well it’s it’s scoring and outside shooting that was lacking in that back court last year Taylor shot 34% from three obviously the Hinrich line if you’re familiar with one and done is 35% uh I would like Taylor to improve on that a little bit but I can deal with 34% especially when everybody else on this team shot below that last year Judah Min 28% Starling 33% Copeland 25% uh no thank you no thank you uh but Taylor 34 all of a sudden smells like a Rosie like 40% when after those numbers yeah kidding it’s that math Be Ma in there but I mean really doesn’t this just feel like a replacement for copelan like it it kind of it kind of feels that way to me and now that he’s not going to be asked like Georgia State like he was that guy 30 minutes a game uh 14 and a half points like he was he was that guy he’s not going to uh have to carry all of that load more of a secondary role here and it’s probably gonna allow him to be more efficient with the touches that he sees so getting better looks I feel so um yeah I mean leading Georgia State in usage to this role now it can he adjust to that I think he can and Mike this Syracuse roster is starting to shape up to something very intriguing in a tough ACC yeah and another team that we’ve barely talked about this off season and that typically happens in an offseason where you know 2,000 players are moving and you happen to retain some of your better players especially Judah Mintz right like is should be first team all AC well I mean the acc’s got 18 teams now and if they pick five like it’s gonna be tough but there’s gonna be 20 people on their first team next year and you know it absolutely man why not like at this point they just pick one representative from each team yeah make it an allar game like really though Mike like what a great idea that’s you I know you’re saying that tongue and cheek but why can’t you why can’t you just have an All-Star representative from each program there you go that would be what’s a great idea and then you have two wild cards because you know there’s gonna be people you have two wild cards there what a great idea let’s submit that to the let’s submit it man but uh you were just mentioning Copeland a second ago like I loved him um but the fit with the offense like they needed shooting their shooting came from their bigs right like you had Chris Bell you know shooting threes um you know you had Justin Taylor Who’s moved on shooting threes and you kind of want some production from your back court especially if these guys are trying to get into the lane and you know get to the foul line that’s something that mince is obviously are really really good at but uh you know obviously he’s a star you get JJ Starling back another year right he’s a former five star going into his junior year now second year in the system these guys in second year in systems like we talked to Coach U the other day and you know the the talk was like hey when you get another guy in your system for the second year like things start to slow down for him so I I feel like that’s kind of a a you know I think that gets looked over a lot um I know I probably mention it a lot but I just think it’s so important uh you go from what is it Jay you go from like instead of thinking you go to just straight it’s just a reaction right like it’s so huge so uh you know some guys that are still roster right Chris Bell he’s a floor stretcher at the floor I don’t really like him there I think he’s more of a three guy because he’s hurts you defensively there Jer Davis coming over from Delaware he’s a pretty good player H Eddie lamin clearly the starting five coming over from Colorado we’ll see McLoud as a backup five probably for defense so I like this roster um because get Donnie Freeman he’s a five star top 20 consensus player I think he’s probably going to start at the four uh last time Syracuse had a a starting fourman that was a fivar freshman that worked out pretty well not saying not saying Donnie Freeman is Carmelo Anthony um but yeah I mean they just there’s a lot more help for mints at multiple positions I feel like and a lot more ways to kind of move the pieces around for sure and uh you that’s coach abdurahim that we were talking to it’s a phenomenal interview go back and check that out from South Florida I’m just talking about how great it is to coach guys you know in the program um that he’s had for sure so I feel like Syracuse gonna get a little bit of a boost from that for sure yeah abely absolutely we haven’t talked a whole lot about Syracuse and it feels like they’re just like the Forgotten team this season but you know they have all that Talent especially with mins coming back right soy excited excited to see what the season has in store thanks for being here with us guys hit those like And subscribe buttons hit that notification Bell as Mike said we are doing coach interviews coach abdur Raheem was amazing go check it out uh a lot of other uh uh uh lot of other coaching interviews on the way up we are at 1093 Subs right now seven more gets us to that next level 1100 who wants to be in these final seven get in there hit that notification Bell And subscribe button let’s go ahead we’re gonna move on to we’re gonna jump to the Future here to the 2025 he’s a top Center of 2025 Mustafa themm he’s going to reclassify and join the 2024 signing class the Terminator 247 had him as the he listed as the number one Center in the 2025 class he will start his career early at UCF Under head coach Johnny Dawkins significant move for the youngster Jay your thoughts yeah you talked about jumping into the future and and them is jumping from the future to the past reclassifying in the 2024 class and you know what guys he’s seven foot tall and you can’t teach that he’s actually 71 with a S6 wingspan yes please I’ll take a little bit of that and so will Coach Dawkins obviously uh the Sagal National them is the defensive upside is of the chart you know that rocket that we I was talking about a little bit ago we’re talking about how many Subs we have that’s the upside that the’s defense has that rocket straight to the moon really stands out as a shot blocker which makes sense right but that’s it’s he’s not just gonna clog the pain up he’s got footwork to I’m not saying he’s got the Elijah one you know like the dream Shake I’m not saying that let’s not do that quite yet but we have seen him do the use his footwork switch out on guards like it’s doable it’s there that it’s something to be very very excited about if you’re Johnny Dawkins and uh you know Mike what do you think 10 to 12 feet he’s probably comfortable with popping out a little bit you know but probably more comfortable in the DeAndre Jordan role but who wouldn’t be you know yeah I mean if I’m 71 man just throw me up some lobs man just make them easy payday there but yeah uh interesting Prospect right um it’s always interesting man like these the reclassification of these guys right they always they come in a year earlier um you know we’ve seen some mixed results uh UCF in general like they could really use him the Five Spot is a position that uh yeah a little uh left a little to be desired but now you have an option here I don’t know that he’s going to go out and be able to play you know 30 35 minutes for you but can he give you 20 really good minutes especially defensively I think he can um UCF interesting you know in the Big 12 here they were you know they were they were okay last year um obviously Big 12 a tough conference but now they getting both they top guards back and they’re two leading scorers so Jaylen sers and Darius Johnson are back uh both guys need to be a little more efficient than what they were last year if they’re G to take that many shots uh they’re going to need to make a few more uh in order for them to start winning a few more games uh interesting that they’re bringing over Jordan Ivy Curry coming over from UTSA he was the former Virginia Tech commit decided to rejump into the portal and heads over to UCF UCF so the back court definitely interesting um they have a wild card in Mikey Williams who we talked about last show H was thought to be one of the best high school players in the country got into some trouble um you know prior to going to Memphis for freshman year had to jump back into the portal you know we we don’t know what he’s going to look like and then uh you know they got keesan Hall over from George Mason I think he’s the X Factor like he’s super talented some questions about you know keeping the head on straight but how he handles the jump from the A10 to the Big 12 is huge and uh I could see UCF playing smaller uh with a guy like themm um especially just kind of looking at the roster also like Benny Williams coming over from the a for mentioned Sarah kees orangeman uh you know he should he should have a decent role here as a Forman for this squad but uh yeah we’ll see I mean this big 12 is absolutely loaded um so you definitely need reinforcements and why not take a kid with this type of upside yeah absolutely I mean UTF has the talent right we just got to figure out how it’s all gonna fit fit together how’s it all going to mesh and and how’s it all G to go from calling for a huddle right on good stuff there now let’s go ahead and move on to one of my favorite things here so one and done we are all college basketball not just the power six not just the big names we’re gonna talk mid major programs here we’re gonna show some love tonight we are thrilled to bring you Mike’s mid major minute [Music] that beat gets me every time yes uh wanted to Spotlight a couple of mid- major transfer classes not just players typically we do mid major transfers or you know the the down transfer or you know the kid going from the mid major up to a power five six program so want to Spotlight a couple of classes here the akan Zips akan been a very very solid program they have a fivan transfer class coming in four of them happen to be uh coming down from the power five uh level here West Virginia Duo Seth Wilson and Josiah haris who uh you know played a role in West Virginia season last year they’re both coming down from Morgantown big man James aono uh he used to play at West Virginia he uh transferred to North Carolina last year some untapped potential there feels like you know he could really do some big things filling him for Enrique Freeman who was obviously a stud for them Bowen Hardman is the shooting guard he’s also coming out from the power five ranking uh Ohio State where he didn’t get much of an opportunity but uh you know kind of his profile a really good shooter and Isaiah gray kind of the Lost guy here coming over from Cornell he’s a guard a starter the last two years for Cornell he averaged nearly double figures so this fiveman class for akan looking pretty salty I think they will be able to do some things and then Southern Illinois a fiveman transfer class the headliner is a kid that we spot spotlighted a few weeks ago it is guard Ali Abdu Diva he put up a pretty big year for abene Christian where he averaged 15 and a half points I think it’s interesting that they’re bringing over a couple of guys from Missouri State you got Damen Mayo Jr uh he’s got 38 starts under his belt his teammate Tyler Bay was actually a four-star Prospect um last year you know a little bit of an up and down freshman year but he’s following suit uh you know he’s going into a sophomore year and I’m expecting a little bit more of a breakout this year for him Davon Sykes is an undersized Ford from Texas State but he posted 11 and seven in his sophomore year so he’ll be joining this transfer class and then Drew Stephy comes over from Texas Tech uh he’s got some upside to him just didn’t wasn’t able to you know crack the rotation last year so Southern Illinois with definitely an interesting interesting fiveman transfer class to go along with akan I feel like these two are definitely going to make some noise in the mid- major ranks and that’ll do it for this edition of the mid major [Music] minute love that be good stuff as always Mike you know with these mid Majors one of the biggest things that I love to see is when these these guys from the high Majors go down and then they fall out it’s like my favorite thing they they they make their C say I am a good player right it’s almost kind of like a look at me yeah look at me and then maybe they go back up into the high majors and yeah yeah it’s cool thing to see but moving on to our next thing here you know who isn’t gonna drop down to a mid- major at least I don’t think so and I don’t think anybody in here on our poll thinks so we got eight votes in we have 12% for LSU SMU 12% other 12 % but mostly everybody at 62% at Kansas State we’re going to go into where are they going first up we’re gonna go to Jay with Coleman Hawkins what do you got five of the eight people choosing Kansas State for our cat Coleman Hawkins the clear number one player left in the portal and as we mentioned in the poll earlier Kansas State LSU and SMU are the final three here for Hawkins visited the little apple this weekend of Kansas state if you’re not familiar it’s Manhattan just in case you didn’t know it’s okay it’s okay but uh I mean guys this is a the somebody with his talent this late in the portal it worries me a little bit in terms of who who has the dollars left but more importantly who has the playing time left like you make Coleman Hawkins if you can get Coleman Hawkins onto your roster like you figure it out but yeah then you could upset some other guys that you but you just paid you probably just paid somebody $550,000 to come over and then you’re telling him now now you come off the bench because we brought in Hawkins like I don’t know man like Kansas State um out of all of the ones I guess would would have the best shot at the tney without Landing him but if if Kansas state does end up with Hawkins which I do feel like that’s where he’s gonna end up like absolutely Mike yeah you took it right out of my mouth man this a top 25 team right Mike I think so man like yeah like they I mean number five in the portal absolutely what do you got next we got a speaking of Kansas State Mike we got Arthur Kuma there yeah uh Kuma Jay one of your one of your guys can I say that is that Kuma one of your guys yeah yeah um yeah he’s number 92 on our big board um this one kind of ties into Hawkins though like it feels like we’re thinking he was gonna go back to Kansas State but obviously it wouldn’t be a spot if Hawkins goes to Kansas State and then we’re hearing Memphis um so clearly this makes sense for Memphis like they could really use a piece like him they have room David Jones decided to go off to the uh to the NBA here so yeah Arthur Kuma I’m thinking Memphis right now but we’ll see what happens with Hawkins because obviously Kansas State misses out on Hawkins then there’s maybe be a chance for Kuma to go back but maybe not because then maybe Kuma is thinking like what like it’s just a kind of a weird deal right now with K K State going on yeah definitely could see Kuma in a Memphis jersey next year totally that would be awesome to see honestly Jay a few more left who you got one of one of those names out there that I really like oh yeah Supreme cook definitely a Top Flight name here and a Top Flight player but one whose transfer portal news has been relatively limited quite a quiet time in the transfer portal for Supreme cook I thought an announcement to go back to Georgetown would have happened by now if if like that was a choice but I haven’t heard even any like big time I don’t want to say leak but you know what I mean people will float these names out there there hasn’t even been any of that surrounding cook maybe except uh Country Road take me home to the place I belong West Virginia being rumored Mountain Mama that’s right Take Me Home Country Roads if K State misses on Hawkins this could be another spot for cook again this is all the Coleman Hawkins Domino will fall here time will tell npe tell us about the guy one spot behind Supreme cook on our transfer board yeah number 132 arario Morris guard out of Kansas you know we don’t really have a list uh for him but he’s he’s super talented right uh obviously had some issues off the court that needed to get resolved but Rumor Mill has it that Arizona state is potentially in the mix here uh I mean we should hear more soon Forks up exciting if uh the Sun Devils could get in the mix here Mike last one before we get out of here who you got yeah it’s Ken Evans the guard from Jackson State Florida Atlantic this is one where we thought we were going to get official news already it hasn’t happened this kind of reminds me a little bit of the DJ Wagner situation this has been floating around for quite some time DJ Wagner obviously ended up at Arkansas we’ll see if the same thing happens with Evans but you start to worry when days go by without any word especially when you hear uh the leaks that this is supposed to happen so um we’ll keep an eye on this one see if anybody else maybe Pops in last minute there could be a lot of that going on right now uh but these are the these are the five right now on the transfer Big Board uh man you know like there’s Coleman Hawkins I would say Arthur Kuma and then you start getting into you know guys that uh you know can obviously make an impact but as far as the the headliner Superstar uh you know Coleman Hawkins and and right there Arthur Kuma kind of knocking on the door so still some Talent out there okay Mike Mike I gotta ask you uh arterio Morris’s baggage is heavy like there’s a lot that comes with that and he is a very very talented player what’s that yeah twice like two times right two I mean at this point a player of is there a reason that he’s in that he’s still in the portal at this point even though he has as much talent what do you think about that yeah it’s kind of nerve-wracking right like it’s you know fool me once fool me twice um who’s willing to dive in a third time yeah and obviously the the allegations that have happened the first obviously as Texas fans we we know about the issues coming from high school into Texas and then kind of the you know Terence Shannon uh kind of deal at Kansas just complete mess um but looks like those issues have been resolved the question is what I mean Jay are you if your program like are you maybe if you’re desperate to you know to get I mean Supreme like talented super especially offensively the guy’s that I mean he’s he’s a guy that I feel like could literally jump in if he’s been in shape and like doing his business could legitimately score in in a 30- minute roll of 15 to 16 points for you like but it’s why it makes sense for an Arizona State to pick him up like with because you got a coach that has control of the culture of the program and the expectations of what comes with it and playing for him you’ve got uh Arizona State you know coming into a tough conference that’s going to need talent so that’s the sort of fit that I think makes if you’re going to be a power five player yeah wouldn’t surprise me to not see him on a power five roster just because nobody wants to take that shot but at this point in the game like even if he is damaged goods somebody will will give him an opportunity and then at you you just cut bait like it’s it’s your the talents and the upside at this point is worth it to just be able to say hey we you know we gave it a go it didn’t work cut him loose rather than just giving the the last scholarship to you know the water boys yeah well and and we’ve seen I mean clearly right Texas and Kansas like those are you know obviously no joke as far as uh uh you know being able to at the top of the Big 12 right so um we’ll see man Arizona State I know Navy hustle thinking like hey why not right we need all the help we can get it Forks up is this it Forks up yep there go works up well on that note thank you thank you everybody for being here with us even if you’re watching after the fact we love you still hit those comments make sure you hit those like And subscribe buttons and uh hit that notification Bell because we’ve said it a million times we got tons of content coming out me and Mike are working on some other big stuff and we have all these coaching interviews coming up make sure you hit that notification Bell and uh we have 10 votes now in our to to give a final number here 60% Cas State 20% other 10 and 10 for LSU and SMU so hopefully we’ll hear that news here pretty soon so we will see but the way you find out stay tuned and you know we’ll talk about it you know we’ll be here talking about with these two breadheads these guys and of course our guy Eric the blue hitting those buttons fantasy NAB you have MC Holland 34 Dr William Cannon all on X Twitter whatever you want to call it make sure you get out there oh reminder next weekend Father’s Day I know the these two guys fathers over here wish you guys a Happy Father’s Day if I don’t see you guys before then out there don’t forget your dad and uh until next time let’s get this bread thanks for stopping by the office get your fantasy prescription by subscribing to the channel and checking out Dr and until the next visit be well and take care

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