This Pete Cowen Takeaway Will SAVE Your Golf Swing

►This Peter Cowen Golf Takeaway position with SAVE your golf swing but first you need to be in the correct posture and set up in order to get it right.
This video will help you through the 3 most important phases to get this correct.

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Not many golf coaches on YouTube even coach golf anymore! I am an active golf coach taking inspiration from live lessons to deliver relatable golf coaching content. Having worked under Pete Cowen for 3 years the information I provide really is from the top table!

The content you will find on this YouTube channel will be informative golf tips that will help you improve not only your golf swing but your golf game in the sole purpose of lowering your scores and enjoying golf more & more.
Other content will include golf club reviews and golf accessories which can help you improve your understanding of what to buy as the market is constantly changing and being saturated by brands.
A lot of the content you will find on the channel is of Andy Carter being out on the golf course showcasing real-life scenarios and shot that all golfers will encounter on the course. If you can improve these areas of your game then for sure scores will lower.
Popular content throughout the years has been golf course vlogs,with Andy either playing against the golf course in his Carter vs Golf series, or playing against fellow PGA professionals, Tour professionals and even amateurs. This content is not only a great watch but also a great learning experience for viewers.

Happy golfing ⛳⛳

I’m filming this video today because it’s a fault that I see amongst loads of my online students and the ones I teach in person you’re going to be able to learn in today’s video how to take the club away from the golf ball in the correct manner we’re going to be talking about how the setup affects the takeaway but then we’re also going to be talking about how the takeaway then affects the rest of the back swing and also the transition guys if you are new to the channel and you’ve never seen my videos before and you and you you’re going to enjoy this video I’m sure of it hit that subscribe button there’s lots of video content coming as well also if you would like a golf lesson from me the QR code is just here in the side of the screen where you can go on to the skillist app and take a lesson from me no matter where you are in the world right so we’re going to get straight into setup now a lot of players I see and this is again it’s probably through kind of just poor habits and and playing a lot of golf and we get a little bit kind of laxy Daisy on how we set up to the golf ball and it’s very easy I do it as well if I play too much golf my setup does start to deteriorate somewhat the most common one I see is the shoulder line relative to Target which is now perfect shoulder line being open very open it’s almost like it’s kind of a very relaxed position this Le lead shoulder just pulls back a little bit too much okay so straight away what I would potentially tend to see if I take my club away on my shoulder line I’m taking it a long way on the outside of my body okay and often when we see the outside of the body we see the club face starting to open as well and we start to see a steepened back swing so really simple drill to start with if you’re like a a low single figure handicap watching this you’re going to feel like a beginner but this is something that I do on a regular basis particularly when I haven’t played golf for a few weeks or days I just try and recalibrate there’s nothing wrong with recalibrating getting back to basics and I think if you’re trying to make good changes within your golf swing the basics need to be kind of sound they need to be in a good position to get you started so I often just say like stand up completely straight As kind of straight and as tall as you possibly can right now open your feet so your shoulders can fit pretty much inside of your feet this will be the width of stance for your 7 iron for example and now I want to feel out your Bend keeping your chest up and your shoulders back I want you to bend from the hips and a little bit of knee Flex so right now what we’re doing here we’ from this position we’ve got shoulders hips knees and feet all pretty much squared off you will find that a lot of players actually a lot of people General I do it have slightly open hips or slightly closed hips we need to see osteopaths right so stand up straight til from the hips feet so your shoulders can fit inside bend the knees and just allow the arms to drop now a little tester very basic very simple Club across your shoulders and approximately should be aiming down the line of the target we are in position okay that is the most important thing to get started before we start looking at positions because positions are only relative to where they came from okay now we’ve got the basic correct the reason you’re here for this video is to improve your takeaway now I’m going to be adding some data to this video because I when I do my coach I’m very data driven whether somebody I’m coaching likes to see data or not I like to see data because it’s factual I like to see as much the more that we can measure the more that we can get right if you’re not measuring you’re guessing so I’m going to be using the data on this to show those people that want to watch data how it looks some of you will love it some of you will not but we have to cater for everybody so if I am the type of golfer and this is the most common one so we’re going to go common movements common movements will be that the golfs the arm will root the forearm will rotate the golf club on the inside of the the takeaway the shaft angle will also will be behind the body and the face angle will probably be slightly open because of that movement now that a lot of forearm rotation in the swing so if I set up here and give it that forearm rotation right let’s see those numbers so wo we’ve got a lot of rotation okay so huge amount of turn within the golf within the within the takeaway here as you saw the golf club went very much behind my body the face was open now from setup I had + 17 of extension and I actually increased it to + 22 so what I actually did there was I opened the face more so if I start with any number let’s say at the moment right now it’s plus 17 that’s that’s impressive plus 19 okay very impressive if I add to that I am at now plus 35 so for the purpose of this video I’ve M I’ve almost doubled it and look at the club face Club face has gone super open if I start at plus 18 and 17 again and I managed to keep the face what we would perceive as Square during this swing we’re now at Min -12 okay that’s the huge difference so we’ve gone from + 18 to -12 so the go the wrist angle has got stronger during the takeaway okay so from setup the wrist angle has got stronger we’ve moved in into what we call flexion which some of you may know as bold wrist whereas on the previous video I hit the golf shot previous swing where I hit the golf shot we added more extension which a lot of you will know as cing which for me opened the club face now this is again relative to I have to cave out this it’s relative to your grip if you’ve got a a strong grip then actually we may need to add extension into your grip we may need to add some cing to keep the club face Square something I’ve done with one of my online students as well so it’s important that we can understand how we’re getting into takeway when you see your golf swing on video if the shaft of the club goes behind the body and the face where the toe of the club appears to be pointing more to the right as a right-handed golfer your Club F you’ve rotated this forearm and you put the golf club behind your body with an open Club face okay how we fix that and this is where my good friend Pete Cowen comes in because we want to we want to create a neutral takeaway okay or as neutral as possible from what we’ve now created as a neutral setup so the position we’re going to try and get into is the shaft of the club parallel to the feet pointing at the Target line now what I would say here is when you get a golf swing that goes inside the body flat open face the left hand has been very dominant the lead hand has has been the one that’s rolled that Golf Club on the inside and open very rarely does the trail hand do that so what happens is the left hand’s work the left arm’s working hard and the right hand’s being passive I want the right hand to fight against it as we do this takeaway so we create an equal opposite movement which creates stabilization in the club face I’m turning that way I’m turning that way do that together and the face does not move so as you take this golf club away I want you to feel that your right hand is closing the face now you’re going to have still maintain a bit of flexion in this right elbow okay so we’re in that position the face now is pointing inwards parallel to the spine angle that we’ve created the shaft angle is parallel to your feet and that is a beautiful takeaway position cuz from here we can move the golf club into a really nice P2 position where the shaft of the Club starts to get to around about 45° as opposed to completely horizontal remember if we go in here we often then build up through the back and the momentum brings us forward if we start to get this right arm to fight against the left arm here and we get equal opposite motion we don’t have to squeeze it we don’t have to strangle it you could do this in a super light way I’m barely gripping the golf CL there okay so it doesn’t have to be super tense for me personally recently actually as I carry out that again I do strangle it as I do this job I want to feel it I want to understand what’s going on within my body to create that movement so there’s no issue with doing that in terms forgetting your quality of um practice session in so I would go right hand fights against it which also encourages the hinging of the wrist you see how the H the club head starts to work higher than the hands I’ve now got into a position at the top of the back swing where my left wrist do stay pretty straight my flexion is almost at minus one almost zero so I’ve only moved it 15° from extension face angle is absolutely perfect and as I start to come back down I’ve got no kind of biased momentum of going forward or inside unless I start to make those issues and that’s a completely different issue so as I start to move upwards I’ve given myself the best chance now in this back swing and take takeway and back swing to create a relatively neutral transition so you’ve got to get get yourself into a position to create the neutral transition without creating poor momentum okay so my right hand is fighting against the left hand I’ve got a little bit of hinge I’m turning and I’m turning through guys if you are into your numbers and you do like what you see I get a lot of messages asking about hack motion is it beneficial and one of my online students actually uses it as well and he sends me his data from his lesson jump down in the description below there’s going to be more information about hack motion they’ve just released a new sensor and they’ve just upgraded the app there’s loads of different drills on there that you can do to kind of help your wrist angles but also you can do comparisons against tall Pros as well so they are just up in the game to be fair it’s amazing so all the details are in the description below but now we need to hit a golf shot and comp and see the numbers so on that particular one I was set up at 22 and it flexed more dur it so it closed a little bit more would be your maybe your terminology to 12 whereas before remember we started at 18 and we added on to 36 so you can start to see there that we’re actually trying to strengthen the face as we go back as opposed to weakening the face and we just get so many more so many better strikes wow that is a beautiful shot by the way so what we’re able to do then because the golf club’s 24 plus 16 beautiful fle oh impact as in f as in flexion so I had that shling I had angle of attack I had the I had the go that wasn’t a shot I had the I had the golf club a little bit more in front of my body it created a really nice angle into the P2 position because of my transition was pretty good I came back down on top of the the golf ball compressed it with shaoling and worked through and all of that really I do have a decent transition something I’ve been working hard on but all of that really is down to the fact I was able to start the golf swing on the correct plane okay so we all I want you to think about turn your hands against each other as you push the golf club away from your body and notice how the face does not move this is a drill that you can do on a daily basis bis cuz if you’re that scul for that pops the club inside it’s that motion that you’re doing with your left arm and the right arm is just being passive and doing absolutely nothing until maybe it comes into the down string where it tries to rectify all the faults very simple drill that you can do on a daily basis to help you with your takeaway and hopefully make you a better player thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed the video hit the like hit the Subscribe you know that we say every video see you next time

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