Golf Players

Rory’s regret, Scottie’s cliff, Blandemonium, Lexi “retires”, Charley Hull and Toxic Golf Culture.

After a two week hiatus, @BenGolfLoverUK & @progolfcritic discuss the happenings in the pro #golf world in May 2024, since the 2024 US PGA Championship.

They discuss toxic golf culture perpetuated by many folks in the golf media that has led to negative comments about it from professional golfers like @LPGA stars Lexi Thompson and Charley Hull and @PGATOUR players like Grayson Murray (RIP), Harry Higgs and others.

Richard Bland, aka Blandemonium, wins the Senior PGA Championship – analysis of how being on #LIVGolf helped Blandy win this championship.

Rory McIlroy continues his backtracking since the beginning of the year, expressing his regret over his aggressive anti-LIV stance since 2022. The truth about Rory and his “elephant in the room.”

PGC’s theory that Scottie Scheffler’s game will drop off a cliff the remainder of the year, and it has nothing to do with his drama at the @PGAChampionship .
Some suggested changes and tweaks to @LIVGolf – could we see some format changes

ladies gentlemen boys and girls we are back I am golf love UK and this is pro golf critic we are so excited after sort of a two week Hiatus two we break you will hopefully listen to Eugenio Shakara episode our first returning guest Eugenio talks about changing his putter face talks about qualifying for the majors which he’s now gone and done so congratulations Eugen amazing amazing um great to see and I I love the it’s not arrogance it’s just like that Raw confidence I’m going to go qualify for Mages just watch me do it that’s what you you need to have to play at that level like the the level he’s trying to get to being the elite of the elite like he he has it it’s just a matter of time and sort of getting to that level he’s got got the confidence he’s got the game I think it’s just the matter matter of time like he qualified for the US Open like I mean pretty easily to be honest like I mean he he he he went out guns blazing first round and um had a pretty big lead and then just kind of coasted home so you know good to see sad to see Sergio didn’t get in or aan answer either um you know but it is what it is yeah the Sergio one was was Savage seven players went to a playoff six we’re going to get a spot and he was the only player not to make a make a power Birdie on the on the playoff hole Yeah I think there’s a reasonable chance that he still gets in as an alternate just looking at historical know situation similar so we’ll we’ll have to see how it pans out but P Reed pulled out the qualifying yes didn’t he which makes me think he’s probably been given the nudge to get an automatic space that’s what I thought too I’m not sure like I haven’t gotten any one of only three players since the Inception of Liv to make every single cut in all that was um so we have the Masters then live so yeah it’s um yeah yeah he’s been in like 40 plus straight Majors that he’s he’s been in so US Open would would be the first one that he’s not in in like he he’s also I think he I I read somewhere and I could be wrong and I expect me to be pulled up aggressively by our fans by that one guy by the way have you ever seen that one guy that watches on YouTube and spends his entire time slagging us off on YouTube no makes amazing there’s one guy in the comments he watches the show loves it but hates really you massively dislikes but he obv he he watches every show because like he quotes things and says this was rubbish this was rubbish but great great to have another listener thanks the algorithm but I’m sure someone put in the comments I think P Reed is on I think it’s like for the last he’s on for the third or fourth best cut streak in a in in like a seven or eight year period or or or 40 40 major period like he’s he’s right out there with cut streaks as numbers of cuts made like the last 40 I think I think it’s a decade of Mage the last 40 mes like I think he’s got one of the highest amounts of cuts made that makes sense yeah he plays well like he’s I mean people are are always slagging off and dis disrespecting Patrick Reed but Patrick Reed is like look he’s a master’s Champion there’s no we’re talking about confidence there’s nobody more confident than Patrick REO on the golf course like I mean he he is at like an elite elite level there so uh and he he usually comes to play in Majors like I can’t really think of too many majors where he hasn’t played well he he really is a badass in the sense that like he just has that about him and I love it right anyway let’s get on the show we got loads of stuff to discuss can I please just go on a rant you don’t need to join in you don’t need to have an opinion because I frankly don’t give a toss this bits about me okay parents are Role Models not Charlie Hall having a cigarette if Charlie Hall wants to have a cigarette I couldn’t give a [ __ ] have one if she wants to rip darts have one I don’t care I’ll talk about the I’ll talk about the the double standard on it John Daly oh John Daly has 18 Diet Cokes 18 [ __ ] and three hot dogs gets worship for it Charlie Hall has a [ __ ] and the world ended the world’s ending because she’s having a [ __ ] it’s absolutely mental far away the American listeners English people call cigarettes [ __ ] crack on okay I wasn’t going to go there but yeah it definitely has a slightly different connotation yeah for anyone for anyone in the US isn’t aware that we in in the UK we call cigarette [ __ ] so she she’s having a cigarette she’s doing what she wants to do and then she’s got all these comments and not only that firstly firstly secondly thirdly on to my millionth part of this rant I don’t give a [ __ ] what you think you want to say about Charlie Hall be kind some of the comments I’ve read about her about well if she smokes cigarettes and she wears short skirts like people are just horrible horrible nasty people casting aspersions on a character I don’t care what she does it’s her life and let her live it oh she shouldn’t be smoking a cigarette near her child and the if the parent doesn’t want her next to her if the parent doesn’t want the child to be near Char when she’s smoking the parent should say don’t go there till she finished a cigarette it’s not to Charlie Hall if it was a no smoking sign they indoors fair enough yeah but this absolute modern [ __ ] that we get all the time about sports people are Role Models I say it again if Charlie holds having a cigarette in front of Annabelle and Annabelle goes to have a cigarette because she’s watched Charlie all that’s my fault I’ve allowed my daughter to be manipulated so easily influenced yes like yes it’s not on Earth I just right I I just have to my chest because it drives Mead I I had no no idea people were sort of com comenting like that look I am very anti-smoking I don’t like like smoking but I I like Charlie Hall she’s probably one of my favorite uh female players to watch for a variety of reasons but she’s one of the most interesting uh female golfer I mean really more interesting golfers out there like she has a personality she has style she has uh the kid she’s got a Rory Swagger about she she’s got like Rory Swagger about she’s got even more than that she has a Riz about her it’s it’s it’s what the the kids call RZ you know Charisma like she has I actually to explain [ __ ] in English being a cigarette can you explain to the English listeners what Riz means in America what is so Riz in America is basically what the kids say when it comes to having Charisma having you know a certain Swagger having like they just say can’t they just say charisma why do they have to invent Ray no I like honestly I only heard heard this like fairly recently like I was I was uh you know on the driving range and I’m older white and British I don’t know cool words yeah I mean look I I have to rely on on Mrs PGC for this because she have to keep two the kids yeah she she’s always kind of she’s a she’s a bit of an influence I don’t want to call her an influencer but she’ll she’ll kick my ass for that but she she’s very much more like in tune to some of stuff than I am uh just given her background and fashion and knowing Trends and all all that stuff just you know pop culture but uh yeah like I I think Charlie Hall has it like she’s um she’s one of those people that like when she’s on TV and she’s playing golf like you kind of are drawn to to watching her like she’s just she has that like thing about her that yeah a lot of people don’t like you know people like Scotty sheffler does does not have what Charlie Hall has on a lot of different levels or there there’s other female players that just still never have like what she has so you know I don’t yeah I I just it’s just I’m Anno I’m annoyed with some of the accounts that have written so many negative things and they’ve gone they’ve gone way past the smoking into other Realms and other comments and oh God Grayson Murray has passed away and that I don’t want to do I don’t want to rehash it and look like we’re copying everybody else but Grayson M’s path way is very sad MH there’s been no confirmation about his death there’s been rumors about what it could be and whatever else and I don’t want to go into those what I want to talk about is well the family pretty much confirmed like what we suspected so yeah that the yeah that was a man who was very troubled yes mental health problems drink problems Lexi Thompson will talk about in a moment Lexi Thompson talked about the stresses and strains of being the public eye we’ve had Matt wolf talk about it m and everyone’s like oh my God it’s so sad mental health this mental health that oh Grace and Murray graceon Murray addiction graceon Murray oh it’s so so sad 24 hours later slagging off Charlie Hall what is wrong with you absolute bastards like I’m so I’ve never been so angry in a podcast I just either we care about people and their mental health look if Charlie Hall i’ had a cigarette and thrown it at a kid yeah fine do you I mean auts puffing on a cigarette leave her alone and if you don’t like it just make com saying I don’t think it’s appropriate if you have to but you know what you don’t have to just take a day off and stop being nasty yeah you know some of these podcasts out out there and it’s something that really grinds my gears about them and look I’ll I’ll call them out like people like like no laying up like no laying up has a a they’re bully culture oh yeah like they comments of Tron car made about Bry despic call him a p call him a POS and I I’ve made this is this is get this got the E rating on because of me you can say piece of [ __ ] you can say it I I have lit this podcast up for the first time ever no look some of the these podcasts I understand that they’re trying to be provocative or whatever but it’s like this is part of this is part of the problem with golf golf culture here in the United States like it it’s like this uh culture of like hazing of like if somebody doesn’t agree with you like you make fun of them and like it’s like all this stuff that just like I mean people that are clearly uh like struggling uh with with their emotions and things things like that and you like making fun of them and like we we’ve seen it with Grayson Murray we’ve seen it with Bryson we’ve seen it with with you know bubble Watson we’ve seen it with Lexi Thompson like the list goes on and on of like players that like people will make make fun of and look it’s a line that I’m never going to cross yes I’ve said things about let let’s say Rory and maxom but that um it’s that’s to i’ I’ve never said anything personal about about them number one number two like the things that that I say about about them are like just strictly in response to things that they have said and now we have someone like like Rory basically saying oh like everything that I said for a year was a mistake and it never should have said that and like those are things that we were saying back then like I mean uh these are the thing like that’s a totally different situation than like clowning on somebody because of their emotions or like their struggles or or like because they uh they behave in a way that that uh you don’t agree with them yeah like that is if someone if someone the ironic thing is the lack of criticism tiger got for his car crash speed like fan we know I’m a to Fan we know you’re a tiger fan but when what they what they do is they pick on people that are well known that have slightly differing personalities on the on the edges of differ ways of thinking and use that to pick them pick on them look I I kind of don’t want to give them any more air mate if I’m honest I just you and I would be discussing what a terribly busy week and heads Space Week you and I both had which has been quite an adventure in itself but um I think that let’s just be less of a bastard to people if you’re going to say that’s Charlie Hall have a look at yourself first what’s that what’s that old line if you point your finger there’s always three pointing back at you like just have a little look at yourself you have the need you know what’s funny you know what’s funny this it sort of goes into what H happened to me on social social media recently where you know um Harry Hicks Bas basically had some comments that he made that that sort of went viral on social media about how people need to be nicer to to each other like his basic suggestion was uh you know to be nicer to people that you don’t know um and I reposted and basic basically said yeah this this is like something that I I feel like everybody needs to do particularly in the golf world there’s been a lot of negativity and vitrio uh sent over to the live players and the the supporters of live we’ve seen we see it every single day um and it’s like I get comments like saying oh you’re using this and make it about living I’m like no I am talking about the message that Harry higs is trying to deliver and I I want everybody to like take a long look in the mirror at themselves if you have contributed to this and if you are being mean and nasty to people on social media or in your own personal life like there’s just no excuse for it like everybody just needs to try to be nicer um and I basically retracted it because I was like look I’m not going to tell anybody like what to do but it’s like uh because you just can’t win with with people you can make a suggestion that seems very innocuous that like oh yeah everybody should be nicer and then they want to just like completely deflect and uh don’t take ownership of like things that they’ve they’ve said and it’s like look I have never been mean and nasty to somebody social media unprovoked it just does not happen I don’t believe in it um and I think more people need to actually um move that way and I think we would have a lot less I think some anger and fital out there I think some people sometimes perceive things you say to be a bit of a wind up when they’re actually not like but do you know I mean I think I think sometimes you can be provocative is the wrong word I think that you can be reactionary provocative people will say stuff and you will go back at them but you’re not the ever the instigator of it no no all I’m doing and people think that I am people think that I’m being a provocator with like my takes there is not one single thing that I have tweeted or said that I didn’t mean and I can’t back up every single thing so I’m not doing this for clicks I said you whether you’re right or wrong you know I don’t always agree I said whether you’re right or wrong you do have your own logic to back it up we don’t agree on things but you do have your own logic to back it up and that’s that’s important because you’re saying well I think this and this is why I think it right we’ve got to fly on we got if I wanted to be a provocator like I could have way more followers than I H have now just like you know following the algorithm but that’s not who I am so I’m not not going to do that I’m stuck at about 3,600 I don’t really care my Instagram does really well people seem to love people love watching me part like a TR they absolutely love it yeah I I I I I I had to actually been one of my recordings I I oh really I puted first two in the first time I found the middle of the cup ever two middle of the cup lipped the third one in the fourth one lipped out I just shouted C NT in the garden but can’t put that one out oh man no it’s an emotional game you and uh Terrell Hatton definitely have that you know that you know fiery streak in you like something something doesn’t go your way you’re definitely I think it’s supposed what when I’ve met people off when I’ve met people from Twitter I met them in a real world so I’m very I I don’t ever swear on Twitter because it’s a it’s it’s a very public space I don’t believe in there the right way to converse with each other I don’t believe it’s the right way to speak to another person especially you don’t know them you don’t know what attitude they’ve got how they’re feeling what their days been all that sort of stuff right and also anyone can view it in real life when I’m when I’m on a golf course I can light it up like a sailor it is not a problem right we got move on otherwise never going to get this show done um I want to touch very quickly on two old men that I really really love who had a great great weekend Richard Bland and Greg Charmers I’m so happy for both them look if I had to pick some if you said to me before tournament pick two or three people to win and gland and Greg charm was been right up there like who who doesn’t love Blandy who doesn’t love and I like Greg one of things I love about Greg is that he’s had this being this journey about where he’s not played the best golf in the last year or so and he’s sort rediscovering at the champions tour and he’s been very honest and open about that and I really like that that’s yeah look I um I am completely indifferent when it comes to Greg chmer unfortunately look I’m just just gonna be be honest I’m not slagging him off I’m very indifferent when it comes to Greg Chalmers I’ve gotten into it with a couple people about it um it is what what it is like I just I you can’t make me care about golfers that I don’t care about it’s just how it is no no and and I’m not saying you I’m just saying other people out there like I I’m just not not gonna Richard’s another story for me Greg’s seems like a really nice guy I love their podcast I love hack it out it’s one of my it’s one of the I think it’s my it’s now my current oldest running golf podcasts I’ve listened to because others I’ve picked up and put down and picked up and put down but it’s it’s it’s the one that’s met this one that stayed there the whole time yep yeah I love that great to see gr D but amazing see Blandy win it what a result and then my favorite thing was the PJ tour Can’t cannot get anything right um obviously because he’s competing in in an unsanctioned tour we cannot have a space like oh oh my God I mean look let it breathe just let it breathe just just let him have his win and let it breathe because when it came out it just it read like a going you can’t see the kids it was just unbelievable it’s completely it’s complete trash it’s complete it’s complete garbage like like we can’t just enjoy the fact that look rich Richard Bland um he is peaking he like as a golfer he has peaked in his late 40s and early 50s this is like almost like unprecedent like he has and I will say like this is where the competition had Liv like he has been forced to uh play at an extremely high level for two years in order to keep his place there because Rich Richard Bland has no guarantees moving forward he hasn’t had any guarantees since he started ad Li he’s had to perform in finish in that top 24 each year to secure spot for the next year um he is playing very very well right now and I knew that he was going to play well at the senior PGA I didn’t know if he was going to win or not but I knew he was going to play well um and I do want to shout him out because uh Richard Bland’s been nothing but nice to me like he’s been uh really really W welcoming like if I say say hi to him like he’s always like like willing willing to chat um and he’s a he’s he’s really turned himself into an elite uh player especially short game wise like he might be the best wedge player like or right maybe not best but he’s in the top three to five at Li I don’t think there’s any question about it like I read some there’s not I listened to there’s an argument that he could be in the current currently calm down the world just relax and let me say this out loud he could be in the current top 25 short game players yes easily oh yeah no question question about it like uh that’s his strength like look he gets it out there for like being in his 50s too like he’s in the the high 160 ball speed like 170 which is great like it’s I mean especially for a senior player like I was seeing some of the seniors like struggle to get 150 ball speed with the driver so he’s like uh 20 M miles an hour ahead of that so yeah yeah like for the seniors he’s he’s long off the te he’s keeping it in play he is an elite short game player um and I think a lot of this has been born out of his time on live where uh you have to to make sure you’re playing at a really high level and and look the the PJ tour is petty it’s part of the culture it’s part of the deal it’s something I have accepted for a long time now it just is what it is um I know there’s a lot of anxiety over at the PJ tour and the PJ tour Champions about what the future holds for them uh because let’s be honest the senior tour in the United States is a is an entity that continues to lose uh to lose money hand over fist yes yeah and they don’t have a benefactor like you know live golf has where uh you know they’ve already built in uh the the fact that there is going to be a five to 10 year period where they they might have I I had I had a thought right right at the beginning of live I said right and it’s it’s probably not the right thing to do blah blah blah for whatever reasons you could do it I don’t know how you want how it would look but I’ve said for a long I said for a long time we live Sixers team four men one senior one lady I not say I know it’s because Liv has become so serious it’s a bit gimmicky yes but I also still like the idea the senior’s got to play the senior from the other team you got to have a you got to have a mixed doubles map a mixed pair what what I’m just saying yeah it interests me in just the grander scheme of what could that look like yes but there we are and also that needs to be like a oneoff I could see that totally being like a I don’t I don’t want to see an entire league like that but I want to see that as like a one-off event where and if they go to what we we’ve discussed which I think they all do they’ll do which is sort of four singles maybe six singles events that have got less of a team element you your individual score counts to the team but not in the same way the team element does in the day that sort of thing yeah yeah they’re not awarding trophies for the senior for the team in the singles yeah that correct but then you could have a team event and as you say if you got 10 if you got eight team events you could have two where you have to you have to have a champion you have to have Champions and a lady anyway let’s move I’ve I’ve also made a s a suggestion that like because you have so many senior uh senior level players that have like great Charisma that have great personalities like John D like there’s no reason why John Daly shouldn’t shouldn’t be a part of live I don’t I don’t want to see him playing at all I don’t think that he needs to be be playing golf on live at all that being said like I mean you could easily have him being like the thing I suggested because Brooks and John Da are so close it’s like why not bring in John Dy as like a vice captain of Smash and like like bring him out to the event um have him out out there in a car like you know uh getting getting the crowd going like I think that that’s an element that Liv has yet to tap into but I definitely think that that’s something that could be coming later on down the line because there’s a lot of these like really bigname players that could be involved in live yeah also some big some big seniors um my brain’s gone blank my favorite SP one of my favorite Spanish gol is oh oh oh uh yeah the mechanic yeah yeah m how called Himes B being part of the Fireballs it be Absol amazing that would be great and you could have like Jose Marone got smoke any old boy got a smoke that’s the that’s the rule your L your lady or your old bloke’s got a smoke I’d love that like so Majestic got Charlie Hall riing darts I love it yeah that that would be yeah like there’s C certain player there’s like certain players that are outside of sort of the live teams now that are either either seniors or ladies that I think should be involved in um in the these live teams at some point for sure Charlie Hall you and I got limited time we’ve got limited time right I don’t want to talk about Scotty other than let look I’m going to put a timer on we do this sometimes listen this I’m gon to give you 90 seconds I I’m G do 30 I do 10 seconds on Scotty stor a teup oh my God what how did it get this far also his lawyer played a blinded by threatening a civil suit right that’s my view you’ve got 90 seconds let me I’m not going to use up 90 seconds I don’t really have that much more to say about Scotty sheffler honestly you got 40 seconds go look I don’t want to get people W wound up too much about Scotty sheffler but I I I will say everything that’s gone on around him the last couple weeks has been very odd um and I don’t think we should rule out any possibilities about things going on behind the scenes about this being a potential setup I’m not saying that that happened but it’s like look when you start evaluating this as an investigator and sort of putting my investigator hat on and like looking at all these things it’s like yeah it could be a bad cop it could be a rogue cop that happens every every day in the United States there’s no no question question about when you start looking at I’ve never heard about a rogue bad American policeman is that a new yeah yeah okay yeah it’s uh yeah I got a few stories I can tell you about but uh luckily none involving me I I’ve been very very for fortunate there but look I’m glad this is something that they’re going to be able to put behind them the charges on Scotty Sheffer confirmed today they have been dropped um and we we could sort of all move forward with our lives at this point like it was just uh a big misunderstanding that for whatever reason got escalated and like his mug shot got out and there were people that were selling mug shot t-shirts 45 minutes minutes later um at uh at Valhalla like look the whole episode is just weird to me uh and none of it really makes sense so I’m just glad we’re able to put all this behind us um I don’t want like any more excuses about Scotty sheffer’s potentially uh his drop off he’s going to drop off a cliff here the remaining of the year he’s he’s not going to maintain the level that he’s that he’s at and I don’t want any excuses about this being the cause of it he’s never won a PJ Tour event after April um and I expect that Trend to continue he Peaks early in the season and then he Teeters off towards the end I think that’s just the reality of his sit um of his situation uh maybe he wins again this year but I don’t think that he will I think that he’s going to uh come down off this high and everything’s going to normalize and some of these other guys on the PPG tour are going to start elevating the the mor of the world the rores of the world I think they’re they’re going to keep going I I think you’ll still do well I think that what’s happened actually GNA I think you probably you probably hit the nail and the head more in invertedly with your last five seconds which is RO the world Mar I think others are trending really well I think that Scotty was Scotty was playing a Scotty was playing Amazing golf while everyone else is really bad um the only person who kind of playing well at same time was um Windam Clark who obviously put the hood on himself by his comment that he made at the Masters and since then can’t from the center for club and I think I he’s not not playing that bad but he is not as consistent as some other but and what’s happened I think is that everyone else is sort of trending well so Scotty to stay where he is has got to really stay where he is because others are trending he can’t afford slip if he stays where he is he will still win if he slips a bit others are now playing well enough to start to take it back off him yeah right let’s move on lastly we got two things Rory’s comments which I know for you you hadn’t seen you were too busy so I had to let you know what the comments were and the comments in short were I regret inserting myself into the middle of everything the way that I did um I maybe said a bit too much I’ve got nothing against players made their own decisions it is what it is shocking shocking comments yeah and one of my favorite one of my favorite comments under underneath it underneath it was make sure those divorce papers are fully filed before you take your 800 [Laughter] million look that’s the elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about like I mean this is something this hasn’t that hasn’t gone away in this whole s situation you you and I both know from that piece of information I gave out and I said Rory was going to go just after Masters maybe a few weeks after the Masters and the person who said to me I can’t tell you why and I trust that person and then a rumor built up and then obviously he filed divorce papers the world’s Fargo which is a couple of weeks after Masters it does make you wonder if there was an element of anything involved I’m not saying there is I’m not I’m not there not a rumor spreading it’s really isn’t so please don’t anyone take it like that but there are coincidences there are circles in circles there areas where in ideas and it’s just even if doesn’t go to live or doesn’t play on live and never never plays on live whatever it happens I do think it’s important that he’s he changed his opinion and the way he was speaking at Christmas and it stayed changed and he’s D he’s doubled down on the change and I think that’s really important whether he whether he goes or not he’s doubled down on the change a few times now and I think that’s really important yeah because this is how he truly feels like we have gone over this this ad nauseum like all of those things that he was saying you got 30s no no I’m not going to talk talk about this long but all those things that he was saying before about Liv they were all coordinated they were all things that the PJ tour wanted him to say I’ve had a source tell me like all the money Rory’s been getting from the PJ tour the last year and it’s substantial I’ve got a number I’m not gonna say it he knows it a lot of people around him him know it and that’s totally fine I’m all about these players getting as much money as they they can obviously which is part of the reason why um I um it’s part of the reason why I wanted him him to go to live and and collect his lifechanging money that he could turn into he he could flip it into uh being someone that is like the most important person or one of the most important people in Global Golf like he could totally reshaped golf in Ireland I also think I also think right Rory could do a m like Rory talk about like changing personality and changing Rory could do a really good sort of two three years as as Hulk Hogan going full NWO heel turn he really yeah like it would be box office like I was saying like his heel turn would be one of the biggest box office draws um in golf and I’ve said for a long time that he call his team the leprechauns and just have pictures of Weir and Aon Lynch just like is like the mascot that’s going to be the hardest thing is dealing with aan Lynch because aan Lynch is is gonna go very very hard at him if uh if and when he he decides to make I’m still waiting for Amon Lynch to retire because obviously he said he wouldn’t work for a channel that was involved with live and obviously they make a lot of money by talking about Liv and now the Golf Channel obviously does show elements of Liv for some European carriers it yet yet to see that but I feel like aan Lynch is going to be one of those characters that just sort of Fades into um Oblivion like hon Lynch I Hon Lynch is a Fant oh my God he’s so terrible wait wait the worst his writing style I love I love his writing style I think he’s eloquent I think he’s verbose does mean I like what he writes I think he’s pretentious I think he’s judgmental I think he’s English people English people call that elegant and verose you call fair enough look I’ve I’ve said a million things about Amy Lynch don’t think he I don’t think he has Integrity I think that he’s a total shill I think that he is just he needs to be doing something else I don’t even think he likes gol honest I don’t think he does I think that he needs to be like a political commentator some someplace like that’s more of his realm you can’t convince me that he loves golf you can’t convince me that he even likes golf honestly because he doesn’t talk about that at all like everything he says is like cynical and like uh going hard after players especially the players went to live like the guy is just a total don’t get me started on a Lynch but I if if you want to have a couple positive things to say about him to balance this out I’m fine with that but just know I think aan Lynch is one of the worst people in even more so than brandle shamblin I don’t not get into it right I can’t I can’t dealing with it that person that hates you is going to be in the comments now I really like a Lynch of course he is of course he is like everybody anyway you you you’ve already got got me fired up about about this I’m I’m gonna what’s next what’s next hang on what’s next um I’m just look I’m just looking at my phone see what we said what we were going to chat about genuinely forgotten okay I think we haven’t really do in Le Lexi Thompson that that was kind hang on hang on hang on hang on we got we got on here um Charlie Hall Ben rant Scotty Roy comments um we want we’ve done the PJ senior which we weren’t meant to be doing um Lexi what I want to talk about is if it feels like you and I are the only two people who went why you saying she’s retired I know it’s very bizarre she’s not retiring for professional golf she made that abundantly clear yeah she she made it she I’m not retiring for professional golf I’m going to play A reduced LPA LPGA schedule I would it’s not retiring no like she’s she’s gonna play probably all the the majors NE next year like she did say she’s taking it day by day she’s gonna she’s gonna not retirement day by day isn’t retirement no retiring is a retirement she’s gonna go she gonna take two three months away and she might play a couple of the M how many M ladies madej you left this season two one two uh well the US opens this this week and there was two others after yeah so and you and you’ll play this whole home cup so as a minimum as a minimum she’s going to play the soul home cup and two more Mages right yeah yeah that’s not retiring and then she’ll play other events and she she’ll probably she’s not going to retire she’s not re if if we’re if we are counting Avon which is like hard for me to count it those the major there’s actually three left but uh yeah so regardless she she’s made it clear she’s she’s having a she’s withdrawing from full full lpta schedule why other than wanting clicks is everyone going Lexi’s retiring I just don’t like it’s like she didn’t say that no I think it’s a l like honestly I think this is like a LPGA thing because like this is a big thing for the LPGA specifically because look make no mistake about it Lexi Thompson is one of their top two to three stars on the L LPGA Tour so she’s not going to be playing a full schedule there uh that’s a huge huge hit for the L LPGA there’s no question about it um and I think that’s why they’re they’re sort of saying this as a retirement because like she may not play in in very many LPGA events going going forward I could see her playing in all the majors I could see her playing in some a ramco team series events or if there uh there is a lady’s element to live like I could see her being like the number one target um in sort of participating in that so uh like I I would love to see you know Lex Lexi as as like you know the female me member of smash or the female member of the Four Aces like I think that that’ll be awesome but uh that that’s kind of another story I just think that she’s closing this particular chapter of her life she’s been a LPGA Pro for like 17 years this is her 18th US Open and she’s not even 30 yet that is like one of the craziest stats out there so um I think that she will be playing in many more US Women’s opens um I’d love to see her win one uh when she came here uh to Olympic Club a few years years ago um I was there on Sunday I was rooting hard for her and it was one of the hardest it it was so hard to watch that it was like a it was like a slow motion car crash where you knew what was gonna gonna happen yeah um unfortunately she lost but yeah the the latest game has got some really big players in it but it’s not not a lot of stars it’s not it’s not even that it’s that they don’t they’re not jumping across in that Sten way they got some great players like Nelly C certainly right Hannah green is Hannah green is like a new sort of story in many ways she’s second she she’s she’s had she had two wins and two of her second places have been been to Nelly cter so between Nelly and Hannah they sort of Dom youve got Lydia Co Lydia Co is a big name you say Charlie Hall’s a big yeah with Lydia though would you say Lydia Co was a star like I I think I think she is because I love golf yes but I wonder how many I think she’s a star I think she is like is she a star on the you got have recognition how many what percentage it’s on a curve though it’s it’s relative because there’s there’s not that many LPGA stars that that have crossover U appeal there’s just not that that that many so if we’re we’re talking about stars of of the women’s game like she’s she’s definitely in in the top 10 I don’t think there’s any question about it is she top five I mean that’s kind of a little bit of a harder uh thing to crack when when you start like like going down down the list um I mean she probably on the borderline there but they they have some some very uh very talented uh play players yeah not that many stars because stars are hard to come by that’s like one of the things that’s like be a star it is hard you’re not not naturally a star look talking about stars you’re a star and I am a star and this has got to be the end of our podcast because we got to 40 minutes we’re now talking about um which we ladies the stars and golf when you I both know that most of the people listening this sadly have no interest in ladies golf which is a real shame to me because I love it and I watch more yeah I loveen women’s golf golf too I got to say say this one one thing I I do have to to shout out uh women’s golf because honestly one of the reasons that like my game got to like the next level I became a scratch player is solely from playing so much golf with the ladies team at um at Duke and I know how much you hate me me mentioning Duke on this podcast but uh like it’s a big thing like I learned so much from them in terms of how to control their their wedges about short game about uh the game is not entirely about power yes power game is an important thing but like if you’re G to be get to the your potential in golf it’s all about short game it’s all about wedge Play It’s all about uh the Precision things more than the power things because there’s a lot of people out there that have power that are not good golfers so I’ll leave leave it at that also shout out to sel boutier and shout out to Leona Maguire there are two of the the women from the the Duke women’s team that are highest those two are stars right you went to Juke Christ no one gives a [ __ ] right goodbye everybody a lot of people that do lot of people love college golf but remember a lot of people that like Juke are from Juke and everybody else hates you and I don’t I don’t mind that though that’s something we have an identity you being a dukee fan and me being a Dallas Cowboys fan is so is so divisive it is it is all right goodbye Everybody Take Care stay safe bye-bye


  1. I remember before the AFL and the NFL merged the NFL fans hated the afl league they were saying the same crap the pga is saying….

  2. Talking about the golf channel… I havent watched the golf channel since LIV started! I wont watch it ever again!
    I think they are more judgemental than the worse political show on TV!

  3. Following terrible event Grayson suicide — was he in the USOPEN ?

    but does that mean Sergio is now in USOPEN as I believe was first alternate

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