Golf Babe





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The Ireland Boys did a 24 Hour Overnight Challenge on a Golf Course. We brought back the most requested video ever… the 24 hour overnight challenge and did it in a way never done before, on a golf course. In this episode we play golf on the course at night with led glow in the dark golf balls and have an adventure of a lifetime. SUBSCRIBE for more!

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The Ireland Boys Productions YouTube channel offers a variety of challenges and pranks, including 24 Hour Overnight Challenges, Food Challenges, Hide and Seek, Epic Forts, Dare or Dare, and more. Two brothers, Ricky and Nick of the Ireland Boys want to keep you entertained every single week! Make sure to subscribe for new videos and enable ALL notifications so you never miss a video!

Ireland Boys Productions

tonight you’re going to be attempting to spend the night on a golf course buddy let’s hit in the house bro bro dude wait car yo there’s lights up there yo I just heard what sounded like a voice and I see lights coming towards me dude I think you R dude out here fell there’s no talking right out of this one this is going to be extremely risky because this golf course has over night security and closes at Sunset which is at 8:00 p.m. and right now it is 6:19 p.m. and we booked the last possible tea time for tonight at 6:52 p.m. so the boys can be the last people on the course here’s the game plan step number one go out on the golf course and actually play so we don’t look suspicious step number two while we’re playing be on the lookout for potential hiding spots step number three find a spot and hide in a spot until the golf course closes and step number four have a good time with the [Music] boys now that we know the game plan all we have to do is execute but what’s a golf day without the boys I mean we got the brother right here but we need the boys we had to invite one of the best golfers in the nation when it comes to balls there’s no one better but without any further Ado we introduce to you the car that is about to run us over introducing none other than the healthiest person in all the land the one the only health benefits let’s fuding go boys this is literally going to be the most fun this car you y’all’s first time playing golf we’re about to play with not only a regular golf ball I brought some special balls dude special special balls hey yo pause wait what what you what do you mean by that brother we’re playing golf at night we’re going to need glow-in-the-dark balls dude we told you no one better when it comes to the art of the balls so that is why we brought him along ball surgeon golly bro Jesus and if we’re going to do it we’re going to do it right boys nck what the fudge are you wearing bro bro Dwayne Wade bro Miami Heat wrong sport bro basketball Four Points golf low points we got to look the part if we’re going to do this so that’s exactly why I brought this wait a second bro how come me and Mason have triple xl’s and no pants and you got this bro fitted fitted to the tea bro what is this dude almost just got me this looks like I’m wearing a Granny’s dress you dress how you play so I got to dress nice wait pull up a picture Ricky Ireland no no no Ricky Fowler ooh if if you think about it I’m actually doing a service for you because if anything happens while we’re out there say overnight security calls the cops on us buddy I’m getting caught first I look like a highlighter out there you could blend in right into the bush you’re literally wearing little tiny bushes on you if one of us goes down we all don’t got to go down I’ll go to jail by myself take one for the team I like that I like that well you know what I also like I like the fact that it’s 652 buddy which means it’s tea time te time like I got a C time like I got a [Music] I don’t know how to put it on bro [Music] yo yeah we need to check in we have never been here oh close we don’t send anybody out past 6:30 for real we have time till like 6:50 yeah 9es that should be latest we already P everything they were trying to tell us that they don’t let anyone on the golf course past 6:30 but that is impossible because we booked a tea time for 652 something wasn’t adding up but one way or another we were getting on that Golf Course all right thanks by yeah awesome I guess what are we do um I’ll walk up all right thank you yeah you guys are you appreciate what was your name Sam thank you Samantha shout out to Samantha for coming through and making it happen for the boys everyone comment down below shout out Samantha are we about to get our own golf C mhm girl bro I get my own you get your own there’s no way three people can f one part no way we get two cards budy yeah [Music] bro I see why all these old people just be golfing all day bro I might just retire and start golfing let’s go we haven’t even hit a ball yet buddy nothing like a fresh cold beverage out here on the course am am I right boys cheers cheers baby cheers see you guys at home man this is what life is about you only got one life and this is what it’s about all right boys here we are on the first official hole I think it’s only right if we have uh Mr spiffy over here Ricky Fowler go let’s see that one hit baby ready yeah they call you they call you one hit Rick cuz you hit it one time and then you can’t find the ball keep your head down woo yo that was actually kind of good was that real dude Ricky’s never played golf in his life and he just smoked it right down the middle is just another day in the office for your boy I’m next oh little chipper ground ball to second base buddy yo it’s rolling down the car path you see it a little underwhelmed from the ball Master nck up next what you got to say bro prepare to be amazed looks like a 1940 year-old Grand ready ready ready can’t lie bro the legs are popping in those one life shorts Link in description make sure you get ready to zoom in cuz it’s going really far bro big shank boom right in the water bro it’s cuz he you did that little fart sound bro a good player is never distracted stay focused we’re going to keep moving along keep playing the course but as we’re playing the course don’t forget the main objective here look for possible places to hide so that when the Sun goes down we’re in a good location to not be seen by the overnight security okay stay focused tripping not Cina I’m s 15 kep a weapon on me I’m my my B stack chicken like what it’s going to be in the cut you want us when I tell peace is love is let’s go bro bro bro bro golf clap oh this is not meant to go down no dude who oh fre this the golf what is this abandoned Bridge right here there’s no way that if you go on there they’re finding you if you go back there dude I don’t know if I’m going on that bridge might have to take a do off the bridge wouldn’t be your first time roll the CL out of here no oh I’m out of here bro I’m out here I could actually take a turet off this right now yo this thing feels like it’s about to break look at this look you could hide like right here though yeah that’s not bad either oh right in there dude there’s no way if you go in there that anyone has ever seeing you let’s keep playing yeah I’ve been wanted this forever I’ve been in the field with whatever they throw at me brush it off pick myself up moving on it a better okay hey ain’t no errors baby it’s a new eror I wake up early feeling rich like I’m Cas I get to the paper boy we just pulled up to maybe the best spot of the entire course right here look how dark and dense it is also we are in the corner of the entire course boys I don’t think it gets better than this I mean it goes way back in there if anyone comes up on on us we just say oh yeah we we lost our ball we’re looking for our ball right yeah easy bro but I think I go in the woods you two drop the carts off and then meet me back in this spot yo we got to execute dude there’s literally people goinging up behind us we got to execute this give me the other camera here we are backed up on some houses too so if they see anything going on suspicious it might be bad there are literally people golfing right down there but I’m going to try and hide in these woods and hold it down for you boys till you guys get back good luck brother I’ll see you soon peace out dog good luck honestly this is crazy that we’re pulling this off Nick is alone right now we really just got to hope that he can stay back there and not get caught and then we have to make it back here without the carts bro this is a journey dude there go the boys it’s just me now alone in these Woods Nick is in those woods right now stay strong brother the time right now is currently 8 20 the sun has already began to set so any moment now these people are going to finish golfing this course and then this place is going to close down it’s already pretty dark as you guys can see do you hear that wait dude this is exactly what happened last time I don’t know if you guys can hear the sirens in the background hopefully that’s not foreshadowing what might happen later tonight which too deep in though we got to we got to send it dude there’s only one way to do this and we’re just going to finish it now let’s go people are coughing right next to me and this whole Forest Area is covered in leaves so anytime I make a movement or take a step all these leaves are crunching underneath my weight so I’m just going to lay down and try and stay low and out of sight while these people pass by so we just dropped off the carts now we’re going to go back into the car cuz we got to move it from the parking lot cuz if we leave our car in the parking lot they’re going to know that someone is still here yo they’re driving by they’re driving by Yo they’re driving by right now that was insanely close luckily they did not see me still no sign of Ricky and Mason Nick is currently hopefully still in his spot and has it been caught this is going to be crazy bro cuz we got to park our car way way far away and then walk all the way back to Hole number 14 where Nick is jeez dude that’s a long walk to whole 14 I think those were the last golfers of the night and now it’s just me out here waiting for the boys come on boys don’t let me down Nick sent us his location and we located a nearby neighborhood that backed up to the golf course and in the forest that Nick was hiding in So the plan was to park the car and sneak through a couple houses hopefully without getting spotted by any of the surrounding neighbors are we going through these Woods yeah we have to go through that corner right here you yeah okay in between the houses yeah are you sure yeah bro that’s the only way we have to go in between houses bro look so you can see the tip of the woods like right here and then it is deep in the middle of that Forest yo it sounds like like someone is right there and there are more police sirens going off right now I don’t know if it’s the sprinkler or what listen to that more police sirens it’s already 848 and still no sign of the boys I’m actually starting to get worried yo what is that sound it’s getting louder what is that dude I literally cannot see anything out here it is so dark yeah let’s park right here yo there’s a guy back there right behind us to the left walking his dog so dude I say we walk up here take a left we’ll go right far away from him so he doesn’t see us and doesn’t suspect anything right yeah I don’t even see the person behind us I don’t want to look back and make it awkward I don’t know dude he was looking at us pretty hard think so yeah oh really dude that is exactly what I wasn’t hoping for I accidentally dropped something on purpose so I can see where he’s looking at us you want to yeah go ahead drop the bag really quick drop it dude he’s actually looking is he looking yeah he’s right there are he looking yeah he staring bro he kind of was he L bro he literally just turned back all he did was walk his dog like down here and then across the street to look at us really yeah bro he look you guys can’t see but he just turned back Pretend This was his house he walked over here and then walked back the boys look a little sketch right now because we are in the middle of a neighborhood it is currently 9:13 at night and we look like we just got done playing the PGA Tour buddy jeez we look professional out here buddy there is still no sign of the boys it’s completely dark out here I’m starting to hear noises I don’t know if there still coming or what I’m going give them a little bit more time but if they’re not here in the next 20 minutes I’m going to call them and make sure everything’s okay we cannot keep walking back and forth we’ walk back and forth between the spot like five times if we do it anymore we’re going to look super sketchy that guy sees us one more time we’re done I said if we go right now he’s not looking just walk here is someone’s house right here there’s someone inside there’s someone inside yo yo the sprinklers on oh I just got wet yo yo I just got soaking wet the camera just got soaking wet the sprinkler just I got soed no there’s lights up there yo yo I just heard what’s s like a voice and I see lights coming towards me yo oh I got to get down yo what is that who is that what’s the boys it’s the boys yo yo can’t see Nick yo boys Nick boys yo [Music] bo dude oh my gosh dude I was starting to get worried bro I was about to call you guys bro let’s go you guys are soaking wet bro this is going to be a time but before we have a time we got to explore the entire golf course and make sure it’s empty and that nobody is here besides us let’s go there’s a bunch of houses right over there I say we try to get away from the houses and go this way while you guys were gone I heard so many cop sirens going off and whenever we do one of these sketchy videos we hear cop sirens and a lot of times something bad happens and boys look at that a full moon but not just any full moon that thing looks like the sun how bright it is don’t dude we don’t even need those glow-in-the darkk balls anymore oh that’s actually insane how bright it is dude there could actually be like Florida Panthers and bobcats out here no cap really okay and then and coyotes and then what bro and then also there’s big foot out here I swear bro I’m actually serious bro like literally like no the coyotes Florida Panthers like they love golf courses bro because it’s literally the only last available space for them to roam there’s so many neighborhoods and not only that there’s a bunch of lakes around here which means there could be Gators as well this is what I say a panther a cougar unless it’s another type of cougar but if it’s like a like a cougar like a Florida panther I say we take the golf clubs out dude if we all have a club buddy three on one we beat Ricky we beat Ricky trip him and then the play there will get him and that’s exactly what I was thinking bro hey like you said why do all of us have to go down if only one has to hey man you’re right the sprinklers are going off right now they were going off while I was H you what have did a disco the sprinklers are going off right here they were going off while I was hiding I think they just go on a little Loop yo look at this POV me in Target the bottle filled up and he peed himself stop he PE himself it’s notun oh it got all over my pants watch out watch out yo it got all over my pants bro that might be worse than me and Target honestly we got to get away from from these houses cuz they can all see this way let’s go this way to the woods let’s go me and the boys ran into the Shadows making sure to stay low and keep quiet avoiding any contact and avoid being spotted this was one of the most freeing feelings ever being on a golf course at night and running around but at the same time one of the scariest feelings ever knowing that we could be watched from all areas so far so good we haven’t seen anyone and we’re getting away from the houses let’s keep it pushing wait there’s wait there’s someone in the house turn off turn off the light turn off light you see that yo there is yo that’s scary dudo Yo the light to the house just turned off as we were watching it bro could you just imagine like being on the other side though like being in that house and then like seeing a person out here with just a flashlight you’re like bro what the hell is about to go down we got to we got to get away from the house we got to we got to go we’re going incognito we were worried right over there because someone was in their house and you could tell they were looking out at us and their light just turned off and they went downstairs and turned on their light downstairs and then they went in their backyard so right now we’re trying to stay low and still make sure that no one is on to us also right now it is currently 9:57 so there still might be some crew or overnight security roaming the park this is the bridge that we saw earlier you want to go on it I think I’m going to go on it y be careful actually do not try this at home or any golf course you go to okay I won’t I’m a trained professional one Bridge Rick At Your Service yo dude it is flumsy yeah I know that’s why I’m not going on it we let one Bridge Rick do the work my mission is to make it to the other side dude goes straight down right there you heard that yes what was that I don’t know why are the frogs going crazy dude should I go through yeah [Music] did I jump scare you yeah I bet I did you coward you make me sick your weakness is pathetic all right I’m not going any further so careful careful bro dude thing’s like 100 years old it was so creaky and honestly got a weird feeling just being over there frog started going crazier and crazier the closer I went to the other side you heard yes they were going crazy and then bro something something literally jumped out of the water I know all right I’m going out of here bro I don’t mess with that let’s go back to the course we just checked the majority of this Golf Course and there was no signs of anybody or any security so I think that means we have this golf course to ourselves B love that ways all love it first sight but Love at Second site is realer but the third time is a Char about buy people though huh fourth time o four times the fuding charm that’s why they call it a fourleaf clover baby even more rare than a three leaf because it has one extra clove a clove of garlic will make you feel better when you’re sick sick hop on this mother fuing I’m just playing my name’s one hit Rick oh hold up now yeah I’m slick pass it off to my boy ntk AKA ninja fuding Nick hey AKA ninja fudging Nick playing golf at night hold up don’t make me shoot you in the face with this fuding pipe oh buddy buddy thinks he going to shoot me in this face with a pipe but little does he know when I pull up it’s on mother fuding sight no time to react too quick mother fuer I’m too slick mother fuder I’m too nice with it I hit the ball one time it goes in the hole mother fuder look at my nose that’s two moles ooh two moles two nuts in your mouth two nuts in your mouth you still do have to keep it down because we’re not sure when security comes around or if the neighbors are still awake there’s bunch of houses not too far away so not too loud let’s go baby let’s go let’s go y please play that play that last part with no music and if you’re they’re okay and they you was that light on yeah I don’t think it was yo yo yo that y let’s go just when we thought the coast was clear I’m not even kidding right after we filmed that clip a light over by the clubhouse turned on and then it started moving a little bit and then we shined our light over there to see if we could see it and then it turned off yo just I I got literally got that on camera just turned on your yes this one right here this one is that someone looking I don’t know dude if it is we have to go yo it’s moving bro I’m actually but why would there be motion because he got motion buddy cuz we’re out here buddy I got motion to win it doesn’t look like someone’s holding it and it’s not moving looks like a light that’s like up in a tree I don’t know what it is I think we’re we’re going to keep sending it I think we’re going to keep going now that we have this entire Golf Course to ourselves or so we think it is time to play night golf with the boys light the balls up brother bro I was just messing with you BR you look like a caveman trying to start a fire [Music] oh let’s go how night golfing with the boys is going to work is we are going to be playing three simple golf games the lowest score wins just like in golf the first game is Putter’s putt or pee PE for short the second game is dri’s drive or what I like to call Double D and the third and final game is what we like to call the golf game or GG that’s what they’re going to be saying to you after buddy let the best man win why does it feel like you’re about to kiss me I was about to say the same thing hey yo what the all right bro let’s go play some PP bro what is this first up PE PE least amount of putts wins let’s go baby swing in a miss oh my gosh oh full in one baby you know what they say here we go this guy doing all this extra work just to hit it in the water oh oh oh just a we short yeah closer than you buddy I don’t want to hear it did you hit the gym this week it’s a little weak let me show you how it’s done dude is there any wind out here or [Music] what did you see which way it blew which way did it blow right there dang I got to pick that up buddies oh oh not bad not bad not great not bad yo what are you doing bro bro what are you doing bro trying to kick his ball I think he gets penalty for that I think we get one kick as hard as we get no I think he gets plus one stroke plus one stroke bro all right I’ll give you a stroke I’ll give you a stroke hey hey yo pause I’ll give you a stroke fair you’re about to hit it again stroke number two Ricky Jr getting a nice read of the land what is the land telling you what what what what’s it what’s it saying to you got to get a feel for the land get a feel for it what are you doing what are you doing back there I’ve never seen someone read like that God I get a real feel for it this is the only way to know I accidentally put the ball out with what I was doing what they now oh left to right need need to get a better read next time Nick’s heading up next stroke two for Nick anything you got to say Budd he doesn’t want to get a feel for the course he thinks he knows it just hit my hand he thinks he knows it he doesn’t need [Music] not today buddy not fudging today buddy you’re already on your second stroke and you only hit the ball once let me just put it in the hole that’s what she said Mason lamb up to putt ready stroke number [Music] three stroke three buddy [Music] put them next to each other and call him a peir buddy stroke three stroke three why does he look so stressed focus is the word blue balls blue ball made it in first me a neck would be tied if I didn’t kick my ball all right but you did bro what is the stroke for for this guy for for Doctor turn real quick one leer thank you this is for the tie always got to get a good read one pump this time locked and loaded baby that was a good pump lock and loaded one pump just like I’m going to hit this one time and make Ito oh my god there he goes there he goes give him the Green Jacket end of game number one and the points right now are Nick in first place with one point and me and Mason tied for second with two points now let’s go on to my favorite game Double D welcome to game number two driers Drive AK Double D how it works we each get one swing and whoever hits it the farthest wins let’s go stay back ready oh yeah buddy this one’s going to the Moon yo yo buddy that’s hit in a house what you heard it hit something it literally sounds like it hit a roof bro dude you heard that dude you heard that it sounded like a thud on top of a house if someone goes outside and they look at it don’t know someone’s playing right now cuz it’s a glow-in-the-dark ball all right bro here here you go let’s quick quick we got to be quick one hit Rick I mean I said it all night baby this is what I do oh my gosh straight down the pipe a bullet a bullet right down the pipe accuracy and distance I call that double d with a little bit of a call me a dad buddy a d a a designated driver a double d a driver all right Mason your turn this is my own personal Club let’s see how far I can smash this green ball the Green Goblin right here let’s see if you can beat me get out oh my gosh a bomb into a house no [Music] all right we got to go out there and see who hit the farthest I don’t know we got to go see let’s go let’s go boys let’s go find these balls yo Ricky’s ball is right here the only one that landed on The Fairway accuracy buddy we have no idea where Nicks or Mason’s are I think they’re in the woods or maybe in someone’s yard me and Mason made an extensive search to find our balls no Diddy but if I’m being honest I think my ball was legit inside one of those houses on the golf course and then this happened bro bro dude wait it’s no joke turn this way the car where did you guys Park there yo it’s getting close it’s getting louder it stopped maybe he stopped by the car that was like really close bro bro low key we should go check the car after this bro that was like really close wait wait I’m turning the light off wa wait wait I’m turning the light off yeah yeah yeah turn the light off okay yo that was like really loud and then he just cut the sirens like bro that was like that was pretty close why did you turn them off probably cuz when they get close to something they don’t want to alarm something’s moving back there looks like you think people are coming out here or what lowkey bro I won’t be surprised like after you just shank two balls right into two people’s houses and then they’re like dude they hear a noise they’re like they call the cops there’s a random car outside their driveway I don’t know and that dude saw us walking at the clubs earlier that was close like I’m not even kidding it wasn’t like a distance siren it was sounded like right about where we parked and since my ball was the only one we could find I come in first place getting one point in these two clowns because they couldn’t find their balls get two points each bringing it to an end of the game Double D it is the final game and it all comes down to this it’s a classic game of golf boys one hole least amount of Strokes win as you can see if you look down there the hole is lit up by one of our flashlights and I think it is only right if we let the person who is in last place right now go first boys that’s man man it’s crazy this is me and X first time playing golf and look who’s losing buddy dude when you’re playing golf bro it’s all about your eye sens and focus you can’t focus in the dark buddy we all have the same conditions right now I don’t know what you’re yapping [Music] about oh yeah bro the ball’s about to turn off solid hit down the solid hit down the middle play that ball at least I can play it you know it’s not too far but it’s not out of play that was a mediocre hit now watch your pro go buddy I A Feeling Ricky shanking into the woods this time [Music] that might be in the woods bro hey I hit it further than Mason though all right let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go hurry hry got put that away put that away put that away go go go go go oh that was pretty good hey mine’s all the way over here not bad oh mine’s right there there’s the hole down there got the rang finder out here dude who do you think you are buddy what’s the range looking like huh it’s 124 y all right bro come on you think Buddy you literally hit it the shortest he’s in last place he needs every Advantage he he can buy he’s like that kid that pulls up to the basketball court he’s got the sleeve he’s got the Nike Elite socks the headband he’s got the new shoes but buddy all he does is pick it kind of looks like you now that you explain you got the Hat you got the glove got the shirt got the pants got the belt but the only difference between me and that kid is I actually get the job done yeah we’ll see we’ll see oh my gosh a beautiful hit a beauty absolute Beauty I’m up next stroke two let’s go baby oh we’re in the sand pit oh yeah baby that’s nice there we go not bad not bad not bad n CK’s up now that was even bad that was crazy all right my turn baby right here to the left of the trees risky shot but risk it for the biscuit yeah baby John here in between the trees sh through not bad not bad not bad stroke three for me onto the green with this one little practice swing oh oh oh oh no no oh oh down in the dumps don’t mess up bro oh my bro bro hter that does not count bro come on come on dude you literally got him with the fart sound effect earlier bro you can’t blame him come on dude bro any he filmed it on my phone I literally said don’t mess up he was just giving you advice bro bro now I understand why those uh air horn ghillies you bro I understand it now dang it dude yeah oo o not bad bad stroke number three for your boy I’m prime time baby this is what I do right on the green brother not so on the green bro better than you better than you better than you I’m closer to the flag better than you closer to the P your one stroke more than me stroke four here we go this one’s in the hole that’s what she said jeez Budd he farted hey you can’t be mad bro had to get it mad all right Mason’s up this is five oh it’s the greenow barely it’s on the green it’s on the green Tiger Woods they call me lion Bush slow down bro dude can can this dude can we get this guy you can’t button bro bro what are you bro he just moved it close no I didn’t nope dude penalty penalty I don’t know this is stroke six this is stroke six my turn again yes your turn again you’re the stroke six baby oh stroke six we like that we like that we’re on the green first one on the green this is four for me oh oh my gosh Beauty beautiful part CH four baby oh I think you go again mace stroke seven stroke seven stroke seven let me take the glove off for better luck golfing at night is harder than I thought oh damn seven strokes bro my fifth stroke and you already know time to lock in and get a feel for the green oh my gosh not again I’m reading it like a book baby that’s that’s all I want coming for that Six coming for that double bogey you ready to pull that flag out buddy let gravity do its thing let gravity do it oh all in a little Bunch right here who’s going to get the job done though boys all right you ready yep a buddy no way dude you know what this one is stroke nine buddy go ahead and finish it off no stroke 10 buddy want double digits stroke 10 buddy double digits and we ain’t playing basketball I want a rematch ah take go comment down below if we should go on a cross country tour and hit all these golf courses at night dude that’d be funny as hell that’ just be crazy just beating you all every night you know stroke eight let’s get the job done here oh Stroke Nine holy crap oh D nine strokes but he said that like like he just didn’t get 10 buddy cuz I know if I played this hole again I’d get a par every time that’s what they that’s what they all say stroke six on a par 4 call me the double bogey master six hey I’m still I got a couple strokes this is for seven right here tough shot you want me to sign them off got take no you know know I’d honestly I just I know I know everyone’s asking me what do I have to say when I win and I just got to say one thing I just got to say one thing at the end of the day all you got is one life you got to make the most of it and I made the most of it tonight I got the job done I came out here never came out here before this guy golfs every single Sunday and look I just showed him that it doesn’t matter how many times you’ve done something if anyone tells you that you can’t do something all you have to do is say take that fudgy now buddy it’s all our first time at life what are you going to do with it and for that very reason me and Nick created our very own Community a community of like-minded individuals who want to grow in all aspects of life I’m talking physically I’m talking mentally and I’m talking spiritually and in there we talk back and forth every day holding each other accountable we also have zoom calls weekly where me and Nick go on there and literally talk to you it’s like a group FaceTime my friends and not only that we’re planning to fly people out from the community to be on our podcast is what it is and eventually be in our main Channel videos we cannot wait for the future of this community it is going to be lit if you want to join it it will be the top Link in the description and also we dropped our very own clothing line one life Nick is rocking the shorts right now it’s an athletic short but also doubles as a bathing suit if you want to order any of it click the top Link in the description or go to One Life there is a discount code hidden in this video somewhere if you can find it you get a special discount on the clothing what can I say at the end of the day baby you got one life and we’re living it to the fullest after the games we got pretty hungry so we decided it’d be a good idea to get some food what you guys want a Taco Ball again come on they fudged up the order last time I watched the vid and I yo honestly everyone right now comment in the comments budge Taco Bell cuz that’s what they make their food with budging fudge bro unless Taco Bell you’re watch if you’re watching sponsor the boys oh yeah in that case I love the Crunch Wrap Supreme oh honestly the beefy Pito burrito whenever that thing comes back I three every night my gosh I grew up on that I grew up on that but yo fudge them honestly for what they did last time right Yo Taco Bell can I get we ordered the food and made the long journey back to Hole number one to pick it up but along the way we had to make sure that we stayed quiet and stayed elusive just in case anyone spotted us from their house we just made it to the front of the course and I think our Uber e driver is right here hello we’re right over to your right we’re right over to right right here key to these situations is you have to act like you’re supposed to be here watch the confidence boys how are you doing good how are you great Ricky Fowler here pardon me Ricky Fowler nice to meet you nice to meet you I got two different orders for you oh yes ma’am one from Wawa oh yeah we’re just filing to documentary it’s called bounce on these bounce on these you heard of it before no bounce on these nuts this is his dad’s range so that’s nice yeah well I hope you have a blessed night thank you thank you enjoy your uh golf kame thank you have a blessed one can you actually see oh yeah he has special balls yeah we have glow-in-the-dark balls y’all have a good night thank you yes ma’am bye-bye look at that bro not sketchy at all right we have acquired the grub we are currently on the the first hole the clubhous is right there boys eating on a golf course in the middle of the night doesn’t get better than this boys come on with the boys let’s go let’s go [Music] fud dude I don’t know here we’re fudged here bro we’re fudged right now what do we do here yo fud there’s no way they don’t see us n no I don’t for real I don’t huh damn why is driv it up I think you run dude why is there lights right here why is there lights on the out here fellas we were just walking back from our place yeah you’re going to take all that crap with you right yes sir of course sorry we fell asleep yo what the even work right now this truck just pulled up bro yo I don’t even know what’s going on right now yo stop there’s a truck on the green no idea what just happened I have no idea bro they I pulled up on it’s like cop running no dude we can’t run no should we talking right here talking yeah I don’t know what’s going to happen should we call it over a truck just pulled up out of nowhere bro we got to move now we got to get out of here no joke it is currently 4:08 in the morning I can’t make this up dude that’s got to be like a grounds keeper that came in early bro what do we say they come at 4:00 to 5: a.m. it’s definitely grounds keeper dude we literally fell asleep and then I just see a bright flashing light right on us and then I’m like dude boys wake up wake up literally asleep right now I don’t even know what’s happening dude and the car is like 2 m away you’re literally right there go go go go left or right left left left how we get in the car we got to go dude the car is so far me and Mason had to make a journey to get here bro but if he called the cops and the cops pull up there’s no talking right out of this one if he says there’s three dudes who are golfing buddy who El was going to be at 4:00 a.m. on the street dude that guy just pulled up on us bro like 4:00 a.m. his lights literally like pulling up like woke me up I thought he was going to keep driving down the course cuz he he turned on the course and kept driving that way and then he busts a yui and then boom shines the light right at us and then we’re just like we’re just out there like this we were all asleep when it was happening too it doesn’t even feel like real it feels like we’re in like a fever dream there’s no one on the road literally you picking up all that we with you right boys we got to get out of here let’s go make to the car push through push through just for low mate car right there go go go something back go go go let’s get out of here y luckily that guy did not call the cops we’re getting out of here right now but we are booking it out of here and if you guys want to see see us golf even more click right up here and subscribe to our second Channel Ireland boys and if you want to see another overnight challenge click right here we love you guys and until next time yo what are you doing what are you doing watering the grass bro Lawn Care is key for grass perfect yo [Music]


  1. Dude I live on a golf course and having security is insane I could go do this right now if I want and not get questioned at all this is dumb

  2. Im tired of you guys i mean i love your content you guys are amazing so its only right for me to give you an actually challenge

    Spend the night in


    Or some sort of grocery store

    Chick fil A

  3. Hey you guys should do 24 hours in Ikea congrats on 5 million bye the way also when is the McDonalds overnight

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