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Round 13 LIVE: Captains & Trade Targets – AFL Fantasy 2024

Mitch and Luke countdown the final preparations before round 13 as well as revealing the BIG BOYS which are our top 10 options for captains this round and answer your questions!

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d [Music] [Music] [Music] d [Music] d [Music] [Music] d d [Music] [Music] [Music] d [Music] good day and welcome to the ball boys AFL Fantasy Live on your Friday afternoon today we are previewing round 13 the easy one of the bar rounds talking try targets we got a big section of big boys coming up and answering your questions let’s go I just done it from nowhere from inside the she from the boundary Dusty Dusty [Applause] Dusty you’re a magician peta peta oh wow how good is that the legend becomes Immortal good day and welcome wel again to the ball boys live show on your Friday afternoon I’m your host Mitch case and you can find me on Twitter at ballboys Fantasy and joined by uh the big man himself Luke or Rogerson mate welcome we got another Friday live show cheers mate weekend week is done weekend starts now I haven’t opened my beer yet cuz I’ve just been getting a gentle buzz on at the pub I was putting hairs on my chest with a couple of Golds at the pub before M all the all the other teachers were on the stonies but not me mate tough as they come on the goal T over there at no no only only for myself mate so I’m going to continue my journey on the golds this afternoon with the fantasy community and lo Roo this afternoon maybe careful watch out not me straight edge Superstar mate so mate we’ve got a we’ve got a big round coming up now it is it’s a fairly straightforward round however in terms of trading in players on their round 12 bu oh it’s all straightforward for you up in the top 100 isn’t you b super easy mate I’m flicking luxury premiums around he’s mentioning The L Word chist all right so but no but it’s um I feel like it’s a pretty low-key weekend that we’re going to come into this one with our trades but there’s going to be a big segment I want to I want to go in depth today later on our big boys because I think Captain are going to make or break our round this week there’s a lot of good options I feel this week so you going to put the sunnies on we’re going to get stuck of course I’m going to put the sunnies on you know got to got to get it going so little I actually calculated the other day that so far my captains this is just for my team can’t speak for everyone else but but I’ve been following the big boys obviously they’re my list okay I’m averaging 1232 points for my captains so far this year one Captain below the ton for the year which was Max um I can’t remember what was the week that he had a d week randomly um you haven’t been doing the dirty on people have you been recommending the every single time I put the big boys up I I picked the highest one that I’ve got you recommend people that are not in your team that are going to go [ __ ] so no no no no not maybe not putting the mo on them but yeah no so so far so good on the C happens but hopefully that run can continue um did you put it on Dawson last night let’s talk about last night’s game I didn’t put on Dawson but he was on there I tweeted out he was on there he made number seven a few people were oh I don’t you know he’s injured but well he came out and he looked good the commentary did their best to try and Moz him at half they tried to give him the proper Mo yeah yeah yeah tried to get him in but no he said n we’re going to keep going he looked better uh obviously a lot of cbas as well I think he was the highest CBA midfielder for them last night with no M Crouch so if you had his VC obviously I think you should take it the other more interesting thing I think from last night that you and I both launched into Billy Dowling Billy the Kid Billy the Kid Billy Donovan he he had a quite second quarter but other than that he was he went Gang Busters lot of tackles lot of marks we and we don’t we don’t pray injuries on on anyone of course but there was a point where where was it NE McKenry the the sub was warming up he was warming up he was getting a little bit of this going on the sidelines and it would just so coincided with Billy the Kid coming off and I thought [ __ ] we’re done here we are and he wasn’t on that good of a score at that time I thought we’re cooked here but the the big fella whatever his name is straw strawy fell on his sword and Billy and Billy I think what Billy did from that point maybe earned him another game he was that close to being a three time goal kicker in the last quarter to get back in the game he kicked a goal he had another attempt a shot at goal yeah you m him your prick yeah he kicked it out in the full actually it wasn’t you it was Ellie Ellie MOS him yeah it was getting a bit closer Richmond there it was like you know Hearts head so I think he holds I’m I’m so he scores an 89 now we’ve both looped him on he the emergency there sitting for us does this change anything for you or do you think this changes anything for anyone else who maybe you know have him on the bench but maybe they’ve got a full line of their forwards or something like that going on or I’m not I’m not that smart mate I I I’m not going to I will ruin it if I do that but maybe is it changing something for you potentially potentially so I was going to be sideways a Butters towards uh Errol golden this week uh to get just an extra player I’ve got my upgrade happening in two trades so I’m getting in Zack Fisher from Zack Reed and I’ve got this third trade sitting there and I don’t really know what I can do with it I can either fix up a a red dot but if I fix up say like a Hugo Garcia I can’t get that score on my field because I need that red dot to Loop it on yeah um so who you going to fix it up with anyway um don’t know that’s the thing as well the other thing I could do is trade out a Darcy Wilson to I don’t know like a McMullen or someone like that if he’s not named the sub or or go a bit riskier and go to a Nick hind but now with that 89 sitting there if I’m getting in another premium I’ve already got 17 premiums playing this week because it’s obviously the the round 13 well I think most people will right so having 18 premiums there and I’ve got an 89 from a rookie how much of an upgrade am I actually getting by getting another player in I’m potentially just cutting off a an 80 or 90 score off my best 22 my best 18 anyway so I’m probably not good getting the full values worth out of that trade so don’t know what else to do well so do you see it if there is a rookie that presents himself to to go to you’re seeing it as just cashing up potentially for what you want to do next week potentially so so like if we’re talking for for everyone else’s purposes is it dictated by what you intend to do next week are you intending to pay top dollar for Luke Ryan next week uh that’s one option I could be doing I could be doing that I’m looking to get Zoro in Zoro is my target next week and so for those people who aren’t getting Zoro in this week I’d be trying to get him the Saints matchup is the thing that I’m looking at he plays the Friday night first game of the round as well so okay Prime VC so I want to make sure I’m able to do that yeah um I think I still be able to do it anyway but it’s just whether or not I could maybe get him and a Luke Ry next week y but yeah it’s a bit of tough math going on it’s going to depend on you know maybe how some of these rookies go and and if they score well to get their cash rise up we saw Kane mcff start as the sub and only scored 20 so his cash is going to Halt pretty quickly and it also will depend on a few games so say for example there is an option where um you know like tonight like a bond goes back to being camel Bond like say he scores [ __ ] well it can’t happen it can’t well then well then I’ll go then get that premium in so it’s there’s a lot of moving doors I think depending on how these other premiums go but those are kind of how you crunching the numbers you got that’s hurting my bra [ __ ] formula [ __ ] flying everywhere now look we’re going to talk about team reactions I’m normally a fan of boner staying in but yeah we would have liked to see boner out but he did he did stay in unfortunately for us a lot of people had him in some people had him out so he’s just in and out in and out you know but it can be the way with Boner sometimes but no he holds bit in and out and he tends not to become a boner anymore if you know what I mean yeah yeah he he finishes up real real quick uh at least for some of us uh but yeah he is someone who do you trade him anyway is this is this something that maybe you shouldn’t get tricked on maybe he was in your trade plans anyway you see is held and so now change your mind and keep him in there and he drops a 70 or 60 on you again or do you think that there’s a chance that he is sort of like a best 18 scorer for you yeah there is a chance that’s the thing is you’re treating him like the best of your rookies almost now it’s it’s to the point where if he is what you need to get rid of to get to the trade that you want you’re happy to do it but if he can hang around someone else can get you to that trade then there’s every chance that he drops 100 and you keep him in do you know what I mean like if I could trade if I could trade um you know Harley Reed’s not playing this week so if I could trade him and get the trade that I want and I keep boner hey that’s all good but if I can’t and I need to trade boner to get what I want yeah I think obviously you got Matt Crouch he obviously goes you got a Harley Reed he goes those two are definitely trade priorities over Riley boner Wilson if you can get Wilson to the guy you want you do Wilson before Bonner do you think Wilson outscores Bonner or Bon outscores Wilson that’s a legit question I think because because obviously the last couple weeks I think Wilson went under 60 but he also was think by Harley Reed you’d rather Bon than think I still would a he got I think I’m almost the other way around he’s got a he’s shown more of a ceiling true and this is by rounds okay so Wilson out before boner yeah all right I think I can get around that for the ceiling on the bars I think I can get around that do you think there’s any risk of him being the sub I’ll read out the I remember looking at the the bench there I think he’d be stiff if he was oh I like it just new ways to get some more penis jokes in there um love that so let me read out the bench view because I do remember seeing it and it was pretty stacked so you’ve got Hunter Clark Dan Butler Tim mry Raleigh Bonner and Seb Ross n plenty plenty of subnames before the B yeah okay so Clark holds either Ross or Butler could probably be Subs ahead of Bon Y correct I’m surprised they made no changes that that win is probably going to be to their detriment but anyway he holds another week so I think you can still trade him though I mean if if he’s someone that you want to trade I still think that’s all good to do um but maybe some others are priorities the other only really one to flag on this one is Ree Stanley is back in for the jalong cats now for those who have Grundy yeah that is going to be um a big deal for them because going up against um who was the other Rockman for them Toby Conway yeah Conway he was leaking points he was going to be someone that potentially could have been a a captain or a Vice Captain share because he gave up lots of points to I think Briggs and uh someone else recently as well but with ree Stanley back in not necessarily for his own scoring but for the people going up against him I think that affects him there as well couple of um subw Watchers on players like Toby McMullen like will Dawson I think they both very much seem vessy to me which led me to going ding last night because I don’t know some of the other guys I think they have a chance to be in the green vest um and of course we don’t have the pies and Melbourne game yet that won’t be there until Sunday so players like Charlie Dean um Blake H maybe potentially back in after they got smacked around last weekend what’s Harvey Harrison yeah what’s Harvey Harrison doing uh Sullivan we’ll have to wait and see on those guys we won’t know until Sunday which does suck um but let’s to talk about uh your matchup this week who have you got in the content creators cup I got Jeet JEA it’s I think it’s going to be a cool matchup because we’ve got a lot of PODS so um you know times you can fall into those matchups where the teams are essentially the same but Jeff and I got pretty different teams which is good and he he’s going all right at the moment I think he he’s um in the head-to-head matchups he’s well above me there in the content creators so um if you haven’t uh heard of course content creators cup brought to you guys by infinite wealth um guesty over there um at the uh the fantasy Fanatics there and uh they are offering a free gift up to $3,000 worth of value there for anyone playing AFL fantasy just head over to infinite fantasy to uh claim that one and of course listen to those guys after you jump off with us as well absolutely yeah we might even be uh guest appearing in that one today uh let’s talk about some trading targets talking about the downgrades first now number one I’ve got the guy obviously we’ve already traded in so it’s a bit hero hero I record he’ll score 89 this round Billy darling was number one um just had the good scoring but anyway he’s he’s done locked in the next best I think is Toby McMullan and then will dawon both coming off the round 12 by um it just it seems to me like they could be in the vest uh but they both play relatively early enough in the round that you’ll be able to know I think the Giants especially play the first game on the Saturday and then North Melbourne plays second game on the Saturday so hopefully that doesn’t affect a few of your moves and you can do a quick little edit trade if they are name the sub if if need be and then I’ve got Charlie Dean at four and then you could probably also throw in the Eagles rookie although they have the buy next week so I’m thinking you just wait one week and hopefully get him off is by in round 15 so um slim pickings this week to me am I right in saying This Time of the Season as well as much as we do want to downgrade to a guy that’s going to generate a lot of cash we we don’t want our cash gen to stall completely yeah but if it does come to a point where you need to trade in a guy that maybe you’re not as confident on as your downgrade to get the upgrade you need is this a time of year where you can be a bit cheeky uh I don’t think so during the bar rounds I mean it depends on how full your team is especially probably not this week but especially next week and round 15 okay um because I I think especially I think round 15 we got a lot of players going to be on the buy so all the rookies we’ve been trading in players have’ been bringing in like people like will day Jack crisp um we’ve got you know na wangy Miller sorry yeah Nick Doos steel a lot of these guys are the are all on the so there’s a lot of players on the bu on round 15 so I do think you’re still going to want players to at least be heartbeats now they might not be smash out scorers but everyone’s got a chance like even [ __ ] Charlie Dean scored 70 last week so you want a heartbeat there and you never know uh they could do something other players that are a bit more expensive you could have a look at uh Bruce reville who for the for the Lions um he’s got a break even at eight and Ryan anguin for the Giants also with a break even of eight they’re sort of more than ,000 so you paying up a little bit there but like I said I do think depending on how many numbers you have you you probably can look at some of those guys as a heartbeat um and they are also obviously coming off their buy so what about guys that we want to go up to potentially so trade up targets um this is my official rankings number one I think Zack fiser is the number one trade Target for the week he just seems like he’s a clear top six forward um he’s still value price I think 87 I last checked um and yeah just a filthy roll good matchups coming up it is it is Tom Green Super Value as well he’s the cheapest of the or or maybe slightly little bit more expensive than Zack Fisher but I think he can be a 110 averaging sort of player from here I expect him to have a much better second half of the year and then this is going to be question I think I’ve already seen in the in the chat below but Errol G and I have ahead of Dunley okay simply for the instant reward this week and just that little bit of extra value um it might be the difference between you getting in a Zoro and a luk Ryan over these next couple of weeks those more expensive players so just do the math on that one yeah so I think I think I would say I’d have Dunley to average more for the rest of the season had to put some money on it but I don’t think it’ll be by much and I think you’re going to get a good instant reward this week with Errol against the cats he’s not going to get tagged by anyone you know yeah Heeney and and Warner are going to get all the attention so errol’s going to be free to do his thing and we haven’t seen a huge ceiling from him yet but I still think he’s got something there the name that I’m surprised to to see this low on the list is is Dane Zoro and let’s sort of Flesh it out a little bit because he obviously is a guy that at the moment is averaging an absurd amount of points on a line where we have barely any points and I think the interesting part about this is that like let’s say five six weeks ago Zack Fisher would have been on this list yeah do you know what I mean so he’s coming to calculations everyone was already sort of eyeing off Tom Green but I think everyone knows that if Zoro keeps doing what Zoro is doing you have to have him at some point you do is this not the time to get him it definitely could be the time to get him um I am personally trying to look at him for next week but it is someone that you’re going to want at some point so I think I think it is fine to get him me I just personally if I haven’t got those guys ahead of him I’m going there first watching him for at least one more week see how things like some people are maybe a little bit concerned about stovich coming back into the team he’s got the match up against uh the which is traditionally been a good match up for half backers but this year it’s actually not been super positive it’s kind of a neutral match up is it also the fact that those other guys are so much value at the moment that they’re going to get away from you like there’s every chance that you you get Zoro cheaper than what you would this week um he’s got a 130 break even I think so just want to have one more week to have a look at it if I don’t have some of those other guys if I do have some of those guys or I’m desperate for a forward then yes I would I would still tick off to trading him in I think he’s a fine trade in Target um but some of a s unfortunately own own zor unfortunately mate what do you mean yeah it’s it was good I’ve got 80 points on my Fork at the moment 80 divided by one paid a million dollars for those 80 yeah there you go uh but yeah I think it’s pretty straightforward any upgrade needs to be round 12 by player I strongly strongly strongly do not endorse training in a crisp a will day or you know any of those guys who are potentially good trading targets but have their buy UPC coming I want those guys come off the buy simply just get that extra game in um unless you don’t care about your rank and you’re just doing it for League matchups then it doesn’t matter as much you just get the guy but if your goal is rank you need the round 12 guy can I be somewhat selfish but also ask a question I think other people ask as well Fisher in terms of a bu round upgrade Target is actually reasonably cheap I actually think there’ll be a few people in my category this week where oh he’s getting the glasses ready everyone goodness me um where Fisher can be an upgrade and you might even be able to sneak a second upgrade to a cheaper guy so can we talk about uh ldu and Loy Neil yeah I’ll throw in although I think he’s a bit more expensive Chad Warner into that group as well uh I like of those three ldu he’s coming off a good three- game stretch and he’s coming into a good two game Run and we’ve just we’ve just seen him go on these stretches before where he’s you know 110 averaging mid correct and this might be one of those West Coast this week with few injuries at West Coast as well um and then he goes into Collingwood Melbourne and the Bulldogs all three of those teams don’t tag so to me it’s it’s a good run for him I don’t think he’s going to be top eight mid but I think he’s kind of that type where you get him in luxury trade season you try and get him up to a top dog after that if if this is like your only thing you’re going to this week it doesn’t feel as good as going to a fish at a green I mean I’d be shocked if there’s a team that has all three of there will be of course like but that a lot of teams that have Fisher green and Zoro so one of those guys is going to be the priority but if this is your second like I don’t so much mind it and the thing about this is that like if this is a two- we play and then your team’s complete and suddenly you realize hey he’s averaging you know 95 and it’s not going to cut the mustard and I now need to shift him as like my first luxury trade it’s like yeah you didn’t if you have let’s say let’s say it’s Sharp versus ldu i’ back in ldu exactly like sharp shar’s doing well but you still taking ldu sharp drops 0 and you’re like okay cool ldu drops an 80 and you’re like ah that sucks do you know what I mean which tells you kind of like what you expect out of those two players and where where they’re going to be at so um so ldu Neil Warner yeah I think so oh Warner’s bloody good but it’s it’s because he’s so good that I think he might get a bit of attention yeah there’s every chance that he gets um a bit of attention this week from um Bliss offes potentially I think he’s just a smaller body than someone like a heene but it’s fair it wouldn’t it wouldn’t it wouldn’t surprise me uh he’s he’s been a gun he’s kicked like 20 goals this year he’s bloody weapon we won’t uh we won’t hold up any longer mate we want to answer some questions but before that we need to talk big [Music] boys let’s go we’re talking big boys we are diving deep this week because like I said off the top mate Deep Impact yeah very deep impact um stra pretty straightforward like it’s like the the advice across all the podcasts is pretty similar so where I think a lot of people are going to get the the go-ahead is going to be where they put their captaincy where they put their Vice captaincy where they put their captaincy so top five I’ve got the two biggest of boys up the top there in Max Gorn and Rowan Marshall now Collingwood you look on the DFS Australia look on the scale of hardness and Collingwood are traditionally a red team but that was with the big Cox there big Cox big Cox he is no longer there so he’s out and traditionally when it’s just been Darcy Cameron there’s been a lot of players that go big against Darcy Cameron so I want to read out some scores here of players that have gone up against while you read them out I’ll check the moist meter okay go I’m ready okay we’ve got Tim English 116 Ned Reeves went 95 against him Rees Stanley went 80 which you know it’s re Stanley nank went 120 witz went 103 nank went 118 again Jordan swe 86 and a Shawn Dary 126 so only what’s that three scores below 100 uh only two scores below 80 moist meter confirmed it it was pretty good moist met confirmed pretty good so I think Max is going to take this one by the horns obviously they’ve come off a really [ __ ] loss against Foo big game at the Bri big freeze I feel like he’s going to step up there has to be a response there like we Max is first of all Max’s gun but Max seems like a very proud man and I I think there’s going to be something regardless of how sore he is what you know he might do a fitness test I don’t care I reckon he’s going to have this one penciled in for Absol ter in terms of ceiling Max has got six scores on the season over 120 and he’s also missed an extra game than some of these other guys uh when it comes to obviously the early buy as well so most no one else is touching that frequency of ceiling of a maxn when you see this kind of game you’re like this is perfect but you you just wish you could put a VC on it you feel so good about this that you just like I want to just put the I want to get this out of the rad I want to put this VC on but it’s it’s a c we’re rolling into C so who are we putting the VC on so the VC for me I’m looking for ceiling this week I want to go someone really big so the guy I think that’s going to give the potential for the highest ceiling score is Sam Flanders at number three look at the listen to these some of these scores that opponents have put up against the Saints this year so Christian sham has has put up a 133 against them most recently Jordan Clark put up a 141 and Luke Ryan 126 in the same game Bailey Dale earlier in the year went 160 12 Jason Johan scored a 126 against the Saints and Nick Martin scored to 125 so there’s what’s that 1 2 3 4 five 6 7even eight scores over 120 against the Saints from all those halfback this season um I think that there’s a big chance that Flanders puts up a ceiling score Flanders is a spongy as they come to he is absorb yellow and porous as he he’s very very thirsty what i f find it a little interesting when you have such a a Max Gorn Captain great matchup this is one you just think is going to be big does that then raise your bath for oh take the VC line what do you think I don’t know I’m always a bit of a [ __ ] with those because I feel like if something goes wrong or like I’d be so dirty to myself it’s still 110 for me um yeah I think I think it’s still 110 I’m probably this time not taking a 109 but yeah 110 I’m still probably taking and and that is my hard line to round out the top five I’ve got Isaac Heeney and Nick Doos Nick Doos would be a great one but he obviously plays the same game as Max G so obviously you got to pick between the two yeah I’m going gone Isaac he is an interesting one he’s got one of the best matchups against jalong for midfielders yeah I do think there’s a little bit of a risk though of him getting clanc by Blitz Ares so again a good VC option because they’re giving up the most points to midfielders jalong are so if there isn’t the tag you can um obviously expect a bit of a ceiling score he’s gone over 123 times this year so does have a bit of a ceiling but I don’t know if I’d want to roll into him as a c because of the RIS of that tag like we saw Tom Green get sort of clamped by Blitz haves he’s sort of that bigger body kind of player so I think that’s right in Blitz ares’s Hitting Zone um the other thing I didn’t touch on with ran Marshall as well he last year actually I don’t know if you remember this one Luke but Rowan Marshall went up against uh Ned Mo which is the reason why he so high up Ned Moy he had 107 points at three quarter time against Ned Mo and then was subbed off that game which was uh mly moly last year so we need a Moly Moly Moly Moly sound grab yeah 100% so he he’s been giving up a lot of points English went 112 against him Toby Conway went 94 against him and previously Shawn Darcy has also rocked against Ned Mo for 118 points as well so a lot of decent scoring there against Moy so I think Ron Marshall will reward his owners um four what’s that 6 through 10 I’ve got Errol golden in that same match up he could really Feast another really good VC option I think with a bit of a ceiling if the tag does go to someone like Heeney um the good thing about putting it on Errol G at any point is you know he’s trying yeah 100% he’s going to be demanding that footy he’s going to be calling it out and yelling at other players if they don’t give it to him Jordan Dawson was there at number seven which obviously you’d be very happy with Y if you want to go for someone tonight if you’re a [ __ ] for a Friday night VC it’s fun we’ve had some beers you get you’re either cheering or you’re abusing it’s fun either way I’m going zor um Dunley would be a better Captain option I reckon okay but I want to go the VC on a zor 180 get that ceiling um he’s gone you don’t normally do that you don’t normally do the old like I I feel really good about those sort of top guys so I’m going to chase a bit of a ceiling here with a Zoro um then at number nine I’ve got Dunley and rounding out the top 10 I have Sam Walsh who is has been Ultra Ultra consistent this season so lots of good options I actually think top seven options there I like a lot of them um so that’s why I’m really chasing the the ceiling and the VCS this week so for me it’s going to be Flanders into Max and you know I’m a slave to the big boys mate I’m going there as well you want to play your sound grab on the way out oh [ __ ] I haven’t got it queued up so you’ve absolutely C me there is worth waiting for it’s always worth waiting for yeah get it now we had a couple of super chats come in through the big boy segment don’t worry we didn’t miss you there Jared so Jared appreciate the Super Chat he’s got a question Mitch I’ll throw it to you manate all right hit me hey fellas tossing up on my third trade either Wilson to dunks okay no cash left or closey to McMuffin if not the sub and then cash in 660k for next week already bringing in gulen and got Dowling last night just go the upgrade okay so we’re going get in Dunley 660k that that’s a lot to cash up yeah it seems a bit excessive especially when you got three trades get Dunley who’s going to be unique I think he’s the best eight8 mid um you’re getting around 12 guy in so he’s got three opportunities to help you out through the buy so I reckon do that Wilson could go down in cash over the next week or so so that’s awesome bringing dunks and golden into your team and you got darling last night [ __ ] hell that’s that’s a week or let’s go Jared okay and one more there from Tim as well should I go to Tom pal instead of sex given power plays three times in The Bu rounds can’t get zor have Fisher heene corwell and Flanders already I don’t know I don’t want to be Trad into Tom pal I mean it’s not having sex in at the moment feels a bit yucky yeah I don’t think I’d go sexon now though with the round 14 buy literally on the buy next week would there be way you’ve got the other pal coming in kapow lots of Pal’s going along here but I don’t know if I’d go into Tom pal I think I’d be shopping other areas could you go a Midfield exactly that’s where my head went was like I know that maybe you want to shop in your Ford line but can you just kick that can down the road a little bit because then in a couple of weeks time you might have a for option that you’re looking for and you build somewhere else in your team so and it might be a um a sexed off his buy but yeah could you could you stretch and go to someone like if you need someone cheaper like an ldu or a Neil or one of those guys like those guys that score more than Tom power I think that’s where I’m at too at a time where everyone’s looking to trade someone out or has just traded someone out I don’t think you want to be them bringing that person in yeah yeah I I I think I’d be I’d be looking elsewhere I don’t think I’d be wanting to bring in Tom power but if you’re looking for someone cheaper I’d also then explore maybe trading out someone more expensive yeah look at your other options to trade out to get a better option feel pretty I’d feel pretty dirty bringing in Tom pal at this point yeah no agreed on that one any questions guys so if you have a question drop them in the comment section below if you want 100% guaranteed success rate of getting them and answer um pop in a Super Chat there Tim Andrew just followed up today doesn’t have the DPP so that makes it a little bit harder uh Tim mate Tim hitting us with the big ones Tim it was a super chat how about how about I talk about some spicy takes while you do a little bit of digging for Tim we all love a spicy T so make sure that you drop yours in the comments [Music] [Applause] below hey all right only got one spicy take mate what have you got this week I just had a little bit of a sneaky peek at what’s going on this weekend and somebody that you’ve been hot on for many moons that just hasn’t had the role that we like or Oran Dyan Moore is going to make us ask the question next week yeah I reckon he’s coming off a huge score I know there was five goals in it but I I just reckon he’s ready to pop and I reckon next week we’re going to be asking oursel in a forward line that is somewhat [ __ ] yeah we’re going to be saying hey is this a guy we can trade into yeah I don’t mind I mean he he can do anything he’s a guy that scores with the role without the role doesn’t matter correct and the way the Hawk’s playing at the moment I kind of wish I was bu a bit of brown rather than yellow and black yeah yeah who is that game at um at gws or is that Hawks are first team listed so I’m going to go at the G unless they’re playing it somewhere else but that’s my spicy tag for the week I think it’s said tazzy actually now that I think about it I don’t mind their chances down there all right give those barers I think this is going to be a big round for everyone and um I think this is going to be a high scoring round and I think last week some teams were scoring 1700s 1800s 1900s I think this week par is going to be around that 2,000 Mark I think there’s going to be a lot of highs scoring premiums there a lot of Juicy matchups this week we’ve all got 22 21 sometimes 23 or 24 players there to choose from you haven’t been hitting pars mate you’ve been [ __ ] birdies and Eagles only that’s the wrong sport I just made a golf reference and you just hit a you just hit a pull shot that was I just no I won’t have people wouldn’t see it if I was down and you made you made the cricket sound effect too you just what’s the difference it’s all what’s the difference in the sound we going to get canel what’s the sound difference sound difference my God where have you been living it was good pool [ __ ] no worries like you hit it for six but you [ __ ] you didn’t have to Tee It Up I’ll tell you that for free leave leave the sports man 2000 is going to be and I think we’re all going to be feeling good and maybe frustrated that our rank doesn’t move when we’ve all scored 2,000 if my rank doesn’t move and I don’t own Luke Ryan or Jordan Clark you don’t want to see me on Monday I tell you that for free uh I’m going to go back to Tim Andrew’s question here I think I still wouldn’t go Tom pal I would try and maybe potentially take the hit this week and look for a more value option um go real cheap maybe it’s a rookie or something like that and then maybe look to do a double upgrade next week I really don’t feel comfortable bringing in someone like a Tom po who I think has every chance to sort of barely outscore some of these rookies anyway um so I cashing up even when he said he didn’t have the DPP then maybe it’s considering trade someone else that you didn’t do you know what I mean yeah maybe I’d be trying to avoid getting in Tom personally so that’s a tough one tough one Chris has got a question yeah yeah what’s Chris’s question Mitch uh he’s asking getting in Heeney can do uh two up Zoro or errel my Midfield is a bit light but I can easily get errel next week love the content guys thank you Chris um Errol or Zoro he says midfields a bit light I know I know you’re considering Zoro for the extra week M and I I think it’s wise yeah so of the two players if if the answer is that you can easily get Errol in next week but you can’t easily get Zoro in next week well it it would be the same because either you’re getting in Errol and you’ve got extra cash left over or you’re trading up and getting zor not much cash over un unless there’s they’re factoring in like a price change has got the high Break Even he’s a break even of 127 so he should drop so he he should be at least a similar price for the match up you can also get zor next week would be my thoughts Errol for the match up then so that’s where I would go and then you you sorted out your Midfield but unfortunately Chris I’ll be rooting against you if you do that cuz Zoro is going 180 tonight so o okay all right uh yeah so I think I think I’d go Errol there but you you sound like you on zor well is it because I’m forced to own the [ __ ] maybe on the big Bo I’m forced to like a guy that I’ve never liked yeah that that’s what you went wrong it’s been two years since we did the very first one of these podcasts and the first thing you said was what’s your number one ruin fantasy and I said hey Mitch nice to nice to be on the podcast my first rule is pick players that you like and ever since then all I’ve done is pick players that I don’t [ __ ] like and there’s a reason I’m not did pick Day last year correct there’s a reason I’m not driving a hux so maybe that’s why yeah that’s that’s the only reason uh [ __ ] off uh MJ has got a pick here who’s your craziest Smokey pick for the rest of the season like as in pick now Smokey that some someone you think that’s like Timmy is not getting enough air time and I and I said this before you can vouge for me I said this a couple of weeks ago I said bro Tim Toranto this guy has nothing to play for except stats yep he’s going to be literally the only well I say the only midfielder like he’s playing in a deated team my gu I’m going to go Bailey Dale I think Bailey Dale that’s not a smokey no one’s talking about him enough no one’s talking about him I reckon we should we talking about him more I think he’s the top three Defender option we were talking about him like two weeks ago saying like other pods sleeping they sleeping on it so maybe he’s not a crazy one uh you got to put your money where your mouth is there I’ll have to think about something another one but I think badale needs more love um as someone who’s averaging over 107 when you take out those sub games why have we still got the spicy take thing on let’s erase the spicy take I think it’s time for questions Mitch is it or or am I jumping the gun there yeah we’re answering these questions what do you mean oh sorry I thought it was just answering super chats it’s just time get all your questions in there if you want to pop it as a super chat there is a guarantee we will get to it and I think we have had another Super Chat sneak in here so uh schn is that dou so so is that an O you need glasses I probably need glasses read me the question Mitch uh love the content guys Crouch Reed Wilson for green fish and hind hope everyone’s having a good weekend what are your thoughts on uh hindy he’s he’s a very interesting case I do prefer the front um it’s just it is just my preference um no I haven’t even given hind some thought but I know you have a little bit so your best place to answer this one yeah he’s he’s so awkward he’s got the Buy in next week Break Even of eight if he scores let me bring up the uh price projector um and see what his score if he so he went 90 last week let’s say he scores another 80 this week I’d imagine he’s going to go up like 60 or 70k H it defies the logic of trading guys in off the I like green and fish I want to know if there’s a better player that you can get in then hind um so so tell us how much cash you’ve got and I’ll see if I can find another another trade option for you then hind but it it could be a one week play so say he scores 80 he goes up 50k this week what what do you reckon about H is he is he a guy that is he out of the vest at least for this week is he is he someone we can trust the role of is there a case to be made that even if there are those question marks because of the time of the year that we’re at and literally given that like you said he he has a buy next week anyway I mean you tra next week yeah do you know what I mean yeah it’s like why not take a punt yeah what’s what’s the worst case scenario his score drops off yeah and he if he’s the starting sub you know it before the game so you pivot yeah um the risk would be say you get Carnage this week and then you can’t you got like a few more higher priority trades and he’s just left sitting there and he comes back in round 15 he’s a sub again or something like that that’s a risk I think that’s a a lowlevel risk but it’s it’s still a risk um maybe could maybe could you do a instead of a Wilson to H just do another rookie to another rookie kind of situation cuz you’re kind of saying Wilson’s every chance of outscoring him anyway just hold Wilson and he’s going to play two games to Hines one over the next three weeks maybe yeah look potentially I I don’t so much mind it because I love Green in I love fish in and I think that hind is coming off two decent scores and I think there’s every chance that you know you get a ceiling score maybe that gives you a leg up but there’s a little bit of that like um in not insurance but if [ __ ] goes wrong it’s the buy rounds so yeah um another question uh coming in here trade uh this is Nicholas trade Stewart or closy to Gilden now I’m kind of Stuart so jalong have Sydney J yes so who do you think goes to Stuart oh it’s James Jordan so you trading Stewart before you TR Stewart’s got to go Stuart’s got to go he’s just been a shell of himself Stuart Whitfield at the moment are guys with just proper tag Targets on their back for what they’ve they’ve done so anytime you look at anything to do with G both the buy next week but you got to consider that they’ve got a bit of a Target on their back depending on the team that they’re um coming up against for sure Stuart hasn’t gone over 90 since round three it’s killer that is absolutely killer for a GU that you bought as a premium [ __ ] me he’s had two 200s on the season rounds two and three that was it the rest have been all below 90 um so yeah I think he’s he’s got to go I’m going him first I’ve got 680 in the bank boys so the other guy I was going to mention here um I’m sorry if I’m [ __ ] butchering your name I definitely am um if you want to be really bold I don’t know if it does I don’t know if it has to be a a Ford but Darcy Tucker coming off his by he’s got a 26 break even has the West Coast Eagles just coming off a 132 and an 82 he goes west coast Collingwood Melbourne in his next three rounds I think I’d rather go Dary Tucker okay than someone like a Nick if you’re feeling a bit spicy and you want to get someone in with a low break even I think that’s where I would go so beautiful VC on dunks is a bit of a pod you’re Mr Big Boy tiing it off uh I take it off I think I think it’s F I think there’s the thing with dunks is he’s been such a high flaw guy yeah he’s gone the 150 against uh Gold Coast when they had no one on the bench so that game’s a little it feels like a little bit of an anomaly um and the other games he’s gone over 120 he’s done a 126 and a 123 one was in round one one was in round five so he kind of just sits in that 100 to 115 range every single week so to me I’m probably chasing someone that I feel like has a bit more ceiling yeah as a VC but I think he’ll be good for 110 I think I think it’s a pretty safe bet so depends on I guess what you’re looking for this is an interesting um sort of question or statement from dup so says wouldn’t Holmes be more of a target for James Jordan now I reckon this is kind of like more of a footy question as well that’s that’s a good question it is a great question now J um max holes has obviously been providing everything bounce but it can’t I think be underestimated what stopping Tom Stewart does to jalong defensively yeah because and and the evidence or the results have been there have if offensively if you look at Tom Stewart versus max homes you’re taking Max homes every day of the week the bounce the run the the break the lines all this kind of stuff but the fact of the matter is that jalong are hard to score against when Tom Stewart’s playing his best football and if you negate that suddenly you’ve got an Avenue to score so and I I think holes has got more strings to his bow in terms of he can go in the Midfield he can play off halfback and even if he’s being tagged he can have an impact whereas if you tag Tom Stewart he’s doing nothing like he’s yeah I think eliminated but there is every chance so that’ll be an interesting watch I think it’s a good point to bring up anyway uh ldu and cash or sheel don’t talk to me about sheel sheez uh Jesus I’m at this stage I’m always getting the player in um rather than just holding cash for the sake of holding cash she [ __ ] she’s oh he’s coming off did um did simin get named again for the for the Kangas cuz that will be interesting in terms of if he affects yeah he’s coming back in Lazaro has been admitted just another bloke on my bench what the [ __ ] isaro still doing on my bench shows how [ __ ] my team is Tred out like round two um I still think she will be a top six defender or at least there or thereabouts top six seven eight I reckon get him in just get the get the points on your field while while it’s there like cash cash is not going to help you score this week there’s so many top six Defenders I re there’s like there’s like 10 guys seven guys like so there’s like no you’ve said I reckon both of us have said about 10 guys it’s top six Defender let’s let’s go through so Nick docos Luke Ryan Nick Martin Hayden young Jordan Clark um Bailey Dale um I’m already at six who else we looking atel sheel You’ just said seven that’s seven that’s that’s it get the get the Wang in there juicy Wang a step juicy Wang he’s a step off there’s got to be someone else missing as well Sinclair’s every chance Whitfield well whitfield’s still sitting in our teams there’s guys crisp there’s a few isn’t there I’m going to start trading Defenders into my Midfield well actually this is a question no one asked this but I’d rather have Chris [ __ ] took Miller you know what I mean well this is the question is are do we need eight mids not the way they’re going this year do do we need is is the worst averaging midfielder better than the seventh Aver the seventh eighth averaging Defender we’re sidetracked but I like this tell me your top eight minuts go tell me and I’ll tell you I reckon the eighth that you pick I re I’d rather a Defender go so Merit actually hold on let me get up list that’s got Merit Merit Dunley Walsh I think I’m pretty strong with those okay yeah yeah dwson yeah yeah three to go Bond he just got 15 [ __ ] good work [ __ ] Wang’s not doing that um Wang would love steel Errol golden like are you taking Errol Gorden or you taking like Jack crisp like crisp you’re taking Errol G okay you probably taking a good I’m just saying it’s not far off it’s not far off it’s closer than it’s ever been I I’ll give you that it’s closer than it’s ever been and you’re not like scrambling to make sure you got no defenders in your mids but you still got to those those best mids are still the best players I think especially as we get into those it’s getting colder mate like I’m putting jumpers on cuddle weather yeah cuddle weather mate it is getting cold Jack Steel’s Having Eight tackles in bloody a quarter zero in the one before but you know that new tackling rule maybe it’s it’s [ __ ] cold a my hamstrings just about fall off the bone getting off the couch these days too but so no I won’t say that don’t worry about that shout out to bales great everyone smash that like button there’s 250 of you in here let’s get to 250 likes so he’s just pumping up the crowd over there he’s our hot man so what a legend yeah make sure you guys give the old like button a little hit there I’ve heard if you give the like button on this video uh a press then you’re round’s going to go better that’s that’s what I’ve heard um so yeah I think uh it’s in your best interest forever to have a [ __ ] round manate you want to be driving a shiny High yeah well I’ll have a good run anyway so uh all right so what you one more question let’s do a few more questions okay thoughts on Shar Wilson and Reed to Zoro fish and darling that’s a brag uh yes Tony that’s those are great trades get on it Tony uh what else we got here what do you think about Logan Morris with a break even of zero this weekend off the buy uh Logan Morris I’m pretty sure he’s had some really shitty scores in there but I could be wrong oh he just had I said had a 3320 but then his last two have been 5463 off his bar round killed a port outan might not be the worst sh uh just double check he’s not the vest uh but you’ll know tonight obviously make sure he’s not the sub might not be the worst yet I think I like what he do he does am I right in saying he’s got a little bit of the key forwards about him yeah I think can be somewhat volatile so he’s kicked one two two two goals in his last four gam so he’s not a high possession getter it’s one of those ones if it goes well it goes well but if if he doesn’t see much pill or he doesn’t kick goals then you could be looking at 30 he had a 20 and 68% time on ground am I right saying he was the young fell that played a full game in the Scoobies and then got called up to the ones the weeky deboed that could have been him yeah [ __ ] what a good story sound about right yeah so I I have a sneaking suspicion he’s going to be the sub tonight so double check if that’s not the case but we’ll see are you trading closey and Wilson over boner and F has G can I mix the combinations up uh five was it Reed re wson no closey and and Wilson boner and five I’m trading boner and five just to keep Wilson not so much on the closy thing I would because I I said before that I would keep [ __ ] he doesn’t he doesn’t made much money he gives me 11 18s bro um cuz I would still rather hold boner than closy but in the situation where I have to get rid of Wilson I think you got to get rid of five yeah that’s what I mean rather yeah I re re yeah that’s yeah get boner off have you reckon that is him he was the guy that what’ you say I missed that one oh I said get boner off I’m under appreciated on this podcast over my head see vales not just you that I don’t listen to um it’s this prick as well all right uh do you go McMullin or dorson over anguin if one of them are not sub to bank the cash mlav um well either one of mcaren or anguin won’t be the sub penguin penguin penguin who’s that that’s uh Lando I thought it was um it’s a pengu is it oh yeah Pang the Peng he does like he does like six different iterations and yeah in this face of 30 seconds yeah good video go check it out uh but anyway MC Mullen or Dawson over anguin well the problem with Dawson is you’re not going to know if he’s the sub until after that Giants game starts so if you bypass the Giants guys thinking you’re getting a dwson then later discover that Dawson’s then the sub well then you [ __ ] you’ve lost all three of them so I’d be just going the giant that isn’t the sub and locking that in Monkey just like smashing Tampines going inside Tampines what they call symbols symbols no isn’t that the the no symbols are the I think that’s symbols yeah okay whatever tambourine that’s a mountain oh that’s the no that’s the t is it no that’s a fruit [ __ ] me I don’t know Google this okay I going Google it I’m all over the place today the hit me too hard so tambourine is a mountain can confirm it is Tangerine is that the the instrument what’s the instrument with the with the that’s AA it’s behind you and it’s got the thing you hit as well what’s those ones [ __ ] hell did you not do music at school I was playing the triangle in the backround yeah it’s not that all right we’re digressing let’s do one more question this podcast is going off the rails uh hopefully it’s frozen and no one can actually see this mate we are unable with these technical diffic who do you trade out first closey Wilson or boner uh think cash what’s that that heart’s blocking that thing what’s say there brag cash loss ver ceiling this week cash well Bon’s got the ceiling yep cash what’s close his break even he’d be he be he had a stinky one 79 Wilson I think he’s got the highest at 80 something he’s got an 89 I’d be trading closey first of those three I reckon yep I want to keep Wilson and I’m keeping boner for the ceiling on The Bu rounds yeah Wilson in his line yeah it’s like I don’t think close’s giving you like the potential 120 that boner could on a great day torine is an instrument he on my back [ __ ] don’t make me look like a fool in front of these guys Tony you could have just decided with me to make Mitch look like an idiot but it’s definitely a mountain it is also a mountain things can mean two different things Luke well if you Google it and the first thing that comes up is a mountain I don’t want to know about the rest of it all right that’s going to do it cuz this is going downhill let’s we got to get pre for the fantasy Fanatics yes so jump on over there guys after this one if you want more of our ramblings about tambourines and tangerines you can check us out over there if you want actual questions answered go to askme on q.c. au/ booys and uh shoot me through a question over there and I will get through to them and answer those ones uh hopefully get them in um maybe just shoot me a Twitter tag if it’s very relevant for tonight because uh we’ll see how I go because obviously I’m jumping on this Fanatics stream but if it’s super urgent m me on Twitter and I’ll try and get there before the game starts off if You’ got a question on that one otherwise good luck for the Round Guys hopefully the hope the big boys go big and you Captain them if you go against the big boys list then hopefully it doesn’t go well for you guys I don’t know um but and hopefully you guys good way to sign off mate have a big round guys that like button subscribe and we’ll see you guys next week bye [Music]


  1. Boys….. Sam Berry. What do we reckon? Is he a good long-term option? Can we trust him and his game time %/position?

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