Golf Players

Live from the Kill House: the Memorial Tournament

Join us as we recap a busy week in golf! the Memorial, LIV Houston, ShopRite, Scandinavian Mixed and more.

Presented by High Noon.

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[Music] be the right Club be the right club today Johnny that’s better than most how about in that is better than most better than [Applause] most expect anything different [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the no laying up live show presented as always by our friends at High Noon Su here the p man is back hello Mr P man greetings guys Su thank you for having me on your program uh excited to be with you on what was a an eventful week of golf great to see you guys eventful week of golf lot of golf lot to talk about this week heading into a major championship next week as well korito Neil Schuster the Zar is here as well hello Neil how are you gentlemen fantastic being with you I’m playing on the road from the uh from The Farmhouse uh but we’re we’re doing it live literally tonight fired up let’s go a lot of miles being accumulated by the by the squad this week a lot of travel a lot of weddings a lot of lot of personal vacations Cody’s back running the ones and twos tonight uh after taking the kids on a on a memorable vacation as well but the moment everyone has been waiting for is finally here the high noon pool pack it’s back grab a case text the group get your friends to the nearest pool it is pool szn and it is only here for the summer now is the time to enjoy lime Peach and two limited edition flavors guava and kiwi it just so happens guava and kiwi are number one and number two on my favorite list of any high noon seltz or the Vodka ones they are my favorite they’re made with real vodka they’re made with real juice they got 100 calories they’re gluten-free they got no added sugar and you can go to High Noon to find it near you you’re going to want to find this it’s fantastic it really does ring in summer when you grab the high noon pull pack so get out there you sound like Stephen A Smith S I kind of did tell you something I Wasing off that walking into the studio tonight I was like me walking him walking into game one I don’t know if you guys saw that video fire suit such a good suit ready to tell you guys how I saw this coming with Scotty I mean I called it on the show on Wednesday guys nobody believed in it um we’re going to get to the PJ tour of course nobody believe nobody Scot no no one wanted to ride with me on that one Scotty sheff of course wins the memorial uh Lana STM shoots a final round 60 to win on the LPGA Tour from 52nd Place we’re g talk about that I believe uh Liv just wrapped Carlos Ortiz and the cleaks won massive massive result for TC Squad uh Lyn Grant shot a final round 65 to win the Volvo Scandinavian mix to hunt down Sebastian Soderberg a wild sentence uh uh he shot a final round 77 that happened Ryan Gerard won the BMW charity proam World Cassie Porter won the FireKeepers Casino Hotel Championship we’re gonna talk Memorial we’re going to talk a little live little DP World Tour LPGA we’re gonna talk we’re gonna revisit the events of June 6 uh just what’s happened over the past year tron’s wedding what a lot of comments coming out uh this past week the Adam Sho pack of course talking to the mules we got that we’re gonna at the end we’re going to we’re going to open up a commentator sweep staks we we’ve I feel like we in this when we started doing the live shows and we have not followed up on doing it but just throw in as many questions as you want we we’ll get to as many as possible no time to prepare for them at all uh kind of a fun little grab bag at the end what could go wrong there that is that is the Run of show uh if you did not get to catch the end of the memorial first of all Scotty open 6768 has a three shot lead Saturday afternoon as he gets to the ninth he’s probably about minus 400 to win the tournament he dead Yanks one left lost ball makes a triple bogey get back into a tie lead with Adam hadwin um at this moment I was in North Carolina this past week which is of course a FanDuel uh allowed State I was like I just want let’s just check what his odds are currently he went all the way down to minus 120 when he was tied for the lead on Saturday your boy pounced could not have pounced on that any faster or any harder than I did uh and of course the end of the day with a four shot lead despite the triple bogey uh on Saturday he went down to what minus What minus 120 oh my gosh yeah what a heady play right I mean it was fre money it was incred classic uh strok get Pro the having here over over the last 45 minutes uh his Strokes get approach for the first three days second third and first um he would go out in a one over 37 on Sunday uh but would proceed to hit what I I think I called it a sociopathic shot at the pin on 12 but more CWA Colin Mo CWA playing with him poured in a long birdie putt from deep and Scotty missed his putt so the lead was just one leaving the 12th green and Scotty missed a short kind shaky putt there on the 13th uh and then lift a birdie on the 15th but moraca had a chance to tie him but badly missed a six-footer moraca had a great putting week but uh missed a couple key putts there uh on in the back nine on Sunday on the 16th hole the freshly redesigned but someone house still playing the exact same 16th hole uh Scotty played out right and then drained a bomb par putt to stretch the lead to two um he make a bogey on 17 to cut the lead to one drove in the Fairway on 18 as morow drove in the bucker they both went long difficult up and downs uh more cow got it inside Scotty but Scotty had four feet nine inches from above the hole and ported in got the coolest handshake and golf is greeted with his wife and baby on the side of the green uh and of course wins for the fifth time in his last eight starts it’s a lot of wins always cools always cool as well to see the uh ceremonial mirfield Village chip off to end the tournament as we as we seem to see every every year uh just oh and that one trickles just into the rough here on 18 uh that seems to happen every time but uh I thought Trevor said it just expertly at the end I mean what what more can you say about Scotty at this point but he kind of rattled off he’s like the guy has won at Bay Hill Saw Grass Masters Harbortown and now mirfield Village in the last like four months that’s like a career for somebody like if somebody if you offered that career to somebody they would be like oh my God I’d never got this far in my dreams Scotty has done it in his last what eight starts he just said I mean it’s just and multiple times that every one of those I guess Heritage and uh Memorial first time but yeah W the other three multiple times I mean are you kidding like he’s got to think for like Legacy you know those are all like Legacy a lot of prestige even even before we declared him you know Sig events uh they were you know they were kind of they were big a big deal they’ve been a big deal for the past 20 years so that’s that’s incredible a lot of a lot of clothing associated with a lot of those as well he’s got a pretty pretty freaking full closet at this point as without thinking about this too much all right don’t don’t put too much trickle back on that okay don’t don’t think about this too much if I was to ask you how much money has Scotty shefer earned on the course so far this year $19 million oh on the course I was G I’m gonna go a little lower like 13 million so close Neil 24 million so far on the course this year Jesus really this is Jason TW yeah he’s winning $4 million for these [ __ ] he’s averaging 1.8 million per start uh so far in 2024 um it’s it’s it’s absolutely ridiculous that’s what was kind of funny when like the when the live money really started getting splashed around and then the tour purses go up like crazy it was kind of funny to see like the like who was looking around the corner in the right way and who was looking around the corner in the wrong way where it’s like oh I mean all these purches are going up like crazy like as long as you just like beat the [ __ ] out of everybody every week like you’re going to make just as much money as as those live guys and for Scotty it’s like yeah I mean as long as you’re just like the best player of your generation by like a mile like you’re going to be making the same amount as you know Richard Bland and like some of those guys over there it’s it’s uh it’s just really funny he uh he finished the week with 13 Strokes gained approach for the total week second was Adam had one at 7.5 uh and no one else had more than uh than 5.1 so he had more than double Strokes gained approach the third guy on the list which was Justin Thomas this past week I mean we might have to start monitoring which players Ted Scott is going to be ahead of on the money list right that’s what like 2.4 let’s call it be conservative $2 million he’s put away this year so far outside of the chip in money that he has to give back to Scotty so we’ll call 1.9 right without and I don’t know if he gets if he gets pro rated down because he missed that day at the PGA as well sure have to look at the money list you know so he might make the Tour Championship on his own that’s like I I think he’s going to be top last I had looked and done the math he was like Top 40 on on PJ tour earnings for this year he’s got to be inching closer I mean he made you know what what’s what’s 36 another 360k today uh as well it’s it’s it’s pretty freaking absurd have you guys come up with any different ways to we we we said this last time hey we gotta come up with a different way to talk about how good Scotty is you guys come up with anything I got nothing uh other than I got a bunch of questions till the answer here I got something I got I got an analogy for it you know you know how I liked it you know I I Scotty he reminds me it’s going to sound very stupid but he reminds me of water he’s just it’s not flashy it’s fluid but it’s just it’s it is just wears everybody down the way that the energy it took for like Colin to make that putt on 12 you referen the you know the 12th hole today it’s like Scotty is just relentlessly putting the ball inside 10 feet and even when he’s missing those putts it’s just like another wave’s coming right after it another one’s coming and it’s just it’s like he just wears people down it’s it’s you can’t fight off like water’s water’s powerful baby water’s scary it’s not flashy though he’s not fire he’s not burning the place down it’s just really really methodical and uh over time I I I start to really appreciate it much more start call him Bruce Lee are we uh are we experiencing is this a tsunami then like is that what this is starting to feel like one I mean I don’t know uh we have might have to might have to take that offline and workshop it a little bit D yeah I gotta let me think on that let me think on that I did want to Circle back saw you mentioned the clothing I I don’t know why it’s taking me this this long to real thank you Cody uh I don’t know why it’s taking me this long to to realize this but the uh the gray jacket stink get those out of here I had that in my notes too de really especially with the with the with the yellow shirts I I know what we’re trying to do but it’s just not really playing for me I think there was a time where like a a country club jacket was like an unironic expression of like Community I think that time’s passed and it it’s pretty clearly an outrageous thing to do to like wear a jacket like with your with your secret club and like its patch on it which is why I respect like Colonial Harbor Town some of these places are like we’re gonna make the jacket so outrageous that like it’s okay like it’s you know it’s kind of a bit it’s like the Shriner’s hats or something you know it’s like ah come on it’s it’s it’s a pretty dumb like madeup Club thing and the memorial stuff just they they try to make it look too normal and too like it’s just a s I’m sorry it’s very doublin Ohio just very repressed we’re going to do it but we’re not really going to do it it’s just it’s it’s disgusting take it away this are not it’s not my people just for the record not a not a not a mirfield village member growing up but I had it in my notes that it should be more of a hounds tooth you got to have a pattern it has to be exactly what you said like it has to one used to be Sears sucker that was great yeah it’s got to be a statement and and the gray is just like it’s yeah it feels um like an after Willie lman [ __ ] yeah and paired with the with the gold it just feels really tired and and I don’t like that because you know Jack’s getting old so it’s like oh man it just doesn’t look very good in the booth I’m not I’m not really vibing with it and I even could get down on the CBS jackets are are like the classic you know they’re similar but at least those are dark and for whatever reason the dark the dark makes more sense for me thank you guys uh for that um Simon Lamson asking a question and I should have left this is kind of your he’s on your block here Neil um so if you want to if you want to you know give him a little a little jab here to make sure he stays off your block over total wins for Scotty this year six and a half so that’d be one and a half more uh for the remainder of this year of this season or this year I think they’re kind of the same thing right so we’ve got at least six what do you think he plays eight more times that’s we got three three playoff events we got two more Majors Majors another Siggy after uh after you know probably probably six or seven times more I would think okay so they wins probably seven more tournaments are we counting the Olympics do have has anybody anybody in the world of golf talked about the Olympics yet do we know who’s on the team is this an Olympic year allegedly yeah just anyways put that aside as well just hadn’t haven’t thought about that even in the slightest but I was I was flying through Paris on the way back from Scandinavia I was like oh right the Olympics are here like is anybody going to the Olympics who’s on the team is Max going to be like an Olympian should ask him about that anyways i’ say going to qualify yeah I’m going to go I think Simon set a good line here but I’m going to go over I think he wins twice I I feel like he’s gonna clip a playoff event or he’ll be so far up in the FedEx Cup he wins the Tour Championship that’s a right so that’s one you almost count on that one because he’s start you can only be so far up but right with The Strokes but giving him a a head start seems bad for the yeah definitely yeah I mean yeah we I think I don’t even need to ask this we think he’s probably going to get one of the last two majors right I I don’t think anybody sitting here I don’t put words in your mouth I’m not betting against that he’s going to get one of the next remaining two majors I think he’s obviously I think he’s gonna win next week which one if you had if you had a coin flip if you could only pick him for one he’s GNA you’re in a oneandone pool I think us opened I mean the way he plays when it gets really tough the you know the approach game it looks really nice for Pinehurst I mean the way he drives it right down the [ __ ] middle every hole looks really good at Pinehurst like you’re you’re on the wrong block for like whether or not like what the scouting is for next week for P for pineur what is the pineur police department up to next week is probably the only potential that’s the only potential that’s the only course setup you know what is the what’s the credentialing like to get on site is the only remaining question I think for next week I well it’s an anchor site so I gotta think that their their Logistics are dialed I feel better are you sure you sure you want me [ __ ] come on want you in here hey what are they by the way completely blown out of proportion last time go ahead D what what’s going to be the uh what’s going to be the biggest issue is it the big roundabout they’re on on uh Highway 2 no because the traffic so they they hold them out by uh Sand Hills Community College out by the airport or they go all the way west out by Tailor town uh so you don’t you don’t really get traffic inside the village or the cross session of Southern Pines kind of sucks but there’s going to be a lot of buses and it it’s just going to slow be Uber slow but overall traffic wise it’s it’s pretty well taken care well they got I was just down there last month and I mean they’re doing so much infrastructure stuff as an anchor site which talking to like the USGA allows these courses to put the investment in and like the you know they’re using the the RAC track they got the RAC track they got a lot of extra space with the other courses you know they’ll be using number one to park cars and stuff too by RAC track it’s a it’s a harness uh horse RAC track very very small so don’t don’t get that blown out of proportion it’s not Talladega down there but you’re right they have space though that’s what I’m saying uh we’ll get to this a little bit later on one of the most overrated uh restaurants in town the track restaurant anybody I’m going to bring it up but I didn’t want to blow don’t go there all right I I blame it on these guys it’s a greasy spoon it can’t be that bad come on I had a good meal there that’s that we’ll take that offline uh I will say this between more County PD and everything else they have going around there I think they’re just so used to having like big events I think they’ll be somewhat taken care of unless I don’t know somebody tried to go backwards around the roundabout that would be interesting maybe somebody tries to attack those uh the protective woodpeckers yeah there you go or maybe one of those massive black squirrels tries to get on somebody who knows do we know what crazy things happen what’s the value of the pants that the Pinehurst uh policeman wear is it over under maybe that’s is it over under $80 I think it’s an important question probably that on our list for the preview um couple more Scotty questions I feel like this is the the uh put some of these things to the test boxing fan 3333 can we admit Sheffer is better than 2015 spe yeah I say that to say like this is the the best player we’ve seen in our time doing this like we started the podcast in 2014 Tiger has never been that version of t t there’s no version of tiger that we’ve seen that has been better than this no version of any player that we’ve seen has been anything like this Jason day had a crazy run at one point but did not have the start the finishes in between and the like the sustainability uh over spanning like three years now to support this like this is a total freak like I think he he’s on the way to having a better career than Phil like I I would be stunned if he doesn’t have more than six majors and more wins than Phil Mickelson had in his career which is like the better comp for him than Tiger but that’s kind of where we’re at right now I mean so I’ll do it for you almost going you know with the with the Strokes gained uh 2015 spe versus Scotty right now it’s like almost a full shot better that’s it’s it’s like every day they show up to the golf course it’s almost a full shot better it’s just again it’s like we we going back to you know whatever that was a couple months ago we were talking about like finding the batting average or the Ops or whatever for for some of these guys to just illustrate it it’s like strok gain is the closest we have just imagine those two guys get out of the car uh assuming they both get to the golf course they get out of the car and Scotty beats him by a shot every [ __ ] day yeah it’s just it’s crazy man it’s crazy how good it is and it’s worth noting one shot like that if that doesn’t sound like a lot that is Monumental that’s enormous that’s a massive massive massive Advantage like that’s what greatness has decided in that one shot which is why he’s gonna win the Tour Championship because he’s gonna they’re just gonna give him one that’s he hasn’t done that though like he has kind of collapsed at the Tour Championship every time he’s had a chance to win that prize I think I have a feeling this year he’ll be different as well but um yeah another great question from storf hold on hold on uh sry Cody I I sent you a tweet from Justin Ray that I think sums up like The Strokes gained I’m not going to argue with that data but something that summed up the eye test for me I’m not going to argue with that data no no I’m not but it’s like sometimes that stuff working on my own models but I’ve not already released those quite yet the strok gain stuff sometimes is hard it’s like abstract you know it’s hard to like put your head around like what does one stroke better than everybody else mean like you’re telling me it’s massive but I can’t really see that yeah and so Justin Ray was just going by like how many times how much more Scotty sheffler hits it inside 10 feet like basically than everybody else and shout out to Tom hogy because he had a he’s 15.9% this year and Scotty’s 15.5% but like this week he goes on these heaters that don’t really feel like heaters all players over the last two seasons they hit it inside 10 feet 12.3% of the time this week Scotty Sheffer I think it says 26.2% and and that’s what I see when I’m watching him you know where it’s just like every time he’s gotten approached every time he’s in the Fairway he’s just stuffing the pinata that’s the kind of stuff that’s like whoa this and it doesn’t feel like it’s an out-of- body thing it feels very normal his reaction feels normal it it you know it’s just it’s very routine and that’s the part that is so amazing to me I think brandle was saying this again I know this is a repeat from a couple months ago but brandle was saying uh you know the other interesting thing about him is like he’s not a big like workout freak he’s not like a tinkerer that’s going to go change his swing he’s not it doesn’t seem like you know he’s going to get super bored of family life I mean you know who knows people change but uh he seems like he’s got his feet on the ground I think certainly the some of the police video that was released this week would Illustrated he just seems like a pretty grounded dude you know even in the worst of circumstances so it just doesn’t seem like uh yeah he’s just GNA like get up and fly away I mean things happen the putting thing who knows but like I was going to ask you guys how long ago does the uh putting troubles feel like well we were talking about on the happy hour like this one year ago was like Rock Bottom when it was like you know he could God I I still I can’t remember the stat but it just blows my mind he lost by one last year while losing Two Strokes per round to the field and putting if You’ have put it neutral he’d have won by seven you won the tourament by seven by putting neutral average to the PGA Tour that’s how good the ball strike runner up dead lasted putting and he’s runner up you know when we talk about like oh these guys like they they they proximated the hole and then if they just catch fire with the putter you know that’s that’s the key but it’s like it doesn’t his putting he could [ __ ] be runner up and he can putt the worst in the field for four straight days it’s incredible yeah and so that was rock bottom and now here we are right it’s unbelievable and today the putter didn’t look great but it still feels like it takes so much less effort for him to you know keep it together then then for you know Mora’s got to bury some big putts just to just to stay alive and he’s just like yeah every hole he’s just in it man he’s just inside 10 15 feet with a look it’s incredible nobody plays their a game you don’t like nobody plays their aame five times in eight starts like he won today without without his aame like that’s the [ __ ] that’s like super scary and I to The Strokes like you were saying like it’s hard to like contextualize and I like they have this this stuff on the on the data Golf website that like shows like this is just like his approach play from 150 to 200 like these sliders are like the percentiles like he’s 99th percent like it’s just hard to it’s build a player in a video game it is slide it up you know it’s like when you you’ve built this this when you start back up over and like do it again with a crazier outfit in the EA Sports Game just like because you’ve kind of already beaten the game like he’s beaten the game it’s it’s a it’s completely absurd couple uh you question what sorry what did that translate into as far as watching for you guys today because we we’ve said this a couple times over the last year like the more someone wins the more exciting they tend to get how did you did that carry through today Neil how are how are you feeling watching the end um I I mean I was rooting for morawa to hold that ship like I wanted to see a kind of more of a shootout because it didn’t feel I guess it didn’t feel to me like like Colin was going to catch him like the whole back nine I was like you know Scotty this is kind of it feels inevitable that Scotty’s just gonna you know be between the mustard and mayo and that a that is a little bit boring so what you’re what you’re kind of rooting for is like I need one of you other guys one of you other dogs you know in air quotes to have it like an out of- body experience to catch this guy which is D like d what you’re saying like that is amazing but it doesn’t it doesn’t feel quite as exciting as it should uh and maybe that’s because you know there’s a little bit of maybe a lack of fist pumps and the way he does it like like today you know he didn’t make a ton of putts he didn’t chip in you know there there’s not a lot of exciting moments where you go back to someone like tiger they had golf’s greatest rounds on earlier this week like Tory Pines US Open and he’s just made I the putts he made against Rocco it’s just like this is like he’s an alien it’s unbelievable like it’s just a knack for like doing it the hard way almost uh tiger had of like making these like 20 and 30 Footers and I feel like Scotty is is not quite you know he’s not doing it that way so there’s a lack of maybe um you know he’s water he’s not fire it goes back to my original my original take I I think it’s not Scotty’s fault like he needs a rival and it needs to be one guy like he needs he needs a challenger right and it can’t kind of be a revolving door of morawa and Xander and and Rory like there’s got to be a dude that steps up and says like hey I’m at least you’re you’re Phil right I’m at least like going to be the clear second best player of this like generation and run because it didn’t he I I I I’ll tell you this Thursday when his like when his tea time start like when his round went off it was one of the few times this year on a Thursday where I was like I know what time his tea time is and I kind of need to be near this like I was kind of like the way when we started doing this we were with I was with tiger at least I was like he was off at 1254 like I know he’s he’s off 10 at 1254 I know that Scotty’s entering that that period right or that like zone of like dude it’s time to track your from the jump uh which the PJ tour is lacking at this at this point but was it like exciting and thrilling today it didn’t quite feel that way maybe because I just didn’t watch much Thursday through or Friday and Saturday I didn’t get to see a whole lot but um I don’t know it feels like it should be bigger a bigger deal than it is but you just get to like what we’re doing right now I’m like dude I’m kind of out of way of describing how freakish you are at golf and uh it it’s hard I I was thinking about it I mean s obviously we’ve been watching a lot more baseball check out the steam the seamsters episode on the Trap draw uh the there’s no home runs in golf there’s no like strikeouts there’s no you know legging out triples really like exciting exciting exciting plays so like I’m I’m trying to think of like what the even the equivalent is a pict that’s just like dude he just hasn’t he hasn’t had a three count in in eight months like he just gets ahead of everybody it’s like well yeah that’s not that exciting though but it’s like crazy good it’s just not that you know I don’t know how you can make it too much more exciting like he just slowly suffocates everybody over like 4 days and he does it really methodically and like in contrast like when it was Tiger it was fist pumps man and it was like a different character and it was a guy that like had such so much more of a flare for the dramatic which I think made you root for very dramatic but speed was different you know so tiger I don’t think is the good comp here but speed was a weird Thrill Ride that was just like dude I always felt like it could have like Houdini it’s like how’s he GNA get out of this one you know oh you know it’s like a TV show like oh he’s Inna Jam again you know like that’s that’s the beauty of speed but kind of ran out the other comp is probably Rory like 2014 Rory which was like the prodigious driving that now is like I’m not saying a million people like drive it the way that he does now but like there are guys that drive it long and straight very repeatably like like Scotty uh in a way that Rory did in 2014 so it that doesn’t even stand out as much so it’s just yeah it’s just kind of this okay amalgamation of everything and I I agree with with two quick points one is like there’s a highlight re tiger at Memorial floating around earlier this week of like the two irons into 11 and you know like today Scotty laid up on 11 and then hit it to like 12 feet which is like you know that it’s awesome and it’s it’s really or no sorry that I’m wrong there but he did lay up so anyway there’s not I can’t think of a hole today that I have a like I can’t really other than his shot into 12 it’s like this this proximity to the whole over and over again but nothing that’s like rolling up to like 2 feet do you know what I’m trying to say like there’s no highlight today almost like they need a they need like a map on the green like a video game map that’s just like the average player hits it inside of this ring like on every shot that he hits just so you can see that like every time he hits it inside of that and then the second piece yes I agree completely with that the second piece is s I completely agree with you on he doesn’t have a rival and sometimes what I get out of Colin and out of Xander is like I don’t doubt good these guys are and and the numbers prove it out and the win at the PGA for Xander but they don’t they’re not mean they’re not bullies we talked about it a couple weeks ago it’s like today even coling just it feels like oh shucks I’m not gonna do it again you know like oh bummer it’s like I like we need a villain or like somebody that’s like not scared man like it because because Scotty’s the nice guy he’s nice and he’s just really really good so you almost see like a different personality to go against them and and you’re right there’s a vacuum there right now and it was scary when just looking at the data golf like Court fit tool on on Wednesday and seeing that Scotty Sheffer was one of the best fits for the golf for that that that and it reminded me you know it reminded me of a ton of was roback because it’s best fit and the best feel and it’s summer and we are living in roback they just released their American Summer Collection it is fantastic beyond the golf they got bathing suits now uh you can use to go from a hot day on the course straight to the pool guys I’ve never pulled that off was in Asheville this past week at the actually at the Omni and like there were people pulling off the straight from the golf course straight there’s a pool right by the ninth green and I’ve never wanted the roback to play golf in the rowack suit more than than that exact moment the performance polos are fantastic they’re moisture wicking they fit way better than old boxy polos uh the shorts are fantastic I love the everyday shorts they got the elastic waistband great to workout in great to sleep and great to wear around the house in the summer the Looper shorts are great for the golf course they got the belt loops uh you know to tuck a polo into their the fabric is great they’re comfortable the hoodies got three of them on right here all different colors they’re fantastic our favorite hoodies to wear they’re very comfortable wear them on the course or off if you haven’t already load up on some roback for yourself or for others code nlu 20% off your first order through the end of this week that’s rhob 20% off bottoms qzip hoodies and more with code nlu summer is not the same without roback Barbara Barbara they’re saying that the the Gray’s tired we should get some racks for next year how about that uh few other names at the top of the lead we mentioned morwa ends up losing by one or finishing second by one place it’s hard to call it uh losing but um only I’m counting 11 scores under par for the week Adam hadwin finished third at four under Christian Baden hot uh finished at minus three Fitz ludvig and sep straa finishing at T5 not not loving the mobility I’m seeing out of of ludvig he’s doing the old Brooks kepka like tough bend down to read putts and I don’t know a lot about his current health situation I don’t love that sign for uh I I I joke about him being old but he’s actually not that old to be if you well does look like he’s T5 on one leg so oh freak that’s you can look at that half full half empty right but I agree with you he does look like he’s banged up a little bit worth mentioning in his his press conference he got asked specifically about his uh prognosis and he refused to go into any details someone asked uh hey we heard it to torn meniscus and he said I’m not going to comment that’s between me and my doctor uh which is interesting yeah he’s not that’s not a hippoc compliant question there and then the other thing was uh does it basically like is it affecting you on the golf course he said absolutely not I am practicing full Go 100% And I feel no pain when I’m on the course so don’t disagree with you guys obviously if he’s reading the putts in a different way then you know there’s something going on but just balancing out with what he what he put on the record I would like to call it the T8 we got hii andj before we do that I want to shout out sep straka that dude continues to to play golf man and he shot four over today but still finish uh two under par and and T5 like he just continues to produce results he’s had just a fantastic year and just feels apologize for dogging him for the rider Cup team AB not he went one and two in the Ridder cup I was spot on on that one thank you for bring I’m really actually Point day one though you know that thank you very much bring that up he uh he was not good in the rider cup so I was spot on thank you U but it just feels extremely normal to watch him play golf on the weekends and finish he go T5 at the Heritage T8 at Wells farger he was t11 at Zur he missed the cut at the PGA I’m gonna need some more out of him uh out of him there but it’s been a a big leap he’s made this year so I want to shout that out why way to try to bring me down while I’m trying to shout out fair enough I just want to shout out Sun JM I picked him as the top Asian finisher this week uh he doubled the last hole to Tai Hideki so that was a dead heat split for me but still a dub still a dub people after he shot 76 on day one I was getting chirped all over the Internet for it and you know I just want to say to all the haters and losers uh look at me now how’s that taste shout out to ry’s FanDuel pick today as well he said moraca a winner without Scotty that was plus 180 and that that one that one closed Rock very nicely so presented without comment big tone playing some golf you know couple stacking up a couple of uh couple human results here you know that’s so big of you to present that to present that without comment that’s that’s enormous of you but what what uh I I don’t want to open up too much of a discussion on this because I’m I’m a little confused on it as well but what what do we think of how mirfield Village played right did did the firmness and difficulty of the golf course lead to a somewhat unexcited exciting Sunday and I if you’re listening to this and you’re like what the hell do you guys actually want out of a golf course I I’ll I agree with you here because I’m a little confused as well because we want it to be firm you want it to be difficult you want to see him challenged sometimes I wonder I I I like the results we saw in the final few holes with mirfield Village specifically or where some of the critiques come in of like yeah when it’s super firm with just thick rough around the greens like you’re just gonna bound it over the greens and all end up kind of in the same spots there was a little bit of that it wasn’t like Bay Hill bad but just a little bit of that I was feeling that a little bit especially 16th 18th hole I’ve never liked 17th as well like that finish is just pretty I don’t know it doesn’t promote a ton of exciting golf come down the Finish I’m wondering if you guys have any color to add to that uh I would agree with that I’ve been to this golf course many many times um and and I don’t I say that only to say like I I don’t remember that many shots from from here you know there there’s a couple obviously the tiger chippen is is a freak shot uh from 16 but other than that it’s like you know kind you’re kind of at the mercy of the leaderboard a little bit and like are you going to get a duel because there’s a bunch of big names up there that are going back and forth but outside of that it’s it’s it kind of ends up being a lot of what you’re saying it’s like survival test but not in like a super exciting way but 13 14 15 I feel like our well contoured greens like create some really interesting shots and really good exchanges of value throughout it 16 17 18 I think is like the total opposite right that’s where I would even go forward 10 11 12 I feel like everything up to 15 is I think nine sick too yeah so there it’s not like the go it’s not again not a Bay Hill situation where the entire Golf Course is a complete and total disaster uh it’s just like I I I some of those shots down the Finish just kind of uh I I don’t know if at least like if I can defend Valhalla it was like ah you’re gonna see some like crazy stuff happen near the end and this one’s just kind of like a little hard for the sake of hard to finish it off and I I part of me wonders if it’s to protect par and so Jack can have the scores low and want it to be challenging and all that I I again there’s no like good answer on all these things right it’s we could to fully explain what I’m feeling and thinking about it would take 45 minutes and I don’t think that’s good TV so uh but I I I just I feel very complicated about this golf course as it goes forward and kind of just you know I know it’s Jack’s baby I kind of wanted to see someone else touch it up a little bit and add some more short grass around the greens and really really really create some Intrigue around uh these green complexes I think some of it is uh like other than on you know number nine like you’re not going to see a lot of like massive explosions right like when somebody misses it’s going to be like ah they’re they’re going to make bogey from there and there’s not the Like Us open style like oh that ball keeps rolling that ball keeps rolling oh my God he’s dead from there he might make a seven like there’s not that massive massive downside risk so it’s like an execution test where it’s like either you you pass or fail and if you fail you’re probably not GNA make like a double or a bogey like you’re or you know you’re probably gonna make like a bogey or double you’re not gonna make like a triple or have some sort of like spectacular blow up so maybe as like for me who’s like certainly not an expert on this stuff it’s like maybe I’m missing that a little bit I’m missing a little bit of the chaos of like number 10 at Riv where it’s like oh man if he misses in that bunker like strap in like we might see you know there might be an eight uh you don’t really have that out there so it is a lot of like kind of boring Bogies probably yeah but it also has a ton of good stuff going for it right it’s one of the courses that like has enough width that I feel like accuracy is like properly emphasized and rewarded out here more than just like some of the more narrow golf courses as well so I don’t know I just uh 16 I can’t believe they still can’t get that right uh Cody I don’t know if you have the shot chart from uh from this final round again downwind like it feels like it is every single year nobody got within 21 feet of that pin like you can’t even hit it at the pin which I’m not saying you have a god-given right to hit at it but like again all the balls are collecting in the exact same spots because no one can hold the green still despite them improving that angle slightly and supposedly in the green and you know they got rid of a bunker that protected the front right and created a little bit more grass over there it’s still just like dude it just feels like a total crap shoot when you get to the 70 70th hole of the tournament and uh this Lake was not there when I was growing up like they added this Lake it’s not like they have to have a lake in this spot like it’s not I just I cannot uh understand how they spend this much time and money on this hole and it seems to somehow be getting worse I really don’t understand it all that water just showed up when Scotty started playing the tournament there you go just over time man it’s unbelievable just collects low-lying areas I will say like the crowd I don’t you know the crowds looked enormous I know they’re usually big for this tournament but it like really popped on TV this week how uh just massive like when Scotty was coming up the 13th green just lined up 10 Deep I I’ve again been to this tournament many times growing up like it this is what it felt like when you were following like the big groups back in that day I don’t want to compare it to a tiger crowd like that was just a different kind of thing thing but man just 10 20 deep on some of these holes that you know promote a lot of good stadium seating and it was uh I don’t know just a good that was a little picked me up in terms of I feel like the tour needed a little little Vibe uh you know increase after you know the year that’s been and felt like they got that this week a little bit how uh so how you feeling about the going to the week before the US Open instead of Memorial Day I kind of want to see it play out um it I think I like it and we’re going Sig event major Sig event uh in a row here I had that on on to ask you guys if that is if that’s a good thing I kind of think it is like it’s gonna be a really busy intense month but um Jack doesn’t like it but I I kind of like it I think I I like beay Hill the fact that beay Hill rolls into the players as well um I don’t know I kind of like that that big when Bridgestone used to roll into the PGA Championship and everyone was together and and you know you kind of had the story lines just build themselves right into it I think I like it I I don’t know I I’m curious your guys thoughts too I mean I could almost I kind of wish it was Memorial Travelers and then the US Open I don’t know I’m worried that the Travelers is going to be hard for me to get up for after US Open so it’s like Sig major Sig the Sig’s gonna feel like a a bit of a downgrade always won too many sigs at the end of the night too sigs man you know we didn’t need that last bogey we’re gonna we’re gonna talk sigs on the back half as well we we can uh we’ll have a plan to get to there I will say I mean I think this benefits the usgaa probably more than it benefits the PJ tour but like Scotty sheffler winning on the Sunday before your tournament is certainly better for your TV ratings and for interest and and everything then it would be him winning eight days before your tournament so I I think there’s a positive there but yeah I’m with you kind of wait and see boring answer but let’s let’s see how it goes I don’t have a specific reason to want the Gap in between it right that’s kind of more of where I that one almost feels like a let down a little bit when Canadian open uh was in that slot but wow what a stray one one other stat North CBS said that it was the Scot’s the first time to win five times before the US Open since Tom Watson in 1980 which I blows my mind that tiger never did that amongst all those runs um this was also Scotty’s first win past the month of April um curse is broken did Tom Watson win the 1980 US Open uh I don’t believe he did no I’m trying to remember where that was let’s see Jack Nicholas set the scoring record at balol and won that one um Liv Houston uh the clicks did it I think that’s the big story here I know TC we’re we’re waiting he’s at the mercy of American Airlines I believe tonight uh uh tra we’re coming back from a family wedding today so we’ll see we’ll see if he’s able to pop on and talk about his beloved cleaks was just bailed and driven to Houston yeah catch the end you know did you have did you actually see him get on the plane I I did not no so I mean he might have gone to Houston to go watch the end he might be partying the clicks clubhouse right now d i can report we would have seen him on TV if he was there I I pr I promise you we would have um quick just you know always interesting or maybe potentially interesting just to look at major championship or you know performers uh in Live Events ahead of major championships week ahead of it Patrick Reed finished third um is he in the US Open actually didn’t even think about that uh he should be right oh no Masters is only five years he might be yeah might be up I believe that he is not in the US Open he was signed up for uh final qualifying and pulled out because of I I can’t remember why oh because he made the cut of the PJ Championship uh and he didn’t want he didn’t think that he could get there in time by that Monday morning so he’s not in the US Open okay um uh David puog is he did qualify for the US Open he finished uh in a tie for third with Patrick Reed as well is that how you pronounce it po that’s what I’m told P day that’s what I’m told um kka finished ninth in a tie for ninth he finished well at the 2014 we’ll talk about all this in our in our US Open preview tomorrow but just kind of running through some of the names that uh you’d recognize to say you know who’s kind of playing well uh the winner of the event was caros Ortiz he beat Adrien [ __ ] on TC’s clicks by one shot I’m just receiving word cam Smith went double double double triple uh today in route to a t48 finish tough with another double on 18 that’s that’s not good yeah I don’t really know what’s up with that I I got admit I did not catch that on on the broadcast but I’m just flagging that as like a you know you want to talk about iron players at uh at Pinehurst you want to talk about good Putters at Majors yeah I feel like just from the little bit I watched with that today I don’t I don’t I don’t know if I’m correlating that Golf Course a whole lot with uh you know with Pinehurst I I don’t know I I not I don’t know if there’s much to glean from that it was my My overall point on that well let me just say just just bottom line I was in Texas I don’t to tell Cody this I was in in the Fort Worth area for a family wedding it is it was so hot in in Texas like if you had the choice on making a new schedule from scratch I’m just I’m wondering why they picked Houston in June I feel like there’s a lot of there’s no like um there’s nothing stopping you from going to anywhere pretty much anywhere else in in the world and look it just feels like an interesting pick our our feelings on Liv I think are well documented at this point I think it’s it’s worth acknowledging and saying like there are there are cases to be made for like things that Liv brings to the golf world they bring an event to Singapore they bring an event obviously to Adelaide which brings you know uh blah blah blah valderama they they they’ve brought golf to certain places and there’s do I think it’s overall worth it for the tear down of professional gol of course don’t but like there’s some points to be made of like youo this is additive this is opposite blah blah blah event this is this is the dumbest [ __ ] event they’ve ever put on I really do think like it’s opposite a signature event they they’ve done a pretty good job of putting their events opposite terrible PGA Tour events and said like oh which one would you rather watch obviously this one can’t pull that off this week is a way worse Vibe way hotter swampass was out the ass it’s like over a 100 real field the entire time they do get to wear shorts so guess get to wear shorts nobody was there and it’s up against like the a signature event of Signature Events on the PGA tour it’s like dude what was the thought process with this one like again in the future whatever is going to get worked out we can work into some of those quotes as well like I would really challenge the notion that they need 14 events if like one of them is going to look like that like you don’t put on enough events to have a dud of this size like the PJ tour puts on 40 events and yeah there are more than 10 that are absolute Duds in terms of I but like if you’re going to upset the apple card the entire professional golf world and this is going to be the final result like yeah that’s probably going to draw a little bit more of attention than you probably want for the wrong reasons so uh that was that was just frustrating today like why not at Memorial right now this is so stupid I will give him a shout out though I landed at nework today and uh they got they must have done a deal with reach TV the airport TVs and they got it just live on like every terminal every gate TV I was like damn that’s pretty that’s pretty good placement for the uh I mean the upstart league yeah I I I would never poke into the numbers but I think that’s where they get to maybe some of those like 18 billion people watched it sure sure and well I actually kind of made a note of like I was I of course plane came in way down I’m lugging the stroller I’m like a freaking Everest Sherpa walking the baggage claim and I was just trying to look like is anybody watching and I can’t say that there were a lot of people that were locked in on the uh on the reach TVs but uh but hey you know good for them they got they got a little distribution deal going at the airport uh I think the probably news of the week you know as much as I love the clicks and their and their dub would be uh the left foot infection of US Open champion John Ram uh potentially putting next week in Jeopardy potentially not I don’t know if we have any updated info that was the latest that I saw uh did you guys see anything else on that ROM wded after was it round two six holes after six holes on Saturday he he wded with that infection he’s got he’s got a left foot infection yes a potential leion God damn it know that we don’t know that well okay so it’s interesting I didn’t know I didn’t know it was a left foot infection I did see the the video of him you know grimacing in pain after a t-shot which feels like a weird like did that just did he open a wound like you know what I mean like how does sure how you get six holes in and and it looked like he tore something or his knee hurt or he twisted an ankle it didn’t look like a it didn’t look like the reaction of an infection is was what I’m getting at I get these all the time you get a blister that heal you think almost heals over and then a new blister on top of it you don’t real iiz that underneath there’s like something wicked going on and that the the original blister is actually like infected down there I think that sounds like a lesion to me good well it’s not a leion what what’s what always ends up me is I end up having like cellulitis and my leg basically starts eating itself uh it’s it’s a tough scene but I’m happy that he’s identified it this week because next week you want to talk about like hot and a pretty big walk like around Pinehurst this time of year is going to be I would say probably worse than golf club Houston guys I I truly don’t want to rule out that Rah six hes in on Saturday I was like dude I’m just not I’m not going to do this like it is 96 degrees it’s 68% humidity there’s nobody here like I’m he’s not keep socks dry Cody I’m just not gonna do this reminds me a little Cody of uh the lpj match play a couple years ago at at Shadow Creek was it shanan Fang yeah yeah she just said I’m good man yeah for the for the runner up match for the place match next [ __ ] yeah always change your socks Neil good call yeah I I will say one thing suly uh as of I think the close of this evening the the First Mid midseason trade window has closed for live there’s zero trades that were completed I had uh no clue really how this thing actually worked except for I listened to one of their podcasts that the one that Jerry hosts and I guess it had to yeah it had to be a um a match so a like trade you could not do like a free agent or a new uh you know player coming on to a team or anything else like that so it was truly uh individual player on a team versus individual player on a team no money involved at all it was just one for one that’s why nobody ended up getting traded across which didn’t make a lot of sense to me but I don’t know it’s done they tried arbitration screwed this whole thing up in the new collective bargaining agreement they we’ll know a lot more Cody I appreciate you bringing that up because I do think that is a bit of missed Opportunity by live like in you know on paper it’s like having some type of trade that’s the NBA gets so much juice out of that just [ __ ] you know trade machines and and just what if this what if that is like you know come July 1 that’s all we’re GNA talk about for for two weeks is who’s getting traded where in the NBA so yeah but basketball is also a team game and you don’t feel like a [ __ ] idiot when you turn it on and you watch you’re rooting for a team whereas like I F on Liv today and it was like hit a bad shot it’s like oh and this that’s terrible timing right as The Crushers were making a move I’m like oh God this is just [ __ ] kill me this is if this whole thing is all about the team golf though you would think that at least the league would have forced somebody to complete a a trade in order to make some of these [ __ ] teams better because at the bottom like half of this roster it’s so bad it’s it’s so bad but it yeah a huge element of this would be like hey if so and so is locked up through 2027 and someone’s unex iring deal like you want to clear up a spot you know to go for it this like an understanding for all of us of who’s under contract I know yeah there’s none the fact that there’s no that there’s no yeah that that’s not uh public Intel it’s hard to root for it’s hard it what’s hard to talk about because even for us like legitimately would like to talk about it but you can’t because it’s just guessing like we don’t like how much money did Rong get we have no idea right well how does that impact his franchise we don’t doesn’t matter I guess because somebody’s just writing a blank check for it so hard it makes it hard to take Serious for me and they signed a piece of paper a year ago that was like oh yeah this is gonna like Monahan gets to decide what what’s gonna happen with Liv of course that is not how this ended up playing out but how yeah that it’s just all contributing to this landscape that I think I feel like we’ve C talked about this problem I was going to say maybe maybe an inelegant transition here but allow me to try it uh before we we kind of rehash some some same stuff we’ve said before but I’m starting to feel the same way with a lot of the piff SSG p DJ tour restructuring stuff where I’m just like man I I just don’t have the capacity to to Really Care About who’s meeting where what’s going on because there’s no like I don’t think there’s like a secret lock box that somebody has like the idea in that like once we get all this [ __ ] hammered out man it’s just all going to be fixed and all this stuff’s going to go away and that’s kind of what I I think came to a head for me this week when the the transaction committee sub commmittee I’m sorry is is uh you know H hashing stuff out on Zoom I’m just like man who gives a [ __ ] about this stuff I’ve just I’ve reached my limit I’m declaring bankruptcy because I just don’t know what maybe I’m just a lack of you know I have a lack of vision here but I don’t know what’s around the corner and that’s kind of how I feel about live too is just like I have no doubt that like all of you guys feel like this is really important behind the scenes but like I I don’t think I have a place in this anymore and I just I kind of wish wish you all the best let me know if there’s any updated information cool well look forward to talking about that with you here well that’s well that’s what I was trying to get at are you guys feeling any of that what do you what was your takeaways this week uh yeah I it I can’t there’s a press release that came out from the PJ tour that’s of course said nothing like I I I I I think I’ve lost faith that we’re gonna end up with uh something that is like a unified fun professional golf world like I think there was I the reason I got so hyped about what Rory had presented was just like this this makes sense as far as an entertainment product and standpoint right whereas I’m just not hearing anybody else talk like that it’s really important that we all play golf against each other together like 20 times a year like I you know Rory’s quotes some Rory’s quotes this week were like yeah they’re not slowing down anytime soon and like you know there might be a way to work it on in the future where you can kind of do both is like yeah kind of missing the whole point right it just unless you’re all there at mirfield I don’t know maybe maybe you are maybe you are all at mirfield Village maybe there is eight Signature Events where everybody gets together and then you’ll play you know maybe hopefully it’s less Live Events maybe it’s 10 so you that you know 10 Live Events eight Signature Events and four majors is 22 starts like that seems like a reasonable ask of people but it just seems like it’s so messy that I don’t well it seems kind of like the issue that I see with Liv a little bit is you’re trying to do too much like you’re doing the team Golf and the individual thing and so you can’t do both like if Liv is a team golf event they should focus on the team golf right and and you can still celebrate individual players you can still you know who who’s the low round you know who’s the low individual and stuff I just think that they they miss an opportunity because I do think there is a place in golf Like A Team league but they they’ve insisted on trying to split the difference and that’s kind of what I’m sensing from all these talks going on between are we merging are we not it’s just like you’re gonna try to Plate everybody and you know some guys aren’t going to want to do a global tour they’re like why can’t we go to the John Deere we’ve been doing it forever you know I love the John Deere it’s like well I think there’s like something I don’t know there’s probably something to be said for that as well there is something to be said for that but at the same time like that’s not going to make you know public investment fund of Saudi Arabia happy they don’t I don’t think they want to go to the Quad Cities that’s not going to get a deal done de well let’s if we can you want to we can let’s have a little a little fun looking back at at at the at the events that have transpired since last June 6 as we passed the one-year anniversary because there’s a lot of funny stuff in here and that’s why I was in on this for so long and now I just I don’t know if I can keep doing it man but I I think there’s one more like an important thing to note for before we move on from Liv Houston was like if you’re going to be playing golf in 96 degree heat you got to be laved up with your sunscreen this summer guys you got 100% got to be lathered up there’s a lot to not like about wearing sunscreen on the golf course gets in your hands it can compromise your grip for those with gular issues that presents big problems feels greasy it’s sticky you smell like a banana it’s tough to carry around stings when it gets in your eyes it’s not a problem when you use ores and Alps they’ve made it their mission to create sunscreen that eliminates those problems golfers are 250% more likely to get skin cancer it matters get the tops of your ears that’s what my dermatologist tells me arm yourself this season with sunscreen it’s designed for the course with hands-free spray options lightweight and fast absorbing formulas refreshing sense travel sizes you actually look forward to using them big key with the ores and Alps incredible spray great spray radius that’s like I hate when you get a spray sunscreen that barely covers you off this like coats you in it and makees sure you know you’re protected for f a limited time you can get 15% off ores and Alps entire line of powerful clean sunscreen and skincare with code nl5 again go to ORS and Alps uh and check out their products use code nl5 for a limited time you get 15% off their entire line it is worth it trust me um so if I look back uh this is just a a quick little quick timeline I want you guys to fill in uh you know as you see any gaps in my my timeline I did not spend one single second Googling or or piecing this together this is straight from memory of what has happened uh in the professional golf world mostly from the PGA Tour perspective over the last year okay so okay June 6 we wake up to the the shocking news that um the PGA Tour and piff have made an agreement to make an agreement uh which lawyers would of course tell you to never do you either make an agreement or you don’t uh in this moment they gave uh all the power and legitimacy to the organization that they spent uh the last year and a half uh rallying your tour and public support against around hating specifically invoking the spirit of 911 uh and then standing up on television uh with the leader of that organization shaking hands and talking about this agreement that you’ve reached which is not really an agreement that’ll television C CNBC which I I think it’s an important I did not have that in my bingo cards a year ago we want to make sure nobody sees it but the people who do are going to make all the decisions going forward after this uh that your membership which you did not consult in this process uh understandably freaks out about all of this after they’ve made a decision you know not to uh align with the Saudis the the tour has made that decision on their behalf um they go go about losing their main Ally in Rory he calls himself a sacrificial lamb of just being out in front taking all these questions over the course uh of the last multiple years um immediately upon doing this you draw the attention of the doj um so they start poking around a lot of things important important context there uh in addition to our appearance on ESPN is uh the I think the line that Jay said specifically we did this in part to take a competitor off the board yeah forgot that one that was a that was a bit of a and and I I do want to say that just year two of the Canadian open catching a just a b not one strip just like a like come on man just punch him in the nuts for the second year in a row uh while they pick up a second event in Hilton Head to sponsor uh as a signature event that’s that was cool um as a result of the doj poking around you have to remove the claws that you can’t poach each other’s players um you come up with a a deadline for that to to be settled before the end of the year you of course you do not reach it you begin to publicly flirt with PE money eventually setting on an agreement with SSG a a nonzero number of your policy board members are not in favor of the group you landed on and there’s some questions arising of relationships with with Monahan and the Fenway group and how they ended up getting selected with SSG important one before this uh you lose John ROM oh yeah yeah oh we’ll get there oh we’ll get there I remember yeah well that Happ before and also the commissioner after doing all this you know basically has an anxiety attack and Le just leaves for a month which is tough you know kind of leaves things in a bit of a a bit of a vacuum also forgot about that one um your sponsors are Furious that they’re being left in limbo uh several of them bail fans are Furious about the lack real quick there too I would say you go to your sponsors and you ask for exorbitantly more money as well to double it as your ratings are dropping you’re asking for double the money um of course uh John ROM uh leaves to try to speed up things and has inevitably delayed uh any deal going down further Shifting the power over to your ally or your rival I still don’t really know what they are um again fans are Furious the lack of Direction and Clarity on the future of the sport at the professional level the architect of the deal that um you know Jimmy Dunn makes a deal to Le leaves the board saying no progress has been made uh on the deal another board member leaves in Mark flarity uh Rory in this timeline as well leaves the board and wants back on uh meanwhile Liv continues to Rally organize they’ve grown their operation they’ve dug their heels in they’ve made it clear they’re not going anywhere by spending hundreds of million dollars on somebody like John ROM uh despite supposedly signing all of that right away a year ago on this now worthless piece of paper called the framework agreement um it’s now been two full years since the best players in the world all played together on one tour and we are at least a year and a half away from even the possibility of that happening again so that has been the last year from the PJ tours uh standpoint anything I missed guys yeah a couple things is is hurle he still on the board as of now yes but that is a pending question but I I think you missed a big one which was the like good God no how long have we been doing this uh the CFO for the PJ tour and Jimmy Dunn in a senate uh hearing just getting pretty much Dean by both sides of the aisle on like what you basically like what the [ __ ] are you guys doing kind of the vibe of which is usually us talking back to Congress of like what the [ __ ] are you guys doing and and I felt like man these congressmen kind of have a point like what are you guys doing that you are just running you’re just not doing a good job this is not competent work in in our world remember how surreal that was Neil with uh Big Jimmy Dunn out there talking about like killing anyone if he found out that they were involved in 911 I remember yes and who was the other guy that kept being like Oh so like where what about China where where’s China the guy maybe no no it’s no it’s Tom Tom not Tom Cotton [ __ ] it’s the other guy the guy with theor right no no no he’s the guy in the wheelchair uh someone in the comments knows who I’m talking about Josh Holly Josh is going so hard on China God I should mention Ron price would not denounce uh China in the course Ron price just taking just just taking all the fire meanwhile monah out this is when Monahan is not around right and that was the most surreal thing ever it’s like well the commission the guy that did the deals not even here to speak for it and they he’s still he’s still in [ __ ] charge what are we doing so you missed that circling back to maybe what I was saying about 10 minutes ago I just don’t know I can’t I’m finding it harder and harder by the day to picture a world where I’m just like man that was all worth it that was yeah we’ve all finally it’s all finally come back together and like that really was worthwhile and I’m glad I I stayed locked in to all the moving pieces of all of this because it just makes me feel really stupid I I I have tough time pushing back on that I mean I I you know I’m still interested and just fascinated almost from like a business school like case study standpoint of like following this along be like this is going to be a a case study you know it’s gonna be you know a like they write about like Barbarians at the gate like these business books of like hostile takeovers and stuff like 10 years it’s going to have to go but it will be I think in 10 years look back and be like God I still can’t believe that happened like those guys are morons it’s unreal it it really just like I don’t even know where I’m pointing the blame of this of like watching the L I had two TV setup going to live in Memorial today side by side I was just like this is the dumbest [ __ ] exper experiment I’ve a four year of like let’s just mess around with the whole product who cares about the Wake we’re going to leave behind like we’ll figure that out like we’ll be totally fine it’s just so so silly so okay so it has forced some changes on the PGA tour right like the the Sig the Sig events right in a in a vacuum on paper those you know I have some issues with the field sizes and you know we’ll probably talk about that in a second but what the PGA Championship made me realize is like it it really just matters that all the guys are there I don’t care if they shoot 22 underpar or or 30 under par and it’s supposed to be a major it’s like it was just nice to see them all playing together and like that make that that is it man like that matters more than anything else and so yeah fact that we can’t figure out a way to get these guys back together and that it basically seems like it’s just turning into ego now of like there’s some guys on one side that said you know probably players that are like I don’t want to yeah I don’t want to play yeah I I those guys need to be punished for leaving and all that like that’s gonna hold this up for another year and a half at least you’re good point there of like you getting the best players together on the worst Golf Course is better than like split on good golf yes 100% it was like that was a that was an exciting event and I think Memorial would feel the same way if that field was the same you know it’ be like a damn they’re all coming to Jack’s Place watching Jack Shake Bryson’s hand when he comes off in like a T4 finish you know doing something stupid on 18 like some kind of weird fist pump would that’d be good TV like sign me up for that you know yeah remember two years or three years ago now when they pulled ROM off the course when he was like beating everybody’s ass at the memorial and be like you got covid dog or you have your Trace came back and then you have sh penalty you move the grass yeah that was a different year I know that’s what I mean ram just caught tons of bad luck or I don’t know bad luck but just weird situations at Memorial on a different a different level so putting aside and I can’t imagine how much stuff we actually left out in there but like straight up question do you guys support Signature Events on on the tour we can get into what you change about it whatever are you are you a fan of the signature event model I think it’s for me it’s an easy answer yes I am a fan but I think they honestly need to go further like I think it’s it still feels Stuck in the Middle to me right now that’s where a lot of the the uncertainty is and that’s where I think some of the you know Mark hubs and Kevin strans of the world get I think like rightfully upset I think the mules might have landed some punches in that shoe pack article that we’re going to talk about is that when you’re like trying to tell people like ah you’re half in and you’re half out and you can kind of play your way in but not really but we’re going to kneecap the field and we’re going to shrink the field but like we’re doing that for a reason that like nobody seems to really care about is where I’m like this is not we’re stuck in the middle man this is not it and I would be it just keeps going back to like the same thing I say every time which is like just need to admit that there’s two tours you know and like that Neil you were saying like it’s going to be hard to get up for you know The Travelers the week after the US Open where you have signature event major signature event I I just think that if those non-s signature event weeks had an identity of some kind and it was like you you know know exactly what the outcome of those events are and what those people are playing for and it’s not like they’re planning to like move up columns in a spreadsheet that like none of us ever see like I just think those weeks would be so much more fun and I I don’t know we’re just not quite there yet so sorry s that’s a long-winded answer I would say yes I support it but I I don’t we’re not yet I’m with DJ but what I support about the Signature Events is like we do need the best players right now on the PJ tour but in general just the best players in golf playing together more often like that’s the that’s kind of the thesis of the the signature event model I don’t know why the field sizes have to be smaller and the no cut thing I’m like because I thought Lashley made a really good point about the players it’s like well this is supposed to be used to be the best field in golf that was an awesome tournament 155 guys maybe that’s too many but like you go to 100 go to 120 like I I feel like you are kind of burning you’re making these guys in the middle mad for no reason almost well and if it’s gonna be 60 or 70 I know it’s because you want to get the money to the top it’s top heavy they’re trying to make sure that those guys earn I get that but I mean some of these questions these guys are asking are pretty rhetorical and have been answered though right as to why why things are the way they are right it’s you know what why do they have a limited field event well they want they want a better chance of a better leaderboard right and like less of a chance of the Nate lashley’s messing up a good leaderboard messing up a duel between Sheffer and morawa uh today that’s that’s part of the reason why tough one to say out loud who will be the first person to make the take that Scotty’s winning too many limited field events there you go I think it’s you you there certainly I think it’s you right there like they they modeled this out and it’s again not an easy answer but like the bigger you made the Signature Events the more you were going to crush the nons Signature Events like the more you’re going to be adding guys 70 through 120 into the field uh you know you’re not making that tournament that much better for the sponsors that are putting up the 24 million and you’re crushing the sponsors that are putting up the 8 million for the events in between like that was a big part of modeling all that out nobody want to list many stakeholders I know it’s just now we’re solving problems for two different groups of people and that’s you know not really serving the product itself it’s kind of serving the the bottom line I guess well I don’t think that 70 through 120 guys improve the product of the Signature Events I just don’t I’m sorry i’ rather have everybody what I worry about is a little bit like the there’s a lot of talent in in the you know not worry about but like there’s a lot of like younger guys I feel like you you run the risk of it being a little stagnant like I don’t know if the Aon swing five and the you know whatever the other top 10 is that like the osmosis between the the signature and non-s Signature Events like I I think you could make that a little bit more uh volatile I guess would be if if I was if you were asking me how to improve it I would make I would make the field a little bigger I’d get to eight feel the 80 90 I mean I think you go to a hundred there’s got to be some kind of a cut man and like these guys are like talk about the Pampered [ __ ] comment it’s like yo when there’s no cut I do think it changes these guys’ attitude I think some of them just show up and mail it in you know and and I think that’s BS like there should be a it doesn’t have to be half the field maybe it’s 25% but like get rid of the Bottom Feeders but that’s exactly what we talked about Wednesday with sponsors exemptions right if you want somebody to put up 24 million you want the guarantee that like then they cut guys this week like they cut a bunch of like Jordan spe did not play the weekend after workday and Nationwide put up whatever however much money they put up for it and they didn’t play the weekend right like that’s not a sexy part of the competition part but it’s part of the reality of pro golf if you want to have $20 million purses like you got to have companies that want to pay it right right so like that’s that’s where I I I my general thought on this is I think fans and players alike can end up getting focused on the wrong stuff with this right can get focused on we need to send the bottom 20 guys home as if that’s really important to the final end of the product it’s just not that essential right like some of the stuff you got to feed the beast of the people that put the money in that’s just part of the reality of it and I think it just seems like no matter what how they structure it people are getting getting fed up and and annoyed with with little nuances that just aren’t that important in my opinion well I think it’s a it’s a bit you’re right it’s in some ways you’re right it’s a bit symbolic though of like I I think it’s a slap across the face of the guys that don’t get into this event that probably it probably ticks them off more when it’s like that guy goes out and shoots like 10 overp par you know and just mails it in like I know there was a cut this week but some of the past one where there hasn’t been a cut like it’s just I don’t know it doesn’t feel doesn’t feel like a real golf tournament to me I think the cut is important it’s a symbolic thing of like if you don’t play if you play like [ __ ] you don’t make any money you go home like that’s a like core part of pro golf to me but so explain this part though of like Saturday and Sunday mornings early part of the day setting up Hospitality I don’t have there’s not a clear answer to me why you wouldn’t want to have golfers coming through that right like why you want less players out there on the on the golf course on Saturday Sunday it’s not taking up TV time it’s not like really holding anything up in there if sure you told me if you have told me Friday cut watch is like where the ratings come from where the like go look at how many people watch Friday afternoon PJ Tour golf the number would astonish you for how little people it is and everyone people try to act like the Cut’s the most important thing I don’t disagree I think it is a mindset change it totally is I guess I like the cut I you’re making good points though about like who’s who’s signing the checks and this is what matters like for the on-site experience and and the hospitality stuff I’m not going to argue with that I guess the cut to me means that you could probably get a few more guys into the tournament and then cut it down for the weekend I don’t know just more flexibility has to be a little bit of downside to it I guess I think again the answer I don’t I’m not even like disagreeing with you I’m just like the reality of pro golf like the answer like even in that example you gave it’s like more like that then then there’s a chance and what you propos there’s a chance Nate Lashley makes the weekend and Jordan spe doesn’t whereas the other model would say and again ignoring this week where there was a cut like the other model would say like no I know Jordan Speed is gonna be here this weekend right like that’s that’s the goal of this you and that I know but now I’m like yo spe’s got to [ __ ] play better and like so now I’m like um now but now I’m saying like why are we you know giving him a free pass it’s like who’s I’m I’m starting to think like well we got to find the next spe like who’s the young kid who’s the guy in the this is this is where I’m like yo two tours man get him up get him down get some volatility going that’s what I mean so like yeah the Houston open gets into you know the Harbor Town or whatever you know like that that feels like it’s something I can wrap my head around but I know now I’m rambling a little bit but like the the signature event in theory works for me because like yes like that leaderboard today was good and I feel like most of these Signature Events I’m like oh there’s some names up here like let’s see if Colin’s a dog let’s see if Xander can do it like you know there’s guys some of the same names it’s Scotty on top like it’s it’s putting good leaderboards together and getting these guys to play at the same places that’s like step one now we got to make that better and make that more compelling for me and I agree like I think there’s room to fill out the fields like some of the points that that some of the mules made I don’t know if we want to go Point by point that were in the uh in in Adam’s uh I don’t think these are perfect I think they can do better at like plating some of the membership of the opportunities of the a some of the details of the Aon swing 10 and five and all that and how like if you’re you know if you qualify for two of them and they don’t go farther down the list to like fill out the field I think you can you can fix that like I think that’s something that is a fair critique of like filling out the bottom it’s not they’re they’re not overload they don’t have too many guys in these fields well it’s just all over complicated because you have all the other exemptions they have to worry about you know it’s been an issue with the PGA forever of like a PJ tour card is like there’s literally 75 different categories for having a card but that doesn’t mean what it used to anymore now that we’ve kind of made like you said de like it kind of is two tours at this point they’re just not calling it that they’re just kind of you know they’re just slapping [ __ ] together which goes back to like here we are a year later they don’t [ __ ] know what they’re doing they’re for sure slapping [ __ ] together like so and and then you know back to like listen workday all these sponsor RBC like problem with tour you know I guess like credit to them for like you know trying to help help the tour and and spend more money but like it’s kind of a lesson like now they have leverage and now we get these sponsors exemptions it affects the product in a way of like I don’t think it you know that coocher play doesn’t make me mad like we talked about on Wednesday but I don’t know if these guys should be paying 20 $25 million like it’s like you know and that got driven up by an irrational actor came into the market and started overpaying for for everybody so it gets back to you know it’s hard to fight somebody with a blank check and IR rational irrational confidence I guess I also would say I don’t think that like the tour is just like sitting on a gold mine idea that they’re not like it’s pretty much like not maybe not literally but this is about as good as it’s gonna get guys like it’s what I mean like doesn’t seem like they have any other ideas and that’s that’s like I know maybe golf shouldn’t be that big and it’s like oh God now we just got out now we just got out of whack right yeah but like you can’t put the genie back in that bottle because you know like and so gonna be really interesting Wells Far goes out like what what happens to all these other title sponsors right like give it give that two or three years it’s like at some point they’re G to be like this doesn’t make any [ __ ] sense man that’s what I’d be saying if I was the CMO I’d be like man I might go sponsor the LPGA Tour or go like try to get more involved in team golf at the rider cup twice you know every two years or something I don’t know some point have like a sponsor or pass sponsor on just like talk about what they get out of all this like CU that’s where it’s just like some of the [ __ ] that we talk about just doesn’t matter to these sponsors they just want to entertain some clients put on events they do but that makes sense to a point like everybody has a budget though right and when you start and now it’s like it’s probably raising eyebrows in the you know outside the the marketing division of like yo we’re spending how much on this I gotta think AT&T was saying that with Byron Nelson like they were kind of getting screwed for a while there with Pebble and Byron Nelson almost getting downgraded so it’s like okay cool we’re out on Byron Nelson we’re going to go hard at the you know AT&T but then they have to pay double for that event it’s just like I don’t know it’s it’s tough so yeah pay triple pay triple and like cut down everything that that event was known for like the history I know it’s just like yeah anyway RC comments and everything else like that but Sly hey we we have somebody waiting in the bu I was gonna say speaking of getting paid triple I think we got I think we got someone to bring in to to talk about that phenomenon hello TC hi I’m at the airport I just landed got my guys with me say hi Freddy say hi uh I mean what a day what a day you guys were talking about you know all sorts of dysfunction and everything like that and the clicks uh clicks got it done uh lives not happy I know that that you know Liv uh Liv social didn’t didn’t give him a shout out for the first 30 minutes after they won just seeing seeing the disrespect showed to these small Market teens uh Blandy shot 60 s today carried them across the line rockus crowds I don’t think I ever expected them to actually win one of these things it’s crazy TR crazyc TC do you like Ker’s chances heading back to uh back to Pinehurst next week is he a favorite for you your captain and will you apologize he got it done today I don’t he got it done today but he you know he after a double you know double in a boat he was three over through like three holes today so uh no Blandy Blandy shot 67 and carried this team today so uh all credit to him you know I think Moran great performance Cay samuya couple couple of Shanks in there uh we’re we’re ahead of the Fireballs the range goats we’re way ahead of the aces in the in the table right now so uh sky’s the limit guys are you upset that that they let the trade line trade deadline pass without making any big moves to the Future No I think this this kind of validates what they were about right they they you know it took them a few months to get the get the ingredients in place and and now it’s paying off so uh we’ll see you know Houston obviously uh just a proper Championship venue down there Greens Greens look great and uh you know it was I truly this is like one of the biggest upsets in sports history this is like this is like William Cricket this we yeah what a what a week right what a week uh TC I mean natural question just how high is the ceiling for this team we’re looking at it you know we’re looking at it but uh it’s listen I I think I mean that they I think they tied for second last time out and then got the win here so I think we’re good so congratulations man go celebrate with your family thank you thank you uh s American Airlines we were 20 minutes late really really bad experience but they got us here safely okay look like look like you landed a little early TC I was checking in on you I’m glad to hear that so I’m glad they made up the time in the air yeah yeah yeah so all right all thank you as always TC thanks TC um that was like a player calling an effort like it’s like Max calling in the Pod his way to the airport so many winners calling n Corda called in Rose has called in Max of course called in and now TC calling in after the cleaks win you know I guess I wish what’s what’s really tough if I was gonna sum it up cuz like you know I feel like I’ve been pretty negative here the last 30 minutes which I hate I hate that I I almost wish that Liv Houston was like rockus and awesome I wish like one of these like something was going well you know what I’m trying to say like I wish I almost wish the competitor was like wish it was worth while like yeah I guess that’s well said it’s like god dude it’s like neither one of these is winning that’s that’s kind of where I’m at they’re both losing is is how I feel I mean if I’m being honest like this is this is kind of where I think where the positivity comes for me is and listen Memorial was fun down the stretch fun to watch Scotty hold it off I cannot wait for Pinehurst this week I think it’s going to be really really really freaking fun but on a lot of these weeks where the PJ tour and you know pro golf in general just becomes kind of optional like the recreational game is [ __ ] going like this like it is crazy how much more just anecdotal but like how many more people in my life just seem to be taking up the game we’ve seen how hard it is to get tea times that’s kind of like where my head goes is like man do I want to be thinking about like you know what’s going on with the sub trans like the transaction subcommittee or do I want to be thinking about like how to fix my early extension in my golf game and like going to see new places and go you know playing with friends and doing all that stuff like hell yeah dude like that’s that’s just I think gonna become like I think that just got so far out of whack Jeff Shackleford talks about this all the time too but like I’m making this up but let’s just say it’s it’s 50/50 for somebody like how they consume like golf let’s just say it’s 50-50 like Pro game versus recreational golf like back in the day like before tiger I mean that was like so much higher towards the recreational golf was people’s experience of golf and for a lot of people it still is and I feel like that has just like swung so far out of whack to an unsustainable level which is how we find ourselves in this giant mess to begin with and that like whatever they’re cooking up back there is not going to be better than like just going out and playing on a a Saturday afternoon and I think a lot of people have started to say that about TV ratings and realizing like ah the weather’s good and I think people are just like checking out and going to play instead and so you know I know we’ve talked about that like with the podcast even where it’s like man it’s there’s probably ways to incorporate a lot more of that into this podcast than you know trying to break down all the X’s and O’s of what’s going on with live Houston which sucks because like there is a a real gravitational pull towards a television when Pro Golf is good right like there is a like did you see what happened yesterday like oh my God is is blah blah blah going to hunt him down today he’s got four shot Le on the four shot like you can’t force that kind of interest and that Intrigue out of it and it feels like sometimes we do have to summon that right whereas like do when everybody gets like PGA felt pretty freaking natural to be like dude for sure kind of the whole golf world I felt like that at the Players I mean my son was born I was like I’m trying to find T like the TV remote in the hospital room like yo this is this is shaving up to be a great Sunday you know and that’s what I mean those moments are like still there and still going to be there and it’s just it’s a matter of like trying to make those it seems like what they’re in these boardrooms doing is trying to make those weeks like every single week and I’m like I just don’t think that’s possible in golf yeah I don’t that’s way too much golf man there’s four tournaments a year that matter everything else they they continuously try to to amplify and say oh yeah look at this m that’s at the end of the day suly your feeling DJ your feeling that only happens four times a year totally and that’s because what marketing and everything else history lineage whatever you want to say is told us that’s what matters everything else like go out and play go enjoy your life and you know there’s people all the time when we talk about this like oh you guys have the opp you can change the channel you can go do whatever else but like this is also our job and this is obviously something that we’ve chose to do and we’re going to watch we’re going to provide this podcast and these products and everything else that we go through and we feel like we we have to watch the golf in order to inform and entertain our listenership our viewership and everything so over time it it it like it gets very monotonous but you’re right Neil like when you have those moments and you’re like dude like yeah vahal the course stunk but everything about the tournament was like yeah I want to watch that I can’t wait for next week I’m so excited for next week and yeah maybe we’re trying to do we’re trying to do it too many weeks de I think that’s well but I would argue like it might now be the four weeks that really matter but I before all this happened there were definite defin it was not every week and it wasn’t every big event but there were definitely moments where like dude that golf I watch mattered and I I yeah I don’t know I always think back to like the Val Spar when Reed and spe were in the playoff that was just like [ __ ] that was awesome and were some of those like Mexico opens yes you know like yeah yeah like there there’s probably it doesn’t have to be four it should be like 10 12 15 times where you’re like yo I’m locked in this week this is great yeah it is kind of hard to because you brought up like the the five wins this early in the season by Scotty earlier and how shocked you were the tiger like Tiger’s schedule was the way that it was for a reason like he spread it across the entire season he didn’t play that much at the beginning of the year you know he had he had a couple over like DP World Tour events that he would go hit up but this is when like he really started cooking and that’s where like the memorial mattered and I think the memorial is yeah you know it’s in a weird spot now not just off of Memorial Day weekend but also moving PJ Championship moving the players around some of these smaller events had to kind of you know Get shrunk down and that’s kind of where it’s at now so I don’t know I’m very interested to see how the the Signature Events what they move into but overall I mean we only have one left I know this is the first year that we made it so they weren’t mandatory for everybody but everybody still seems to be showing up I think a lot of that’s money but I don’t know it’ll be very interesting to see where what comes of it because eventually you’re right Neil like what’s going to happen when you have more more of these sponsors of signator events or it’s like no man like I’m not paying that much money for this crap anymore yeah yeah let’s get uh LPGA and then we we tease at the beginning you can start Senator men Cody’s gonna throw up uh we’re gonna do a five to 10 minute segment of throw up as many questions can be about truly anything it does not please don’t make it about uh June 6 pleas it could be B please make it be a fun segment we bet you the top or Jan 6 no no no six true uh lanaa storm uh shot a final sorry sorry excuse me I typoed that one lanaa Strom uh shot a final round 60 default from 52nd Place to winning I that’s as far back as I’ve ever heard of a winner just run that sentence back again there I think final round 60 to come back she was in the the the third group off of the first te today and won the tournament it’s insane man it’s it’s insan aaka fway uh and Megan Kang finished in second place um notable occurrence this week NASA hatoko was uh disqualified uh which I was reading could end up costing her a spot in the Olympics as she um missed a uh played a uh her second shot on the ninth hole from long Fescue around the green uh it was her last hole of the day and after uh uh footage was reviewed provided to the lpj following the round it was determined the search for NASA’s ball lasted longer than three minutes um it was commented on on television Tom Abbott had commented that they’d been looking for quite some time and then again after I’m unsure the timeline of when it was reviewed or why it was reviewed late but uh determined it took three minutes and 25 seconds to find the ball and she played it which then made the rule that she played from the wrong spot scorecard was signed it wasn’t you know communicated to her until the following day and she was disqualified based on that which was uh unfortunate incident there that hopefully doesn’t end up messing up uh messing up qualifying for the Olympics but uh aaka footway finishing second this week I haven’t seen the projections I imagine would not be the wrinkle she was looking for out of that but uh go going back on Lana largest comeback on the lpj since what year you guys think did you see this since like 1500 like since the beginning of theour how was there largest comeback in 40 years that’s that’s heavyweight stuff I’m s I’m honestly surprised there’s a comeback that’s been from that far back it’s unbelievable so my models for how far back is too far back it does change everything back in the day remember that not to go back to NASA but like didn’t they change that where you you cannot people can’t call in or their disqualification is no longer on the table I thought there was a rule change specifically about this there’s a rule change about like um I’ll I’ll get the specifics of it wrong but you can’t if it’s something that like was was not visible to the naked eye and is reviewed from HD footage it no longer can constitute like after the fact can constitute a disqualification right like it can’t be like a grain of sand was moved in the bunker blah blah blah that was not you know seen on camera on television but this is like hey you took too long to find this ball that ball should have been declared lost that’s not HD footage that led to that it was you know and it was commented on live I think this is honestly like I’ve read this and I was like this is a resource problem for the LPGA like this this should have been caught uh prior to to this happening especially if Tom Abbott’s commenting on it as it’s happening on the television window uh saying it that it had taken too long or had taken a long time that been something that they should have been able to to quickly scramble somebody to look at and count but that was not able to happen so anyways want to get some questions and get to wrap well I think I think you have a second Arizona state sundevil that you want to give a shout out to this week and that’s Lyn grant for absolutely dusting everybody at the Scandinavian mixed as well ended up winning by one stroke over Sebastian Soderberg just heartbreaking loss there I don’t want to uh like mince words or anything but potentially one of the worst finishes that that I’ve ever seen including the the 18 poll it was it was just heartbreaking to see but Lynn ended up shooting an incredible final round as well what she shoots 65 to to come back I think she started the day 11 Strokes back and ends up winning it uh really cool event I know we shout this out every year but another mixed event let DP World Tour uh second time Lynn’s won this event so just absolutely beating it up she won up by nine in 2022 over Henrik Stenson and and Mark Warren and then yeah Callum Hill was another the putt that Soderberg missed to get into the playoff was not a long one it was really really it was for bogy uh to shoot 76 to get into the playoff and he missed it shot 77 and missed the playoff by one it was a very tough scene D any any Rel to Stephen Soderberg uh I’m pretty sure I I’ll double check that but yeah I think so at least he’s probably seen Oceans 11 I’m guessing sure sure minimum I think Lyn woned her hometown as well just always you know I know ry’s going to love that practically a home game first one here we go guys uh speaking of Scandinavia mixed there was a PJ tour equivalent of the Scandinavia mixed not talking about the the thing that they do in the fall where would you hold it what would the ideal format be Star Mr uh DJ you look like you’re deep in gosh I was deep in thought so I was hoping you weren’t you wouldn’t calling me okay Neil no no no I can answer I would say uh yes there should be uh I think it would be super super fun I think it would be you know if I was going to be pessimistic you would probably get not all the top players and it would probably turn into kind of a Wendy’s three- tour challenge situation and it would Wither on the vine Nate Lashley is already gonna be furious about the t- markers for the women they’re too far up like yeah but moving all of those roadblocks aside let’s just say that you uh you know let’s just say you could clear clear the decks on all of that and everybody was fully you know invested and excited about it uh I would have it at I don’t know have it at Valhalla I don’t know piss us off on the men’s side I think the women’s game is actually gonna be great for the uh for the solheim cup so you know I think you could stretch the men back you know as far as you possibly needed to and I think actually the golf course would play probably a little more interesting for the women so to have it Valhalla I think that’d be great people in Kentucky deserve a deserve a good good event like that I mean I just think they should start with the President’s Cup of course and make that I know we’ve talked about that many times but that’s just an easy answer I think the Pinehurst US Open when they the men’s and women’s uh you know back-to-back weeks I feel like Pinehurst would be an awesome spot for if you were going to do a PJ tour equivalent that’d be a good spot to uh to start it up Harvard town was the first thing that came to mind for me I think that’ just be that’d be fun uh just to see the contrasting styles on that Golf Course is there I know uh the whoever the main player is for Zurich but it it seems like there’s a you know every year we get kind of crazy pairings whoever the partners are whether that’s Brothers you know the fitzpatricks the Brooks and and Chase out there which by the way I haven’t heard anything about how the the amazing play of Chase kka all year since he got dumped by Liv that’s besides the point uh but is there anything saying that like Nelly can couldn’t be invited by any Scotty next year and Taylor Made wants to do this and do a Zurich activation Zur whatever Zurich should 100% lean into it like they should yeah I know I mean they should let them do that I don’t know if there’s a bylaw that says I mean no there’s not because you’ve had women play in the colonial in other men’s events already feels like they could do that I’m ready to see Nelly in a in a PJ Tour event as well that’s maybe a separate question but uh what else you got cooked up for us code all right got a lot of uh US Open questions which will uh we dabble in that this is a reward for everyone that stuck around till the end and watched it live perfect so uh of the crew who’s all going to be at the US Open David Jared is asking that it’s just going to be kbv uh there this he’s he’ll be arriving I believe this week he’ll be writing he’ll be popping into live show all that but uh goingon to be taking we’re all going to be taking the majors from home watching on television just like everyone else and and doing live shows after every single round happy hour on Wednesday we’ll have a preview podcast out Monday night as well we will give you our our full depth of coverage but all doing it from home except for kbv I think a bit of bit of context on that kbv will be there we know he’ll he’ll be writing his big Sunday night gamer I think that’s kind of our you know we’ve been taking so much this is maybe inside baseball but we’re taking so much of you know info from a lot of these like old game stories and old SI stories and you know it’s kind of a shame like it’s one of the things that’s that’s kind of Gone Away in golf is you know I understand all the realities of why but uh it’s hard to send a writer there for like seven eight days to just write one magazine story at the end of the week so uh we’ve been trying to do that since we brought on kbv to like have you know build our own little archive and like you know when we get hopefully 10 years down the road like hey what did kbv say about Scotty’s win at the Masters we can go back and and look at it so we know we’ll have that in between that it’s always kind of a bit of a grab bag so I would almost encourage people like let let us know let kvv know go on The Refuge drop us an email let let us know if you see something that you like you know the thing we always struggle with with the major Championship coverage is like you can’t treat every Thursday like it’s Sunday and it can’t be like oh my God Ricky Fowler is out to a one-hot lead I need to write everything about Ricky today I need to give it the full kvv treatment what does it mean what does humanity mean you know all all because Rick’s probably going to make double on the first hole the next day and it it kind of gets uh a little outdated so we struggle a little bit on like what to do that’s not exactly like everybody else and what you know still additive and and kind of brings a good value so uh we’re always trying to figure out what that mix is so interested to hear from people on that great all this comes from Mr David Stewart over under for winner next week send it at uh minus 5. five I’m going over over as in lower lower yes as in like I think it’s gonna be closer to 10 yeah I’m I’m with you I agree I think I think it’s like eight to 10 is is where I I feel like after seeing the course I will you was at Piner a month ago we have a film room out on YouTube Ben and I played a match out there but they are definitely going to keep the surrounds shaggier so there’s not going to be a lot of Martin kimer just putting from everywhere it was it’s not like like Shaggy Shaggy but it’s definitely like you just have this feeling I don’t want to putt this if it’s more than three yards off the green you got to hammer it so hard and then it gets up on the tabletop and just goes forever yeah sweet Dynamic yeah so they’re gonna be they’re gonna Force these guys to to use wedges in in you know the Short Grass which I think is a a good update to the course for this uh this goor round and then the other big update is they Shrunk The Fairway in on 13 uh they they added a bunch of wire grass up the left side of 13 which is awesome whole kind of short Par Four up the hill I don’t know like it it made it really skinny and it’s like it almost feels like it’s it’s almost just as hard to hit the Fairway with like iron it’s so skinny like back I I could see a lot of guys just trying to blast it up to you know because it almost gets like wider up towards the green just depends on how far back the te is but that was the only other like major update that I noticed out there you hit driver there I think so you hadit driver Neil or uh Bend like snap hook left Ben hit the molotov cocktail there I did hit driver and I hit a really good one and it still crept into the wire grass but I had like 80 yards you know and it’s almost like maybe better to have a wedge in to that green because you can kind of put it over the back of that green and and it’s a little you know a little safer back there so I don’t know maybe I’m maybe these guys are so good with iron that don’t take my word for like oh that we can definitely hit that fa with an iron it’s just I haven’t I haven’t checked I think they’re going to play different T’s than you guys played but I I have to to verify that as well oh 1,000 I hope they did well I have a question coming off of that and and shouting out the film room real quick on weather there looking like some potential rain tonight of a half an inch in Pinehurst and then no but almost no wind projected this week seven six miles an hour for most of the week like Piner isn’t the kind of course that needs needs wind but like whenever the wind doesn’t blow more golf courses they are going to rip them apart so yeah low scores good to hear what I hear from that is that June in Pinehurst is notorious for like the craziest lightning storms that come out of nowhere that’s usually what happens that uh every time they host US Open um except for that foggy one you guys did an awesome look back on by the way go back and look at the Pinehurst Deep dive us opens phenomenal work there um what uh oh I was gonna say so 10 years on now we talk about major championships and obviously you want to give a a good thorough uh preview of what’s going to happen do you guys think the fact that you’ve been to Pinehurst so many times you’ve been around number two so many times you’ve seen the evolution of number two like how much is that aiding in it versus this you know the prep work that you did for Valhalla or you know Lac only TC and suly ever G to play courses like that you know uh if you can talk on that a little bit we’ll go with you first suly DJ and Randy have played lccc as well I’d have to I have to venture that that’s true on invite not just on us open media day either but um I mean yeah I have more affinity for it having gotten the chance to play it and and like just having like truly the time of my life playing it it’s like I believe I’ve declared it my favorite golf course I’ve ever played in the United States may have to update that after getting the chance to play uh a gusta National but uh it’s it’s just like there’ll be there’ll be no whining about golf courses and setup maybe they might be set up whining but there will be no like discussion from us on on the lack of test of this golf course right it tests so many different things and you know you get to see it up close and personal and we’ve seen it on television as well I watched you have to be in such control of your golf ball it’s a great balance of like rewarding accuracy off the tea without overly narrow Fairways it’s just kind of like you leave like the for forward forward review of it it’s like what we’re talking about which I think I used in tus sauce about one of the courses I forget what it was but like this is kind of you guys never talk about the golf course you actually like like it’s this it’s this exact one it’s the highlight of the year in terms of the rotating venues I think the rotating ven are quite weak on the obviously on the PJ Championship side I like Ro trun it’s probably still one on the lower spectrum of of Open Championship rotor courses like Pinehurst is a a anchor site for a great reason and it is for modern professional men’s golf uh it’s obviously would be great for the women as well but like this is the kind of test that’s necessary of how can you get your golf ball to stop that is a major major major question this coming week and not every Golf Course is like that and they’re the USGA and governing bodies and PJ tour are having TR trouble finding golf courses that ask that question and I don’t think that’s going to be a problem this week one thing I’d add to that was at media day Windam Clark did a Q&A and I thought he had a really good quote about the course he just played it for I think the first time like the day before and he said you know no hole really jumps out at you but it’s just a really like the the the full body of work it’s just such a strong collection of golf holes and I think a criticism you could have if you haven’t been to Pinehurst is like they all run together on TV you know it’s a lot of like the look it’s like I don’t get what’s so special about it but like there’s just it’s a collection of 18 really really strong golf holes and uh I think that for like a you know major venue is like exactly what you’re looking for um I think there’s a couple standout holes but I think the the floor is very high at Pinehurst which I appreciate Donnie gets obviously all the credit for it but a lot of people forget that you know he lived there for the vast majority of his adult life he he continued to work on that course for 50 years needling away on it and it’s something that I think you know when you hear like Jack’s work is never done at mirfield Village and like these guys always trying to refine and and make good I think a lot of that comes from Donald Ross um kind of cool to see but another thing question here from Gary starky should the Leo get a major championship or at least they look at a PJ tour or at least at a tour stop we goj there first uh you’re putting me in a real bad spot here Cod man because uh my answer is going to be no uh I hate to go against of course my my home state of Wisconsin I got to play the Leo a couple weeks ago uh it’s very very very very cool uh I would think tour players might shoot 65 under there probably uh it’s you hate this at all like golf courses should be either about that thing or about what it is and it’s theying both things they are having a us midam I believe in a couple years and if it gets spicy like there are very interesting sections of greens and if it gets running out like there are so many bunkers out there so I’ve honestly you need to come back and we can go play it cuz I’m very curious of your uh your thoughts on on the golf course because n none of it TC and I were talking about after we played none of it feels like I don’t want to say it feels like random but there are times where there’s almost just so many bunkers that it’s like dude even if I knew that that was there which I didn’t because a lot of them are like blind and like benched in the back of hills and stuff it’s like even if I knew that that was there I’m not good enough to avoid like all of those so I have to lay like so far back that it just kind of ends up you you kind of hit and hope you don’t bounce into one of those bunkers is is a little bit of the golf course but on the holes where it doesn’t feel that way like there’s some really really good stuff but like serious answer about like a tour stop and stuff is I mean there’s nowhere to stay there’s no like Hospitality there’s no I I don’t know I’m sure Wisconsin would would show up as best that they they could but uh let’s see how the US midam goes first before we before we do that can I ask a question maybe as we as we head towards rapping and seeing some of the comments rolling in as well and something we deal with during every major championship discussion about golf courses is why why do people associate like an exciting finish or a showdown with the quality of the golf course so heavily like that that always amazes me like is Valhalla responsible for like Xander and Bryson showdown in that or is like why does that make it a quality Golf Course like like that’s not a fair criticism that we could have of a golf course I guess people don’t want to think that hard like I don’t mean that like to be a dick but like it’s like what what’s the problem like why can’t you just enjoy the tournament and like like watch it it’s entertainment like I think there’s a lot of golf fans or people that turn golf on on the weekend something to that as well and I don’t disagree with them a little bit like I think that’s a very valid take of like dude why don’t you just enjoy like it was a cool shootout and I I guess the other argument they make is like that’s what three times in a row that valal has had an awesome finish like I guess that’s a you know it’s kind of hard to say that’s coincidence right like there’s been the first going at it down the stretch first one wasn’t awesome what you know if you have one bad one do you get out of veras as well I well I’m just I’m almost you’re making the opposite argument a little bit yeah just well because I think that there’s a valid argument of like it’s not about the golf course it should just be about the competition of like I just want to see like two guys duke it out down the stretch like a you know like we said last during Val Hall it was like a member guest and like I can think of a few like tournaments where you go to some crappy club and you’re like oh my God this guy is he gonna make this putt you know like the drama is real like it of course doesn’t matter I don’t agree with that completely but I think you know I don’t fault anybody for thinking that I I don’t want to get my like width and angles card revoked here but it’s like man did I enjoy like B reev and coming down the stretch there like yeah I did like I don’t know that was really re credit though is what a lot of fans tend to think I think sometimes I guess if I’m it’s almost like one of those like glowing brain memes where the the brain just keeps getting like brighter and brighter but you could almost argue like the less questions you’re asking the more you’re going to guarantee that you’re gonna have a bunch leaderboard and it’s almost like the worst Golf Course like the more drama you know you’re gonna have I’m kind of kind of like I agree with that yeah so I I don’t know I’m I’m kind of getting to that getting to that point as well especially as like you know everything we said about the transaction subcommittee and things of that nature it’s like if we’re only going to get four of these that matter a year like would I rather have like would I rather be just like standing off my couch clapping because it’s like I’m so [ __ ] proud Scotty hit it to 30 feet there so that he can go on and win by nine or would I rather be like oh there’s like five guys in the mix that can win and I can’t wait to see what happens it’s like voting for The for B but you know yeah but for the US Open I do want it to be like a psychological evaluation like I’m I’m down with the US Open being and and I’m willing to risk Michael Campbell winning or of course you know or or kimer running like yeah you might get a bad winner but like when the golf course like kind of is the feature like for the US Open and the toughest test I’m in on that do I need that for the PGA yeah I don’t of course it doesn’t matter quite as much for me for that tournament I don’t want to see him just like you know I don’t want it to be a total birdie Fest like I would like to see it play a little more strategic or tough but it was a cool leaderboard I think it would be different too if and this is not even a shot or saying that the telecast should even do anything differently because this would be stupid but like if you could really like sink in to if you had way fewer players on the golf course or way fewer players you were dedicated to actually like showing and you could really sink in and explain like the architectural significance of more shots I think that would be a different conversation like if you could do that at Augusta and you weren’t trying to like it was like hey man we’re really only gonna we’re g to take like every shot from these two players rounds and we’re going to talk through each shot and we’re going to talk about like who’s got a good angle who’s got a bad angle who’s you know got a hanging lie what that’s going to do on the green what you know where he’s trying to pitch this versus stop it like if you could really take the time to sink into all of that stuff I think it becomes a different conversation but in reality it’s just like holy [ __ ] there’s 35 guys we got to get to like go go go go go go go and of course nobody’s gonna be like well the reason he hit it to 12 feet was because of that kicker on the right and now he knows he has this putt and now you know what I mean so like that stuff’s Never Gonna Shine through on TV yeah I think it’s less about like angles is it as much as like that as far as translating it’s more about risk balance right of like an appreciation for like all I know if you go at the back right pin at 12 at Augusta like everybody knows how risky that shot is right and that’s kind of some of the stuff that was lacking at at um you know I I I’d be curious to see if we feel like Piner has that right with not much wind and if there’s any kind of softness as well like does that shine through of like having the layer of appreciation for how good of a shot that just was because five balls got rejected in the previous groups I don’t know I’m excited to find that out we’re not going to do too much uh pioner stuff tonight because we’re have plenty of preview two pre we’re going have a happy hour on Wednesday 4 P PM Eastern we’re going to do our full Monday preview pod like we normally do we’ll be live after every round Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday right here on YouTube Twitter podcast feed wherever you get your show uh anything else you guys want to pop promo merch anything Neil yeah called out the the roback uh the film room we did at Pinehurst um that is on our YouTube channel if you want a little course preview uh more kind of a laidback back one little belt match between Ben and I um straight up mono Mano trying to take the belt from after he took it from s uh got a merch promo going little Father’s Day Cod is Dad 24 spend 50 bucks you get a free dob kit how about that dads love do kits dad dad’s love organization of their toiletries uh so drop that do kit in your cart and add the code dad d24 in the nlu Pro Shop uh and if you want more deals like that sign up for the email newsletter new newsletter. it goes out twice a month with a bunch of goodies in there that’s all I got we had an interview podcast with brand shamb B this past week as well on top of our Deep dive into the past three Pinehurst us opens those are on our podcast YouTube channel if you want to watch the ver video versions of those they’re also on your podcast feed if you haven’t gotten to those but uh if you can’t wait any longer uh you can’t if you can’t make it to Monday night for our preview episode which I just did a long drive now I kind of get some of the vibe I’m like dude need more episodes need more podcast episodes keep them going no I listened to the whole Pinehurst deep dive on uh a three-hour drive this this weekend it was delightful guys I I really enjoyed it uh trial right now most of my drive today uh I also would shout out tour sauce finished up uh this past week our ninth season of tourus sauce if you were waiting for uh all the episodes to drop I can report they have all dropped uh there are eight of them please go watch those thank you very much to our friends of precision Pro for making that season possible uh and also Cody I would shout out the video you did with Cory Lumberg and Al higs uh down at Trinity Forest is very cool this was brought to you by serve proo if you guys are curious just uh you know what what high-end players are working on game management wise uh how how are they attacking golf holes uh Al obviously caded for his brother Harry for a long time on the PJ tour good player in his own right uh Cory works with guys like Mark hubard and Harry as well uh lots of good insights there and then kind of get into your own your own golf game a little bit as well so we’re going to be doing more of these videos seemed like people really really liked it just you know informal straw poll of the uh comment section which is good because we’ve got we’ve got some more of these coming up I believe Ben is coming up next uh so yeah Cody anything else to add on that no it was awesome excited to see what team alus does this week at uh at Pinehurst though but super appreciate everybody all the the good comments and uh my uh my golf game I’m in trouble right now guys you saw me a couple weeks ago I got so many swing thoughts I got body feels going on we got a TPI thing coming out later on I’ve been kicking butt in the gym but my my golf swing just doesn’t feel the same I don’t know it this is I’m in one of those frustrating points of Swing changes where you’re just like I just I want to get to the finish so I can go out and like have fun and hit good shots again but it’s just not lining up so go watch the video and see how I ended up here I guys I was totally convinced I I found the swing field of all swing Fields it did not last it didn’t last 24 hours did not it’s gone it’s we’ve lost it it’s gone so all right let’s get out of here we we said we’re going to do an hour and a half tonight we just can’t we can’t stop talking too much to talk about too much content coming this week as well stay subscribed appreciate you thank you high noon ORS Alps robc Cody Neil DJ Jordan running the socials uh thanks everyone for tuning in we’ll see you back here all week major championship week let’s get it peace


  1. It needs to be said: Murfield Village is overrated. A course where you can hit a great shot and have it bounce over the back is not a good golf course. At that point just put a flag in the parking lot.

  2. Cody going "you sure you want me in here?" for the police and logistics conversation was hilarious.

  3. Dj is right about the recreational player. I think quarantine created a reminder to everyone. Get out and live!! You can watch TV when you're old and less mobile.

  4. How do you always bitch about courses playing too easy and once a course tests players you find a way to also bitch about it. Also, Shane Lowry was -1 headed into today and shot a fucking 85, I think I'd call that blowing up. I don't think you guys even know what you want to see out of a golf tournament, just kind of bitching to bitch lol.

  5. Yes Scottie is the dominant player right now but he rarely plays outside the USA. Scottish/British Opens and Ryder/Pres cup alt years and that’s it.
    Maybe if he played overseas 6/7 times a year, different time zones, new food, no family, on a variety of different courses and conditions (like the LIV players do) then we might see a different set of results. And if he’s a guy that steps up for “legacy” events how come he’s never played the Australian Open?
    And speaking of legacy players, it was reported in the Australian media during the week that Rory McIlroy wants $1 000 000 appearance fee to play the Aus Open. The hypocrisy of these legacy believers is astounding

  6. I get what soly is saying, but the only player I'm gona watch who is +8 at halfway is tiger.

  7. Scottie's dominance reminds me more of Nicklaus than Tiger…he's always "there" seemingly and – at least gives himself a chance (if the other guys fall apart…which they do most of the time…)…he just wears them out with his overall game consistency. Not the kind of otherworldly talent that wins majors by 12 and 15 shots.

  8. please don't cover LIV golf, it means you're ok trying to make money covering people who kill people. Don't hurt your excellent reputation.

  9. Can confirm the Track Restaraunt is the most overrated breakfast. It is a glorified hotel buffet breakfast.

  10. DJ trying to tell me that MLB is more exciting than professional golf is A. certainly a take and B. a horrible sign for professional golf when this is said on a podcast to literally talk about professional golf. Sad stuff

  11. No one watches the cut on Friday because most people have jobs and can’t watch it. If the cut was Saturday it may be different.

  12. The Tour was more exciting when scheff sucked at putting. And agreed, lose the lame Grey blazer.

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