Why do NFL players sign one-year deals? The risky strategy explained

like why are they always doing one-year deals are the agents just taking advantage of them and then Schneider now that he kind of took over the team did a lot more media availability this year and I I don’t remember what show it was on either a combine or maybe it was one of the Wyman and Bob shows that I’ve tried to forget but he was saying the whole thing is by Design and the reason for that is he says when they’re bringing in an outside player they want to see if they can fit in the building and then if they can they’ll bring them in for a longer term deal after I don’t love that approach because you’re not controlling cost you’re not taking advantage of a Down market cost tends to go up but he talked about like what he did with Cliff averil I think and Bennett and he gave Bennett an extension after the first year and he did it with KJ Ryden the last year of his deal and but going back there’s not a lot of examples of where that’s worked

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