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City Legal Action | Media after Saka | Šeško | Onana | Eze #LateNightLatte

Manchester City have launched legal action against the Premier League. The media continue to single out Bukayo Saka – racism? And the latest on Arsenal transfer rumours; Šeško, Onana and Eze.

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hello and welcome to a late night latte on latte firm it is Sunday the 9th of June and it’s cold in the UK it’s really cold I’m not enjoying it apparently it was the warm almost May on record in the UK I don’t know what part of the UK that that was being tracked but it wasn’t it’s very very cold in June welcome it’s just gone 900m sorry for my uh lateness but welcome to the show we’ve got a lot to talk about tonight I’m going to start off by talking about Manchester City’s legal action against no other than the Premier League um wild absolutely wild going to get some good takes from the panel we’re talk about Bayo Saka constantly being singled out by the English media every time something goes wrong for England and I’m feeling very very upset about that as are my panelists I want to get you guys in the chat as well let me know your thoughts we’ll then look at potential outgoings Mo nenny waving the club farewell there might be tears on the panel at some point tonight I can see him grabbing the tissues right now and uh potential incomings lots of talk but no movement Benjamin shesco um amadu Onana and uh e of Crystal Palace the latest one to sort of be linked uh with Arsenal uh so we will talk about all of you guys um right let’s get to the chat thank you for waiting so patiently uh lots of you watching already live V Vlad good evening FK and all top panel tonight looking forward to this just realized I’m a little bit low hang on there we go H Matthew Simpson says good evening everyone H this will be much better than watching England versus Iceland what a an abysmal game of football that was I’m so out of love with G Southgate in England just I mean look I’ll be well up for it as soon as kickoff comes around in a week’s time but this the whole management setup is so uninspiring uh hello to oy Guna 73 joining us as well hello fellow gooners Paul James says evening all Lucio’s in the chat as well good evening uh Tom Tik Tok gentlemen very sorry for my lack of uh punctuality uh oon saying oh no intro what’s that mean oh no intro uh Paul James says is this lakeness normal it’s becoming normal my apologies uh k myw says evening FK evening all and Trevor bbb’s in the house as well good evening FK hope you’re well right let’s bring in our panelists first up it’s Yan B how are you man I am good mate how are you doing obviously we it’s been a long time since we saw each other isn’t it you know it’s it’s been ages yeah it’s been a few hours um but now I’m good man I’m good I’ve just realized I’m not realized the reason why I’m late basically ladies and gents boys and girls is because my son has stuck Arsenal stickers all along every visible wall that I painted while they were away on holiday and uh raging is not the word uh but how are you you good yeah good mate just had bit of dinner nice little bit of dinner that the wife cooked up kids are kids in bed she’s knackered out playing obviously with your little one so job’s good and then we get to talk about football the lack of it obviously is is killing me killing me I tell you yeah he’s killing me as well it’s a long old schlep I mean normally postseason break weeks go quite quickly you know I’m slammed at work I’ve got kids blah blah blah blah got the channel but it’s tumble weed and it’s so so frustrating um o says yeah there was no intro um I’m sure there was but let me know in the chat if anybody’s oh hang on a second what are people saying on the private chat not running on X oh dear that’s obviously me dropping the ball uh that that we’re just GNA have to we’re just G have to move on with that uh Matthew Hudson says hola people n says never too late for a late night latte with the heart emoji thank you very much for that V Vlad also saying yeah no intro that is wild okay let’s bring in some other panelists let’s bring in Wayne he always knows what he’s talking about Wayne how are you you’ve dragged me away there’s just been a goal in soccer raade and I’m having to help you clean up uh is it is it the guy that does that the business man that does the podcast Dragon wow oh wow way you are you’re not keeping I don’t know his name the guy that do business podcast yeah I don’t know his name is it Steven bartett the black guy oh yeah he follows me and he messaged me once of course he did look at you Mr business footy footy 500 top 10 just saying I just saying um yeah wow uh yeah people are saying there was no intro uh Wayne so I don’t know if you noticed that backstage did you see the intro I didn’t see anything from my end but I know that you there’s nothing going on on Twitter at the minute so uh might want to you might want to get on that I don’t know how I can um I don’t know how I can change it to let’s just go with it let’s bring in our fourth panelist it’s dobo welcome dobo how are you I’m good mate I’m I’m very good doing well missing football incredibly already honestly it’s really dull isn’t it and it was just watching England that Ross compared to what we’ve been privileged to watch in the last season with Arsenal it just makes you realize how much you miss that sort of football don’t you and maybe B would have helped that problem a little bit but that’s a another problem but I’m good hope everyone’s well as well thank you very much man really appreciate you joining the show so look chaps as mentioned we’re going to talk about Manchester City’s legal action against the Premier League which I think is wild I mean it’s unprecedented but it’s wild going to get your takes on that we’ll talk about Bayo saaka and we will talk about Transfer News maybe some news of players coming in and out which would be awesome uh and we’ll take questions from the viewing population as well so welcome to everybody watching on YouTube and YouTube only don’t know why please drop a like on the video subscribe of course if you’re new and you can catch up uh with these as podcasts on Spotify and apple as per normal um oh I tell you what Jerry Greenhouse has gone early a bowl of beef Curry and rice for his hash snack check Yem I know you’ve got something cooking in the background mate what you got for us tonight so my wife and my sister-in-law went to Cafe letto last night and I haven’t they got back late I didn’t have Leto letto it’s a cafe in London it’s quite up Market my wife loves it yeah of course is oh please says the man who literally goes you know we’re talking about oh I need my Gales you know every day I can’t do much more usse so she bought me so she bought me a chocolate sort of caramel cake which looks actually pretty bagging and I shall give my considered opinion in a moment so please continue as I partake do you have do you have anything with that I’m going to go as is I I would go with single cream I would go with single cream okay but I am going to partake as is because apparently it is banging is you know in the vernacular well enjoy it and and make all the sounds that you want to make as you tuck into that Guna 73 says macaroons and an nice latte to wash it down for me I still think Jerry’s is the winner though bowl of beef Curry and rice uh Wayne B what you got for us tonight um I’ve not gone big this time I normally uh I normally do but I have brought along some of my favorite sweets I’m a sucker for hard candy so I’ve got a bag of Jolly Ranchers one of my good friends went to America um and brought back a flavor that I haven’t seen in the UK uh ever it’s called fruity bash and it’s um lemon or Peach strawberry pineapple and orange so uh I’ve got how many band how many band chemicals have we got in there at C enough to keep me running forever yeah fruity bash enjoy it Doo what you got for us tonight my man I’ve got a standard cup of tea and then on the snack front I’ve got some s Patch Kids just Frozen are they they Frozen They’re not no s patch kids are like they’ve got to be got to be eaten as they are sour patch with tea the game’s the game yeah oh he’s got you there oh he’s in he’s in Doo slide slid in there at the back the game is the game I love it well at the risk of offending um lots of Italian people as I seem to do you know first it was the Falafel on the pasta I’m pretty sure I’ve talked about this with with some of you guys offline but for dinner yell we had a curried pasta which was unbelievable um for anybody who is unfamiliar with that that is basically taking leftovers of a chicken curry for example mixing up with some pasta oh my god oh yes if you guys have never tried leftover curry with pasta but which one did you use get but which one did you use lamb lamb cry chicken I just left chicken see that work chicken C I had two or three little bits that would work as well mate I’ve done it I’ve been there I’ve got the T-shirt I’ve you know it lamb Curry leftover with pasta is unbelievable I’m going I’ve had my dinner I’ve had my dinner so I’ve gone for something just I’ve gone for a nice strong Brew decaf of course at this time and yella you’ll be proud got classic twirl on the side um how’s your Cate going down do you know what my word oh my days this is the word banging doesn’t cover it it’s actually Divine Divine I tell you is that right okay fair enough Ben Stewart in the chat says my brother-in-law has cold curry with pasta for breakfast the next day you’re on your own FK and V Vlad says all the Italians just left the chat in disgust they probably did they probably did disgust right there we are right now we’ve got snack check out the way welcome apps welcome everybody watching uh please do like the video it’s a massive help to the channel and get involved in the chat if you’ve got any questions that you want us to answer either as we go along or maybe towards the end of the show let us know but we are going to start by the crazy story uh that is of Manchester City who are now beginning to launch legal action against the Premier League these Graphics courtesy of Sky Sports and a little bit of Google and the financial times now let me sort of I guess set the scene here chaps for anybody body who’s been asleep uh Manchester City have launched an unprecedented legal action against the Premier League that people have described has sparked a Civil War in English football’s Top Flight clubs because English football has been rocked by this Premier League clubs are split in opinion um the settlement as you can see on the screen will start tomorrow uh after a two week private court case if you like uh it starts tomorrow the hearing is basically provoked lots of bit of reaction um Arsenal amongst the clubs that are going to provide evidence a number of clubs that aren’t um and the outcome could basically alter the landscape of the Premier League as we know it chaps I mean look they’ve already got their 115 alleged breaches of the Premier League’s regulations and financial rules that hearing is expected to last six weeks and that’s going to be later in the year that’s going to obviously lead to potentially massive fines maybe even relegation for for Guardiola all conquering side um but City are basically arguing that they are the victims of discrimination uh describing uh the rules that they say have been approved by their Rivals to stifle their success on the pitch as uh someone has just said in the chat oen uh the tyranny of the majority I mean look the news broke this week y b it’s wild what was your take on it how have you digested this I mean I think most of us were thinking something some kind of retaliation would come from Man City it would depend actually on the the nature of if City believed that the 115 case was going their way or not I think that’s what we will assume because everything is behind closed doors at the moment this legal action to me and and this is my opinion again I don’t know if everyone agrees with this just feels like the 115 is not going their way hence why they’ve started this legal proceeding and just to be clear this is not this is um it’s it it’s an arbitration they’re going through initially so this is an arbitration initially which means that they will be going through mediation against the Premier League and to see if the rules will obviously be challenged Etc if City don’t get this they can go to court so they can appeal go to court so it’s not going to be this two we ation is going to be done and then that’s it that that won’t be the last of it whatever happens there will be an appeal process whoever wins because we’re talking about the future of the Premier League we’re talking about the future of man City’s ownership model as it stands and the biggest issue here is is that you’re talking about a club who have so the the rules change this year slightly actually so this is why Man City have kicked this off now in relation to the 115 as well earlier this year the rules were Chang CH slightly on the um Associated party transactions AP you’ve probably seen this and it was changed because of newcastle’s ownership the recent change Newcastle ownership because people were worried that what happened with man city will happen again with Newcastle I.E that their any sponsors that are linked to the ownership I.E in Manchester City’s case ettihad is a very good um a very good example they could say effectively ety hat currently the rules say that any any sponsorship deal that is done must be vetted independently for fair value uh fair market value which I think is perfectly valid it’s independently audited and they say this is fair market absolutely fine what man city are arguing is that is um discrimination and they want to scrap that system and they want to be able to have their sponsors invest whatever they like so could put 1 billion in if they wanted to and then that would be allowed now the rules were changed as I said earlier this year because of new Cil and it was changed to prevent that effectively so it was audited and I think there was a percentage put in place but as you put as youve rightly listed there fisel it’s a two-thirds majority voting system it’s not an 11 it’s it’s not an it’s not a a small split you have to have 14 teams agree to this and even if Man City did not agree the Democracy of the Premier League won out 14 votes to six so you know when when when teams join the Premier League they’re required to sign the Premier League Charter and you agree to it it’s kind of like you know these are the rules of the game and you have to abide by them I I find this really distasteful I find this really distasteful because it’s saying a we don’t you know if you’re playing a sport we don’t agree with the rules of sport so we’re going to challenge it and you if we don’t like it we will keep challenging it I find that very distasteful because what does that say about sport in general and the way football is now that we are starting to get into this um very heavy Financial heavy data kind of scenario where we’re going to court cases Etc we see this so much now and it’s really damaging certainly My Love of the Game i’ you know apart from the the the ongoings on the pitch we just feel like we’re in court cases issues with teams Etc is it’s not a great look for city either to say we’re you know we’re what I think the word was the tyranny of the majority was their line I find this ging I find it distasteful I think it’s bad on man city I don’t know if Man City I know there’s a lot of accounts that saying well we’re taking on the Premier League cartel I don’t believe that I think this is just a protection measure now to try and avoid the 115 because if City are found if they F if it’s found in City’s fa then effectively the a majority of the 115 charges are null and void because it’s it’s linked so I am I agree with a lot of commentators the Premier League’s future rests on this because to me and I don’t know if the panelists agree with this if Man City Newcastle anyone with state-owned back backing is allowed to have whatever sponsorship Deals they like at whatever value then the league as a competitive entity is dead because you can’t it’ll be two two sides effectively at this present time who can compete I mean look many people will argue that the league is dead already six premier league title wins in seven we know where City’s growth has come from there was a a stat the other day from Sam Dean of the telegraph saying that City’s re Revenue has gone up by 1, 117% in a period of 10 years more than the three biggest clubs in English football combined and they weren’t at a small starting point I’m very well of very well aware of the arithmetic for those of you that are going to back my math skills but um I mean look dobo before the show I said to you read up on this and you know be prepared to talk about it and your WhatsApp response was they’re such wankers I’ve read it all I mean to to to to just to reinforce y’s point I mean City are basically arguing that sponsors linked to the club should be allowed to determine how much they want to pay regardless of the independent valuation and we know that four of Manchester City’s top 10 sponsors have ties to the United Arab AR Ates including the stadium and the shirt sponsor EAD Airways and so basically if they’re successful in their claim as some of these rival clubs will fear that they will be it will enable them as the richest Club to Value sponsorship deals without that need for independent assessment um vastly boosting the amount of money they can therefore raise and spend on players which they’ve been doing for a number of years and let’s not forget this spans back to the arrival of Roman Abramovic at Chelsea which which happened a long time ago Chelsea been spending 5050 million P plus on players since 20056 um what’s your take on it all Duo is this bad taste is this desperation from City are they trying to prove a point and muddy the clouds for the uh for the 115 I think there’s a a multitude of factors to be fair I don’t think it’s just one thing that you can can kind of pinpoint it on but firstly if we are the red cartel as we are being called sign me up and I’ll be a happy member of that cartel because at the end of the day the reason that your arsenals and your liverpools and your United have got the ability to create these commercial deals and spend the money that they do within the rules which United Arsenal and Liverpool have done um for the last 20 30 years regardless of what people think we spent it’s been within the rules we’ve never broken a rule as you can see we we we’ve not been charged um it’s because we’re historically big clubs and I can see why some teams take an issue to that but the fact that these new rules got voted by the majority of clubs a lot of them being the traditionally smaller clubs than Arsenal shows that it’s not an issue unless you are these clubs that are owned by these kind of state-backed governments so your Newcastle and Chelsea I know it’s slightly different but they’ve got Bly at the top and with their kind of situation with PSR if you they they could they would want to do the same sort of thing because you saw what they were doing they’re selling their hotels and stuff like that and then buy it back basically um to create kind of artificial revenue and the problem is I think it’s a bit of desperation from City because City built the themselves up to the club that they are now and to the success that they are now with uh the way that they were doing these kind of commercial deals um kind of backhanded and these are obviously the 115 charges and now they’re kind of pulling it up that the rules have been changed but the problem that I with this is city with the revenue that they say they now generate commercially and as a club it’s one of the highest in World football so they’re now at the point where they can compete with the the behemoths of world football so they’re now only challenging these rules because they think that it’s going to get off get them off some of these 115 charges because it’s not like they’re saying they can argue we’re the small guys we’re being beaten up by Liverpool and Man City not man city man united and Arsenal because commercially they make more money than I think think they made more money commercially than us of Liverpool I think when you actually look at the accounts in terms of how much revenue is being generated in accounts of everything so um I think it’s a bit of deflection and everything but it it it just frustrates me it it frustrates me so much um because the problem is how are any other club even going to come remotely close to competing if they’re basically just allowed to put a no value on any commercial deal slap it on the table and say Here’s a billion pound and there you go then you don’t have to worry about PSR you don’t need to worry about the new um wage cap thing which is being trial at the moment which has been approved for trials by um I don’t know who it was but all of these issues are just null and void and then the clubs at the bottom that are trying to compete and trying to then build into mid table and then potentially kind of catapult themselves further up the up the table in in a in in a bit of time I know it takes longer longer time than the the bigger clubs but you will never be able to compete then but at least in this model you we saw it in 2015 16 Leicester won the league it’s still possible for the the clubs that aren’t traditionally as big to compete with the red cartel but under these new rules if you had Newcastle and Chelsea and City spending what they want getting the best players every single summer giving them the best wages hiring the best coaches the best facilities just having the best of the best of the best then even in them kind of sporting Miracles there’s too much Advantage for these clubs that can’t have that anymore so that’s my issue um and yeah it’s um another thing that they they argued um I wrote it down as well is they’re questioning the Integrity of Nelson Sports which was under the Premier League umbrella for two years apparently which is the independent body that um basically values the fmvs um and they’re disputing that but the problem is it’s it’s just another deflection tactic because when you look at it these the these companies it’s not like they’ve just pulled them up in the Premier League have said oh yeah be biased towards City because we’ve got a case coming up against them these are obviously independently vetted outside of the Premier League outside of all the Premier League clubs by an independent body who said yeah they’re okay um and yeah the problem is I think this is this is going to be very telling of the 115 charges I know they’re two very separate things but I think if the Premier League win I think City are in big trouble if City win I think they’re going to get away with it because as y said there is so many things that can be thrown out because what they’re arguing is basically almost what they’ve done historically so they’re just trying to kind of get these rules thrown out so that all these charges that they’ve got a lot of them in terms of the sponsorship and artificially creating their value of sponsorships are basically going to be null and void and then it it just breaks the Integrity of the Premier League and I think it’s a downward spiral from that point so I think that in terms of the Premier League as it is this is a massively pbbl to point in premier league history I think this could really as you say shape the future um and yeah but hopefully Integrity wins Out Sports Integrity wins out and the reason it’s a democracy and the reason democracy works well which we’ve seen historically over hundreds of years across countries and sporting bodies and and everything is because at the end of the day it works and it’s the the system that’s fairest for most but I guess we’ll see um who wins out but at the end of the day I think it’s nonsense from City and they’re just trying to to tarnish the the kind of sportting Integrity of English football Fahim Hussein uh says read the evidence from the alation case and it’s unbelievable he also follows up to say must have better lawyers than OJ Simpson to take this balls to the wall approach I mean look Manchester City’s legal fees have gone from 5 million pounds to 20 million pounds a year in the space of a few months they’ve certainly spared no expense in this potentially groundbreaking legal fight really they’ve got three kings Council so three cas’s on their books Lord panck Paul Harris Rob Williams a fourth senior barister who specializes in competition and Regulatory La David Gregory is also on City’s team they are chucking everything at this and you know lots of you are talking about this quite strongly in the chat um there’s a couple of things here so appach says it’s perfectly valid to check that deals and valuation like you have with houses Banks always check the to see if the valuation of your house or business is correct and not inflated it’s a very normal process and that is what should continue Matthew Simpson says it does feel like the noises from Pep and players to talking about leaving or expecting to lose in any case that’s why I brought up the picture of the uh well now former Manchester City chief exec Omar bar who has left to take on the role at Old Trafford to succeed Richard Arnold Pep Guardiola being you know he talked about we we get the message from Arsenal and you know in a year’s time he could pack his bags Kevin De bruyer being linked with Saudi there’re also at a time when so many of their top players are at the wrong ends of their career so it feels like a bit of an inflection point for Manchester City and I wonder what what’s going to sort of happen and Wayne as I bring you in one of the things that uh you know we’ve sort of seen is that some of the clubs there are 10 to 12 clubs apparently that are willing to provide evidence and Arsenal are leading the way and Mikel arteta of course who is part of that whole sort of city setup um I wonder if he’s you know being very proactive behind the scenes a to take down City but B to kind of share what he knows what are your thoughts as an Arsenal fan Wayne and and and I guess your thoughts on on Arsenal being one of those clubs that wants to step forward so 10 to 12 clubs have stepped forward to either provide witness statements or or provide a letter detailing evidence of the support uh of the Premier League’s defense against the claim I don’t really think anything of Arsenal because in reality it should be all 19 maybe not Newcastle if you if you want to consider their ownership but 18 of the 20 clubs should be backing the Premier League and should be backing this financial decision because what Manchester City are trying to do is continue to cheat and they’re trying to cheat financially in a way they’ve they’ve called out the the competitive side they they’ve they’ve tried to say the competitive Integrity of the league isn’t there it doesn’t exist anyway like you said a little bit before six of the last seven they’ve won four four in a row these things are unprecedented in our in our league the four in a row has never been done last season they won the treble if they are to win this case and it doesn’t have a knock on effect to the 115 but you have to be imagine that they would then go into that with confidence that they’d either get away with it or get off with it a little bit lightly what does that mean for the future of football because if they’ve already won four in a row and then you’re going into whatever rule change might come into effect next year or the year after and they can just write themselves a blank check not only is there the issue of well you can say whatever sponsorships are valued at however much there’s always been these discussions and and stories coming out about them setting up sort of sister companies and betting companies that never go live there was a story about a Manchester City sponsorship I think it was from a Chinese Betting Company they pumped in 20 million for the the the the digital boards around no one placed the bet on that website ever so you would just get teams like Newcastle like Manchester City just getting fake sponsorships from fake companies and just pumping their own money from their owners back into the club for for for transf for whatever else so I don’t understand look from Chelsea Chelsea are a scumbag team for the most part anyway so you can understand why they might want to piggy back onto it they’ll find any loophole that they can to try and get themselves back into contention but teams like Everton what are Everton doing considering being on the side of Manchester City why would anyone outside of again Newcastle and Manchester City want to back this so I can’t I guess Everton are potentially up for right so they might be sort of sat on the fence thinking if our new owner comes from a specific background or specific status or specific wealth um you know then maybe we fall into this trap so let’s kind of just support this in case that happens I don’t know okay if that’s the case cool I can understand you’re not going to win anyway because Man City have more money than you so what what are you what are you planning to do here so yeah I I can’t sit here and say to you that I’m proud of Arsenal or Arsenal doing the right thing because everyone should be doing the right thing there shouldn’t be a discussion it should be a case of 19 versus one or if you include Newcastle 18 versus two and you talk about the tyranny of the majority wolves just recently lost a a motion to get rid of V 19 to1 should wolves now go out and Sue the Premier League because of the tyranny of the majority because they didn’t get their own bloody way it’s an absolute joke and I think for me the biggest the biggest issue that I have with this is because it’s all private we’re never going to really know unless things get leaked we’re never going to know the outcome we’re never going to know what happens unless there is a rule change and if there is a rule change you’ll know that Manchester City have won the thing is the Premier League have to win this otherwise the league the Premier League as an entity is dead because what they’re saying is is that anyone who signs up to our Charter can sue us as an entity we if you don’t like our rules so we set a bunch of ground rules if it’s like going school it’s like going to school and saying to your head teacher I don’t like this rule so I’m going to sue you it then there’ll be no structure of law within the game so then they can go to UEFA they go they you know it’ll be a landmark case in terms of it can be used an example of I don’t agree with this rule or this rule I will now go to to sue you and because this case has won out I will have that and they’ve also don’t forget there’s another bit in there that is very succinct it is discriminatory against golf backed teams yeah I found this quite interesting y because we know that you know a growing proportion of the Premier League’s clubs are American-owned and they were quite quick to throw that out so they’ve accused rival clubs basically of discrimination against Gulf ownership citing the comments of one particular senior Club executive uh let’s just keep it clean and and not not get into the details but what did you make of that is that just again a sort of cheap shot is that just sort of you know trying to get people on their side I think Man City are trying to be very very clever and to find any degree of we can make this stick to the Premier League because remember anything that gets the anything that gets some off some of the charges of the 115 is good for them this exercise look the reason Man City have been bought out by Saudi is not because of the Love of the Game B manur is not a football fan it is a sportswashing exercise we’ll call it what it is call it call us you know you can call it what it is it is Sports watching exercise it is designed to promote the Abu to promote Abu Dhabi shik mansur’s groups Etc the state in football and it’s done its job fair enough they they’ve done a supremely well well executed job because Man City are now one of the biggest globally recognized Brands but this was never about the sporting Integrity of the game they didn’t it’s you know it’s like that with Todd Bley they don’t like Chelsea they don’t care about Chelsea as an entity they care about what what it’s going to deliver in terms of recognition and in order to get that they will try to find any way to avoid bad press and bad reputation reputational hit so inserting this is going to is discriminatory against golf back teams gives another Avenue for the legal team to exploit and remember man City’s MO is not is not the same as what happened to n to Nottingham Forest or Everton where they actually admitted we have reach PSR and we’re we’re cooperating Man City in every case they have gone through whether it be at the UEFA level with ffp with the Premier League with this one are non-cooperative and have always been that way so that only adds to their um I would say their the the validation that they’re not exactly innocent in this matter again will they be found out I don’t know but the problem is here is by inserting this um discrimination to golf spe teams it gives another area to to the legal team to say this email even if they find one piece of email they’ve been you know I think the news came today that they’ve requested every senior person at the Premier League’s email they are looking they’re trolling and whatpp anything everything you can have one look I’ll give an example and I’m not saying this is going to this is the scenario but if one Premier League executive have said yada yada yada the from the golf back teams that’s it they will leap on that and they will say that’s the one this shows discrimination and we want to either have a rule change or be Exempted and this court case to Wi they are looking for every Avenue and it is it is not nickp pick it is just it’s it’s legal it’s the legal game if we call it that and that’s what city have done they’re throwing as much money as it as possible and we all knew this we seen the pictures before the you know the cast case where Jak Mansour brought 11 people 11 lawyers with him that’s what they want to do they’ll throw as much money this is about power and I have more more clout than you and I’m going to use it and I’m going to show you that whatever it is money will always win and it cannot win in this case if we lose the the rules of the game then where are we then what what are we going to have as a as a as a sport because anyone who comes in can say I’m going to abuse it and I’m it’s open to abuse at any level it is the Premier League simply have to win it is it’s not even they count they you know oh man city could win this bit and B it is it has to be a slam dunk yeah and sorry I’m I just want to mention another thing that I find quite interesting about this that I think it’s obviously a ploy from from City because when you actually look at it their argument as well is that it’s unfair because it allows the tyranny of the majority and it allows the big traditional red cartel to kind of reign supreme but when you look at the Premier League at the moment we’re all under the tyranny of Man City and the reason we’re under the tyranny of man city is because of how they’ve they’ve built their Club up they’ve got the best the best manager in the world I think they’ve got some of the best players in the world and they’re constantly kind of dumping the players that they don’t need anymore and then adding the best again season after season after season and it’s it’s not like that the Premier League just isn’t competitive at the moment I know that Arsenal had run them close a couple of times and Liverpool run them close a couple of times but what you’re asking every season is for records to be broken across the board to have a chance of beating this city team and the problem it’s proving that if you allow this to happen the the sporting competitiveness is just being taken away because they’ve just made history they’ve done a four p and even at United’s PE when they were an incredible team a super power in World football they had the best players they were spending money they had Fergie they they never never were able to do that so it’s just proving almost a Counterpoint to the fact that they’re saying it’s making it the tyranny of uh the majority and it’s it’s it’s it’s against kind of sporting competitiveness because they’re proving the the kind of antio that the fact of how dominant they are in English football and the problem is if this kind of gets if Man City win this it’s only going to be more of the same you’re going to see you’re going to be seeing Man City to continue to dominate you’re going to be seeing Newcastle put these ridiculous commercial deals on the table getting rid of PSR and then spending loads of money and being being right up there and then you’re just going to have Man City Chelsea and Newcastle basically being the the new the new cartel of of of of football unfortunately it’ll be like when V you know when Man City initially came in and Wenger was up in arms about this do you remember because they were the city were were literally going through the whole arsenal team saying we’ll have this person we’ll have this person they all went and he was beside himself this is what it’s going to be again because the rules came in and obviously control the spend a little bit everyone had to control their spend but the the rate of which players Exodus is the amount of money they can offer no Club will be able to compete with that apart from State backed one so it’s going to be effectively can you go up against the infrastructure and the the financial backing of a country and one that is one of the wealthiest in the world it no Club can go up against that apart from another Golf Club you know it’s well we will have to wait and see what happens so to kind of summarized there is now a 10day um arbitration hearing that starts tomorrow uh evidence will be given in the form of uh statements and or letters detailing evidence in support of the Premier League’s defense against the claim 10 to 12 clubs have already stepped forward for that ultimately Manchester City Stand Accused of breaking Financial rules uh which they’ve already um you know spent close to2 billion pounds building the team that they currently have they’ve dominated the Premier League now six times in seven years Premier League champions they won a treble last season of course or the season before last and a double last year um I found it quite funny that in their claim they argued that the current rules limit their ability to buy the best players and it forces them to charge fans more for tickets and they also sort of said perhaps tongue and cheek uh they’re going to have to cut spending in Youth Development and the women’s game and their activity and the Community but we shall see what happens to lighten the mood Jamie is coming with a bowl of stewed rhubarb with cinnamon and milk as his snack check and trip two says leftover lamb Curry from an Indian with past to the next day amazing uh I like that I absolutely like that discrimination that’s discrimination against the it’s the tyranny of the majority against this against pasta against pasta dishes terrible against the Italians yeah I know right let’s move on uh and sadly the content doesn’t become more positive just yet because we’re going to talk about Baya saaka and how I think he’s been singled out many of you have said that he’s uh been singled out time and time again when things go wrong for England they always look to sacka and these are some of the images that were on the social straight after the game you can see there top left plain awful sacka of course picking up a plane that was thrown onto the pitch the BBC showing Saka lying on the floor just looking up at presumably the screen or his play players as engram were beaten by a goal to nil uh the telegraph again buo Saka with a sort of wincing face there again on the floor and um the star going with black ice nightmare sendoff Stones limps out Stones being know being made to look the soldier the Valiant sort of warrior playing through pain and bayas Saka messing around with the plane um Wayne let’s go to you um we’ll talk about Darren Lewis and his his thoughts on the right hand side but do you agree with what I’ve said in that he is being singled out by the media time and time again um and what are your thoughts on it is it is it borderline racism it’s not borderline racism it’s it’s Stonewall out there in your face racism without as much as saying blatantly racist words and this is why for me as a black man growing up in England after what happened in that penalty shootout against Italy I now support anyone but England I don’t want that fan base to fill that Joy I don’t care who it’s against and I don’t care if you say well Italy are more racist and stuff I’m I’m not there so it’s obviously something that I’m not having to deal with and and it needs to be dealt with in their country as well but our fans and our media is absolute joke when it comes to stuff like this and it’s not a sacaron thing they’ve done it with Bellingham they’ve done it with rashford they’ve done it with Raheem Sterling and they’ve done it throughout my whole entire life and you’ll get a the one that always always stood out to me was I think [Music] before before one of the World Cups or the Euros Raheem Sterling bought a family member a house and in the newspapers he got absolutely slated for it and then a couple of weeks later Phil foden who isn’t the Phil foden of now he was much younger sort of brand new on the Block a couple of years later he bought his family a house and you compare the two headlines one was a superstar loving son buying his mom a a five-bedroom Mansion blah blah blah the other one was portrayed as a thug who who didn’t deserve the money and was absolutely absolutely splashing it in in in in the incorrect way and yes we’re picking out these images of B sacka but I can guarantee you if and when something goes right for England during this Euros you’ll see the face of Harry Kane you’ll see the face of Jon Stones you’ll see the face of Phil Phil foden when something goes wrong you’ll see the face of payo Saka you’ll see the face of Kobe Miner who’s going to his first International Tournament something like this has been going on for years and the thing that made it worse for this this particular example with Bayo saako he played 15 bloody minutes coming off an injury he didn’t start he had no input whatsoever in the goal that that was conceded and the bigger problem is how bad Gareth Southgate is what has Bayo Saka got to do with any of this nothing at all and it’s coming from all of the biggest Publications every single year and I it that penalty shootout will live long in my memory because the minute Bayo saaka stepped up for that final one and again it was rashford and Sancho they received they received abuse as well it was not this is not about an Arsenal player at all obviously I love him more because he’s B saaka and he is Arsenal but this is not about Arsenal at all because rashford and Sancho both received the ABS when saaka stepped up to take that penalty the first thing I said to my misses was if he misses this then he’s going to be abused to high heaven and that’s exactly what happened Harry Kane missed a penalty in a more important game in a game that England should have Bloody won against France s pat on the back and that’s how it should be for everyone that’s how it should be for everyone and sacka has still been abused more post Harry Kane missing a penalty than Harry Kane has been for missing the penalty so it is absolutely heartbreaking to to see this every single tournament and I can guarantee you that it’s going to happen again the another example that Springs to my mind England won a game 62 at the LA last major competition and I think saaka scored either his first goal for England or his first goal at a major tournament it was bellingham’s first appearance and he was man of the match England won 6-2 Jack relish was on the front of every single newspaper cover he didn’t score he didn’t assist I don’t even think he started the game or if he did he didn’t finish it you never see you never see black players praise and loved the way that you would do the likes of Jack Gish and harri kanane so yeah it’s going to be disappointing when if and when things do happen again this summer but is it’s not it’s not a debate about whether this is racism or not it absolutely is and the media I’m so glad that Darren Lewis said what he said because it’s absolutely a disgrace well yeah let’s let’s bring Darren Lewis into the chat Darren Lewis is obviously a well respected journalist um he’s had a few questionable takes over the over over the years as as every sort of everyone working in football but he says just because I work in the media it doesn’t mean I can’t acknowledge the concern about bukayo saaka being used as the face of England’s defeat and poor performance despite other players performing worse across a number of platforms last night and also despite playing Just 15 minutes if anything it is even more my job especially when he was a a substitute and B one of the players targeted after England failed at the last euros it is a reminder that we need to think about everything put into the public domain and I will continue to speak openly in public and in private about it the days of black and brown fans remaining silent on issues such as this are thankfully behind us uh he says and he closes his statement by saying if supporters of all Races felt his rashford and Sanchos pay in 2021 we need to show that we have learned from it this time round Y what are your take uh takes on all of this we haven’t learned have we we haven’t learned from the Euros on what what has what happened there the racism you know slandered against three of our players who are performing for England who give their heart and soul it is it’s absolutely hurtful that you know we’re talking about players who who you know give their time give their energy for their country and don’t receive the fair backing that they deserve the from the media from fans from a lot of entities this latest one I’m sorry it’s not a surprise and Wayne has gone into it far better than I can but it is just disgusting it just doesn’t I don’t get it I don’t get why they they it’s all in unison so look I know some people in the in the chat are saying it’s not racism I’m sorry this if you if if this majority of Publications go with the same person in the same vein sorry it it to me does scream that there is a claim there and a valid claim maybe the the Publications will say otherwise but to me and I think to most fans especially those of color this will say this is there there is there’s certainly some disparity here because to Wayne’s Point I’ve not seen this criticalness against other players and it should be fair and it should be unbiased if sacka had an awful full game fair enough but he again he was hard he only came on for a few minutes did nothing about the he was nowhere involved in the goal the team had been poor straight up before that so where so where’s the criticism of the team then where is the pictures of the players who were playing the ones who the majority who were there are we going to see you know this has dominated a buildup to a tournament where England should rightly be one of the favorites but this is going to overshadow a lot of things because unfortunately if something you know whatever happens at the Euros if it goes wrong and again depending on what is shown that this is going to rear its head again and we’re going to have the same scenes as we did at the last tournament where we had you know players being targeted by by Thugs and by small-minded people who should be you know whereas the majority should be supporting their team equally and trying to make sure that they you know they go far and that they respect the players but am I you know like way am I surprised no unfortunately I’m not this is not the world as it is and I know this is a general commentary this is just my opinion again I think it’s it’s it’s stepping back more than going forward unfortunately we’re all you know as Darren Lewis said we are better at speaking up but has there been any true progress personally I don’t think so V Vlad says Wayne hit the nail on the head honestly it’s absolutely disgusting in this day and age BP says Palmer fod and Kane all started not on the front page they’re more responsible for the loss than sacka who came on as a sub racism for all to see um Doo I’ve been thinking long and hard about this and I thought to myself is it because Bayo sacka is England’s best player and he is the star boy and he is the most well-liked is that why they want to pick on him to make a point but then when you look at when you hear what Wayne says and when you hear what Yem says and when you think about the the the the frequency that they do this with sacker in particular and lots of people have mentioned like you know Arsenal the first team to to field 11 non non-english players in their first team and there is an anti- Arsenal sort of feel in in the media and it’s easy just to pick on him and they also know that they’re going to get a reac from the Arsenal fan base if they continue to use it I mean what are your thoughts on it because let me remind everyone and let me remind the English media and those who hate kosaka um this is the guy that we are singling out every time you know player of the year for England two successive years in a row player of the match in so many times um I mean this is crazy what are your thoughts yeah um unfortunately I I think that that Wayne and Yen have have kind of summed out P perfectly and I don’t really know how to add without kind of without layering it on but I think the the takeaway for people that think that there’s not a racist undertone to it it’s it’s and people saying it’s an anti- Arsenal agenda we know the media have an anti- Arsenal agenda we we’ve seen it before but the problem is this is not the first black English player that this has happened to like Wayne said perfectly the Sterling and foden the house incidents and when he got the the gun tattoo and foden does the gun celebration and and it’s everything that kind of Sterling did as as a city player they played for the same Club as well we’ve got to remember they were in the same football establishment they played for England and Raheem Sterling back in back in the day when he was kind of at the peak of his powers he was a worldclass player in my opinion and I think foden has that same ability but when you look at how they’re treated in the media and have been treated in the past you can see the vast differences um and I think that’s that’s kind of something that you need to look you don’t just need to look at this in in kind of a a single scenario you need to look at the the greater context as well and this is not the first time that a player of color has been vilified by the media and when you have someone like Darren from the mirror who is obviously part of the media world he knows how it works he knows how editors produce things and how sometimes there’s a bit of cynicism in the media when it is being called out by someone who is in the thick of it then I think you have to understand that there is something greater at Play Here There is a there is a malicious um not even undertone there is just malicious intent with it when it’s being called out by someone who’s in the media who could be affected by this in in in his job by going against kind of some of his it’s his his his peers and in in the media world but the fact that he’s saying it so plainly and in black and white W in for everyone to see shows that there is a clear motive behind this um and yeah when you look at this as well uh it it annoys me so much because Thea Saka he’s an unbelievable football player as you said the the the countless times he’s been brilliant for England and just to backup Wayne’s Point as well for the World Cup one with the Jack Gish thing zaka actually scored a brace in that game in a World Cup um game Bellingham was man of the match and Gish scored I think the sixth goal after coming on as a substitute or something like that to make it 52 or 62 and he was on the front pages but yeah it’s and I just I just don’t get it like what Paya saaka and obviously rashford and Sancho went through at the last Euros which I’m sure bakaya Saka at the back of his mind from a personal point of view he wants he he’s going to be even more motivated than ever to make that right and in the penultimate game leading up to the Euros to have yourself kind of vilified as the the almost the the villain and as as the kind of Forefront when there were shocking performances ac across the the the the park um foden had an absolute stinker Harry Kane missed a glorious opportunity to make it 1-1 one that if you consider how good Kane is should be expected as the captain of England should be expected to score so why is he not on the front cover that someone that actually had the ability to change the outcome of the game someone that started the game got a lot more minutes why is he not on the front cover and the person that’s not even being victimized we just need to say it how it is the England team will crack and just use a picture of a different player for Christ’s sake on every single different media but when every single media kind of Outlet is using the same player there’s a clear agenda behind it and the problem is if we all just sit here and take it and don’t call it out for what it is we are never going to see change and I know that things have changed in part and tried to be done but this is still further concrete proof that there is more that needs to be done in not just English football but in football across the globe and we can’t keep standing for it and we need to call it out every single time it happens because that’s the only time that there’s going to be change I feel really uncomfortable when I see images of mosaka all the time at any moment of adversity for the national team um it makes me feel obviously sad because he’s beo Saku and we all love him and he’s an Arsenal player but I think these images in the in the game against Iceland were particularly disappointing because he had just this Cameo appearance and I think to your points chaps you know for Darren Lewis to come out and make a statement like that um you know he’s the president of the uh the national sort of journalist Association he must know he must know like what happens on the inside he must know with regards to that sort of uh profession and you know how they run their stories and lots of people in the chat going wild about the um the black ice headline that we just saw I mean it’s wild when you think about it um Wayne I think you you said you wanted to kind of come in again just to kind of close this segment off it’s it’s a really sensitive segment of course but an important one yeah of course and we’re focusing on sacka from an Arsenal perspective because to all of us it doesn’t matter whether you’re 18 years old 15 years old or 45 years old but kaiaka is our son we all love him like our very own so we’re obviously focusing on focusing on saaka but the important thing that I’ve said that Doo said that y said it’s not only him kobby Mino was torn apart for 45 minutes where he did nothing wrong he was blamed for a goal where he wasn’t out of position at all and you’ve got somebody currently in in the chat and and giving examples trying to make out that it’s an Arsenal agenda if it’s an Arsenal agenda why does the country love apart from West Ham fans why does the country love Dean rice everyone wants Dean R to be the first name first name on the team sheet and do everything he can for this England team Aaron ramsdale was beat at the near post and I like Aaron ramale we’ve had conversations on this show about him for for many a month being better than David ryer up until basically David ryer won us a penalty shootout up until then everyone or or a lot of the Arsenal fan base wanted Aaron Rams still in he was poor for that save and he was poor yet again you didn’t see any coverage of it he wasn’t on any newspapers it is easier in this country whether or not you want to call it racism or not it is easier to make a villain out of a black person or player than it is out of a white person or player especially when something has gone wrong and to compare something like this to Ben White Ben White is being blackballed or Ben White is being criticized or black Ben White is being disrespected for a choice that he made and I support that choice I absolutely support the choice that he he doesn’t want to go because if he was selected and feels like he was better than the people that were selected previously he should have played and you’re just wasting his time he has every right to not want to be called up for the England team what choice did Bayo Saka have to be these headlines you cannot compare a choice that Ben White made which deserves criticism I support it if if the media if the media want to want to criticize him for it fair play he’s opened himself up for that sacka has done nothing wrong and to compare the two is just to me nonsense you can’t call it an Arsenal agenda because Bellingham doesn’t play for ARS Aral minu doesn’t play for Arsenal I’m sure Gay will receive it during the Euros he doesn’t play for Arsenal so to to to call it an anti Arsenal agenda it’s bigger than that and it always will be and unfortunately I have I have no faith that we won’t see it again in the Euros well um it’s a very important topic and it’s something that has been bugging me bothering me for a few days and obviously I’ve seen all the ity on socials Arsenal fans high and loud in trying to defend bukayo saaka and the fact that he was picked in these articles I mean I think you know you while you were talking the way I’m thinking about Harry MaGuire the guy’s got a criminal record as captained England yet is seen as Southgate sort of you know night and shining armor has been for for years and years the fact you know nothing is made of that and this is a boy who is phenomenal at football lives and breathes and behaves exactly how you’d want someone to you know to live breathe and behave off the pitch away from the pitch everything he does phenomenal it’s just easy targeting and it’s uh really disappointing and without trying to sound too sensitive uh we are at the hour mark so let’s move on but I think we should reflect and and try to you know put as much pressure on journalists as we can when we see stuff like this and call it out like Darren Lewis did so fair play to Darren Lewis William CBA is delivering a master class in defending apparently according to the chat uh and let’s talk about some transfers way I’m going to stick with you because it’s been an emotional few days for you moel nny has finally left Arsenal Football Club I am so happy about this you are so sad I don’t know how I don’t know how you know yanell and and doo feel about it but mate finally he has gone absolutely zero contribution to our Senior Team for the last two three years yes he’s made a few nice videos while we were on tour and he’s a good spirit to have in the training ground and whatnot but mate freeze up a position in the squad takes uh you know gives those wages back to the wage budget and likewise Cedric very very happy to see both of them go Wayne listen the Cedric one I can completely understand he’s kind of done nothing for the past sort of two years apart from photob bomb amazing moments with the likes of kaka visiting the Emirates and and receive I think I think Gabrielle Martinelli or or or um I don’t remember who might have been David Louise actually the last time Brazil were at a major tournament they brought him back uh before all of the charges against him a Danny Alves signed shirt and I’m just there thinking cedri you’re living the life that I want to live you get paid however much a week you don’t do anything you’re a fantastic dead bull specialist I still think to this day or until before he left he’s probably the best corner and free kick taker that we’ve got you you continually want us to to have someone that can shoot free kicks sedric is that guy but no moel nny our longest serving player up until obviously he’s leaving this year I think listen for quality on the pitch I’m not going to I’m not going to I’m not going to sit there and and say he was phenomenal but for me he is the Dependable six seven out of 10 player that you want every single week he will listen to the instructions he’ll do the job that you want him to do six every week absolutely the boy I’m looking this up right now when listen at the end of the day whenever he played he didn’t let us down he was doing the bare minimum but he didn’t let us down but no it was the right time for him to move on um it’s the right time for Cedric to move on and I think for the majority of the guys involved in um that picture and there’s probably a few others as well that you’ve maybe not included um it is the right time for for a lot of them to move on the one thing I am happy about though with Muhammad Oni I’m really really glad that we didn’t because obviously he was out of contract last summer but then he had the horrible injury I’m really glad that we didn’t just cast him aside then because it would have been easy to um and other clubs probably would have done so in the past so yeah allowing him to to stay for an extra year um to rehab that injury get back to Fitness I don’t know if he’ll continue playing it’ll be interesting to see if he does um he’s only1 good luck to him he’s only 31 good of course good luck to him but he’s only 31 in and in in all his time at Arsenal 91 League appearances a single goal and five assists but Wayne how many times you think moell has started in the last three Premier League Seasons I think he’s got one start in that that period of time God I think he’s got one how is he in this squad listen at the end of the day you need play you need players like Muhammad that have been around the club for a while yes you do no because you’re not relying on the likes of Muhammad El nny to win you things you can’t just throw quality at a wall and hope that it sticks you need people georgino is probably going to take on that role now behind the scenes probably not play as much but an experienced head that have that has been around top clubs for a while and and knows the ins and outs of how to do it and where to do it I think yeah with Muhammad is the right time for him to go on but we now have the level of experience which means that the level of experience he brought behind the scenes isn’t necessary like Bayo saaka is going into what his fifth or sixth season now at the Top Flight like he doesn’t need El teaching him anything he’s been there done it now despite being only what 22 years old so yeah it’s the right time okay okay uh chaps I’ve seen Trafford being linked with a move away from uh Burnley 20 odd million quid Aaron Ramel of course with the clanga for ringland the midweek but there are transfer fees apparently Newcastle can’t afford what Arsenal want uh Chelsea won’t be willing to pay I’ve seen stories of broha leaving Chelsea for 30 million pounds yet Eddie and KY are still on our books I mean of this crop of players Y and doo either of you just come in where do you think we’re raising money from and how much do you think we’re going to get dou you go first honestly I have no idea because we sit here summer after summer and we go yes we can raise this much money and people start adding figures and stuff like that and thinking Christ we’re going to get 150 million let’s go and sign bellingan and bappe with that and when you actually come back to reality I think the the the the thing that we need to address is we are still a pretty poor saying Club unfortunately it’s definitely something we’re trying to improve but until we get constant good results in the transfer market in terms of our outgoings because our incomings I think have been brilliant and no one can argue against that but our outgoings need to improve um and yeah honestly I don’t know I don’t know who’s gonna go I don’t know much let let me put you on the spot if Ram were to go tomorrow how much you reckon Arsenal gonna get for him I know we s 40 50 million I know we’d sell him for lots lots of money but realistically and we’re going to make a total balls up of this he’s an England goalkeeper he’s part of the Euro Squad yeah I’ve got a funny feeling we’re we’re GNA get barely half of what we basically bought him for yeah yeah I I I could see it but realistically I think you could he he’s one that you could still argue that you can hold out for from some Club just keep him there is no better backup he’s not made any sounds about being unhappy I think he tweeted the other day saying news to me when that Newcastle story came out he’s on a long-term contract just keep him you know he’s England goalkeeper there is no point Wayne shaking his head you can’t keep him you can’t keep him you you’ve made the decision that David Ry is your number one and whether or not you think we’re going to get half of what we we paid for him is a discussion point for another day but you can’t keep him he’s not going to play his V if you think that we’re going to get half of what we paid for him this Summer what is another year of not playing going to do for his and the opportunity cost of not selling him though Wayne is that if something were to happen to Rya and when artetta rotates in the Cup competitions you know that Rambo is a half decent goalkeeper England number two so we so we’re holding on to someone for if buts and maybe and five games why we have the squad that’s why we have no you can’t do that with a 100,000 pound goalkeeper I I think what’s gonna happen in my opinion is he’s going to be loaned I can’t see anyone paying the Fe I think I can’t see him paying than paying a fee I think we’re going to get a loan which is going to be so bad considering he you know he was the number one he was on a peak for a long time but unfortunately his latest performances last night the the elen game did not help the case at all I can see why Newcastle are bulking at the fee because if Arsenal looking at 45 million he is not worth that right now he’s not even worth 15 at the moment given his performances lack of game time he needs lot he needs a g he needs games and we need to put him the shot window so he is probably our most sellable asset and then you’re looking at Eddie and and Mill I mean yeah how much J we getting for Eddie Eddie’s the if take BR he’s gonna be in next season no no I think he’ll go regardless but again it’s going to come down to money my problem here is is that everyone knows we need to sell players and they kind of use that when they come to Arsenal and edu has has got a poor trap record selling players that’s that’s unfortunately the history of what he can do if I want sorry y I do want to answer this question before I forget Ben’s just said if Chelsea can get 30 million pound for broha how much for Eddie br’s on like 40 Grand a week Eddie’s on like another four years remaining on 100K a week contract like we are either gonna have to subsidize his salary or just accept a lower fee for him yeah this is no Club in their right mind would want to pay the guy scored three four goals in like 30 Games he’s just fact is is we’re going to I I know we’re going to be raising some we will raise some money but the problem is is that as you said fisel those High wages it’s bad decision making I cannot fathom why we gave Edie and KET a 100 million at any point him if you’re on that much I mean the question to all of you guys he’s playing you know he lives in London he’s been in London pretty much his whole life and this is you know Fair to him he managed to get himself a really good contract he plays for Arsenal top team you know why would you go why would you go to ipswitch why would you go to was the other Southampton Fulham what maybe FH because of the maybe if he wants maybe if he wants to play maybe if he wants to play that’s the only motivation that they can have that they want to play but if you look at it Ina ESR Nelson need to play their careers need it but if they don’t care about their careers and care about the money then that’s what they’ll do they’ll stay at Arsenal they’ll be comfortable because Nelson’s on 100 close to 100,000 as well I believe um ESI I don’t know cuz his one was signed a long time ago I think if if I look at it and say who is the most salable I.E they will get the most money to contract value wage value it will be ESR if he goes and that’s because again it’s his past performances because Edie keer at 30 million to me just doesn’t feel like any club is going to pay that or they’re not going to pay it in its entirety and then Nelson is not even worth 20 million he was loaned down out to who was it it was Final wasn’t it and he went to H he went to hoffenheim as well hoffenheim then fin yeah and so he hasn’t has he really accelerated his value that much I think he’s probably worth 10 at most I I think that’s the problem all of these players Lona lona’s probably got the most as well because he’s actually got Premier League minutes underneath him but again it’s such a shame that L went down because they they would o I think I think they’ve been there was obligation there if they stayed in the Premier League tiny as well injury injury record not playing enough and we’re not going to make anything about tarez inconsistent performances it it these are yes look we’ve got some salable assets but the problem is you’re not going to get the value for money I can’t see us raising anywhere near the expectations even if they are English players because have they done enough have any of them really really set set the set the place a light apart from ESR his initial you know Sprint well look there’s a couple of players in the squad who you know we may not want to sell you someone like Gabrielle Jesus maybe someone like cenko maybe yob Kio who’s been linked with a move back to Italy there might be a player that’s a bit more senior a bit more established in terms of the first team that we’re going to have to get rid of but Doo Wayne I I don’t know where we’re going to get any sort of money from any of these players on screen ramsdale maybe the most in Kea maybe if we get lucky from a from a London Club potentially there’s a there to be done with Palace in exchange for one or two I’m not sure um are we going to have to sell someone that we really like I don’t think so um I I think when you actually look at our financials we’re still in a fairly good good good place to be fair especially over the last couple of Seasons where we’ve really honed in on the commercial opportunities available to us with the the soar reality Training Center um our sponsorship deals are really good um the money that we’re generating from from competitions is is very good and I think the one thing that as a club we’ve done exceptionally well is is managing the wage Bill compared to the other top clubs and I don’t think people realize how big of a difference that makes over the course of of a year in terms of how much it affects PSR that’s given us a massive margin compared to other clubs even with the new contracts that we’ve tied our best players down to in the last kind of season season and a half um I think that luckily we’re in a position that we can still spend fairly significantly as long as we kind of get the deals done in in a capacity that works well for us but we are going to reach a point where we do start need to selling these assets at at a good price um but hopefully we can kind of shift on a couple of players and I think for us as a club I think even if you don’t get the amount that you potentially might want for Eddie or reys uh when you look at them as Halen graduates pure profit on the books so for us from a terms of a kind of financial point of view we’ve we’ve not spent any money on them in terms of them coming into the club so it’s just pure profit on the balance sheet and I it makes a big difference um so I think if we have to focus on getting some players out the door it needs to be those players that even though their transfer fees might not seem as much as we want in terms of the balance sheet it works best for us but I think how we’ve set oursel as a up as a club and how well we run from from the top down I think that’s put us in a fortunate position that even if we don’t sell as well as we need to um that we can still have a good summer in terms of our incomings for this summer and going forward I hope so I mean we need to raise funds it’s as simple as that and we need to raise funds Wayne because we need to bring in new players and the final segment of tonight’s show hundreds of you watching live on YouTube by the way please do like the video and subscribe to the channel if you’re new massive help to the video by just dropping a free like um Benjamin cesco and if you’re familiar with latte firm you’ll see that there was a short segment with George and Ben Matson from Twitter we did like a breakdown Style video on him that’s on the timeline amdu Onan Wayne has been linked with a move from Everton and of course the most recent one and a player that I absolutely love eetti who is flying at the moment and one of palace’s England representations who of course was at Arsenal for 5 years before being released at the age of 13 and going to lots of other clubs until he found his place at Palace and and what a player he is do any of these potential signings Wayne leave your mouth watering are these the sorts of players that you’d like to see what are your thoughts cesco absolutely does um I’ve loved him for a while now I think he would suit the way that we’re playing fantastically I don’t think we’ve got anyone that can strike a ball like he can and these are the type of players that you want to pick up on you want to pick up on when they’re sort of 20 21 22 before they explode because if we if we hang on for another couple of years and he maybe stays at leig and he’s top goal scor in the Bundesliga his release Clause it will be out of his contract and he’s you’re now looking at a sort of 90 100 million pound plus player there so he absolutely does e for me I think he’s a top quality player I absolutely love his ability I love the type of player that he is but for me I think it is wrong player at the at the wrong or right player at the wrong time I just don’t really see where he fits into this current the way that Mel currently wants to play like if we’re not really gonna to me we need a pure Winger he’s not going to come out on the left or the right people might want him on that left eight position he’s a little bit too attack-minded for me we played a lot of our best football with georgino and RI or party and RI if that’s still the blueprint that we want to go down then I don’t think a is the natural midfielder for me that Mel would want in this Midfield on I’m not a fan of I just don’t I just don’t see I just don’t see it I think for for him he would be someone that’s potentially easy deal we spoke a lot about PSR um and we spoke a lot about sort of financial issues Everton have a bunch of them I think that that’s may be an easier deal to do but I just I just don’t see Onana playing up to the quality of Arsenal I love Bruno G I loved him before he went to Newcastle but again I think 100 million for him I just don’t see it happening but someone of that caliber in Midfield someone who is a natural midfielder that can go both ways but is is e for me defensively I don’t know if I could trust him and I don’t know if Mel ARA could trust him and we’ve seen he doesn’t like Emil Smith R in that position e is just maybe a more upgraded Emil Smith r or a few years down the line emill Smith row but not neither of them sort of film you as defensive balance but yeah I think some of the names that we’ve been linked with are really interesting I I wouldn’t be surprised though if if we start thinking out left field obviously the Euros are starting soon and I I dislike buying players off the back of international tournaments like you see man united signed amrabat off the back of a tournament and I don’t think that um I don’t think they would say that that was a good idea but I can see us looking that um I can see us looking at some of the stars from Euros because I don’t think business is going to get done until sort of mid to Mid July beginning of July I thought we’ maybe get a bit busier now but because of the financial situation across the Premier League I don’t think we’ll see signings done until sort of middle end of July uh I mean look when I see cesco and Onan Duo I see two 6’4 6’5 sort of frames and I I see what Mel’s trying to do here you know he’s trying to you know the the the power the height the physicality is something that we’ve lacked I’m I’m with Wayne I like what I see from cesco in compilations and that’s a wild thing to say like I’ve never seen him play again in fact I know I saw him play against Real Madrid in this year’s champions league and I thought he was quite wasteful but you know in the breakdown that we have with George and Ben they both described his traits as phenomenally uh scary very sort of electric he’s so young uh still just turned 21 um Onana look I want a field Powerhouse and you know I want someone to come in alongside rice and raise the quality of the squad and maybe have party and geino is back up I’m not sure Rana is that guy I love e but I think Wayne spot on Duo you know a wide man I’d rather go for Michael Elis what are your thoughts on on these three in the summer ahead yeah I think it’s a very important summer again because we’ve got it right up to this point and you’ve seen the continued progress of the football club and I think if we get it right again then I I think finally we can most likely go to that next step and and win the Premier League and potentially go further into the champions league and hopefully kind of add maybe a domestic cup run or win in there as well because I think that’s something that we’re we’re lacking and I think something that we need to do in order to do that is not just raise the ceiling but raise the floor and I think when you look at these players for me they are floor raisers not ceiling razors so I think that if you gave me two of these three um but also gave me the caveat that alongside two of these three we’d also sign uh I think we need another Defender as well um a Defender so potentially three kind of floor razors one in kind of each department and then a ceiling razor as well someone who actually elevates that starting 11 to to the next level um then I think I’d snatch a hand off it is off it and I think we’re now as a club we’re in that stage where when you look at these players Tes Onana and EO they’re players that are good enough to raise the floor but also players that in the next two three four years can take that that step to the next level and then eventually raise our ceiling so I think they’re kind of a win-win but I think it’s important that we recruit that the most important thing for me is the right profile of player is recruited because I think we’re missing some profiles in the team um but also that we’re not just raising the floor but we’re raising the ceiling so if you gave me for example cesco who I’m a big fan of um myself and I think that he’s one of those players that gives us another another kind of option in terms of the the profile of player and the dynamic that you can set him up as the team because you could even play him off the left where Martinelli is to be honest um just because of the the attributes that he’s got and I think he’s a player that can have enough impact on the squad that can be used as a squad player alongside Kai hbert because I think Kai has proved that he’s good enough at the number nine and if we went into the next season as with Kai habits at the number nine and got a top top class Midfield ring then I think I prefer that so cesco for me I think is one of those players that I think it’s so clear to see that in two three years when he starts kind of developing into the player that he can be and really honing in in that kind of worldclass potential that he has you’re going to be looking at a player that’s easily double the price potentially triple the price um just with the way the markets going so I think cesco for me of these three players is the one that you need to go and get right now because I think he add something to the team I think he’s good enough to affect the squad but he’s also in a couple of years time he’s going to ultimately be a ceiling razor and when you look at the number nines on the market right now it’s very dry it’s very very dry and that’s in terms of the number nines that are established number nines but also the number nines that are up and coming I think the market in both departments are very dry so when you have the opportunity to get someone that can raise the floor and raise the ceiling in the future you’ve got to bite your hand off um but yeah I think for me the the most important thing is get the right profiles make sure you raise a ceiling and raise the floor but I think one thing that we’ve got to realize as Arsenal fans like there’s there’s not it’s it’s hard to do things before the Euros because there such a limited time um and I think that we need to to trust the club because it’s clear that for the for the last few years the club have had a clear plan they know who they want to sign and they’ve got very good at shutting out the leaks as well I think there’s players that people don’t know about behind the scenes that we are tracking and potentially could end up signing just like ho kind of came out the blue last not ho uh Timber came out the blue last season um habits came out of the blue very quickly and those were two deals that were that came out were we had money on the table pretty much when when the when the news came out and within a week we had signed both of them um so I think we need to trust the club in what they’re trying to do because they’ve got it right in the last few seasons and I think they’ll get it right again but I think it’s about the right profiles raising the ceiling and raising the floor Yan B see us out with your closing thoughts on the window couple of shouts in the chat for um Muhammad kudus Keen saying I hate versatility as a buzzword however in terms of sacka I think we need a player that can cover multiple positions kudus comes to mind also goes on to suggest valovic um someone mentioned also in the chat uh that Thomas party could be being sold in the summer um I wonder what impact that would have Kai trop uh says thoughts on Arsenal selling party to allow three foreign players to join the summer because we do of course have a 17 foreign player limit what are your thoughts Yem on the transfer window any of these three uh floating your boat I think cesco is the one that stands out to me um I think I Echo what everyone said I think eay is a fantastic player but I just don’t see how he fits into the Migel artetta system at this present time um amadu Anana I like I thought against us he was Unreal he was he was a machine but it’s inconsistency and is he what we need to solve the left hand side maybe if he’s a squad player I think that’s a a good option but you’re asking a lot of money for a squad player effectively you know what you’ve nailed it him for me on Onana you you put aside all his physical attributes and his age profile height you know frame we talked about there are games that I’ve seen Onana play once or twice where I thought hell this guy has got the a lot he he can go as high as he wants as far as he wants then there are games where I see on and I Think Jesus the guy the guy can’t pass 20 yards um the inconsistency like we’ve got no room for that when we going Manchester City that even to Doo’s point the floor raisers we’ve got those players already in the squad we’ve got inconsistent players in the Midfield who don’t deliver why are we going to pay 50 million for another one you need unfortunately we’re at the point now where we’re making minute adjustments to increase our quality of the floor so Anana to me is a gamble it’s like Lavia you know Chelsea can afford to spend 50 million on Lavia because they were they weren’t in that position and it was a risk and it unfortunately the risk didn’t pay off this season it may do in the future but we have to have some certainty of what we’re doing Douglas Louise is an interesting one because Douglas Louise by all accounts Aston Villa need to sell to to meet PSR and Douglas Luise is a player we have tracked for a long time Premier League proven but the question is again the price because it’s going to be a lot of money and I don’t think we’ve we’re going to do that again cesco if we’re going to go for cesco if we’re being logical here and I know Doo said the Euros do affect and it does to a degree but because of his contract situation his I believe he’s got a release Clause till the end of for the end of June there has to be movement this week by someone someone will have to that he will either have to make his decision and say I want to move to this club because I can’t see us if he says I want to go to Arsenal I would see us starting the negotiations and playing the release Clause soon because financially it makes more sense you’re thinking you’re talking about a player who potentially could expose at the Euros will have no value on his contract and then no release Clause sorry and then we’re then you’re going to be paying additional fee so that one makes sense if he says I want to join Arsenal and again he needs to say that because the 30th I think it’s the 30th of July his June his his Clause runs out so there’s not much time on that one but if he doesn’t agree then what’s the point in even you know our Teta only wants players who want to join us so potentially that’s the one I see the mo the one that I would see the quickest if he says yes but again to everyone’s Point here the the market is really slow at the moment because of the Euros PSR is a massive one we’ve seen you know every it is so quiet and usually the premier league is a buzz with activity right now in terms of sounds about movement Etc but teams are very wary about their limit a lot of I think we I don’t know if you guys saw it but the um on Twitter the article about how many teams are actually at the limit we knew about Everton New Forest Etc but you know Aston Villa running close you know it’s I think we are I I don’t think we’re far off either I I know Dober said we’re well run and yes we are remember last season we couldn’t buy um who was it we were at we were we were looking to buy someone in January and we couldn’t make it who was it it was at the last minute we were trying to buy someone I can’t remember who it was it’s on pretty decent actually um it escapes me right now but because the PSR it was last summer it was kudus so kudus was SL you know we were after him we couldn’t afford the p and he actually waited on us so we were trying pretty much I’m guessing we were trying till the last he’s the one he’s the one that got away isn’t it he’s such a good player but yes he is he’s an astoundingly good player and I could have se you know as a replacement for sacka I think you know he’s a he’s a good rotation but the fact we couldn’t even buy ryer no exactly we loan him isn’t it weird now that Arsenal as a club in order to get round these things have had to do a loan deal effectively and it’s that’s but that I the counterargument to that is obviously the Y PSR it’s not just a it’s not a yearby year thing it’s like a threeyear system and the problem is when you actually look outside the scope of the the three years that are have just gone you’ve got to remember that we didn’t have the Champions League money we weren’t finished in second place our commercial deals weren’t as strong as they are our wage bill was a mess um when you look at the kind of how it how it was run before in terms of your aubameyang and your lacazette and and how the club was run but I I think obviously last year yes there the case but now obviously we’ve got that second year of Champions League we’ve got the commercial deals again I think a lot more margin than people think the only Cav I will say to that Doo is remember our contracts have actually you know obviously we got rid of a lot of contracts you know heavy contracts but the wage bill is going to grow because obviously as you improve the squad you know if we take for example a lot of players sack’s wage has gone up cber has gone up Gabrielle and remember these are on yes they’re called four-year deals but realistically they’re two-year deals which have which will be reviewed again so you know you know you look at Gabrielle’s Gabrielle’s is due apparently to be reviewed and that wasn’t that long ago signed so it will but I think there’s an element of forward planning as well because Arsenal can’t do as we’ve already talked about what man city do and generate a deal to offset all of that so there’s a lot of forward planning that has to go in surely to do that but then as well we have to raise this floor of the squad because we’re so close so it’s it’s what deal can be done now that is logically going to be value for money as you’ve talked about Doo that is going to deliver over a number of years because you’ve got to we we spent 100 million last year on Declan R but that was a sure Fire game changer and I think the club were willing to execute whatever level is Douglas Louise or Bruno garez the same level not to me I think they are just a level below but I Bruno is come on no Bruno Bruno unbelievable but I think he now that petar’s got his uh well maybe but again there’s another factor in that of you just talked about which Doo alluded to players have to want to come to Arsenal if they don’t want to play for Mikel Ara he pretty much Runo wants to come to Arsenal he even made a point of putting Arsenal being linked in his joining video at L but it’s obvious but he’s gonna go see no but the thing is as well cesco to me seems the most likely because if he says yes he’s a value for money he he represents six years almost you know almost you know four to six years of a player who can deliver for us consistently if we handle his development collect which the board trusts arteta with so 50 56 million top a top striker in two to three years I think that’s not even a question it is just now he has to say I want to play for Arsenal if he says that I think that will execute pretty quickly and then I think we’ll all even look as much as we say Anana if Anana signs we’ll be like wow that’s a great signing what a what a what a player so consistent as well but um it’s I think to your point earlier there will be a few left field signings because you know it the club are much better at keeping things screen given that the deals that we were highly profiled against Dean rice I think was going to be high profile regardless because everyone knew that that was going to be Arsenal or one of the two big ones but for example mudrick the mudri one we got bad so badly burned against it because it went so public so quickly I think we’ve all seen you know when you go to Football manager if you any of you guys play football manager as soon as someone leak there’s like if it’s a big deal this one’s been leaked so I think the club are just trying to be careful with who they’re signing what eggs they’re going to put in being sure that their the player fits the squad all the stuff that the panelists have so eloquently put together and it’s just I think it’s a wait and see game with us I I I’m excited by what we can do because our set has got the record edu’s got the record it’s just now the the Euros are going to throw everything out I don’t think any deals will be done unless there’s someone who isn’t at the euros and I think it’s more about trying to sell players at the moment well let’s wait and see uh listen we’ve just we’ve come up to the 20 minute Mark I think we’ve just gone over wild um listen I think we’re going to end it there thank you so much for such a great chat uh there’s been a lot of um interesting topics tonight obviously we started off with the Manchester City legal action that they’re taking towards the Premier League that hearing starts tomorrow we’ll go on for 10 days we talked about bayas Saka and how he’s continuously hounded out by the English media every time England have a moment of adversity and of course we’ve just talked about the transfer window wishing moel n farewell and hopefully one or two others and talking about potential incomings this summer is going to rumble on and on and on you know a few days ago I tweeted something like 85 days to the start of the new premier league and I was so excited I want it to come now but the last week 10 days have really dragged and I I think I need that football fix so the Euros are just around the corner the transfer window will start and I think in just nine days time the Premier League fixtures will be announced and talking of the Premier League we won’t look at the table but we are top of the league boys we are top of the league we will be you know we will be there for for a very long time until the season starts Tom my love to you my friend he says thanks guys love your work with a kiss Emoji have a kiss right back my man enjoy your evening and enjoy uh the week ahead I think we’re going to leave it there hundreds of you have joined tonight’s live show sorry for not streaming on X and one or two of you have asked when it’s going to be live on Apple and Spotify I’m going to download it for you right now so we’ll be there and V Vlad saying Spurs are in the relegation Zone too Perfection standard stuff that’s it Trevor Bibb thank you also enjoyable stream thank you so much for all the chat if anybody wants to follow yell he is available at X on x sorry as at Verge 59 anybody wants to follow Doo he is at Doo 0107 and of course Wayne mate we haven’t it’s been a while since the post match phone in we got to do maybe we’ll do England post match phone no no no you doing you don’t want to bore everyone to sleep’s get everyone on a phone in and find out what they think of I don’t know the summer signings let’s do that let’s do that why have a mo any tribute bone in where we celebrate more no your host no your host Alex B says who was winning the Euros I think we’ll do that maybe next weekend uh because we will start uh looking ahead to the Euros it does start next weekend doesn’t it starts next Friday isn’t it next isn’t it Friday it starts yeah Germany and Scotland that’s what Scotland oh um V Vlad says cheers guys this was wonderful Dr Hank Venture love it thanks jent DJ d10 yeah thanks guys FK uh you actually do such excellent shows uh thank you man I really appreciate that I just ask the questions it’s it’s these guys that show their uh hashtag knowledge um right there we are let’s leave it there have a fantastic week everybody enjoy the not so warm weather in June stay dry if you can because showers uh there is a storm Brewing let me tell you until next time it is bye for now [Music]


  1. Fantastic content as always.❤ No doubt about the racism. I can´t stand most of the English press. Without general social understanding, racism will remain alive. I know this from Germany. Jokes about jews & other viewpoints live on & on. It´s really disgusting. You can speak up, but it´s just a shout into the ocean, unfortunately.

  2. I made a list of possible sales & sums we could recoup on X. Here it is as well – contract length in brackets:

    Ramsdale (2026) €25-35m

    Tierney (2026) €9-15m

    Tavares (2025) €4-8m

    Partey (2025) €8-10m

    Sambi (2026) €17-25m

    Patino (2025) €7-12m

    Nelson (2027) €10-20m

    Biereth (2025) €8-14m

    Nketiah (2027) €25-35m

    equals a range of €113m = £96.25m to €174m = £148.2m

  3. I am in the Neves & Zubimendi camp when it comes to our midfield signing. The latter doesn´t look interested depite the ongoing interest from us. Similar to Šeško Zubimendi would arrive on a reasonable fee due to the release clause.

  4. If that person is going to type while some else is talking can they at least go on mute. Hearing the clatter of the keyboard is annoying and distracting.

  5. big ups to the panel as always, and thanks for speaking up about the blatant racism directed towards Saka, Sancho, Rashford & others.

    as for the transfer window – i'm not sure if we'd get both, but Eze & Šeško both excite me and i'd love to see Arteta coach either into a player which could help seal the title.

  6. If it's not racism, somebody tell me what is. We are only looking at current players, just ask John Barnes from Liverpool. The English media and "so called" English fans have consistently been scapegoating black players for England failures.

  7. I feel,it’s totally unfair calling Edu out for a poor selling record, we didn’t have any player of quality to sell you saw the squad Arteta had when he joined us and it was dire, Edu was tasked with removing the dead wood! Edu did well making money on the sale of Willock, Xhaka and Balagon! The players up for sale this summer are being rid of for a reason, they haven’t had many minutes and are on good wages. Clubs lower in the PL and Europe don’t have the money like Arsenal. Sorry FK Ramsdale won’t command the money you state, he has lack of game time and not performed well in those he played, I agree with you saying keep him!

    Enjoyed your content, thank you ☺️

  8. If City had done it by the books, they'd still be one of the strongest teams in the world, if not the strongest team in the world.
    But no, they cheated and took shortcuts. It reflects the authoritarian, narcissistic, undemocratic nature of the club owner(s). They want an "anything goes" world where they have it exactly their way all the time, at the expense of everyone else.
    No. This shouldn't be allowed to stand and an example needs to be made of City and their owners, with clear warnings made to the owners of Newcastle United, etc.

  9. I think you guys will be surprised with the money we raise this summer.
    100k a week for Eddie Nketiah is standard for a starting striker in this league. A mid table team can pay that
    Reiss the same and been linked to Brighton.
    Rambo is England no.2 and 25 as a GK.
    Just a few cases and there are more still. We have to hold fast to valuations to become a good selling team.

  10. Thank you, FK, for using your platform to speak about the racism that Saka and other black football stars receive from the English media.
    I think Saka and a few other are also refereed differently in the league on a weekly basis and noone talks about it. If we dont call it out when we see it, then who will?

  11. Thank you FK for having a biz informed panel that has explained the legal and biz ramifications of the Mancity shenannigans .

  12. So the abuse and ridicule that Harry maguire and David Beckham received from England fans must be because they were white? I’m confused? Must be horrible living life like a perpetual victim and using your skin colour as a veil for your failings.

  13. I’m not even worried about Man City if they win this court case.
    Imagine Newcastle licking their lips with a blank cheque book!!

    There’s your next dominant club,
    PIF have more money then every premier league owner combined.

  14. "Golf backed teams", why plural? Because they want to own more teams, they will challenge the law of owning multiple teams in one league, to have a club to send their youth players to get game time

  15. As a finance man im sure you will agree that City are doing exactly what enron were doing 25 years ago.

  16. Even if Saka or Mainoo had a full on ugly game, this is never fair enough. Racism is the White man's opium. No matter how terrible their lives are, at least they can cling on to this reality that they are the master race and better than everyone else. And that is soooo hard to let go off. I dont fool myself; this will never stop and they will always run to this low life behavior to cover their own deficiencies. At the end of the day, it is their own soul they continue to poison.

  17. Brilliant show. Thank you for tackling two serious issues head on. In particular the racist treatment of England's black players. It's important to call this stuff out and it is refreshing to hear such an informed discussion. Great show. Thanks. 👊

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