Golf Players

2024 Australian Open – Day 2, Session 1 – Men’s Singles


Australian Open – Day 2, Session 1 – Men’s Singles

James Reynolds (Cabramatta, NSW) v Joel Broughton (Avoca Beach, NSW)

Results & Standings –
Event program –
📍 Broadbeach, QLD

e e [Music] day two of the 2024 Australian Open is upon us and as usual on Australia’s Gold Coast the sun is shining the birds are chirping and the balls will be doing the talking it’s Jimmy Reynolds up against Joel Bron today both representing New South Wales Jimmy from Cabra Mata and Joel from aoka Beach Val feo my name and joining me is the one the only Barry Lester who is safely through to the men’s singles second round bz welcome yeah good morning Val it sure is a beautiful morning we’ve actually got some clouds today can you believe it but as the sun just reaches reaches the top of that high rise this green is almost fully in sunlight so mate what a what a great green this is we saw it the other night and just seeing the balls go down the roll up it is perfect conditions this morning yeah it was humming on Friday night and the horn goes off Jimmy Reynolds right at home par jackaroo world champion up against Joel Bron Jimmy will set the length really looking forward to this one and seeing Jimmy who’s in the red xgs and the vehicle of choice for Joel Aro Optimus in the white blue and yellow speaking of vehicles Joel having a chat to him before baz he’s an automotive spray painter wow okay you’ve done your homework today V look out literally just that last minute but he’s um he’s one of those people that you know you see all those satisfying videos of um people spray painting cars which it’s one of those ASMR things and they are fantastic hopefully he doesn’t spray any balls across the rink today it’s good by you good start to the morning uh no but yeah with these conditions expecting high quality play Green speed just around the 15 and 1/2 second Mark perfect speed for me anything around that 15 seconds you can’t go wrong and we’ve got the paddle colors as well so Jimmy is in the blue paddles if you see those raised by our marker Carol Proto papis who does a great job with bows Australia’s rankings as well her and her son Lucas and then Joel is in the yellow paddles as well but of course the AO is proudly brought to you by Arrow who are the largest manufacturer of the most accurate bowls ever made more sizes models grips and over 65 colors Barry innovating the game for tomorrow yeah it’s a huge component to the sport Val the manufacturers giving back to the sport providing the goods for all their athletes and we’re seeing a huge array of colors out there across the tournament already and as you see this one coming down the green it’s called the surf and ski color it’s all happening I started bowls in 1996 and it was plain clothes and black balls back then and the game has really come on Leaps and Bounds since the color has come into the sport and you have to see the uniform forms the marker the color of the markers clothing and then just even the mesh signage around the green it’s great to see plenty of color in the sport and colorful characters and none more colorful than James Reynolds he’s and Jimmy having it getting to know him a little bit being you know ba Pathways coach and coming to our staff conferences and all those sorts of things he is a very funny individual he says that he’s very introverted and you know he’s but he’s just such a kind soul but we were playing pool one night and my God the sledging that was coming out of his mouth he loves a banter very very funny man is Jimmy Reynolds and I’ll tell you what he could be laughing at the end of this first end because he is right on the money Barry Lester Full Count on the offer definitely coming in from a high line that ditch side and all four balls right down the spine of the rink there holding four shots it’s I’ve always said get your line and find feel your weight and unfortunately for Joel he hasn’t quite found either he needs to needs to try and save a few shots here is he under needs to clear the front might have affected the count by one maybe let’s have a look at what Carol indicates for us here that’s a three to Jimmy Reynolds to start proceedings so the right oh it is only a it is only a two I think it’s a two it is yeah Carol does an amazing job her and Lucas love their game of balls and they give back to the sport as well as a lot have done at Club level and now he balls Australia’s ranking system it’s great to see yep and of course the Australian Open is the the climax of those rankings because at the end of the month of June that’s when we see who the year end or the calendar year end number one player in the country is looking forward to seeing how that all transpires at the end of the Australian Open yeah it’s a it’s a tricky one Val uh I’ve been fortunate enough to finish the year in that position but heading into the Australian Open there’s that sort of do you think about it um you know you got you got three disciplines to play in singles Pairs and four SCS and if you’re high in the rankings somewhere around that top you know sort of half a dozen yeah it’s a funny one some people probably go out and let it play on their mind and sort of try and play to win and do well in the rankings and some people probably just go out and play and and let it be what it will be and um yeah so the Year Josh Thon and I won the St open pairs that was enough to sew up my position is number one but I never really thought about it right until the end so it’ be interesting to see how players approach it because it’s a pretty prestigious title to have that on your on your resume on your CV as a bowler with um so many quality players across Australia and no doubt in this event for sure Barry and got a lot of high quality players playing around the Australian Open today Clive Adams ringside Clive himself is on our green right now Cody pack is around the traps at Broad Beach your day yesterday you got through three wins on the bounce and your through to The Knockout stages yeah yeah had a had a good fun day over at rabina very eventful day uh couple of close wins and met some new people so it was what it’s all about getting out and meeting new people in the sport can’t go wrong but Jimmy Reynolds here he’s found as I mentioned you want to find your line early in a game of balls I always find that’s the key and then just feel your feel your way with Jimmy he hasn’t had a bowl outside of probably a yard to 4T yet and two of the three there right down the middle but um I think for Joel yeah nice reply here just needs to shift something well he’s halfed off I think for Joel it he has to just try and stay true to what he’s doing hasn’t quite found it yet but don’t go searching for it I think just find a hand stick to it try and get some Rhythm up on that whereas the more you swap and change early in the game I think it can throw your Rhythm off more and you won’t find any sort of muscle memory considering the forehand and the back end they’re two separate deliveries so the more you’re swapping and change it can really hurt your Rhythm singles is all about that muscle memory yeah and as you see Jimmy okay he’s played Four forehand four backhand but it’s been the same side of the rink he’s got to feel for the width and I don’t know who’s sang the song but it might have been Billy Joel Don’t Go Changing too early for that say that’s Billy jel bit before my time actually but I know the song My Musical trivia is not great let’s see what the final coun is here for Jimmy Reynolds maybe our viewers can help us with that yes for sure get to some of those viewers very shortly after this has been adjudicated I’m leaning towards a three but it could be very very close to a maximum for Jimmy Reynolds and that is a that is a three to the r at home par jackaroo so he takes a 5 Z buffer after two ends and got Lucas protop papus watching his mom Carol is the marker the better protop papus because she’s not an ENT supporter and of course Lucas has no right or reply so I can say whatever I want who does Carol actually support Hawthorne I asked so she’d be pretty happy yesterday they’re up and about the Hawks y yeah I know few few Hawk supporters would be very chuffed right now Matty Lucas and Johnny McCarron my fiance ra is a hawk supporter and she was absolutely wrapped yesterday hopefully next Saturday she’s not but good on them I’m a big uh I’m a big fan of the Hawks or any sort of Underdog team so good on them hopefully they can turn things around and underdogs lock they’ve won four Flags in the last 15 years well we don’t want to see Collingwood win again do we so and Richmond’s had their fair share but the PO old D have only won one in the last 60 years so we want them to do well do we um so Jimmy Reynolds 10 Ines away right on the money nine deliveries all on the one hand just once again just knowing the arc knowing the feel of the hand and he’s found some really good Rhythm early on Jimmy Reynolds 5- nil talking about a world champion here and a player that not only has won big titles uh in the disability sector but jeez a lot lot of um open open events as well look at this look at this Jimmy Reynolds he’s been to the Australian champion of champions he’s you know constantly featured at State and National level and for someone that you know has dominated the Paris space over the last couple of years it’s it’s easy to forget the things that he’s done in the open space but he’s one of the he’s one of the best exponents of this sport that the country has to offer and an even better human being but you never know in singles and Joel Bron is just got to find his range here aoka Beach yeah we had a look at that before where it might be and looks like a beautiful spot Barry yeah beautiful part of the world Jimmy Reynolds look at that just I’m writing down some stats here I’ve got Jimmy one ball outside of 4T that’s not bad is it it’s pretty good out of uh what’s that 11 deliveries I’ve got here so seven deliveries on the forehand four deliveries on the backand and one outside four feet that’s impressive little bit of weight here from Joel Bron but just wide so he’s got a nice little catchment behind here if he does want to take the Jack back Jimmy’s just surveying that and he might put one behind especially some cover especially with the re spot V it’s but this is is a tricky head it might just look like yeah get one back at the respot so what that does I I suggest yeah Jimmy does get the backest ball because then it makes Josh sorry Joel play hard a weight to Trail the Jack whereas if you don’t get the backest he probably thinks well I can go really big and I’ve got the T so I think Jimmy needs to win the te here and make Joel play really hard weight or tricky weight to to get the Jack clean but there’s two options for Joel real big take a few balls out reduce the count or put the Jack in the ditch I think he’ll go really big with his last not knowing his game but Jimmy is just say that putting one back right in this catchment it’s not the backst bow Barry Lester but it’s in a very good home yeah so that splits the three up but but jacking the ditch would would be two or if it kills one or two and and this is the key to this shot’s playing wait you’re comfortable with as well and that’s and that is tricky weight that that sort of just arriving speed so that’s going to miss wide once more and Jimmy Reynolds powers out to an 80 buffer after three ends in this contest other players that are featuring today around the go Coast 14 magnificent host clubs on Australia’s go Coast proudly supported this event by experienced Gold Coast through tourism tourism and event Queensland of course we thank them for all of their support and everything they’ve done for the Australian Open right there look at that Ali for Gary Kelly Cody Packer CLI Adams of course as we mentioned before had a lot of Players yesterday go through you might be able to help me Val what’s different about Clive is he had is he is the hair shorter or compared to everybody else on the on the no he just something looks different I can’t pick it he’s the only one wearing pants that’s the only thing I can I know there’s one more wearing pants there’s two you’re good all that’s and is that the marker or is that a player no that’s a player okay uh I think I think he’s I reckon he’s gone a bit shorter with the uh with the the Hat’s throwing you I think it looks more normal than I reckon he might have been in the gym or something I reckon he’s dropped a couple he’s looking good all I know is he’s looking fresh live Adams lives back at the AO and I think I think you’re right Bez he’s looking good but I think he’s back at the AO he’s excited he’s been messaging me for months about the Australian Open he absolutely loves this time of year whether it’s an AO or a BPL Clive Adams is always there for it doing wonderful work at BS wa now since he left us this is starting to look scary Jimmy Reynolds another one inside 18 Ines Nice Shot there from Joel that’s a really good opener just in behind the jack gives him something to play to now bit of extra confidence when you got a ball past the Jack early so first to 21 Jack gets resp spotted if it goes out of bounds and I went over to the rink earlier stepped it out so that’s around that 5 meter Mark so you got a fair bit of room either side to work with the Jack moves around the rink as Jimmy just says I’ll draw a front toucher if you don’t mind this is uh bowling from Jimmy the hardest thing for Joel here is now to be patient to be able to just keep backing himself on the draw building the head that’s a great shot from Joel Bron well done there is look at this baz luy Williams with his own phone handheld there it is there’s the trademark Adams he’s running down the rink as well he’s chasing he loves it Jimmy Reynolds just missing under he’s uh still got one but once again three balls inside a couple of feet the effective rate here is incredible from Jimmy Chloe Morrison has joined us wow this James Reynolds has potential Chloe one of the more charismatic plays that we have in our sport very funny Fiona Hall we’ve got CL at muder bar on Thursday looking forward to meeting the great man I forget that Fiona hasn’t properly met Clive one of the great people at madery B is Fiona Hall she did such a mountain of work for the World bosss Championships last year she was magnificent and still is magnificent yeah Jimmy Reynolds here he I guess he got to sort of strike while the Iron’s hot uh he can make potentially three shots here watch him do it too Barry I’ve got all Faith we’re only talking two or three rolls of that bow at 3:00 of Joel Bron’s but he’s just going to finish under here an opportunity here for Joel Bron yeah tra the jack for two about now he needs to move it about a yard to four feet he makes two I’d say Jimmy still got the shot here Joel Bron will we see those yellow paddles finally raised The Loft by Carol protopapas he’s in the area he’s close he’s got it magnificent from the ioka beach products and what will this be could this B at 1:00 possibly come into the equation for a third possibly look at the replay here B yeah got it right in the middle beautiful using that nice wide drawing turn on the south side of this rink and picked it up clean for two perfect weight couldn’t couldn’t be any bigger than that because if he was a ball high takes his own out for three down and that’s that contingency play you’ve always got to be looking at the contingencies in balls if you’re high if you’re low if you’re heavy before you play each shot well his job and profession of automotive spray painting he would know all about precision and that’s exactly what that ball was from Joel Bron he will control the length for the first time in this match and he’s gone fairly long here this is going to be very close to T to T yeah that’s a that’s a good call for Joel he’s obviously seen the the Rhythm that he oppositions in and he’s just breaking that up now with a bit of extra length and if it doesn’t come off it’s not the end of the world but you’ve got to have method you must have method before you go into the game as I said those contingencies what if your opposition does feel Rhythm early and you don’t and if is it you got to make some observations and with that Jimmy’s been playing 23 24 met lengths and now Joel stretched it right out to 33 34 M here the thing is he needed to be up a little further there yeah and it’s pretty much expected Val the first long end in most games in sort of most levels or conditions that you’re trying to get a feel for it and your first bow just sort of pulls up short I know Jimmy’s short but not that short but it’s just sort of human nature no it’s just human nature you’re just trying to feel it out so uh Jo’s Joel switching to the forehand here which once again he didn’t do too much wrong with his with his first delivery you know okay four foot short on a decent line but he’s trying to switch hands here which as I said in the first few ends it just does play with your muscle memory the forehand and backhand deliveries are two separate deliveries they’re completely different the way you set up the way you you know you you deliver the ball so I’d like to see him just trying to get in Rhythm on one hand like Jimmy has Jimmy’s played every ball on one side of the rink and this is a really uh I guess a good observation here for for not only us but people at home watching this is the worst head so far out of what we’ve seen some great heads reason being because it’s the longest length so far it’s a new length and this is what this is doing is hurting the rhythm of both players so if you’re ever playing in a game of balls where your opposition’s playing really well and got some Rhythm up as soon as you get the mat you’ve got to do something different and if it doesn’t if it doesn’t work for you and it doesn’t work for the opposition it’s not the end of the world but you’ve got to try something Jimmy Reynolds wants this one to get around it’s turning back hard but nonetheless that’ll do for second so holding two currently last ball of Joel Bron’s end changing hand once more Barry leester yeah it’s uh it’s a tough effort to switch hands so many times and try and still come away with some form of well he’s just miss Jack there so he was very close if I was Joel’s coach on the sideline right now i’ be saying mate just grab one hand and stick to it get some rhythm going I remember uh the gold medal match alen Ryan now five in Birmingham Karen Murphy Karen Murphy having a chat to alen Ryan not bad when you got Ken Murphy on the sidelines pretty handy and then all those wonderful balls brains uh in the stands as well as Jimmy Reynolds puts another one in for three so he’s into double figures already is the world champion and com games bronze medalist 112 is the score line after five so B continue yeah just saying uh how the conversation I think it was you down the lines of Allan was playing great but the way the game shaped there was a little bit of forehand backand forehand back end and once Allen stuck to one hand and nailed it just Come Away With the Wind from there and it was such an amazing comeback as well I believe was it was it 123 she was down against Lucy beer do you know what I just got a tingle on up my back like going going there just going back to that moment well we were very lucky to be in the that day um and lock as well we were that was honestly one of the most fun experiences that I’ve had and even even the peirs final between Chrissy and um Chrissy Nells and Amy pharoh and Sophie that is still to this day the best match of bowls that I’ve watched yeah it’s definitely in my top half a dozen I was lucky enough to see Calvin Kirko yes you were there play Robert wall Robert wheel in 2006 Daran and to come down to a measure to keep the game alive and then go to a tie Break um third end it was amazing that was probably the one that stands out for me but yeah there’s been some amazing games and not not too many better than those two but all you know Lucy in the singles and the girls in the peirs from England they all played so great and they were big games and we finally saw Jimmy play one bow that sort of isn’t effective as such uh not quite nailing the weight or the line on this occasion but he was Jew Stewie Jew Stewie Jew is still working at Australian cricket isn’t he had a good win this morning against England although England will give themselves the moral Victory we’re sure Tracy Wallace I was in the stands that day surrounded by England fans with my Aussie Flags we were pretty loud was this in Birmingham that’s right Trac yeah Tracy was there and and the best thing about we weren’t quite sure what to expect from an English crowd playing Commonwealth Games on English soil we did prepare for a little bit of maybe bit of extra hostility but I must admit I walked away and you I’ve done a few speeches here and there at various places and the English crowd were first class anywhere you went um they wanted to see your medal or you know Pat you on the back shake your hand and say Well done great game and just seeing the way they spoke about and treated other players from other countries too it was it was absolutely brilliant and the volunteers at Birmingham were Sensational it’s probably the first time I’d ever been asked to take a photo with someone because they thought I was an athlete because they gave me all the Australian gear and then someone asked me for an autograph and I’m like no no no you don’t want mine I’m not an athlete I think it’s the the rig I think it’s the that tall broad just the way you you know walking around there sure think they like this this guy has to be what is he uh basketballer or oh yeah sure one of the shortest basketballers going around so Joel he’s uh he’s managed to nail it here yeah this could be a little collect for him yeah it’s one of those ballls Jimmy’s got to think about trying to crack an egg trying and turn it off the Jack he’s close Jimmy Reynolds if you don’t mind one down to potentially three up it’s scary good isn’t it that weight control on that wide swooping hand look at that half ball Jack out to the side that’s experience and that’s class and this is where it makes things hard for Joel because he’s got to go out to a new line different length so it’s not an easy one for him although he’s not far away here Joel Bron but on these greens it makes it so much easier what a shot how beautiful is that wide drawing line he made it look a lot easier than what it is but he’ll take the one and when he’s second of the last three ends 113 is the score line gorgeous day it already be 20 21° in the sunshine not even a breath of wind it’s beautiful yesterday the wind did pick up a little bit later on in the afternoon in session three but there’s not many places you’d rather be in Winter than right here in Australia go Coast baz what are some of the things you I know you live up here you’re the mayor of the go Coast what’s uh what are some of the things you enjoy getting up to you know if you had to go to a restaurant or something like that uh I definitely love the Surf Club environment uh pretty lucky where I am I can go to either Coran RSL I can go to Palm Beach T budger Surf Clubs uh there’s some nice places um take the dog and very very dog friendly Gold Coast you know we see a lot of people out very early in the morning when the sun’s up walking their dogs very active uh in in this weather and climate so I love riding my bike some nice bike rides where you got ocean views I love that and then just going to the range I’m R into golf now so yep going to the range hitting some golf balls I don’t get much time to be able to sort of play a full 18 take up a you know full day sort of thing but when I do I absolutely love it nice I got my golf buddies Aaron Sheriff Nathan Ross David Mt the boys we Dean Smith like to get out um that’s really about it mate just yeah enjoying the the sunshine in the in the in the beach uh great restaurants too and we’ve got a brand new brand new Chef here and oh the croissant bar leer wowe and obviously with this new decking uh it’s a great place to be broy balls yep those um I had one of the just the pling croissants yesterday and they were very very very nice I’ll be sampling the chocolate one very soon yeah I must admit I’m I’m not really up to speed with croissant but I’m going to I’m going to give it a crack just for you I like when you try things for me bz yeah I’ll give it a go but no the the menu here and the and the and Angela the new Chef uh it’s outstanding selection of uh great food and Jimmy Reynolds holds one again Joel though he’s getting a bit of Rhythm up now couple bows just on side you know just outside the yard there or on the not too far away sorry Angela asking for a score update on Ian Johnson um those scores will be updated after each session of today’s play there’s no life scores at the present so we do apologize but uh you’ll just have to check at the end of the session and they’ll be uploaded as soon as the match is over each session is timed out at 2 hours and 15 minutes as Joel Bron has gone a little bit longer with this end but Jimmy renolds has found his range once more and have a look at this bar leer yeah just the trust the players are putting into this green um is it’s 100% to be able to just play dead draws as we saw Joel the end before to to win the end uh Jimmy throwing that out there on the South Side the ditch side when you got greens as good as this it’s uh it’s beautiful and conditions too uh the trust factor is massive you just need to back your ability back your process and the rest should work itself out on these conditions we’re seeing some weight here from Joel forand needs to hold on we needs some luck from here he’s just missing managed to hang around so might still be just the two down here now Joel Bron will find out Carol Pro papers having a good look here one in a measure got the Great swanny Wall from Mo Bowling Club congratulations Barry on the successful rematch night it was a great watch certainly was a great watch Jimmy Reynolds as he puts down his final bowl of the end will he make it a three great track it’ll come around nicely he’s done it and Sensational from the par jackaroo whatever happens from here on obviously we want to see Joel fight back and and make it a tight tussle but if Jimmy keeps this up and and runs away with it you know what if Joel watches this game back it’s just it and if it stays the way it’s going it’s just going to be a too good moment and because the way Jimmy Reynolds is playing uh he would be beating if not really testing some of the world best players right now and we talk about Gary Kelly’s on premises Alli forso these kind of level players Jimmy would be testing these guys out big time geez Gary Kelly baz is in a rare vein of form didn’t lose a competitive match last week at all he was 15 and0 before Ryan bester beat him in the rematch and he almost even won the Mega bowl last night who did Barry Gary Kelly yeah he go semi-finals so Gary Kelly played Mega Bowl he played him rematch Friday night yeah Mega Bowl Saturday night Saturday night yep as Jimmy picks up a four it’s only a three wow okay so 14-3 is the score line Jimmy Reynolds forging ahead within two ends of Victory now I think Gaz is well Gaz is heading home to Ireland in a few weeks I think he’s trying to maybe get a bit of extra cash cash to pay for an upgrade maybe some premium economy seats or something maybe there you go well that’s good to see isn’t it yeah he just loves it and he’s in he’s in that vein of at the moment Gary Kelly where you know everything he’s touching is sort of turning to Gold so why not have a crack of course you can too Saturday night get your entries in before 5:30 p.m. $10 cash and if you win you earn that you take home the lot bar ler yeah nice so $10 entry $10 entry or cash wi it takes all yep so 128 people maximum so okay I might have to ring my you have to declare that or no tax free no $10 entry don’t just but get in early all right man we had a full L last night it’s all clear come spend it wherever you want yeah definitely email Paul hki for any questions we’ll go and see him in the back office at Broad Beach he’s always happy for a chat is Paul man of the people what’s that raspberry licorice he loves yep and he he’s already consumed a bag of red frogs Jimmy rynolds which I did help with two bows pretty much right down the middle one a yard short and finding that correction the thing with Jimmy Reynolds also I speak a lot about body weight in techniques Jimmy’s always been that player pendulum but really does launch forward at release gets a nice flow of his body weight moving forward yeah lovely delivery gets right in behind the ball at release and then moves forward keeps moving forward through the technique and uh as much as your quality player having all the right skill sets in his technique does help him do this time and time again so it’ll be three at the moment for Jimmy Reynolds Joel Bron has won the last two ends in this direction so that’ll give him some sort of confidence but he’s having to constantly find something amazing with his last yeah it’s that high effective rate from James Reynolds just putting balls inside that two feet scoring Zone time and time again jeez I love the way he gets him behind the ball Jimmy that back knee goes down keeps nice and square through his top half doesn’t turn too much lateral movement and he just does this yep and it’s fair to say if if you’re watching now and and you’re watching more of Jimmy moving forward or uh throughout the strain open if you if you’re watching him live see what he does it’s uh it is a really good technique to be able to set him up time and time again not far away here Joel love this speed close well he can’t play it much better well he might have he might have affected the countdown to one I still think it’s jimmies yeah we shall see might have cut one out we can’t quite see from here one kick out that might help us it’s close might have to get the tape out once more so I read correctly boys the uh three or four 13 or, 1400 singles players in the in the men’s field in between that over 1300 players in the men’s singles which is quite unbelievable so we had 328 sections so let’s multiply that by four the calculator out no Buys in there or a couple of buys or 1,312 people bar leer that is just one to James Reynolds yeah that’s amazing isn’t it which is that’s his first single of the match so let yeah so let’s focus on that Val so okay you’ve got to win 11 or 12 games to win the australi open singles but let’s look at that from from a numbers perspective you walk away you in the Australian Open singles you’ve defeated a field of 1312 people it’s pretty unbelievable and Aaron Sheriff has won the last two that’s crazy and and you’re talking all the jackaroos New Zealand Internationals Malaysian Internationals is that Z kep here as well it’s it’s bizarre how many players you have to beat and how many days is that so you play your sectional one day your post sectional another day so to go through and so you got to play 10 if you got to win 11 that’s at least eight days of bows or maybe not cuz you play a couple of post sectionals six days of bowling at multiple venues just singles in multiple conditions so you might go potentially indoor hensville on the carpet you might go Paradise indoor you might go um southern end of Gold Coast Northern end of Gold Coast you might play on greens you’ve never played on before and you walk away winning the Australian Open singles in a field of 1312 players six days of balls wow it’s amazing and Aaron Sheriff’s won five of them I know in different formats Aaron having won his first one down there at shepher in in sets play but still and at the one venue but still it’s a crazy crazy achievement to win five of them it certainly is just quickly Joel Bron right on the jack Jake mccon asking if baz is playing singles yes he is he’s already through successful day yesterday at rabina for Barry leester yeah we we’ve had no rain now pretty much for about three weeks two to three weeks not since the district sides were here really um so we’ve been lucky and the greens have been good and the forecast well I always get a little bit nervous talking about the forecast because when you say how good it is it’s good you’re getting closer to your next sort of bad day but uh when you do look at the weather it’s incredible um 22 23° Sunshine predicted no you know light winds so you guys in here in the commentary box and in production you’re going to be you know witnessing some high quality balls as we’ve seen today already nice shot from joelan around the back there and yeah happy to get through yesterday in the singles and looking forward to the pairs already on Tuesday and then the fours on Thursday for sure you’re the defending Champion the fours Barry Leicester it’s a pretty handy team you’ve got to as Jimmy Reynolds he’s coming around he’s not far away he’s just over the top so barring catastrophe Joel Bron We Salute for the third time in an end this match is just I think we’ve ticked over an hour yet sitting at 38 no not even close 38 minutes so far and he’s gone with a bit of a safe line so there be one more to Joel Bron 15 to4 is the score in favor of Jimmy Reynolds six shots away from Victory I’m heading back to Melbourne on my days off on Saturday and I just checked the forecast there Barry 13° is the top and I’m not looking forward to that I have to dress up and layer up that’s for sure yeah I’m quite often chatting to my brothers one in Lake entrance my brother Trav is that T-Bone no Trav trav’s in Lake entrance and T-Bone’s in Bendigo all right okay and we’re always sort of comparing the weather between the two Lakes centrance obviously being in East gips land on the on the coast there it’s always a bit warmer but my brother is an early starter and he still wears the shorts to work in bendo sent me a photo the other day with the grass covered in ice there are there’s always those people just as I was applying some sunscreen that morning when I was playing competition I think so but there are always those people B that you see and they’ve always there’s always one that’s wearing shorts on a really cold day there some even you see him at the footy there’s some doesn’t matter what the weather is they will have the gery with nothing underneath showing their arms and then they’ll be wearing shorts at the same time yeah I remember I went over to the world indoor uh singles at Potters that’s in January too January uh you know minuses snow freezing cold and I remember I’d wake up just doing what I’d normally do in summer having just flown over there and yeah you just put a pair of shorts on your thongs and head up to the main uh Resort great sh there from Joel and I’d just put my thongs and shorts on being taned you know in summer and I’d walk into a room F filled with hundreds of people out for breakfast and I was just in thongs and shorts and they’re looking at me like an alien and I’m like well this is is what I wear back home this is what I wear in January nor Barry it’s 2° outside uh but yeah that’s um it’s a tricky one sometimes but you just want to be comfortable don’t you uh Joel Joel’s got a good opportunity here just to just to back it up get another one in there and he hasn’t won backto back ends yet and the only end that Jimmy Reynolds will the last end that Jimmy Reynolds won was only a one and that’s the first time he’s actually only just scored the solitary shot he’s worked in twos and threes having said that four of his end wins have been threes so it’s working quick is Jimmy Reynolds you back him in to get one in close yet just for Joel’s confidence knowing that it’s uh sectional format now we don’t know what can go on after this game in terms of wins and losses but just for what Joel needs to get out of this match moving forward so if Joel draws another one here that gets his confidence up it’s it’s 15 all of a sudden 156 if he holds on to two here if he you know and you start aiming to get to 10 and if he can if you can get within five or six if it’s 1510 you’re right in the game and that’s all it takes just grabbing some momentum he’s not far away here that’s a nice shot this should come in for two he’s done it so Jimmy Reynolds little bit of pressure here it’s the first time he’s really been asked a major question don’t know if he’ll run here knowing he’s got the back two can swing for both balls or kill the end now he is drawing first time he’s pretty much been under pressure this match he’s had to find himself getting out of trouble two down this is going to come up short so it’s going to be another two to Joel Bron it’s going to be close carols might be one in to measure here not sure if Jimmy quite cut that out he might have maybe I’ve gone on the early Crow uh we wait and see they’re having a look at it n Jimmy says too or was it one yeah they had a quick look it it was only one in the end so there you go a bit of momentum for Joel and that’s what you want he’s taking the M right back yeah okay he’s going long again here so that’s that’s good for Joel just trying to grab not only more momentum but a little bit of ownership of what he wants from the situation so he’s got the score back to a point where he’s like well right I’m not out of this uh I’ve grabbed I’ve won a few ends in a row and now I’ve got a length that I really want to play so that’s good to see just needs to put a little bit more trust into that forehand in this direction had quite a few balls missing tight and where that trust comes from uh you really relies on your Technique so if you’re someone that looks at the bank what we sometimes uh fall into a trap of is just looking up and uh feeling comfortable with the same thing to look at as opposed to starting completely fresh now if we look at behind the rink in this direction on both players forehand we we see a bit of signage we see some words it’s live Queensland we’ve got uh shade poles and things so if you’re a bank bowler sometimes just good to just start fresh grab a fresh object if you’re a bank bowler and if not if you’re a green bowler if you’re someone that looks at the green same thing just look for a new spot or or a new arc and be prepared to overcorrect and work your way in so Joel’s going to at least make a correct in line there so that should do him for line just now needs to take the weight off but it’s just telling yourself it’s okay to start fresh instead of trying to pursue what you’ve already been doing so Jimmy Reynolds wants to add another one in very close to that checkout zone so that probably will get in for the count then a two and he’ll be within an end of Victory Joel Bron wants to avoid that happening for as long as possible needs connection does Joel not a mile away he he’s got Jackal bow to oh he’s going to Gap it good effort far out that was very close but look at where his three balls are here any touch on that Jack from a similar line to what he was on it’s making Jimmy switch so Jimmy knows doesn’t want to lose a loose two or three here if Joel happens to come down trer Jacki he’ll try and count and cover he’s telling it to get down so he well he’s stiff in the end he’s actually filled the Gap that Joel just went through so that gives Joel a little bit more confidence to say to himself well if I just play the same ball the worst thing I do is sit Jimmy’s last one so that’s where he’s going so we’re looking at sit the ball or Trail the Jack here from Joel Bron he’s still looking at it could be a big moment in this match he’s not a world away here Barry leester and he’s done exactly what I said so unfortunate for Jimmy Reynolds to put that ball there to give something for Joel to sit on in this but now can Jimmy play that same bowl and sit that ball away he can but he’s still got to he still got the three balls of Jo’s to the bottom right of screen to worry about now so Jimmy was trying to to cover the danger he unfortunately cut across and gave a Joel something to sit on and that’s when what we say when we frame the head we we’re giving you something square or a line something to sit on and unfortunately Jimmy didn’t quite work for him there but he needs to respond here the execution from Joel Bron Sensational probably the shot of the day so far up there with Jimmy Reynolds so Jimmy needs to sit that ball he won’t want to be too big he doesn’t want to kick that Jack over to Joel’s three wing balls oh he’s not a mile away Barry leester he’s close he could back out the Jack he’s gone with it oh guess oh he’s gone with it well he might have ran on too far but those Wing balls of Joels were always looking like they were in the game didn’t they they were waiting like a slips Cordon so we’re going to get a bit of a this might be one to Jimmy though he might have salvaged something just looking I’m looking at Carol’s hands with what paddle she’s got a yellow paddle out they’re going to measure but everything you said there Barry came into fruition and that’s the beauty V of always having Bowls in the scoring Zone okay Joel’s bowls were offline but they were in scoring weight territory and it’s so common in the sport of balls in the history of the game that Jacks will move on average across any game around that 3 to 4 ft Mark that sort of yard area and you got to be looking to put balls in that zone as much as you can and if any Jack movement ends up happening your balls will come into play okay Joels were a bit offline but they were still in that scoring weight Zone and as we saw when Jack movement happens if you’ve got them waiting so he’s hung on to one has Jimmy Reynolds they’ve just tapped on that back ball there that mean it was second orders I mean was shot we will see Jimmy Reynolds wow ended up getting the one after a splendid end it was cat and mouse right the way through good head of balls yep that was Sensational he leads it 16 to5 well the jacket’s coming off Val I’m keeping mine on I’m nice and comfortable it’s warm now I like it I’m enjoying the I wonder who just looking around you see some of these uniforms and and you know some of the countries people have traveled from I wonder who’s traveled from the furtherest obviously Ann and amarie and John would be up there oh they they would have to be from can from Nova Scotia that is a long flight I wonder if anyone’s actually traveled from a further Point than them I know we’ve got plenty of Malaysians Hong Kong China Korea but have we have we got anyone that’s traveled further than that be interesting to know maybe Greenland but no I think JN and and Marie sement the fact that they come here from Canada every year it’s quite amazing Jimmy Reynolds back on his own length lovely shot this will do just mentally so sound is Jimmy Reynolds we saw that in that world championships final against South Africa Jimmy and Damen Delgado that was one of the most tense matches that I’ve witnessed so mentally you don’t have to worry about Jimmy works very well under pressure yeah class player always said in singles you win the M you win the game and he’s uh mentally strong and obviously a class touch player to go with it as we see there and when you’re when you’re out there on on your own if you can’t win the the Mind battle you can’t win your own little mind battles you’re you’re in trouble but as we see some some players elect to have a coach in these events someone that sits rinkside you can nominate a coach and it just works better for some players some players like a little bit of communication with someone on the bank every now and then and if that’s what helps your game why not Jimmy Reynolds with his final ball can he add in another you bet up another pressure ball for Joel Bron what has he got he’s tossed it down on a pretty good line still watching he needs bit of help yeah that’s going to drift over the top so this should be another three to James Reynolds who hasn’t had one of those in five ends but I think it will be his Fifth Fifth three of the match two kicked out and it is a triple to James Reynolds he’s within two a victory now 19 to5 this is been clinical so far of course the next sessions bring you those times once again so 11:45 a.m. Australian Eastern Standard Time Barry that’s in just under two hours that’s Gary ball of Victoria against Darren King of Victorious section section 127 then after that we’ve got Cody Packer against Paul Calvert Paul traveling over here from New Zealand Cody Pacer of course so right at home jackaroo yeah I uh I know a few of those players really well Gary B of course the the father of Chris and Nelson ball quality players back there in Vic and Gary well a really really good player himself self found himself right up the top of the rankings a couple of years ago having got deep in many tournaments and Gary and Nelson and and Chris Ball I know the family well former teammates of mine when we used to play at money ponds we had money ponds yeah a bit of success there back in the day went on to win the state pennant and premier league and all that so had great to see uh Gary up here and getting some sunshine and always love watching what Nelson and Chris get up to with their bows too having known them since they were Juniors Pond’s a great Club there in Queens parkor bz definitely y it’s a club that’s um really really utilized their location and maximized their facility um you know it’s a I know the Bellos there yes yes yeah well they know they do a lot of weddings receptions and Barefoot balls and it’s a club that he Prett pretty much great case study to you sit down and do some planning and think about what great assets you have and how to utilize them they are definitely a Shining Light in that department yeah it’s it’s a great location like but it’s sort of around where I usually go for walks and things like that and you always say it’s a hub of social activity yeah a lot of weddings in that Park and then to be able to have the receptions there on site’s fantastic so as we see Jimmy just trying to play a little bit of cat and mouse here doesn’t need to go near it doesn’t want to frame it doesn’t want to set up anything next to the shot bowl and make it easy for Joel he’s basically saying to Joel here mate if you want to stay in the game here you’re going to have to draw a good one y and that’s what he’s done so that’s enough for second I believe yep so now Jimmy’s got to also you know be conscious that he can draw to win or hold game but also doesn’t want to make it easier for Joel again so backand looking to take a yard off he’s pretty good to there for a bloke that hasn’t played many bows on this backand today Jimmy Reynolds just says you know what doesn’t matter what hand it is yeah I’m Jimmy Reynolds and I can do anything he was pretty happy with himself there too so Joel Bron down game this is to stay in it and continue this first session for him from aoka Beach what has he got needs to turn he’s trying hard here it’s coming just rocks off the side but that will do Jimmy Reynolds ends up being a wall around the Jack and that will be enough we’ll get the confirmation but the world champion ensures that he is moving through to session two after a victory in session one he overcomes Joel Bron who played pretty well 21 to5 we had Cheryl infield is jackaroo teammate watching on and everybody was in a watching Jimmy here at the broad Beach bows Club but he overcomes Joel Bron 21 to5 and opens his 2024 Australian Open campaign in perfect fashion barrier ler I’ll see you in an hour and 48 minutes time plenty of time to go and grab a few croissants oh yes I might be going to sample one of those very very shortly thank you very much we’ll see you shortly and the Australian Open of course proudly supported by experience ered go coast and the Queensland government through tourism and events Queensland Jimmy Reynolds he’s often running at the 2024 Australian Open in day two well and truly of and running here on ringside live we’ll see you shortly [Music] [Music]

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