Golf Players

A bowlers rest day | FEATURE

What does Craig Miles get up to on a rest day in pre-season?

hi I’m Craig miles I miked up today to give you a bit of an insight into I guess what we talk about around around the game and also a little bit of um info and stuff when I’m batting as well so look forward to taking you through it Beck so briggy um briggy set the world record for the least amount Sprint Sprint uh meters in the game four meters four meters that’s impressive four meters well on you when when you get more experience you don’t need to Sprint need toti first yard what T20 wickets will get you was it the mfield wouldn’t have sprinted up like pretty heard the yes for two just um there was one where L div L’s dived at Mid on and I reckon I went four minutes then realized it’s four you pull out the pull out the parachute downhill with the wi I’m never catching that let’s go Nest above the arm he’s got a mic on got a mic on you can get involved do you think admin’s whoa sorry Matt he doesn’t mean it really he just wants um he just wants you to put more content up of him as opposed to Haney he’s just got be in his Bonnet about that than you sir thank you look at those buns is this guy is squatting all winter or what this reminds me of my child Hood just coming up a it’s like a slide were you up here last night watching watch maybe the first six nice swing it saw your bit of athleticism yeah I’m waiting for cff to put that up see if fans want to not out or out is that why you asked me to send you the MV video last night you’re going send it stra to I didn’t send no that’s what Hy does uh Mr admin um no one ever asked you any questions so what is your favorite truck whisper gold what’s your favorite ice cream meat CH chip what else he ask us uh who’s the biggest diva in the in the office oh yeah who’s the biggest diva in the office the office yeah stop stalling for Time come on Ben cus SE question who who in the office would you not like to room with not who who who War would you not like to room with I’m going to say I would want to room with Gavin lson because I think he would fall out with me with you yeah why Messi snore so you Messi and snow and you think oh okay think I think I think I think Gavin would lose lose any respect he has for me so you’ve owned yourself there but you’re saying he’s tidy in your messy quite nice on the fence there really and obviously very last who’s your favorite Bear all time Neil Carter no but like current Squad you don’t have to say him you know don’t have to say ol H’s up there does help me out a lot Haney’s up there he helps Haney helps you out a lot Haney helps you out a lot cheers is it Beth and Dava opening then is it bar and Barney and Barney and Dava okay have you apologized to um B for a news day yesterday what did he do well he’s like day in the life of Ed barard what does he have for breakfast when do he go for a Wii how do he do with training first ball duck here we go then [Laughter] welcome to the tolerance over here in Abu Dhabi uh for today’s fixture of the Birmingham Bears versus Yorkshire Vikings Bears won the toss elected to bat Alex Davies and Ed Barnard open the batting with Mickey Edwards Mickey Edwards uh opening the bowling from the I’m going to call it the hotel end cuz I think our hotel is in that dire Direction the desert end Edwards begins his run up into bow good area good top of the stamps dot to Mid on yeah it’s a great day here at the toille Craig miles yeah glorious weather on my right hand side it’s fan favorite oan and Dolby um face for radio face for radio um but nonetheless a very good very very good radio commentator few days into the tour now y what’s been your highlight of the tour so far uh well how many days are we in we five five five days in as Mickey Edwards comes into ball again steaming in from the desert end to Al Davies back of length again D tries to pick it up can flick it over midwicket for a well run two good running there by the Bears um it’s been 5 days so far and I think there was a 20 minute period per on day three where uh Michael boo actually left me alone for 20 minutes cuz otherwise he’d been following me around like a little puppy dog for 5 days so just to have 20 minutes to myself just to chill in my room not been pestering me um was probably my favorite 20 minutes but then L knocks on the door and says this is you should we go down to the pool pal back to back to babysitting again really yeah I guess with becoming um one of the more older heads in the changing room you have to look after these young pups now Days full of oh as Alex Davis picks that up over backward Square leg for a maximum if you had to give Michael Booth one word of advice yeah as he’s beginning his career Y what would it be and why probably not cricet alerted but just brush your teeth a bit more I guess that’s kind of self-explanatory guy who eat so much garlic mayonnaise to not brush your teeth on a daily basis is’s a bit D Edward’s into ball again and Davies creates a bit of room and cuts it away for four Deep Cover boundary the field they’ve lost the slip slip’s going to catch with rck third one’s coming in deep points going out probably going to hammer heavy back of a length does Alis here take a single or does he scoop it over the keeper oh W’s trousers see the conservative mind in me says it’s been a nice start over 10 runs off the over so far but these batters they don’t stop for the Birmingham bears as Alex Davies goes 360 in the over almost and sends it over the keepers head for four nice start here car or Mr adman should I say 100 off not even eight [Music] overs it’s good to see be on tour isn’t it actually had a bit of family down yesterday they were holiday in Dubai and they made the trip which was nice to see them need to try and catch up with these two see what they’re saying young Robert Robert Yates and uh booie right boys Rob oh what are you doing you got the mic on yeah so you’re you’re live please do not swear morning we’re just is we’re just chatting watching the boys back aren’t we we just cheating the fat we’re cheating the fat no nothing in particular no no no no no we’re just talking just watching Deo put on a bit of a clinic here what um what have you like the most about it Rob D timing it nicely isn’t he absolutely be’s not doing what he usually does de’s playing with his piece of of Willow piece of Willow this actually live we’re not live we’re you know call us or editor if if you say anything you don’t want to want to go out there okay you say anything bad yeah which a man like you would back then yeah yeah yeah you to come with some outrageous things yeah you you’re you’re one of the worst for that J you could become commentator um in another life in another life I don’t mind the commentary I like doing the commentary like uh at the ground on a if I’m not playing in in the blast or even even uh I don’t I don’t intentionally listen to myself back but if I come across a clip I listen to to how sound on repeat on repeat to go to sleep yeah yeah just to sleep just to sleep yeah it puts me puts me and everyone else oh what a shot that is unreal you brought out the shovel there yeah the upper shovel straight over straight over keeper for big mix up in some form we we was having this discussion aren’t we about in in the winter when we do kind of role plays indoors of like T20 practice how certain balls look like four look like six and there’s always a bowl as b as like you know MD or anybody Dan mosy creates a blood hit defense four we always try claim it’s foot in but some of the shots we’ve been seeing today yeah I think we might actually have to back off a little bit as Bowlers because no I don’t think we can ever back off okay cuz the bad get a lot yeah they do so we need to fight our Corner exactly yeah you walk with me cuz you’ll be please please can have so our ads who is the most uh who’s most active on Instagram then in terms of photos who likes posting content I have to think about this one oh oh yeah that was a tough one Lin um yeah he likes social media doesn’t he he does enjoy his Instagram stories he got the what do he po the I think we can link all your things together yeah so he puts it on Instagram but it pops up on Facebook speak of the devil chck on a minute the last you look at that more golf or more Cricket content is boy it is we’re just talking to a photographer there and I just asked the question to the boys of who is the most active on Instagram and you know photo content and probably what content more of cricket or golf 50/50 50/50 at the minute more golf content I’d say cop it from The Lads e yeah you post about Cricket you get in trouble with the lads if you post about golf you’re not playing Cricket so you cop as well and then if you post a picture of just yourself you know out for dinner trying to look cool you cop it as well so he you know you can’t win at all EX basically the answer is don’t have social media yeah what did you think about Tor copying bowling action I did actually get a reply from her did you tagged her didn’t I and did she at least give it a like no think I to make it DM yeah does she even have her DMS open I can’t imagine no I’m miked up mate oh you’re miked up lap with Craig miles yeah we’re just day in the life in the life we’ve been up there doing bit of roleplay commentary we’ve now doing a lap going to watch me try and hit a ball later in the Nets listen to some some self talk yeah probably a white ball surely there’ll be some cutting at some point in your day in a life with Craig Mars yeah maybe some putting later on Japanese pting grip yeah Japanese hands Rick shields on Instagram scrolling no Spanish hands no I me got Spanish touch like you the other day you had Spanish touch didn’t you on the 16th links who do we think’s winning the major on Monday who are the candidates for a cup M benjam Chris Benjamin up there Danny Briggs Danny Briggs Richard gleon G’s the worst Ro ined how he drives the ball 330 yard and plays off 18 yeah it’s just unacceptable that’s unacceptable Benjamin I’ve never seen him shoot less than 35 points yeah he deserves a cut when he joined warshire he was off five he’s now off nine yeah doesn’t add up does it and he’s played more golf since he joined than he did before I think he makes up his handicap yeah yeah ran he’s on B Road to play to win in form yeah Rosie’s one of their momentum players to be fair the problem with Rosie is if he has one bad hole that could be the end of him I think yeah like toys out the pr okay so it could be interesting once that comes out after is going to go ad admin admin it’s Mr admin to you sorry how do you think Mr admin’s GNA go um I feel like he’s been a reluctant golfer on this trip he’s worried about what the office staff are going to say if he if he plays so I think you know he he operates usually around Shirley golf course and that’s a thinking man’s course yeah and I feel like Abu golf club is a thinking man’s course so he could be a it could be a dark horse for for for a win I think it’ll definitely be top 10 for me top 10 we’ve got 20 sneak sneaking out at night to go on the the night rounds probably imag Mr admin look out for him do you want to share or do you want to do like you throw some Spin and then I can throw some spin to you what do you just want to do let’s just share let’s just share Let’s Just sh what’s got middle and leg please got it thank you okay I was yeah you wasted it it might knit me off that two okay still new yeah that new all those uh all that new ball that face oh you swung not used to it swinging last one little bit of Swing From full as we’re facing a newble like me and yous do yeah um Wick it feels right maybe sits in a fraction but oh bit of Flesh yep yep yep bit of Flesh energy oh he’s gone death uh for me it’s just obviously where our bat coming in down the order at you know 9 10 11 just trying to imagine that I’m in with somebody who’s set um or IE an actual out andout batter so it’s about yes obviously want to try and hit boundaries if it’s in my in my area but it’s more about getting that person you know imagine that person the other end getting getting him on strike um and just making sure that I don’t you know use up balls and and you know strike it over 100 really because you know back end of the Innings we want to be up in the Run rate to above so that’s that’s my that’s my game plan I suppose and that’s what I try and practice in here we oh scrambling one there ow bit bat on that could be out otherwise serves me right for laughing at you when you got flesh air cuz that’s creamed me on the foot maybe maybe one couple in front um I think the reverse is right off yeah you got one point yeah think there’s loads of turn it’s just like coming in with you yeah it’s the same like the seam like the the pitch a bit lower it holds in actually got me quite good on I did get a bit about well I’m claiming I did get yeah true should have just hit it rather than under edging it nice Feit yeah how was he nice feet booy nice contacts as well go M nice nice set boy see oh one come on not used to it moving like this get drag for a couple didn’t get all of it but might be two not a good set so far try to hit this use my feet and hit them over the top o one actually the ball I wanted need a boundary there hit hard over the top nice base oh that was there what are you doing B I wanted that last one SL for it cheers mate thanks bro get over no that’s a great knock there my ha like yours mate it’s a little bit got a little bit of a v CH Chris Chris from daram doesn’t want it Mel rushy rushy how was your camera work my name re there he said forgot to put the SD card what’s what’s your favorite hobby my favorite hobby let’s get to know CG miles but more my favorite hobby darts moment darts yeah darts or golf darts or golf Cricket in that order what’s your highest what’s your highest score you’ve thrown on the D board onard check out or just normal just normal I’ve only I’ve got 140 that’s I haven’t got anything more than that and on the check card 97 I think I need to get that break that 100 barrier what celebration will you do if you break the 100 barrier think I get like Bang so at the buffet tonight if there’s like anything that you stir you want the seafood stir fryer well any yeah if you could pick something that’s in the buffet tonight for me they just I’ll go quite basic I’ll go for nice piece of steak medium rare okay with and that’ll be any sauce for the steak I don’t mind this was maybe pepper corn sauce or mushroom sauce okay don’t mind and youday that’s tough I think the first thing I’ll change is maybe the dessert even though they’ve been good what would you want then maybe get some ice cream okay yeah ice cream ice ice cream with SL that’s what just you just have ice cream on its own or would you want like know would you want cookie dough brownies and ice cream or just brownies and ice yeah Shay on the on the buffet tonight if you could have anything like you could pick something at the buffet to have what you’d have a red ravic Kake or main M from anywhere though yeah nice juicy Lamb Chop Lamb Chop nice option nice option a good dirty burger burger standard yeah lamb chops is not like you’re prob probably not seeing that you still haven’t answered yeah I know I still haven’t answered that’s cuz I’m thinking some sushi maybe oh yeah that be great great option any Su in particular um it’s like a California California R Yorkshire 102 for three chasing 223 to win oh slip in and there’s a wicket on Q and that is won out for five caught by bethl slip look like a linp googly in the armchair there must have been a googly that looked like it went across him oh it’s just it’s a great take stra the Bread Basket was they need about 120 off eight and a half overs what would you what’s a convincing win win for you from here I think we could try getting All Out Below 180 All Out Below 180 so 40 run win nice I think I think it’ll be a good Target yeah under 10 and over yeah cuz it’s been a pretty fast scoring day [Applause] y all the best son hor man oh wow a wer what’s thingy on 49 of 20 thing he’s on 49 of 20 yeah 28 of the last one who’s bowling it hn what would your plan be here Craig what would my plan be here I think Pace off into Wicket um three out on the L side I think he only has to get like you’re more likely to deceive a low or the batter with like he only has to like Nick it with Pace on yeah true I mean it looks like he’s going to ball got third man yeah dby balls 25 no balls bald lers l oh great sweeping D what boys win Rob Great Well Done LS done done two from Two for the boys two from two Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers guys Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Che Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers [Applause] Greenie want a skipper Che Cheers Cheers Cheers guys Cheers Cheers

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