Golf Players

Robert MacIntyre has gone through caddie changes & now has his father Dougie on the bag at CDN Open

Robert MacIntyre has gone through a number of caddie changes in recent weeks & now has his father Dougie on the bag this week for the RBC Canadian Open.

have you parted ways with your previous caddy yeah yeah so I mean I’ve been going through a transition of caddies in the last had Mikey buros who’s caddies for Danny Willet um while Danny was out injured um Mike came and caddy for me I had Scott carmichel we done a trial run for the last kind of five weeks um he missed the PJ because he had a wedding so had Mikey burs back in the bag for the PJ and then we parted Ways last week and look it’s it’s difficult I’ve caddies for me are it’s more of a it’s not so much doing the job for me it’s not so much the cading part it’s the personalities and it’s the like this week I mean my dad’s doing very little he’s doing stuff to help me but he’s doing very little it’s just about having chats in the golf course this isn’t it’s not rocket science it’s just a game of golf hit it where you’re aiming it and and just keep walking did you know that this was a pretty tough walk before you got here I did i’ planned I managed to get him a a carry bag so um I had a tour bag on on Monday when it was pouring rain uh when I played nine holes um he was carrying the tour bag then and I thought yeah it’s time to put the the carry bag in and you know he’s enjoying it he tries his best and that’s all we can both do

1 Comment

  1. Robert MacIntyre will not win again on North American soil unless he commits to a steady caddie that knows the courses he will play. This is not Euro golf this is golf in 95 degree temperatures, high humidity,lightning greens and tough pins. If all he thinks he needs is a guy to talk to while he is playing he better think again.

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