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김남일도 속수무책💦 ‘프리스타일 축구 선수’ 이현용의 화려한 기술 | 뭉쳐야 찬다3 33회 | JTBC 240602 방송

김남일도 속수무책💦 ‘프리스타일 축구 선수’ 이현용의 화려한 기술
#뭉쳐야찬다3 #이현용 #프리스타일축구 #김남일

📌 공홈에서 리플레이 :
📌 #티빙에서스트리밍 :

I can show you more skills. There’s something I can do, too. I think Tiger Woods is playing with a golf club. – Your concentration. There’s a ball attached to it. – 275 goals in 333 A matches. Hello. This year marks the 22nd year of the Korean national field hockey team. I’m Jang Jong-hyun who plays for the national team. – 275 goals in 333 games. Isn’t this amazing when it comes to soccer? It’s amazing. This is a huge score when it comes to soccer. But how do hockey usually score goals? It’s almost like soccer. I think it’ll be similar. – One or two goals difference? There’s a big difference of one or two goals. HJ: If the difference in scores is so high, it’ll be great… Are you sure it’s amazing? Yes, that’s great. How many goals did you score? I don’t think I scored 20 goals. Really? When you compare it like that, it’s really… Like this, like this all of a sudden? Q: Did you participate 3 times in the Olympics, 5 times in the Asian Games, and 8 times as the top scorer? Q: I was the top scorer in the A match eight times. I’m curious. How many goals do you have in a game? I scored up to seven goals. – Seven goals in a game? It’s incredible, right? It’s similar to the hat trick twice… That’s what I’m saying. I’m 40 years old now. Is hockey this possible? Q: If you only take good care of yourself. How old are you? I did it up to eight. I did it up to seven. I thought you were really shooting blood. I’ve wrapped it twice. Did you wrap it twice? You have to overcome the human limit a few times to kick a ball to 40. I’m sure you’re born with it. You’re really amazing. How well did you take care of yourself then. Q: At what age do you retire from taekwondo? Honestly, few people are over 30. -That’s great. I’ll look forward to it next week. – national dodgeball team. – Dodgeball national team? Wait a minute. Excuse me, excuse me. Well… Isn’t it a special forces unit? – Mr. Lee Jin-bong. No, soldier… Now, let’s do it in a really unceremonious way. I’m Lee Jinbong. JN: Why is Jinbong there? – You’re here again. Isn’t that a fixed one now? HJ: Didn’t you come out three times or four times? No, but is there a national dodgeball team? – Tongki, Tongki. You were a member of the national dodgeball team? Yes, that’s right. I’m Lee Jin-bong, who was selected as a member of the national team for the first time in about three months from audition to national team selection in an entertainment program on the theme of dodgeball. What do you mean, you prepared a promise to join the team? It’s nothing else. My hometown is Andong. My mother has been a culinary restaurant for a long time, over 50 years. I run a cafe. Our members, healthy food, caffeine, don’t worry from now on. If it’s me. But we have to go all the way to Andong. – It’s great to train and train with clear water and clear air. It’s obviously like home shopping. – A drug dealer. – When I was playing dodgeball, the director was Kim Byung-ji. The coach really trusted me, and when I was playing table tennis, Yoo Seung Min really trusted me. Now, I want to get trust from soccer coach Ahn Jung-hwan. I see. I’m looking forward to it. -I’m not just saying it, but I’m going to show you that it’s really substantial. – That’s right. Please show us. I see. Thank you. – Now the last 13 years of the national soccer team. If you’re a member of the national soccer team in your 13th year, I should know. That’s what I’m saying. -13th year national football team. But everyone else came in uniform, but they came in plain clothes. – That’s right. How are you? I’m Lee Hyun-yong, a freestyler who is the general manager of the only freestyle soccer team in Korea. Nice to meet you. Ah, freestyle. – That’s right. – You must be really good at lifting. Then you’ll play with the ball. I think you’ll have the best sense of cheeks. I know. – In the case of soccer, it is a sport that scores goals, and in the case of freestyle soccer, it is a sport that asks if you showed a better performance or a difficult performance. I’ll show it to you myself. First of all, this is worth seeing. Freestyle people are really cool. I’m really curious. There’s a separate ball. I’ll go now. Way to go. Way to go. Let’s watch freestyle soccer first. – Freestyle is cool. – This is cool. Kicking to the rhythm. Q: How much did you practice. What’s that. That’s awesome. – That’s cool, that’s cool. – It’s ripped. – It’s ripped. – Awesome. Awesome. – It’s crazy. – No one can copy you. – That’s awesome. – The basics are over. What do you think, Kwak Bum? – That friend is in a state of complete growth. I’m going to show you the process of learning that. Is that the way you want to go? I can’t keep up. I can’t copy it at all. Q: If you try to do this much, the time is not enough. The method itself is completely different. – That’s right. In the case of soccer, if shooting, running, and physical strength are important, I think the basic skills themselves are the ability to control the ball. How to create your own skills in a cool way is becoming a lot of points these days. When we watch TV, Ronaldo and Messina do things like that. It was all about freestyle dancing. Actually, this technology is so good, but you don’t use this technology on the soccer field. Q: But I don’t like that style when I play soccer. So if you use it, the other person won’t leave it alone. – That’s right. Q: If Kim Nam-il is on the other side, we have to take him right away. – That’s right. I can’t see that. From a defender’s point of view, he’s getting annoyed. I’m angry. Let’s defend for example. Lee Hyun-yong will show his skills here. Then what kind of anger do you get. You really can’t peel it. I’m in the middle of a game. It’s Subi, it’s Subi. Just do it now, defend yourself. I can’t take this away. I can’t. I’m really angry about this. – He’s very angry. – He’s very angry. You’re really angry, right? It’s okay. – I’m bleeding my molars right now.


  1. 안 감독님이 멋진 그 보다 사랑 할 수 밖에 없는 이유는? 사람들의 과정을 알아봐주고 얼만큼 자신을 위해 노력했는지를 알아 봐쥰다.인간성 도 최고..안감독님은 유재석처럼 그냥 사랑이다."얼마나 연습을 많이 했을까"(안감독님이 말할때 나 가슴이 찔
    찡했다.너무 좋아 멋져 안감독님..

  2. 프리스타일 축구의 최대 단점이 혼자노는 축구라서 시야가 좁아짐 장점은 발기술이 좋아지고 볼 받는게 엄청 쉬워짐

  3. 프리스타일 무시하는거 x, 저기 선수 본인도 알거임. 김남일이 맘먹었음 바로 뺏었음. 어떻게? 어깨빵하고 볼 흘러가는 경로 차단하면 바로 김남일 볼. 내가 축구선수를 빠는게 아니고 실제 은퇴 수비수가 프리스타일 월클급을 1on1에서 바르는 영상을 봤고, 슛포러브에서 아라우호가 여러 프리스타일러들 어떻게 막는지 보면 내 말이 뇌피셜이 아니라는거 알거임(심지어 거기 나온 프리스타일러들은 쟤보다도 핏함)

  4. 한국 프리스타일축구 1인자 이현용 놀랍고 대단하네요. 꼭 뭉찬에 합류 하시길 바랍니다.

  5. 안정환이 계속 추임새를 넣는게..
    현역 시절에 진짜 역대급으로 볼컨트롤을
    섬세하게 하던 선수였으니…ㅋ
    딱 공에 시선이 가있는게 느껴짐.ㅋㅋ
    와 오 하면서 ㅋㅋㅋ

  6. 저런 잡기술로 지키는게아니라 상대선수와 공사이에 몸을 집어넣고 시야확보를 하며 키핑해서 다음 플레이로 빠르게빠르게가야되는게 축구

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